Organized educational activity “Journey into space” Senior group. GCD in the senior group "Space travel" lesson plan in mathematics (senior group) on the topic Integrated lesson travel into space senior group

The plan is a summary of direct educational activities with preschoolers of the senior group.

Topic: "Travel into space."

Within educational field"Cognition".
Integrations:“Communication”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”.
Target: Develop thinking, stimulate children’s desire to understand the world of living nature.
1) Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, knowledge of numbers from 1 to 9. (“Cognition”)
2) Develop the ability to answer questions: “Which one is it?”, “In what place?” ("Cognition")
3) Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about space. Strengthen children's understanding of structure solar system. ("Cognition")
4) Strengthen children’s knowledge about quadrilaterals, the ability to find them among others geometric shapes. Introduce a new quadrangle - a trapezoid. ("Cognition")
5) Develop coherent speech, the ability to give a detailed, complete answer. ("Communication")
6) Expand your vocabulary on this topic. ("Communication")
7) Using literary words to create an emotional background. (“Reading fiction”)
8) Develop curiosity and imagination. ("Socialization")
9) Develop the ability to compose and solve a mathematical problem. ("Cognition")
Methods and techniques:
- practical
- visual
Materials and equipment: Image of a Mars rover, stars for decorating a group, a set of geometric shapes for creating a rocket and a rover, images of the planets of the solar system, cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (for each child), images of astronauts different heights and the corresponding rocket size.

Logic of educational activities.
Motivational and orientation
Educator: Children, do you like to travel?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Today we are setting off on an unusual journey. We will fly into space on a rocket that we will build ourselves.
They look at a rocket made of geometric shapes on a flannelgraph.
Educator: How many squares are there in total? How many triangles are there in total? What more? How long? How many circles are there in total?
Children: There are 4 squares and 5 triangles, there are 1 more triangles than squares. 3 circles. There are 1 fewer circles than squares and 2 fewer triangles
Educator: All! Our rocket is ready to fly. You can go, but for this you need to calculate in order, how many people will fly into space?
Educator: Settled! 10 people are flying into space, and in order for the rocket to take off, you need to give the “launch” command, that is, count from 10 to 1 and give the “launch” command. Who wants to send a rocket?
One child counts. The rocket doesn't move.
Educator: We repeat everything together.
All children count
Educator:"Start". Let's fly!

Educator. While we are flying, so as not to get bored, I have prepared the following task for you:
I will ask questions and problems, and you will answer the questions by picking up a card with a number that is in front of you. You can't talk!

Game "Silence"
1. How many legs does a mushroom have?
2. How many legs does the chair have?
3. How much early morning is our eye opening?
4. Seryozhka fell into the snow,
And behind him Alyoshka,
And behind him Marinka,
And behind her is Irinka,
And then Ignat
How many guys were there?
5. A rooster flew into the fence
Met two more there
How many roosters are there?
6. Vanya had 5 sweets,
he ate one for lunch.
How many candies does Vanya have left?
Children pick up cards with the correct numbers
Educator: Well, while you and I were answering questions, our rocket landed.
Where have we ended up?

A cosmic melody sounds, a sad Martian appears
Martian: Hello, dear space guests!
Educator: Hello! Why do you look so sad?
Martian: My rover is broken, and you can only fix it if you name all the quadrangles correctly. What shapes are called quadrilaterals?
Children: These are geometric shapes that have 4 corners and 4 sides.
Your rover consists of 2 squares, 3 rectangles
Martian: There is another quadrangle in my rover - this is a trapezoid.
It has 2 sides the same, and the other two are different. One of them is shorter than the other.
Help me, please, assemble my aircraft.
Game “Build a Mars Rover”
Children take turns walking along a path of quadrangles and bringing back parts of the Mars rover.
Martian: What is the name of the planet you live on?
Educator: Children, let's show the Martian where we came from.
Game "map of the planets of the solar system"
Children arrange the planets around the Sun according to their serial number
Martian: Where is the Earth from the Sun?
Children: Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
Martian: Which planet is closest to the Sun? So what place is she in?
Children: Planet Mercury, it is located in the first place from the Sun.
Martian: What is the name of the largest planet in your system, what place is it located in?
Children: This is Jupiter, she is fifth from the Sun.
Martian: Thank you very much! Now, I know how your system works. Before you fly back home, I want you to complete one more task.
Game: “Make up a problem based on the picture”
Children make up a problem based on the picture and write down the solution.
Martian: Well done! I must go home.
Educator: Dear Martian, take from us a map of our solar system as a souvenir.
The Martian flies away to the sound of a cosmic melody
Children give the signal to start and count from 1 to 10.
Educator: It’s time for us to go back to kindergarten too. While we're on our way back, let's play:
Physical exercise "Cosmonaut"
Are you an astronaut today?
Let's start training
To become strong and agile
Three, two, one……….we’re flying
We're floating in zero gravity
We're right at the ceiling
The path to Mars was very long,
Stop! We leave the cabin
We returned from the flight
And they fell to Earth
Perform movements in accordance with the text

