How to care for your favorite toy. Taking care of your baby’s soft toys – we clean them ourselves. Which oils are suitable for processing

Your child is surrounded by an incredible variety of things that, at first glance, do not require care. Often these items include toys.

Usually there are quite a lot of them in the room, and it is very important to take care of them so that they not only delight the baby with their beauty, but also do not serve as accumulators of dust and harmful microbes.

How to care for wooden toys?

Wooden toys should be carefully wiped with a damp soft cloth , which must first be moistened in a soap solution. Regular will do baby soap or even economic.

If you are confident in the durability of the toy’s paint, you can soak a cloth in a weak solution of vinegar. This will be an additional disinfectant. There is no need to use bleaches or caustic agents as they may change appearance wooden toy.

Do not immerse wooden toys in water for a long time: this may lead to irreversible deformation of the product and the toy will have to be thrown away. Dry the toy thoroughly after cleaning.

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How to care for interactive toys?

  • Soft interactive toys Can be washed using a regular washing machine using powder or gel for washing colored laundry. However, this manipulation can only be carried out if it is possible to obtain electronic mechanisms and batteries.
  • Those toys that cannot be washed can be neutralized from germs by freezing in a freezer or drying in the sun. Exposure to cold or heat should not be prolonged so that the mechanism is not damaged.
  • Plastic or rubberized interactive toys can be wiped with a damp cloth, and then be sure to wipe dry.

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Caring for Outdoor Toys

This type of toys requires special daily care, because like nothing else they are subject to constant contamination, especially in the spring and summer.

  • Outdoor toys should be washed daily, with a large number of detergents and disinfectants.
  • Outdoor toys should be stored separately from your baby's other toys; it is best if there is a box or bag in the hallway for storing them.
  • Periodically inspect these toys and throw away broken rakes and shovels, as well as those items that cannot be washed.

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How to care for soft toys?

  • Stuffed toys can be vacuumed, no matter how surprising it may be. Vacuum the toy with a detergent or regular vacuum cleaner using various attachments. If the toy is especially beloved and the child often plays with it, this procedure should be repeated as often as possible, at least once a week, so that the dust does not have time to settle.
  • Toys can be washed by hand. In a basin or bathtub, whip up foam from baby soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent, and then wipe the toy’s fur with a brush or sponge. You need to rinse the sponge or brush as often as possible so as not to smear, but to wash away the dirt. Dry the toy on the radiator, and then carefully comb the fur.
  • There is a dry cleaning method. Place the toy in a plastic bag and pour 2 tablespoons of soda or starch into it. Now tie the bag and shake as intensely as possible. Rub and press the toy through the bag. After this, vacuum the toy.

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  • Soft toys can be washed in the washing machine on a delicate cycle. This is convenient because you can wash several small toys at once. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and the washing time should be 30-40 minutes.
    Be sure to run the rinse cycle several times. This will help wash detergent.H To prevent toys from becoming wrinkled, it is better not to wring them out after washing, but instead hang them on a clothes dryer. Wait until the water drains in this position, and then send the toys to dry on the battery.
  • If your child has allergies and their favorite soft toy is too dirty, you can take it to the dry cleaner. There it is possible to remove germs and dust under the influence of steam.
  • In winter, arrange preventative maintenance for your child’s soft toys. At a temperature of minus 15 degrees, harmful dust mites will be destroyed in a few hours.

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How to care for plastic and rubber toys?

All plastic toys can be washed in warm water and baby soap.

If the baby is not yet one year old, and he often puts toys in his mouth, then it is necessary to scald the toys washed in soapy water with boiling water. After water procedures, be sure to dry the toys with a towel.

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How to care for bath toys?

It seems that nothing could be simpler, because these toys seem to be bathed with the child almost every day. But no!

Undry toys become covered with a soapy film, which quickly becomes moldy.. And this is a direct threat to the baby’s health.

Therefore, after each bath for your baby, rinse the toys under running water and dry them thoroughly. For this purpose, there are special nets for storing toys in the bathroom.

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General rules for storing toys of all types:

  1. Toys should be stored in specially designated places. These can be cabinets, wicker baskets, boxes, nets, drawers, etc. For cleaning small toys and placing dolls on shelves should also attract children. This will turn cleaning into an exciting game. and later the child himself will be happy to clean his room, turning it into a fun game.
  2. Periodically inspect all toys. Throw away broken toys if they cannot be repaired.. At the same time, check your craft supplies to ensure their suitability. There is no need to store dried paints and broken pencils.
  3. Do not store toys inappropriately child's age, It is better to give what he has grown out of to his younger brothers and sisters, and remove what he has not yet grown into from accessible places so that the child does not lose interest in the toy without even starting to play with it.

