Extra products. Where does excess weight come from? Most pasta

Overweight - consequence.
Excess food is the reason.

Food can be superfluous not only in quantity, but also in quality.
Extra food - it's not just an overabundance.
Excess food is any, even a very small amount of food that is unnecessary for the body. Not our food, extra. Strawberries and carrots - extra for the wolf and crocodile; meat and eggs are superfluous for a bull and an elephant.

We consume huge amounts of excess food. The reason for this is so simple that it is impossible to discern: we eat unnatural food.
Extra - more than enough, or simply too much.

Too salty.
Too dry.
Too fat.
Too sweet.
Too spicy, sour, bitter...

Too much extra food.

Consequence of eating too much (overeating or eating unnatural food)- illness. Always, sooner or later.

Nature has provided protection from excess.

Unnecessary extra: Poisonous fruits, mushrooms and berries smell foul and taste bitter.

Excess excess: when the stomach is full, satiety sets in; if you continue to eat, heaviness will appear.

The gag or laxative reflex protects us from excess. If you eat poison or overeat, empty your stomach and live; blood poisoning (and the whole body) will not happen.

But wegreedy. We have come up with a lot of ways to deceive nature and consume poisons in any quantities without making us sick or sick. The stomach regularly sends huge portions of undigested, indigestible food to the intestines, the liver and pancreas are desperately trying to neutralize the terrible consequences, the intestines are covered with protective mucus so as not to let excess into the blood... But everything is in vain.

The tissues slowly, to the accompaniment of pleasure hormones produced in response to poisoning by toxic poisons: breakdown products of denatured proteins, oxidized and heat-treated fats, boiled starches, and all sorts of incredible combinations of them, are filled with excess “poison”. The immune system cannot cope with unknown substances and encapsulates toxic elements into fatty deposits.

Human fat is not a store of energy, but a garbage dump.

Extra. Excess weight that we are forced to carry with us around the clock. Try carrying several dumbbells, or even a couple of barbells, with you every day, tying them around your lower back.

How did we do this? For what?
It's not even greed. We want more because we have been deceived. Or rather, we ourselves (our ancestors) made a mistake. Nature gave us reason, and we used it to profit from each other. A person, like tamed animals, will always be commanded by the one who feeds. Helmsman. The helmsman benefits only from insatiable slaves, otherwise they are no longer slaves.

What is the mistake?
We do not want to be content with what nature prepares for us. We cook-fry-steam-bake- canning. We can’t eat a lot of raw food, and the variety is too small. We are used to eating everything: meat, milk, grains, root vegetables... But we can’t eat this: it’s all poison, unnecessary. Then we came up with our own saucepans and everything went like clockwork.

By the way, about butter: without it it’s not very possible to eat boiled or fried food. And without salt, without spicy - It turns out a little bland.

The human stomach, like any other animal, is designed for living food, prepared by nature and, accordingly, understandable to it. Its main function - denaturation (breakdown) of proteins using hydrochloric acid - basics of gastric juice. When the process is completed, the proteins dissolved by the acid enter the intestines in a liquefied form.

During meals, as you become full, the concentration of acid in gastric juice gradually decreases, and along with it the activity of the protein denaturation process. To the point that food can pass through the entire intestines and come out naturally undigested. This effect can be clearly observed in children - a very simple and reliable method of protecting against overeating.

But! It only works with live, uncooked food. Protein destroyed (denatured) not by acids, but by high temperature is not accepted by the stomach, it is powerless to control the defense. Almost everything that enters the stomach in a “ready” form will be absorbed in the intestines. This - excess food, and excess weight as a result.

Try the experiment: raw (you have to be sure of this, it's better - own collection) nuts versus roasted. Raw you can eat a handful, maximum two - our natural measure, after which saturation will come. Nuts - a very nutritious product and its excess is dangerous (lots of fat and protein). If you continue to eat - gag instinct will occur - It has been perfectly preserved and works great for us. Now try to repeat this experiment with fried nuts, it is especially good to help them squeeze inside with salt - the most powerful stimulant of salivation. The gentlemen who feed us know this well. Only strong thirst can stop you: drink... and again for nuts. This could go on forever.

