Why do capillaries burst on the face and how to deal with it. Why blood vessels on the face burst and what can be done at home

Vascular defects on the face: why do they appear and how to deal with them?

One of the most common cosmetic defects that spoil appearance, are visible dilated vessels on the face. They appear differently in everyone: in some they appear in the form of a mesh or small red veins, while in others they spread across the face with red spots. There are many people who periodically experience pimples on their faces with purulent tops.

All these are manifestations of circulatory disorders. Each of the defects is a symptom of one of the types of skin diseases, which are united by a common name - rosacea. Women are more often affected by rosacea. This is due to the peculiarity of female hormones (estrogens), which affect vascular tone. Among the male population, lovers of strong alcoholic beverages become the owners of spider veins and redness on the face.

Couperosis does not pose a threat to health and life. But it causes a lot of grief (especially for young women). Some try to disguise them with powder or foundation. Others decide to undergo facial removal using witchcraft methods found in fashion magazines or suggested by someone they know. But Before you start fighting the signs of rosacea, you should familiarize yourself with the causes of its occurrence. In addition, enlarged capillaries on the face, as a consequence of one or another disease, must first be treated by a dermatologist, and then proceed to cosmetic procedures.

Diseases that cause vasodilatation on the face


The most common disease observed in young women is telangiectasia. As it develops, a network of blood vessels appears on the face. It is often inherited if one of the parents (or grandmothers) had one of the skin diseases such as acrodermatitis or rosacea. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to a dermatologist. However, I would like to remind you that these harmless diseases should not be confused with, although many are in a hurry to make a similar diagnosis for themselves or someone else. SLE is characterized by a “butterfly” located on the wings of the nose and cheeks, and, unfortunately, this is far from the only symptom of this severe pathology. Systemic lupus erythematosus affects the entire body.

Telangiectasia can be acquired, developing in people of certain professions who have to work outside in any weather. For example, at retail outlets in open markets or at a construction site. Very often its signs appear on the faces of janitors and geologists, cooks, etc. Temperature changes cause the blood vessels in the cheeks to dilate. At the same time, in the summer-spring period, the symptoms of the disease disappear and reappear with the onset of cold weather. To treat this disease, laser coagulation using selective photothermolysis is used.


Rosacea is one of the most unpleasant types of rosacea. With this disease, inflamed areas of red or pink flowers. Their appearance is caused by the process of expansion of capillary vessels. Symptoms of rosacea occur with severe emotional shock (fear, worry about loved ones, anger). Often their appearance is provoked by drinking alcohol (even in small doses) and eating too spicy foods. Rosecea is a frequent companion of steam bath lovers.

The first symptoms of rosacea resemble a scattering of acne in teenagers, which is located on the forehead, cheeks, chin and even on the nose. But over time (if appropriate treatment is not carried out), small pimples turn into large red nodules or rhinophyma. They can lead to a permanent loss of attractiveness. Rosacea is treated with diode lasers.


This disease belongs to benign neoplasms. Most often it is congenital (with abnormal development of vascular walls) or occurs in early childhood due to vascular damage. Unlike other types of manifestations of rosacea, the surface of the hemangioma is quite dense and protrudes slightly above the skin. The peculiarity of this defect is unpredictability of behavior. A hemangioma may remain a small speck for many years, or it may begin to rapidly increase in size.

In itself it does not pose a danger. In children, it usually resolves spontaneously by school age. But with strong growth, it can disrupt the normal development of other vessels and various organs. Hemangioma located on the eyelids requires mandatory treatment. An argon laser is used to remove hemangiomas.

Many parents are concerned about the appearance of redness in the child's eye. Most often this is due to a violation of the integrity of the eye vessel during the game. But sometimes the reason for the appearance of redness is due to high intraocular pressure. This often happens to adults too. In this case, the main thing is to consult an ophthalmologist as quickly as possible. He will determine the cause of the incident and assign correct treatment, which will help in the future to avoid problems with the blood vessels of the eyes.

Nevus flaminga

A variety of this disease is flaming nevus. Its symptoms are accumulations of blood vessels on the face with abnormal expansion. In this case, a continuous stain is formed (it is called a wine stain). It can appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly. But more often it increases, changing its color. In the recent past, port-wine stains were considered an incurable disease. But today there is no trace of them left, thanks to treatment with a yellow dye laser with a pulsed flash.

Arachnid hemangioma

Some people periodically experience small red “spiders” appearing on their face. Upon closer examination, you can see that these are like frozen droplets of blood, from which small vessels diverge in different directions, like the legs of a spider. After a day or two, the “spider” disappears (spontaneously resolves). This defect is called arachnid hemangioma (stellate) or arachnid nevus. It occurs as a result of clogging of arterioles. No doctor intervention is required to resolve the nevus. Most often, gengioma is observed in pregnant women. This is due to circulatory disorders caused by fetal development. Nevus can appear not only on the cheeks, but also on the wings of the nose.