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Rules for caring for toys:

  1. Be sure to wash your new toy in soapy water or baby detergent.
  2. Plastic and rubber toys should be washed with soap and water at least once a week.
  3. If you have a quartz lamp, place the toys on the couch when you quartz the room. This is ideal for caring for all types of toys.
  4. Between general washing of toys, they can be wiped with damp wipes.
  5. Woolen knitted toys wash in cool soapy water.
  6. Teethers must be rinsed with boiling water or sterilized before use.
  7. You don’t have to wash each toy separately; you can have a bag for storing dirty toys and “bathe” them as the bag fills up.

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As you can see, caring for toys is not at all difficult, but you should not leave this matter to chance, because his health partly depends on what your child plays with.

Is it customary in your family to do general cleaning for toys?

From the moment you became the happy owner of a wonderful toy and your new friend, it is important to know how to care for it.

Many of my toys have a label that says "THE TOY IS NOT INTENDED FOR SMALL CHILDREN AND IS NOT WASHABLE, DRY CLEAN ONLY." What does this mean?... And this means that handmade toys, in particular teddy bears and the like:

- cannot be washed and cleaned in the traditional way,

- have small parts that can be chewed or torn off.

From here follow several simple tips toy care:

  1. Do not leave the bears under straight lines for a long time sun rays, do not store them on window sills and verandas. Bears' fur may fade.Do not wash Teddy bears in any washing machines, nor in basins. The fur of the bears, as well as the padding material and disc fastenings, are susceptible to moisture. After washing the bear will lose its appearance. The fastenings of the bears' paws and heads can be damaged by water. In addition, the bears have a custom-made tinting, which can be damaged by water (if the baby gets wet, the baby needs to be dried as quickly as possible).
  2. It is not advisable to dry clean Teddy bears, since it is impossible to determine with complete certainty how chemical treatment will affect the materials from which the bear is made. If you do get the bear very dirty (for example, you put a stain on it), then you should remove the dirt with a soft cotton cloth soaked in a soapy solution of baby soap.
  3. IN everyday life, in order to maintain the normal appearance of the bear, it is enough to vacuum it about 1-2 times a month at low suction power of the vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for upholstery. However, be careful with accessories.
  4. After brushing, comb your friend with a pet brush ( individual species You can’t comb the yarn, or rather you can, but the bear will look different). Avoid places where fur is matted (muzzle, paw pads).
  5. Teddy bears and the like should not be given to small children as toys. There may be parts on the bear that are not secured well enough, which could harm the child.


(usually these are toys intended for small children; educational toys, baby slings):

    Periodically remove dust from them with light movements with a soft brush, big toys Can be treated with a vacuum cleaner with a soft furniture attachment.

    It is better to wash the toy by hand at a water temperature of 30° - 40°C. Do not soak the toy! Do not use bleaches or stain removers! Use a gentle detergent, such as shampoo for delicate fabrics or wool. But it is best to use detergents from children's series, as they are much safer for the health of your baby.

  1. Dissolve the detergent in warm water and whisk until soap bubbles form. Soak a sponge in soapy water and gently scrub the stuffed toy, being careful not to let it absorb too much liquid. To wash away dirt rather than just smear it all over the toy, rinse the sponge as often as possible.
  2. After rinsing the toy, wring it out slightly, trying not to deform it, and straighten it.
  3. Dry the toy in the fresh air or place it on a warm (not hot, up to 40°!) radiator for quick drying.
  4. You can get rid of dust mites by placing the toy in the freezer for 2 days or simply taking it out into the cold. At a temperature of -10°C, ticks die. Dirt can also be removed with a brush dipped in soap suds. But it is not recommended to dry clean toys.
  5. If a child becomes ill with an infectious disease, soft toys should be removed from the room. They must be washed or treated with a special bactericidal lamp.
  6. To make it easier to care for toys, don't buy too many, don't take them outside with you, and don't keep them all in the bedroom.
  7. Dry cleaning baking soda is useful in case of emergency. You will need a large plastic bag, baking soda(about half a cup for 2-3 medium-sized soft animals), soft brush.Place the toys in a bag (it is better to clean 2-3 medium-sized animals at a time), pour out the baking soda. Close the bag and shake it vigorously for a minute. After this, take out the toys and brush with a soft brush to remove the baking soda along with any dirt. For toys large size You can use a vacuum cleaner.
These simple rules will help your new friend delight you for many years.

