Unusual uses for things. Household tricks: unusual uses of ordinary things. From crib to table

Sometimes the most common things can be used in an unusual way. A selection of useful tips for every day, no one knows in advance what useful everyday trick or advice will help out in difficult moment. And therefore everything is better useful tips put them in your piggy bank until you need them.

Aspirin: dilute 2 tablets in 100 ml of hot water and soak traces of deodorant on clothing with this solution for 3 hours. They will disappear.
Dental floss: will help to firmly sew buttons and buttons, as well as repair umbrellas and backpacks.
Bread: slice white bread will remove greasy fingerprints from the wall and from non-washable wallpaper.
Ketchup: This will clean your silver jewelry if you put it in a bowl of it for a few minutes and then brush it with an old toothbrush.
Hairspray: will help extend the life of the drawing, especially if it is done in pastel.
Colored Pencils: Crushed lead can help disguise damage to wood floors and furniture.
Freezer: If you place candles in the freezer immediately before use, they will burn longer.
Olive oil, to which lemon juice or white wine vinegar is added in a ratio of 1/2 of the total volume of oil, will help add shine to polished furniture.
Diapers: ensure the safety and safe delivery of fragile items in parcels.
Peanut butter can remove chewing gum from your hair, just rub it in.
Vodka: Mix 30 ml of vodka with a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid and 400 ml of water to get a garden insect repellent.
Yogurt: mix 200 ml of live yogurt with 200 ml of water and a handful of moss, spread the resulting mixture wherever you want moss to grow.
Lighter Case - Sew this to one end of your beach towel to keep your keys and money in while going to the beach.
Do you want to eliminate an unpleasant odor in a bag, refrigerator, box, or jar of any product? Place an unused tea bag in there.
Hydrogen peroxide not only heals wounds, but also removes stains from clothes.
Don’t rush to buy special cloths to wipe your favorite gadgets with! Baby wipes do an excellent job of this.
Do you want to get rid of ants? Sprinkle more cinnamon in “dangerous places.”
Metal objects can be easily cleaned with toothpaste.
Wipe cutlery with the back of a banana peel. You will immediately notice how they sparkle.
Crush an aspirin tablet, dilute it with water and apply it to the mosquito bite. Everything will pass!
Baking soda is ideal for cleaning teeth, and especially for whitening them.
Hand cream will add shine to your shoes.
Do you want to sharpen your scissors? Fold a piece of foil in half and cut it.
Windows can be washed with paper coffee filters. Then there will be no divorces.
Charcoal will help freshen the air in the room.

Unusual uses of coffee

Amazing coffee product! Amazing and versatile. Everyone is familiar with the taste of this wonderful invigorating drink. This product has also found application in art. American Karen Eland became famous for painting fragrant coffee paintings, latte art never ceases to amaze with drawings on coffee, and crafts made from coffee beans are gaining more and more popularity. This product has also found its application in everyday life. After drinking a cup of this invigorating drink, do not rush to throw away the coffee grounds, they will still serve you. Often the most ordinary products can be used in unusual ways, and coffee is no exception.

Insects are extremely stupid and stupid creatures - they do not appreciate this divine drink at all, they cannot even stand it! By scattering dry coffee grounds in places favored by ants, you can easily get rid of their proximity - they will leave to look for a quieter place. And if you set fire to used coffee, that is, coffee grounds, such smoke will repel flies and wasps.
Used coffee will also save you from cat chaos. If your mustachioed pet understands the meaning of the word “toilet” in a way that is more convenient for him, you can wean the bastard from messing around in the wrong place with the help of coffee grounds, which need to be mixed with dried and ground orange peel. Sprinkle this fragrant mixture in secluded places that the cat has chosen as a toilet, and enjoy the puzzled look of the mustachioed sly one.
Coffee grounds are also used as flea shampoo. First, wash your pet with regular flea shampoo, and then wipe its fur with coffee grounds mixed with water. Rinse your pet thoroughly and not only will he get rid of fleas, but his fur will also become soft, silky and... fragrant. With a short-haired dog, this procedure is easy to do, but if the hair is long, you must rinse it thoroughly.
Used coffee is a good helper in cleaning a fireplace or stove. Before you start cleaning the stove or fireplace, you need to throw wet coffee grounds there, this will protect you from ash dust.
Coffee is an excellent ingredient for sachets. It is enough to put such a fragrant bag in the closet with clothes or linen, and your things will not only smell pleasant, but will also be protected from uninvited insects, for example, moths. It is not difficult to prepare such a coffee sachet - just pour a little freshly ground coffee into a linen bag.
Coffee can be used to remove scratches from dark wooden furniture. To do this, you need to dilute the coffee grounds with hot water to the consistency of gruel and rub it into the scratches. Coffee, of course, should be the finest grind.
By rubbing dark leather items, such as handbags or gloves, with coffee grounds and glycerin, you can refresh the item and give it a beautiful shine. You can simply wipe the leather surface with a soft cloth or cotton wool moistened with very strong coffee.
Sometimes a new leather bag has a rather unpleasant smell. You can get rid of it by sprinkling it on your purse. ground coffee and leaving it in this form for several hours, or even better, for the whole day. Of course, this option is only suitable for handbags made of dark skin.
Used coffee is an excellent fertilizer for plants that love acidic soil. These include rose bushes, azaleas, rhododendrons, lilies, as well as many evergreen shrubs. Feed them coffee grounds, they love it very much.
Coffee is great for cleaning ashtrays, eliminating unpleasant odors. Pour some coffee into a dirty ashtray, wipe with a damp cloth and rinse.
Coffee not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also prevents them from mixing. This property is used by placing some dried coffee grounds in the refrigerator.
In addition, coffee is an excellent dye that can be used to dye almost anything - from hair to eggs. I mean, Easter. Well, our grandmothers also rinsed their dark hair with coffee.

