How and how much to walk in winter: advice for a pregnant woman. How long does an expectant mother need to walk? Pregnant I don’t walk much in the fresh air

Walking is one of the best and most beneficial free pleasures we can afford. And for women, this is also a necessary activity, which is simply criminal to neglect, not only for yourself, but also for your baby. In order not to let our thoughts run wild, let’s immediately get to the heart of the matter and sort out all the scientific and medical truths and simply the rich female experience of our mothers.

How, where and why?

Here are a few facts about how expectant mothers should walk correctly.

1. Did you know that during pregnancy, a woman’s need for oxygen increases by a good 25, or even 30%?

After all, now she has to breathe for two, since this is one of the primary conditions for the normal and full development of the child. And it is during walks that the blood and cells of the whole body are well saturated with this vital element, naturally, provided that the expectant mother walks in the fresh air, and not spoiled by exhaust fumes and other “delights” of city life.

2. Question: how much walking is recommended for pregnant women? Answer: 2 - 3 hours daily.

Yes, yes, for some this may seem like a very overwhelming burden, especially if before pregnancy the woman was not particularly fond of sports and preferred to travel exclusively by car. However, doctors almost unanimously insist on this number of hours. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to run a marathon for all 3 hours at once. They can be divided into two, or even three, sessions - walk for an hour and a half in the morning, a little at lunch and at least forty minutes in the evening. Although, I must say that walking before bed is especially useful.

Our generation, it should be noted, has generally become lazy, and a vivid example of this is when, instead of getting off at a legal stop and then walking to the desired point on our own two feet, we constantly ask drivers: “stop around that corner” or “slow down.” near that store." In general, we indulge and encourage our laziness, instead of at least occasionally delighting our body with walking, which it so needs, especially with our current lifestyle. Therefore, if you use public transport, try to get off at least at a legal stop, or better yet one or two earlier, so that you can leisurely walk the rest of the way.

3. Most experts insist that you should go for a walk at any time of the year and in any weather.

With the exception of natural disasters, such as typhoons, tsunamis and 40-degree frost, as well as epidemics. Oh yes, ice is especially prohibited, because pregnancy is not the best time to practice ballet on ice, which is fraught with injury. And in the hot summer, you should not go outside between 10:00 and 16:00, when the sun is especially active.

And again, many will probably raise an eyebrow in surprise, saying, what could be useful in walking in a fine nasty rain on a gloomy and windy autumn day? Good thing, you can catch a cold too. And in winter, when the snowdrifts reach your waist, and the snow falls so much that you can’t see anything a meter in front of you? All this is true, but there are a couple of counterarguments to this, namely:

Firstly, there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing or insufficient clothing;

Secondly, this is the most gentle way to harden and strengthen the immunity of both your own and your future baby.

But, of course, walks should bring pleasure and benefit, and not harm health, therefore, you should avoid hypothermia and places with large crowds of people, especially those sneezing and coughing, which often happens in the autumn-winter period. Clothing should be as comfortable as possible and appropriate for the weather, since its excess is no less fraught with bad consequences, as is its lack. Sweating in the cold, especially in windy weather, is the easiest way to catch a cold.

4. It is best to walk in parks, gardens, squares, and if there are any nearby, then in the forest, however, the main thing here is not to get lost.

In general, the closer you are to nature, the more beneficial the effect of a walk will be. And the farther you are from city noises, from cars with exhaust fumes, from the fussy and electrified crowd (here you certainly won’t be charged with positive emotions), the better for your own health and the health of the baby, and the nervous system will suffer less. It's great if you have a summer house. In this case, it would be good to try to spend more time there, but not alone, but at least in the company of your husband or other relatives. Especially if you have crossed the border of the third trimester.

5. Keep it in moderation!

If you didn’t play sports before you were in a great position, and in general your lifestyle cannot be called active, then you shouldn’t burden yourself with shock loads. There is no need for you to set 20-kilometer and Olympic records. And not just because such an extreme load on the legs will, at best, result in incredible fatigue and swelling.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Burkov N.G. advises avoiding too tiring walks, especially if a woman has had miscarriages or premature births in the past.

6. The third trimester is the time when the pregnant body especially needs walking.

The fact is that it is during this period that the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of women reaches its apogee. And therefore her body, more than ever, needs intense oxygen saturation. However, we should not forget that the closer it is to childbirth, the more dangerous it is for a woman to walk alone, therefore, in order to avoid risks, it is better to take one of your relatives or friends with you. It's calmer and more fun.

