Preparing for childbirth: the most important thing. Proper preparation for childbirth: what an expectant mother needs to know How to prepare a baby for childbirth

In anticipation of the birth of her baby, the expectant mother must do everything in her power to ensure that the process of giving birth to the baby leaves exclusively positive emotions for both her and the baby. To do this, it is important to properly organize preparation for childbirth, since in many respects its positive outcome depends on how ready the woman in labor is for labor. On the pages of this article we will talk about how to properly treat your body (chest, muscles).

Preparing the body for childbirth

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, the mother’s body is reconstructed in anticipation of labor. The last month of pregnancy presents expectant mothers with a number of new sensations that indicate impending pregnancy. These sensations appear approximately 2 to 4 weeks before labor, although for some people they may appear only a few hours before the onset of contractions.

It must be said that some women do not experience any discomfort at all before giving birth, which absolutely does not mean that their body is not preparing for the birth of the baby. But the whole point is that every woman’s body is individual. So what should a woman experience before giving birth?

Firstly, throughout the ninth month, active restructuring begins to occur in the body, characterized by the fact that the child begins to descend into the pelvic area. At the same time, for most expectant mothers, such unpleasant symptoms as shortness of breath disappear. However, the baby's head, located near the bladder, provokes frequent urination in the mother.

Often, a few weeks before giving birth, women experience milky-white vaginal discharge that is abundant. In some cases, they may also be accompanied by bleeding. This phenomenon is associated with the so-called “uncorking” of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance directly to the cervix. Thus, the consistency of cork can vary: from viscous to dense or sticky. If spotting appears three to four days before birth, there is no need to worry. The main thing is that mucus predominates in such secretions, and not. If there is more blood than mucus, and the blood is bright red in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For many women, the amniotic sac ruptures before labor begins. When the water breaks, labor can begin within a few minutes or after a few hours. If we talk about the cervix, then, firstly, it becomes thinner, and secondly, it opens up to one to two centimeters.

All of the listed signs are “harbingers” of childbirth, but from them it is impossible to accurately determine the exact beginning of the process itself. So, in some women such signs appear a few days before giving birth, while in others - several weeks. In any case, in the last month before giving birth, the expectant mother should rest more in preparation for the arrival of her baby.

3. Regularly performing Kegel exercises, which provide active contraction and relaxation of the perineal muscles, which increases blood flow, thereby increasing the elasticity of the connective tissue of the vagina. In addition, a set of Kegel exercises is a prevention, as well as prolapse internal organs and vaginal laxity.

4. Carrying out a perineal massage using natural fatty oils saturated with vitamin E.

The massage consists of three exercises:

  1. Simultaneous circular movements (stroking) of the breast with your hands, and the areola and the nipple itself cannot be touched. Three to four strokes per approach are enough.
  2. Stroking both glands, carried out from above and towards the nipple, and then from both sides and below. It is important that the actions are simultaneous. In one approach, 3–4 such strokes are done.
  3. Pressure on the mammary gland, for which you need to lift and support the right breast with your right hand, while pressure is applied from above (with your left hand) (no more than 4 times in one approach). The movements made should be as soft and gentle as possible, they should not cause pain. Similar actions are carried out with the left breast.
If we talk about minimizing the possibility of stretch marks, then you cannot do without physical activity: for example, simple exercises will help keep your breasts seductive and firm. But it should be remembered that absolute contraindication Any physical activity is dangerous, so before you start doing exercises, you should consult a gynecologist.

Basic exercises:

  • Take a small ball in your hands. Hands rise up to the level chest. Alternately, the left and right hands throw the ball up and catch it.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to bend your arms, then straighten both arms and legs at the same time.
  • Standing facing the wall and resting your palms on it at shoulder level, you need to do 10–15 push-ups.
  • Hands at shoulder level are spread to the sides. Then swinging movements are made with the arms, while the arms cross in front of each other (so, the left and then the right hand are alternately on top).
  • The arms are spread to the sides, after which three swings are made back with strictly straight arms. Hands are lowered to the starting position.
During exercises, you need to carefully listen to your feelings: so, if discomfort appears, all exercises are stopped. If physical activity are easily tolerated, then each exercise can be repeated five times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 15.

With the help of such gymnastics, you can, firstly, maintain the shape of your breasts, and secondly, prepare your arm muscles for the upcoming loads, that is, for carrying your baby.

Preparing nipples for childbirth

Individual characteristics The structures of the mammary glands play a huge role in the process. Some women have breasts that are ideal for breastfeeding, while others may have nipples that are underdeveloped or even retracted. It also happens that the nipple appears quite normal in appearance, but during the process of pressing, it is retracted to the border of the areola.

How can you determine whether problems will arise when putting your baby to the breast? A simple test that will help with this is to gently but firmly squeeze the opposite edges of the areola with your thumb and forefinger. If the nipple is pulled inward or becomes flat, it will be quite difficult for the baby to grab it.

To correct the situation, you need to perform a number of simple exercises, for example, stretching the nipple and twisting it left and right. Such actions will help to somewhat stretch the nipple, not to mention the fact that during such manipulations the nipples will become less sensitive, which means that the mother will not experience pain when feeding the child (and she will not be afraid of cracks).

If your nipples are flat or inverted, you can resort to using a special nipple shape corrector or breast shields (these devices are placed over the nipple and worn daily, first for 10 minutes, and then for 20 minutes a day). After birth, shields and correctors can be worn for 30 minutes (maximum hour) before feeding, which will help give the nipple a more elongated shape.

Important: before any manipulation of the breasts, you should consult a doctor, since self-stimulation of the nipples can provoke premature birth.

