Water manicure ideas. How to do a water manicure? Photo and video. An original combination of rainbow manicure and black and white watercolor

Just a few years ago, water manicure appeared and captivated us with its unusualness - after all, each nail has its own unique design, and they are painted... by water. This manicure looks very original, but is very easy to do. This is not to say that you will succeed right away, but the fact that you can create it at home yourself is for sure.

We will need:

  1. Shallow wide bowl with water 20-24 degrees (room temp.)
  2. A set of varnishes in selected colors
  3. Cotton pads and buds
  4. Toothpicks
  5. Oily hand cream
  6. Scotch

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make one black and white manicure on the water.

1. Apply base coat. When it dries, lubricate the area near the nail with cream (this way you can easily remove excess polish) or seal it with tape.

2. Place a drop of varnish of the selected color into a bowl of water. In our example, it is black varnish.

3. Wait for the first one to spread. black spot and drip some varnish into the center white, and then black again.

4. How many layers and what colors to make the pattern depends only on your imagination.

5. Make arbitrary stains with a toothpick at your discretion.

6. Place the prepared nail on the drawing and immerse your finger in the water.

7. Use a cotton swab to collect the film around the nail and carefully remove your finger from the water.

8. Remove any remaining polish around the nail.

Do steps 1-8 with each nail.

Then coat with sealer.

How to do a water manicure - master class

See how you can do a water manicure on two fingers at once.

Little tips and tricks to help you avoid mistakes.

  1. It is better to use cheap varnishes, as they dry more slowly. Firstly, it will reduce your financial expenses (you really need a lot of varnish for this manicure), and secondly, the main advantage of expensive varnishes is that quick drying will only hinder you in creating patterns on water.
  2. Choose the right water container. It should not be too wide or deep.
  3. The varnish whose drops hit the water first will prevail in the manicure.
  4. Water should be used at room temperature or slightly warmer. In too hot or cold water, the varnish may simply curl.
  5. When creating a design, be sure to clean the toothpick before submerging it in water. Make streaks only with the tip of the toothpick, without lowering it more than 7 mm.
  6. If your polishes are a little dry and thickened, it will be difficult to do a water-based manicure. But this can easily be corrected by adding a little solvent to the varnish.

See how to make a very beautiful rainbow video design.

Try again and again! The resulting exclusive and fashionable water manicure is definitely worth the effort.

Water manicure photo

An original manicure is a true decoration for a stylish fashionista. And the beauty industry does not upset its fans, offering new opportunities to look irresistible. One of the latest trends in this direction is manicure using water. These are multi-colored fantasy patterns that simply fascinate with their brightness and individuality.

What is water manicure?

Aqua manicure is created using a unique technique based on a combination of varnish and water. This produces designs that cannot be reproduced using traditional methods.

Water manicure technique: step-by-step instruction in photographs

To the delight of many women, it is quite possible to learn how to do a manicure using water at home. All the necessary items for this will definitely be found at home:

  • glass or other similar container;
  • clear varnish and several color samples;
  • greasy cream, Vaseline or tape;
  • wooden sticks or toothpicks;
  • cotton buds;
  • nail polish remover;
  • napkins and cotton pads.

The procedure itself is simple, but requires accuracy and patience. At first, the whole process takes about 2 hours, but later, as you gain experience, applying a manicure will take only an hour.

So, a description of how to do a manicure using water with an illustration of the process in photographs.

Prepare your nails

Before you start applying the design, you need to prepare your nails:

  • treat hands with antiseptic;
  • remove old varnish;
  • simulate the shape of nails;
  • move and trim cuticles;
  • Apply base coat.

The first layer can be made of transparent or white varnish. Sometimes a specific color is used for this, which will be combined with the general concept of the manicure.

After this, it is necessary to ensure protection from the varnish getting on the skin around the nail. The first way is to carefully wrap each finger with tape, leaving only the nail plate exposed.

Or lubricate individual areas (don’t forget about the cuticle) with thick cream or Vasiline, removing its remnants from the nails with a cotton swab.

If you wipe the cream poorly on the nail plate, the varnish will not stick well to that place.

