Cracks on the fingers near the nails. With chicken yolk. Cracked fingers - causes

Not a single woman can imagine a complete image without beautiful and well-groomed hands. We are talking not only about the perfect manicure and trendy nail art, but about the softness and well-groomed skin. The latter is especially difficult to achieve, because while plunging into household chores, we rarely remember the need to protect sensitive and delicate skin. As a result, the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks. But sometimes the cause of such trouble can be completely different factors. We will now talk about them, as well as about ways to fight for beautiful fingers.

Causes of cracks

Painful and unsightly, they sometimes appear so quickly that it is almost impossible to catch the moment that led to this. As a rule, the appearance of burrs or cracks is preceded by a number of events that should be attributed to external factors.

Crack in the skin of the fingers near the nails

External factors that can cause cracks:

  • Chemical exposure;
  • Cold, damp, frost;
  • High humidity or prolonged contact with water;
  • Poorly selected/low-quality cosmetics
  • Ultraviolet rays and low humidity;
  • Allergy.

First of all, this is, of course, ignoring such an accessory as gloves while doing housework, be it laundry, cleaning or washing dishes, when the skin is in contact with chemicals that corrode its structure for quite a long time. We often take this quite lightly, even when we are informed about the dangers of such interaction.

You can’t do without gloves, but warm ones, even in the autumn-winter period, when dampness, cold and frost constantly replace each other, since temperature changes will not have the best effect on the skin, thinning and drying it out.

The skin on the hands often cracks after prolonged contact with water, because an abundance of moisture is the second extreme.

Care cosmetics also play an important role, because if they are incorrectly selected, of poor quality or expired, they will only aggravate the situation, and besides, an allergy can be a completely normal reaction to it.

Sometimes the cause of skin problems can be dryness, which can be caused by ultraviolet rays in the summer or low indoor air humidity, characteristic of the heating season.

In any case, each of the above reasons is easily eliminated, which cannot be said about internal sources. These are primarily health problems. Cracks in the fingers may indicate a number of diseases:

  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • fungal infections;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • avitaminosis.

You can understand that a painful reaction is not caused by a banal allergy to chemicals if, after eliminating contact with it, your hands still do not heal. In this situation, it is better not to experiment on yourself and consult a therapist.

Prevention methods

In order not to become a victim of your own carelessness, you need to worry about the health of the skin of your hands in advance. However, to protect her, no one remedy is enough, because she suffers under the influence of a whole complex of irritants.

The first point you need to pay attention to is the diet, which needs to be enriched with essential vitamins such as:

  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • B vitamins.

Of course, you can get them from vitamin complexes, but this way they will be absorbed much more slowly. Focus on healthy and healthy eating, and vitamins will be an additional source of minerals. Add the following foods to your diet:

  • dairy products:
  • red fish;
  • liver;
  • seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Such a change in nutrition will benefit the entire body.

If cracks occur on the skin of your hands, you must immediately minimize contact with household chemicals, replacing it whenever possible with natural products. For example, even the dirtiest dishes can be washed perfectly using regular soda, which is completely safe for health. You can completely abandon floor cleaning products for a while, and washing powders replace with hypoallergenic ones. And if you also wear household gloves, the effect will not take long to appear.

Regular care is another way to keep your hand skin healthy and youthful, preventing cracks and hangnails from appearing. High-quality nourishing creams in winter and moisturizing creams in summer will help protect delicate skin from the aggressive external environment. It’s also a good idea to supplement them with baths of herbal decoctions. Chamomile, linden or nettle heal and soften well, but do not forget to test for allergies before use. You can even wash your hands with such infusions without using water, but in this case you need to periodically change the herbal base.

Important! A strong barrier that protects from bad weather are gloves, the habit of wearing which you need to develop in yourself in the autumn-winter period. This way your hands will not freeze and your skin will not dry out and crack.


