Consent of the balance holder sample. Form and sample of the owner’s consent to registration for public services. Required elements of a letter of consent for an audit

Consent to the processing of personal data is a document that gives the right to use passport data, address, date of birth and even the surname, name and patronymic of a citizen. This is information that is especially protected by law. Persons who, for one reason or another, receive, process, transmit or store such information are operators and must obtain approval for any manipulation with it.

The concept of personal data and its handling is regulated by Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, as amended on February 22, 2017. In accordance with this document, personal data of citizens protected by law should be understood as any information that directly or indirectly relates directly to their subject (that is, an individual). Such information allows you to clearly determine which person you are talking about. But a person is the absolute owner of his data, and if the consent form for the processing of personal data is not completed and provided by him, no organization has the right to dispose of it.

What is personal information of citizens

There are no specific indications in the legislation of what information about a person is his individual and protected data. According to established practice, it usually hides:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • date and place of birth;
  • residential address (place of registration);
  • family, social and property status;
  • education, profession;
  • income, property and liabilities.

Typically, a person provides such information about himself to many government agencies, medical and educational institutions, credit institutions and even in commercial structures (for employment). In addition to the above information, which is general, there is also special personal data, such as nationality, religion, political views, health status and other information of this kind.

Which documents contain

There are a number of documents that are inherently sources and at the same time repositories of personal information. These include, in particular:

  • citizen's passport (domestic and foreign);
  • other identification documents;
  • work book;
  • military ID;
  • birth certificate;
  • educational documents;
  • documents on family composition;
  • income certificates;
  • questionnaires filled out during employment;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics;
  • personal cards of employees (form T-2);
  • other documents.

Obviously, most of these documents, originals or copies, are kept by citizens' employers. They and all other persons to whom such information comes are the operators of personal data.

Who are operators and what do they do?

Article 3 of Law No. 152-FZ states that the operator is the person who organizes and carries out the processing of personal data. All employers, both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, are such operators by default; the circle of other persons who acquire this status is practically unlimited. This is any person to whom a person has entrusted information about himself by signing consent to the processing of personal data on the website or in paper form. We will pay special attention to the concept of processing personal information. They talk about it everywhere, but no one really knows what it is. Whereas Part 3 of the same Article 3 of Law No. 152-FZ regulates this concept as any action (or a combination of them) performed with personal information. By actions, legislators understand:

  • collection;
  • record;
  • systematization;
  • accumulation;
  • storage;
  • clarification (update, change);
  • extraction;
  • usage;
  • transmission (distribution, provision, access);
  • depersonalization;
  • blocking;
  • deletion or destruction of data.

All operations are carried out either in paper manual mode or using automation tools, including online. For all these actions, the operator is obliged to obtain approval from the owner: for example, a completed consent form for the processing of personal data for parents (in kindergarten or school).

The activities of employers as operators are regulated by Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Documentation requirements

Let's decide on general requirements to the preparation of papers that confirm the citizen’s approval for actions with his personal data. It is necessary to take into account that the form for organizations and institutions is slightly different from what the application for consent to the processing of personal data looks like (the employer takes it from each new employee).

The provisions of Article 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establish that all organizations independently determine the procedure for storing and using information received from employees. A similar principle applies to all other operators. The main thing is not to violate the requirements established federal laws and codes. Before proceeding with the information, it is necessary to approve the local act of the organization “Regulation on Personal Data”. This document must contain all the basic requirements for the rules of documentation. The regulations are approved by the manager with the approval of the trade union body (if there is one).

When it comes to employers, it is important to take into account that, according to the norms of clause 8 of part 1 of Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employees and their representatives should be familiarized with the approved regulations against signature. They even start a special journal for these purposes. If there is no provision in the operating organization, this is a gross violation, for which the norms of Article 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provide for a fine.

How to fill out an application

The requirements for consent given by the owner of personal information are defined in Part 1 of Article 9 of Law No. 152-FZ. The main requirement is specificity, information content and mandatory execution in writing. An electronic form is also acceptable if the interaction between the owner and operator occurs via the Internet. In any case, the operator must be able to confirm receipt at any time.

And although the law itself makes no mention of the written form of this document, according to the provisions of Article 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, punishment is imposed if the operator began processing without the written consent of the subject of personal data. Such consent should be obtained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation if these actions do not constitute a criminal offense.