Unusual uses of Coca Cola

Use Coca Cola to clean your bathroom. Using Coke you will clean 3 main elements of the bathroom: bathtub, sink and toilet. Pour 1-2 glasses of drink into the toilet, close the lid and leave for an hour - death to bacteria! Then use a brush and clean the toilet as usual. When you're done, simply flush and enjoy the cleanliness of your toilet. In addition, Cola will also eliminate the unpleasant odor. Cola Cola will remove limescale and dirt from the sink and bathtub. Apply it directly to the surface and wipe with a cloth. It will also help clear the drain pipes of hair and other debris that has accumulated there.
Remove fat with Coca Cola. A wonderful drink. It will help you clean your clothes not only from greasy “kitchen” stains, but also from machine oil if you get dirty while repairing your car. Soak the soiled items with Coca Cola - pour the drink directly onto the stain and leave for two hours. The acid contained in Cola will separate the fat from things and will not stain the clothes you use it on. If you are removing an oil stain from a surface, first blot the excess oil with a towel, but do not rub to prevent the stain from spreading! Then completely fill the stain with Cola and leave for 8-10 hours. Then soak up the remaining oil again with a towel and wash the stain first with warm water and dishwashing detergent, and then rinse off the soapy water with a hose.
Another benefit of Coca Cola is that it perfectly cleans tiled floors and removes marker marks on the carpet.
Use Coca Cola in your car. For example, instead of a windshield wiper, this effective remedy from dust and other dirt. Apply Cola to the windshield, then wipe it - Cola will eat away the dirt. Coca Cola is also an excellent remedy for removing corrosion and oxidation on battery terminals. Apply the drink to problem areas and leave for a while. The acid contained in Cola will cope with corrosion. Remove any residue with a sponge.
Get rid of rust with Coca Cola. Place the rusty object in a container with Cola and leave it for a day, and after removing it, wipe it with a towel. You can add shine to old coins in the same way. By the way, Coca Cola will remove old rust stains from clothes. Wet the area where there is rust with Coca Cola, let the liquid “fight” with the stain for 5-10 minutes, then wash the clothes.
Use Coca-Cola to clean burnt-on food from pans. Pour cola into the pan and bring it to a boil. Carbon dioxide and high temperature will do the job perfectly. By the way, by pouring Coca-Cola into a kettle and boiling it, you will get rid of scale.
Surprisingly, among other things, Coca Cola makes the lawn unusually green. Here's the recipe: Spray 1 cup of Coke, 1 cup of ammonia and a quarter cup of dishwashing liquid on the grass once a month.
The benefits of Coca Cola for gardeners. Coca Cola will make excellent compost. Throw in straw, trash, old leaves and pour a can of Coke on the pile. Turn once a month, adding water (not too much so as not to get too wet). After about a month, your compost is ready.
Coca-Cola distributors in the US have been using it to clean their truck engines for 20 years.
American police officers wash off blood from the road surface with Coca-Cola: a few minutes - and the blood, even dried and ingrained into the asphalt, immediately comes off and is washed off with water.
In some Asian countries, farmers use Coca-Cola to kill pests because it is cheaper than chemicals and has the same effect.

Unusual uses of tea

A cup of tea? Perhaps... But don’t rush to throw the used tea leaves or tea bag into the trash! No, I’m not talking about pouring boiling water over again and drinking tea again. You already know that products are not only food, and tea is not only a drink. So, unusual uses of tea are on the agenda. Let's see what benefits the use of tea in everyday life can bring.