Causes of rosacea

Based on the symptoms of the disease, we can conclude that the vessels on the face become noticeable for the following reasons:

  1. Due to exposure to temperature changes in winter;
  2. Under the influence sun rays when spending a long time on the beach or doing garden work;
  3. With nervous overload;
  4. From eating spicy and too hot food, alcohol;
  5. Under the influence elevated temperatures in a steam bath or sauna;
  6. If the hormonal system is disrupted while taking medicines hormonal group;
  7. In the presence of hereditary factors.

Hardware methods for getting rid of vascular defects on the face

Today there are many in various ways, which can quickly and painlessly remove vessels on the face that spoil the appearance. The most effective methods today are hardware methods (not to be confused with surgical operations). The essence of these methods is that they are all aimed at closing (sealing) a diseased vessel that interferes with normal blood flow in the skin epithelium of the face. The blood begins to move around it. In this case, in the subcutaneous layer is formed new network small capillary vessels, due to which the face looks much fresher and younger. Among modern techniques are laser removal of blood vessels on the face; photocoagulation; electro-optical synergism and a number of others.

Laser coagulation

Methods for removing dilated vessels on the skin of the face, such as cryodestruction (treatment with liquid nitrogen at low temperatures) and electrocoagulation (cauterization with electric current), are gradually becoming a thing of the past. They are being replaced by gentle techniques, thanks to which cosmetic problems recede once and for all. After removing damaged vessels using modern devices, there are no relapses, and no scars remain on the skin. During the procedure, the patient does not experience discomfort.

Used to remove spider veins and redness on the skin. various types laser installations. Green and green laser radiation are considered the most effective. yellow. It is used when red blood vessels on the face merge into port-wine stains ( flaming nevus). There are two types of laser with a yellow light beam:

  • Powered by copper vapor with a wavelength of 578 nm.
  • Pulsed Sclero Plus or Vbeam (using dyes and a flash lamp), its wavelength is 585 nm.

Widely used to remove port-wine stains neodymium lasers, for example Palomar (USA), XP Spectro Fotona Technology and others.

The essence of the method using dyes and flash is as follows:

  1. The dilated vessels must be heated to a temperature at which they are soldered. This is performed with a yellow, pulsed laser. At the same time, the skin around them maintains its normal temperature and is not damaged.
  2. Removal is carried out by methodical, sequential exposure to a laser beam at certain points. The plot is not cultivated entirely, but in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. After the procedure is completed, the treated areas on the eyes become lighter. After a day they become covered with a crust that cannot be touched. A network of new capillary vessels is formed under it. The crust will fall off on its own in about a week.
  4. Completely normal complexion will be restored three months after the procedure.

Removal telangiectasia can be done in two ways:

  • Non-selective (electrocoagulation)
  • Selective (laser coagulation using selective photothermolysis).

The selective method has another name - copper vapor laser coagulation. In Russia, it is most often performed using the Yakhroma Med laser unit on an outpatient basis. The order of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Under the influence of a laser beam, pathological blood vessels are heated to a temperature of approximately 70°C. In this case, their walls stick together, causing damage to the vessel. The tissue surrounding the vessel with pathology remains undamaged.
  2. When over sensitive skin The patient is cooled.
  3. The operating mode of the device is set in such a way that after the procedure is completed, no traces in the form of a crust remain on the face.

This method is even used to remove foci of inflammation on the wings of the nose. But at the same time, extreme care must be taken so that the vessels in the nasal cavity do not burst.

Rosacea removed with a long pulse laser. For this, a quadro diode laser from the German company Asklepion is usually used. It creates powerful pulsed radiation with wavelengths reaching 810 and 970 nm. This allows you to remove large formations on the face.

Video: a story about the procedure for removing blood vessels on the face


An equally common method for removing small spider veins and other manifestations of telangiectasia in the early stages is laser. All manifestations of rosacea disappear instantly. This occurs as a result of the penetration of a laser beam into a changed area of ​​a vessel with an accumulation of blood, and heating it. In this case, it sticks together and then dies. Photocoagulation can be performed using a Eulight laser machine, an ELLIPSE I2PL device, and others.

Sclerotherapy method

The essence of this method is that, thanks to a special substance injected into the affected vessel, it sticks together and is removed from the main bloodstream. There are several types of this procedure:

  1. Microsclerotherapy. It is carried out to remove the vascular network in case of telangiectasia. The sclerosant is injected with a very thin needle, so the patient does not experience pain.
  2. Foam-Form sclerosis. Allows you to get rid of symptoms Rosacea by introducing the drug, whipped into foam, into the vessel.
  3. Echosclerosis. In this case, the most accurate introduction of sclerosant into the vessel occurs due to their laser scanning. Used to remove hemangiomas.

It should be noted that in Russia, only a few clinics have the legal right to perform sclerotherapy of blood vessels on the face. This is due to the high likelihood of complications, including loss of vision. Therefore, in our country, the most accessible and widespread technique is laser coagulation.