A common problem for breastfeeding mothers is the appearance of stretch marks and cracks in the nipples, the latter causing severe pain during feeding. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to prepare the nipples for feeding during pregnancy.

To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • accept contrast shower who massages the nipples,
  • do not wash nipples with soap (it is better to use shower gel),
  • rub your chest with a terry towel after a shower,
  • arrange daily air baths for the chest (in other words, walk more with your chest completely open),
  • wear a special bra for nursing mothers that has detachable cups.
It must be said that in the last months of pregnancy, colostrum is often released from the nipples, which should not be washed off immediately; on the contrary, it is necessary to rub it over the nipple, as well as the areola (this will help soften the nipple and heal any cracks that have appeared). If during breastfeeding your nipples become very chapped, it is recommended to use special healing creams.

To avoid discomfort and disorders associated with the spinal region, it is recommended to wear a bandage from the second half of pregnancy (selecting a bandage and determining the duration of its wearing is carried out exclusively by a gynecologist).

It is very important to choose the right bandage, which should not put pressure on the stomach or press down blood vessels, not to mention the fact that this device should not restrict the child’s movements. If the bandage interferes, leaving behind red stripes on the stomach, you should select a larger model.

By following these simple tips and strictly following the doctor’s recommendations during pregnancy and during childbirth, you can minimize or completely eliminate complications such as perineal ruptures, the appearance of stretch marks and cracks.

Pregnancy and childbirth are important processes for every woman, requiring careful preparation. None of the doctors divides pregnancy and childbirth into two different events, since they are deeply interconnected - one state smoothly passes into another. That is, childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy. Therefore, every woman should know how to prepare for childbirth while still carrying a baby.

There is no doubt that childbirth requires special preparation. This process is absolutely unpredictable, requiring, first of all, active participation and initiative from the woman in labor herself. So, how to properly prepare for childbirth?

Psychological readiness for childbirth is as important as physical readiness. Trained perineal muscles and the basics of breathing exercises are not yet a guaranteed success for the upcoming birth. Equally important is a woman’s awareness of the process that is happening to her, thanks to which she will be able to control her behavior during childbirth, relax in time and breathe correctly, which will have a positive effect not only on her, but also on the condition of the child.

And it is present in every woman. Primiparas are afraid of the unknown and stories about the births of friends and relatives, multiparas are worried about failures that occurred in previous births or during pregnancy. Psychological preparedness for childbirth will help you avoid this fear.

Experts have proven that women who have undergone psychoprophylactic training before childbirth cope more easily with pain during pregnancy, interact more actively with medical staff, and the condition of their newborn children is better compared to other women in labor.

Psychologists distinguish 3 levels of psychological readiness for childbirth.

Low level

The woman experiences the following feelings:

  • strong excitement;
  • panic fear for one’s own health and that of the baby;
  • anticipation of suffering and pain during childbirth;
  • aggressive attitude towards the child's father, less often - towards the baby himself;
  • unwillingness to listen to doctors.

The negative emotions guiding such a woman are wrong. You need urgent help from a psychologist who can tell you how to prepare for childbirth from a psychological point of view. Serious work is required on the moral state of the expectant mother in labor.

Intermediate level

Determined by the following criteria:

  • optimistic attitude towards childbirth;
  • gnawing doubts and self-doubt;
  • experiences of failures of strangers, fears of unverified information, etc.

Psychological help in this case consists not only of teaching how to prepare for childbirth, but also of supporting the woman’s loved ones. The goal is to cope with uncertainty and take an optimistic view of the childbearing process.

High level

This means that:

  • the woman is positive about bearing a child and giving birth;
  • knows how to prepare for easy birth: studies, does self-massage, etc.;
  • ready to help my baby as much as possible during childbirth;
  • actively cooperates with medical staff;
  • positive emotions predominate in the mood;
  • plans

High level psychological readiness means that a woman is perfectly prepared for childbirth and must maintain this attitude until it occurs.

Physical training

Physical training allows the expectant mother to stay in shape, which will help her endure childbirth more easily.

It consists of the following aspects:

  • Motor activity and hardening. Both of these factors are necessary for every pregnant woman. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to take walks in the fresh air more often, wisely alternating activity and rest. The rhythm of the loads is selected individually according to the well-being and condition of the expectant mother.
  • . Physical exercises are selected for each woman individually, depending on the nature of pregnancy, duration and presence of complications. A specialist will tell you how to prepare the body for childbirth with the help of gymnastics for expectant mothers. If a woman works out at home, then it is important that someone is nearby.

If the expectant mother has previously been involved in sports, then, in the absence of contraindications, she can continue exercising, choosing the optimal and suitable physical activity. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to stop exercising or reduce them to a minimum, as there is a risk of developing premature birth.

  1. Go swimming. While exercising in the pool, the expectant mother strengthens all the muscles of her body - the perineum, legs, abs, back. The body becomes more flexible and resilient. Breathing functions improve and stretching increases. In general, water has a pronounced relaxing effect on the entire body, as a result of which preparation for childbirth is more effective.
  2. Get a massage. It is part of a set of exercises to physically prepare the body for childbirth. For expectant mothers, massage has its own peculiarities - without active influences and kneading in the abdominal area. Massage helps eliminate lower back pain, relieve muscle tension and lower limbs. This also includes self-massage. intimate area using special oils. Preparing the perineum allows you to avoid excessive stretching and tearing of tissue in this area, making it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. How to prepare the uterus and perineum for childbirth is worth checking with your gynecologist in more detail.
  3. Learn proper breathing. at the right pace during labor allows you to minimize pain during contractions and facilitate the process of giving birth to a child. Breathing exercises should be practiced regularly, starting from the 2nd trimester.
  4. In the last weeks of pregnancy, you should prepare the cervix for childbirth to minimize the likelihood of complications, cracks and ruptures.

