How to weave bracelets on a dragon loom. Rubber band bracelet: Dragon Scales - photos, diagrams. Options in the photo

Over the last couple of years, weaving from silicone rubber bands has been experiencing a real boom among young people. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, rainbow loom elastic bands are an educational toy that stimulates fine motor skills and calms the nerves. They make a lot of things out of small irises: bracelets, rings, hairpins, bags and even dresses! However, the palm of the most popular products is confidently held by bracelets. And one of the most beautiful weaving patterns is dragon scales.

Who invented weaving from rubber bands?

A fairly new hobby - rubber band weaving - actually has a longer history. This fun was invented by the American Chin Chong, a former engineer who worked for the Nissan company. His daughters simply went crazy about weaving baubles, and the caring father decided to diversify the girls’ hobby by inviting them to try to make the hobby a family affair and use multi-colored silicone rubber bands as a material. On one of these family evenings, Chin Chong came up with the idea of ​​starting a business selling toys. However, initially such fun did not bring profit. Then the family captivated their many friends by their own example, and gradually the sale of rainbow loom became a constant income for the Chong family, making them famous throughout the world.

This is interesting. The toy was among the top three best-selling in 2013 and 2014 according to the Cyber ​​Monday Awards and the most popular in the Google search engine.

What is needed for production

Everything you need for weaving is in the rainbow loom set

Rainbow loom is a great example of how you can achieve your goal with minimal costs. To weave from silicone rubber bands you need:

  • in fact, the silicone irises themselves;
  • professional machine (a plastic stand on which there are removable posts in the shape of cylinders with a recess in the middle);
  • monster tail machine (small stand with non-removable eight posts);
  • hook;
  • slingshot (small machine with two columns).

These components are included in the rainbow loom set. However, resourceful teenagers found a way to save on buying a whole set by replacing the machines and slingshot with forks or their own fingers. And you can use a regular crochet hook as a hook.

Bracelet “Dragon Scales”

Size and shade options

There are several of the most famous designs that can be used to weave bracelets. Among them, the most popular are

  • French braid;
  • dragon scales;
  • sidewalk;
  • dragon heart;
  • fish tail;
  • stars, etc.

Experienced lovers of weaving silicone bracelets claim that one of the simple patterns that even a beginner can understand is dragon scales. This openwork bracelet can be made both thin and thick. And if you use several colors, then a bright mesh will certainly attract attention to such an interesting bauble.

Options in the photo

You can choose the combination of colors in the bracelets to your taste If you twist each rubber band twice, the pattern will be dense. You can weave a wide bracelet on the machine

Schemes and instructions for creation

On the machine

Dragon scales only need two columns

If you want to weave a wide bracelet, then you should use a professional machine. Creating a stylish accessory will take about half an hour, about 200 rubber bands, several silicone hooks in the shape of the letter s and a little patience.

  1. We position the machine with the wide side facing us.
  2. We put irises in pairs on all the columns of the first row, twisting them in the form of the number eight.
  3. On the same posts, but starting from the second one, we again put on rubber bands in pairs, without twisting them.
  4. Now we hook the bottom loop and pull it over the back wall of the post.
  5. We put the elastic bands on the same row again, starting from the first column.
  6. We hook the bottom loop and pull it over the back wall of the cylinder.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you get a bracelet of the desired length.
  8. We put the last loops in pairs on a silicone hook.

Video: Weaving a dragon ornament using a loom

On the forks

Using a fork, you can achieve a tight weave of elastic bands

In order to weave dragon scales onto forks, you can use either one cutlery (in which case the bracelet will turn out to be narrow), or two, connecting the handles with tape (in this case the accessory will turn out to be quite wide). Consider the option of dense weaving on one fork.

  1. We fold the elastic band in half (we will do this with all the irises) and put it in the form of a figure eight on the outer two teeth on each side.
  2. We put the next iris on the two central teeth without twisting.
  3. We pull the bottom tier into the middle.
  4. We put the elastic band on the outer teeth again (don’t forget to fold them in half).
  5. We pull the bottom row into the middle.
  6. Repeat steps 2–6.
  7. To put on the clasp, we pull the last loops to the center, and we hook the remaining two tails to the hook of the clasp.
  8. We also put the initial constrictions of the eights on the fastener.