D/u on the logic “Find the astronauts their rockets”
After landing and walking on Mars, the astronauts forgot what their rockets looked like. You need to arrange the astronauts by height from tallest to shortest, and then connect them to the corresponding rocket.
Educator: Our space journey has ended. Well done guys, did a good job. What new did you learn in the lesson that you liked? What do you remember most?

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of cognitive and speech development of children No. 25 “Fairy Tale”

Educational activities

in the older group

on this topic: " Space trip»

Educator: Gareeva

Gulnara Khasanshevna

Isq. category.

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2015

Target: Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.


Educational: Encourage children to participate in group conversation; fix the days of the week, parts of the day, time of year;develop the ability to determine the location of sounds in a word, identify vowels and consonants in a word;clarifying children’s ideas about space, stars, planets; fixing the names of geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, rectangle, rhombus; practice counting within ten and back, as well as counting in the Tatar language.

Educational: Develop interest in research and cognitive activity children; develop word formation skills;develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imaginationAnd fine motor skills hands

Educational: cultivate feelings of kindness and mutual assistance;cultivate independence, activity, initiative, ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: Conducting a conversation on the topic “Space”; watching a video about space; examination of illustrations, encyclopedias, books about space; making crafts about space, rocket applications; game situations “Cosmodrome”, “Commander”, solving riddles.


Demo material: Presentation for the lesson; music recording; magnetic geometric shapes, magnetic board; mini laboratory; magnetic numbers; diagram of a house for parsing words into vowels and consonants; Whatman paper black 60/60cm.

Handout: cards for parsing the word MOON, red and of blue color; plasticine (white, blue, yellow flowers); paper napkins.

Inventory for experience : funnels; Activated carbon; empty glasses, glasses with dirty water, cotton pads, trays, napkins.

Vocabulary work: Universe, space, satellite, planet, star, rocket, comet, shiny, bright, astronauts, water purification filter, telescope.

Types of children's activities in GCD:

Communicative(conversation, answers to questions)

Gaming(game “Commander” UMK)

Cognitive and research(conducting water purification experiments)

Productive(modeling a star)

Musical and artistic(listening to the musical composition “Starry Sky”)

Direct educational activities consist of three parts: 1.introductory


3. final

The total duration is 25 minutes.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part.

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle near the chairs.- Guys, we have an unusual activity today; guests came to us. Let's say hello to them. (Hello guests) Guys, we also know how to say hello in the Tatar language (Isәmmesez, Khaerle kon).

Guys, please look at the screen and listen to the musical composition. (Slide No. 1. “Starry Sky”)

Have you already guessed what long journey this music invites you on?

(to space travel).Let us go on a space journey.- Do you agree? (Yes).

2. Main part. Conversation with children.

Let us now remember everything that we know about space. – What is space? (Space is space). - What is in outer space? (There are stars and planets in outer space). That's right guys, we live in the comic space of the Universe. The Universe is the whole world, stars, comets, earth, planets, sun.

