When is Navy Day celebrated? When is Navy Day celebrated in Russia? About the modern Russian fleet

Navy Day (also known as Navy Day) is traditionally celebrated on a grand scale in Russia on the last Sunday of July. On this day, ceremonial parades of warships take place, holiday concerts, fireworks and fireworks. As Emperor Alexander III said: “Russia has two faithful allies: the army and the navy.” Time passes, but no one disputes this statement. This article provides a rating of 10 cities that annually host Military Day festivities. navy on a special scale, in which not only representatives of the armed forces traditionally participate, but also numerous tourists.

St. Petersburg and Kronstadt- the northern capital of Russia, located on the Baltic coast, holds the main parade of the Russian Navy. It is this parade that is distinguished by the scale of the celebration. Since 2017, it was in St. Petersburg that Navy Day began to be celebrated on such a large scale that its scope can only be compared with the May 9 parades on Red Square.

In the city on the Neva, the head of state toured the ships moored at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress, as well as along the Admiralty Embankment. Almost all warships of the Russian fleet took part in the ceremonial review. At the same time, ships of the ocean zone and ships of foreign countries paraded along the Kronstadt roadstead.

Sevastopol tops the ranking of Russian cities popular among tourists on Russian Navy Day. The history of Sevastopol includes many truly heroic moments in the history of the Russian fleet, starting from the reign of Catherine II. It is not surprising that Sevastopol celebrates Navy Day with special trepidation, because many people show interest in celebrating this event here. The holiday is held in Sevastopol Bay, known to tourists including the Monument to Sunken Ships.


The third place in the ranking is occupied by the glorious city Vladivostok, protecting the eastern borders of Russia. A waltz on the water, capturing an enemy with the help of a combat robot, a spectacular amphibious landing on a water station of the Pacific Fleet and much more are usually observed by guests of Vladivostok at the celebration of Russian Navy Day. TO ships, boats, submarines and support vessels of the Pacific Fleet - everything is presented to the eyes of the celebrants. Musical accompaniment for ship parades is provided by the Pacific Fleet ensemble and military orchestra. A festive concert with the participation of soloists and the symphony orchestra of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater ends the celebration. Festive fireworks over the waters of the Sportivnaya Harbor embankment conclude the Navy Day in Vladivostok.


In the hero city Novorossiysk The holiday is celebrated not only by employees, Navy veterans and their relatives, but also by all those who are proud of the state fleet. The combat capabilities of ships will be demonstrated in the waters of Tsemes Bay. 20 ships will go to sea. Anyone who has never been on a warship will be able to fill this gap and take a tour.

Holiday in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky take place in the waters of Avachinskaya Bay, where the military shows the detention of the “intruder” ship, and the assault special forces destroy the “pirates” on board the captured ship. Every year there is a defile and waltz of ships of several ships, where everyone could come on board. At exactly noon, ceremonial units and a company of honor guard march solemnly through the main square of the region. Traditionally, residents and guests of the peninsula visit an exhibition of military equipment, where they can taste field cuisine.

On the western borders of the country, at its farthest point, the city Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region A parade of naval warships and support vessels of the Baltic Fleet is held. On Russian Navy Day, residents and guests of the city watch a demonstration of various combat training exercises - the passage of a detachment of missile ships, an attack by an anti-submarine ship on a mock enemy submarine, mine countermeasures for the exit of a submarine, the landing of a sabotage and reconnaissance group and amphibious assault.

On the Baltic Glory Square there is often an exhibition of samples of military equipment, the latest weapons and fleet engineering support equipment. Also, everyone will be able to board the warships, open to the public.

Russia's northern borders are protected by the Northern Fleet, based in Arkhangelsk – one of the cradles of the Russian fleet. Traditionally, Navy Day in the capital Pomerania begins with laying flowers at monuments military glory. And after the ceremony, the veterans go to the Sea and River Station, where a naval parade of ships of the White Sea base of the Northern Fleet is held. A special mood for the holiday is set by the “highlight” of the Navy Day festive program - the interregional festival of brass bands.