For this reason, it is recommended to immediately fill out a statement of consent to all manipulations with personal data and not worry about it anymore. There is no universal consent form for the processing of personal data in 2020: each operator develops it independently. For convenience, we recommend using the samples at the end of the article.

Let's look at an example of how consent to the processing of personal data is filled out: a form for employees of a commercial institution.

An arbitrary form of consent or statement does not exclude a number of requirements established in Article 9 of Law No. 152-FZ for its content. It must indicate:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the person, his address, full details of the document proving his identity (similar requirements for representatives of the citizen).
  2. Name or full name and operator address.
  3. Purpose of obtaining personal information.
  4. List of data to be processed.
  5. Data from an organization or individual entrepreneur to whom the operator has delegated any manipulation of data.
  6. A list of actions with information about a person to which he gave his consent, general description ways of storing and using it.
  7. The period during which the consent is valid and the method of its withdrawal.
  8. Personal signature of the citizen.

In order for a divorce of a childless couple to take place at the registry office, both spouses must appear there, and thereby confirm reciprocity decision taken. However, if one of them is not able to come because he is, say, in another city, or is sick, but does not object to the divorce, he must express written consent to carry out this procedure. The application, supported by consent, will be accepted at the registry office, which means that the marriage will be dissolved in a month.

Drawing up a document

Consent is also written if the defendant is unable to attend the meeting. This is done in order to simplify the procedure, since divorce at the request of only one of the parties is a more labor-intensive matter (but still feasible).

The plaintiff has to indicate the reasons why he insists on terminating the bond and prove their weight. When a couple in which there is an infant (up to one year old) separates, without such consent (on the part of the spouse) the divorce will not take place at all.

This paper is written according to the appropriate sample and certified by a notary. Without certification, the document will not be valid, keep this in mind.

In fact, consent to divorce recorded in writing and certified by a notary is a formality, which, however, allows you to save time and preserve human relations between cold spouses. A divorce without consent will still take place (after 3 meetings at which the defendant does not appear).

The need for a written expression of consent may also arise from the plaintiff if, for some reason, he definitely does not go to court on the right day.

Sample application for consent to divorce

To avoid mistakes in writing consent, spouses use a sample written consent for divorce. Please remember that an application that does not meet the requirements will not be considered. You will have to draw it up again, which may slow down the divorce process.

There are plenty of examples of document preparation of this kind on the Internet. Here is one of them:


In ________________________ court

I, _______________________________________ for divorce from

I agree. With a statement of claim

I am familiar with it and support it.

I have no property or other claims against the plaintiff.

I will not be able to appear in court, I ask you to consider the case in my absence.

"___"__________ 20___ ______________________

You need to provide the following information:

  • Name of the court;
  • Full name;
  • Confirmation of consent to dissolve the union with the plaintiff (data about him);
  • No claims of property or other nature;
  • Signature and date.

The video instructions below will teach you how to write and execute a divorce consent:

Preparation of papers at the notary

The law of the Russian Federation stipulates that some actions must be carried out in the presence of the citizen himself. If personal presence is not possible, written consent is required to perform this action in his absence. Moreover, this paper is subject to certification.

To implement this requirement, you will have to find a lawyer. Come to him with a clearly and legibly written statement recording your consent (or write this paper right there, with the help of a specialist), copies of this document, as well as a passport.

The notary will put on the application a seal confirming its attestation, his own seal, signature and a special stamp that reflects the two final letters of the name of the city in which you are located. After this, the document will receive legal force. The consent is transferred to the plaintiff, who will take it to court.

Thus, you can express your consent to a divorce without being present at a court hearing or at the registry office. This paper will speed up the divorce process and make it easier.

Sample written consent for divorce

Our life is so unpredictable that even the most happy families often fall apart. The reasons for this can be quite varied. But when it comes to an official break in relations, one of the parties cannot always be present at the meeting. This turn of events leads to the fact that the divorce will take place unilaterally. Sometimes one of the spouses simply does not want to dissolve the marriage. But it often happens that it is simply not possible to visit the registry office or a court hearing.. In this case, both parties give mutual consent to the divorce.

In such cases, a special paper will be required, called the written consent of the wife or husband to carry out the procedure for dissolution of the marriage. Not many people know what a written consent is, so it wouldn’t hurt to first look at a sample of it. This will allow you to quickly understand what the paper is. The sample can be viewed or downloaded at the end of this material.

