Summary of an open lesson on light sand tables for children of the preparatory school group “Autumn Landscape. Summary of an open lesson on illuminated sand tables for children of the preparatory school group “Autumn Landscape Playing Hide and Seek”

Educational and methodological development
Lesson notes for children with a complex defect structure

Sand drawing on light tables on the theme “Autumn”

Makarenko Svetlana Mikhailovna,
teacher-psychologist GBDOU kindergarten No. 104
Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Program content.

1. Consolidate the idea of ​​autumn, repeat the signs of autumn

2. Enrichment and activation of vocabulary (cloud, rain, tree, falling leaves, puddles, dry, hard, soft, wet)

3. Development of dialogical speech

4. Relieving psycho-emotional stress

5. Development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands (opening of the palm, straightening of the fingers, mobility of the hand)

Lesson structure:

1. Greeting children. Topic message

2. Working with sand. Motor exercises (“Hello, sand!”, “Sand rain”, unusual footprints”, etc.)

3. Drawing on the sand. We draw “autumn” (cloud, rain, tree, falling leaves, puddles, etc.)

5. Free drawing.Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song"

6. Farewell

Equipment : light tables, sand, wet wipes, stereo system


Hello guys!




My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna! Let's stand in a circle so that we can see each other clearly!

Children stand in a circle

We'll have another one today magical activity. But first, let's remember our names! We will pass the “Ball” around in a circle and when the “ball” is in your hands, you say your name! Let's start with me: “My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna! And I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, do you remember what unusual tables are in the office? What's unusual about them???


They are magical, light, sand


Right. And today we will again draw with sand Autumn And let's remember the rulesdrawing. All this sand on your tables belongs to the sand fairy. The psychologist shows the Fairy doll. Today she allowed us to play with her favorite grains of sand. More than anything else, she loves when children come to her magical land and draw beautiful pictures, and she is very sad, she cries when her magic grains of sand are used to throw at each other! Therefore, let's remember the rules of behavior when we draw on tables.

We play together with sand

And we don’t cheat on our friends,

We draw on our desk

We won’t put our hands on another table!

Do you remember the rules? Well done!

Shall we promise the Fairy that we will follow the rules?




In order for us to get beautiful pictures, we need to say hello to the sand. We will stroke it, touch it, transfer it from one hand to the other.

From palm to palm

Sand is falling.

I'll play with him a little -

Let him tickle me.

Guys, tell me what kind of sand we have? Dry or wet?




Soft or hard?




Well done

Exercise “Hello, sand!”

The teacher asks to gently and then strongly say hello to the sand, that is, in various ways touch the sand.

1. The child touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then with the second hand, then with all fingers at the same time.

2. The child lightly, and then with tension, squeezes his fists with sand, then slowly pours it into the sandbox.

3. The child touches the sand with his entire palm - the inside, then the back.

4. The child rubs sand between his fingers and palms.

Children perform

Exercise “Sand Rain”

Sand Fairy: “In my country there may be an unusual sand rain, a sand wind may blow. It's very nice. You can make such rain and wind yourself. Watch how it happens." Options:

1. The child slowly or quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, into his palm.

2. Children raise their fists with sand over the table, slightly unclenching their fists, move them left and right, and see how it rains.

"Rain, rain,

More than a watering can

You make me rain water

I want to grow up this summer


Well done!

We return to the tables. Look at the tables, they are all covered with sand, and now you and I can start drawing

Exercise “Unusual traces”

1. “The little bears are coming” - the child presses forcefully on the sand with his fists and palms.

2. “Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving his hands in different directions.

3. “Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed or tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

4. “Chicken-chicken” - children imitate feeding chickens, rubbing the sand with their fingers, as if scattering food.

Well done!


Guys, what time of year is it now?




Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. The grass has withered. The flowers have dried up. The wind often blows and it rains. The leaves are spinning and falling to the ground. This always happens when autumn comes.

All the trees have flown over,

Only spruce trees turn green.

The forests became bare.