Ozone therapy

One of the unsurpassed methods of treating the manifestations of rosacea is ozone therapy. During the procedure, the vessels on the facial skin are injected with ozone. For hemangiomas and rosacea, ozone is injected into the neoplasm using a microneedle. Biochemical oxidation occurs, leading to the disappearance (destruction) of the vessel with pathology. This is the most safe method removal of capillary vessels. This procedure is performed in specialized ozone therapy centers and clinics. The advantage of this is that simultaneously with the main effect, the skin is filled with oxygen, giving a rejuvenating effect.

Beautek therapy

The latest technique called Beautek therapy, using the ITPL series device of the same name, is widely used in eliminating all types of rosacea (telangiectasia, rosacea, etc.). There are six types of them, and each of them is designed to perform a specific cosmetic procedure. The developers of this technique are specialists from Germany.

When performing the procedure, areas where blood vessels are visible on the face are treated with electrolyte gel. Acupuncture points are displayed on the computer display, which are affected by pulsed microcurrent transmitted through a sensor-electrode. The uniqueness of this procedure is that the computer is able to recognize the state of the cells and send them impulses of varying strengths. After their exposure, the cell returns to its normal, healthy state.

The device activates the synthesis of elastin and promotes the production of collagen, normalizes the water-salt balance and fat metabolism. The flow of blood and lymph improves significantly. All these processes go unnoticed by the patient. He doesn't feel any discomfort. But this is one of the most expensive procedures. The minimum cost of one procedure is 3000 rubles.

An important point after eliminating the manifestations of any type of rosacea is to prevent relapse, that is, the appearance of new vascular networks. To do this, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations and instructions during the postoperative period, which are as follows:

  • Avoid injury to the treated area of ​​skin.
  • During the day, do not use alcohol-containing lotions or other skin care products. cosmetics, give up makeup.
  • For two weeks, cover your face with the brim of a hat from exposure to sunlight. During the same period, it is prohibited to visit the solarium.
  • To protect the crust from ultraviolet exposure at the site of treatment, treat the area around it with a special sun protection cream (filter 20). After the crust disappears, continue using this cream for the entire treated surface.
  • The crust should not be wetted, touched with hands, or tried to be torn off, as new capillaries are forming underneath it. It will fall off on its own in a few days.


People who have undergone coagulation must adhere to some dietary restrictions. Firstly, you should avoid all dishes that worsen rosacea. These include:

  1. Spicy sauces and marinades,
  2. Salted and pickled foods;
  3. Spicy seasonings and canned food;
  4. Chocolate and products containing caffeine.

It is necessary to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages, including grape wines. But add to your diet, which includes:

  • For - vitamin K;
  • In order to reduce capillary fragility - vitamin P;
  • For the formation of collagen and increasing vascular tone - vitamin C.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy serves as a complement to the hardware method of removing vascular networks on the face. It includes drugs whose action is aimed at strengthening the blood vessels on the face and preventing the appearance of new signs of rosacea. These include:

  1. Ascorutin is a drug that reduces vascular permeability and reduces capillary fragility, due to the content of vitamins P and C.
  2. Alpha-linoleic acid Omega-3. It increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Thanks to this fatty polyunsaturated amino acid.
  3. Alpha tocopherone or Pinogen. These antioxidants help remove metabolic products from blood vessels.
  4. The drug Gingo-biloba has a similar effect.

Medicinal ointments for local treatment are prescribed by the attending physician. It is recommended to use a special cosmetic cream for rosacea, a delicate light green color. It can be found in pharmacies and beauty centers. The most popular are the following:

  • Tiande;
  • Uriage Roseliane;
  • Alezans Lierak, containing seaweed;
  • Sensibio from Bioderma, which is excellent protection against the adverse effects of temperature changes;
  • Doctor Taffy with calendula.

Many manufacturers offer samples of their products. This allows you to check the effect of the cream and its compatibility with the patient’s skin. Which is very convenient, since these products are expensive.

It should be noted that all of these remedies are good for preventing the development of the disease. If symptoms do appear, it is better to immediately resort to hardware methods to remove them.

Strengthening blood vessels

The ability to remove blood vessels on the face with a laser does not relieve the need to strengthen them. After all, only elastic capillaries with good tone contribute to normal blood flow, preventing the appearance of mesh and redness on the skin. The following masks, which you can make with your own hands, help strengthen facial blood vessels.

Day mask

Take extracts of blueberries and mimosa flowers, broom leaves, galangal roots, cypress seeds and grape seed oil. Mix all components, taken equally. Apply to skin faces. To enhance the effect, cover with a cloth moistened with hot water. Wash off the mask with warm water. Lubricate your face with a cream appropriate to your skin. Both masks are made every other day for two months.

Small blood vessels on the skin of the face are well strengthened by a compress of parsley juice scalded with boiling water mixed with milk. Gauze soaked in this mixture is applied to the face for 30 minutes. It is recommended to do this compress every two days. Strengthening blood vessels is facilitated by daily rubbing of the face with an aloe leaf, as well as ingestion of the following infusion:

Take a tablespoon of chokeberry berries, two tablespoons of hawthorn flowers and mistletoe leaves. Brew them in a thermos with a liter of boiling water and leave. Drink half a glass three times a day.