Features of divorce with written consent

When married couple I have not yet had time to have children, but their relationship has already led to divorce, you can safely contact the registry office. As a rule, spouses are required to visit the department together and fill out an application, thereby confirming the fact of a mutual decision to dissolve the marital relationship. But when one of the spouses cannot visit the registry office, he must write consent for divorce. The applicant, in turn, must submit a written statement from the second spouse along with the divorce document. If there is such a paper attached to the application, the divorce will take place within a month, as established by law.

If a similar situation arises with the inability to appear for the termination procedure family relations one party, but if there are children in the family, the documents are submitted to the court. One of the spouses who cannot attend the court hearing must write a statement where he expresses his consent to the process of dissolution of marriage. But in both the first and second cases, written consent significantly simplifies and facilitates the entire procedure. After all, if only one spouse goes for divorce, and the other is categorically against the dissolution of the marriage, you will have to go through more than one court hearing.
  • Passports and their photocopies;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • A receipt from the cash register confirming payment of the state duty;
  • A jointly signed statement.

The application form is usually provided on site. It contains information about citizens who have decided to divorce (full name, date of birth, sometimes there is an optional field “nationality”), their addresses and passport details, marriage certificate number, and also the surnames that each of them will remain after the divorce . At the end, signatures and the date of the paper are placed.

You can also submit an application via the Internet using the state portal. After filling out all the fields of the proposed form, you need to select the date of divorce.

Next, you should print out the form and pay the state fee required by law, after which the two of you will visit the registry office at the appointed time, taking the mentioned documents. Divorcing a couple without children by agreement of the parties is quite simple.

If you have a child

When a couple has joint (half-blooded or adopted) children who have not reached the age of majority, divorce is possible only through the court. Coming of age means the child reaching 18 years of age, or emancipation (recognition of a sixteen-year-old citizen as fully capable).

If there is a need for divorce by mutual consent of the spouses, one of them files a lawsuit. The court is selected according to the place of residence of the defendant or plaintiff. It is not necessary to indicate the reason if the decision is mutual.

The claim must include the following points:

  • Name of the judicial authority;
  • Information about spouses;
  • Information about the registration of their marriage;
  • Request for dissolution of the union;
  • Presence/absence of agreements on the future situation of children and the distribution of property;
  • Signatures and date.

In addition, the following are served:

  • copies of the application (option for the defendant);
  • original marriage certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a copy of the birth certificate of each minor child;
  • consent to divorce of the second spouse, expressed in writing;
  • certificates of income of father and mother;
  • agreements about where and with whom the children will stay, a receipt for state fees.

If the spouses are able to agree on the future of the children, they freely write down all the points of their agreement. This greatly facilitates the work of the court and allows all issues to be resolved at one meeting, which naturally saves both time and nerves.

The following video will tell you how to get a divorce by mutual consent:

Terms of divorce

The timing of divorce by mutual consent varies depending on the method used. Thus, divorce through the registry office is carried out one month after the application was submitted. Each of the now former spouses receives their own copy of the divorce certificate.

The judicial procedure takes longer. A lawsuit is filed. The first meeting takes place in a month. If there is no agreement on issues regarding child support, a second meeting may be scheduled.

The judge may give the couple time to think. However, if there is a mutual desire to get a divorce, this usually does not happen.

Ten days after the verdict are given for appeal. After this period, the materials are transferred to the registry office, an application for divorce is drawn up on the basis of the relevant court decision (form No. 10) and ex-spouses receive their long-awaited divorce stamp.

Application for divorce voluntary

3 Step 3. Payment of duty

  • 4 Step 4. Submitting an application
  • 4.1 Contacting the registry office
  • 4.2 Going to court
  • 5 Step 5. Obtaining a divorce certificate

When the marriage is over, the spouses no longer want and cannot live with each other, an application for divorce is filed. Documenting the divorce will help avoid serious problems in the future. Any party has the right to write a petition. To get a divorce, you need to take several steps: Step 1. Collecting documents To write, you need to prepare the following information:

  • Passports of the parties.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Documents for children.
  • List of property in common ownership (in case of a joint claim with division of property).
  • Certificates of wages and other income.
  • Certificates from clinics, hospitals, characteristics of spouses, etc.

How to write an application for divorce in 2019. sample

    It is necessary to describe in detail the reasons that led to the dissolution of the marriage, especially when it is not by mutual consent. A clear, concise statement of the matter will help the case be resolved quickly.