Prepare equipment and materials

For a gradient manicure, you need to take a glass or container of similar diameter of such a size that when immersed inside the nail, it does not touch its edge.

There is no need to use large diameter dishes. This will lead to wasteful use of varnish.

Pour warm water. Make sure there are no foreign bodies or air bubbles in the water.

The water temperature should be approximately 40°. Otherwise, the varnish will curl up (if the water is hot) or will not stick to the nail at all (if the water is cold) and the manicure will not work.

Open jars of varnish and prepare toothpicks and cotton pads.

Create a drawing

The pattern for water manicure is created by alternately dripping 1 - 2 drops of varnish different color to the surface of the water.

Varnishes must be liquid, otherwise they will not spread well. If you try to dilute thick or dried varnish with a special liquid, this will not always help. This varnish can completely dissolve in water.

First, you need to drop a couple of drops of varnish into the center of the container with water and wait until it spreads. If the drop takes a long time to spread, you can speed up the process slightly by moving a toothpick through the water around the edges of the dish.

You need to drip carefully from the brush, bringing it 2 cm to the surface of the water. If it is higher, the drop may simply sink.

Then, add a drop of varnish of a different color to the middle of the resulting stain.

Continue this way until 4 – 7 multi-colored single-centric circles are formed on the surface.

Colors can be repeated. Or use different tones.

After this, you can start modeling the pattern. To do this, you need to make streaks with a toothpick, making different movements in different directions. Movements can be either chaotic or symmetrical, which will help create a flower, star or butterfly.

The toothpick will have to be carefully wiped with a cotton pad from time to time, otherwise the design will be smudged.

Everything needs to be done quickly enough! From the start of creating the circles to the completion of the drawing, no more than 35 - 60 seconds should pass.

Apply a design to the nail

It's time to transfer the design to the nail. To do this, slowly lower your nail into the water in one movement parallel to the surface directly onto the drawing (choose the most successful area). The polish will immediately adhere to the nail. The nail must be completely immersed and kept under water, and with a toothpick or cotton swab, making rotational movements, remove all remaining polish around the finger. And only then carefully remove your finger.

You can dip your finger perpendicular to the surface of the water, but then the drawing will be abstract and unclear.

Finish the manicure

Finally, you need to remove the tape or wipe off the cream. Then carefully wipe the polish around the nail with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

This procedure is carried out for each nail separately. Be sure to first wait until the polish on the treated nail dries and only then continue the process.

You need to ensure that the water always remains warm. A drawing of varnish on water is made in a new way every time.

Once all your nails are painted and dry, apply a final coat of clear polish.

Manicure using water and varnish is ready!

If something doesn’t work out, then you can erase the unsuccessful manicure and do it all again.

Problems may arise if:

It is wrong to dip your fingers in water or remove them from the water too quickly without removing excess varnish;

Water is not the right temperature.

The necessary skill comes with experience. Having done this aqua manicure a couple of times, everyone can learn how to apply it evenly and accurately. Even the patterns, over time, will turn out almost identical on all fingers.

Having improved your water manicure skills, you can try applying it to several fingers at the same time: https://youtu.be/Aak2q1vea-0.

Video instructions on how to do a manicure using water

The entire process of creating a manicure using water is captured more clearly on video.

Learning how to do a water manicure is not difficult and you will have the opportunity to surprise others every time with unparalleled patterns on your nails.

If you want to diversify your everyday manicure. Then one of the options could be a water manicure. Thanks to simple technology, it can be done at home.

Today, the ideal manicure is considered to be more than just nails. beautiful shape and with an even varnish coating.

A good manicure is a quality creative work.

Many women believe that beautiful drawings It is difficult to do on marigolds and only specialists can do it.

However, this opinion is wrong; there are techniques for applying stunning patterns that absolutely any girl can master. After all, in order to master the technology of water manicure you will not need any artistic skills, but the result will amaze with its beauty.

Advantages and disadvantages of water manicure

Recently appeared fashion trends in such a field as nail art, they dictate the so-called marble effect, or water manicure, as it is also called.

This design is obtained using water and several colors of varnish.