Night mask

It contains extracts of Sophora, dandelion roots, calendula flowers and essential oil from grape seeds. All components are taken equally. The mask is evenly distributed over the front surface. Excess is removed with a soft cloth.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine also offers remedies to help get rid of defects that spoil the appearance.

  1. Juice therapy is considered the most effective. It uses freshly squeezed white cabbage juice. It contains the most large number various minerals and vitamins. But it has a slightly bitter, unpleasant taste. Carrot juice will help improve it. We also recommend plum juice, which contains a large amount of vitamin P, which is so necessary for the elasticity of capillaries and other blood vessels.
  2. Some healers recommend lubricating the affected areas with apple cider vinegar or fresh tomato juice. But this product should be used very carefully, as the acid they contain can cause burns.
  3. Among the medicinal plants for rosacea, it is best to use chamomile and calendula (marigold) flowers. You can wash your face with water infusions of these plants. They perfectly care for the skin, relieving any irritation, as they have a calming effect.

Prevention of vasodilation on the face

A person who periodically bursts blood vessels needs to properly care for their skin at home. For them use is contraindicated :

  • Scrubs and peels containing coarse particles that can cause irritation of the skin;
  • Alcohol-containing lotions and other skin care products;
  • Creams, gels and other cosmetics that contain menthol or honey (these are strong allergens).

Water for washing should be moderately warm. Hot water, like cold water, causes blood vessels to dilate. After washing, it is not recommended to wipe your face; you just need to apply a towel to it for a few seconds to remove excess water.

It is better to choose in a beauty salon superficial peeling chemicals. Steaming and manual massage procedures for rosacea are contraindicated. But masks with collagen, thermal massage, and phytotherapeutic procedures are very useful.

The main rule is to be attentive to the condition of your skin. Choose gentle methods and means of caring for her. And then no cauterization will be required.

Chinese gymnastics

Chinese medicine is famous for its unique ability to eliminate various ailments without the use of drugs. One of effective means, which allows you to strengthen the blood vessels on the face, is a therapeutic exercise developed by Chinese healers. It should be performed in the morning, after morning exercises (or after it) repeat each exercise at least 15 times. All exercises are performed in a “sitting” position (on a chair or with your legs tucked cross-legged on the floor).

Acupuncture in strengthening blood vessels

Acupuncture or exposure to biologically active points is used in the treatment of many diseases. Tibetan medicine offers several simple exercises, which have an impact on the active points of the hands, responsible for restoring normal blood flow. This technique is called Kumnyai

Broken blood vessels cause a lot of inconvenience. If the capillaries on the face burst, this also entails aesthetic discomfort. The cause of this problem should be identified before treatment.

Causes of the phenomenon

It is difficult to identify the exact reasons why a capillary on the face burst. Experts combine them into the following conditional groups:

  • Hereditary. Genetic predisposition is considered one of the most common causes of capillary wall fragility. Sensitive skin reacts to any external irritants: from special care products to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In this case, the facial skin must be provided reliable protection from negative influence. To do this, you can use creams designed for sensitive skin.
  • Age. Over time, the skin ages. This process is accelerated by bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking). Therefore, people over 40 years of age are often observed.
  • Stressful. This group of reasons includes the use of low-quality cosmetics, sudden temperature changes and work in hazardous industries (chemical industry enterprises, oil refineries, etc.).
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect the condition of blood vessels. Cuperosis is most often diagnosed in patients with overweight. This is associated with an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum and plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of internal systems and organs. In this situation, it is necessary to be examined in medical institution and begin to eliminate the pathology that was the root cause of the condition.
  • Cosmetic procedures. Too frequent visits to the solarium, peeling and other salon treatments also negatively affects the condition of the skin and blood vessels.

There are factors that increase the likelihood of developing rosacea. The risk group includes:

  • people working outside in the cold;
  • mothers of many children;
  • infants (due to the lack of subcutaneous fat);
  • people with high blood pressure.

How to get rid

Before starting treatment, you need to undergo a full medical examination to identify the factor that led to the development of the problem. There are many reasons why a vessel on the face can burst, which makes diagnosis extremely difficult. However, there are many general techniques that can prevent complications and solve the problem.


To prepare the mask you need to take the following components:

  • blueberry fruit extract;
  • mimosa leaves;
  • grape oil;
  • cypress seeds;
  • galangal roots;
  • butcher's broom leaves.

The ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio and thoroughly mixed with each other. The mask is applied to the places where the capillaries on the face have burst, after which it is covered with a napkin moistened with warm water. You need to keep the product on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and treat the problem area with a special cream. Duration of treatment is 7-8 weeks.


A compress of milk and parsley juice can also help if blood vessels on the face have burst. To do this, a piece of gauze needs to be moistened with a decoction of these ingredients.

Juice treatment

Couperosis can also be treated with cabbage juice. It contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. The drink is a little bitter, so it is better to dilute it with fresh carrot juice. Additionally, you can use plum juice. It contains vitamin P, which helps strengthen blood vessels.

