Not enough milk. What can I do to get more milk? How can you tell if your baby is not getting enough milk while breastfeeding? 1 month old baby does not have enough breast milk

Now it’s time for one of my favorite problems when breastfeeding...Lack of milk...

About 9 out of 10 mothers who complain about a lack of milk actually think so unreasonably, focusing solely on their own feelings and behavior of the child. But these indicators are biased and are most often explained by other reasons.

There are expressions of mothers that twins are similar to each other and you have even heard them from your friends or said them yourself. With slight variations...

“My breasts do not fill as before, they are no longer bursting with milk, they have become soft and I feel that they are empty...”

Usually, such words can be heard from a mother at 2-3 months of lactation. More often, this is due to the onset of the normal stage of lactation - mature lactation. When milk is no longer produced for future use, and the mammary gland adapts to the needs of the baby and milk comes in exactly as much as he needs for one feeding. Thus, nature has provided the opportunity for the mother’s body not to work too hard.

An important clarification: the more children the mother has fed, the faster this moment can come. One day, the mother of her 4th child approached me! She raised all the children herself! And all the offspring gained weight well, including the newborn. She said that with each baby, she had less and less milk and doubted her ability to feed the little one. It turned out that a similar condition (breasts were not full, they were not bursting, they were soft) was occurring earlier and earlier, with last child, mature lactation was established after a month of feeding. It’s great that mom turned out to be very attentive and balanced, we discussed with her what exactly was happening, that the softness of the breasts and the feeling of not being full did not affect the ability to feed the baby. Now she successfully continues to breastfeed.

Therefore, dear mothers, if you notice a change in the condition of your breasts and milk supply, do not worry or worry. Don’t immediately run to the pharmacy for formula and a bottle, don’t drink a bunch of lactogenic products, don’t start drinking liters of tea with milk (especially since this recipe for lactation doesn’t help in any way). Better yet, relax, look at your happy little one, Assess whether urination, bowel frequency, etc. have changed. If everything is fine in this regard, then you have no reason to worry.

We have considered the option if the organization of breastfeeding the child was correct. But quite often there are situations where significant errors were made in the organization of feeding:

  • The baby was supplemented with formula feeding without extreme necessity;
  • The baby received a pacifier and began to devote a lot of time to it;
  • Night applications were skipped ();
  • Mommy maintained intervals between feedings or limited sucking time;
  • The baby was fed large amounts of water.

In this case, it is at this age of the baby that mistakes begin to make themselves felt. And milk production may actually decrease. And in this case, if the mistakes are not eliminated, lactation will not regain its full strength even despite the constant use of lactogenic agents.

“Everything was fine, but in the morning I woke up and had nothing to feed! The milk is gone!”

I’ll say right away, mommies, if you breastfed normally before, then the milk can’t go anywhere overnight, even in a week, it can’t go anywhere! Lactation is a hormonal process and stopping it is not so easy. Even if you encounter this phenomenon, remain calm, do not grab the bottle, try to relax and latch on to your baby more often during the day. The baby will definitely increase milk production by sucking and everything will work out.

“I have lactostasis and the baby does not want to breastfeed, probably the milk has burnt out or has become tasteless” or “I am afraid to feed the child because of stagnation”

The first aid for any lactostasis is sucking the baby and the more often he does this, the faster you, together with the baby, will cope with it. If you have the first signs of lactostasis, start applying the baby to this breast more often. After all, if you feed the sore breast less, the nipple and areola will swell more and more and it will be more difficult for the baby to latch onto the breast well and free it from stagnant milk. That is why, most often, the baby refuses to take it.

Sometimes it happens that due to stagnation, the milk acquires a salty taste and the mother, having tried it, is afraid to feed her baby this milk. In fact, such milk is not at all dangerous for the baby, it’s just that when it stagnates, the level of salts in the milk increases, and it acquires such a taste. You can and should feed! After eliminating lactostasis, taste qualities are completely restored.

“I tried to express, but nothing happened” or “I don’t have milk, I only get 40 grams from both breasts!”

The amount of milk expressed does not indicate a lack of milk, and there is no need to focus on this. And there are explanations for this.