Cracked skin near the nails can only be cured if it happened under the influence of external factors. If the root cause is a malfunction of the body, then healing will lead to the reappearance of cracks.

It is necessary to begin treatment at an early stage, since neglected cracks are much more difficult to treat. First of all, it is important to prevent infection in the affected areas, because they need regular treatment with antiseptics. Try to replace regular soap with antibacterial soap, and use chamomile infusion instead of water for washing.

As care products, it is better to use special healing ointments, for example:

  1. Bepanten
  2. Panthenol (it is similar in composition to the first ointment).
  3. Solcoseryl ointment (heals well but has a short shelf life due to natural ingredients)

All of them are sold without prescriptions, so you can even get advice from a pharmacist at a pharmacy. For deep skin lesions, doctors will recommend a special glue that significantly speeds up the healing process.

Folk remedies

We have already mentioned herbal baths earlier, we just need to add that their temperature should not be high, but sufficient so that it does not cool down completely in 10 minutes. It is advisable to consolidate the effect by lubricating your hands with olive or other vegetable oil.

A medicinal mixture of honey and glycerin will help overcome dryness. It is prepared in the following way:

  1. Dilute glycerin with water (4 tsp);
  2. Add 2 teaspoons honey;
  3. Add a pinch of flour - this will give the mixture a little thickness;
  4. Stir well;
  5. Apply to hands for 10-15 minutes.

After rinsing, moisturize with cream.

One of the best helpers can be an oil compress, when a mixture of vegetable oils is applied to cotton wool and applied to the affected areas. Fingers are insulated with cling film and cotton gloves and remain in this position throughout the night. Use these essential oils:

  • tea tree;
  • chamomile;
  • marjoram;
  • garlic;
  • juniper;
  • geranium.

These oils have both antibacterial properties and a healing effect. In the morning after removing the compress, rinse your hands with warm water for five minutes and lubricate with cream.

Hands show inner world women talk about her lifestyle and the amount of attention she receives. And for men, it is often also important that their hands and nails are neatly treated and clean.

But sometimes people experience that the skin around their nails begins to dry out and crack. This does not look aesthetically pleasing and often causes unpleasant pain. This problem can be corrected, but it is worth understanding the reasons that led to such manifestations.

Cracks can appear in this area both due to external factors and due to internal disorders of the body.

External reasons

  • Sudden temperature changes. Not many people know and understand that the skin of the hands is quite sensitive and can react poorly if additional protective measures are not used when the temperature changes. In the cold, your hands suffer a lot. If you do not pay attention, the situation may worsen and the wounds will become larger and more painful.
  • Exposure to household chemicals. Many of the products women use to clean the house should not come into contact with the skin at all. Yes, they can clean surfaces well, but upon contact with the body, they cause great damage to the skin. Therefore, you should wear rubber gloves to protect yourself from such unpleasant effects.
  • Poor hand skin care. When the skin is not given due attention, it begins to behave poorly and be capricious. And if, in the presence of other irritants, proper care is not provided, they literally begin to scream for help.
  • Mechanical impact. Very often, for people working in the garden, field or in production, the skin of their hands begins to become rough, dry, and crack. This occurs due to frequent contact with water, soil, and production materials.

Internal reasons

They are usually associated with a lack of components or diseases. More specifically, the following reasons can be identified:

  • Deficiency of vitamins A, E, Omega-3 fats. Their lack leads to the skin becoming rough, losing moisture and cracking.
  • Infectious diseases skin, for example, fungal. They often lead to cracks around the nails and on the hands.
  • Non-infectious skin lesions. These include eczema and psoriasis. They most often appear as cracks between the fingers, but can also move towards the nails.
  • Diseases internal organs. These include diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, digestive system disorders and some neurological diseases, hormonal imbalances.
  • Sometimes the reason may be worms.