It rains day and night,

Dirt and puddles at the gate.


Let's try to draw on our desk?

Now let's draw together(cloud, rain, tree, falling leaves, puddles, etc.)

The teacher shows, and the children draw and, together with the teacher, say what they are drawing.

Phys. just a minute. Finger gymnastics"Ducks", "Meeting"


On the right hand there are fingers.

On the left hand there are fingers.

The time has come for them to meet

- Prepare your suitcases!

Use the fingers of your right hand to “hello” in turn with the fingers of your left hand, touching the tips of each other.


Rocking on the waves

The duck is swimming. |

It will dive and then emerge

- Rows with its paws.

Make smooth movements with both hands from right to left, then imitate the movements of a duck’s legs in the water.


Guys, our lesson is over. What did we talk about today and what did we draw?


Children's answers

Pedago G

The Sand Fairy bids you farewell until the next class.

What are we going to do now?


Listen to music


Today we will listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Autumn Song” and while the music is playing, you will play with the sand or draw.

Music is playing.


Now we have to shake off our hands, take a wet napkin and wipe our palms with it.

Well done!!!

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, repeat the words after the teacher:

The lesson is over,

See you soon.

We'll tell all our friends and adults

Together: “Goodbye!”

Little children love to get dirty, tinker with loose materials, create fantasy images, give themselves up creative process entirely. Combine your child's hobbies into one whole and you'll get drawing in the sand.

Surely you yourself watched in fascination such performances on TV, watched gorgeous animations by famous world authors. Try repeating the show at home with your child. And our article will tell you how to draw with sand on glass and how to teach your child to make sand compositions.

From this article you will learn

What is the benefit of this activity

American animation director Carolyn Leaf filed interesting idea teachers and parents on how to organize children’s leisure time and develop multidirectional skills at the same time.

She created a sand video. The heroes came to life and acted on the luminous board. The artist painted them with her fingers using sand. The idea was picked up by other animators. The method of creating images and plots has been highly praised.

Gradually, drawing on a special board with sand came into the lives of ordinary people. Teachers began to practice such activities with children of different ages. Fascinating method pedagogical work studied from the point of view of psychology, physiology, and didactics. Practicing innovations, teachers and preschool educators noticed the following: beneficial properties similar activities:

  • Drawing with sand on glass is fun and interesting. 99% of children receive a charge of positive emotions during the lesson and entertainment.
  • The method has no special rules. The baby can draw with his palm, one or more fingers, create any shapes and erase them quickly if something doesn’t work out.
  • The absence of restrictions relieves emotional stress. Children are relaxed, reasonably excited, and feel like the creators of a unique masterpiece.
  • Motor skills develop. Kindergarteners are tired of plasticine and pencils; practicing finger dexterity with a light tablet and sand is no less useful. Speech develops simultaneously with motor skills.
  • Graphomotor skills are improved. Schoolchildren develop the ability to follow a contour, hold a pen correctly, and observe the rhythm of movements.
  • Suitable for any age. Nursery children, schoolchildren and adults enjoy drawing on the board. The magic of free-flowing animation leaves almost no one indifferent.
  • Relief from stress. Working with sand is included in a course of psychotherapy for the treatment of neuroses, tics, and insomnia. Healthy children also calm down during classes, find peace of mind, and forget about troubles.
  • A unique method helps to reveal creative potential and find yourself. The child shows imagination, shows hidden abilities, and is not afraid to evaluate the result.

If we consider the methodology from the point of view of organization and material costs, the following advantages are revealed:

  • Consumables are cheap. It is not necessary to buy sand; use semolina or ground coffee.
  • You can make a drawing tablet with your own hands. You will need a lamp, plexiglass, and a wooden box. The equipment takes up little space in the room and does not require special care.
  • Any mother, father, or grandmother can teach a child to draw with sand. No special education or courses are required for classes. Look at examples of work on the Internet and feel free to start creating.