Firstly, even coolest breast pump does not compare with natural suckling of a baby, the power of the vacuum when sucking the baby and the natural wave-like movements of the tongue make it easy and simple to suck milk out of the breast. The mammary gland readily responds to the sucking of the native baby, its proximity and smell, and itself gives up milk, the milk secretion reflex turns on and the milk is thrown into the baby’s mouth. And when expressing, it doesn’t matter whether you do it with your hands or with a breast pump, this reflex may not work and you won’t be able to express a large amount.

Secondly, in any business you need a skill and this skill also needs to be learned. Therefore, if for some reason you were unable to express any significant amount of milk, this is not a reason to be upset, draw far-reaching conclusions and plan a trip to buy formula.

We also read: and choose a breast pump and learn correctly

“My baby hangs on the breast or sleeps for a very short time and asks for the breast again. I probably don't have enough milk."

The fact is that for a human child, frequent feedings are biologically justified. Our species of mammals, and whatever one may say, this is the case, is one of those species that practically never part with the child, carry it with them, feed it according to every desire to attach to the mammary gland.

A woman's breast milk contains easily digestible fats that are digested fairly quickly. The record time for breast milk to be digested is only 30 minutes.. Therefore, frequent breastfeeding is normal behavior for a baby in the first months of life. And this is not an indicator of a lack of milk.

You should also not discount the fact that for a newborn baby, the breast is, without exaggeration, everything! This is a way to communicate with mom, to feel comfort, safety, closeness, a way to empty the intestines and get rid of discomfort, some babies pee when they suckle. With the help of the breast, the child adapts to the new environment after birth, this is a thread connecting the child and mother, like an umbilical cord in the tummy, this is a natural continuation of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, frequent feedings are important for both mother and baby, especially in the first months of feeding.

“The baby is worried under the breast, crying and it seems to me that he is crying because I have little milk”

In fact, the reasons for this behavior are the cart and the small cart and Not in the first place is the feeling of hunger and lack of milk.

Let's mention just a few of them; in fact, there may be a great many more of them and it is better to deal with the reasons individually.

  • If a baby is sometimes fed from a bottle, then at a certain stage he purposefully begins to demand it. May also concern the pacifier;
  • The baby is uncomfortable sucking or something causes him pain;
  • Errors in feeding, for example, too frequent change breast();
  • Changes in milk flow, some babies don't like too much milk flow, others have it slower. This can and should be fought;
  • Banal;
  • The baby was forced to wait too long for the breast, and he is no longer able to cope with the resentment and may bend over and refuse the breast;
  • Breast refusal for various reasons not related to lack of milk.

As you can see, the baby may behave this way not because you don’t have enough milk; this is the last, and not the first, thing you should think about in such a situation.

“The child doesn’t sleep at all during the day! And if you give him a mixture, he pounces on the bottle and after the mixture falls asleep for several hours!”

And again the conclusion is drawn - there is not enough milk, it is not what it should be, it is not fatty, not nutritious, etc.

When talking with the mother, it almost always turns out that the baby falls asleep in her arms and can sleep for an hour and an hour and a half, but when she tries to put her in the crib, she instantly wakes up and everything starts in a circle (read an article on this topic:). Or the child inevitably wakes up when trying to carry him in a column, and then there follows a long laying down, rocking and other delights. It is important to understand that in order for a little person to feel safe and secure, he needs to feel the warmth, smell and closeness of his mother, and not only when he is awake. This is natural and normal for him. As a rule, it helps to solve the problem of adequate sleep for the baby and mobility of the mother. And it is becoming increasingly popular among nursing mothers.

However, many mothers, receiving a message from the older generation: “Don’t teach your hands!” and wanting to take a break from being carried in their arms, they begin to give the formula and are amazed that the baby can sleep for 3 hours without waking up. Some mothers perceive this as a blessing and begin to doubt the need for breastfeeding in general. But here you need to dig deeper and figure out why this is happening? And the trick is that the mixture contains a foreign protein, due to which the mixture is absorbed more slowly and harder, the child falls into deep sleep, not because he feels good and is full, but because all his strength is spent on digesting the mixture. In addition, the baby, when sucking on a bottle, often sucks on it while the formula continues to flow, as a result, he can overeat greatly, then sleep can already enter the stressful stage. I think every mother understands that this is not good.

Another way out for their situation, which mothers find, is to send the little one for a walk for 3 hours with dad or grandmother. And everything seems to be fine too, the baby doll is sleeping on the street, mom is resting. But upon arriving home, the child clutches the breast with a death grip and may not let go for several hours, afraid of losing it again. To prevent this from happening, in the first months of feeding, it is better if walks last no more than an hour.