To become a rodent, a figurine blank cut from beech or oak is carefully polished, all sharp edges are rounded off, and the surface is polished until smooth. At this stage, the toy can already be used for its intended purpose. But to protect against moisture, unpainted wooden products are often treated with oil.

We use special wood oils that are certified and recommended for treating children's toys (BIOFA, MAZ-SLO, OSMO). At the core – vegetable oil, usually flaxseed. This composition not only protects the wood, but is also completely safe for children.

In order for a protective film to form on the surface of the toy, the product must be well coated with oil, and small toys should even be dipped in it. After removing the excess, the chews and rattles are dried and polished again.

First time: how to give a child a toy?

Many parents carefully monitor the cleanliness of toys that fall into the hands and mouth of a small child. How to make a wooden chewer hygienic? The best option is to wipe it with damp wipes, possibly antibacterial ones. Their impregnation will quickly evaporate from the surface without disturbing the oil protection.

You can also spray the toy with steam on both sides, for example, by holding the iron over it in the “steaming” mode for a few seconds or applying a “steam blast” once or twice. This treatment should be quick, after which the product should be wiped dry with a lint-free cloth.

During operation. To wash or not to wash?

Wood is very hygroscopic, so you can’t soak wooden natural toys, wash them for a long time under running water or in containers, or boil them! Water procedures will wash away the oil film, and the surface will certainly become rough. Craftsmen who work with wood are aware of this effect, therefore, for better grinding and polishing, some wooden products are specially wetted between processing cycles. What should you do if the toy is washed and becomes rough and unpleasant to the touch? And what to do if the rodent or rattle gets dirty, worn out and cleaning with napkins is not enough?

Rules for caring for wooden toys

  1. If the toy is very dirty, you can quickly wash it with mild soap, rinse and dry thoroughly.
  2. Has the surface become rough? No problem! Polish the rodent with the finest sandpaper(zero, grit P320) or a coarse lint-free cloth (calico, teak, linen) until smooth.
  3. Apply a couple of drops (no more!) of natural vegetable oil to the surface and rub thoroughly. Excess can be gently blotted with a paper napkin.
  4. The toy is ready to use!

TO What oils are suitable for processing?

Professional oils for toy products are usually sold in large containers and are not cheap. This is an ideal option, but buying a liter of oil for a couple of rodents is impractical. Therefore you can take:

  • linseed edible oil. It must be boiled and cooled before use. Edible flax oil has a specific smell; it will take at least a day to dry;
  • any vegetable oil, also boiled and cooled. Oils from the pharmacy (peach, grape seed, flaxseed in capsules) do not need to be boiled. It’s better not to take sunflower or olive oil – they quickly go rancid;
  • plant-based baby oil (not mineral).

When processing toys, you should remember that you will need literally a few drops per toy! It is important to thoroughly rub the composition over the entire surface.

Let's sum it up

  • New toys that have retained their oil film and presentation can be simply wiped with damp wipes or quickly treated with steam and wiped dry.
  • Wooden products should be washed quickly with soap, then thoroughly wiped dry.
  • After washing, the smoothness of the surface will be restored by sanding with fine sandpaper or a coarse lint-free cloth.
  • The polished toy should be greased with vegetable oil and left to dry.
  • You can also use vegetable oil to clean toys. Apply a few drops to a lint-free cloth and wipe the surface well.

All of the listed care methods are suitable for wooden toys without treatment or treated with oil. Painted acrylic paints and the product can be washed with varnish!

We hope that with our advice, wooden toys will last a long time and will delight several generations of kids.

If you have a child, then you are guaranteed a large number of soft toys in your home. They can be of different sizes and colors, the most favorite ones or those that constantly stand in the corner, but they have one thing in common: soft toys perfectly accumulate dust and dirt. Therefore, they need to be washed from time to time. How to wash soft toys correctly so as not to harm them and the baby who plays with them?

Are they dirty?

Watch a child play with a teddy bear, bunny or rag doll. He not only rolls the toy on the floor, there are also hugs and kisses, and a taste test. What adds to the problem is that no matter how cleanly you tidy your apartment, the ubiquitous dust still penetrates the premises and settles on surfaces. It is not always possible to notice how gradually a toy loses its brightness of color under a layer of dust.