7. Walking is a kind of preparation of the body for childbirth.

Finnish obstetrician-gynecologist Ritva Hurskainen compares the process of childbirth in terms of the scale of physical activity to completing a marathon, so she advises not to neglect physical exercise during pregnancy, and walking is an excellent alternative, especially in cases where active physical education and gymnastics are contraindicated. By the way, Finland is recognized as the best country for motherhood, so it is better to listen to the advice of their doctors.

The benefits of walking

Let’s look point by point at exactly how walking benefits the expectant mother and her child.

1. Strengthening and maintaining muscle tone, which prevents the development of varicose veins.

2. Oxygen saturation, which is necessary for the normal development of the child.

3. Walking is exercise for the lazy.

4. Undoubted benefits for the figure.

5. Walking helps avoid the development of physical inactivity and anemia.

6. Relaxation, peace, stress relief and energy boost - all these are manifestations of the miraculous effects of walking.

7. Improved sleep.

8. Accelerate the metabolic process and prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids and constipation.

9. Training proper breathing.

10. Increased blood circulation.

When else, if not during this wonderful period, can a woman allow herself to enjoy leisurely walks in the lap of nature, thereby benefiting both herself and her long-awaited happiness, which she carries under her heart. As the ancient wisdom says, movement is life. So, move to your health, dear mothers, and charge yourself and your baby with positivity!

Excellent health and well-being, high spirits and a positive emotional mood of the expectant mother are the key to the birth of a strong and healthy child. Today, there are a huge number of various methods, rules and recommendations, following which you can avoid any problems and complications, one way or another related to the upcoming birth. In addition, the expectant mother must know...

A significant place in the list of existing rules is given to physical exercises, which help improve tone, give vigor and improve health in general. In addition to special complexes designed to keep the body in good shape and prepare muscles for future stress, one should develop the overall endurance of the body, strengthening the cardiovascular system. You can do this by walking. As a rule, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, which is subject to the greatest stress during childbirth, doctors recommend walking for about two hours a day. At the same time, time for walking should be specifically allocated, not taking into account trips to and from work or shopping.

An active lifestyle and walks in the fresh air can not only make the expectant mother’s mood cheerful and vigorous, but also strengthen the nervous system, enrich the lungs with oxygen, strengthen the heart and make blood move faster through the vessels and veins. All this has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Walking during pregnancy is a boost of energy

If you care about the health of your unborn baby, then well-thought-out loads are not just a temporary measure, but your way of life.

1. Special gymnastics, toning muscles, swimming, outdoor recreation - all this gives every expectant mother a great mood, positive energy and inexhaustible optimism.

2. Walking in the fresh air is a great way to exercise many muscle groups without putting much effort into it. On the contrary, a cheerful walk through a beautiful park or forest will be excellent entertainment and a source of new impressions. Of course, tiring shopping in a polluted metropolis cannot be considered a stroll.

3. Moreover, when advising expectant mothers on the correct regimen, doctors clarify the wording: it is more correct to ask not how long to walk, but where. Each mother has her own biorhythms and body reserves, and you can decide for yourself how much time for a walk will be enough for vitality and vigor. But choosing the right place for walking is the primary task with which you should start.

4. Fresh air and greenery pleasing to the eye can work wonders, but the noise and bustle of a big city, air saturated with exhaust gases, containing vapors of heavy metals and other harmful compounds will negatively affect your well-being.

5. If it is not possible to spend as much time in life-giving nature as possible during pregnancy, create a green corner on your balcony and relax there for at least two hours a day.

6. You can diversify your stay in your own mini-garden by reading good literature, listening to pleasant music, embroidering or knitting. In a word, your mood during pregnancy is the main factor in your overall well-being, and therefore the health of your unborn baby.

As everyone knows, during pregnancy the load on all organs and systems of a woman increases significantly. That is why the expectant mother should pay maximum attention to her health. The cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system require special attention during this period, and sometimes a revision of their lifestyle. This article will focus on walking, a simple and enjoyable activity, the benefits of which can hardly be overestimated.

What are the benefits of walking during pregnancy?

A woman's body undergoes enormous changes during pregnancy, which can lead to malfunctions of any organ or system. This applies to the cardiovascular and endocrine, immune systems, musculoskeletal system, etc. At the same time, daily walking will strengthen all organs and systems, as well as improve the general condition of a woman.

But first things first...

What does daily walking do for a pregnant woman?

  1. Daily walking helps strengthen muscle tissue. The muscles of the legs, back, buttocks are strengthened, and the blood supply to bone tissue increases. At the same time, calcium is washed out of the bones less intensively, which helps the expectant mother keep her hair, nails, teeth and bones healthier.
  2. In addition, calories are burned, which means that the woman is not at risk of becoming overweight.
  3. There is a positive effect on the respiratory system. The lungs work more actively, blood circulation in the uteroplacental blood flow improves, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the unborn child.
  4. Walking helps improve intestinal function and peristalsis. Women suffer less from constipation and hemorrhoids.
  5. With daily walking, the immune system is strengthened and the condition of the nervous system improves. The body as a whole is strengthened. A pregnant woman is charged with positive energy, sleep and emotional state improve.
  6. Breathing training occurs during daily walking. But thanks to proper breathing, you can significantly reduce pain during childbirth and help the baby not experience oxygen starvation.