Cervical preparation

It is impossible to accelerate the ripening of the cervix with the help of any training or muscular effects. Cervical preparation can be done with medication or at home. Let's consider these options.

Medication preparation aimed at preparing the uterus for childbirth is as follows:

  • use of vaginal and Kolposeptin;
  • a drug that is safe for the unborn child;
  • the drug Mifepristone, which is a potent drug and is therefore prescribed less frequently.

How to prepare the cervix for childbirth at home:

  • Regular intimate relationships in the absence of contraindications for the expectant mother. Frequent sexual intercourse effectively softens the cervix, and the vagina becomes elastic, which means it is more prepared for the upcoming stretching. Thanks to this, the onset of labor is naturally stimulated.
  • Nipple massage results in the production of oxytocin, a hormone that induces labor.
  • Evening primrose oil also promotes cervical ripening, but you can only purchase it with your doctor's permission. It is rich in fatty acids, which help the cervix soften and prepare for childbirth.

Methods of preparation for childbirth

Any method of preparing a woman for childbirth includes three important aspects:

Modern methods of preparing for childbirth are similar and different at the same time. Every woman can choose what is closest to her.

So, we prepare for childbirth using the following methods.

Grantley Dick-Read technique

This concept was developed more than a hundred years ago by midwife Margaret Gumper and doctor Grantley Dick-Read. The basis of their technique is to achieve a soft birth process with the necessary preparation for it.

Grantley Dick-Read argued that every woman is capable of controlling the physical stress and pain that arises during childbirth on her own. To achieve this, it is enough to strictly adhere to the main principles of independent childbirth.

To do this, it is important for a woman preparing to become a mother to overcome her fear of the inevitability of pain and suffering, since it is fear that causes physical tension, which increases pain.

But it is not only the position of self-persuasion that underlies this technique. Grantly Dick-Read offered his patients deep relaxation techniques, which also played a great role in childbirth. This technique is described in more detail in the book “Childbirth without Fear,” which every expectant mother can get acquainted with.

Lamaze technique

This technique became popular in the 50s of the last century. Its founder was Ferdinand Lamaze. According to many doctors, this technique is more like training - a woman learns the same techniques for a long time, which are practiced to perfection, which allows her not to be distracted by physical discomfort during childbirth and keep the process under control.

Lamaze took the teaching of Pavlov’s reflexes as the basis for his method. As for women, most of them believe that following the Lamaze method really gives tangible results during childbirth. The main techniques of the Lamaze method are meditation, breathing and relaxation. All of them can be practiced alone or together with a partner.

Robert Bradley School Methodology

As in the previous case, this technique became known in the middle of the last century. Despite this, it remains relevant today and tells how and when to prepare for childbirth.

Unlike the Lamaze technique, the concept of this theory was the task of listening to one’s own feelings during the birth process and learning to actively interact with the body. Robert Bradley developed a special method in his technique balanced diet and a mandatory set of physical and spiritual exercises.

The author of the method believes that a careful step-by-step approach to his theory will allow the expectant mother to realize that physiologically normal processes occur in her body during pregnancy and childbirth. Also, the goal of the technique is to increase the level of confidence and calmness of a woman.

Joint preparation for childbirth with a partner and partner childbirth - Robert Bradley advocates for this. Before the advent of this theory, childbirth was considered an exclusively individual matter and partner birth nothing was known.

Sheila Kitsinger's Method

You can get acquainted with the method of this author in the book “The Childbirth Experience”. Sheila Kitsinger views preparation for childbirth as an essential combination of the following factors: breathing technique, massage, self-control and sacred experience, based on the social, personal and sexual peak in the life of a pregnant woman.

The author of the methodology believes that with the help of childbirth, a woman is revealed as a person, while her level of social significance and your own self-esteem. Such an attitude is necessary when preparing for childbirth; only in this case will it become favorable and successful for the woman in labor and her child, as well as for all her loved ones.

Michel Auden's technique

According to the founder of this technique, childbirth is a process saturated with the deepest intuition. In order for them to be most successful, the woman in labor must learn the power of emancipation; she must follow her emotions and nature. To achieve this, it is important to observe certain subtleties.

Michel Oden suggested that women explore their talents during pregnancy and discover their new capabilities. This could be dancing, singing, drawing and other creative activities. The woman must choose her own position during childbirth. According to the author of the technique, vertical birth is the most suitable for women in labor.


This technique is based on the practical activities of ancient yoga. With its help, expectant mothers can master self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis, the basics of meditation, positive thinking and much more.

What do you need to buy?

Approximately 2-3 weeks before giving birth, every woman begins to pack her bags, thinking about what might be useful to her in the maternity hospital. On average, within the walls of this medical institution women in labor spend from 5 to 10 days, which means that you don’t need to go there empty-handed. So, what should you buy for the expectant mother and her baby?

What you need to do and know so as not to worry during pregnancy.

Preparing for childbirth is not only about choosing a maternity hospital and the color of a baby’s bed. Even if no complications arise, all pregnancies proceed differently, and almost each poses questions to the woman that she had not thought about before. Obstetrician-gynecologist at the Chaika clinic Lyudmila Radetskaya has compiled instructions on what is important to remember during pregnancy.

Get vaccinated

If there are no contraindications, pregnant women should be vaccinated against influenza. This is safe at any stage and is especially important if pregnancy occurs in October-May. It is also a good idea to vaccinate relatives who will be in contact with the newborn against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. These vaccines cannot be given to pregnant women, so try to get them in advance.

Know what is allowed

Many women give up coffee during this period - supposedly the drink provokes the risk of miscarriage. Their suffering is unfounded: there are no studies that clearly prove the connection between coffee and miscarriages. The American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers 350 ml of coffee per day a safe “norm” for pregnant women.