It looks fantastic and exciting, and you can use it to decorate your nails beautifully. The effect of streaks, spirals and unusual stripes is produced by dissolving the varnish in water.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this technique:


  • Firstly, you don’t have to go to a salon to get a water manicure; this technology is available at home.
  • Secondly, there is wide scope for fantasy and imagination. In addition, it should be noted the ease and simplicity of the drawing technique. Since a very thin layer of varnish is applied to the nail with already finished drawing, then it dries quite quickly.
  • Well, the last plus is financial savings.


However, there are also disadvantages, because everything cannot be so perfect.

  • The first disadvantage is the labor intensity of this process. To make such a coating, you will need to spend about an hour of time, and even more with preparation. In addition, you will need to remove the cuticle, which is also quite difficult, unless you contact a specialist at the salon.
  • The second disadvantage is that you cannot design a design on several nails at the same time - only on one. You will still need a lot of materials.

However, no matter how difficult it may seem, it can be done. It is worth considering in more detail what is needed for this and the process itself.

  • If you like classic French manicure, then you will like the new version of this famous manicure -. We recommend. You will not remain indifferent to this manicure.
  • Check out the popular shellac option - shellac bluesky. Stability and reliability here key properties this manicure, you can learn more about it.

What you need for a water manicure

  • So, the first principle of water manicure is as follows.

    The cuticle is steamed and then removed with tweezers. Perfectly softens the skin sea ​​salt or a decoction of herbs. They can also add liquid soap.

    This procedure must be performed by a qualified specialist, because When circumcising, tweezers are used, which can injure the skin around the finger, and if the wound is not properly disinfected, the skin around the nails can become infected.

  • If you decide to do a water manicure at home, here’s what you’ll need:
    • You will need plastic and paper cup however, a regular mug will do.
    • Fill the container with water to the brim.
    • Then you need to take regular nail polish of two (at least) colors and a toothpick.
    • In order not to stain your fingers, you will need a thick cream (preferably for children) or tape.

How to do a water manicure - step-by-step instructions

  • First stage.
    You need to prepare your nails for water manicure, that is, trim them and then file them. In order to achieve better effect, you should apply a base coat. Then you need to choose several shades of colored varnish, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.
  • Second phase.
    You need to take the varnish and drop one drop into a prepared glass of water. The first drops will spread over the surface of the water. Then you need to take another shade and drop it into the very center of the glass. And so on until the fantasy ends. With soft and smooth movements you will then need to form lines on the surface. If you use your imagination, you will get a very beautiful drawing.
  • Third stage.
    The pattern is applied to the nail, but before doing this, you need to prepare your finger for the process so as not to stain it.
  • You need to apply the cream mentioned earlier on your finger and wrap the finger with tape.
  • The nail should be left dry and not wrapped.
  • After this preparation, the nail must be placed parallel to the pattern on the surface of the water.
  • Then the finger dips into the water.
  • The remaining excess varnish should be removed with a toothpick.
  • Once the liquid becomes clear, your finger can be removed from the water. You can see that the pattern has been transferred to both the finger and the nail.

It doesn’t look very attractive, but this can be easily corrected in the next step.

  • Fourth stage.

    Remove the tape or, if cream was used, the varnish with a napkin.

    Since the product is greasy, it will not be difficult to wipe off the varnish.

    You should wait until the polish dries and cover the nail plate with clear polish.

  • Secrets of water manicure

    To make your manicure unusual, you should know a few secrets. Here is a list of the most basic tips:

    Secret No. 1

    • Before water manicure, you should thoroughly lubricate your hands with rich cream (or Vaseline).
    • If the treatment agent ends up on the surface nail plate, then you should remove it with a napkin, otherwise the varnish will not stick.
    • It is necessary to prepare a container and pour liquid into it, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees. The patterns on the nails will be varied.

    Secret No. 2

    The actual principle of this manicure is that the design on the nails will be made in the same style.

    And this does not mean that it will be identical on absolutely every nail.

    That is, the nails will never be the same.

    Secret No. 3

    • For such a coating, you should choose only liquid varnish, but you should not dilute it with solvents - this can ruin the varnish.
    • Varnishes with a gel structure are also not suitable - they will not spread on water.