You shouldn’t blame the chemical/food industry/medicine industry for greed - they only study us and take advantage of our weaknesses. For money? No, only for our health and pleasure. (Sarcasm)

You only have yourself to blame: there have always been many temptations, and there will be even more, but no one can stop you if you choose another, alternative path. Remember - You're not the only one.

Avoid artificial foods.
Beware of easily digestible foods.
Avoid excess food.

We are weak creatures because we have a lot of extra things. We have a lot of unnecessary things because we are weak...

Getting rid of excess weight is not at all difficult: you need to get rid of superfluous food.

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Under the bright label of your favorite product, only preservatives and flavorings that are unnecessary for the body may be hidden. At the same time, such delicacies are usually not cheap, since their promotion is accompanied by loud, memorable advertising. Before you add them to your food basket, think about whether you really need to replenish your body with another dose of dyes and harmful substances and at the same time waste money. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the TOP 10 most useless foods that have no place on your table.

Dangerous foods: muesli can cause diabetes, and chocolate can lead to tooth decay

  1. Yogurt . This fermented milk product is useful if its shelf life does not exceed five to seven days. A long shelf life indicates a high content of preservatives.
  • Yogurt that has a shelf life of more than a week is not healthy.
  1. Muesli. The high content of natural grains, minerals, and fiber speaks in their favor. But freeze-dried flakes with different flavors are not needed. As a result of processing grains, only their fragments with a high starch content remain. The latter is responsible for the accumulation of sugar, and therefore fat, in the body.
  • Fast cereals can lead to excess weight, pancreatic diseases and diabetes.
  1. Sugar. Even though this product is derived from sugar beets or sugar cane, it does not contain any beneficial nutrients.
  • Replace sugar with honey.
  1. Pasta. The myth about the benefits of pasta arose due to the Italians’ addiction to it. However, they do not like pasta at all, but pasta made from durum wheat. It provides the body with healthy carbohydrates and nutrients that improve metabolism.
  • Conventional pasta does not have the qualities of a paste. They are made from soft varieties of wheat, and therefore saturate the body only with energy.
  1. Dark chocolate. The benefits of chocolate are nothing more than a myth. The only thing that speaks in its favor is an increase in the blood level of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, the deficiency of which can cause depression.
  • Researchers believe that if you eat a lot of chocolate to improve the synthesis of serotonin, this is more likely to cause an urgent visit to the dentist rather than promote hormonal changes.

Housewives, do not waste money on useless products! Cook it yourself

  1. Chewing gum. The myth that chewing gum saves teeth from caries is nothing more than an advertising gimmick.
  • Chewing gum can cause damage to tooth enamel, and if used frequently in children, can cause malocclusion.
  1. Ready sushi. This Japanese dish has a beneficial effect on the body: rice cleanses it, and fish nourishes it with healthy fatty acids. But only if the sushi was served immediately after preparation.
  • Sushi sets sold in stores do not have any beneficial properties.
  1. Chips. These snacks, like chewing gum, have gained widespread acceptance through advertising.
    Today, manufacturers are trying to prepare so-called healthy chips from vegetables and fruits. However, like potatoes, they do not provide any benefit.
  2. Canned juices. Natural freshly squeezed juices are beneficial for the body due to their high content of vitamins. Packaged and canned products contain only water and concentrate.
  • Make juices at home. This way you will get fortified drinks and won’t waste your money.

10. Bouillon cubes complete the TOP 10 unnecessary products. Homemade soups and stock cubes have only one thing in common: taste. The latter do not contain the beneficial elements inherent in homemade first courses, but are a source of preservatives, dyes, flavors and salt.

They are a common problem in the modern world due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, every second inhabitant of our planet suffers from obesity. First of all, you need to figure out what foods make you fat and how to combat obesity.