Dear mothers, when you start complaining that the baby can’t get away with it, doesn’t sleep without you, hangs on your chest, that you don’t have time to do anything around the house, please remember that time is very fleeting and with this baby this won't happen again. That your child will only be little once and that he will need you so badly only now.

“In the morning, the breasts are full of milk, and in the evening there is little milk and the baby is restless at the breast. Does that mean there’s not enough milk?”

In order to understand what is happening, you need to know the physiology of lactation. It is during the night and early morning hours that the production of the lactation hormone prolactin peaks, and milk is actively produced. In addition, at night feeding, as a rule, less often than during the day, milk accumulates and in the morning it makes the chest burst. During the day, the baby has a lot of reasons for latching, feedings become more frequent, and the breasts are emptied more often. This does not mean at all that there is no milk or that there is not enough milk, it just does not accumulate and its flow weakens somewhat. This can be unnerving for your little one, especially if they sometimes receive a bottle or pacifier. Such children really do not like a weak flow; if you remove foreign objects from sucking, the situation will gradually normalize.

Usually, in the evening, the babies accumulate fatigue, impressions of the day, the babies are preparing to go to bed, and therefore in the evenings you can often observe that mothers are feeding non-stop. It is important to understand that such behavior is, as usual, normal.

Sometimes, too restless behavior in the evenings may be a consequence of a difficult birth, stimulation during labor, or pain relief. Also, in rare cases, it makes sense to seek help from an experienced osteopath.

As you can see, evening “hanging” on the chest is not explained by a lack of milk, but by completely different reasons, for example, the characteristics of lactation and the baby’s nervous system.

So, dear mothers, we went through common situations and concluded that you cannot base your suspicions about a lack of milk only on your baby’s own feelings and behavior. More often than not, these suspicions are completely unfounded.

If anxiety doesn’t leave you, don’t consider it a chore, track the number of urinations your child has per day, analyze the dynamics of weight gain, this will protect you and your baby from the unreasonable introduction of supplementary feeding. If the results do not satisfy you, you can assume a real lack of milk, try to pay attention to the correct attachment, frequency of feeding and think about introducing supplementary feeding, if necessary.

We also read:

How to increase lactation breast milk at home ( folk remedies and tablets) –

How to restore lactation - 10 main recommendations –

Fundamental tips for breastfeeding mothers about breastfeeding -

Video guide

Is the baby getting enough breast milk? This question often arises among young mothers. Mostly, such concern is unfounded, but it really happens that the baby does not eat enough. How to dispel doubts? Very simple. It is necessary to carefully monitor your breastfed baby. Having identified a number of signs, it will be possible to determine with confidence that there is indeed little milk.

Certain signs will help a mother understand that her baby is not getting enough breast milk. Most sure sign lack of milk during breastfeeding - anxiety of the child and lack of weight.

If the baby is nervous while latching on to the breast, or is capricious immediately after feeding, you need to suspect that maybe the baby is not getting enough breast milk.

Signs of low breast milk:

  1. Chronic underweight. It is possible to determine the exact weight gain at a control weighing.
  2. Baby's nervousness at the breast and after feeding.
  3. Wet diaper test. You can understand that a breastfed child is malnourished by counting the number of urinations. It is worth consulting with your doctor, who will determine their suitability for the baby’s age.
  4. Pallor skin, lethargy. These are all signs of dehydration. When it comes to breastfeeding, this may indicate that the mother's milk supply is low. However, if you notice these signs, you should urgently consult a doctor, because dehydration is a rather dangerous condition, and it may well be a symptom of other health problems.

False symptoms

If natural feeding is carried out in an “on demand” mode, then some signs may be falsely interpreted by the young mother.

This does not mean that there is no milk in the breast if:

  • Milk production has stopped during or between feedings.
  • The feeling of fullness in the chest disappeared.
  • Mom stopped feeling hot flashes.
  • I can't express milk between feedings.

If, despite all these signs, the baby behaves calmly at the breast, continues to suck, gains weight normally, and is not capricious, this is not a reason to be upset; on the contrary, everything is just fine. All these symptoms indicate mature lactation. Milk is produced in required quantity while sucking.

The child is capricious at the breast and after feeding. The cause of this is often colic, constipation, or air entering the stomach during feeding.