Attention! During the first and third trimester, some women suffer from varicose veins. After your walk, be sure to lie down with your legs elevated for about 10-15 minutes, then do special exercises, this will help relieve swelling and reduce the load on the veins.

How much per day should pregnant women walk?

If a woman is healthy and there are no contraindications, then she is recommended to walk for 1.5-2 hours every day. If you are not used to physical activity, then walk for 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a day. At first, it is better to walk not far from home so that you can return at any time.

This will help you get used to it. Subsequently, when the body adapts, you can increase the time spent in the fresh air to 1.5 or 2 hours.

You should also take into account the biorhythms of your body. For some it is better to walk in the morning, for others - in the evening.

If you work, try to walk at least a short distance from work to home, and also be sure to find time for walks on the weekends.

It is very important to know that the criterion for optimal exercise is the absence of shortness of breath. Your breathing while walking should be even, calm, and there should not be a lack of air. In addition, there should be no unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen; if there are any, this indicates increased tone of the uterus. This means there is a risk of pregnancy failure. In this case, consult a doctor immediately!

Attention! If you are pregnant under no circumstances, do not walk during the midday heat, strong wind or frost.

How does walking during pregnancy affect childbirth?

As already mentioned, physical activity during pregnancy is not only useful, but also indicated. And its beneficial effect on childbirth is obvious. Here the third trimester of pregnancy begins. After all, it is during this period that the movement of the pelvic bones begins and the body prepares for childbirth. This occurs due to stretching of the soft tissues of the symphysis. In the third trimester, this cartilage becomes mobile, allowing the baby's head to pass through the birth canal during the birth of the baby.

But what does walking have to do with it? And despite the fact that thanks to walks, the pelvic bones move apart more gently, naturally and painlessly. And this is not only an excellent prevention of symphysitis (inflammation of the pelvic joint), but also a serious aid during childbirth. In addition, the walls of the abdominal cavity are strengthened, and this will significantly help with pushing. Childbirth is much easier if the body is accustomed to physical activity and does not perceive it as stress.

Reference. The symphysis is a cartilage located in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis and connects the pelvic bones. During pregnancy, the ligaments of the symphysis pubis loosen, swell and become more mobile.

In what cases can pain occur when walking?

There are many factors that can cause pain in a pregnant woman while walking. The main reason is the powerful physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Some of them are harmless, while others are very dangerous and require immediate medical attention.

When pain may occur when walking:

  1. When the sciatic nerves are pinched. The reason is an enlargement of the uterus due to the growth of the fetus. As a rule, pain is felt only on one side.
  2. Softening the adhesion between the bones of the pelvis, including the symphysis pubis. When walking, pain is felt in the pubic area.
  3. Flat feet during pregnancy can appear even in those who have not suffered from them. The reason is increased body weight and swelling. With flat feet, a woman may feel pain in her legs.
  4. Pain in joints may be present due to a lack of calcium in the body.
  5. Abdominal pain when walking occurs if the ligaments holding the uterus are overstrained.
  6. With varicose veins, the legs may swell, “buzz” and feel “heavy” when walking, especially in the afternoon.

Attention! Don't forget about safety rules. Always dress appropriately for the weather, if possible, do not walk alone (let your husband, mother, girlfriend or any loved one accompany you), and do not put unnecessary strain on yourself.

When should you not exercise during pregnancy?

Contraindications for walking during pregnancy:

  • ARVI, influenza, exacerbation of gastritis. You should not be outside if you are sick.
  • Increased uterine tone, bleeding from the vagina. These are serious symptoms that threaten termination of pregnancy.
  • Severe toxicosis, uncontrollable vomiting.
  • High blood pressure, swelling, protein in the urine. Such manifestations are a signal of kidney problems, which means that any physical activity is contraindicated for a woman.
  • Miscarriages in previous pregnancies are a risk of losing your baby again.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.


Walking during pregnancy is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful activity. If you did not exercise before pregnancy, consult your gynecologist and ask about any contraindications. If there are none, you can start practicing. Increase the load gradually, follow all the rules, listen to your body and then walking will bring you maximum benefit.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

During pregnancy, sufficient physical activity of the expectant mother becomes very important for the normal growth and development of the child. Unfortunately, most activities are contraindicated during this period, but there is an excellent alternative option for recovery - walking in the fresh air.

important There are practically no contraindications for walking at any stage of pregnancy, except when a woman is prescribed strict bed rest. Other pregnant women only need to take some precautions regarding the choice of walking route, speed of movement and other conditions.