Fatty foods are difficult for the body to digest, so they quickly make you fat; it is better to avoid such foods. One gram of fat provides 9 calories, so foods high in fat should be limited.

Fatty foods can make you drowsy

Foods you should avoid:

  • fatty meat - pork, bacon, lard, sausages, bacon;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 15%;
  • smoked fish;
  • chips and crackers (with various food additives);
  • seeds, nuts;
  • canned meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • French fries and all deep-fried foods;
  • foods fried in large amounts of oil;
  • fast food.

In just a week, fast food can significantly impair memory

Seasonings with food additives such as E621, flavor enhancers and monosodium glutamate pose a greater health hazard. Such food is harmful and can lead to improper functioning of the digestive system. For girls, in order to get rid of excess weight, it is important to maintain proper nutrition and consume foods that make you fat in a limited form.

Foods that affect fat deposition

Since childhood, many parents teach their children to drink tea with a sandwich in the morning, wash down their food with cola or juice from a pack. Good behavior is rewarded with candy or other sweets. Poor nutrition is the leading cause of obesity in children and the development of gastrointestinal diseases. The second category is foods high in carbohydrates, the excess of which has a detrimental effect on your figure. High-calorie carbohydrate foods include:

  • chocolate;
  • glazed cheese curds;
  • confectionery and all products containing flour and starch;
  • ice cream;
  • sugar and products containing sugar;
  • fast foods;
  • potatoes (only young potatoes, boiled or baked, are considered healthy);
  • white polished rice;
  • instant porridges and ready-made muesli;
  • prepared fruit juices;
  • alcohol.

Some foods we are familiar with contain large amounts of sugar. Even if you don't consume sugar in its pure form, you may have too much of it in your diet.

High-calorie foods are prohibited by nutritionists. These are the foods that make you fat in a short time. You went on a diet, but couldn’t restrain yourself and ate a portion of your favorite chips, pizza or cake. You lost 2 kg in a week, and gained it back in a day. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet and consume in moderation, no more than 200 calories.

You should also limit your sugar intake. To stock up on energy for the whole day, it is not necessary that tea or porridge be sweet. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat cereal products (cereals, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge). Dinner should be light and consist of vegetables and protein, and the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.

Medium calorie foods

There are also foods that are not so high in calories, but you should not abuse them, as they can also cause you to gain extra pounds.

Any product can cause weight gain if consumed in excess. If you follow the measure, then you can include the fattest and highest-calorie foods in your diet when losing weight, although their portion will be tiny.

For the health of our body, it is important to have a varied diet. This means that you need to eat foods that make you fat in moderation. Food must be properly prepared; the preservation of useful and nutritional elements depends on this. For example, it is not recommended to overuse fried foods, smoked and confectionery products. The cutlets can be steamed and the fish can be baked with vegetables in the oven.

Medium-calorie foods that can make you gain weight:

  • duck;
  • sour cream 15% fat;
  • chicken meat, namely broilers;
  • horse meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • macaroni and cheese;
  • lamb meat;
  • soups;
  • bananas.

The most harmful of all the products that make you fat are margarine and spread oils of artificial origin. Abuse of fatty foods leads to increased cholesterol levels and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is also necessary to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Causes of extra pounds

During menstruation, women overeat and consume large amounts of high-calorie foods. You can gain excess weight during stressful situations and experiences. It is clear that you need to control yourself, but this is not always possible when you want something special and tasty.

During what periods, even low-calorie foods can lead to fat deposition:

  • Often, people wait until the diet ends so they can eat their favorite treats. However, after the diet, if you overeat again, the kilograms will return in a short period.
  • Many people gain extra pounds during the holidays when the table is filled with a variety of goodies. Such food is not only high in calories, but also harmful to our body.
  • A strong feeling of hunger occurs after parting with a loved one.
  • Women gain weight during pregnancy. After all, during this period it doesn’t matter what foods make you fat, the main thing is to satisfy the needs inside the growing baby.
  • While the food is cooking, housewives can eat to their heart's content, which is where the extra pounds come from.