There is no need to draw premature conclusions. You need to hold the baby in an upright position, let him burp and offer the breast a little later.

These signs will not help a mother determine with one hundred percent certainty that the baby is not getting enough breast milk.

How to be

When a young mother independently suspects a problem of lack of milk, she may have a question about supplementing her baby with formula.

Most often, there is no need to rush to the pharmacy. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the child is weakened or has chronic underweight. For such children, the doctor is obliged to select an appropriate diet and strictly monitor weight gain and the condition of the baby as a whole.

You can eliminate the problem of milk shortage and reach the required volume by following a number of recommendations:

  1. You should not give a breastfed baby a pacifier. Until lactation is established, it is better not to give the baby a pacifier. There is no special need for it when “feeding on demand”. On the contrary, constant sucking of a pacifier by a newborn can affect the reduction in the amount of breast milk in the mother.
  2. If the mother's milk supply is low, it is worth increasing the number of times the baby attaches to the breast. Feeding your baby “on demand” is usually the best way to prevent milk shortages and the right way eliminate this problem.
  3. Skin to skin contact. The feeling of maternal warmth has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system. In addition, this principle of feeding promotes the production of oxytocin (the “breastfeeding” hormone) in the mother.
  4. Do not supplement your baby with formula, much less cow's (goat's) milk, unless prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Do not skip night and early morning feedings. It is this time of day that is the peak of oxytocin production and “lays the program” for lactation for the next day.

What mom needs to know

During breastfeeding, so-called lactation crises occur from time to time. This is due to the fact that the baby’s needs increase due to growth spurts. At the same time, mother’s breasts do not always have time to react in a timely manner and adjust to new volumes. Typically, lactation crises last a maximum of a week, after which everything is restored by itself and, accordingly, signs of lack of milk disappear.

The production of oxytocin is promoted by frequent latching of the baby to the breast. The key to successfully overcoming a lactation crisis is compliance with the above recommendations.

Successful breastfeeding requires, first of all, the desire of mother and child, as well as perseverance and strong confidence. Then everything should work out!

How to avoid making a mistake

The doubts and fears of a young mother can be understood, especially if grandmothers constantly remark affirmatively that she has little milk, it is not nutritious enough, and the like. However, this is not a basis for switching to mixed, much less artificial feeding. There is nothing more beneficial for a child than mother's milk. With some effort, it is quite possible to restore and normalize lactation. If in doubt, you should consult a competent specialist. An experienced pediatrician can easily help a young mother find out if her baby has enough milk. It is very good if the mother and the doctor are for one thing - for natural feeding.

Breast milk is an ideal food for a baby; when breastfed, children are less susceptible to allergic reactions, regurgitation, and intestinal colic. But many mothers feel that their child is not getting enough nutrition. What to do if a baby does not have enough milk while breastfeeding, how to notice and solve the problem in time?

Considering that most infants tend to cry often (due to too much high temperature air at home, dry air, intestinal colic, overexcitation, etc.), just crying is not a sign of starvation. But the real sign is when there is not enough milk during breastfeeding, the baby gains little weight. Less than 125 grams per week. How to determine this increase? The simplest thing is to visit a pediatrician. Possibly unscheduled. He will weigh the child and set a day to come back for weighing. It will be clear how much the baby has recovered.

Just don’t look for signs that the baby doesn’t have enough milk in the amount that was expressed. With established lactation, and this is already 4-6 weeks after birth or even earlier, there is very little milk in the mammary glands. It is stored in the alveoli. And it enters the glands only during active stimulation of the nipple. During pumping, it is quite difficult to cause the release of oxytocin, the hormone that is responsible for the flow of milk into the glands. Oxytocin is a pleasure hormone. Well, pumping gives it to few women. And few people know how to pump properly.

How to understand that there is not enough milk during breastfeeding and the baby is not getting enough, what do doctors directly suggest? Many pediatricians assure that the cry of a hungry child cannot be confused with anything. An experienced mother who is not breastfeeding her first child will probably not be at a loss either. If milk does not flow well from the breast, you cannot hear the baby swallow, he actively sucks, but often interrupts and cries. In the first weeks after birth, the flow of milk during feeding is clearly noticeable. If a woman does not feel them, plus the previously mentioned signs are present, this does not speak in favor of sufficient lactation.