Daily walks will not only strengthen the cardiovascular and muscular systems, but will also help improve the mood of the expectant mother.


  • the cardiovascular system is trained, as a result of which the likelihood of heart disease, occurrence, etc. is reduced;
  • the risk of occurrence is reduced;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • ventilation of the lungs increases;
  • the likelihood of occurrence is reduced;
  • The woman’s well-being and mood improves.

advice Walking will be most beneficial if you choose the pace of movement and duration of the walk based on the level of fitness of the pregnant woman and her current state of health.


When choosing the level of load and duration of walking, it is necessary to take into account the duration of pregnancy.

IN You can take health walks at your usual pace. You need to pay attention to choosing comfortable shoes. In addition, you should avoid walking in too hot weather or during rain (snow) in order to prevent overheating or hypothermia of the body.

IN You should especially carefully choose a place for walking, avoiding walking on slippery or uneven road surfaces. While moving, you need to monitor your well-being and if any discomfort occurs, find an opportunity to rest. Closer to the moment, it is better to take walks in the presence of another person who can provide assistance if necessary.

Before you start hiking, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  • the speed of movement and duration of walking must be increased gradually, avoiding the occurrence of shortness of breath or muscle pain;
  • You should not cross your arms over your chest or keep them in your pockets - in this case, the likelihood of falling significantly increases when exposed to even minor factors (potholes on the road or a slightly slippery surface);
  • it is preferable to take walks away from high-traffic roads;
  • In summer it is better to walk in the morning or evening, in winter - at lunchtime, to reduce the likelihood of overheating or hypothermia;
  • walking shoes should be as comfortable as possible;
  • Clothing should be selected according to the season and taking into account the outside temperature.


information Slow walking over short distances has virtually no contraindications during pregnancy, except in cases of strict bed rest.

Longer walks at a fast pace should be avoided if you have the following diseases or body conditions.

The expectant mother always has a lot of worries and troubles, and besides, there are certain rules that you need to try to follow regularly, this is very important for her and her baby. These rules include many things: proper nutrition, healthy and proper rest, moderate physical activity, sufficient amounts of vitamins in the diet, etc. In order for your body to be normal and cope more easily with fatigue, stress and other troubles, regular walks during pregnancy will help you. Fresh air in sufficient quantities is extremely necessary for both your body and the child’s body, because thanks to it, metabolic processes improve, the child develops and grows better.

Experts' opinions on walking, how long you need to stay outside, are long walks beneficial?

Staying in the fresh air always has a very positive effect on our well-being, all cells are saturated with oxygen, the body works more actively, in general, there are only advantages. But in order for a walk to be useful, it must be correct, so I will give you some tips on this matter. First, understand once and for all a simple truth - you need to walk away from the highway, the most suitable places are a park or a forest. Unfortunately, the opposite picture is often observed - a line of mothers with strollers and their pregnant friends wander in single file along the sidewalk near the roadway. For what? Don’t you feel sorry for poisoning your child with exhaust fumes from such a young age? You can always find a quieter place, in every area there is a small river, lake, park - go there, don’t wander around the road in a herd.

Walking during pregnancy is very useful because it is a good prevention of edema, strengthens the body's immune system, and helps keep fit. For women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, walking is even more beneficial; they can turn it into race walking, unless there are doctor contraindications, of course. If you are allowed such physical activity, prepare comfortable clothes and shoes; it would be a good idea to buy a special device for measuring pulse, they are available in every pharmacy. When going for a walk, be sure to take water with you, preferably at room temperature, mineral and still. While walking, the body overheats, which is undesirable during pregnancy, so with the help of water you can quench your thirst and cool down.

Don't be afraid to go outside, pregnancy is not a disease. You should lead a fairly active lifestyle that is appropriate for your condition. Walking towards the end of the term is especially useful, because by this time the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are working under the greatest load. You need to help your body cope as much as possible, so regular oxygen intake will become a very useful habit. If you are bored just wandering down the street, invite your loved ones or friends with you, then the walk will turn into a pleasant pastime with conversation. You can also regularly conduct photo sessions throughout your pregnancy, and then you will have a pleasant memory of a bright and wonderful moment in your life. Different weather conditions, a growing belly, a changing physiological shape - all this is worthy of being captured in a photo, and it is not at all necessary to invite a professional photographer every time. The most important thing that you must remember and take care of is your condition with your baby, they are inextricably linked, and walks play a huge role in the successful development of the baby and in supporting your body.

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