For most women - unless there are complications - traveling before 36 weeks is also safe. Optimal time for them the period is considered to be 14–28 weeks. But if the pregnancy is complicated or it is multiple, it is better to refrain from traveling.

Unless the gynecologist observing you specifically specifies this, you can have sex throughout your pregnancy. However, for some women, intimacy may cause inconvenience or discomfort for a certain period of time.

Don't be afraid of late pregnancy

If pregnancy occurs after 35 years, there are indeed certain risks for both mother and child - for example, an increased risk of gestational diabetes and associated hypertension, miscarriage and macrosomia (the fetus has large sizes). The risks of congenital diseases in a child associated with chromosome defects also increase.

To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is worth undergoing a thorough examination at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is important to eat right and take folic acid - at least a month before pregnancy and then throughout its entire duration. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the baby. Don't forget to avoid excessive weight gain, quit smoking, alcohol and exposure to harmful substances.

Get tested for beta streptococcus before giving birth

At 35–37 weeks of pregnancy, a sample of material from the genital tract should be taken for beta-streptococcus. These bacteria can be transmitted to the child and cause pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections. In Russia, pregnant women are not always referred for this test, but in vain. If it is positive, the doctor can give the woman antibiotics during labor and significantly reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to the baby.

In addition, not so long ago a non-invasive prenatal test (or free DNA test) appeared in Russia. This screening test can detect certain chromosomal diseases in the child, since a small amount of the child's DNA circulates in the mother's blood. The information content of the test is about 99%, but if it is positive, it still needs to be confirmed through diagnostic tests - amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy. Such testing is especially important for women over 35 years of age, and it can be performed starting from the 10th week.

Visit your obstetrician-gynecologist on time

A woman should be observed by a doctor throughout her pregnancy, but especially closely monitor the regularity of examinations from 21 weeks. From the second half of pregnancy, the risk of preeclampsia increases, a complication that poses a danger to both the fetus (risk of premature birth) and the mother (risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and kidney pathology). The main symptoms of preeclampsia are swelling of the face and hands, severe, persistent headache, blurred vision or flashing “spots” before the eyes, pain in the upper abdomen or shoulder area, nausea and vomiting in the second half of pregnancy, breathing problems. Preeclampsia occurs in 2–8% of pregnancies. Its exact causes are unknown, but doctors successfully diagnose this complication. If blood pressure is high and protein appears in the urine, the doctor may recommend more frequent visits and tests or send the woman to the hospital. If symptoms are ignored, preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia (or seizures), which can lead to death of the mother and fetus.

Do ultrasound and CTG

Ultrasound allows you to track the height and weight of the child and find abnormalities in early stages. From the second half of pregnancy, women undergo another method ultrasound diagnostics– Doppler, study of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, umbilical cord and uterus. Another study that allows us to judge the condition of the fetus is cardiotocography (CTG). Fetal health is assessed by measuring the baby's heart rate in response to his movements and uterine contractions. The study is carried out in a sitting or lying position. Two sensors are placed on the woman’s stomach that monitor the fetal heartbeat and contractile activity of the uterus. CTG is also performed directly during childbirth to assess the condition of the child, the frequency and intensity of contractions.

Go study

It is worth enrolling in a school for expectant mothers. They will talk about changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, caring for herself and her newborn, proper nutrition and breastfeeding, and explain how the life of a family will change with the birth of a child. They will also teach relaxation breathing skills and methods to reduce pain during labor and childbirth. If there are no contraindications during childbirth, a woman is recommended to be active. You can walk, bend over, look for comfortable positions. The pain is usually worse when lying down. During contractions, you should try to relax and breathe through your belly. Schools are visited both individually and with a partner to future father understood how to support a woman during childbirth and how to care for a newborn. This is especially true if a man wants to be present at the birth.

Determine cord blood

Umbilical cord blood contains stem cells that can be used in transplantation, treatment of oncological and hematological diseases, and diseases of the immune system. Preserved stem cells are also suitable for treating close relatives, especially siblings. Now you can collect cord blood in any maternity hospital. To do this, before giving birth, you need to conclude an agreement with a company that provides such services. When labor begins, you need to call them and ask them to come to the maternity hospital to collect biomaterial. Collecting blood after cutting the umbilical cord usually takes no more than ten minutes, and it is stored in cryochambers with liquid nitrogen almost indefinitely.

Don't worry

Only 4% of women give birth on the expected date (ETD). Most often, birth occurs at 40 weeks, plus or minus 4–5 days. If labor has not begun in the prenatal period, doctors take control of the condition of the fetus and the expectant mother: usually she is prescribed CTG once every few days. A pregnancy that lasts 41–42 weeks and is not accompanied by disturbances in the condition of the fetus is called prolonged. There is no need to panic: each pregnancy proceeds differently and its completion depends on many factors. Discuss with your doctor how you can speed up your delivery. There are several options for preparing the birth canal - from manual detachment of the membranes from the cervix to the introduction of special drugs. If the need arises, the obstetrician-gynecologist will choose the appropriate option.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, false contractions may occur. To distinguish them from the real ones, pay attention to the regularity. With true contractions, the intervals between them gradually decrease, and the intensity increases. False contractions usually remain unchanged and gradually stop. True contractions most often occur in the lower back and move to the lower abdomen. False ones are felt only in the lower abdomen. This birth, as a rule, is preceded by prolapse of the abdomen (the baby's head descends towards the entrance to the pelvis) and the passage of the mucus plug (increased mucous discharge from the genital tract due to dilation of the cervix).