Rules for proper nutrition

Red wine is also a high-calorie food; it should not be consumed in excess. Fruits, on the contrary, are low-calorie, but you shouldn’t eat kilograms of them in one day. To lose weight, eat in moderation and at certain times. Doing sports, aerobics or will allow you to achieve better results. You can reduce your appetite and hunger by eating a few almonds.

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself to sweets. Often these are the very foods that make you fat. You cannot completely abandon them; it is important to create the right menu so that the food is healthy and varied, since they contain useful essential microelements that are so necessary for the body.

Healthy replacement for harmful products

How to turn something harmful into something useful

  • Be sure to count calories. You can lose weight with any set of foods, as long as you follow the calorie content. True, portions of high-calorie food will be several times smaller than dietary ones, but you won’t have to radically change your taste preferences.
  • Instead of mayonnaise, use 15% sour cream or natural yogurt.
  • It is recommended to fry food in a non-stick frying pan. In this case, you do not need to add oil or fat.
  • When preparing, use boiling, stewing, baking or steaming.
  • Prepare your own drinks (smoothies, Sassi water, detox water, weight loss drinks - the choice is huge).
  • Prepare semi-finished products yourself (replace pork with chicken and turkey, mayonnaise with yogurt, white bread with whole grain bread)
  • Look for an alternative. Any product or dish can be replaced with a less calorie and more healthy analogue.

To avoid gaining excess weight, eat low-calorie foods. These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, dried fruits, chicken fillet, fish. It is recommended to consume baked vegetables, as they retain the most useful and nutritious substances.

Excess weight is a serious problem for young girls and mature women. Exhausting and strict diets cause inconvenience and do not bring the desired result. To properly build a diet, you need to know which foods help you lose weight.

The TOP 10 popular products for weight loss include:

World-class doctors confirm the health benefits of fermented milk products. Proteins, which are contained in milk fermentation products, are quickly absorbed and start the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Amino acids, calcium and phosphorus nourish hair, strengthen teeth and nails.

Cottage cheese, yogurt, curdled milk, kefir and other fermented milk products contain the hormone calcitriol, which activates the burning of subcutaneous fat in the body. Thanks to the rapid metabolism caused by calcitriol, fat absorption slows down and excess weight does not accumulate.

As a dietary supplement, it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese (6%) or natural yogurt without fillers and supplement the product with fresh fruit or honey. You cannot add sugar to fermented milk products or buy sweet desserts; there is very little benefit from such products.

The bean product contains a lot of fiber, useful acids (ascorbic acid, etc.), macro, microelements, carotene and B vitamins. In terms of protein content, beans are close to meat or fish. That is why legumes are necessarily included in the diet of vegetarian women and those who fast.

A plant-based meat substitute saturates the body with nutrients and minerals and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. To digest vegetable protein, a large amount of energy is expended, which comes from fat reserves. The amino acids contained in white and red beans act as a natural antidepressant and improve mood and psychological well-being.

The norm for bean consumption is 3 glasses per week. The product is used in a variety of dishes: soups, salads, bean paste or boiled beans with olive oil. Beans are served for breakfast or lunch; in the evening the body should not be overloaded.

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in hake, cod, flounder, salmon and other types of fish, must be present in the diet of a healthy person. Under the influence of Omega-3, carbohydrates, proteins and fatty deposits are dissolved. Fatty acids, also known as F vitamins, normalize the body's metabolic process.

Thanks to Omega-3, the body absorbs fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). In addition, sea fish contains iodine, which contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and heart. To lose weight, choose low-fat varieties of fish. Steaming is recognized as the best dietary method of preparing seafood, thus preserving the maximum of nutrients and vitamins. Fatty fish, such as salmon or mackerel, should be included in the diet no more than once a week.