Calendula marigold and chamomile flowers can also be beneficial if the capillaries have burst. It is recommended to wipe the skin of the face with compositions based on them and wash your face in the morning.

Aloe effectively strengthens vascular walls. To prepare a tincture of this plant, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers, 1 tbsp. l. chokeberry and 1.5 tbsp. l. mistletoe leaves. The components must be placed in a common container and filled with boiling water. You need to drink ½ glass 3 times a day.

Gymnastic exercises for the face can also cope with this problem. It is important to choose the right nourishing cream composition.

  • stretch your lips and try to depict the shape of a tube with them (hold for 5-7 seconds);
  • open the oral cavity as wide as possible (do at least 5 repetitions);
  • Stretch your cheeks with your palms;
  • smile widely and fix the resulting grimace;
  • inflate and deflate your cheeks (do at least 4-7 repetitions).

These manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully, otherwise the vessels may burst even more.


The drugs are most often used as an adjunct to hardware treatment. An integrated approach allows you to quickly remove a burst vessel on the face.

The effect of such medications is aimed at strengthening the vascular walls and preventing relapses of the pathology. Effective medications include:

  • Ginkgo biloba, Pinogen - promote the removal of metabolic products from blood vessels;
  • Omega-3-alpha-linoleic acid - increases the elasticity of capillaries and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • Ascorutin - increases the strength of capillaries and reduces their permeability.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe local ointments. In this case, it is advisable to check the compatibility of the cream composition with your skin type by applying a little product to a small area of ​​skin. In the absence of negative effects, problem areas can also be treated with ointment.

Laser coagulation

This method of treating rosacea is one of the most gentle. After this procedure, the patient does not have any scars or scars.

The laser coagulation technique involves the following:

  1. Inflamed capillaries are heated to optimal temperatures and soldered together. For this purpose, a pulsed yellow laser is used. In this case, the skin around the problematic vessel is not affected and does not heat up.
  2. Removal is carried out by alternately directing the laser to problem points.
  3. After laser coagulation, the skin becomes lighter, and a day later a crust appears on it.
  4. Skin color should be completely restored within 90 days.

New vessels are formed in the treated area and do not burst.


This technology involves filling the capillary with a special substance that glues its walls together. As a result, the vessel ceases to participate in blood circulation and gradually dies. Types of sclerosis:

  • Foam-Form. The mixture is brought to a foam state. Allows you to treat the symptoms of rosacea.
  • Microsclerotherapy. In this procedure, sclerosant is injected using a thin needle.
  • Echosclerosis. The substance is introduced through laser scanning.

If vessels on the face have burst and sclerotherapy has been chosen as a therapeutic technique, it must be taken into account that this procedure can lead to deterioration/loss of vision and stroke, and the clinic must have a special license to perform it.

Ozone therapy

During this procedure, the area in which the blood vessels on the face have burst is treated with a special ozonated mixture. For patients with rosacea, ozone is introduced directly into the cavity of the blood vessel using injections. The ozonized solution activates biochemical oxidation reactions, eliminating the inflamed capillary. This procedure is safe and is done in special beauty salons. In addition, ozonation not only eliminates broken blood vessels, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Nutrition rules

To prevent the formation of a burst vessel on the face, it is advisable to use vitamin complexes.

Preventive measures

To prevent broken capillaries on the face from causing problems, you should wash only with warm water, and carefully wipe off excess liquid with a towel, without exerting any effort.

When visiting beauty salons, you must refrain from steaming procedures and deep peeling. Manual massage is also contraindicated for rosacea. In this case, it is better to give preference to phototherapy, thermal massage procedures and collagen masks.

If red spots appear on the face, this indicates vascular disease. There are a number of reasons for the appearance of a mesh or a separate burst vessel on the face; there is no need to panic, because this defect can be cured. Of course, the first thing you need to do is visit a specialist to recognize the real reason and fight it with medication. We propose to examine the question of whether it is possible on the face, how to do this? After visiting a doctor, our advice will help you.

We prevent the occurrence

Everyone will agree that it is easier to prevent the appearance of blood vessels on the face than to eliminate them. To for a long time to preserve her charm and beauty, not to become the owner of “chronically rosy cheeks”, every woman must observe simple rules for caring for yourself and your skin.

  1. Each time after washing, do not wipe your face dry; let the droplets of water dry on their own. This will prevent the epidermis from drying out and keep the skin moisturized.
  2. Never apply moisturizers to your skin before going outside during the cold season. Buy a protective cream that will protect you from hypothermia and chapping.
  3. IN summer time and during periods when the sun is especially active, use a protective cream with an SPF of at least thirty.
  4. Do not use scrubs that injure the epidermis if your skin is thin.
  5. Creams should only be applied with fingers or a sponge; do not use massage mittens or brushes.

If your skin is prone to rosacea, consult a cosmetologist about using a special line of cosmetics that includes everything from milk to creams.