Materials and tools for drawing

Without special homemade or store-bought equipment, you won’t be able to learn how to draw in the sand. The set of tools and consumables is small:

Note! Buy quartz sand at pet stores or shopping centers in the “Toys” and “Everything for Creativity” departments.

Drawing Techniques

The art of creating animations is based on simple drawing techniques. IN kindergarten, at home, show your child how to hold his hands and pour out the sand so that the picture turns out clear, bright and real. Use the following techniques for beginners.

Pour sand from one palm to another

A great way to start classes. Kids get ready to work, get acquainted with the material, feel its weight, warmth or coolness, texture.

We collect sand in a fist and scatter it

You need to watch how much sand the preschooler picks up in his palm. There should be little of it so that the movements are easy, the layer of material on the glass is thin.

Sprinkle sand in a stream

Using a stream from their palm, children draw lines of different thicknesses. If you hold the pen high and release it in a thin stream, you will get a light version of the line. If you pour roughly, almost unclenching your fist, you will draw a dark, wide curve. At this stage, it is important to practice both techniques so that the child controls the color saturation of the drawing and creates almost invisible lines.

Finger painting

Children can use each finger individually or the entire palm. Let them depict grass, hair, trees. Large objects are drawn with a fist - a mountain, a stone. The pads are fruits, stars.

For schoolchildren who have mastered simple ways drawing, offer such exciting exercises.

Maple leaf

Fill the outline for maple leaf, trying to respect its shape. Adjust the lines with your fingers. Push the excess sand towards the edge of the drawn sheet to make the outline darker. Draw the petiole. Use your fingernail to draw internal lines (veins). Place a circle in the petiole area with your fingertip.


The material is scattered onto the glass from the palm of your hand or with a pinch. Leveled. On this background, write the letters of the Latin or Slavic alphabet according to the model. The child learns to be attentive and repeat the pattern. Graphomotor skills develop.


Sprinkle sand over the entire surface of the container. Using four or five widely spaced fingers, draw wavy lines. Make horizontal lines with your fingernail - these are ripples. Then draw the horizon and remove excess at the top of the glass. Draw clouds on the same composition.


Sand is clenched in a fist. We make circular movements with our hands with a small amplitude, scattering the material in the sandbox. You can then draw small lines with your fingernail to make the clouds look lush.

Young artists at the initial stage of mastering a fascinating hobby will enjoy such exercises using additional tools.


Take stamps, coffee stencils, lids from plastic bottles. Leave marks on the sand table with them. By using different figures large plot compositions are created.


It is much easier to disperse sand through a baby sieve. You can form mountains, make a thin coating on glass. The next step is to paint with your fingers on the resulting sand space.


A wide-necked tool helps make a high mound. Children watch the sand stream with enthusiasm and repeat the action using their fist.

Drawing animal tracks

This exercise requires careful finger work. Draw the marks with your fist, making the main background. Small details are drawn with sticks, fingertips, and marigolds.


Attach beads of different sizes to the ropes. Swing the pendulum so that traces of the load remain on the glass. Kids learn to control strength and observe the rhythm of movements. This is an excellent therapy for emotional overload.

Colored backgrounds

Colored cardboard and colorful pictures are placed on the glass. Sand is scattered on top in a thin layer. Children draw circles and zigzags. The colored fragment protrudes partially. The result is an original picture.

Pattern prints

You can play with a non-standard object with patterns - a toilet paper roll. Draw pictures on it glue gun, let dry. Run the tool along the thin surface of the sand, leaving a mark. Girls love this type of work.

There are many options for selecting additional elements and tools for creating a sand masterpiece:

  • Take combs with rare or frequent teeth - you get a wave.
  • Toothpicks help to draw the finest lines, making the image of the hero expressive and real.
  • Children's rakes are suitable for drawing relief in landscape compositions.

Fantasize, do not limit yourself and your child in the creative process.