You can do a test to determine the amount of milk. For this purpose, the child is left without disposable diapers and count the number of urinations. This method is informative if the child does not receive any other liquid besides milk. If the baby urinated 10 times or more, everything is fine.

How to increase lactation while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding experts recommend using so-called natural methods for this purpose. It is not necessary to take any dietary supplements. It is important to find out the reasons why a nursing mother has little milk and the baby does not have enough milk, and depending on them, look for a solution. For example, if a child often sleeps a lot, wake him up for feeding. This situation is especially relevant for children in the first month of life. They should eat at least once every 3 hours. If after feeding the child sleeps for more than 2.5 hours, wake him up and feed him.

Another common reason why you may not have enough milk is swallowing large quantity air during feeding. This creates a false feeling of fullness, as a result the baby sucks out little milk. What to do? You need to feed the baby in a semi-vertical position, at an angle of about 45 degrees. Plus, make it a rule to feed your baby only when he is in a calm state, since screaming and crying swallows a lot of air.

The question of whether there is enough breast milk usually does not arise when the mother often offers the breast to the baby, gets plenty of rest, and knows little tricks on how to help the production of the hormone oxytocin while the baby is breastfeeding. This is facilitated by skin-to-skin contact, a calm environment, and a good psychological attitude.

Stress, health problems, or other troubles can lead to the fact that at a certain stage of breastfeeding the mother will run out of milk. We often encounter this situation. That is why you should prepare in advance to resolve the issue. In this case, it is necessary to consider in detail the situation of how to supplement the child’s feeding if there is not enough milk for this. The question is quite relevant and interests many mothers who at some point were left without natural milk.

There are a number of moments when a nursing mother loses breast milk.

Among the main problems the following are identified:

  • During the birth process, medications were used, which aggravated the production of milk in the woman’s glands.
  • For certain reasons, early breastfeeding of the baby was not carried out after childbirth.
  • Psychological disorders and problems occurring in the female body after and during childbirth.
  • The introduction of complementary foods for children is carried out at an early stage, before the due date.
  • Feeding your baby on a schedule (if you do this more often, your milk supply will improve).
  • The use of hormonal drugs by a woman, which provoke an abundant increase in hormones in the body.
  • Lactation crises (when the mother’s body is temporarily unable to cope with the needs of a rapidly growing child).

These points are associated with a temporary or permanent decrease in the production of breast milk in a woman. If you encounter one of these situations, you need to look for an appropriate solution.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of a decrease in milk production in a woman, for which an appropriate medical examination and consultation is carried out.

Signs of low milk production

A young mother has the opportunity to independently determine that she has a lack of milk fluid production. As a rule, the following common symptoms appear:

  • the breasts of a nursing mother at the time of feeding are not heavy or full enough (physical manifestations are felt);
  • The milk mixture leaks lightly, as evidenced by the behavior of the infant.

These are two main signs that allow you to determine the lack of formula for feeding, and also promptly contact a specialist to identify the reason why an insufficient amount of milk is produced.

In each individual case of lack of formula milk, other symptoms are also present that allow the specialist to determine the cause of the lack of milk production.

The breasts are not so heavy and dense at the time of feeding

Here, there is a lack of production of the substance by the mammary glands; it manifests itself as natural symptoms, when a woman can independently determine that her breasts have become lighter or do not have the necessary density. In addition to visual perception, this reason is felt naturally. The manifestation of these two symptoms is a reason to consult a specialist.

Milk does not flow intensively

Another bad symptom is slight leakage of milk fluid during feeding. This is usually accompanied by the whims of the child, who does not receive the required amount of natural food product. The mother can also feel this on her own, since the permeability of the mixture will be significantly reduced compared to the initial feedings.

How does lack of feeding affect a child?

A young mother can immediately identify when her baby is not receiving much needed nutrition, as the baby reacts vividly to it. If there is not enough power, the following occurs:

  • the behavior of the newborn changes significantly due to a lack of the required amount of nutrients;
  • the excretory function of the newborn baby’s body decreases (the baby goes to the toilet less often);
  • If children eat little, they noticeably lose weight or do not gain it for a long time.

This symptomatology is typical, provided that the mother’s mammary glands cannot cope with secreting the required amount of milk fluid.

If there is a lack of milk, the child will be capricious and constantly demand the breast, which, naturally, his mother should notice.