To understand the question of how to remove red blood vessels on the face, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what you should not do. There are several limitations in caring for skin affected by rosacea. To ensure that the vessels disappear faster, do not reappear and the situation does not worsen, you should abandon the following procedures:

  • peeling using abrasive components and chemical acids;
  • cosmetic procedures, in which steaming of the facial skin is necessary;
  • procedures performed by the device at elevated temperatures;
  • self-massage of the face under the guidance of video tutorials;
  • Avoid all facial skin care products that contain fruit acids.

If rosacea appears, it is also necessary to reconsider the diet. Avoid consumption of coffee, red meat, fatty foods and sweets. All the problem, provoking the appearance of new vessels.

Why do blood vessels burst?

Before removing a burst vessel on the face, it is worth identifying the cause so that the treatment is more effective and eliminating provoking factors.

The main reason for the appearance of rosacea is heredity. If your parents have it, then most likely you will have it too. It is useless to fight a genetic problem; you can only prevent the occurrence and eliminate defects that have already appeared. If the genetics are ideal, then you should not exclude the threat of rosacea. Those with light and thin skin are especially susceptible to this disease. Dark-skinned girls are practically not threatened by this disease. So, what are the reasons for the appearance of acquired rosacea?

  • exposure of the skin to sudden temperature changes;
  • frequent visits to baths and saunas;
  • too short intervals between cosmetic procedures;
  • stress;
  • lack of protective cream when going out into the sun;
  • smoking, frequent alcohol consumption.

Solving the problem

If you know folk remedies, you know how to remove blood vessels on the face, but still, first of all, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Only a specialist will be able to determine the stage of the disease and prescribe effective treatment before the problem affects the deeper layers of the dermis.

The first stages are quite easy to treat, you just need to eliminate the factors contributing to the onset of the disease. Of course, you cannot do without special cosmetics that will help rid your face of blood vessels and prevent their appearance. Each treatment, both medicinal and traditional methods, is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If the first prescribed remedies do not help, the doctor will prescribe effective procedures performed only in a hospital or salon.

Remove blood vessels on the face with a laser: reviews of the method

Laser sclerotherapy is applicable only in the last stages of the disease, when a network of vessels has already formed and the vessels themselves have lost their former elasticity. In such cases, the blood capillaries are already completely destroyed, and reserve capillaries are added to the bloodstream.

Removing blood vessels on the face with a laser is not as easy as it seems. The treatment consists of a course, during which several sessions are performed. The procedure itself is not the most pleasant; side effects are also possible in the form of hyperpigmentation, depigmentation of the skin, and the appearance of spots at the sites of impact on blood vessels.

Laser therapy should only be performed in a clinic by a certified cosmetologist. Before starting treatment, the doctor will definitely do a test for skin color type and sensitivity. After each session, proper care is required, which, again, can only be prescribed by a specialist, focusing on the type of epidermis. With the right treatment and compliance with all the cosmetologist’s instructions, the risk of complications will be minimized, and the effect of therapy will be noticeable immediately.

Women who have resorted to laser removal of red capillaries from their faces write about the effectiveness of the method. Everyone who couldn’t get rid of spider veins in other ways managed it thanks to lasers. There are no negative comments, they write that if the procedures were carried out by an experienced master, then the consequences in the form side effects there won't be.

Other salon treatments

If the disease is still at one of the first four stages, the cosmetologist will advise others, no less effective methods elimination of blood vessels. We invite you to consider them and find out how they work.

  1. Ozone therapy. This is the safest and easy way get rid of blood vessels on the face in a salon setting. The technique consists of saturating the capillaries with oxygen, leaving no spots or scars on the skin.
  2. Phototherapy is effective in the middle stages, when the cheeks are constantly red. There is nothing easier than removing a vessel on the face using this technique. Directed light pulses sent to problem areas, through a sharp increase in temperature are able to glue damaged capillaries.
  3. Electrocoagulation. This is a procedure for influencing the affected vessels with electrical impulses. If large areas of skin are affected on the face, treatment may take quite a long time.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes ointments, but they are not able to get rid of the problem, only slowing down the development of the disease. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most effective folk remedies, which will allow you to remove blood vessels on your face at home. Before using any prescription, consult a specialist.

Disadvantages of traditional methods

If you decide to fight rosacea with the recipes of our grandmothers, then you must be prepared for the fact that treatment will take quite a long time. Means traditional medicine consist of herbs, are used in the form of lotions or masks, and have a cumulative effect. If you are interested in how to remove a blood vessel on your face at home using different herbs, do not forget to use the technique daily so that the result comes as soon as possible.

Berry-starch mask

This is an amazing product that will help restore the beauty of your skin in the shortest possible time and get rid of burst blood vessels. You should only use fresh sea buckthorn, raspberry or currant berries; this is a drawback of the product, since the ingredients can only be found in summer. So, you will need: a tablespoon of potato starch and the same amount of freshly squeezed berry juice. Mix the ingredients and apply not only to the affected areas, but also to the entire face. Keep the mixture on the skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Herbal mask

To make this remedy, you need to go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary dry herbs, these are calendula, chamomile, millennial, horse chestnut. Take these ingredients in any proportion, add a little boiling water so that when crushed you get a paste. After this, add a teaspoon of potato starch to the herbal mixture, mix well and apply to the face. This mask should be kept for no more than fifteen minutes, then rinse your face with water.