Video: Using a fork to create a bracelet with a dragon pattern

On a slingshot

The slingshot is convenient for weaving thin bracelets

A cute thin mesh bracelet in the shape of dragon scales can also be used on a slingshot.

  1. We twist the iris in a figure eight and put a slingshot on two columns.
  2. Do not twist the next elastic band and put it on top of the previous one.
  3. We grab the bottom left one and pull it into the middle.
  4. We put on the rubber band again.
  5. We hook the two lower loops on the right and bring them to the center.
  6. Repeat steps 2–5 until the bracelet is the desired length.
  7. To put on the fastener, pull the loops together so that there is one elastic band left on each post.
  8. We bring both sides to one side (no matter which) and thread the hook of the clip fastener.
  9. We do the same with the initial loop.

Video: How to make a decoration from silicone rubber bands on a slingshot

On the comb

For braiding, it is convenient to use a regular comb with wide teeth.

The pattern of weaving on a comb is practically no different from weaving on a professional machine. There is only an option to make a tight bracelet by folding each rubber band in half.

  1. Take a comb with wide teeth.
  2. Fold the rubber band in half and twist it into a figure eight.
  3. We put tight eights on pairs of teeth.
  4. Now, without twisting in the middle, we put the irises on the teeth of the previous level, starting from the second.
  5. We tighten the lower tier by the even teeth.
  6. We put on the irises again starting from the first tooth.
  7. We transfer the bottom row over the top.
  8. Repeat steps 4–7 until the required length.
  9. We combine pairs of loops and thread the clip-fastener.

Video: Dragon scales made on a comb

For weaving, you can use medium-sized crochet hooks

For weaving, you can get by with one crochet hook.

  1. We put the first row of rubber bands on the hook, folding them into figure eights.
  2. Now we take the pencil in our left hand and throw the first loop from the hook onto it.
  3. Take the next iris and sketch it on a pencil.
  4. We pull the elastic from the pencil through two loops from the hook and return the loop to it.
  5. We transfer the last loop of the row to a pencil, twisting it with a figure eight.
  6. Turn the bracelet over (as in knitting).
  7. Repeat steps 2–6.
  8. We tighten the opposite loops with a clasp to secure the bracelet.

Video: Making dragon scales using a hook and pencil

The most economical way to weave is to use your own fingers.

  1. We put eights of irises on pairs of little finger-ring finger, middle finger-index finger.
  2. Now we put the untwisted elastic band on the ring-middle finger, and we put the loop from the little and index fingers behind the middle pair of fingers.
  3. We put new elastic bands on two pairs of fingers and pull the bottom layer off the ring and middle fingers.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until the desired length.
  5. In the last row, we pull the outer elastic bands into the middle and put a clip on the loops.
  6. Having hooked the eights of the first row, we hook them to the second hook of the fastener.

The “Dragon Scales” bracelet is a real find for those who want to look stylish and fashionable. By coming up with your own alternation of iris colors, you can make an accessory that perfectly matches the color scheme of your image. At the same time, you will not spend a lot of time and will be 100% satisfied with the result.

For a bracelet that is not the widest, but sufficient to cover the wrist, 12 columns will be useful. The first row is made of green elastic bands, which are twisted once. Distribute the elastic bands into the following pairs of columns: 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, etc.

The next row also consists of twisted rubber bands, but they connect those columns where there are gaps, that is: 2 and 3, 4 and 5, etc.

Now you need to knit all the loops on the elevated parts of the machine, that is, only the outer elements are not affected. Hook the bottom elastic band and fold it over the post.

The next row is formed by silicone products of a different color, for example, raspberry. They are put on the same posts as the first row, but in a ring and without twisting.

Now you need to knit the bottom bright green loops over the pink row. To do this, pull the elastic to the side and fold it back.

Only crimson loops should remain on the posts, which need to be lowered slightly to the base of the machine.

The next row will also be made of raspberry loops, but they will be put on other pairs of posts, namely on 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 protrusions, etc.

Knit the crimson elements where there are loops, that is, on all the protrusions, with the exception of the first and last stitch.
Then start adding elastic bands of a new color, they cling like the previous odd rows, that is, starting from the first protrusion.

When you add a new color, you should knit stitches from the outermost posts in this row.

The order of knitting does not matter, that is, you can slip the loops in the direction from the right column to the left, or even work with four hands together with a friend. The main principle is to remove all the stitches when knitting one row, and then add a new round.