The child is losing weight or not gaining weight

For an attentive mother, such a symptom will not go unnoticed. Lack of nutrients affects the child's body quickly. Within a week, the first signs of weight loss will be noticeable. In addition, the child’s behavior will change and he will sleep more often. The blush will disappear from the surface of the skin, and the skin will have a pale tint.

Decreased excretory function of the body

The mother will also notice this symptom immediately, since stool and urination will occur less frequently than usual. As a rule, such a manifestation does not take long to appear. The symptom is visible within one or two days after the reduction in the amount of formula for the child’s nutrition begins.

Is naughty and often demands the breast

The natural reaction of a child’s body to a lack of milk is frequent whims. If the baby cries more often than usual or does not want to leave the breast, this is a symptom of a lack of milk. In this case, the nursing mother should immediately visit a specialist to identify the cause of weak milk production, and also, if possible, determine what to use for subsequent feeding.

How and what to supplement your baby with if there is not enough breast milk

Modern mothers often have to deal with situations of insufficient milk formula in the glands. Here it becomes necessary to feed the child so that his growth and development do not slow down. Supplemental feeding of children can be done using the following:

  • special milk formulas (selected based on the age of the baby who does not receive enough breast milk);
  • baby food designed for the baby's gradual cessation of breastfeeding;
  • products that are used in complementary feeding of children over six months (porridge, milk, vegetables, fruits, meat).

The most common supplementary feeding option is formula feeding, which allows you to gradually wean your baby completely off the breast.

The composition of the formula used is determined depending on the age and tastes of the baby who is experiencing a lack of breast milk.

Types of mixtures

Depending on the age and health status of the baby, an option is selected regarding which formula will be used for supplementary feeding.

There are the following types of dairy products:

  • adapted formulations;
  • ordinary milk formulas for feeding;
  • hypoallergenic consumer products;
  • fermented milk mixtures for supplementary feeding;
  • specialized food products for babies.

The exact option for supplementary feeding can be advised by a doctor who monitors the mother and child who need additional feeding due to a lack of breast milk.

Of no small importance when choosing the composition of the diet is the age and health of the child (if there is an allergy, it is necessary to select hypoallergenic compositions for the diet).


Here the mixture is prepared in proportions so that the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for a growing organism is present. Such compositions must be selected depending on the age of the baby. Due to the complicated production technology, formulas are expensive, but at the same time they perfectly complement and, if necessary, replace mother’s breast milk.


A regular mixture of dried or fresh milk of animal origin, which is not subject to special processing. The cost of such a composition is quite low, but not every growing organism easily accepts such compositions.

In addition, for children with allergic reactions, it is not recommended to supplement with pure milk formula, otherwise this can have a detrimental effect on their health.


Specialized mixtures that are made from powdered or fresh milk that has undergone appropriate purification. At the processing stage, all components that can cause allergic reactions are removed from the composition. The cost of such products is quite high, which is why not every mother can afford to supplement with such food products.

Fermented milk

Here the product is made from powdered or liquid milk. Based on their composition, products are divided into adapted, partially adapted and non-adapted formulations. Prescribed to children who have already reached a certain age. Depending on the composition, the product undergoes processing. As for non-adapted products, they are similar to conventional fermented milk compositions (kefir or yogurt).

Specialized Blend

The compositions are used for certain categories of children (premature babies, those with certain diseases, underweight). Taking into account the deviation, the product is added necessary components to compensate for missing substances. These products are selected depending on the deviation present in the child’s body. These compositions are developed according to a special program and are quite expensive.

Having gone through a long 9-month journey, having experienced a lot of worries and fears during pregnancy, women who have just given birth often face another problem.

When a nursing mother produces little milk, only a few have any idea what to do to ensure that lactation returns to normal.

How is milk produced?

The first feeling that takes over a woman is panic: “Will I be able to feed my baby on my own? Do you really have to switch to a mixture?

Before making drastic decisions that may subsequently affect the baby's health, it is necessary to make every effort to maintain lactation and increase breast milk production.

First, it is important to understand what lactation is. Before taking active measures and starting to do something to make breast milk flow, it is advisable to understand the natural mechanism of its production in the mother.

As you know, lactation is a rather complex hormonal process, which is helped to proceed by prolactin and oxytocin.

The nature and frequency of the baby's attachment to the breast is also important. If the baby diligently empties the mammary gland, then lactation will be normal throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

The child does not eat enough: illusion or reality?

The first step in solving the problem is to adequately assess whether the baby really does not have enough breast milk. Experts know what to do in this case.