Know what kinds of births there are

Even if a woman was preparing for a natural birth during pregnancy, at the last moment she may need to C-section. In Russia, as a rule, it is made only according to medical indications, in 18–28% of cases. In the US, the rate of caesarean sections is higher – 32%. Two years ago, Brazil became the record holder for the number of such operations - 56% of all newborns. And this despite the fact that, according to WHO recommendations, such an operation should be resorted to only in 15% of cases.

Indications for surgery may arise at any time. The most common are multiple pregnancies, labor weakness, hypoxia or abnormal fetal position (for example, breech presentation). IN modern conditions Caesarean section is a safe and quick operation. Subsequent births can take place vaginally, but this issue should be discussed with your doctor in advance. Everything will depend on the condition of the uterine scar, the presentation of the baby and the nature of labor.

To the benefits natural birth include a faster recovery period, a lower likelihood of infectious complications and less blood loss. In three rare cases, doctors use auxiliary instruments - obstetric forceps and a vacuum extractor. The first is if the baby’s head has stopped moving along the birth canal, although the pushing lasts a long time. The second is if the woman is physically tired and has no strength left to push. The third is if her medical condition (for example, cardiovascular disease) does not allow her to push effectively.

Obstetric forceps are now rarely used, but a modern vacuum extractor has soft and elastic latex parts. This is a safe auxiliary method for weak pushing, when the baby’s head is already very close to the exit. The risks are minimal: damage to the woman’s soft tissues and skin newborn In extremely rare cases, damage to the nerve bundles on the child’s head or neck.

Choose a pain relief method

Pain relief makes it easier to endure contractions and pushing. Each woman has her own threshold for pain sensitivity, and each feels pain during childbirth in her own way. Now there is no reason to endure intense pain during childbirth. Moreover, severe pain can provoke an increase in blood pressure, weaken labor and the progress of the fetus.

There are several types of anesthesia: intravenous, epidural and sacral anesthesia. When choosing a method, the doctor evaluates the benefits and risks of each option. Epidural anesthesia is safe, but labor may be prolonged. Sacral is usually used when instrumental delivery is necessary. Intravenous anesthesia is an option when pain cannot be relieved by other means. This type of pain relief can affect the child’s condition: the mother’s circulatory system is directly connected to the fetus’s circulatory system, and some types of drugs can depress its respiratory or cardiac function.

Know when labor really ends

The birth of a child and his first cry are the main events of childbirth. But the process itself does not end there. The separation of the placenta and the birth of the placenta are still ahead. And only after this the early postpartum period begins.

Early preparation for childbirth increases the chances of giving birth quickly, avoiding ruptures and pain. If the expectant mother knows everything about her body and never stops taking care of it, recovery after bearing a child will take a minimum period of time. TO important day You need to not only prepare mentally, but also pay attention to the readiness of your body.


You need to learn about how to prepare for childbirth long before the most important and responsible day. Many changes are already taking place in the body; it is important to support it at all stages. Intensified preparation begins around week 36. If you take all the necessary measures, the body will experience less stress. Reducing the load helps to quickly return to normal after the birth of the child.

Proper preparation should be carried out only under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist who managed the entire pregnancy and knows the characteristics of the body and all possible risks.

A visit to a pregnancy center, where regular classes are held, can ensure proper preparation. It covers not only issues of childbirth, but also preparatory stage. Psychological training will be much more effective. For safety reasons, special physical education classes should be conducted only according to programs. A consultant for breastfeeding will talk about the importance of breast preparation and subsequent feeding.

Exercises with fitball

What do you need to know?

Not all gynecologists involved in pregnancy can tell you everything you need to know about preparing for childbirth without ruptures and complications. Therefore, you will have to rely on your own efforts or take courses that are aimed at this. They will give basic information on how to prepare the body for childbirth.

What you need to know:

  1. How to prepare the cervix and perineum for the birth of a baby.
  2. What to do to reduce pain during the process.
  3. How to prepare yourself mentally.
  4. Why are they needed? physical exercise and how to make them.
  5. How to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the chest and protect yourself from cracks.
  6. When to go to the maternity hospital, and what to take with you.

How to prepare the cervix?

From 36-37 weeks you need to know how to prepare the cervix for childbirth. If she is not ready in the maternity hospital, doctors use medications. But you can help the body yourself.

Preparing the cervix for childbirth at home:

  1. in the last weeks of pregnancy it is sometimes prohibited. But if during the examination the gynecologist notices that the cervix is ​​not ready, and the due date is closer, this is good way preparation.
  2. Infusions of strawberries and raspberry leaves help in preparation. They should be used only after a doctor's permission.
  3. The list of preparation products includes evening primrose oil.
  4. Kegel exercises should be performed regularly. This has a positive effect on the condition of the cervix and the preparation of the perineum.
  5. If necessary, the diet should include fatty acids in large quantities.

Use of Weleda oil

The body itself begins to actively prepare for childbirth. The elasticity of the cervix and perineum increases rapidly. But sometimes that's not enough. Therefore, from 36 weeks it is recommended to use Weleda oil.

Weleda Prenatal Oil is a completely organic product. In its composition natural oils almonds, wheat sprouts, sage and roses. Vitamins of groups B, A, E increase the elasticity and softness of the skin. Blood circulation improves and hydration appears. Thanks to the use of the product, you can not only avoid cracks and tears, but also restore your skin faster.

Oil to prepare for childbirth is used for massage daily. It is important to consult your doctor. The threat of premature birth is a contraindication for use. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 7 minutes. Before starting the massage, it is advisable to take a warm, relaxing shower. The product is applied to the skin of the perineum and labia.

How to prepare mentally?

How to physically prepare yourself for childbirth becomes clear with the help of a variety of sources. But even if you read a book about moral preparation, in practice it can be more difficult. No one except the mother herself can influence her inner fears and psychological readiness for the birth of a child. You can take into account the advice of experts, but you will have to cope with uncertainty on your own.