Try on the approximate length of the bracelet around your wrist, but take into account the plus 2 cm that the clasps and stretched outer loops will add.

Assemble the last elements onto two columns and thread the hooks from the fastening parts into them. This is how you can weave a “Dragon Scale” bracelet.

An interesting bracelet will decorate your hand with any summer outfit.

With the arrival of spring, everyone wants to look stylish and bright. What can so subtly emphasize your style, but also not make you look like a parrot? This is the most ordinary bracelet that can be worn by both men and women. The most popular are jewelry made from colored Rainbow Loom rubber bands, which have already won the hearts of many European and American teenagers, and ours too. We suggest making a bracelet that looks very charismatic and, thanks to the huge color palette, will highlight your style. You can find a lot of useful material in our article on how to weave a “Dragon Scales” rubber band bracelet. Weaving patterns are the same in all working methods.

We weave on a slingshot

The most common method is to weave a bracelet using a slingshot. But, unfortunately, the decoration will be narrow.

For work you will need: elastic bands (take two different colors; in this article, for example, black and white will be indicated), a slingshot and a fastener. The material presents the process of step-by-step weaving with photos.

We take the slingshot and secure or install it so that it is convenient for you to weave, but the non-convex side of the peg should be facing you. Take the Rainbow Loom and pull it, twisting it onto the posts of the tool.

Simply put the next elastic band of color on both sides.

Throw the first rubber band from the left column to the center of the slingshot.

Put on the next rubber band as usual.

On the right side, move the two Rainbow Looms that were below to the center.

We put on an elastic band of the next color. And on the left side we repeat the same as on the right.

What should be left at the end? 3 elastic bands, two, for example, on the left side and one on the right. We throw the bottom elastic band from the left column to the center, and the top one to the adjacent column. Next, we connect everything with a fastener, and on the other side of the fastening material we pick up the first elastic band.

Decoration on the machine

If you don’t have a slingshot, then this article shows you how to weave a bracelet on a machine. Thanks to the machine, you can make your work wider, because you can use more than two columns.

We disassemble the machine so that only one line remains on it. We tighten the first elastic band, making sure to twist it in a figure eight counterclockwise. On the first row we put four elastic bands on the first and second columns, on 3 and 4, on 5 and 6, on 7 and 8.

For the second row you will need three Rainbow Loom, which we put on pins 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7.

We begin to weave step by step: we grab the first elastic band on the second column and throw it to the center between 1 and 2. We do the same on the remaining pegs, not taking into account the first and last pin. We move the elastic bands down to make it easier to weave.

We put on the third row, but do not twist the Rainbow Loom, which should be a different color, again for convenience. Using a hook through the top, remove the elastic bands from each column. For row 4, stretch three elastic bands without twisting. We remove Rainbow Loom only on those columns where there is more than one elastic band. Every two rows we change the color. We braid the bracelet to the required length.

We hook the fastener onto two elastic bands of the first pin. Take one Rainbow Loom and stretch it across 4 columns at once. Remove the bottom rubber bands. Ultimately, only 4 pegs should be occupied. Using a hook, we pull the elastic from the outer pins to the adjacent ones. Fold the bottom one on each side to the center. We throw the elastic band over to one side and secure it with a second fastener. We find the first 4 Rainbow Looms and put them on the machine. Next, we transfer the elastic bands from the outer pins to the adjacent ones and secure them with two fasteners.

The wide bracelet “Dragon Scales” is ready!

Working with a fork

If you don’t have any tools at hand, you can weave this type of bracelet on a fork. The weaving process is no more complicated than others, no different.

We take a couple of elastic bands and put them on two teeth, twisting them in a figure eight.

We put on the second row in the usual way: one Rainbow Loom on the central teeth.

We throw rubber bands through these “columns”, but only where there are two of them. For the third row you will need two Rainbow Looms, which we put on the 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th prongs, then transfer them to the opposite side from each.

We put the fourth row on in the middle and throw it over, then pull off the elastic bands. Continue the weaving process until you reach the desired length. At the end, we put one Rainbow Loom on the first and last clove, then we throw the elastic bands. Remove the elastic bands from the outer columns to the middle ones.

We put on another elastic band and throw over the bottom two.

