What a seller needs to know about gold. Profession: jewelry seller. Jewelry salesman is a “golden” profession

If you were directly asked what you think about the choice, then comments should concern only the decoration and in no case the features of the buyer’s appearance. For example: “The complex design of these earrings makes your face look heavy,” not “Square earrings do not suit the square shape of your face.” It is also impolite to emphasize during a presentation your personal preferences for color, inserts, manufacturers, models, or design of jewelry. Dealing with objections and doubts. To be tactful at this stage, the seller must act strictly according to the algorithm for dealing with objections and doubts: 1) let the buyer express his doubts (without interrupting!); 2) express our opinion; 3) ask a clarifying question; 4) without interrupting, we listen to the answer and 5) only after that do we respond to objections or doubts.

Qualities of a sales consultant


REFERENCE Etiquette (from the French étiquette - label, inscription) - norms and rules of behavior of people in society. Etiquette is an integral part of the external culture of society, a kind of ritual, which is expressed in detailed rules of behavior that organize the life of society.

Appearance of the seller All jewelry stores can be divided into those where there is branded clothing, the so-called uniform, and those where there is none. But in any case, there must be a standard set of requirements for the seller’s clothing.
I offer you an excerpt from the standards of one successful jewelry company, aimed at middle-income buyers and offering jewelry for mass demand, which briefly and clearly outlines the basic requirements of business etiquette for the appearance of the seller. “The clothes of a jewelry store seller should be made of plain, non-shiny fabric without patterns, ornaments, decorative elements, or embroidery.

Jewelry salesman is a “golden” profession

This is why a good salesperson must have the qualities of a team player, and even if the salesperson is a talented individual, he still needs the support of his colleagues. Qualities of a seller when interacting with buyers:

  • Goodwill
  • Sociability
  • Desire to help
  • Politeness
  • Ability to look good
  • Patience
  • Gratitude
  • Empathy and ability to share emotions with the buyer

Buyers not only buy a product or service, but also attention and care during the sales process.
If the seller has no desire to help other people, then buyers immediately feel it. They will sometimes buy from such a seller to save time, or because they urgently need something, but they will buy much less from him.

Jewelry store seller etiquette. part 1. appearance and behavior


It is impolite to quickly say words of gratitude and farewell to a person who has just made a purchase from you, while at the same time aiming with your eyes and body towards the next buyer. IMPORTANT POINTS During the entire time of working with the buyer, it is prohibited to scold and criticize your competitors, as well as the products of other companies - this is unethical.


A frequent violation of etiquette in our stores is conversations between sellers on personal topics, as well as heated discussions of work issues in the presence of customers. It was not uncommon to witness how a seller could not tear himself away from his papers or wiping down display cases, while buyers needed his attention.

Making life more beautiful - the responsibilities of a jewelry store salesperson

As you know, workers in the trade sector must have a number of professional qualities. This especially applies to sellers jewelry, since this work requires a lot of responsibility and knowledge.

The minimum wage for such workers is 10-12 thousand rubles, depending on the region. Quite often, many employers offer bonuses to their employees for a certain level of sales.

Some also provide bonuses as a percentage of sales. In this regard, we can conclude that the wages of these workers are quite flexible and stimulate good work.
When choosing a person for the position of jewelry salesperson, employers have a number of requirements. As a rule, applicants with higher education deserve great confidence.

Professional jewelry sellers

In this case, natural colors are optimal: shades of sand, brown, green; how brighter colors, the lower the rating business qualities. Etiquette in stages Greeting. To begin with, it simply has to be there.

Yes, yes, yes! It still happens that the buyer is left without a greeting at all. According to business etiquette, the salesperson should say hello first.

The greeting should be neutral in nature - eye contact, a half-smile and the greeting phrase itself. If you are greeting a regular customer whom you know personally, the phrases may be warmer and less formal.

If the buyer's name is known, then it is necessary to pronounce it. By the way, one of the main elements of politeness is the ability to remember names. Establishing contact. At this stage, the main requirement of etiquette is tact.

Competencies of an ideal jewelry store sales consultant

Some people think that such qualities depend on age, but there is no clear evidence for this, because sometimes young people come to an interview without even half of these qualities, and it happens that an older person changes his field of activity and, coming to sales from another field, already possesses all these qualities, despite the fact that life has pretty much battered him. Qualities of a seller when interacting with colleagues:

  • Initiative
  • Energy
  • Mutual assistance
  • Hard work
  • Collaboration Orientation
  • Team spirit
  • Diplomacy

Working in a store requires effective interaction with colleagues, teamwork, quick response to changing situations, the ability to both serve influxes of customers and for a long time advise one who will ultimately make a purchase for a large amount.