How to mentally prepare for childbirth:

  1. The fear of pain spoils the mood. All stories from friends are often exaggerated. And everyone's pain threshold is different. Therefore, there is a chance that everything will not be so bad. It must be remembered that the body can withstand the pain that a woman experiences during childbirth. To get rid of fear, you need to prepare your body physically. Then you will be confident that the procedures completed will reduce pain.
  2. The second mistake is the fear of doing the wrong thing. Choosing a maternity hospital and talking with the doctor who will deliver the baby can give you confidence. This opportunity is available in private clinics. After meeting, it will become clear that a specialist will be nearby, and all actions will be monitored. Will help overcome fear self-study. On later you need to find out how childbirth goes, what actions should be taken.

Psychoprophylactic training

The best way to get rid of fear is to know what you're going through. Confidence in the ability to control the situation helps to have a positive attitude. Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth, consisting of 10 stages, will help you acquire it:

  1. Study of the structure of a woman's body. At this stage, it is important to understand how the organisms of the mother and fetus are connected and interact, as well as how the child develops.
  2. At the second stage, you need to consecrate the mechanism of childbirth as a whole. Understand how a woman’s actions help the child to be born.
  3. The third stage consists of learning how to breathe during contractions and how to reduce pain.
  4. At the fourth stage, attention is paid to the woman’s actions during pushing. Focus on the distribution of women's power.
  5. Next, it is necessary to discuss what happens immediately after childbirth, what changes the body experiences.
  6. The sixth lesson is dedicated to preparing the breasts for the process.
  7. Then you need to pay attention to the topic of child care.
  8. At the eighth stage you need to find out how to restore women's health after childbirth.
  9. Next, it is important to pay attention to the psycho-emotional mood. If necessary psychological preparation more time is given to childbirth.
  10. The tenth stage involves repetition and consolidation of all material.

Yoga helps a lot

Many books have been written about how to prepare psychologically for childbirth. You can choose the training that you like most. Gynecologists recommend paying attention to the method of Lamaze, Nikolaev and Velvovsky.

Childbirth without tears or incisions

How to prepare the uterus and body for childbirth was not previously known due to the lack of sources of information. One could only dream of a birth without damage. Now expectant mothers have tons of information and ways to help their bodies.

The basis of preparing for childbirth without tears and incisions is to increase the elasticity of the skin of the perineum. It is also important to pay attention to the muscles of the whole body so that childbirth goes faster.

What should I do to make childbirth pain-free?

Childbirth is a long process. For a long time a woman may be left without the supervision of a doctor, so she will have to take care of reducing pain on her own. There are many ways to influence the level of pain. You need to learn about how to prepare for childbirth without pain in advance so that the information is remembered as best as possible.

Ways to relieve pain:

  1. You need to calm down and overcome fear. Worries lead to muscle tension, which interferes with labor and makes the process more painful.
  2. To make the wait easier, you need to move. This will help you take your mind off the sensations and find a comfortable position.
  3. It is advisable to find comfortable position, in which you can periodically stand or lie down to rest.
  4. Birth massage also helps relieve pain. But to influence certain points, you need to practice at home in advance.
  5. If possible, you need to take a warm shower. Water relaxes. It is strictly forbidden to wash when the water has already broken.
  6. Proper breathing helps reduce pain.

How to prepare the perineum?

To avoid tears and cracks, you need to know how to prepare the perineum for childbirth. The process consists of several stages. You need to increase skin elasticity from 36 weeks.

Preparing the perineum for childbirth:

  1. At week 35, you need to eliminate fatty and fried foods from your diet. It is recommended to consume kefir and oils more often to increase elasticity.
  2. At week 36, active preparation begins. It consists of massaging the perineum to increase elasticity. For this thumbs insert into the vagina and make movements to the sides. They should be pressing, but neat. The process should not take more than 2 minutes. For greater effectiveness, you need to use Weleda oil.

How to safely prepare your vagina for childbirth:

  1. Start practicing massage no more than once a week.
  2. At week 37, the frequency increases to once every three days.
  3. Only from the 38th week are daily procedures allowed.

Physical exercises for muscles and body

Classes at preparatory courses are not complete without physical exercises to prepare for childbirth. Not only the perineum, but the whole body is involved in the birth process. To smoothly push out the fetus, you need to have prepared muscles.

The body must be prepared for high energy expenditure and physical activity. Therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to adhere to bed rest for 9 months.

Preparing for childbirth with the help of physical exercises for pregnant women is practiced in many countries. Such sports sections are not left without visitors. But the process must take place strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

How to prepare your muscles and body for childbirth:

  1. The main part of preparation is the physical exercises themselves. This is a complex consisting of simple actions that can be done in late pregnancy. This engages, stretches and strengthens the muscles.
  2. Breathing exercises are an integral part of preparation. They not only teach, but also strengthen the lungs. This will allow you to collect enough oxygen at difficult times.
  3. Massage is an important part of the complex. The procedure helps improve blood circulation, make the skin more elastic and muscles stronger.

The knee-elbow position using a fitball is useful

How to prepare your body for childbirth with physical exercise:

  1. You need to squat down and stand in this position for 15 seconds.
  2. You need to stand straight, bend your knees slightly. Make movements with your pelvis in different directions. The shoulders remain in the same position. The pelvis and lower back are strengthened.
  3. You need to get on all fours, arch your back like a cat and straighten up again. The action is repeated at least 10 times. This is beneficial for the lower back and also helps normalize the functioning of the abdominal organs.

Do I need to prepare my breasts?