Next we attach two fasteners. We look for the beginning of the bracelet and attach the first two elastic bands to the second end of the fastening material. As you can see, it is very easy to make this bracelet pattern even on a “folk” instrument – ​​a fork.

Finger accessory

But what if you went to the forest or nature, took rubber bands with you, but forgot your tools? It's very simple. This type of accessory can be woven on your fingers! There's nothing complicated about it.

The operating process is exactly the same as on the fork. The only tool you need is your two fingers. From the very beginning, pull the elastic band, twisting 8, onto your fingers at once. That is, the Rainbow Loom should be inverted between them. Next, we put a pair of elastic bands on the index and middle fingers.

We throw over the rubber bands. The further weaving pattern is exactly the same: we throw on one elastic band and remove the bottom layer in the center.

Without a machine

If you want to learn more about weaving jewelry without a machine, then this article is for you.

We put the first elastic band on the hook, turning it over in a figure eight.

We carry out the same manipulations with 7 elastic bands.

Leave the hook in your right hand, take a pencil or a thick knitting needle and throw the first loop onto it.

For the second row we will need 4 elastic bands of a different color. We take one of them, place it on the hook and pull it through two loops, and place the elastic band with both sides on the pencil.

We do the same pattern with the next three elastic bands. We turn the last rubber band into a figure eight and place it on the pencil.

For the third row you will need 5 elastic bands. We pass the hook through two Rainbow Looms, hook the elastic and put both sides on the hook.

We knit the entire third row with this pattern.

We perform the fourth row according to the same pattern as 3, only we use 4 elastic bands of a different color. All of our unpaired rows are long, for them we take 5 elastic bands and weave them like the third one, and all paired rows are short, they require only 4 elastic bands. We knit in this way until the bracelet is the desired size.

We take one figure eight from the first row and hook a lock, on the opposite side we hook two loops. In total you will need 5 fasteners.

Video on the topic of the article

Watch thematic videos with master classes to take a closer look at the types of weaving of the Dragon Scale bracelet.

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands is very fashionable today. After reading just a few lessons on creating such jewelry, you can easily learn how to weave various patterns yourself and make stylish multi-colored bracelets with your own hands, either using a special machine or.

How to make a bracelet from rubber bands “Dragon Scales” (step by step)?

This type of weaving is not difficult to master - the main thing here is attention and patience. Having weaved such a decoration at least once and thoroughly understood the pattern, you will subsequently be able to easily weave bracelets from “Dragon Scales” elastic bands:

  1. In order not to get confused in colors, prepare the required number of rubber bands in advance. The main method of weaving “Scales” is alternating rows with 4 and 5 elastic bands.
  2. In the first row, elastic bands for two rows should be placed on the hook at the same time. Thus, we use 9 elastic bands at once - 5 for one (long) and 4 for the next (short) row. So, we put the first elastic band on the hook.
  3. We immediately twist it with a figure eight, and also put the second loop on the hook.
  4. Place the second elastic band on the hook and thread it through the loop of the first elastic band. Then also twist it and fix it on the hook.
  5. Do the same with all the remaining 9 rubber bands.
  6. For further weaving, we will need a pencil (alternatively, another hook or a thick knitting needle). Take it in your left hand, and leave the hook with the first row of elastic bands in your right.
  7. Place the first stitch on the pencil (similar to knitting).
  8. Place an elastic band of a different color (in this case, purple) on the hook if your bracelet is going to be two-tone.
  9. Then pull it through the two orange loops and return it to the hook.
  10. Take the next purple rubber band and repeat the ninth point.
  11. We repeat these steps until there are 4 purple rubber bands on the pencil, and remove the very first, orange one from the hook, turn it over in a figure eight and place it on the pencil.
  12. The next row is 5 orange rubber bands. It's better to prepare them in advance. Place your hook under the first two loops on the pencil and slip them off. Then tie an orange elastic band through them in the usual way.
  13. As in the previous row, continue knitting the row to the end, using all 5 elastic bands.
  14. The last loop remaining on the pencil is simply moved to the hook.
  15. Similarly, the next row will consist of 4 purple elastic bands, etc.
  16. The bracelet should contain such a number of rows that will be sufficient for its length. Thus, how many rubber bands you need for the Dragon Scales bracelet will depend on the thickness of your wrist. Keep in mind that this type of weaving stretches very well, and do not forget to periodically try the product on your hand.
  17. We have already learned how to weave “Dragon Scales”, and now let’s find out how to finish this bracelet made of elastic bands. To do this, find long “eights” of orange elastic bands at the very beginning of the weaving, at the end part. There should be 5 of them.
  18. Hook the very first of them with an S-shaped lock and connect it to the “eight” at the opposite end of the bracelet.
  19. If you do not have such special locks on hand, use additional elastic bands, as if you were connecting two rows of crocheted fabric. The result should be a seam like this.
  20. Now the bracelet is ready! Please note that “Dragon Scales” is woven without a loom, on the fingers, although this rubber band bracelet can be made using a loom. Once you have mastered the weaving technique, you can begin to learn others, for example,