The most common use of tea bags is as compresses to soothe tired eyes. Soak the tea bags in ice water or simply fill them with water and leave them in the refrigerator for a while. Tea will not only relieve redness and swelling, but also soothe tired eyes.
Tea will also help with bruises. Apply a freshly brewed but already cooled bag of black tea to the bruised area and the bruise will go away much faster. The fact is that black tea contains tannins, which reduce swelling and tighten blood vessels. To achieve the best result, apply the compress twice a day, leaving it on for 20 minutes.
Tea can be used as a remedy for sunburn. Wet tea bags will relieve pain when sunburn, and if your whole body is burned, take a tea bath.
Tea will also help with razor cuts. A damp tea bag will reduce and soothe the aching pain of a razor cut.
At acne It is useful to wash your face with green tea.
Tea will also help with problems in the oral cavity. Painful mouth sores may go away on their own, but if you want to speed up the process, soak a tea bag in water and then bite it with your teeth. Once on the sore spots, the tea will ease the pain and speed up healing. You can also stop bleeding from a pulled out or lost tooth.
Use tea to freshen your breath. Gargling with strong tea reduces bad breath.
Use tea in the bathhouse, because poured onto the stones in the steam room, it will saturate the steam with the smell of herbs. Choose herbs for tea depending on the purpose. If you just want to saturate the steam room with aromatic steam, choose what you like best, but if you want to make it healthy, you should consider the following: green tea will improve the condition of the skin if it has scratches, sores or allergic rashes. If you want to relax well and relieve stress, pour tea made from chamomile, valerian root and yellow or black tea onto the sauna stove.
Tea will help with sweaty feet. Do the following procedure before going to bed - soak your feet in warm tea for 10-15 minutes, then dry them with a towel.
Tea absorbs odors perfectly. Use this property of tea to eliminate the unpleasant odor of your hands after cleaning fish or garlic. You can also use tea bags to deodorize your refrigerator or trash can by simply placing them there. And by placing lavender or other herbal tea bags in your car seat pockets, you'll get a natural air freshener.
Used dry tea sprinkled around a pet's bed will help get rid of fleas, and the smoke from burning tea leaves will repel bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Neither does moth have warm feelings for tea. If you don’t want such a neighbor in your closet, sprinkle green tea on the shelves. It can be poured into small bags made of linen or gauze and hung in closets where woolen items are stored.
Tea is an excellent organic fertilizer containing many nutrients. Use spent tea to feed plants. Remember that you cannot add wet tea leaves to the soil in large quantities, as this can cause the formation of mold and plant rot. Tea leaves should be applied to the soil before sowing seeds in the proportion of 0.5 kg of tea per 1 sq. m of soil. Using tea leaves as a top dressing effectively stimulates plant growth.
With the help of drinking tea, you can restore the cleanliness and shine of dark clothes. natural fur. To do this, slightly damp tea should be poured evenly onto the fur laid out on a flat surface, left for a few minutes, then sweep away the tea leaves with a damp brush with stiff bristles in the direction of fur growth.
If you are allergic to detergents, tea can be used to wash dishes. As strange as it may sound, tea actually has cleansing properties. Using a few re-brewed tea bags can remove dirt and grease from mirrors, glass, floors, kitchen countertops and unpainted wood furniture. Remember that after cleaning you need to wipe the surfaces dry, because tea is good natural dye.
The coloring properties of tea will also be used in everyday life. For example, when restoring the color of suede fabric. To do this, brew strong tea. Take the amount of tea leaves depending on the color of the fabric. For light brown fabric, brew tea from 1 tablespoon of dry tea leaves per 150 ml of water, if the fabric is dark brown, take 2 tablespoons of tea per 150 ml of boiling water. The color of the resulting tea should be a tone darker than the color of the fabric. Dampen a sponge with the strained tea and wipe the clean suede with it. Apply the tea evenly to avoid drips. Then dry the fabric well in the sun or in a dryer.
Tea can be used to dye lace and macramé items. Strong tea will add a beautiful beige hue to lace napkins, tablecloths, table runners and macramé items. This is easy to do - pour a liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of tea, add 2 teaspoons of salt and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Strained hot tea Place the items you want to paint and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the items in cold water with vinegar. You can also dye tights this way.
Tea will give a beautiful color easter eggs. For a liter of water you need about 4 tablespoons of dry tea. Eggs should be boiled for 10-15 minutes, and to make the shells better colored, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
Many people know the use of tea as natural paint For dark hair. To do this, mix rosemary, sage, black tea and let it brew overnight. Strain and rub thoroughly into hair. If necessary, to obtain desired color, repeat again.
Strong black tea added to the dough will give it a brown tint and make the products more ruddy.
Black tea mixture with 2 tablespoons corn starch, will help remove ironed stripes from dark clothes. Using a spray bottle, spray problem areas before ironing. If your suit or other clothes become shiny, wipe them with a piece of flannel soaked in strong black tea. Fabric treated with tea will stop being shiny and will take on a fresh and renewed look.

Unusual uses of vodka

At least one way to use vodka is familiar to everyone - internally. But besides this, vodka can bring considerable benefits. Considering that vodka is an excellent antiseptic, fat solvent and preservative, it is widely used in everyday life, replacing many different means.