What is the Sun? (The Sun is a hot, spherical star). That's right guys, it emits heat and light, gives life to people, plants, animals. But there is no life on the Sun itself; it is very hot there. (slide No. 2) What do you know about the planet Earth? (People live on Earth because there is air and water there). The earth is our home, which must be loved and protected. Slide No. 3)

- What were the first living creatures in the world, having been in space, to return to Earth? (the dogs Belka and Strelka flew into space). What is the name of the first astronaut who saw the Earth from space? (Yu. A. Gagarin.) (Slide No. 4)

Guys, what can we fly on?Children express their suggestions. (plane, helicopter, spaceship, rocket)

That's right on a rocket! Guys, what type of transport is a rocket? (air) And now you and I will be design engineers and will build a rocket from geometric shapes according to the diagram. (Slide No. 5 “Rocket Diagram”)

Magnetic geometric shapes are laid out on the table. The teacher invites one child at a time to the magnetic board. Children, according to the diagram, make a rocket from geometric shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, cylinder, cone, circle).

Guys, what part do you think the rocket should be built from? (children's answers) The construction of the rocket is completed. Well, here we are, ready to fly. Guys, who

controls the rocket? (astronauts). That's right, now you and I will be astronauts. Are you ready to fly to the stars?Let's start counting to 10!Children count to 10. The rocket stands still.

Maybe we thought wrong? How can we count? (We must count, on the contrary, from the largest to the smallest number...

-: We start counting down from 10 in reverse descending order (10....5,4, 3,2,1,0, start!)

Guys, do you know that the astronauts on the ship have very good discipline. They are very attentive and efficient. Cosmonauts carry out tasks given to them by their commander. After all, if they do everything they want to press different buttons, then the ship may collide with comets and crash. You and I know the game in the Tatar language “Commander”. Let's play it and show you what real astronauts we are.

Game "Commander".

A child “commander” is selected. Children follow the commander's commands.

Commander: - Bass (get up from the chair); -Siker (jumping on the spot); - Asha (imitate eating); -Bitne yu (wash your face); etc.

Well done boys! You are real astronauts.

- Guys, do you know that astronauts are for a long time on space travel. And while you and I are flying here, a whole week has already passed!


1) –What day of the week is it today?

2) What day of the week was yesterday?

3) - Name the days of the week in order? (Monday Sunday)

4) -How many days are there in one week? (7)

5) - What part of the day is it now? (morning)

6) - What parts of the day do you still know? (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

7) What time of year is it now?

8) What is the hottest time of the year?

Well done!

We settled on the Blue Planet blue cheerful people live here. But the inhabitants of this planet. Oh what happened to them, they are kind of dirty! The guys wrote a message for help. Space pirates snuck onto their planet. They poured earth, garbage, branches into their reservoirs and now their water has become dirty, what should we do, they ask? (purify water). Let's help the inhabitants of the blue planet! After all, astronauts explore space. So they are (researchers). Every day in orbit, experimental work is carried out in the space laboratory. Now you and I will go to our space laboratory and there we will conduct research on water purification. (Children go to the tables).

I suggest purifying this waterusing specialfilters. Filters are special substances through which water is purified, leaving harmful impurities in the filters. This is the filter I have. It consists of a funnel, a cotton pad with activated carbon and a cup. Look, guys, I have this kind of coal on my saucer.

What's in my hand?(cotton pad ) Let's do a little experiment. Place a funnel in the jar. Place a cotton pad in the funnel. An activated carbon tablet, and another disk on top. Carefully, little by little, shall we pour dirty water into the funnel with cotton wool? What does cotton wool become like? What kind of water drips into the jar? And why? That's right guys, cotton wool absorbs dirt. And the water becomes clean.

Question: can I drink this water now? (No, it may contain invisible germs) The water needs to be boiled. So we helped clean up the dirty water, let’s move on. (Children take their seats)

Look ahead there is another planet of “Astronomers”, yellow men live there . They are very curious and observant. To observe the stars, sun and planets, they installed first three telescopes on their space station, and then three more. How many telescopes are installed on the space station? (6 telescopes). Guys, let's put it out using numbers. 3+3=6

- But look at our earth, but it’s not alone in space. The earth has one friend.

What kind of girlfriend is you will find out by solving the riddle.

Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Well done!

The Moon revolves around the Earth and is called the Earth's satellite.