    Secret No. 4

    To make the manicure even more interesting and beautiful, it is worth covering the nail plate with a base varnish in advance (the most often used are either pastel, light colors, or very bright ones).

    If selected bright shades for the base, then other colors should be just as colorful so that they don’t look faded on the base. But you need to know when to stop. Otherwise the coating will be sticky.

    For the first time, only two shades will do.

    Secret No. 5

    Every time after working with nail polish, you need to clean the toothpick with nail polish remover.

    This will be a reliable guarantee that the design will come out beautiful and will not spread on the nail.

    Secret No. 6

    In order to use varnish economically, you should choose a narrow container.

    However, it must be deep so as not to accidentally touch the edge of the container with your fingernail and smear the design.

    Secret No. 7

    It is worth noting one more nuance - this manicure looks best on medium-length nails.

    Too short or too long nails won't fit.

    Secret No. 8

    Holographic varnishes or special varnishes with shimmer - they give a unique effect.

    Pastel colors, especially pink and beige, give an incredible resemblance to marble.

    Secret No. 9

    The manicure will turn out unusual if you use varnishes with a thermal effect.

    Once this polish is applied to your nails, its color will change.

    You can use one shade or several.

    Secret No. 10

    Black and white water manicure is, it must be said, a rather unusual classic.

    • An amazing technology for creating an unsurpassed manicure, accessible to everyone - manicure using a sponge. Read more about this in our article.
    • One way to spice up your everyday manicure is to do a manicure using tape. The simplicity and uniqueness of this manicure is limited only by your imagination.
    • Interesting option manicure that looks both unusual and rich - gradient manicure. You can easily create your own unique version of this manicure. More details at the link:

    Possible mistakes when creating water-based nail designs

    • If, when dipping her finger into the water, the girl constantly touches the walls of the cup with her nail, then the container was chosen incorrectly.
    • If the varnish droplets do not spread in water, which is why the design does not work out, then the varnish is not liquid enough. If the varnish almost immediately becomes crusty in water, you need to change the water to warmer water. Otherwise, you won’t be able to draw lines with a toothpick.
    • It happens that the drawing cannot be completed - the third or second lines come out unclear and blur the composition. Here you need to remember that you need to clean the toothpick every time, and draw the actual lines with the tip. The maximum you can immerse a toothpick is 5 mm.

    From everything that was listed just above, you can understand that although the technology of water manicure is labor-intensive, the result is very beautiful. It will take enough time to make it. But if you try, everything will work out.

    Water manicure: video instructions

    If you prefer water manicure, you can use different techniques for both your own and false nails and do it yourself at home.

    Every woman at least once in her life dreamed of feeling like an artist. Now you have the opportunity to create a water manicure, and your nails will become the canvas.

    Water manicure is like a real art; the technique of doing it is very simple and unusual. Imagine, try and you will succeed!

    Every year designers come up with something new and never cease to delight us with their ideas for creating fashionable manicure. Until recently, everyone created discreet designs on their nails, applied gels, decorated them with stones, but now it has become popular to create nail designs called water nails. The technique of its creation is clear even to children!

    Water, like the sea, mixes colors and turns them into incredible patterns, making fantastic patterns, twisting them into a spiral.

    Benefits of water manicure:

    • water nail design can be done at home;
    • each nail is done in the same style;
    • a unique design on each nail;
    • simple technique.

    To create it, you need a little time: preparing your nails, selecting materials, mixing colors with water and the application process.

    Water design looks very beautiful even on nails of medium and short length, like in this photo:

    Necessary materials

    If you want to create fashion design and emphasize your individuality, you need to know what tools and materials are used to create a water manicure.

    Materials for water design:

    1. Glass container.
    2. 100 ml water.
    3. Nail polish remover.
    4. Children's hand cream.
    5. Toothpicks.
    6. Ear sticks.
    7. Transparent base.
    8. Several colored varnishes.

    To create a water design you will need a contrasting range of shades. When choosing varnishes for this manicure, you should pay attention to the compatibility of color shades.

    Water design can be created from at least 2 basics, for example:

    • beige and brown;
    • Red and black;
    • orange and red;
    • white and purple.