Children spend a lot of time with soft toys, so these products will definitely need to be washed.

In addition, children often do not let go of their favorite soft toys for literally a minute. This means that the soft playmate will probably swim in a puddle, roll around in the sandbox and smear himself on the grass. As you can see, periodic washing is simply necessary for such toys. Otherwise, the germs along with the dirt will transfer to the child.

Soft toys should be washed as they become dirty. If your child really loves such an item, then washing should be done at least every 2-3 weeks. Before you start cleaning, look at the toy label: care instructions are indicated there.

Unfortunately, dust mites are permanent residents of soft toys, and they can cause allergies in a child.

What and how to wash

  • special powders, gels and conditioners for washing children's clothes;
  • baby soap;
  • laundry soap;
  • any shampoo.

To wash soft toys, use special powders for children's clothes.

If the water in your home is too hard, give preference to washing gels and do not forget to add conditioner.

Many housewives wash soft toys only by hand. The instructions for the product or the label on it will tell you whether machine washing is allowed. This will make your task much easier.

Most toys can be safely machine washed on a delicate cycle.

Exclusively manual cleaning is used in cases where:

  • the toy is sewn from heterogeneous materials;
  • there are glued parts;
  • The product has a nose, eyes, and mouth made of painted plastic that may be scratched or rubbed off when machine washed;
  • sawdust, rice, buckwheat husks, straw, and cotton wool were used to fill the toy;
  • the product has a long silky pile that can mat and lose its shine;
  • The toy is very soft, prone to deformation and stretching.

When machine washing such products, you may encounter irreparable problems. Fabrics different types may stretch or shrink unevenly, the filler may become damp and crumpled (which will lead to severe deformation of the toy), and the pretty face will lose all its charm.

Most soft toys should be flattened and hung to dry after washing.

Important! Some toys are afraid of water and can only be dry cleaned.

The features of cleaning soft toys from contamination depend not only on the ability to wash by hand, in a machine, or using other cleaning methods. There are many nuances that need to be taken into account.

To prevent your child’s pet from losing its shape after washing, it should be straightened out and dried in a warm place, hung vertically or simply left “sitting” on the dryer.

For knitted toys, hanging is unacceptable: the yarn, regardless of its composition (especially if it is wool), shrinks when washed and can stretch when drying, which will lead to deformation of the product. Therefore, dry knitted toys in a horizontal position on a laid out terry towel.

Pay attention! If the toy fades during washing, this is sure sign use of low-quality dyes. They may contain harmful substances. It is better not to give such a toy to a child at all.

If there is a music block

Surely, among the collection of soft animals there will be those that tell your child fairy tales or sing funny songs. Such a toy often becomes the most favorite, because you can talk to it, inventing new stories. This means she will need cleaning more often. But how to carry it out so that the toy does not shut down forever when water gets into the electronic device?

Music block in many soft toys made in the form of a small rectangular box and sewn or inserted into a pocket with Velcro

If there is very little dirt, you can easily deal with it manually. Dissolve the detergent in water (about 1 tablespoon per 1 cup or according to the instructions on the label), apply a small amount of the solution to a soft brush or sponge and wipe the product from top to bottom, removing dirt. Then change the soap solution to clean water and repeat the processing.

More serious contamination will require more work.

  1. Feel the toy, find the place where the electronics are located. Open the seam closest to the device.
  2. Carefully remove the box containing the electronic device.

    Just in case, at the same time check whether the battery can be replaced and whether this is necessary. If yes, then it is better to replace it at this stage.

  3. Mend the seam and wash the toy. Depending on the features of the product, you can do this in washing machine-automatically or manually.
  4. Dry the toy thoroughly, then open the seam again. Replace the electronics box. Select threads suitable color and carefully mend the seam.

If you do everything right, the toy will still entertain your child as if it were new.

Wash by hand

Hand washing is a gentle cleaning method that is suitable for almost all toys, but requires time and effort. With small and short-haired toys there is usually less hassle, since they dry quickly, are not equipped with small parts and can easily withstand the spin cycle.

The tag attached to the soft toy will tell you how to wash this product.

Machine wash

Does the tag on the toy indicate that it is machine washable? Then your task becomes much easier.

If the soft toy is too large and does not fit into the drum of the washing machine, you can take it to the dry cleaner. In many establishments of this nature, large items are cleaned.

The easiest way to wash large toys is to have them dry cleaned.

If you don’t have such an opportunity and don’t want to scrub the “big guy” by hand, open the toy, take out the filling and wash the product in the machine. After drying, stuff the toy again and sew it up.