The southern borders are guarded by the Caspian flotilla, based in the territory Astrakhan. The Navy Day parade traditionally attracts a full house on the central embankment, and every year the leadership of the Caspian Flotilla surprises the townspeople and guests of Astrakhan with something new. The holiday always begins at the memorial to the fallen sailors on Komsomolskaya embankment, with the laying of mourning wreaths. Then the celebration continues near the monument to Peter I.

Navy troops guard the borders of Russia and the Arctic! In Severomorsk, Murmansk region Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy is based . Here, on Airborne Forces Day, flowers are solemnly laid at the main monument of the naval capital - “Heroes of the North Sea - Defenders of the Soviet Arctic”. Then, in the North Sea roadstead, a naval parade of warships of the Northern Fleet takes place. This spectacular event continues the theatrical military sports festival. Festive fireworks conclude the festive celebration.

Bot of Peter I “Fortune”

There is a special city in our ranking, Pereslavl-Zalessky, which is located on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo in the Yaroslavl region. It was on Lake Pleshcheyevo that young Peter was the first to build his first amusing flotilla. On the high shore of the lake there is a museum - the estate “Boat of Peter the Great”, which houses Peter the Great’s boat “Fortune” - the grandfather of the Russian fleet. The creation of the amusing flotilla of young Peter was the first steps towards the creation of the Russian fleet. Unfortunately, all the ships of the amusing flotilla burned down. The only surviving ship was the boat “Fortune”, made by Peter himself. Official website of the museum

Every year in Pereslavl-Zalessky Navy Day is celebrated on a Russian scale. The celebration is held at several venues at once. At the beginning there is a parade of ships and a theatrical procession of Peter I with his retinue, then there is a ceremonial raising of the St. Andrew's flag, a competition of small boats for the prize of the Head of the District, a water procession of the flotilla to the museum-estate "Botik of Peter I", a fireworks display in honor of Peter I in the town of Botik. On Navy Day, the staff of the Museum “Boat of Peter the Great” prepare thematic lessons in various crafts, organize a feast with real aromatic fish soup, and guests of the holiday will be able to try on costumes from the 18th century.

Among the 10 places where Russian Navy Day is widely celebrated, you can choose a nearby one and not watch the fireworks on the news of the day, but attend the holiday in person, boarding a warship, trying fish soup, taking photos with beautiful soldiers of the Russian armed forces. Travel around Russia and be healthy!

It is not at all necessary to serve in the navy to know exactly what date this holiday is celebrated. Why? Yes, because the event throughout the country, and especially in cities where there is a fleet, is celebrated noisily, cheerfully and on a large scale.

The tradition of celebrating this holiday appeared back in 1939, like many professional holidays already during the times of the USSR. The date was set every last Sunday in July and the initiative to establish such a holiday was taken by the famous Admiral Kuznetsov. No sooner said than done, and ever since then, Navy Day has been celebrated in our country on the last Sunday in July.

  • About the exact date
  • From the history of the holiday
  • About the modern Russian fleet
  • In honor of whom is the holiday?
  • About port cities

About the exact date

Sevastopol and other cities of our country will celebrate on the last Sunday in July. In our country, this holiday was officially established in 2006 by presidential decree, although it was widely and magnificently celebrated back in Soviet times.

Important! At first, in the USSR, Navy Day was celebrated on July 24 of each year, that is, a specific date was set, and not some day of the week on the calendar. Then, from 1980, the celebration was moved to the fourth Sunday of July each year.

From the history of the holiday

A regular military fleet was organized in Russia for a reason, but because of the country’s urgent need to end political, as well as cultural and territorial isolation. An urgent need arose at the very end of the 17th century, when it was clear that the Russian Empire was lagging behind other European countries in its development.

If we consider the unofficial history of the holiday, we can safely say that it is already about three hundred years old. Emperor Peter the Great built a fleet back in 1714 and won a difficult naval battle with the Swedes. By the way, historians note that it was in this battle that the tradition of firing from ship cannons during battle was founded. The fleet itself was built by Peter back in 1696; the tsar’s initiative was supported by the boyars. In honor of the holiday, prepare.