Vodka has tonic, disinfectant, and astringent properties. When used externally, vodka has an excellent antipyretic effect - after all, as you know, with the rapid evaporation of alcohol, the surface of the skin cools. At high temperature It is recommended to rub the patient’s back and chest with vodka, but you should not wrap him warmly after this, this will prevent the evaporation process.
Vodka will help reduce allergic reactions after contact with plants such as poison ivy, oak and sumac. This often leads to an unpleasant and long-lasting allergic reaction in the form of a rash. To avoid an unpleasant reaction, you need to immediately pour vodka onto the skin so that it washes away essential oil secreted by these plants.
For minor cuts and abrasions, treat the wound with alcohol, this will help avoid irritation and redness.
Vodka can be used as a foot deodorant. By wiping your feet in the morning and evening you will get rid of the unpleasant odor - vodka will help cope with the bacteria that live near the sweat glands, so there will simply be no one to spread the odor.
A compress, generously moistened with vodka, will slow down the formation of pus during boils and purulent inflammations.
With the help of vodka it is easier to remove a patch glued to the skin - take cotton wool soaked in alcohol and place it on the patch, and after a while remove it. Vodka dissolves the glue and moistens the skin, making the patch peel off easier and less painful.
If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth with vodka. The gums will absorb a certain amount and the pain will dull.
Vodka is an excellent remedy for wiping bedsores in seriously ill patients.
Alcohol cleanses the skin, removes toxins from the hair and stimulates hair growth. Add a cap of vodka (about 50ml) to the shampoo bottle. If you want to get rid of dandruff, stir two teaspoons of ground rosemary in a glass of vodka. Let it brew for two days, strain, massage into your face and let dry.
You can extend the life of a bouquet by adding vodka and sugar to a vase of flowers. Add a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar to the water in a flower vase and your flowers will last and look fresh longer. Change the water with all the listed ingredients every day.
Using vodka it is quite easy to make chrome, glass and ceramic parts in the bathroom shine. Dampen a soft, clean cloth with vodka and wipe the taps and other parts in the bathroom with it.
Using the same vodka, you can easily unscrew a rusty bolt; just pour alcohol on it.
Vodka can help clean grout in bathtubs and showers. Fill a spray bottle with vodka, spray onto the caulk, wait 5 minutes and rinse with water. Alcohol in vodka kills fungi, mold and other microorganisms.
Vodka will help refresh your laundry. Most people prefer to wear clothes for as long as possible. If you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to freshen up your clothes, use vodka. Simply sprinkle some vodka on your clothes and hang them to dry in a well-ventilated area. The vodka will kill the bacteria that causes the bad odor and won't leave any odor behind when it dries.
Use vodka as a means to clean optical elements from greasy stains such as fingerprints and dirt. You can clean both photographic optics and regular glasses. It is enough to take a lint-free cloth, drop a little vodka so that the cloth becomes damp, but not wet, and wipe the entire surface with straight (not rotational, especially in the case of photographic lenses) movements.
It is better to remove fingerprints from a crime scene with the same vodka. In principle, it’s enough to simply wipe with a rag, but no one knows what modern fingerprinting has come to, right? So a few drops on this same rag will really help.
Vodka will extend the life of your safety razor. To do this, just put the blade in a glass of vodka for an hour or two after shaving - then the blade will not rust at all, which is why it will last longer.
Using vodka you can get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen. Mix 30 ml of vodka, 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid and 400 ml of water. Wipe the area where the insects live with this mixture.
If 1 tablespoon of vodka is poured into the yeast dough, the dough acquires flavor and dries more slowly.
Vodka will help check the quality of honey. Not large number Heat (at least a tablespoon) honey and dissolve in vodka. If the honey is natural, it will completely dissolve; if it is of poor quality, a sediment will appear or the vodka will become cloudy.
Vodka will also help to cook meat. When the water in which the meat is cooked boils, skim off the foam and add a little vodka to the broth (1 tablespoon per 500 g of meat). There will be practically no taste of the unusual “seasoning” left, but the meat will be cooked perfectly.
If you are going to fry something in batter, add only 1-2 tbsp to the batter. spoons of vodka - and you will get a golden brown and crispy crust.
Sprinkle vodka on the vomit stains, scrub them with a brush, then blot dry.
Using a piece of cotton wool, apply vodka to your face as an astringent; it will cleanse the skin and tighten the pores.
Fill a half-liter spray bottle with vodka and spray on flies, wasps and bees to kill them.
Pour half a glass of vodka and half a glass of water into a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. This ice pack with the resulting slurry can be used to remove pain and black eyes.
Fill a mayonnaise jar with fresh lavender flowers, add vodka, screw on the lid and place in the sun for three days. Strain through cheesecloth and use the tincture as a mixture for pain in bones and muscles.
Make your own mouthwash by stirring nine tablespoons of ground cinnamon into a glass of vodka. Strain. Mix with warm water and rinse your mouth. Don't swallow.
Dip the cotton wool on a match into vodka and touch the cold sores on your lips several times to dry them out.
If a blister bursts, pour vodka on it as a local anesthetic and for disinfection.
To get rid of ear pain, put a few drops of vodka in your ear. Wait a few minutes, then blot. Vodka will kill bacteria that cause inflammation and pain in the ear.
Vodka will help disinfect the jellyfish burn and relieve pain.

Unusual uses of aluminum foil

It turns out that foil is a great helper, and not only in the kitchen!