Pregnant women have never thought about how to prepare their breasts for childbirth. The preparatory period consisted of purchasing clothes, furniture and hygiene products for the child. Very little attention was paid to maternal health. Therefore, stretch marks and problems with feeding are commonplace. If you make an effort to prepare the mammary glands, you can reduce the appearance of stretch marks and make the feeding process more comfortable.

Preparing for childbirth is not complete without breast care. How to do it correctly:

  1. In the last months of pregnancy, you should avoid sunlight. This will prepare the breast skin and help reduce the likelihood of cracking.
  2. The skin should be rubbed with warm water and then with a towel. This will increase skin elasticity and help avoid stretch marks.
  3. It is useful to wipe your nipples with cologne. This will make them rougher and the pain will not be felt as much during feeding. For the same purpose, cut out circles of terry towels and attach them to the bra cups.
  4. To correct the shape of the breast, massage and a breast pump are used. This should be done if your nipples are flat. A breast pump and massage corrective movements will help change the shape for comfortable feeding.
  5. Breasts (except nipples) must be lubricated with oils or rich cream. This will soften the skin and there will be fewer stretch marks.

The duration of pregnancy is 38 weeks. 280 days are counted. The calculation takes into account ovulation, which normally occurs on days 14-16 of the cycle. The error occurs due to its shift. Also, the gestational age is set taking into account the condition and stage of development of the fetus.

You need to pack your bag for the maternity hospital in advance. The list of necessary things does not change, so you need to take care of the collection a month before the appointed day. It is advisable to take the list from the maternity hospital, which must be selected in advance. Some things are issued or, conversely, required, unlike other institutions.

What should be in your bag:

  1. Documents and medical record.
  2. Clothing for the baby according to the season.
  3. Clothes for mom. You need to take into account the size and season.
  4. Hygiene supplies.
  5. Mobile phone, charger.
  6. Those who accompany a woman to childbirth must also have documents.

Any woman is afraid to miss the moment when she needs to go to the maternity hospital. Often, worried expectant mothers rush to the doctors after the first contraction. A mistake is also made by those who wait for the last moment, because someone said that childbirth is a long process. If the leading gynecologist has not explained when to worry, you need to rely on other sources.

There is no doctor who will see you much earlier, or will wait longer than usual.

When to go to the maternity hospital:

  1. Contractions became regular. It is important not to confuse this with false contractions. The interval between each contraction should be the same and gradually decrease. And the time of the fight itself increases. After the first painful sensation, you need to start counting. You need to go to the maternity hospital when contractions occur every 5-7 minutes.
  2. The amniotic fluid has receded. This is a signal that you should go immediately. They may leak only a little, or completely pour out. Normally, there is 1.5 liters of liquid inside. If large number moved away - you need to call an ambulance. This is a great threat to the health and life of the child.
  3. “Spotting” discharge appeared.
  4. The waters are colored pink or green.
  5. The uterus is tense between each contraction. The child's strong or, conversely, sluggish movements are disturbing.
  6. The pressure has increased and the vision is getting dark.

It is important to remember that the second birth takes place faster than the first; multiparous women need to get to the maternity hospital a little earlier.


  1. Preparing for childbirth helps reduce pain and avoid tears and cracks.
  2. To make the process easier, to the expectant mother you need to take preparatory courses or devote time on your own. But consulting a doctor cannot be ruled out.
  3. Attention should be paid not only to physical, but also psychological preparation.

Childbirth, although natural, is quite a complex and responsible process that requires a lot of strength and energy from the expectant mother. They often lead to such unpleasant consequences as emotional stress, ruptures or uterine bleeding. To avoid this and make this process as easy and safe as possible for mother and child, a thorough procedure is required, which can be done independently or with the help of a specialist.

Important points

Full preparation for childbirth includes not only moderate physical activity, but also an emotional state, proper nutrition and timely visits to a gynecologist.

The expectant mother must be ready for the birth of the child both physically and emotionally. It is recommended to start from the beginning of the 3rd trimester.

As for developing the right emotional attitude, this can be done from the first months of pregnancy.

To prepare for a successful birth, the expectant mother needs:

  • be aware of what is happening at each stage;
  • know how to behave in the maternity ward;
  • understand what possible consequences are and why they arise.

Strengthening the body

Algorithm physical training body for the birth of the baby:

  • hardening the body - daily contrast shower, dousing with cold water in the morning, wiping the body with a towel soaked in cold water. Such procedures will strengthen the immune system, improve muscle and skin tone;
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • special exercises to prepare all the muscles involved in this process for childbirth. They can be performed independently at home or in a group under the supervision of an experienced specialist;
  • perineal massage before childbirth;
  • A general body massage to relieve muscle tension, reduce swelling of the legs, improve well-being and blood circulation.

Any physical activity Contraindicated for pregnant women with sudden changes in blood pressure, as well as those who have a high risk of premature labor. Exercises should be selected based on the age and body type, duration of pregnancy and general condition of the expectant mother.

Emotional preparation

As a rule, an expectant mother who is giving birth for the first time may feel strong fear before the birth of a child.

Therefore, she needs to get rid of such fear as soon as possible and develop a positive emotional attitude.

This can be done using the following methods:

  1. Attending specialized courses in preparation for the birth of a baby, which will allow a pregnant woman not only to gain a lot of pleasant emotions and pleasure from communication, but also to receive useful information about what you need to know about the very process of having a child, as well as get rid of the usual prejudices about childbirth. It is advisable to attend courses to prepare for the birth of a healthy baby with the future father.
  2. Reading specialized literature about the psychological component of the process of childbirth and how to prepare for childbirth without pain.
  3. Developing a positive attitude and good mood by watching pleasant films and reading positive books, visiting the theater, art exhibitions and classical music concerts.
  4. Positive visualization of an easy labor and birth of a healthy baby. It is better to do it at the same time every day. To achieve the best effect, you can turn on, light incense or an aroma lamp with pleasant oils.