The famous fat burner has gained well-deserved popularity among many women. Pineapple is rich in the enzyme bromelain, which is involved in the breakdown of proteins. Thanks to the action of the enzyme, meat, fish and dairy products are digested. The release of nutrients from food gives a feeling of fullness and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. This activates the fat burning process.

The tropical fruit has an active effect on digestion immediately after eating. To lose weight, you should only eat pineapple fresh. Nectar and canned fruits in sugar syrup will not be beneficial.


Bitter and sour citrus is one of the most popular and useful tropical plants for weight loss. The fruit contains vitamins A, B2, C, P, potassium and fiber, normalizes intestinal function and helps remove accumulated toxins from the body. Grapefruit essential oils, actively used in aromatherapy, stimulate metabolism and activate the fat burning process.

The fruit normalizes insulin levels in the blood, preventing the accumulation of new fat reserves. Other citrus fruits have a similar effect, but grapefruit has the most active effect.

Grapefruit should be consumed in small quantities so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. A day is enough to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or eat half a fruit. While taking certain medications, grapefruit juice may enhance their effects.

Each type of cabbage is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The most common vegetable contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, U, iodine, boron, copper, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, etc. A large amount of fiber improves intestinal function. Contained in cabbage, indole-3-carbinol normalizes the metabolism of the hormone estrogen, which can cause poor health and disturbances in the functioning of the body.

There are mono-diets and capsules for weight loss based on cabbage. Rational consumption of vegetables will help achieve the desired result. Salads are prepared from white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are steamed, Brussels sprouts are baked in milk or cream sauce. Cabbage is low in calories and serves as an addition to fish, meat dishes or porridges.

Green tea

This amazing drink contains more than 500 elements and organic compounds, vitamins and complex compounds. Flavonoids suppress free radicals and improve immunity, which is especially important when following a diet. Mineral components make hair and nails healthy and beautiful.

Under the influence of green tea, metabolism accelerates by 15%, subcutaneous and internal fat is simply “washed out” from the body. Regular consumption of green tea promotes good health, improves mood and removes extra pounds.

The drink is drunk hot or cold with the addition of herbs or honey. It is enough to drink 3 cups of aromatic drink a day. It is recommended to drink green tea in the morning and throughout the day; in the evening, the tonic effect of caffeine can interfere with healthy sleep.

Red wine

During the growth and ripening of grape fruits, the plant generates a special substance - resveratrol. The chemical compound is concentrated in the skin of the grapes. Resveratrol has a beneficial effect on the body, has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antiviral effects, and also blocks fat cell receptors and promotes weight loss.

In freshly picked grapes, resveratrol quickly oxidizes; the wine production process allows the substance to be preserved in the finished drink. A glass of good grape wine with lunch adds a refined taste to the meal and helps maintain a slim figure.

The plant has become widespread and is used as a universal remedy. Ginger eliminates spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite and has a warming effect. The root “warms” the stomach, starts the digestion process and does not give fats a chance to settle in the body. A large amount of essential oils speeds up metabolism and destroys fat cells.

Ginger root is brewed as tea with lemon and honey and added to salads and baked goods. The easiest way: chop 1 cm of ginger root and pour 200 ml. boiling water, add mint, thyme or lemon to taste. You should drink no more than two cups of ginger tea per day.


Cinnamon is associated with sweet baked goods, but it is more effective when used to cut down fat. The spice lowers blood sugar levels and slows down the accumulation of excess weight, improves overall tone and strengthens the immune system. Cinnamon has a high content of vitamins B, A, PP, tannins and fiber.

The fat burner works especially well in the waist area, the most problematic area of ​​the female body. Crushed cinnamon sticks are added to fruit salads, kefir, yogurts and tea. The fat burning product consists of cinnamon and honey, poured with boiling water.

Products that help you lose weight greatly facilitate the process of developing an ideal figure. A sensible approach to diet and inclusion of tasty and healthy foods in your daily diet will help you lose weight and improve your health.

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