Great pie crust. To prevent the edges of the homemade pie from burning, cover them with strips of aluminum foil. The foil prevents the edges from browning before the entire pie has browned.
Original cupcake molds. Prepare a cupcake in the shape of a teddy bear for your birthday, or in the shape of a heart for St. Valentine's Day. Valentine or any other form according to the occasion. To do this, just give a sheet of thick foil, folded in half, the desired contour and place it inside a large baking sheet.
Cake decoration. Don't have a pastry syringe at hand? No problem, roll a sheet of thick foil into a tube and fill with liquid glaze. Advantage: you don't have to wash the syringe. When you're done, simply throw away the foil.
Keeping buns and bread warm. Do you want homemade buns or bread piping hot for lunch or a picnic? Before putting supplies into the basket, wrap the freshly baked items in a napkin and place a layer of foil underneath. The foil reflects heat, so the bread will stay warm for a long time.
So that the silver does not darken. Store the cleaned silver on a sheet of aluminum foil. For long-term storage, first wrap each item tightly in cellophane, removing as much air as possible, and then wrap in foil, sealing the ends tightly.
Preserving the quality of steel wool. You are very annoyed that after the first active use, a metal sponge left at the sink turns into a rusty ball the next day, suitable only for throwing away. To avoid rust, wrap the washcloth in foil and place it in the freezer.
Cleaning kitchen utensils. Don't have a hard sponge? Crumple up the foil and use it to clean pots and pans.
Efficient operation of the radiator. There's an easy way to get more heat out of an old cast iron radiator: place a heat deflector behind the radiator. To do this, tape thick aluminum foil to the cardboard with the shiny side facing out. The heat from the radiator is reflected by the foil and goes into the room, rather than being absorbed by the wall behind the radiator. If the radiator is covered with a screen on top, you can attach a sheet of foil under it as well.
Oven care. Do you often cook lasagna or casseroles that boil over and stain the bottom of the oven? To avoid this, place one or two sheets of foil on the bottom of the grill. But do not put foil on the bottom of the oven: it may cause a fire.
Making a funnel. Can't find the funnel? Fold a long sheet of thick foil in half and roll it into a cone. A homemade funnel has the advantage that it can be bent to reach hard-to-reach holes.
Securing loose batteries. Does your flashlight, radiotelephone or child's toy keep turning off? Check the batteries. The springs that hold them weaken over time, and contact is broken. Fold up a piece of foil. Place the folded foil between the battery and the spring.
Speed ​​up ironing. When ironing clothes, much of the heat from the iron is absorbed by the ironing board itself, forcing you to make several strokes to get the wrinkles out. You can speed things up by placing a sheet of aluminum foil under the ironing board cover. The foil reflects heat back onto the laundry and wrinkles are smoothed out faster.
Gluing patches. Iron-on patches are an easy way to patch small holes in clothing, as long as they don't stick to the ironing board. To prevent this from happening, place a piece of foil under the hole. It won't stick to the patch, and you can easily remove it when you're done.
Cleaning the iron. Has a layer of starch formed on the soleplate of the iron and is it starting to stick to the fabric? To remove build-up, iron a piece of aluminum foil.

Useful tips

Each of us likes simple, genius tips that make life easier. Below we present to you a list of familiar items that can be used in unexpected ways. You will be surprised, but it turns out that ordinary objects can be put to good use in very different areas.

1) Window scraper

Few people are aware of the hidden properties of this tool. In addition to cleaning mirrors and other smooth surfaces, it is ideal for removing animal hair from carpets.

2) Toothpaste

Apply toothpaste to the side of dirty sneakers using a rubbing motion with an old toothbrush. There will be no trace of dirt left, and remove the remaining “remedy” with a regular rag. Toothpaste is also great for cleaning metal objects.

3) Chips

If you want to make a fire in the forest after the rain, you don’t need to burn a half-read book or newspaper, because you probably took a pack of chips with you. They will serve as excellent material for starting a fire.

4) Mouthwash

Great for disinfecting your toothbrush.

5) Butter

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered a problem when chewing gum ends up in the wrong place. We scrape the varnished table with a knife and freeze our favorite jeans to get rid of the sticky lump. However, when chewing gum gets into your hair, the situation becomes more complicated. Some even decide to take drastic measures and cut their hair.

Now there is a solution to the problem. Ordinary butter will rid your hair of chewing gum absolutely painlessly. Naturally, you need to wash your hair after this.

6) Mustard

We often wonder how our grandmothers lived without all the irreplaceable little things that we have now. How they managed without deodorants, air fresheners and other benefits of civilization. Very simple! They used completely different things for these purposes.

For example, if you dilute mustard with water (choose the proportions to suit your taste) and wipe any surface with this mixture, you can easily get rid of the unpleasant odor. Try this trick on your trash can by sprinkling it with mustard water. The result will surprise you.

But not only mustard is endowed with deodorizing properties. Get rid of unpleasant odors Baking soda may also help you. There is no need to dilute it with water, but put it dry in your shoes overnight, wrapped in a napkin, or on a plate in the refrigerator to absorb the unpleasant odor.

7) Coffee

This is a rather expensive method, but very effective. We are talking about using coffee instead of pesticides. A huge number of insects cannot tolerate coffee and its smell. Therefore, you can safely spray the soil around the plants with coffee solution. Insects will not approach such plants.

8) Olive oil

Instead of expensive shaving foam, try using olive oil. The result will surprise you.

9) Makeup brush

Makeup brushes come in a variety of sizes, so finding the right one can easily rid your keyboard of crumbs, dust, and dinner leftovers. With its help, you can sweep away absolutely everything, even from the most inaccessible places.

10) Hair straightener

This wonderful device got its name for a reason, because it can be used not only for hair styling. It is perfect for quickly smoothing out wrinkles on clothes.