How to treat cracks at home (14 methods and recipes)

Ointments and glue

Special ointments and creams that are sold in pharmacies will help you cope quickly and effectively. These include Boroplus, Panthenol, F-99. These products have already proven themselves as good wound-healing drugs. They take care of the skin, disinfect it and help restore the skin. They are also a source of nutrition for very dry skin.

Very good remedy is medical glue BF 6. It does not require a complex technique or sequence of actions to apply it. Apply a few drops of glue to the crack. It will harden quickly. This glue helps the skin grow together and protects against dirt and infection. After a few days, when the crack begins to heal, you need to start smearing your hands with cream.

Homemade ointments

There are a large number of recipes for homemade ointments and lotions to cope with cracks around the fingernails. They are prepared from available ingredients.

With yolk

The yolk helps a lot. It contains many nutrients and promotes skin repair and healing. It also softens and nourishes the skin. You need to mix the yolk with half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and add two teaspoons of cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to your hands for 15 minutes. Oil nourishes the skin and softens it, cottage cheese has a healing effect.

Another recipe with yolk will help solve the problem of cracks. Mix the yolk, a spoonful of lemon juice, a spoonful linseed oil and honey Honey does not have to be liquid; it can be slightly sugared. The mixture must be applied to the affected areas throughout the day.

With butter and honey

Grind a small piece of butter with honey, a teaspoon. The mixture should be applied to the skin during the day, when the previous batch has worn off. Oil and honey nourish and moisturize, honey helps healing.

You should not make ointments in large quantities, because they should not be stored for a long time, otherwise healing properties disappear.


From vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are an excellent remedy. Any oil will do a lot of good for chapped skin. Chamomile, olive, peach, and castor are especially good. They have a healing effect. You need to rub them in several times a day, paying special attention to the area around the nails.

From milk and potatoes

You can make a compress from milk and potatoes.

  1. To do this, boil two small potatoes until tender and mash.
  2. Add warm milk to the puree and stir. The mixture should not be hot; cool it to a comfortable temperature.
  3. The mass is applied to your hands, then the whole thing is wrapped in film or cellophane and left for 15-20 minutes.

This procedure will soften the skin and make it healthier; milk will become a nutritious component.

From paraffin

Paraffin masks wonderfully moisturize the skin and help it heal.

  1. For the procedure you will need cosmetic paraffin. It should be melted in a water bath.
  2. Coat your fingers with rich cream and dip them in paraffin.
  3. You can hold it like this for 10-15 minutes, the paraffin will envelop the skin.
  4. Then put on cellophane and warm mittens. Walk like this for half an hour so that the skin becomes soft and receives its dose of nutrients.

From glycerin

A mask with glycerin is very effective. It perfectly cares for dry and damaged skin, has a healing effect on the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it. It is not without reason that this product is used in cosmetics and various procedures.

  1. For the procedure you will need a tablespoon of water and glycerin and half a spoon of honey. If there is no glycerin, you can replace it with vegetable oil.
  2. Add a little flour to the mixture until it thickens slightly.
  3. When everything is ready, apply the mask to problem areas and walk like this for 20 minutes.

It is advisable that after the procedure there is no strain on the hands or contact with water.


Shilajit will cope with painful sensations.

  1. Dilute a couple of tablets with water and apply to chapped skin.
  2. Do not wash off the composition and keep it on for as long as possible.

Shilajit effectively helps healing and relieves itching.


Home procedures of this kind always have a beneficial effect on the condition of even affected skin. Of course, the easiest and most effective recipes are those with oils.

With butter

For an oil bath you will need two tablespoons olive oil, a few drops of vitamins A and E (liquid, capsules or bottles) and a few drops of lemon juice.

  1. Mix all the ingredients and heat a little in a water bath so that the liquid is pleasant to the hands.
  2. Dip your fingers into the oils and hold for about 15 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, do not wash off the oils with soap or other means. Dry your hands with napkins or paper towels. Let some oils remain on your hands and they will be absorbed naturally.