Guys, let's look at the word Moon. What is the first sound you hear in the word MOON? (l). What's the last one? Guyslet's determine what vowels and consonants are in this word. (diagram of the word Moon, lay out the chips)

Guys, let's now go to the tables and break down the word Moon into vowels and consonants. (Robot with cards. Children spend sound analysis the words “moon” with laying out chips.


Let's play the game “Say the other way around.”

The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept.

Cold - warm

Big small

Hard – soft

Clean - dirty

Light dark

Light heavy

Long short

High Low

Wide narrow;

Fat slim;

Far close;

Left - right;

One is many;

Children, come to the table and see what is there?(on the table is whatman paper in black or dark blue, with pieces of yellow or white plasticine laid out in plates nearby) Guys, what do you think this is and what is missing here? (children's answers) That's right guys, this is the night sky. And there are not enough stars here. Let each of you light your own star in the sky. (Yes).

Now choose a piece of plasticine of what color your star will be (yellow, blue, white). The plasticine was kneaded (warmed), rolled into a ball, attached to whatman paper with a flat cake and stretched with a finger, making rays of a star in different directions. Well done guys, now you and I have our own starry sky. The stars turned out different and beautiful.

Guys, now we need to go back to kindergarten. And so that we can return toAdOcount on tatarin English from 1 to 10. (ber, ike.өch, durt, bish, aly, sigez, tugyz, un)

3. Summary. Final part.

Children sit on chairs. - On our space journey, what new did you learn? What tasks did you like best? What tasks were incomprehensible or difficult for you?

Children, let's stand in a circle. The cheerful people really liked you and they sent you a space stone as a gift. (the teacher takes a stone out of the box) What is he like?(applies to each child’s cheek) .(Cold). Do you think it can be warmed up? (Probably...) I know the magic words that will help us warm the stone. Stone, take the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart and give them to my friend. (The teacher passes the stone nearby standing child. He tightly squeezes the stone in his hands and passes it further around the circle. After some time, the stone is again in the hands of the teacher). Feel what the stone has become now!(applies to each child’s cheek). You see, we transferred part of our heat to the stone, and the cold stone became warmer, as if it came to life. And if we, people, give each other warmth and everyone will feel more comfortable on our planet and become kinder. Wish you Have a good day and good mood.

Abstract open class in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author: Tatyana Gennadievna Borodina, teacher of the senior group of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 289 (kindergarten No. 1867) in Moscow.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group “Space Travel”.

Program content:

1. Formation of practical skills in using corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;
2. Replenishment, expansion, activation vocabulary children;
3. Development of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech through the selection of various didactic games.
1. Repetition and reinforcement of the sound P;
2. Consolidating the correct sound pronunciation in words, proverbs and poems;
3. Development of dialogical speech;
4. Development of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech during word formation and inflection.
1. Formation of moral qualities: willingness to help, sense of collectivism;
2. Nurturing a culture of verbal communication;
3. Cultivating attention to one’s own speech; interest in speech development classes.

Preliminary work:
1. Introducing the sound “R” in a lesson on speech development;
2. Conversation with children on the topic: “Space” / who was the first astronaut, space planets /
3. Learning poetry with children;
4. Conducting classes in drawing, applications on the theme “space”, origami “rocket”;
5. Reading stories from the book “Flying Stars” by A. Tkachenko;
6. Examination of pictures from the series by L.B. Deryagin “For preschoolers about Russian space explorers”
pictures of planets,
toys: Luntik, ball, audio recording of space music,
laser flashlights to create a “starry sky” effect,
colored stars are large for constellations and small as rewards.
Used Books:
1. L.B. Deryagin "For preschoolers about Russian space explorers."
2. N.V. Labodina Complex classes, senior group.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, let's go on a space journey today!
- What will we use to fly into space? /children: - On a rocket!/
- What is the first sound in the word ROCKET?
- What will you and I definitely wear? /children: - spacesuit!/.
- Is there an “R” sound in the word SCAFANDR?
- Where is it located: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word?
We put on a spacesuit
To fly into space
We learn a lot of new things
You just need to want it!
- Our crew is ready to fly
Attention! Attention!
Let's take flight!
- Look, guys, how many stars there are around! The world of stars is diverse. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky is strewn with many stars. They appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the sun.
- Nine planets revolve around our sun.