Chamomile and burdock

The following remedy will help remove blood vessels on the face at home. Brew a bag of chamomile flowers (sold in every pharmacy) with a quarter cup of boiling water, cover with a lid, and let steep for fifteen minutes. After this, add the same amount of burdock juice to the broth; all parts of the plant are suitable for squeezing. Mix the resulting juice, dip it in it and wipe your face for fifteen minutes. After this, let the skin rest for half an hour and wipe again. Up to five such wipes should be performed per day.

Apple cider vinegar and potato starch

If you are interested in how to remove small blood vessels on the face, and do it as quickly as possible, then alternating will help. Grind the peeled potatoes and apply it to your face. After ten minutes, rinse with water, let the skin dry, then wipe the affected areas with a cotton pad soaked in apple cider vinegar for ten minutes. After this you need to wash your face. Repeat the procedure after five hours. The same method can be used to get rid of spider veins on other parts of the body.


How to remove a vessel on the face using bodyagi? Very simple. This product is a unique natural product that can relieve the skin of many defects, including rosacea. You will need to pour boiling water over the bodyagi powder, create a paste, and apply it to your face. Just apply the mask over the entire surface of the skin, as bodyaga has a lightening effect, and it will not be very pleasant if a lighter spot forms. Keep the product on the skin for ten minutes, then rinse off. Such masks should be done no more than three times a week.

Oatmeal and chamomile

There are many recipes for how to remove blood vessels on the face using chamomile. This plant can be found in your summer cottage or bought at a pharmacy, which makes it applicable at any time of the year. To remove capillaries, you need to take a tablespoon of chamomile, oatmeal, olive oil. All components are mixed and applied to the face. After twenty minutes, the mixture must be washed off. The beauty of the recipe is that you don’t need to cook, squeeze or steam anything.

Mask before bed

Another effective remedy, tested by many women. You need to brew one hundred milliliters of green tea, add two Ascorutin tablets, and dissolve them well. After this, a tablespoon of milk and white clay is added to the mixture. Mix well, turning all components into a homogeneous paste. Apply to the affected areas, or all over the skin, there will be no harm, rinse off after twenty minutes.

How to remove blood vessels on the face? Reviews

Many women, faced with this problem, go through hundreds of methods of struggle until they find the most optimal one. So, there are tips to use a regular green tomato to remove blood vessels. It needs to be cut and applied to the affected area for ten minutes. The procedure is carried out twice daily.

Many people liked the following method: brew nettle, after cooling, moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the skin for fifteen minutes. You need to do such compresses twice a day for a week.

Some people face a problem in their life when blood vessels burst on the face. This is not a very dangerous problem, but quite unpleasant from a cosmetic point of view. This disease is called rosacea, and for some it can manifest itself in early childhood. And someone suffers from this unpleasant illness already in adulthood. There are a number of reasons why this disease develops; let’s look at the most common reasons:

    You may have very sensitive skin from birth

    sudden temperature changes;

    diseases associated with the respiratory system or heart function;

    unhealthy diet, bad habits, overweight;

    In women, hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy.

This list may also include anything that affects the condition of our skin, including stressful situations, insomnia, hormonal changes in the body, and problems with the digestive system.

It is necessary, first of all, to establish proper care behind your face. Use the most neutral cosmetics, the annotations of which indicate that they are suitable for delicate and sensitive skin. Do not use peelings or scrubs. Try to avoid using cosmetics that contain menthol and alcohol - these substances are irritating to the skin. If you have a blood vessel burst on my face for no reason, do not wash your face with very hot or ice water. Refrain from visiting the bathhouse or sauna for a while. To preventively strengthen blood vessels, you can wipe your skin with pieces of ice daily.

If you visit beauty salons, if you have sensitive skin, avoid mechanical facial cleansing and do not steam your facial skin. You can use the superficial procedure chemical peeling. There are procedures in beauty salons aimed at problematic skin- phototherapy, thermage, collagen masks.

Most modern cosmetic salons have a number of procedures that get rid of “stars” on the surface of the face. Currently, many people use these procedures - electrocoagulation, laser therapy, laser therapy, phototherapy. With these methods, bright flashes of light or electric current affect the capillary, similar to a seal, after which it becomes flesh-colored.

Always make sure your diet is healthy. There are a number of products that exacerbate this problem. Try to avoid hot sauces, ketchups, chocolate products, coffee, alcoholic drinks. If you have rosacea, it is recommended to abstain even from wine.

Include in your diet various vitamins. Vitamins such as K and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels and also prevent rupture of capillaries. Vitamin C is very useful. Treatment with echinacea extract together with vitamin C is effective. You can take a combination of vitamins C and E with nicotinic acid and niacin.

It is necessary to get rid of the negative habit of smoking.