Useful tricks

11) Panty liners

This feminine hygiene product can save not only girls, but also males. With their help you can get rid of sweat stains on T-shirts, dresses and sweatshirts. Just stick the pad in the armpit area on the inside of your clothing and you don’t have to worry about cleanliness.

12) Nail file

If you have stepped on suede or cloth shoes and happen to have a nail file at hand, it will help you quickly clean up the dirt.

13) Lemon

It's no secret that lemon has long been used as a universal cleaning agent. Lemon is especially good at removing dirt from the microwave. To do this, put half a lemon in a bowl of water and put them in the microwave. Leave the oven to work for 45 seconds, and after this time, simply wipe the walls of the microwave; all dirt and grease will immediately come off. As a bonus, you will get a pleasant aroma.

14) Coffee filters

All owners of oily facial skin know what a problem this is, especially in the hot season. Often girls use special wipes to remove fat, which are unreasonably expensive. Coffee filters are an excellent alternative. Do the same thing with them as with matting napkins, and you won’t feel the difference.

Coffee filters are also great for cleaning windows. With them there will be no streaks left on the windows and the entire washing process will take very little time.

15) Clear varnish

Sometimes a small bolt may fall out of your glasses, or the frame may break. Until you take concrete action to repair it, clear nail polish will be your temporary savior.

16) Straws for cocktails

Insert the flower into the tube so that it lasts longer and stays straight until the end. Now even the tallest bouquets will stand beautifully.

You can also use a straw to prevent the chain from tangling by threading it through a straw.

17) Buttons

If you are one of those who constantly lose one earring from a pair, then this tip is for you. Adapt the button to store both earrings, although now, if anything happens, you’ll have to look for both.

18) Foam poles for the pool

If you insert this device into your boot, you will maintain the shape of the shoe, and it will serve you for more than one season.

19) Tube brushes

Everyone knows the problem of things slipping off hangers. Wrap the sides of any hanger with this wire brush and you will get a stopper that will securely fix your clothes and they will never slip off again.

20) Muffin tins

If you don’t have candlesticks on hand, but want to light candles or just need to create the appropriate atmosphere, then use muffin tins for this. With their help, you will be protected from wax drops on the table and will only have fun.

21) Paper cupcake liners

It will turn out very nicely if, instead of a lid, you cover a jar, for example homemade jam, with a colored cupcake mold and secure it with an elastic band. A wonderful gift.

22) Hair clip

If you are a girl, then you probably have a large number of different clips and hairpins in your arsenal, including those that you don’t use. Take a little time to gather all the wires together and secure them with a bobby pin so they don't get tangled.

Tricks in everyday life

23) Wet wipes

Wet wipes or wipes with special impregnation will help you save a lot of time. With them you can clean surfaces much faster than with a simple damp cloth, especially when it comes to glass surfaces.

24) Tissue box

Everyone sometimes faces the problem of packages scattered everywhere. Move them all into a box like this, it’s very convenient to get them out of there.

25) Empty bottles from lotions

They are very convenient for storing various little things that are indispensable when traveling, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, a container for lenses and much more.

26) Empty plastic bottle

It's easy to make a funnel out of it. All you need to do is turn it over and cut off the bottom of the bottle. Now you can carefully mix all the necessary ingredients and pour them where you need them.

27) Hydrogen peroxide

This remedy not only heals wounds, but also does an excellent job of removing various kinds spots

28) Cinnamon

If your house is infested with ants, just pour more cinnamon into the “dangerous places”. They will be blown away by the wind.

29) Banana peel

Wipe the back of the cutlery with it. They will sparkle like new. Ketchup also cleans silver cutlery well. You need to briefly place them in a container with ketchup, and then rub them with a toothbrush.

30) Honey

If necessary, it will serve as an excellent antibacterial agent.

31) Aspirin

If you crush an aspirin tablet and dilute it with water, and then apply the resulting mixture to a mosquito bite, the area will stop itching and the bite will quickly go away.

You can also cover the bite area with tape or paint over it with clear nail polish. The itching will stop immediately because you are cutting off the oxygen supply to the wound.

32) Soda

This is an excellent product for cleaning teeth and, last but not least, for whitening them.

Household things... They are not as simple as they might seem at first glance! Many of the objects that surround you are surprisingly multifunctional! Learn use ordinary things in an unconventional way, and you will make your life much easier!

Holding in your hands an ordinary thin rubber band, a paper clip, or a shower hook, you are holding real treasures - the range of methods for using them is very wide. Don't be shy to show yours creative thinking, simplify everyday life, make it interesting and convenient. There is an inventor and inventor hiding in the soul of each of us! And this is what he is sometimes capable of...

Household tricks

  1. A regular thin eraser will help remove excess paint from the brush. No splashing!
  2. Using a plastic straw can prevent tangling of a chain or decorative cord. Brilliantly!

  3. A hanger with several levels is very convenient to use for storing jewelry.
  4. A formidable weapon against static electricity: the pin. Just attach it to the inside of the fabric, and there will be no problems!
  5. A plastic bottle perfectly separates the whites from the yolks.
  6. An idea for storing and transporting small earrings. We don't need losses!