Sand animation

The child will be able to perform the first simple animation in three to four lessons, having mastered the technical basics of drawing. Invite the student to draw an apple tree on the glass. Step-by-step master class is given below:

  1. Prepare sand and screen. Treat the surface of the table with an antistatic agent and remove excess.
  2. Take some sand into your fist and scatter it on the light table. The surface should be covered evenly.
  3. Draw thumb barrel, press down on the entire pad.
  4. Rising to the top of the apple tree, sharpen the line. Draw not all with a pillow, but with a half, then with a nail.
  5. Use your little finger and index finger to draw thin and thick branches. Curve the lines to make the apple tree look like a real one.
  6. Draw a crown. Take sand, pour it generously around the branches, at the top.
  7. Leave a little for the bottom of the picture. Scatter it under a tree. It will be weed.
  8. Using your fingerprints, draw apples on the branches. Determine their number yourself. It is important that the circles are not blurry, the edges should be clear.
  9. If you draw three or four apples under a tree, on the ground, you will get an autumn version of the picture.
  10. Now clear the background. Draw a contour around the crown, remove excess sand from the surface. The tree will have a shape.

Note! For animation, use a multi-colored drawing set. Using green, yellow, white, gray sand and changing the hue of the image illumination, professionals achieve the effect of a living picture.

How to draw a pig

How to draw a mouse

How to draw a hippopotamus

Game exercises

At home, in kindergarten, and in early development classes, children learn through play. This best way teach the complex through the simple. A tabletop sandbox with high sides and play exercises for preschoolers will help you with this.

Training your fingers

Start your first acquaintance with animation not with theory, but with practice. Give the opportunity to touch, smell, and explore the material. Turn on the lighting in the sandbox. You can play soft music so that the kids are completely immersed in the process and understand that something unusual is about to happen.

Ask preschoolers to draw any object or figure on the glass with their finger. Let them tinker with the sand as much as they like. At the same time, motor skills, imagination, and attention develop.

Let's play hide and seek

You will need a rake, shovels and a thick layer of sand. Give students small toys (Kinder figurines). Ask to bury it unnoticed by others. Have a competition to see who can find a friend's toy faster with their eyes closed using their fingers.

What a surprise I have

The teacher hides various small objects (buttons, rags, pieces of paper, figurines, balls, coins) in the sandbox. The children's task is to find one object each with their hands, guess what it is by touch. In the process of understanding and feeling an object, you need to talk about your feelings and assumptions.


The sand needs to be poured into a deep container or chest. Put pirate treasures inside: beads, coins, map, " gems" You need to look for treasure with one finger. Attach a fascinating story to every discovery. Tell it yourself or come up with it with your children.


Find a cobblestone on the street. Let it be unpleasant to the touch: cold, slippery, rough, etc. Bury the item in the sand. Ask the children to touch an unknown object at the same time, tell them how they feel, why they feel uncomfortable, and the like.

Continue exploring as a group when the stone is removed from the sandbox. Tactile sensations are responsible for the formation of speech and train emotional endurance.

Important! For games of hide and seek, when children cannot see the object under the sand, choose toys with rounded edges, made of fabric, rubber, so that children do not hurt their fingers.

Master unconventional methods for early development, children need entertainment after watching video tutorials or recommendations from professionals. It is useful for beginners to know the following:

  1. Place dots with the pads of different fingers. Remember how big they will be. This will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a finger when drawing eyes, fruits, or drawings on the body of animals.
  2. Before the lesson, try to pour an even layer of sand onto the glass. Use a sieve, funnels, and a little later your fists.
  3. Do not level the surface with your fingers. Fingerprints leave an unaesthetic mark.
  4. When kids learn to create simple images, try to create compositions from small parts using available tools.
  5. Professionals minimize the number of touches to sand. Movements should be sweeping and confident.
  6. Select best option drawing for your level. Practice the technique of creating it to perfection. Rehearse the pattern several times.
  7. Before applying a stroke, consider its length and width.
  8. You can draw with sand on a light and sound board, a black polished table, or a kitchen baking sheet. The most important thing is the contrast between the surface and the bulk material.