If a child gains 125 grams or more of milk per week, the child has enough milk!

Another method of determining the lack or abundance of basic food for a baby is also popular. The so-called " wet diaper test“determines the level of lactation and satiety of the child by the number of his urinations: 10-12 times during the day or more are considered normal indicators, and everything below the specified value is critical.

In fact, it is quite rare to take special measures to improve lactation in order to increase the mother's milk production. In most cases, the problem remains far-fetched.

Often, unfounded arguments from more “experienced” family members serve as an obstacle to proper breastfeeding. Due to her own ignorance, a woman loses milk prematurely, reducing further chances of restoring and increasing lactation to zero.

How to deal with uneven milk supply?

Often, nursing mothers are concerned about uneven filling of the mammary glands. Many people become very worried if there is not enough milk in one breast.

What to do in this case and why does this happen?

The reason for this phenomenon is almost always that the mother mainly offers the baby the same breast, and he sucks all the milk out of it. Lactation in this gland increases, and in the other gland it decreases.

To avoid an unequal amount of milk in the breasts, it is important to place the baby alternately on both sides.

For example, first the baby eats from the right breast, and during the next feeding - from the left.

However, it is undesirable to allow the child to eat a little from both mammary glands during one milk intake. Thus, he will not be able to reach the fattier, nutritious hindmilk, which will help your baby become full and gain weight better.

Despite the active promotion of lactation, which is constantly carried out by gynecologists and pediatricians, only some mothers know what needs to be done to ensure that breast milk comes in. It is possible to increase its volume with a radical revision of the attitude towards natural feeding by the woman herself.

Firstly, for proper lactation, no norms or time limits should be set. For infants, doctors consider the ideal diet to be its absence. It is necessary to feed the child when he asks for it. A mother can increase the frequency of feedings on her own if she begins to offer her baby the breast more often.

Secondly, you can increase your milk supply by increasing the frequency of night feedings. As a rule, at this time of day, prolactin is intensively produced by the female body. If the baby prefers to have sweet dreams and sleep soundly until the morning, to effectively maintain lactation you will have to wake him up at least once every 2.5-3 hours.

See also my video tutorial on the topic of milk quantity:

Refusal of simulators of maternal nipples to improve lactation

It is advisable to refuse any bottles with nipples or pacifiers. In the case of regular or periodic supplementary feeding with artificial formula, you should also do without simulators of the mother's breast.

A baby spoon, a simple pharmaceutical syringe or a special soft sippy cup will be an excellent alternative to nipples. By the way, an important point is that before introducing crumbs of complementary foods into the diet, pediatricians strongly do not recommend giving him anything other than milk, incl. and water.

When a mother has little breast milk, the reasons are often hidden in the complete lack of comfort for her during the feeding process. It is impossible to say for sure that a relaxed body will help increase lactation, but at least it will affect the woman’s general well-being and mood.

The discomfort experienced due to an awkward position negatively affects milk production, so it is extremely important to create comfort not only for the child.

The role of a nursing mother's diet

In order for the milk produced to be enough for the baby, the nutrition of the nursing mother must also undergo serious correction. By adhering to the rules described below regarding diet during lactation, in the near future it is quite possible to increase the amount of food arriving for the baby.

  1. It is important to consume hot meals at least three times throughout the day.
  2. There will be more milk if you increase the daily volume of drinking for the mother. Warm herbal teas, dried fruit compotes, rosehip infusions, etc. are perfect for this purpose.
  3. The nutrition of a nursing woman should be as balanced and rational as possible. A sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates in the form of whole grain cereals, durum wheat pasta and bran bread will contribute to the intensity of milk production and increase the frequency of its arrival at the breast.
  4. For full growth of the baby, the mother’s diet must contain protein products and natural vegetable oils.
  5. In the first month of lactation, it is better to refrain from consuming fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese;
  6. Add lactation-boosting foods to your menu.

Auxiliary ways to combat small volumes of milk production are breast massage and taking special lactagonal agents, such as Mlekoin, Apilak, Milky Way.

It is important not only to constantly take care of the baby, but also not to ignore your own needs. A half-hour rest or a nap with the baby is something that will help a woman maintain herself in a satisfactory psychological state.

To increase milk production in the breast, you need to have the right positive attitude, which is impossible to achieve if you are exhausted and tired.

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