  7. The eraser removes abrasions from wood and light leather well.
  8. Glasses case - secure storage for headphones, keys and jewelry. I will definitely have an extra case...

  9. Makeup brushes will help you clean the space between the buttons on your keyboard! They just have to be clean, of course.

  10. This nail file can easily remove scuff marks on suede.

  11. A large paperclip will help fasten a bracelet with a poorly functioning or broken clasp.
  12. An ordinary black and white (not color!) newspaper will add shine to a dark leather shoes and cleanse it of impurities. In extreme cases, when there is no brush.

  13. Shower curtain hooks are suitable for hanging scarves, bags and other nice little things.

  14. The cardboard base left over after using a roll of wrapping paper is a helper for storing clothes without wrinkles. Just wrap it around the right thing around the roll. This makes it very convenient to transport clothes and bedding...

  15. When moving, you can pack fragile items inside boxes with clothes and linen. Save space!

  16. Clothes stain remover spray helps remove glue stains from different surfaces and peel off stickers.
  17. Spread it clear varnish a loose screw on the glasses frame, and the problem is solved. You can do the same with a button that moves too freely.
  18. Great idea for signing wires.

  19. Rubber gloves will help you open a tightly screwed lid with ease.

  20. Wipe the baseboards with paper, and less dust will accumulate on them.

  21. The sticky side of notepads is great for picking up crumbs and dust in hard-to-reach places, like your keyboard.

  22. The zipper will be easier to fasten if you lubricate it with soap.

  23. A comb can be used to remove pellets from carpets, upholstered furniture, clothing and other surfaces.

  24. Use a lid from a tin to secure the hangers in the closet, and there will be 2 times more space there. Two-level hangers - a dream come true!
  25. This mesh is very convenient for cleaning pots and pans with non-stick delicate coating. The mesh will remove dirt without leaving scratches.

  26. Carry a shower curtain in your car. An excellent bedding that will come in handy if you decide to have an impromptu picnic.

  27. Using the hard side of a clean sponge, you can clean the sweater from rolled pieces of lint and comb it.

  28. An old pillowcase is a great cover for clothes. It is enough to make a small hole for a hanger.

  29. Oil spray lubricates door hinges just as well as special oil.
  30. Saucer from under flower pot It is convenient to use as a stand under pipes in the bathroom, from which it sometimes drips.

  31. Pipe cleaners can help keep a hanger or pipe in your closet from slipping.

  32. Use plastic lids as stands for iron jars in the bathroom. There will be no more rusty circles!

  33. Clip for money and open packages with bulk substances.
  34. Baby powder can handle a tight knot! Rub it with powder and untie it with a pin.

  35. These are cute paper packaging useful for tightly closing jars of jam. They can also be used as a stand for ice cream on a stick: nothing will drip on your clothes or hands.

  36. This is how to store packages!

  37. Using tape you can remove a tight ring on your finger, seal the ends of the laces and even stop the bleeding. You need to stick a piece of tape onto the washed wound - the blood will stop immediately.

  38. Coffee filters save you from dirt in saucers from under flower pots.

  39. The sticky roller can be used to clean the inside of pockets and purses!

Some things can be used in the most unexpected ways. In today's review, we will talk about precisely such cases of folk creativity. Surely, among the options presented to the reader, everyone will find something that will be useful to them.

1. Car spoiler

At a picnic or on a trip, a car spoiler can be used as a table. Just before you sit on the trunk of a car, make sure that the metal from which it is made is strong enough. In any case, you can safely place drinks and food on the spoiler of your car so that you can comfortably have a snack in the fresh air.

2. Seat belt lock

The seat belt clip can be used as an original key holder. Such original idea, will certainly appeal to motorists and people who tend to throw their keys anywhere and then spend a lot of time looking for them.

3. Neck of a plastic bottle

A neck with a lid, cut from any plastic bottle, can be used as a reliable fastener for open bags of nuts, chips, cereals and any other products.

4. Clotheslines

To significantly increase the capabilities of clotheslines, try hanging T-shirts upside down between two lines, securing the edges with clothespins. However, it is worth noting that this drying method can lead to deformation of the products so that it is better to use it only in extreme cases.

5. Tin Can Key

A tin can key can be used as a frame hook. Such an improvised loop will allow you to easily and securely fix a picture or photograph on the wall.

6. Cupcake pan

When going on a picnic, take a muffin pan with you. Its holes are very convenient for pouring sauces and laying out small portions of snacks.

7. Sticker

When you are going to drill a hole in the wall, stick a sticker just below it, bent as in the picture. This trick will keep the floor clean during minor repairs.

8. Individual packing of the gasket

Carry a large amount of money with you? Place the bills in an envelope, and carefully pack the envelope in an individual pouch for padding. It is unlikely that a thief will be interested in such a hygiene item.

9. Teapot

Instead of just throwing away your old tea infuser, turn it into an adorable bird feeder and hang it in your yard or garden.

10. Eraser

A regular eraser will help get rid of stains and dirt on suede. Just rub the stained areas with an eraser until they disappear completely, and then go over with a special brush.