How to clean items that cannot be washed

Wet cleaning with foam

If, according to the instructions, the toy cannot be washed, you will have to clean it manually. This is not at all difficult if the toy is small.

  1. You need to prepare a soap solution that will give a stable, strong foam. Pour warm water into a basin of a suitable size, dissolve the powder, baby shampoo or hypoallergenic cleanser in it, and whisk well.
  2. Place a little foam on the sponge and clean the toy, starting with the most dirty areas.
  3. Wipe each cleaned area to remove moisture. Use a microfiber cloth for this: it perfectly absorbs wet dirt. Don’t forget to rinse it from foam in warm water and wring it out.
  4. When you're done cleaning, spray the stuffed animal with the fabric softener solution from a spray bottle.
  5. After this, dry it with a hairdryer, doing a kind of styling: smooth the fur with a comb so that it does not bristle.
  6. Now all that remains is to place the toy near the radiator or on the balcony overnight so that it dries completely.

This cleaning method also works well for large toys.

Dry cleaning

Some products are designed for dry cleaning only. In this case, a vacuum cleaner, ultraviolet light, frost, hot steam and soda with starch will help you.

Vacuuming a toy is quick and easy. Instead of the standard one, use a special small nozzle designed for cleaning upholstered furniture. In addition, if possible, change the suction mode to a lower one. Vacuuming toys should be done frequently, preferably every week. However, this method will not remove all dirt from the toy’s pile.

Vacuum cleaning is suitable for toys with long hair that cannot be washed

This method is suitable for large toys. Small or medium-sized products can be cleaned of dust using this method:

  1. Place one or more toys in a sturdy plastic bag.
  2. Add 5 or more tablespoons of baking soda or cornstarch.
  3. Close the bag and shake well for several minutes.
  4. Take out the toys and clean them with a brush over the bathtub.

Baking soda and starch will perfectly remove dust from a fleecy surface.

Let’s say your toy is already old, or even inherited from your friend’s eldest son. There is a real danger that it has long been large quantities not only dust mites live, but also pathogenic bacteria. Cold, or rather frost, will help get rid of them. Place toys in plastic bags and place in the freezer of the refrigerator for 2 days.

In winter, you can simply take soft toys out into the extreme cold.

Ultraviolet radiation works in a similar way. Use an indoor quartz lamp, or if it's summer, place the plush team in the hot afternoon sun for a few hours.

features of washing during quarantine

During periods of exacerbation of various infectious diseases, up to an epidemic, soft toys will require special care. After all, they are excellent at collecting bacteria on themselves, unwittingly becoming carriers of diseases. Toys that cannot be washed, as well as those that your child can live without for a week or two, will have to be put away. And washing your baby’s favorite soft friends should be done very often, at least every other day.

During quarantine, you will have to wash toys much more often to reduce the risk of illness in your child.

If the fabric from which the toy is made can withstand treatment at high temperatures, this will make things much easier. Wash bears and hares at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, and after washing, pour boiling water over them. Drying outside is prohibited: only in the room, on clean surfaces wiped with antibacterial agents.

Remember that severe frost and ultraviolet radiation perfectly disinfect toys. Another remedy for bacteria and viruses is hot steam. You can process items using an iron with a vertical steam mode, a household clothes steamer, or a steam cleaner.

Oct 19, 2016 Sergey

A child hugging a teddy bear, cat or other animal is a very familiar, correct and cozy picture. However, if at the same time the toy looks “brand new” (and at the bottom there is a label dangling that did not manage to get under the scissors), then the plush gift was probably in children’s hands quite recently. A shabby and slightly wrinkled look is an indispensable companion of the “most” among the entire toy battalion of a child. However, in addition to the loss of beauty, a soft pet over time simply collects dust, dirt, and even receives uninvited “guests” in the form of microbes and tiny dust mites.

If, when you mention the latest insects, you frantically remember how many plush toys are now lying around in your child’s room, not cleaned for a long time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with in various ways removing dirt from soft children's pets. Some of the methods are suitable for that group of hares that keep watch on the back of the sofa, while others are suitable for a beloved animal that does not leave children’s hands and requires special attention and respect.

Before washing

When a child runs up to you asking you to remove tags and tags from new toy, don't rush to throw all that traditional framing in the trash. If you purchased an incomprehensible big-eyed animal of unknown nationality, the attached pieces of paper may well indicate what kind of animal the Chinese designers worked so hard on or how they christened this species unknown to official science.