- Listen carefully to the poem about the planets.
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(Arkady Khait)
- The first planet is Mercury. (showing an image of the planet).
This planet is closest to the sun, it is the smallest. Let's say this word together and remember the name of the planet!
/On each planet, children complete tasks./
Task: Guess the riddles.
1. What kind of bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars?
2. The telescope is hundreds of years old
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...
3. Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
flies across the sky, overtaking airplanes.

- The second planet we arrived on is called Venus. (showing an image of the planet). It is very hot in here. Let's say this word and remember it.
/children pronounce the word Venus and find the sound “r”/
Assignment: “Say the opposite”:
Day Night
Bright -...dark
Sun moon
Fly away - in
Land on the moon - ... land
- Well, guys, you have completed the task, it’s time to move on.
/Children fly to the next planet, imitating astronauts in space to the accompaniment of space music/.
- Look out the windows, we are approaching a planet called Mars. The planet mars appears red and is visible in the sky as a reddish star. Let's say its name and remember it.
/children pronounce the word MARS and find the sound “r”/
Space physical education minute
The sun is shining in the clear sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
(Stretch - arms up).
And below are forests and fields -
(Bend over).
The ground is spreading.
(Spread your arms to the sides).

Guys, let's take flight! Ahead of us is a meeting with other amazing planets.
- Do you know who was the first cosmonaut?
Yes, on April 12, 1961, Yu. A. Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft. Since then, every year on April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day...

"Yuri Gagarin"
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
/Children fly to another planet, imitating astronauts in space to cosmic music, while my assistant directs laser flashlights at the ceiling and creates a “starry sky” effect/.
We are approaching the planet Jupiter, over which a threat hangs, it needs help to stay in the Universe! And for this you need to complete the task.
Assignment: “Make a sentence using a picture.”
For example: “rocket” - A rocket flies into space.
“moon” - The moon is shining in the sky.
“constellations” - The stars in the sky form constellations.
- Guys, it's time for us to move on!

- Look out the windows - we are approaching the planet Saturn. (showing an image of the planet). Please note - this planet is surrounded by rings, let's say the name of the planet and remember it.
/children pronounce the word Saturn and find the sound “r”/.
Assignment: “Form the plural.”
For example: rocket-... rockets;
comet - ...comets;
cosmonaut-...cosmonauts, with
constellation-... constellations.
- Guys, what constellations do you know?
/children's answers: Ursa Major, microscope, peacock, hounds, fly, cross, southern crown, compass, etc./
Game "Collect the constellation"
/Children are divided into teams and use stars to create their constellations./
Game "Flies - does not fly"
If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What doesn't fly, you don't raise your hands. But be very careful, because I will confuse you.
- Does the plane fly? ...Flies.
- Does the Lunokhod fly? ... Doesn't fly
- Does the astronaut fly? ...Flies.
- Is the satellite flying? ...Flies.
- Does the star fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the helicopter fly? ...Flies.
- Does the rocket fly? ...Flies.
/Children fly to another planet to the accompaniment of cosmic music/.
- We are flying to the planet Uranus. It is the seventh planet farthest from the sun. It's very cold and dry here guys.
- Now Vanya will tell us a poem: “Gagarin”
The rocket is flying, flying
Around the earth's light
And Gagarin sits in it -
Simple Russian guy!
/Children fly to another planet to the accompaniment of cosmic music/.

Guys, we still have two planets left to reach in the solar system - Neptune and Pluto. These planets, like Uranus, are far from the sun and therefore very cold on them. To keep us from freezing and getting sick, we need to complete one more task.
Assignment: “Call me kindly.”
For example: star -…asterisk;;
sun -...sun;
sky -... sky;
airplane -... airplane;
helicopter -...helicopter.
- Well done guys, you completed the task.
- Guess which planet we will fly to now?
This planet is our beloved home,
We live on it from birth to death.
The planet is beautiful: seas, oceans.
Flowers and trees there, different countries,
And the sun shines from dawn to sunset, what kind of planet is it, tell me, guys!