If desired, you can add tea tree or chamomile oil. These components help with healing and cell renewal. They also produce a disinfecting effect.

With oatmeal

Oatmeal is often used for beautiful skin. But it can be applied not only to the face and neck. A bath with oatmeal has a good effect on damaged skin around the nails.

To do this, you will need liquid cooked porridge, a spoonful of honey and vegetable oil (olive, peach, castor).

  1. Mix all ingredients and lower your hands for 15 minutes.
  2. It will be very useful if you wash everything off not with plain water, but with a decoction of herbs.
  3. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream.


The following vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy skin: vitamin A, E, B, healthy Omega-3 fats. Vitamins can be found in most red, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits. Omega-3 fats are found in large quantities in fatty fish (tuna, salmon, sardines), fish oil, and seafood.

Prevention of cracks in the skin around the nails

Of course, it is better not to encounter such a problem, because often the cracks may be insignificant, but if you do not pay attention, they can increase. It can also often be quite painful. Therefore, it is best to take certain preventative measures to avoid this problem.

  • One of the most important rules is to follow your diet and make sure it is varied. Various food groups should be included: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, seafood and meat by-products, nuts, dried fruits, cereals, grains.
  • Always use protective equipment. Be it a work environment or home cleaning. Each contact of the skin of the hands with an unfriendly environment causes great harm to them. Use rubber gloves at home and special protective gloves at work.
  • Don't let the cold and wind ruin your handles. Wear gloves and mittens during the cold season.
  • Use creams every time after contact with water.
  • Periodically, 1-2 times a week, pamper your hands and nails, make masks, baths, wraps.

Never forget about your hands. After all, they tell a lot and introduce a person to others. And cracks and irregularities immediately catch the eye. If you start fighting this today, you can see the results in just a couple of days.

Many people are familiar with the problem of cracked skin on their hands near the nails. Such cracks are very painful, look unpleasant, and cause a lot of discomfort. To cope with the problem, you need to know the reasons that cause it - this is what we will talk about in the article. We will also tell you how to treat cracks on your hands near the nails and what preventative measures will help prevent their occurrence.


Let's find out what factors cause cracks in the skin around the nails.

Dry skin is the main and main reason. Dry skin can be caused, in turn, by many factors - from diseases to insufficient care.

Contact with household chemicals

One of the common reasons. Housewives rarely use gloves when cleaning, but in vain. Household chemicals contain a lot of aggressive substances that negatively affect the skin.


IN winter time You should not go outside without gloves. The skin does not tolerate exposure to dry frosty air, reacting to it with the appearance and peeling.


Also a likely cause of the problem. In this case, cracks appear in those people who deal with sharp, cutting objects and do gardening work. Constant contact with soil and water leads to these cracks becoming infected.

Lack of care

If you don't use moisturizing and nourishing products for dry skin, cracks around your nails won't take long to appear.

Prolonged contact with water

Those who often wash dishes do laundry by hand - for example, mothers with small children risk developing cracks on their hands without proper protection and care.

Hormonal disorders

If a person suffers from endocrine diseases, cracks in the hands near the nails are one of the symptoms. Note that in this case, cracks sometimes even develop into wounds and are especially painful. The most common provoking diseases include:

  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypothyroidism


One of the most common reasons. If the body lacks A and B7, magnesium and Omega-3 acids, cracks around the fingernails are very likely.

Skin diseases

Cracks can cause skin diseases of both infectious and non-infectious nature: both psoriasis and eczema. If the disease is advanced, the cracks can be very deep and extremely painful. Note that in this case, cracks will appear not only around the nails, but also on the skin of the fingers and hands in general.


Oddly enough, worms that have settled in the body are also one of the likely causes of this problem. Only helminthiasis in an advanced stage, when the body is already severely intoxicated, can lead to skin problems. This reason is more common in children.