Statement of claim for divorce

Submitting an application Documents are submitted to 2 instances: Application to the registry office In order to be able to file a divorce through the registry office, it must meet the following conditions:

  • Consent of both parties.
  • Absence of native minor children.
  • Absence of minor adopted children (by one or both parties) and children for whom guardianship has been issued.
  • If there is documentary evidence that one party to the process is declared dead or missing or incompetent, it is possible to write a petition by decision of the other party. This also applies to cases of imprisonment of the other half for a period of 3 or more years.
  • If there are property claims, a simplified divorce is possible with further determination of property rights by the court or in the case of the value of the property less than 50 thousand.

Statement of claim for divorce through court with and without children 2019

Divorce through the registry office is possible:

  • by mutual consent of the spouses in the absence of minor common children;
  • in case of incapacity of one of the spouses;
  • if one of the spouses is in prison;
  • if one of the spouses is declared missing;
  • by court decision.

When submitting an application to the registry office, you must have the following documents with you:

  • passports and their photocopies;
  • marriage certificate and its photocopy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a court decision declaring the other spouse incompetent or missing or a sentence of imprisonment (if necessary);
  • court decision on divorce (if necessary).

If spouses have common minor children or one of them does not want to divorce for any reason, an application for divorce must be filed in court.

Application for divorce

It is transmitted via electronic communication to the authorized body. After accepting the documents and considering the application, the plaintiff is invited to the registry office to sign the original petition via mobile phone or e-mail. This may take two business days. The time for consideration of the application is up to 30 days.
The parties are notified of the day when the certificate can be obtained from the registry office. Applying to the court An application to the court is submitted under the following circumstances:

  • Having a child.
  • When one party does not agree to terminate the relationship or there is no information about it.
  • In case of marriage registration in another state.
  • claim drawn up in 3 copies;
  • if one of the parties cannot be in court, then consent certified by a notary;
  • documents on the birth of joint children;
  • certificates of residence address;
  • in case of an alimony dispute - a certificate of income in form 2NDFL.

On our portal you can download for free:

Nuances of divorce in court

How to get a divorce through the court and how long the litigation lasts - these questions concern every couple if there are disputes in the divorce process. As a rule, this applies to issues related to children under 18 years of age and property disputes.

The best option is to conclude an agreement between the parties under the supervision of a lawyer. This document reflects points such as:

  • with whom the child will live;
  • amount of alimony payments;
  • division of property.

In court, it is only necessary to officially confirm the change in social status and the granting of legal force to the above-mentioned document.

The collected documents, which are filled out according to the established template, should be sent to the magistrate or city court. If the amount of property of the spouses subject to division exceeds the limit of 50 thousand rubles, then the city judicial authority is involved in this case.

If a positive decision is made, three days later, this information enters the registry office. Within one month, the parties will receive a summons for the initial meeting. Husband and wife must be present. If there is a divorce without the presence of one of the parties, then it is necessary:

  1. Provide a signed consent to divorce according to the sample (see in the previous section).
  2. The party who fails to appear at the meeting must give advance notice of his absence for a valid reason.

Otherwise, it will take place without a second party and may become the only one.

Speaking about the timing of divorce by mutual consent, it should be noted that this primarily depends on the psychological state of the spouses. If the dialogue is constructive, the divorce process will take no more than an hour. Sometimes, the judge can give time for reconciliation and preservation of the family hearth. But, as a rule, with a joint decision, this rarely happens.

Important! Before filing a claim in court or an application to the registry office, you must pay the state fee. Its size was 1250 rubles: 600 rubles. - this is an application for divorce, and 650 rubles. - obtaining a certificate.

What are the difficulties in divorce?

Wife's pregnancy or child under one year old

The IC of Russia in Article No. 17 reflects the following conditions when filing a claim in this situation. In other words, the spouse cannot terminate the contract only if he has his own desire. In view of this, you should obtain written consent to divorce from your spouse. And the procedure itself will be carried out on a general basis.

Child under 3 years old

The IC of Russia in Article No. 89 prescribes that the husband’s responsibilities include maintaining his wife not only while she is carrying a fetus, but also after its birth for three years. However, only if she is on maternity leave.

Child with a disability

If the spouses have a joint minor child with a disability and a woman is caring for him, then the court has the right to order their joint maintenance.

Valery Isaev graduated from the Moscow State Law Institute. Over the years of work in the legal profession, he has conducted many successful civil and criminal cases in courts of various jurisdictions. Extensive experience in legal assistance to citizens in various fields.