The walls of blood vessels are well strengthened by means for external use in the form of ointments, creams, which contain collagen, blueberry extract, rutin, and grape seed oil.

In order to strengthen blood vessels, you need to take care of your skin daily. It is recommended to choose a set of cosmetics for your face type. In any beauty salon, a competent cosmetologist will help you make the right choice.

Try not to expose your facial skin to sudden temperature changes. Avoid washing your face with either too hot or too cold water. And do not overuse saunas, and if your facial vessels are very weak, try to avoid visiting the sauna altogether.

So, if you have burst blood vessels on the face, don’t be upset, it’s better to visit a beauty salon, undergo one-time procedures that are suitable specifically for your skin type, restore a healthy complexion by removing the resulting mesh. And in the future, try to adhere to the simple rules described above, and you will not have problems with your skin.

The problem of burst capillaries on the face worries many elderly women and teenagers, as well as women with diseases cardiovascular system. It affects everyone else too, but much less frequently. At first glance, burst capillaries on the face are an ordinary trifle.

However, they are capable of:

  • indicate problems with blood vessels in general;
  • indicate excessive stress that the body cannot adequately tolerate;
  • indicate hormonal problems;
  • spoil the appearance.

Sometimes, next to one broken capillary, more and more are formed, which is why it is so important to remove them on time.

Cause of burst capillaries

There are quite a few reasons why a burst blood vessel may occur on the face.

Among them:

  • Hereditary tendency to weakness and low tone vessels, which, however, as a rule, manifests itself fully only in old age.
  • Hormonal fluctuations. They can be triggered by age-related changes, taking oral contraceptives and menstruation. As a rule, they are also accompanied by fluctuations in weight and mood.
  • Availability bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol provokes a spasm followed by a sharp dilation of blood vessels. Smoking has the opposite effect: blood vessels narrow sharply, causing problems with proper blood circulation.

  • Emotional stress, mental illness. All this causes sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, which, in turn, has a negative effect on blood vessels.
  • Poor nutrition. A lack of healthy food or excessive consumption of spicy and smoked foods provokes a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Very hot food has the same effect.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The sun causes blood vessels to dilate and break down.
  • Excessive use of cosmetic procedures such as peeling, solariums and steaming. This also reduces the level of elasticity, which can cause blood vessels to burst.
  • Exposure to excessively high or low temperatures.
  • Physical stress. Capillaries burst from too much stress due to hard work or sports.

In order to most effectively get rid of burst capillaries on the face and ensure that the situation does not recur, it is necessary to calculate the specific reason why the vessels burst. This will allow us to determine the factor that has the greatest impact on the blood vessels of a particular person and purposefully eliminate it.


You can avoid bursting capillaries on your face by using a number of preventive measures:

  • refuse a number of cosmetic procedures (peeling, solarium, steaming, manual cleaning, massage, ice wiping);

  • individually selected capillary cream (the most effective are creams containing grape oil);
  • regular skin moisturizing;
  • contrasting souls;
  • refusal to use hard towels and cosmetic brushes;
  • refusal to visit baths and saunas;
  • taking a complex of individually selected vitamins.

All this, first of all, concerns women who naturally have thin skin with frequently bursting capillaries, but many of these measures will be useful to everyone without exception.

In addition, you can also use facial gymnastics daily, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Extend your lips, folding them into a tube – 5 seconds.
  2. Yawn – 5 times.
  3. Quickly raise and lower the skin of your cheeks with your palms.
  4. Run your fingers along the massage lines on your face.
  5. Smile, showing your upper teeth.
  6. Puff out and retract your cheeks.

Such gymnastics will help not only protect against the occurrence of burst capillaries, but also remove them if the vessels on the face have already burst.


If a blood vessel bursts on your face, what should you do first? There are both cosmetic procedures for this and home options.

Beauty treatments

If a capillary bursts, you can resort to salon procedures.

In the question of how to remove a damaged vessel from the skin, the following will help:

  1. Removal using laser. This is a targeted destruction of burst vessels, with a complete absence of injury to surrounding tissues.
  2. Photorejuvenation, carried out using directed bright light, allows not only to remove damage after capillaries on the face have burst, but also to improve the condition of the skin in general.
  3. Microneedle ozone therapy. It is useful not only when a capillary on the face has burst, but also when a whole capillary network has formed.

If the condition of the skin after a blood vessel on the face has burst allows for a massage, in no case should you use special devices and machines for this. Massage should be carried out only with your fingertips, preferably pre-lubricated with essential oil.


The problem of how to get rid of burst blood vessels can be solved with a number of homemade masks:

  • using a mixture of green tea, ascorutin and white clay;
  • based on badyagi;
  • thanks to a mixture of starch and mashed lingonberries, strawberries and sea buckthorn;
  • using a mixture of oatmeal, olive oil and dry chamomile;
  • using a mixture of raw potatoes and chamomile.

All these masks are used for an average of 20 minutes; after using them, it is useful to lubricate your face with grape seed oil. They should be used carefully, taking into account personal intolerance to certain components. You shouldn’t leave them on your skin too long.

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