Important! Watch master classes for free on the Internet. Periodically show children complex compositions on video. This gives impetus to development, spurs interest and desire to improve drawing techniques.

How to make a table for sand animation with your own hands

Playful activities with family are much more beneficial for children early age than group classes in development centers. A backlit sand drawing tablet can be made at home from scrap materials. Dads will need:

  • wooden box;
  • a suitable piece of plexiglass;
  • nails;
  • electrical tape, adhesive tape;
  • wood paint;
  • flashlight, lamp.

The manufacturing process will take no more than 1–2 hours, and children's joy will know no bounds. Make the table bigger so the whole family can use it at the same time. The instructions consist of the following steps:

  1. Clean the wooden box from excess, reduce the height of the sides. The average depth of space is 10–15 centimeters.
  2. Remove the bottom cover or make a slot to install the glass.
  3. Place the transparent part on the bottom half.
  4. Carefully secure the glass with strips from below.
  5. Make compartments on the sides for storing small items (sticks, sieves, rakes). To do this, nail the planks, retreating a couple of centimeters from the edge.
  6. Install the legs to the table. Choose the height according to the height and age of the youngest child.
  7. Place a bright flashlight or an electric lamp with good power under the table.
  8. The workspace for the little artist is ready.

Watch the video tutorial on how to make your own sand painting light table at home:

Interesting fact! In Tibet and India, traditions of creating images of the Supreme God using multi-colored grains of sand have been preserved. This art has a name - mandala. Bright round pictures are made only by monks initiated into tantric secrets. It takes 1–2 weeks to make one mandala. The picture consists of millions of grains of sand.

Sand compositions cannot be hung on the wall or left as souvenirs to show to friends and relatives. This is the only disadvantage of such creativity. But there is a way out. Record successful activities on camera, take pictures of the drawings. Make a video with music on the slides.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Explanatory note.

R Sand painting is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing aesthetic perception, since it is closely related to independent and creative activity. This is one of the ways to depict the world around us. As you master the technique of drawing with sand, it becomes richer and develops. inner world child.

Sand painting is a unique art form that combines play, activities useful for the development of children, and educational moments. The sooner a person discovers in himself creativity, the easier and more interesting his life will be, because creativity is always a striving forward, for the better, for perfection!

Painting with sand, the child plunges into his fantasy world. He begins to invent a completely different world where castles, dragons, princes and princesses exist. He becomes a science fiction writer in the literal sense of the word.

This type of creativity is accessible to children of all ages. Very young children can create simple drawings. At the same time, to change a drawing or draw a new one, you do not need additional objects such as an eraser or a sharpener; you just need to run your palm or finger across the sand.

During such activities, the sand seems to absorb all negative energy baby, thereby creating harmony between him and the world around him. Sand painting classes help improve the child’s mental well-being, relieve phobias and fear of the unknown.

You will see how sand paintings are born on a small screen in a few moments. The images seem to flow from each other to the accompaniment of music.

Drawing pictures with sand calms you down, coordination of movements becomes better, and hand motor skills develop. This type of art is useful for children's development because it develops imaginative thinking. Drawing to music gives double pleasure - I select it specially, creating a meditative background.

Sand drawing is especially recommended for children with developmental delays. This type of creativity stimulates the accelerated development of both the child’s thinking and speech. Psychologists explain this by the fact that when working with sand there is a colossal change in the figurative and figurative - logical thinking child.

Be sure to try this drawing method. To paint with sand on glass, you only need a glass table with lighting and sand. Sand for the table can be purchased at the store. It is best to paint with sand accompanied by pleasant music in the twilight. Then an unforgettable atmosphere of magic and creation will appear.


Mastering the sand painting technique, developing accuracy, thrift, and tactile sensitivity through sand painting on glass.

  1. Develop mental activity, intelligence, the ability to compare, put forward hypotheses, and draw conclusions.
  2. Develop cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, imaginative thinking.
  3. Develop fine motor skills hands
  4. Development of creativity, imagination in a child, the ability to use his fingers to depict what he has in mind in the sand.