It turned out that in 1700 in the Russian Empire, about one and a half hundred ships were launched in different shipyards, of which 113 ships were at oars, and all the rest were already under sail. The first steps to create a fleet were taken for a reason - Peter the Great had the goal of access to the Baltic Sea.

Since then, the military fleet in the Russian Empire has only developed, the country had access to different seas. Further, the story takes us to 1923, then the USSR already existed and the tradition of holding Red Fleet weeks appeared. In honor of this event, a variety of events were organized. These included cleanup days, mass rallies, and fundraising for the development of the fleet.

About the modern Russian fleet

Baltiysk and other cities, even where there is no access to the sea, will celebrate this holiday on the last Sunday of the second month of summer, that is, July 28. What is the modern fleet in our country? First of all, the fleet protects the interests of Russia, not only at sea, but also on land.

It is also necessary to note the conduct of hostilities in the seas and oceans if there is a war. The Russian fleet today can launch nuclear strikes on ground targets, destroy enemy naval bases, and protect its own maritime transport. The Navy also provides assistance to the Ground Forces if necessary.

In honor of whom is the holiday?

This is a favorite holiday in Russia since Soviet times. In addition to the military personnel themselves and their families, but also for every citizen of the country, this holiday is important. Only some people receive congratulations on this day, and others, accordingly, must distribute them. Who exactly do we congratulate on Navy Day? Military personnel who are or have served in this branch of the army, people who are in charge of a combat unit, ships, relatives and friends of representatives of these professions. Also, do not forget about employees and workers of naval institutions and enterprises, as well as veterans.

The main purpose of establishing any professional holiday is attention to people who devote their lives to one or another profession. Here too, Navy Day was established in order to support the glory and honor of military sailors in our country. It is simply impossible to imagine a full-fledged prosperous state, at least as large as ours. While at sea, the military always remembers their families and everyone who remains on earth. The government is confident in the selfless service of all people who guard the maritime borders.

This holiday, it should be emphasized once again, is directly related to the families of sailors. They are a reliable rear for military personnel, waiting for them to return home from the sea and charging them with new energy and positivity in order to proudly serve their homeland.

What is included in the Navy today? Russian Federation:
1. Black Sea Fleet;
2. Baltic Fleet;
3. Northern Fleet;
4. Pacific Fleet;
5. Flotilla, which is located in the Caspian Sea.

Interesting! Children who went or are going today to relax in health camps in the summer definitely celebrate Navy Day on the last Sunday of July, but they may simply not know about it. This is because the official name of this holiday is health camps- It's Neptune's Day.

About port cities

As already mentioned in this material, Navy Day is celebrated extensively and massively throughout the country. But, of course, the most striking events will be the events and festive program that are being prepared in port cities. There are many such cities in our country today. Here we can note Arkhangelsk, Baltiysk and Vladivostok, of course, Severomorsk and Kronstadt, Murmansk, Taganrog and Novorossiysk, as well as Azov, Kaliningrad and, of course, Sochi.

The holiday in honor of Navy Day is widespread in Sevastopol, as well as in St. Petersburg. Moreover, it is no coincidence that the northern capital is on this list. It was during the Northern War that the Peter and Paul Fortress was founded, which was the first to gain access to the Baltic Sea. Celebrations in honor of Navy Day in St. Petersburg have a special meaning for everyone; they affect almost every family: some have grandfathers and fathers, others have husbands, and even sons serve. This is how maritime dynasties are formed in our country.

Needless to say, in all the port cities of our country, celebrations are magnificent, especially since Navy Day always falls on Sunday, according to current legislation. In addition to the fact that mass events and bright holiday concerts are held, this day traditionally ends with magnificent festive fireworks. It is celebrated back in July.

It turned out very symbolically this year that Navy Day coincides with the last day of the second month of summer - July 29. The calendar has developed in such a way that the fourth Sunday of July, the official Navy Day in our country this year, falls at the end of the month and on its very last day.

The list of holidays and memorial days dedicated to the military power of Russia is quite long. However, among them there is one that is familiar even to those of us who are far from the army. This holiday is Navy Day. And today we will tell you when this holiday appeared, what date is Navy Day in 2018, who is customary to congratulate on this memorable day and how old this wonderful holiday is.