Success as a salesperson consists of three levels of development: “Know” (information), “Be able” (skills) and “Be” (qualities). By analyzing these levels, you can distinguish a good seller from an average one.

Let's consider what qualities a good salesperson should have and what areas of development these qualities relate to. In many companies, when hiring a new salesperson, the main conclusions are made based on the resume (past experience, functions performed).

And in almost every resume, sellers indicate a standard set of personal qualities that, in their opinion, the employer expects from them. But the fact is that the employer himself often does not fully know what qualities of the candidate are most important to him.

What skills should a jewelry store salesperson have?

A GOOD SALESPERSON - A JEWELERY STORE CONSULTANT Well, now - to the concept of an ideal jewelry store salesperson. You know, at seminars for managers I often say: “Don’t be idealists, don’t set the bar very high for your salespeople.”

But now, it seems to me, is just the case when you can turn around and set the bar at a fairly high level. So, point by point:

  • appearance of the salesperson - jewelry store consultant;
  • knowledge, abilities, skills - important for a professional sales consultant;
  • personal qualities that help in work.

Skills of a professional salesperson - jewelry store consultant. What is the difference between a skill and an ability? A skill is a skill that has been brought to automaticity.

What qualities should a jewelry store salesperson have?

And it happens that the seller and the manager do not have the same personalities, but they are in the same boat, and either they will sail together to success, or both will experience dissatisfaction and underfulfill the store’s sales plan. Such a situation is resolved more quickly with the participation of a third party, for example, through communication and conflict resolution training, when people learn to better understand each other. Someone might say that the most important qualities for a good seller are the qualities when interacting with customers. But according to the experience of leading retail chains and successful stores, such sellers can only bring good results for a short time. It is much more effective to either initially select harmoniously developed salespeople, or develop in them the qualities that they lack, eliminating the need to constantly fire ineffective people.
At the same time, the buyer gets a feeling of the uniqueness of the product, and psychologically it is easier for him to justify his spending on exclusive jewelry.

  • By changing the arrangement of products in the display case, it creates the feeling of a new product arriving.
  • By delicately using decor, additional equipment, color combinations, and lighting in the display, it creates an emotional, festive mood for the buyer.
  • Helps create an atmosphere for a loyal customer who will return to the store many times.

You can read about the theory and practice of displaying jewelry in the books of the Publishing House “6 Karat”: 1. “Visual sales of jewelry. Jewelry showcase" / Notaristefano L. 2. "Jewelry retail.

A beginner should familiarize himself with some effective techniques and be ready to put them into practice. To leave good impression, a jewelry salesperson must look neat and well-groomed, because he is the face of the entire store.

A jewelry store salesperson is engaged in consulting clients. In this regard, for successful sales you need to know the store’s assortment well and understand which products can be offered to which clients.

Quite often, the seller also accepts the goods and displays them in the store. As a rule, in jewelry stores, items are placed in a safe at the end of the working day, so they need to be put on display every day.

Some employers also require their salespeople to be able to keep records. So, in addition to his main job, he must prepare reports on products sold and calculate revenue daily.

Hello! Today I want to talk about a wonderful profession that I was lucky enough to master -. I worked in a jewelry salon several years ago. I got a job at the salon through an acquaintance and at first knew almost nothing about gold, silver and stones. I literally had to learn the profession on the fly.

The jewelry department was located in a large shopping center. The department had several specially equipped counters, under the glass of which various jewelry items were located: in the first counter there were gold rings with various stones (sapphires, jades, cubic zirconia, zirconium, rubies); in the second - gold and platinum wedding rings; in the third - gold earrings of different sizes and shapes, with and without stones; in the fourth - rings and earrings with diamonds; in the fifth - silver jewelry.

In the morning at 9 o'clock, when I came to work, I began to lay out the goods. This usually took about an hour. Afterwards, I calmly waited for the first customers, minding my own business (reading a book or talking with salespeople from other departments). In the evening I carefully put all the products in the safe, and in the morning I put everything back on the counters.

Perhaps someone will think that in jewelry departments there are very few clients and, accordingly, there is little work. Maybe this happens somewhere, in expensive jewelry stores or boutiques, but not here. The prices for the products were quite reasonable. In addition, regular customers from the provinces often came to us and bought our products to please their relatives or loved ones with a good gift.