- Look out the windows, we are approaching the most wonderful, most beautiful and beloved planet Earth.
- Guys, planet Earth has its own satellite.
- Listen to the riddle and guess what Earth’s satellite is.
Only the stars are visible better
There is a full... (moon) in the sky.

Guys, “Luntik” came to visit us from the Moon.
He wants to play with you.
Quiz game "Guess it."
- The largest and hottest star in the universe (Sun).
- A person who flies into space (astronaut).
- What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship).
- What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (Bear).
- Why is there day and night on earth? (The planet revolves around itself)
- Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin).
- Who else has been in space besides people? (Dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even chimpanzees).
- What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
- What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day).
- Guys, listen to the poem called:
"Yuri Gagarin"
"The ship is flying"
Flying in space
steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe space,
Tidal bore,
and you and me!
(author of the poem - V. Orlov)

Guys! Our journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy traveling around the planets? What do you remember most?
- Now Luntik will give all of you guys stars as a souvenir of our journey.

Travel lesson for children of the senior group “Travel to Space”.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Space”.

Educational: consolidate concepts on the topic, develop preschoolers’ ideas about the solar system;

Practice forming new words. Expansion of thematic vocabulary: space, cosmic, planet, astronomer, constellation, atmosphere, satellite, spacesuit, cosmodrome, planetary, planetarium, galaxy, comet, asteroid.


Development of attention, memory, thinking. Promote the development of imagination, visual memory, spatial thinking.

Educational: Cultivating a sense of empathy, a tolerant attitude towards the world around us.

Educator: On April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday of astronauts and those who participate in the creation of space rockets.

Educator: Who are astronauts?

Children: These are people who fly into space.

Educator: Would you like to fly into space?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What do they use to fly into space?

Children: On a rocket.

Educator: Come on guys

Let's play astronauts

We will all fly into space

Getting ready to fly

We are building a new starship.

The teacher offers to assemble a rocket from geometric shapes on their tables and show creativity and imagination.

Educator: Now our rockets are ready to fly. Do you want to take a closer look at what is there in space?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Let's fly there. In order to make space travel you need to warm up a little.

A physical education session is held.

One-two, there is a rocket (Children raise their hands up)

Three - four - take off soon (Spread arms to the sides)

To fly to the sun (Describe a large circle with your hands)

Astronauts need a year. (Hold their cheeks and shake their head)

But on the road we are not afraid (Arms to the sides, body swinging left and right)

Each of us is an athlete (Bends arms at elbows, clenching fists)

Flying over the Earth. (They spread their arms to the sides again)

Let's say hello to her. (Raise their hands up and wave)

Educator: What do you think we still need for space travel? After all, we have a rocket, what else do we need? We need a special suit. What is it called?

Children: Spacesuit.

Educator: To make our flight successful, I will now give you all a spacesuit. So here we go. To do this, we all need to cast a spell. We close our eyes and say a spell: 5,4,3 star space fly. (Cosmic music sounds, a poster of the solar system hangs on the flannelgraph, the teacher draws attention to it). Our spaceship travels around the universe. Before us is the solar system. This sun is a huge ball of fire. The sun is the center of the solar system. The Sun is the closest star to Earth, a huge hot ball of gas

Eight planets revolve around it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Each planet has its own path. These paths are called an orbit.

Planet Mercury – ( the first planet from the Sun) This planet is closest to the Sun; in the entire system it is considered the smallest. Mercury is the fastest planet. It manages to complete a revolution around the Sun in just 88 Earth days. (If we lived on Mercury, we would celebrate our birthday twice a day) The surface of Mercury is hard and rocky. During the day, the planet practically burns under the sun's rays, and at night it freezes.

Planet Venus

The brightest planet in the sky. Named after the goddess of beauty. It is clearly visible in the sky without a telescope. The entire surface of Venus is a hot rocky desert. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds. And under this cloud cover there is unbearable heat.

Educator: What is the third planet?

Earth- This is a huge hard ball. But only on our planet there is life. When astronauts look at our planet from space, it seems to them like a glowing ball blue color. Because there is more water on Earth than land.