    If you want to use 3 colors, then the combinations will be something like this: white, light green, blue or pink, raspberry, black. However, experiment, because creative people come up with interesting combinations.

    What to apply around the nail when creating a water or ombre manicure

    To create Beautiful design using the ombre or water manicure technique, you must take care in advance to protect the skin of your fingers near the nail plate. The technology of water manicure is such that the skin around the nail will definitely be painted with gel polish, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

    PVA glue to protect the skin around the nail when creating a water manicure

    To protect the skin around the nail when creating an ombre or water manicure, some girls use tape. This is not the most practical method, because the properties of adhesive tape are lost in an aquatic environment, which allows the varnish to penetrate the skin. This seemingly insignificant little thing will ruin your design.

    Among the available home remedies for such a manicure, greasy hand cream, Vaseline and PVA glue are perfect.

    Any of these products can be applied to the skin around the nail, but there are nuances.

    Applying cream or Vaseline for water manicure

    When applying cream or Vaseline, it is necessary to complete the procedure for applying gel polish before these products are absorbed into the skin.

    When applying PVA glue, you need to wait until the glue dries and creates a thin foam around the nail.

    There is another way to protect the skin around the nail - Skin Defender cream. This product is loved by professional manicurists for its ease of use and naturalness.

    Cream Skin Defender

    Skin Defender cream contains rubber. After applying this product to the skin around the nail, it dries in a matter of minutes, creating a reliable protective film that does not lose its properties in water, and is easily removed at the end of the manicure.

    Important to remember! When applying any of the listed products to the skin around the nail, the nail itself should be clean and as free from grease as possible. Otherwise, the water manicure will not last.

    What varnishes can be used to make a water manicure?

    For water-based design, it is better to buy new varnishes, they must be liquid. If you decide to use old varnishes, then before use it is better to dilute them with a special solvent.

    Gel polish is not suitable for creating this type of manicure; it will not spread in water, its base is dense.

    You can use holographic varnishes; they have a marbled effect and can also create unique patterns and spirals.

    Unusual designs are obtained using colored thermal varnishes. They change their color scheme. You can use several colors from two to six at the same time. The brighter the color shades, the more beautiful the drawing turns out.

    The video describes in detail what you need to pay attention to when choosing varnishes for water-based manicure.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating a water manicure

    Let's take a closer look at the procedure for applying water manicure step by step.

    1. Cover your nails with white polish to create a more textured finish. layers was brighter, and dry this layer thoroughly. (This step is optional, it all depends on the brightness and density of the varnishes you use in this technique and the result you want to achieve.)
    2. Take a narrow container and pour some warm water into it. A glass is ideal for this; it should not be very small, otherwise your nail will cling to the walls and the design may become smudged. And, if the container is very large, the consumption of varnishes will increase several times.
    3. For beginners who have never tried water nail design before, it is better to start with two bases. For example, take white and pink polishes. Open the bubbles slightly and prepare a toothpick.
    4. Open the white varnish and bring the brush to the glass at a distance of 3 cm, so that a drop falls straight into it. Watch, it will begin to spread in the water.
    5. Now take the pink polish and repeat the procedure, but so that the second drop falls into the center of the resulting white stain.
    6. Step 1 to get a heart water design manicure

      Alternately changing white and pink color, repeat the process of creating a water pattern 7-8 times.

    7. Each droplet should spread smoothly and turn into a circle. To create a more interesting pattern, take a toothpick and drag it across the water from the center to the side of the glass, or vice versa (depending on which direction you move the toothpick, a pattern will form). The toothpick should be on the surface of the water; it should not be immersed deep.
    8. Imagine that you are a talented artist and make a beautiful pattern! While looking at the unusual circles that have formed, take a new toothpick and run over them several times.
    9. Step 2 to get a heart water design manicure

      This way you will draw your manicure design right in the water. But don't get carried away with it creative process so that the varnishes do not begin to curl. The pattern is done in just 1 minute!

    10. You already understand how to make patterns on water. Your own design is ready, now it should be transferred to your nails. To avoid getting your fingers too dirty, you need cream or narrow adhesive tape. Apply the cream to the skin around the nail.
    11. Next, each nail in turn needs to be smoothly immersed in a container with a pattern. Your nail should be completely in the glass. Using a toothpick, use a quick, circular motion to remove excess polish from the water. Carefully remove your finger from the container and admire the original pattern, made by yourself.