Preliminary work:

  1. A conversation about the properties and purpose of sand.
  2. Watch the video “Why do you need sand?”
  3. View a presentation on how to paint with sand on glass.

Sand painting techniques:

  1. Drawing with fist, palm, edge thumb, pinch, little fingers.
  2. Several fingers at the same time.
  3. Symmetrically with both hands.
  4. Pouring sand from the fist and cutting off the excess.
  5. Sliding your palms along the surface of the sand, perform zigzag and circular movements.
  6. Perform zigzag and circular movements, placing your palm on the edge.
  7. Create all kinds of patterns with the prints of palms, fists, knuckles, and ribs of the palms.

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys! Guess the riddles and find out what we will use to draw today.


He emerged from the stones

Was born as grains:

Yellow, red, white

Or light grey.

Either it is sea, or it is river.

Guess who he is?

(Children sand).

Something can be buried in it,

I love to walk on it

And sleep on it for an hour.

Guess what?

(Children sand).


Someone paints with gouache
And someone with a pencil.
I suggest to you, children,
Create the drawing with sand.

You pour sand on the glass,
Which is illuminated by light from below.
And, including imagination,
You draw amazing pictures.

Smoothly draw a wave with your fingers,
And streams will flow in the picture.

Lead your big fingers towards
And depict a spruce in the picture.

To show the clouds in the sky
Clench your fingers into fists.
And circling the glass with my fists,
You will draw clouds at the top.

I only told you a grain,
How fantasy can develop.
You just have to start drawing
And the ideas can no longer be stopped.


Guys, I suggest you become artists and draw your own picture. But let's first remember the rules for handling sand.
1. You can only draw with sand on glass; you cannot spill sand on the floor;
2. Do not wipe your hands on your clothes;
3. Do not touch your face or eyes with your hands - tiny grains of sand can get into your eyes;
4. You need to shake off your hands over the table;
5. After work, you need to wash your hands with soap.


Let's say hello to the sand. Touch it with the fingers of your right and now your left hand. Now smooth the sand with your palms. Now let's remember the techniques of drawing in the sand. Tell us what you can use to draw on the sand. ( Children's answers.)
That's right, you can draw with one or more fingers, the edge of your palm, your fist, the back of your hand, this part ( here and in the future I simultaneously show and explain to children). If you don't like something or want to change something in your drawing, you can level the sand and continue drawing. “Drawing with sand” for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

  1. Ask the child to place his palms on the sand and move them in different directions, as if stroking it.
    2. Show your child how he can use fingerprints to create a variety of designs.
    3. Together, use your finger to draw numbers, letters, and various geometric shapes, and in general, draw whatever the baby wants. Let's draw"Flower"

Pour several handfuls of sand onto the central part of the glass and begin to draw a flower. To do this, we run our fingers along the sand, creating lines free of sand - these are the parts of the flower that should be light shade(for example, the middle part of each petal). Next, we form the stem of the flower, outlining its outline with straight lines. As a result, the stem and part of the flower itself will be light in color, since the glass in these places will be free of sand. The remaining areas will be covered with sand - these are the painted parts of the flower.

Drawing "Sun"

Spread a thin layer of sand on the glass surface. Then use your fist to perform a rotational movement, slightly pressing the brush into the sand. We get an image of the solar disk. Then we draw the rays of the sun with our fingers. You can draw clouds nearby by creating closed wavy lines using your fingers.


Guys, you made very beautiful sand drawings. But it’s a pity that they are short-lived and with just one breath of wind or even your breath, they can disappear, fly apart, and crumble. Let's take a photo of your sand drawings, and then show them to your parents and you yourself will once again be able to admire your masterpieces. In conclusion, I would like to know your opinion, dear colleagues, on the use of glass sand painting with children. Thank you for your attention.