Sample written consent for divorce: divorce procedure, necessary documents

Divorce by mutual consent requires written confirmation of intent from each party. A sample application for consent to divorce is a typical form of filling out a paper that will prove that the spouse has no objections to the divorce and the consideration of the case in his absence. Based on the sample, you can compose a text with your own edits, leaving the structure unchanged. Transferring the paper to the place of consideration of the case helps speed up the divorce, reducing the duration of the procedure to a minimum.

from 01/23/2020

Heading "AGREEMENTS" will be useful when concluding transactions, as in the process everyday life and running a business. After all, each of us is a party to many agreements: employment contract, purchase and sale, provision of services, etc. In the articles in the agreement section you will find not only recommendations that will make it easy to draw up documents, but also examples of such agreements, as well as the procedure for action if one of the parties violates its terms.

What is an agreement

Any agreement or contract is a transaction. It can be oral (you must agree, it will be difficult to defend and prove the existence of an agreement in the event of a dispute), formalized in a simple written agreement, certified by a notary, or subject to state registration. The easiest way to confirm the fact of concluding an agreement is to provide a document documenting a certain agreement and reaching agreement between the parties on the identified issues.

The form of the agreement is determined by law. For example, all agreements regarding shares in common shared ownership are subject to notarization. The transfer of ownership in a real estate transaction is subject to state registration.

Civil transactions are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is this legislative act that contains the requirements for essential conditions (which must be contained in the document), the procedure for recognizing the contract as not concluded and invalid.
Agreements in the field of labor law are regulated by both the Labor Code and the Civil Code. For example, a confidentiality agreement, an additional agreement, etc.

Agreements in the field of fulfillment of obligations

The law provides for cases when obligations are fulfilled in a way other than in the agreement. This could be offset, compensation, transfer of debt, change in payment terms, etc. The use of such methods can help at the stage of pre-trial dispute resolution and avoid going to court.

A correctly drawn up agreement, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, will allow you to defend your position in court in the event of controversial situations, will become important evidence in a civil case and the basis for a decision in your favor.

Willingness to participate is always indicated in the first part of the application. It can be drawn up as an independent document along with specific indicators of the product (if necessary) and attached together with the second part to the form drawn up on the ETP. Moreover, Part 8 of Art. 66 of Law No. 44 requires submitting an application in the form of two electronic documents (first and second parts), sent to the customer simultaneously. And in accordance with Art. 60, all documents exchanged between the parties to the procurement procedure must be signed with an electronic signature.

However, the ETP functionality allows the supplier to accept the customer’s conditions by simply checking the box next to the ready-made statement in the form window. Next, you need to attach the second part of the application and sign all documents with an electronic signature. Therefore, if we are not talking about specific indicators of the product, then such signed wording will be sufficient for participation. In this case, a separate file is not needed.

When only consent to the terms of the auction is required

To begin with, it is worth noting that through tenders customers purchase:

  1. Product.
  2. Services or works.
  3. Services or work for which the product is used.

In the first case, the documentation may contain a trademark, company name, service mark, patents, utility models, industrial designs and country of origin of the product. If the participant is ready to supply exactly this product, then in the first part of the application he can only express his readiness to fulfill the terms of the documentation.

For the third option, the situation may be similar: the documentation contains the same information, and the supplier can exactly fulfill all the conditions. But here the first part must contain not only the auction participant’s consent to provide the service, but also the willingness to use the requested product. That is, a more expanded document compared to the first case.

Specific indicators in the above situations will be necessary if the participant offers an equivalent product within the limits allowed by the documentation, or if the customer does not indicate the distinctive signs of the product (trademark, etc.).

The second type of electronic trading always provides exclusively for the consent of the auction participant to perform the work in the first part of the application (Clause 2, Part 3, Article 66 of Law No. 44).

Document requirements

The law on the contract system does not provide a clear formulation of this concept. Therefore, each supplier can compose such text independently if it needs to be placed in a separate file. Below you can download a sample consent form for the auction participant.

It is not at all necessary to write it on letterhead, since there is no need to publish the name of the participant in the first part. In this case, you can refer to the fact that information about the supplier is contained in the second part of the application.

In the paper confirming its readiness to participate in the competition, the supplier must express its readiness to perform the actions required by the documentation (clauses 1-3, part 3, article 66). Therefore, the name of the procurement object and the procedure number are often specified in such text.

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