My task was to listen to each customer and offer him exactly what was right for him. For example, for a person who has a small amount of money, but who still wanted to buy not a thin chain or bracelet for his wife for her anniversary, but a decent gift, I always offered products made of blown gold. These are products, gold chains or bracelets, that were empty inside. It seemed like it was a big and thick bracelet, but in fact, if you took it in your hands, it was very light. This product weighed no more than two grams. Also, for people with a limited budget, I offered products made of gilded silver, which cost several times fewer products made of gold. They were different good quality, and the gilding has not been erased for many years, and outwardly gilded silver cannot be distinguished from gold.

For wealthier clients, diamond rings, earrings and pendants were on sale. But there were very few such buyers in our department, so diamond products collected dust on the counter for years. In the two years that I worked there, only a couple of inexpensive pendants were sold. However, especially in holidays(on New Year and March 8), there was no end to buyers. During the holidays, I was helped by my partner, with whom on normal days we worked on different shifts.

Despite the fact that I got this job through an acquaintance, I had to learn a lot of new, but interesting things about different precious stones and metals. For example, I didn’t even know there were diamonds different shades: transparent to yellow-brown. There are also rare diamonds in blue, pink, red and purple shades. They are called "fantasy". And a lot more interesting things.

In any case, before getting a job in a jewelry salon, you must bring appearance in order: a jewelry seller should always have a beautiful and neat manicure, formal clothing and modest makeup. You need to learn basic information about precious metals and stones: what types of gold and silver are there, how they differ, types and characteristics precious stones, stone cutting options.

Sales skills are also important. You must learn how to correctly offer a product and unobtrusively tell the buyer about it. The customer should leave you feeling like they made a good purchase. Then he will definitely come back again. For example, I was a more experienced salesperson than my partner: I was always the first to start a polite conversation with each buyer, and she waited for the client to speak first. Therefore, my income was many times greater. And the higher the revenue, the higher the salary.

Are you looking for In fact good reason sell jewelry online?

What about the fact that 29 million people buy jewelry on a daily basis?

Don't you want a piece of this pie?

If you are here to learn how to sell jewelry online, you have come to the right place.

Well, like all online businesses, it's not that easy. Nevertheless, jewelry business has some mouthwatering benefits, and it all starts with crazy premiums.

Jewelry is known to generate returns ranging from 25 to 75%, which is largely due to the perceived value of the jewelry.

And this is one of the main reasons why jewelry is such a huge niche to get into. It's not like the electronics segment, where everyone knows exactly what a certain laptop model should be sold for. There is no way for a consumer to determine the exact price of a necklace (other than estimating what the stone is worth).

So most of the time it has to do with whether the client thinks it's cute or not. And this opens up all sorts of opportunities for the seller.

Now I'm going to explain the benefits of selling jewelry online and also walk you through the exact process when thinking about dropshipping, setting up a store, and marketing that store.

Why should you buy and sell jewelry online?

I have already talked about how people buy tons of jewelry every day. I also thought about how much profitability really depends on the company making the sales.

But what are some other benefits of selling jewelry online?

  1. Jewelry is small and easy to ship. Not only that, but there is a small chance that something will break when you ship it.
  2. Jewelry is incredibly varied, allowing for a wide variety of options in your online store. For example, there are hundreds of options such as gold, gemstones and shells, as well as types of necklaces, anklets and rings. You can focus on one of these categories or create big store at all.
  3. Customization is an option. Sellers can create their own jewelry and earn more more money, taking requests from clients.
  4. You have many sources available.

Lastly, people love to buy and sell jewelry online. It's a thriving market of people sharing their past heirlooms and hoping to find their next favorite gemstone.

Jewelry is a hobby similar to cycling, where the passion behind jewelry fuels the industry.

Now that we've laid out the reasons for the dive, keep reading to learn how to sell jewelry online.

Step 1: Find Suppliers/Dropshippers for your Jewelry Store

The first order of business is to figure out where you are going to travel from. Take a look at your niche (such as gemstone necklaces or fine earrings) and keep that in mind when searching for suppliers.

You have two options for your sourcing process: Wholesale or Dropshipping.

Buying in bulk means that you will be purchasing larger quantities of jewelry and storing them in the location of your choice. This traditional way doing business, and it has its pros and cons:

Wholesale advantages

  • You retain more control over quality since you can touch and examine the jewelry.
  • You can ship faster and pack your jewelry the way you want.
  • Because jewelry is so small, this approach often results in minimal storage costs (for example, if you store inventory in your garage or basement).