Master class on the topic "Autumn. Autumn nature. Gifts of autumn"

Drawing on an autumn theme "Autumn outside the window", made using the "Sand Drawing" technique

The proposed master class on sand painting is intended for teachers preschool education and teachers additional education in working with older children preschool age(6 – 7 years old).

Purpose of the composition
The presented composition is interesting option for teachers to familiarize children with the “sand drawing” technique. Creating an image using sand helps children develop fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, and fantasy.
Target: familiarization with the features of creating an image using the sand painting technique.
- introduce older preschoolers to sand painting;
- teach how to create paintings using sand painting techniques;
- develop imagination, motor skills, creative thinking in children of senior preschool age (6 – 7 years old);
Description of the sand painting technique
Sand Art or sand painting is a fairly young form of creativity that appeared in the 70s of the last century. It was then that American animator Caroline Leaf created the first sand animated film, “Sand, or Petya and the Gray Wolf.” Later, other animators began to use her experience: they began to create dynamic sand films, i.e. without editing, in one go. This experience turned out to be very successful and marked the beginning of a new art form - the art of sand painting.
As a type of art therapy, sand painting began to be used only in our days. So far this is very rare.
The deeper roots of sand animation can be found in Buddhism - in the spiritual practice of building a Mandala. Mandala is a Buddhist model of the Universe, the abode of all enlightened beings, constructed from marble sand. This work of Buddhist art, amazing in its beauty and harmony, is compiled according to strict canons from finely crushed painted marble. According to the Buddhist tradition, the mandala of the enlightened deity lives while the ritual lasts. It cannot be left as an exhibit; the main purpose of the mandala is to serve as the basis for meditation practice. The destruction of the mandala is a special ritual, the purpose of which is to emphasize one of the most important aspects of Buddhism - the idea of ​​​​the impermanence of all things.
Swiss psychiatrist, founder of one of the areas of depth psychology, analytical psychology, follower of Freud - Carl Gustav Jung resorted to art therapy when he needed emotional support. He drew mandalas, including in the sand. Many psychologists point out that this is how one of the areas of art therapy appeared - sand therapy, which is so popular today (in sand therapy worlds are created in the sandbox using water and various figures
Sand painting is an unusual art of creating paintings using sand.
Sand painting is an opportunity to express your feelings and emotions without words.
Sand painting has a number of important aspects, the advantages of which are not classical technique drawing.
Drawing with sand develops fine motor skills, improves memory, plastic movements, and brain function. The sand is incredibly pleasant to the touch and gives you the opportunity to truly relax and unwind. It is in this state that stress and internal tension are best relieved, problems go away...

Drawing on an autumn theme “Autumn outside the window”, made using the sand painting technique.

Required materials:
1. Light module for sand painting
2. Quartz sand
3. Brush (optional)

I propose to proceed to the first stage - creating the background of the future composition.
Spread a thin layer of sand onto the light module.

At the top of the light module, use the pad of your index finger or the back of a brush to draw
rowan branch.

Let's draw the leaves.

Using the pad of your index finger or the back of a brush, draw notches on the contours of the leaves, gently moving the sand in one direction.

Let's start drawing rowan berries.

We draw small crosses on each berry.

Next, we begin to draw the curtains. To do this, use your index, middle and ring fingers to move along the sand from the top edge of the light module to its middle on the left, and then on the right.

We finish drawing the curtains.

Draw semicircles along the upper edge of the light module.

Using the pad of your thumb at the bottom of the light module, move the sand from left to right.

Using the pad of your thumb or the back of a brush, draw the outline of the cat.

Use the pad of your index finger to remove excess sand from top to bottom.

Draw a tail from the remaining sand below.

To make the cat fluffy, we make its outline uneven.

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Good evening everyone. I've been promising patterns for my dress for a long time, the inspiration for which came from Emma's dress. It’s not easy to assemble a circuit based on what is already connected, in...

How to remove a mustache above your lip at home
How to remove a mustache above your lip at home

The appearance of a mustache above the upper lip gives girls' faces an unaesthetic appearance. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex are trying everything possible...