The benefits of proper breathing

plays a huge role in the well-being of the expectant mother correct breathing, which also guarantees an easy birth without severe pain. There is a special set of breathing procedures that can:

  • reduce toxicosis;
  • saturate the body of mother and baby with much-needed oxygen;
  • normalize blood pressure.

Breathing exercises can be done in various body positions that are convenient for a pregnant woman: lying, sitting, standing, in the lotus position, etc.

Basic exercises to prepare for childbirth:

  • Chest breathing: Inhale deeply through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Breathing with the diaphragm: place one palm on top of your chest and the other on your stomach, inhale deeply, gradually filling your stomach with air, then exhale and hold your breath a little.
  • Doggy style: get on all fours and stick out your tongue, while breathing frequently. This breathing technique will be needed during painful contractions.

Pay attention! To get a positive effect from breathing exercises, you need to do it systematically. A combination of breathing exercises and pleasant music also has a good effect.

First you need to do one cycle of breathing procedures, and then increase it to 5-10 repetitions. Number of cycles directly depends on the woman's well-being. If for some reason a woman feels nausea and dizziness during breathing exercises, then it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the gymnastics or postpone the exercises until the next day.

Useful exercises

Preparing a woman in labor for childbirth includes a set of simple physical exercises. Before performing any exercises, you should consult your obstetrician.

Classic exercises for preparing for childbirth, ensuring easy labor, are as follows:

  1. Having taken a standing position, you need to slowly squat down and fix this position for up to 20 seconds. This time should be gradually extended to 1 minute.
  2. Sit on a soft mat with your left leg bent under you and your right leg extended in front of you. Stretch to the toe of your outstretched leg and fix this body position for 20 minutes.
  3. Take a comfortable lying position, gradually relaxing the muscles in the following sequence: lower limbs, buttocks and abdomen.

Women who are wondering how to prepare for pain-free labor should turn to the famous Kegel exercises, which focus on rhythmically contracting and relaxing the vaginal muscles.

Perineal massage before childbirth is necessary for strengthening and increasing muscle tone who are directly involved in labor.

Correctly and systematically performed massage procedures will minimize damage to the perineum during delivery.

Independent preparation of the perineum for childbirth includes the following steps:

  1. Take a warm shower, which will allow a woman to relax her muscular system.
  2. Take a comfortable position lying on the sofa and place a mirror in front of you to control the process of massage procedures.
  3. Treat the perineal and vaginal area with natural olive oil.
  4. Insert the thumbs of both hands into the vagina about 2-3 cm. Make gentle upward and downward pressing and stretching movements for a couple of minutes.
  5. Insert the thumbs of both hands into the vagina and make gentle stretching movements simultaneously to the right and left.
  6. Gently knead the perineal area with your fingers.

Massage can be started at any stage of pregnancy.

Massage should be done before childbirth every other day or daily.

Since, due to a large belly, perineal massage before childbirth is very difficult for a pregnant woman to do on her own, the expectant mother can entrust this procedure to her husband or contact an experienced specialist.

Breast preparation

Knowing how to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding, you can avoid painful cracks on the nipples and discomfort during the lactation process. You can prepare yourself in the comfort of your own home. An experienced obstetrician will tell you how to properly prepare your breasts.

The process of how to prepare your breasts for lactation is as follows:

  1. Every day, the breasts should be watered with warm water, and then rubbed with a hard piece of cloth or a towel for 5 minutes.
  2. Cut 2 circles from a terry towel and sew them to inside bra where the nipples press into it. When in contact with hard tissue, the nipples become rougher, thereby becoming less susceptible to cracks.
  3. In the warm season, take air baths, finding a secluded place in the shade for this. You need to make sure that direct rays of the sun do not fall on your chest.
  4. Those with flat nipples need to have them corrected using a special massage. You need to gently massage your hands over the nipple area, while slightly stretching them.

Nutritional Features

In the process of preparing yourself for childbirth, proper nutrition is of no small importance. It should be as useful as possible.

A pregnant woman should avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and highly allergenic foods (honey, peanuts, etc.).

Changes sharply in the 9th month of pregnancy, when the expectant mother faces the task prepare muscles for childbirth.

Before the baby is born, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet that will strengthen the pelvic muscles and relieve the burden on the female body.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following nutrition to women before childbirth for muscle elasticity:

  1. Eliminating meat products, minimizing the consumption of fish and eggs.
  2. Minimizing the consumption of calcium-rich foods such as milk, hard cheese and cottage cheese.
  3. Introduction to Diet natural olive oil . This product can be added to salads or taken on an empty stomach, 1-2 tbsp. l. per day. Oil increases muscle elasticity.
  4. Daily consumption of raw carrots helps improve muscle tone.

The main menu of a woman before childbirth should consist of porridges cooked in water, heat-treated and fresh vegetables, fruits, soups in vegetable broth, small quantity fermented milk products. 1.5 weeks before the baby is born, it is recommended to leave only fresh vegetables and fruits on the menu. On the day of birth, it is better not to eat, but only drink regular or mineral water without gas.

Pay attention! Before deciding on any changes in diet, a woman should definitely consult with an experienced doctor.

Useful video: preparing for childbirth correctly


Thus, the process of how to prepare for childbirth on your own includes proper breathing, physical exercise, emotional preparation, strengthening the immune system and special nutrition. This comprehensive approach contributes to the well-being of a pregnant woman and a positive emotional mood. Physical activity and diet can make the muscles of the perineum more elastic, preparing them for easy and painless labor. you can find out by following the link.

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