The planet Mars. This planet was named after the ancient Greek god of war. A planet similar to Earth, but smaller and cooler. The surface of Mars is hard and covered with orange-red sand, which is why Mars is called the “Red Planet”.

Planet Jupiter. The largest planet in the solar system is 10 times larger than Earth. It is so large that all the other planets could fit on it. Jupiter rotates so quickly on its axis that the clouds around it stretch into long ribbons, giving the planet a striped appearance. Jupiter is not a rocky planet. Jupiter's feature is the Great Red Spot. It's a huge whirlwind.

Planet Saturn is a giant planet of light yellow color. It rotates very quickly around its axis. It has a gaseous structure. Saturn has rings that other planets do not, which are formed from dust, rocks and ice. They all revolve around the planet. Saturn is located far from the Sun, so its temperature is very low.

Planet Uranus(seventh from the Sun, refers to the giant planets). This is the first planet seen through a telescope. What makes it unique among other planets is that it rotates "lying on its side. It is called a recumbent planet. This planet also has rings, but they are much more difficult to see, they only appear at certain times.

Planet Neptune(eighth planet from the sun). Neptune belongs to the giant planets. In Roman mythology, god of the seas. Its surface looks blue from space. Storm spots are visible on Neptune. The largest storm appears as a large dark spot with white spots along the edge.

Educator: Who will answer the question, the earth has a satellite…. ? (Moon)

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, its constant closest neighbor. It revolves around the Earth. The Moon is four times smaller than the Earth. It does not shine itself, but only, like a mirror, reflects those falling on it. Sun rays. The surface of the Moon is covered with the finest sand and lunar dust. The entire surface of the Moon is covered with large and small depressions - craters. Lunar craters are traces of impacts from rocks from space - meteoroids. Dark spots on the Moon are called seas, although there is no water on the Moon.

Educator : And now, we sit down at the tables and draw the planets, and choose who will fly to which planet with a counting rhyme (The teacher counts an astronomical counting rhyme: On the moon there lived an astrologer, he counted the planets. Mercury - one; Venus - two; Earth - three; Mars - four; five - Jupiter; six - Saturn; seven - Uranus; eighth - Neptune). (The children were given trays of paints.) The painted planets are pasted onto a prepared Whatman paper of the solar system.



Reinforce knowledge about the sequence of days of the week;

Continue teaching children to solve examples, add and subtract within 10;

Fix the name of geometric shapes;

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;

Build self-control skills


Develop attention, concentration, memory;

Develop logical thinking

Develop creativity


Foster a culture of behavior in the classroom;

Cultivate a sense of purpose and a sustainable interest in knowledge.

Demonstration material: task cards,

Phonogram of rocket takeoff, space music;

Presentation for class

Handout: cards with tasks, a simple pencil, geometric shapes.

Preliminary work: entertaining games, reading poems.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, game techniques, clarifications, surveys.

Activation of the dictionary: solar system, planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about the “Cosmonautics Day” holiday, drawing “Aliens from Outer Space”, application “Our Cosmodrome”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

- Mendvt, kuukd.

- Guys, guests came to our lesson. Say hello to your guests. Now sit down at the tables. Do you want to fly into space?

Children: Yes.

During a space flight, you will learn a lot of interesting things about space, remember the names of the planets of the solar system, show how you can reason and perform various tasks.

And now oral counting in Kalmyk (direct and reverse).

No. 1. Connect the dots in order.

Take a sheet of paper with number 1, connect the dots in order, starting with number 1, and you will get a model of an aircraft.

– What did you do? That's right - a rocket.

I am the commander of the ship “Friendship”, you are my crew.

Sit up straight, fasten your seat belts. I give it 10 minutes of readiness. Place your finger on the green button.

We begin the countdown: 10, 9,8,7,...2,1. Start.

So we take off and fly into outer space.

2. Name the days of the week in order. What day of the week is it today if yesterday was Tuesday? Yes, today is Wednesday, April 9th. What is the name of our planet? What are the inhabitants of the Earth called? Who was the first astronaut on Earth?

Our country recently celebrated the 90th anniversary of U.A.G.

He was a brave and courageous man - he was not afraid to fly into space, which he had never been to before. And now there are many astronauts. They work on a space station in space.