Navy Day, like many professional and memorable holidays, is one of the transient ones, that is, not having a firmly fixed date in the calendar. According to the presidential decree, this day is celebrated in July, on the last weekend of the month. Open the calendar and look at what date the last Sunday in July falls on.

How old is the holiday?

Navy Day, which we are preparing to celebrate in 2018, is a fairly young holiday - in its modern form it appeared only in 2006. By presidential decree dated May 31, 2006, the last July Sunday was chosen as the date of the memorable day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

However, the predecessor of the modern Navy Day 2018 was a Soviet holiday - Navy Day. It appeared after the end of the Civil War in the country, in 1939. Thus, in 2018, Navy Day will turn 79 years old - a very respectable period for a holiday, isn’t it?

History of the holiday

Navy Day owes its appearance to Nikolai Kuznetsov, an admiral who did a great deal of work to develop the navy of a young country that had just appeared on the political map of the world - the USSR. In 1939, the then legislative body of the country - the Council of People's Commissars - on the initiative of Kuznetsov, issued a Resolution that spoke of the establishment of a new professional holiday for military sailors - Navy Day. The date of the holiday is July 24th.

The purpose of establishing a new holiday was to mobilize all forces to strengthen the then new unit of the USSR Armed Forces - the military fleet. Having become the successor to the Navy of the Russian Empire, and having undergone many reforms in order to “get rid of the remnants of the past,” the Navy needed additional attention and increased prestige in the eyes of the population. It was these problems that the new holiday was supposed to solve.

July 24 was considered Navy Day until 1980, when the Supreme Council decided to make changes to the list of holidays and memorial days of the Soviet Army. The new date became “floating”, that is, the holiday was now to be celebrated on the last weekend in July.

Several decades later, the chosen date was confirmed by the President of the Russian Federation - by Decree of May 31, 2006, the last Sunday of the second summer month became the final option for celebrating Navy Day.

Celebrating Navy Day

Our country owes the glory of the great maritime power entirely to military sailors - those to whom the holiday is dedicated.

The ceremonial part begins with the raising of St. Andrew's flag on military ships. The fleet personnel are congratulated by high-ranking army leaders - right up to the top officials of the state. The most distinguished military sailors will receive certificates and medals, extraordinary titles and awards, and personnel will be awarded memorable gifts and thanks from higher ranks.

In honor of the holiday, parades of warships are held, and “open days” are held on many active ships of the fleet. For ordinary people, open house day is perhaps the most exciting part of the holiday. It is not surprising: everyone can see with their own eyes the structure of a warship, literally experience the life of a sailor in service, and personally meet those who protect the maritime borders of our homeland.

Not a single holiday is complete without military sports competitions between large and small ships. Finding and hitting a target, maneuvering and shooting, completing a task against a clock and the ability to navigate in non-standard situations - during competitions in a game form, the readiness of ships to defend the country is tested.

Date in 2019: July 28th, Sunday.

Over its 300-year history, the Russian fleet has gained worldwide fame and become one of the strongest. Everyone related to the navy is congratulated on their professional holiday at the end of July.

“Russia has no friends, they are afraid of our enormity... Russia has only two reliable friends - its army and navy,” AlexanderIII.

In these lines, the great Russian Emperor conveyed the entire essence and significance of the fleet, which over the years has absolutely not lost its relevance. Therefore, Navy Day for Russians is not just another celebration, but a holiday of valor and glory, which are inextricably linked with the exploits of sailors of the past and present.

History of the Russian Navy

The need to create a military flotilla appeared in Russia at the turn of the 17th – 18th centuries, which was associated with the slowdown in the development of the state against the backdrop of isolation, including territorial and political.

Ship "Frederick"

Definitely, navigation was developing before this period. But we are talking specifically about creating a navy of a military nature. The first ship built according to European standards was launched under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.

The Frederick, as the ship was named, set off on her maiden voyage on July 30, Old Style, 1636, but was caught in a storm and grounded.