A very dangerous pest that can ruin the health of the sick person

Chronic diseases

Various disturbances in the functioning of internal organs are one of the probable causes. The most common pathologies include disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract - cholecystitis, gastritis of varying degrees of severity. Sometimes the culprits can be diseases of the nervous systems, including depressive states, which negatively affect human immunity.

If internal diseases progress and treatment is not carried out, cracks will appear not only near the nails, but also spread over the skin of the fingers and hands.

Whatever the reason, in any case, cracks near the nails cause a lot of inconvenience: until they heal, they are very painful, sometimes even ichor comes out of them, not to mention the possible infection of open wounds.

The video describes the problem with cracks in the fingers:


First, you should accurately determine the cause that gave rise to this problem - and based on this, choose a treatment method. We recommend visiting a dermatologist, undergoing the necessary tests, and conducting an examination of internal organs - as already discussed above, the causes of cracks can be very serious.

During treatment, try to have less contact with water and household chemicals - and if cleaning cannot be avoided, be sure to protect your hands with gloves.

Keep your hands warm - don't forget to wear gloves in winter.

Regularly moisturize dry skin using high-quality cosmetics with a high content of natural ingredients.

Take vitamins - the complex must include vitamins B, A, and magnesium.


In order for cracks to go away faster, you need to pay close attention to nutrition. Balanced diet It will support your immune system, give you strength, and protect you from various misfortunes. Include in your diet more products containing natural fats: butter, fatty sea fish (mackerel, tuna, salmon), seafood. Vegetables, herbs and fruits are a source of vitamins, but it is better to avoid fast food, processed foods, baked goods and fried foods.

Treatment methods


Glycerin ointment is suitable as an effective wound healing agent. - an excellent moisturizer, so it will quickly restore the skin of your hands.

Ointment with glycerin is most often used

Homemade ointment with egg yolk is a natural, affordable and effective medicine. To prepare the mixture, you need to take one yolk, grind it with two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese and half a teaspoon of refined vegetable oil.

Masks, compresses and baths

To speed up recovery, it is recommended to use simple home methods. It is advisable to alternate them, but they can be used only if the cracks are not infected and blood is not oozing from them.

The milk-potato mask is very useful - it perfectly tightens wounds, relieves painful sensations. To prepare it, you should crush two boiled potatoes, and then pour two tablespoons of heated milk over them. The mass is applied immediately to your hands (while warm) and covered with cellophane on top. You need to leave it for 20 minutes, after which your hands are rinsed and a nourishing cream is applied to them. But how to do it correctly is described in great detail in the article at the link.

A paraffin-based mask is also useful. The product will help the skin heal faster and also make it moisturized. You will need paraffin for cosmetic procedures- it can be purchased in specialized stores for beauty salons. The paraffin is melted in a water bath, after which you need to dip your fingers into the mixture where there are cracks. The effect of such a mask is 15 minutes; it is recommended to additionally wrap your hands in a warm cloth or put on mittens.

You can also use fish oil externally- the product is simply rubbed into the affected skin. In order for fish oil to have the desired effect, it should not be washed off for 2-3 hours.

An excellent product that can quickly moisturize your hands.

Oil baths are useful. It is recommended to use refined olive oil as oil. Add a few drops of liquid vitamins A and E to two tablespoons of oil. Steam the mixture and then dip your fingers into it. You need to keep your fingers in the oil mixture for 15 minutes, then wipe your hands paper napkin. The oil should not be washed off.


To make the skin of your hands heal faster, you can use external products sold in pharmacies, such as:

These remedies will help wounds and cracks heal faster and relieve discomfort.

Prevention measures

How can you protect yourself from the appearance of painful cracks on your hands near your nails?

Avoid prolonged contact with soda and detergents. If possible, use mild, gentle household chemicals - without aggressive components: acids and alkalis. And be sure to wear gloves when cleaning, and after cleaning, lubricate your hands with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

In cold weather, wear gloves, as frosty air dries and irritates the skin of your hands.