The composition of the product is also indicated there. Although the most harmful materials are still unlikely to be admitted, it is good to know what exactly is being sent into the hands of the child. Well, the most important and significant thing you need to remember from these cardboard pieces of paper is whether the toy can be washed in a machine. You can safely put the rest out of your head.

The thing is that cleaning in a washing machine is the easiest and least labor-intensive method for parents. However, not all plush toys can be sent to the machine. In fact, a fairly small proportion of all soft toys produced can withstand such washing without losing shape, color or overall neat appearance. Particularly vulnerable are those that have a lot of glued elements, “drawn” plastic eyes (they will definitely get scratched!) and other loosely sewn little things. And those that are like Winnie the Pooh - with sawdust inside or inserts made of other materials.

One more point: if your child’s favorite toy is a colorful one that, when pressed on the leg, sings a song about friendship, then before washing you will have to take scissors, make an incision along the seam and carefully remove the sound element. By the way, this is a good reason to change the batteries if the toy no longer “sings,” or to remove the “music box” altogether if your nerves can no longer stand these annoying sounds.

Washing machine

Can this durable-looking plush friend be washed in the washing machine according to the instructions? Still, sending him to wash along with his duty shirts and pants would be a bad decision. Toys should be washed on the most delicate cycle with a minimum number of spin speeds (or better yet, without it at all). Recommended temperature is 30−40 degrees. At the same time, dust mites are completely destroyed only at 50-60 degrees, but we will tell you below how you can still deal with them.

It is very advisable to place a soft companion in a laundry bag, or its alternative - a nylon stocking, this will partly protect the fur from matting. Don't be lazy to turn on the extra rinse function if yours has one. washing machine- this will help completely wash the powder out of the fur.

Be sure to tell your child that even though his plush cat is spinning in the drum now, a living Murzik cannot be washed like that.

Hand wash

Does the toy label say that it is not machine washable? It’s even better, because the opportunity to arrange a bubble bath in a basin for your favorite bear is also a good excuse for an interesting children’s game, which will become an act of caring for your pet. It may be plush, but still in need of cleanliness.

In addition to a basin or sink with warm water, you will need a sponge (or cloth) and detergent to give your toy a cleansing bath. Feel free to choose the latter from the household assortment: baby soap or powder, regular shampoo or laundry soap are good (after it, it is better to additionally rinse the toy with a “delicious” shampoo - the child is unlikely to be happy with the smell of a nondescript alkaline classic). The main thing is not to choose products with chlorine and bleaches.


Stock up on clothespins - the correct way to dry “buns” washed in any way is in a suspended state. By the way, from the balcony and even from under the ceiling of the bathroom there is an excellent view - do not forget to remind your child that in the few hours that he will spend without his pet, the latter will see a lot of interesting things. The only toys that should not be dried like this are knitted ones. When stretched, the threads will shrink, so the hare knitted by your grandmother will be properly dried in a horizontal position, for example, on a laid out towel. But there is no point in putting your plush companions on a hot radiator - the fur may become matted, and the animal itself may become askew.

Dry cleaning

A simple and angry option that not everyone knows. To carry out such an execution, you will need a not too dirty toy (serious stains cannot be dealt with without water, but general dustiness can be dealt with quite well), a plastic bag of a suitable size and half a glass of soda.

The toy along with sodium bicarbonate should be shaken in a tied bag for about three minutes. We are not sure that it is worthwhile for a child to be present; the spectacle may not be very life-affirming for a soft pet. But after removing the pet from the bag, you need to clean off the remaining soda with a dry brush and hand it to the child with the words “here, he survived everything.” A good finishing touch and “reward” for the persistent hero would be a drop of perfume to fight off the not-so-pleasant smell of the cleaning product.

Dry cleaning

The most radical, reliable and at the same time financially expensive option is to clean your plush comrade. It is usually chosen when there are very hopeless and terrible stains on the toy, which could not be removed at home.

We should also mention aqua-cleaning - an expensive pleasure using environmentally friendly, delicate technology. All dirt from the toy is removed exclusively by natural methods, the animal is not deformed and does not lose color. By the way, this is the most effective and safe method cleaning things for allergy sufferers.

Washing a toy is also a good reason for an additional “general inspection.” Check all the seams, pull the ears, tug on the buttons and bows. Everything that comes apart and dangles needs to be hemmed and strengthened. The more intact and beautiful the toy is, the longer it will bring joy to your child.


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