By the time of the beginning of the reign of Peter I, who went down in Russian history not only as a great reformer, but also as the “father of the Russian fleet,” the issue of the security of maritime borders and access to the ocean was quite acute.

The young king and his associates understood perfectly well that a state without a fleet would simply stop its development. Therefore, shipyards began to appear throughout the country, where ships of various classes were built.

As a result, the Russian Empire became a great maritime power, winning many battles on the water.

It was then that the idea arose to hold parades before the campaign, as well as the tradition of firing all guns in honor of the victory.

During the Northern War with the participation of the Russian flotilla, many of Peter’s commandments appeared:

  • “They don’t count enemies - they beat them”;
  • “Fight to the last, and at the last moment destroy the ship”;
  • “The flag is not lowered in front of the enemy under any circumstances.”

It was these Peter’s phrases that formed the basis of the legendary maritime traditions, which have survived to this day.

History of the holiday

The predecessor of the naval holiday was the “Red Fleet Week”, which began to be held in the Union in 1923. Events on these days were dedicated to holding rallies, labor cleanups and raising money for the needs of the young Soviet fleet.

An official holiday for the military appeared only in 1939, but it was called the Birthday of the USSR Navy. For a long time the date was fixed and fell on July 24.

The holiday was moved to the last weekend in July in 1980, when the corresponding Decree “On Holidays” was signed.

In 2006, when the Decree was signed by the President of Russia, the memorable date of the celebration was preserved.

To find out what date Navy Day will be celebrated, you will have to look at the calendar. The date is floating and always falls on a weekend, the last one in July.

This day is celebrated not only by military personnel, but also by people whose professional activities are related to ensuring the combat readiness of ships, veterans and retired military personnel. They are joined by relatives, student sailors and teachers preparing future officers for the fleet.

How will Navy Day be celebrated in 2019?

Navy Day in 2019 is celebrated on the 28th of July. Events will be solemn and especially colorful in the cities where the main strategic flotillas are based:

  • in Severomorsk, where the main forces of the Northern Fleet are concentrated;
  • in Kronstadt, the home city of the Baltic Fleet;
  • in the hero city of Sevastopol - the Homeland of the Black Sea Flotilla;
  • in Vladivostok - the city of the Pacific Fleet;
  • in Astrakhan, where the main forces of the Caspian flotilla are located.

And, of course, large-scale festive events will be held in St. Petersburg - the city where the Baltic Fleet as such was born under Peter I.

Maritime Day will be held no less solemnly in other famous ports: Murmansk and Baltiysk, Kaliningrad and Arkhangelsk, Sochi and Novorossiysk.

Long before the holiday, military ships and patrol boats arrive at the ports and moor to the shore. Everyone is preparing for an unforgettable spectacle - a parade of warships. Not only sailors and city residents gather for the celebration, but also numerous guests who purposefully come to take part in colorful events.

The celebration begins with the raising of St. Andrew's and signal flags on all ships. Frigates and corvettes, minesweepers and submarines take part in the military parade.

After the parade, sailors go ashore to continue the celebration on leave.

The streets are filled with a large number of people - this is also a kind of parade,” in which, first of all, former sailors take part, whose heart and soul are forever with the sea and the fleet.

All around are vests and caps, flags and cheerful faces. Here you will definitely meet not only sailors, but also marine paratroopers, divers and naval aviation pilots.

There are people of different generations nearby. After all, often boys in vests, proudly walking with their fathers or grandfathers in jackets, later become real wolves of the seas and oceans.

But in order to feel the same spirit and plunge into the atmosphere of the maritime festival, you must definitely visit one of the famous ports on July 28 this year.

On this day there is an excellent opportunity to visit a warship, where free excursions are traditionally held. Listen to congratulations from the leaders of the country and the fleet, watch performances by artists and military ensembles, and take part in competitions. And, of course, watch the festive fireworks, which traditionally ends the celebration.

How to congratulate a sailor in an original way

The day when the holiday is celebrated at the state level, ordinary guys who have ever served in the navy celebrate on a smaller scale. Some traditionally gather with colleagues and bathe in fountains, while others accept congratulations on Navy Day from relatives and children. To make the holiday for your dad, husband or father unforgettable, use our original ideas.