What planets of the solar system do you know?

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called.... (Pluto).

Now we are increasing our speed and flying past Mars.

How far from the sun is the planet Mars?

Mars is the fourth planet of the solar system. It is half the size of the Earth. Look at this planet, it differs from other planets in its reddish glow, which is why it is often called the red planet. What can you call the inhabitants of Mars?

Look right, left. What do you see? (to the children’s imagination) – a comet, meteorites, stars.

Stars are hot balls of gas. The closest star to us is the Sun. All stars are different colors. The color of a star depends on the temperature on its surface. Red ones are the coldest, and white (or even blue!) ones are the hottest... By the color of a star you can also determine its age. Young stars are the hottest. They shine with white and blue light. Old, cooling stars emit red light. And middle-aged stars glow with yellow light

№2. Imagine that you are a star in this big space. What will you do if you see a spaceship?

No. 3. Task.

Look ahead. As the ship moves, we see 2 yellow and 3 red stars. How many stars are there?

we see by the ship's heading?

We were hit by a streak of meteorites. Place your hands on your shoulders, lean left, right. Once again - left, right. Well done! So we got out of the meteorite strip.

We are now flying past Jupiter. It is the fifth planet from the Sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. We are quite far from Earth.

When a person is far from home, he is reminded of his native places. Let's find out what our country is called? Our republic?

Spring is now. - how is spring in Kalmyk?

Mini durta tsag

Evr seehn zurg.

Close your eyes and imagine this picture. Music is playing.

Nice in the steppe in spring
The grass glows with dew.
The breeze smells like mint
Tonkonog smells like honey.
The gophers came out of their holes
Together they stood on the hill.
They really like how
Clover and fescue smell.

Here is a camel walking across the steppe. How many legs does one camel have? How many legs do two camels have?)

But bunnies and hedgehogs. Problem about hares and hedgehogs.

But the boys are playing the Kalmyk national game - alchiki.- shaha naadlhn.

4 alchiks for 2 boys were taken out of the bag for play. How many little boys do you need to pull out of the bag for one more boy? How many alchiks do 3 boys have in total?

A star fell from the sky,
I dropped in to visit the children.
Two shout after her:
“Don’t be for your friends!”
How many bright stars have disappeared?
Has the star fallen from the sky?

Maxim and Ksyusha had it
Three large ball air,
And then they got Uncle Klim
Gave me another one.
It turned out two for two.
How many balls do they have?


Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flight to planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no place for lazy people here!

Look out the window - we are approaching the planet Saturn.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.
And the ring is made of snow and ice.

№5. Logic problem. What does it look like?

Working with cards.

How many figures are there (No. 2)

Complete the picture (No. 3)

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -
There are cold worlds here.
There is no light and no heat.
Eternal winter and night...

Therefore, we set our course in the opposite direction and return home. We approach the ground and see the cosmodrome.

8. Working with geometric material. (No. 4)

Target: improve the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, know geometric shapes and colors.

Imagine that this sheet of paper is a cosmodrome, from where space rockets fly into space and return back.

In the upper right corner of the cosmodrome there is a rocket at the start - a circle.

In the lower right corner of the cosmodrome there is an oval rocket at the launch site.

– A Martian ship in the shape of a triangle landed in the upper left corner of the cosmodrome.

– A ship from the Moon in the form of a square landed in the lower left corner of the cosmodrome.

– In the middle of the cosmodrome there is an interplanetary station in the form of a rectangle.

9. D/i “True and false statement”

– Our kindergarten is called “Sun”, and the group is called “Cornflower” (false)

– We have girls and boys in our group (true)

– All people live on Mars (false)

– The blue star is the hottest (true)

– This year all children kindergarten go to school (false)

Guys, we've returned home. Turn off the engines - press the red button.

III. Summary of the lesson.

-What kind of journey did we take?

– What did you find out about?


- Guys, try to evaluate your work. If you were interested in the lesson, everything worked out for you, then raise the “sun”. If you find it difficult to complete tasks, raise the cloud.

Well done! Thanks to all! There are prizes waiting for you in the lockers. Sen beetn.

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