Bracelet “Dragon Scales”: tricks and subtleties of weaving.

A wide, interesting bracelet “Dragon Scales” is a product made from rubber bands that looks great and unusual on the wrist. The most important thing for this bracelet is not to get confused at the very beginning and to perform all the steps correctly at the end. This master class will be devoted to the creation of the “Dragon Scales” bracelet.

First you need to prepare all the necessary elements. Here's what you'll need to weave:

1. Large disassembling machine.
2. Colored rubber bands. For example, rubber bands of the following colors were chosen:

light green;

3. Four plastic S-locks.
4. Easy-to-weave hook.

When everything you need is prepared, it's time to begin the process of creating the Dragon Scales.

Block 1. Basic weaving pattern

To weave the “Dragon”, you should remove the first two rows from the loom, leaving only the last one. The machine will be positioned with the open part of the posts to the right.

2 rows of rubber bands of the same color will be thrown onto the machine, but they must be thrown strictly according to the pattern. Since in the described master class eight posts are used for weaving, the elastic bands will be thrown on according to the following pattern, described a little below.

First row: the elastic band is thrown over pairs of columns: first - second; third - fourth; fifth - sixth; seventh - eighth.

Second row: second - third; fourth - fifth; sixth - seventh. That is, for one color 7 rubber bands are used - four for the first row and three for the second.

This alternation will continue until the end of the bracelet (for each color row).

Block 2. Subtleties of weaving

And so, the first red rubber band should be twisted from the 1st to the 2nd column in the form of an infinity sign away from you.

Following the diagram, the rubber bands are sequentially wound from the third to the fourth and from the fifth to the sixth columns (the direction is away from you).

Be careful! Having reached the last pair of columns (7-8), the red rubber band is twisted in a direction not away from itself, but towards itself.

This is what the first row will look like.

Now, again, the red rubber bands are twisted from the 2nd to the 3rd, from the 4th to the 5th and from the 6th to the 7th column (the direction is away from you).

Block 3. Weaving process

It's time to arm yourself with a crochet hook and start weaving a bracelet.

For each column that has more than one rubber band, we remove the bottom one. For the first row, only the 1st and 8th elastic bands are not discarded.

Now take a different color of rubber bands - orange. From this row until the very end, the rubber bands will not twist. Orange elastic bands need to be thrown over the pairs of columns of the first row.

After this, the lower rubber bands are again removed from the posts where there is more than one of them (there should be two rubber bands on the posts).

We put orange rubber bands on pairs of columns of the second row (2-3; 4-5; 6-7). Again we throw off the bottom elastic bands from those posts where there are 2 of them.

At this stage, to avoid any confusion at the end, you can attach the fasteners. They are attached to the red rubber bands of the first row (they were twisted).

According to this principle, the bracelet is braided to the very end. Each color block consists of 2 rows and is woven according to the principle described above.

As we weave row after row, a pretty Dragon Scale pattern begins to emerge.

Block 4. Correct closure of the bracelet

Considerable work has been done - a fairly long bracelet has been woven. To ensure that the colored “Dragon Scales” do not unravel, special attention is paid to the process of completing the bracelet.

As you can see, the bracelet is worn on eight posts, and there are only four clasps on the other end. Therefore, you need to reduce the number of columns on which the bracelet is held to four.

The rubber band from the 8th column is hooked and thrown onto the 7th column.

Now the elastic band is changed from the 1st to the 2nd column.

And finally, you should transfer the rubber band from the 3rd to the 4th column.

At the very end, you should secure all the rubber bands that remain on the posts with the corresponding hook-fasteners.

Weaving the bracelet is finished! The end result is such a beautiful accessory.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

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