Video congratulations on Navy Day

Congratulations to the sailor in prose

Words spoken from the heart are better than any gifts or official congratulations:

Congratulations, dear, on Navy Day. And I wish you calm in the sea and in your personal life. Let the storms pass by, and the guiding star show the right path. And today we say thank you for your valor and courage, for protecting our sleep. We are proud of you and this fireworks thunders in honor of our gratitude.

On Navy Day, we congratulate everyone connected with the sea. Let the alluring expanses of the sea not be fraught with troubles and risks. May your service be smooth and calm. We believe that we can always count on you and your courage. And you believe that your loved ones are waiting impatiently at home and are always happy to return.

Your heart is given to the sea, your thoughts are devoted to the elements, your life is spent in service. You are a true defender of both your family and our Fatherland. Take care of yourself and proudly carry the banner of the bravest and bravest sons. Congratulations on your holiday, sailor, and we wish that your dreams come true, your health does not fail, your spirit is strong, and your life is filled only with positive emotions.

Congratulations on Navy Day in verse

You can congratulate a sailor beautifully in verse. You can write them on a beautifully designed card or learn them by heart with your child.

You walk across the expanses of the ocean,

You always bravely guarded your homeland,

Under sail you saved both honor and glory,

During this time, he opened a million roads.

Today, on Navy Day,

Feel free to pour a glass.

Today is a holiday, not work.

So let's drink to the ladies together.

Over the ocean, over those roads,

Which we had to go through.

Over the sea, the wind and the rapids,

Obstacles that were on the way.

Celebrating throughout the country

Navy Day,

You and I won't be able to find

The guys are braver than the patriots.

Let's wish them for no reason

Don't show your courage

And so that you are young at heart,

And the king of the sea averted trouble.

Congratulations to the sailor now

Happy Native Fleet Day,

Let it be near the shore every time,

Navy Day is a holiday widely celebrated at all times. This is a demonstration of the military power of Russian troops on the water. It is a solemn event not only for naval personnel, but also for everyone who, along with the military, protects the country’s maritime borders, ensuring the readiness of ships and naval units for combat operations. The celebrants are joined by family members of employees, representatives of institutions and enterprises serving the flotilla, and veterans of the Armed Forces.

Russian Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. It was established by Decree of the President of the country No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in Armed Forces Russian Federation" dated May 31, 2006. In 2018, the date of the event is July 29.

Navy Day in 2018, what date: history

In Soviet Russia this professional holiday was established by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated June 22, 1939, according to which the holiday was to be celebrated annually on July 24. And it was moved to the last Sunday in July by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days,” the portal calend.ru informs.

And as a memorable day in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it was established by the above-mentioned Decree of Russian President V. Putin also on last Sunday of July. Navy Day is one of the most beloved holidays in the USSR, and then in Russia. It is celebrated not only by the military personnel of these troops, but also by all those who guard Russia’s maritime borders, ensure the combat readiness of ships and naval units, family members of military personnel, workers and employees of naval institutions and enterprises, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces.

By tradition, the most massive events on Navy Day are held in the port cities of our country, namely in St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Kronstadt, Vladivostok, Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk, Severomorsk, Baltiysk and others.

One of the main traditions of the holiday is the ceremony of raising the St. Andrew's flag. As a rule, not a single Navy Day passes without raising this symbol of the Russian Navy.

Also on the last Sunday in July, it is customary to hold ship parades, during which the best warships sail along the central embankments of cities, where crowds of people gather.

Demonstrations and festive military sports competitions take place: marines, rescuers, underwater special forces soldiers and representatives of other naval professions show the audience what they are capable of. In addition, on Navy Day, demonstration artillery and missile firing and demonstrations of the latest weapons equipped with the fleet are organized.

It is customary to organize holiday concerts, at which both naval and military brass bands and popular Russian musicians perform. As a rule, pop, film and theater stars come to such events to personally congratulate naval officers on the holiday.

The celebration usually ends with a grandiose fireworks display.

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