11. Clothespins

Regular clothespins can be used as toothbrush holders. If you use brighter clothespins, then such improvised holders will become not only a functional detail, but also a charming decoration for the bathroom.

12. Plastic cards

You can cut out one or more guitar picks from scrap plastic card.

13. A glass of water in the microwave

When heating leftover pizza in the microwave, place a small glass of water in the center of the dish. This trick will prevent the appearance of a dry crust.

14. Hairspray

Spray the end of the thread a small amount hairspray to quickly and easily thread it through the narrow eye of the needle.

15. System unit

An unnecessary system unit box can be used to create an original mailbox for a summer cottage or country house.

16. CD

With the help of a simple bright decor, CDs that have fallen into disrepair can be turned into adorable coasters.

17. Clips from bread packages

Clips from bread packages can be used to mark wires. This trick will help tidy up your system of cables and cords.

Continuing the topic, to the attention of readers in a variety of situations.

We continue to master home secrets - get acquainted with the next portion of ideas for unusual uses of ordinary things and become a little closer to the pedestal of life hacking gurus.

1. Tea bags as an air freshener. Place a few used tea bags in a jar and put them in the refrigerator - they will absorb unpleasant odors.

2. Baby wet wipes for cleaning gadgets. Before buying special products for wiping electronic devices, try baby wipes - they work just as well.

3. Hydrogen peroxide as a stain remover. With the advent of bleach, hydrogen peroxide remained only as an antiseptic. In fact, it works great as both a disinfectant and a stain remover.

4. Beer is a bait for slugs. You can get rid of slugs by leaving open cans of beer on your property. The slugs will crawl into the trap themselves.

5. Cinnamon against ants. Forget about expensive chemicals. If you want to get rid of ants, sprinkle a little cinnamon in places favored by insects.

6. Toothpaste as a cleanser. Toothpaste will perfectly clean metal surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen, and will also help get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands.

7. Alka-Seltzer as fish bait. It may seem strange, but throwing a few Alka-Seltzer tablets into the water where you are fishing will increase your chances of making a big catch.

8. Tea bags against warts. Tannic acid contained in tea leaves can get rid of warts. Apply a warm bag to it three times a day and hold it for 15 minutes.

9. Bananas will add shine to your silverware. Wipe cutlery inside banana peel and see how it sparkles.

10. Honey against germs. Some types of honey can effectively replace antibacterial agents and promote wound healing.

11. Aspirin against itching. Crush an aspirin tablet, add a little water and apply the mixture to the mosquito bite.

12. Baking soda for brushing teeth. It will not only freshen your breath, but also whiten your teeth.

13. Hand cream will add shine to your shoes. Hand cream will not only add shine, but will also make the leather of your shoes soft and elastic.

14. Charcoal as an air freshener. Coal will help keep the air clean and fresh - even in the refrigerator, even in the car.

15. Vinegar for washing brushes. Soak dirty synthetic brushes in hot vinegar for 30 minutes, then rinse with hot, soapy water to leave them as good as new.

16. Paper coffee filters will clean the window. When washing windows, use coffee filters - they do not leave streaks or stains.

17. Aluminum foil for sharpening scissors. Fold a sheet of foil several times and cut it with scissors and the blades will become sharper. We continue to share small household tricks that make life easier and help maintain cleanliness and comfort.

18. Sticky labels can be easily removed by holding them under the hot stream of a hairdryer.

19. Lemon juice is a great substitute for bleach. Add ¼ to ½ cup of lemon juice to the water when washing and return dull linen to a bright, fresh look.

20. In order to get rid of the smell in the jar, rinse it with warm water with the addition of one teaspoon of mustard.

21. Don’t throw away torn tights – they are very convenient for wiping dust off decorative candles.

22. You can also clean hard-to-reach places in a vase and bottle using rice: pour a tablespoon of cereal inside, add warm soapy water and shake.

23. You don’t have to worry about fragile glasses breaking in the dishwasher if you secure them to the rack with rubber rings.

24. Rubber gloves will help remove your pet's hair from upholstered furniture - just run a damp glove over the surface and all the hair will be on it.

25. It is best to wash green leaves in salted water.

26. A seam ripper can be used to clean the brush of a vacuum cleaner.

27. Refresh wooden furniture You can use shoe polish of a suitable shade.

28. Sugar diluted with a small amount of water is an excellent way to degrease your hands.

29. An old electric toothbrush is very convenient for cleaning the grout between tiles.

30. You can return linoleum to its former shine by polishing it with toothpaste.

31. Coffee filters are convenient for wiping TV or computer screens.

32. Lemons can help remove stains from wood and plastic cutting boards. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice onto a dirty surface and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse.

33. The laundry bag is also suitable for washing small items (like baby bottles) in the dishwasher.

34. Run a clothes cleaning roller over a knitted lampshade.

35. To get rid of unnecessary stickers on mirrors and glass, grease them with mayonnaise and then remove them with an elastic spatula.

36. To clean the coffee grinder, just grind a handful of rice in it, remove the resulting flour and wipe with a dry towel.

37. To clean copper products, use a mixture of equal parts vinegar, salt and flour. Wipe the surface soft cloth with the prepared gruel, rinse and wipe dry.

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