      Step 3 to get a heart water-based manicure design

    12. Now each nail, one by one, needs to be dipped into the water. Just don’t rush, be patient, otherwise water design at home may not work.
    13. If you used tape, remove it. Take a cotton pad, soak it in nail polish remover and gently wipe off any excess from your skin.
    14. After your abstract design has dried on your nails, you need to fix it. This is done using a top clear varnish.

    If you follow the scheme for distributing the varnish over water shown in the photo above, you will get a wonderful water-based heart manicure.

    A visual reinforcement of the theory has never hurt anyone, step-by-step instructions for creating a water manicure, video:

    Water manicure with gel polish

    It’s impossible to create a water manicure using gel polish!

    Many women like to experiment, mix different styles and use different equipment execution, creating new and original nail designs. Therefore, if you still want to do a water manicure using gel polishes, then we suggest simulating this effect.

    To imitate a water manicure using gel polishes you will need:

    • primer;
    • basic foundation;
    • from two or more colored gel polish;
    • thin manicure brush No. 1;
    • Ultraviolet lamp.

    For more information on how to create an imitation water manicure with gel polish, watch the video instructions.

    How to create drawings on water, various options

    Professionals in the field of manicure never cease to amaze us with new ideas for creating marble manicure. You can choose water nail art designs to suit every taste and color!

    Strict manicure in black and white style

    Black and white water manicure goes well with classic outfits. The technique for making this design is simple, using a toothpick we make several curls on the water. To decorate this manicure, you can add small silver sparkles.

    Step-by-step video tutorial on creating a black and white water manicure.

    Neon polka dots - bright water manicure

    This type of water manicure is the most popular in 2017. To complete it, we need bright neon varnishes (lemon, raspberry, light green and orange), for basic basis– white and black varnish (for peas), as well as any spray.


    1 layer– apply regular white nail polish;

    2 layer– visually divide the nail into 4 equal parts and cover each of them with a different neon base;

    3-layer– into a container with water, pour 3-4 drops of black varnish and stir until translucent, take the spray and spray into a container with water, you will get small black shapes. Dip each nail into this mixture.

    4-layer– wait until the black dries and apply a sealer.

    You should end up with an amazing mixture of black polka dots on a bright neon background.

    Summer cocktail

    A bright summer manicure that will suit any outfit and highlight your playful image. To create a colorful water manicure, you need a little imagination and the brightest varnishes!

    Why water manicure doesn't work?

    If the drawings (patterns) turn out different on your nails, don’t be upset, it’s normal. Water manicure involves uniform style Available in several color shades. If your manicure didn't work out, then there are special reasons for this.

    Reasons why water design fails:

    • if you used thick varnishes;
    • if the water was too hot;
    • if you used shellac;
    • if you applied the fixative early, you should wait until the pattern dries;
    • if you accidentally touch the bottom or wall of a glass with your fingernail;
    • if the patterns turn out blurry or unclear, it means that you did not change the toothpicks when creating the patterns (the tip of the toothpick should be clean when stirring the varnishes with water).

    Find the reason and try the water nail design again, this time you will succeed!

    If you want to look fashionable, stylish and stand out from the crowd, then you just need to give yourself a water manicure. To create it, you don’t need to run to the salon; thanks to a simple application technique, water manicure can be done at home!

    Water manicure is one of the most unusual. Simple stains with multi-colored nail polishes look very impressive. This manicure can be done both for every day (especially in summer) and for a holiday (combining appropriate shades of varnish). It is also interesting that each nail can have its own unique pattern. How to do a water manicure at home and why it doesn’t work – read this article.

    How to do a water manicure at home

    The effect of blurry waves on nails in water manicure is very simple. As is clear from the name itself, water takes an active part in creating such beauty.

    So, to do a water manicure at home, you will need:

    – multi-colored varnishes (you can take the most different shades, which contrast with each other, the number of varnishes is from 2);

    – a small container with water;

    – a toothpick or other thin stick to create a pattern on the surface of the water;

    – another stick for removing excess nail polish from your finger in water;

    – paper or ordinary tape, cuticle protector (PVA glue or greasy cream, oil) – to protect the cuticle from varnish;

    – fixative varnish.