Wholesale cons

  • Buying wholesale is often more expensive due to storage, transportation and packaging.
  • Are you stuck buying? large quantity inventory. Therefore, you may be stuck with unsold inventory.
  • Requires more work on your part. Think about shipping and packaging.

On the other hand, you can go with , which means you partner with a dropshipping supplier who handles all aspects of packaging, storing and shipping your jewelry. Your main responsibility is to manage your site, market and serve your customers.

Dropshipping Pros

  • Dropshipping is significantly cheaper in the long run.
  • Most of the tedious work of shipping and packaging is done by the supplier.
  • You don't have to worry about filling your garage or finding expensive storage space.

Dropshipping Cons

  • You lose control over the delivery process. It can be time consuming for your clients.
  • You cannot inspect products before shipping them.
  • Customer service becomes difficult since you are not the one accepting returns or shipping products.

When you sell wholesale, you open up all your options when it comes to sourcing. In fact, most jewelry manufacturers will at least entertain the idea of ​​giving you a volume discount. For example, Azeera, a specialty jewelry company, partners with online retailers to provide beautiful jewelry at wholesale prices.

You can also look to local manufacturers, as you can adjust margins to offset higher costs and control delivery times by using closer manufacturers.

Since most of you will have different niches, your best bet is to look for wholesale jewelry online and see what's going on. For example, a quick search brings up Bella Fashion and Rose Wholesale, both of which have a wide selection and interesting categories.

You can also contact the supplier or . This usually means you will be working with a Chinese supplier, but there are many suitable options.

Keep in mind that Alibaba is good for wholesale and AliExpress is better for dropshipping.

  • , Find hot products and real wholesale suppliers for only $67 per year or get a lifetime membership for just $127.

Step 2: Checking Jewelry Suppliers

Whether you go with dropshipping or wholesale purchasing, the verification process is almost the same.

However, vetting jewelry suppliers is a little different from other industries.

AliExpress jewelry suppliers can be great, or they can be terrible. You want to figure out a few things:

  • Is the quality of the jewelry up to your standards? After all, online photography is not best way evaluate quality.
  • Will you have a person who needs to register? This is how you will maintain control of the process and make sure you can turn to someone for late deliveries, product problems, etc.
  • Is the company reputable, compliant and financially healthy?

Visit our guide to finding alternative suppliers.

When it comes to financial health and compliance, it requires research. You can usually find information about vendor websites, press releases, or ask other people who have worked with the companies.

Finding a person's point is related to that first conversation you have on your phone. Make sure you constantly ask who your exact person will be.

Trust me on this: he will turn this first conversation into a fruitful conversion.

Understanding the quality of your products can only be done by requesting samples. If the supplier doesn't offer samples, look elsewhere.

After all, there are literally a lot of fish in the sea. Yes, I'm talking about oysters and pearls.

Counterfeiting is also related to quality:

Branded jewelry such as Tiffany Co. and Gucci, have their share of counterfeiters. It may be fun to visit China on vacation and haggle over some fake Bvlgari earrings, but your clients won't appreciate it if they pay top dollar for counterfeit jewelry, only to discover that it's not the real deal.

The conclusion is that selling discounted fake jewelry Not good idea, as you will likely be caught and stopped.

Step 3: Create a Reputable Online Store for Buying and Selling Jewelry

Jewelry stores look similar to other online stores, except that there is usually less clutter blocking the user from product pages.

People want to see jewelry at a glance, as well as prices and descriptions.

That's why places like (read ours) and (read ours) have specific templates designed just for jewelry stores.

And this also explains their enormous success.

After choosing a theme designed for the jewelry world, you want to make sure you have a mobile store that meets customer requirements, as well as marketing tools and a great product management area.

Finally, trust seals from , Shopify, and the BBB are great, but when you're partnering with a reputable jewelry supplier, it's important to show your customers that you're an authorized dealer.

Step 4: Promote your jewelry brand

Creative marketing of your jewelry brand requires deep understanding how jewelry is sold.

It's similar to the clothing industry where people love to see items and wear them.

This is where he comes to help.

Here are some marketing tips as you learn how to sell jewelry online:

Consider using a tool like this to expand your contact list and interact with current and potential clients. The information stored in your CRM will allow you to create targeted email campaigns, and the built-in ad management tool will help better inform your campaigns.

Learn How to Sell Jewelry Online and Enter Bling Business

Now that I've covered the basics, you should have the foundation to create an online jewelry store from scratch at a fraction of the cost of setting up a real store.

Get this Aliexpress jewelry hack and take your jewelry store to the next level.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below!

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