    Stages of water manicure

    1. Prepare your nails by removing any remaining polish from the surface. Take care of the skin around your nails, lubricate it with cream, oil, apply a special product or PVA glue. This is done to make it much easier for you to clean your skin of excess polish later.

    2. Pour water into the prepared container.

    3. Drop one varnish onto the water, after a couple of seconds it should spread over its surface. Drop the second varnish into the middle of the first layer of varnish on water and wait until it spreads. In the middle of the second layer - the third, and repeat as much as you like. A good drawing is obtained from just 5 drops.

    4. Use a toothpick and quickly make streaks of varnish on the water. These can be flowers, stars or any other patterns:

    Make sure that the varnish does not accumulate on the toothpick, otherwise it can pull the entire design along with it and assemble it like an accordion. After each movement, remove excess with a cotton pad or napkin. Also, do not immerse the toothpick deep into the water; work with the tip.

    To achieve a water manicure, you need to take fresh liquid varnishes that will easily spread over the water, creating beautiful patterns. Quick-drying varnishes are also not suitable.

    Water for water manicure, based on my experience, should be warm. Cold water will dry the varnish quickly, not giving you time to create the desired pattern with a toothpick. Water manicure doesn’t work with hot water either.

    5. Dip your finger into the water (directly onto the nail polish design), nail side down. In the water, collect the remaining design around your finger with a toothpick or other stick.

    To protect the cuticles from varnish, and to make the manicure itself neater, use tape. Wrap it around your nails so you don't have to wipe off the polish later. If there is no tape, use PVA glue (wait until it dries completely, turning into a translucent film), fatty cream or oil. Today, by the way, special products are sold that protect the cuticle from varnish when creating a water manicure, a gradient manicure, or when using.

    6. Pull the nail out of the water.

    This is what you should get at this stage:

    Another secret of water manicure: use a narrow but deep container for water. This will make varnish consumption more economical.

    7. Without touching the nail, remove the cuticle protection (tape, film from glue or special product). Use a cotton swab or a thin, angled manicure brush to wipe off any remaining polish from the skin. After this layer has dried, you can use a fixative varnish. Repeat these steps with all your nails.

    You can even do a water manicure:

    Here is a brief overview of all the stages of creating a water manicure at home:

    Water manicure, photo

    I offer you the following ideas for water manicure:

    Surprise everyone French manicure made by water method:

    How do you like these photos of water manicure:

    Elegant classic manicure black with white in unusual version:

    Why doesn't water manicure work?

    Of course, water manicure has a lot of benefits:

    – water manicure at home is an excellent alternative to a salon manicure;

    – ease of technique for creating a wide variety of patterns;

    – a wide field for imagination.

    Disadvantages of water manicure that I can highlight:

    – creating the perfect water manicure takes a lot of time;

    – high consumption of materials;

    – You can do a manicure on only one nail at a time.

    Why doesn't water manicure work? The reasons may be different

    Problem: Droplets of varnish do not spread in water.

    Possible reason: You have chosen dry, thick, stale varnishes that dry quickly in water.

    Problem: varnishes that use water dry out quickly, which is why there is not enough time to create a pattern and transfer it to the nail.

    Possible reason: You may be using too cold water.

    Problem: It’s impossible to make a clear pattern, the lines blur or overlap each other.

    Possible reason: Do you wipe the toothpick after each line on the pattern? Work with the tip of the toothpick, do not put it deep into the water.

    Problem: The pattern is smeared on the nail.

    Possible reason: You pull your finger out of the water too quickly or don't pick up all the leftover polish around your nail with a stick.

    Remember, water manicure requires perseverance, speed of movement, ideal consistency of varnish and water temperature. If something doesn't work out for you, check all these components. Don't be discouraged if the water manicure doesn't work out the first or even third time. Only through trial and experimentation did this type of manicure work for me!

    Water manicure video

    To finally understand all the secrets of water manicure, I suggest you watch this video:

    Experiment and be beautiful!

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