If you have chronic diseases, pay close attention to your health. See a doctor, follow all his instructions, take prescribed medications and undergo procedures.

Make your diet complete and balanced. Include more fortified foods and those containing natural fats. Accept vitamin complexes, especially in winter and spring.

If the skin on your fingers is cracking

The skin may become cracked not only near the nails, but also on the fingers in general. What causes this and how to get rid of the problem - we will find out further.


Exposure to cold is one of the main causes. If you frequently and for a long time expose your hands to frost, wind, or snow, your delicate skin may not be able to withstand it. As a result, cracks appear on the entire surface of the fingers.

Improper or insufficient care is a very likely cause. And if it is not common for women, then for men it is a common thing. Representatives of the stronger sex rarely use hand cosmetics - creams, masks, and consider it unnecessary to nourish and

Contact with household chemicals and various mechanical damage are also possible causes.

The video describes the main reasons:

Among the internal reasons the following can be noted:

  • skin diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diseases of internal organs.

How to treat

The therapy in this case will be similar to that used when cracks occur only near the nails. This includes the formation of a correct, healthy diet, and recommendations on the use of medications and ointments.

BF-6 glue will be very useful for this problem. This one is simple but effective drug will quickly close the cracks, thus preventing infection from entering deep into the wounds, and relieving your hands from discomfort.

You can also use home remedies such as healing baths, wraps and compresses.

If the cracks are shallow and ichor does not ooze from them, you can use inexpensive fatty creams: Lanolin, Spermaceti, Silicone. If the wounds are deep, it is better to use medications like Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol ointment, “” balm, Panthenol.

hand saver is used primarily for severe injuries

We learned why cracks appear on the hands near the nails, and how to deal with this problem. As you can see, there are enough reasons, so before starting treatment, you need to see a doctor - suddenly the cracks indicate serious internal malfunctions in the body. Pay due attention to treatment and prevention - and then your hands will always be beautiful, well-groomed and healthy.

Our hands can tell us a lot, if we take a closer look at them.

Cracks on the fingers, the skin around the nails bursts: what is the reason

Unprotected contact with household chemicals, cold and hot water, dry air, high humidity, lack of vitamins, accidental injuries, etc. - all these factors negatively affect the skin of the hands. It becomes dry, begins to peel, crack , itch. These changes not only have an unaesthetic appearance, but cause discomfort, pain to the owner, and cause nervousness due to the desire to hide his hands from others.

So what is the reason, what causescracks on your fingers, and the skin around your nails is bursting?Let's look at some of these reasons below.


Temperature changes, polluted air, dust - environment directly affects the condition of the skinhands. Dry skin most sensitive to irritants and reacts faster to them with various rashes and redness. Due to prolonged exposure to cold, the skin of the hands loses a significant amount of moisture, becomes thin and inelastic on the palms, on the fingers, around nails begin cracks appear.

Open contact with household chemicals is fraught with consequences in the form of allergies, burns of varying degrees, even deep wounds. Workers suffer the most catering, hotel complexes and agricultural workers. works.

Another external one the factor that provokes the occurrence of cracks on the hands is mechanical damage to the skin, which mainly occurs during various works - gardening, repairs, etc.

If it is easy to get rid of damage that occurs on the skin for the reasons stated above - just wear gloves and try to avoid traumatic activities, then it will not be so easy to get rid of the factors discussed below.

Internal factors influencing the occurrence of the disease

If your pens have not been exposed to aggressive external factors, you care for and protect them, but cracks still appear, it means problem is located much deeper.

Internal factorsaffecting the occurrence of the disease require an integrated approach and long-term treatment.

Emergence cracks due to internal problems may also appear on palms and between fingers. Provoke their appearance There are quite a lot of diseases that only a specialist can understand.

Internal provocateurs include:

  • Eczema and psoriasis have hereditary and acquired forms. The cause of this disease is constant stress, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Allergy to detergents, dust, animal hair, medicines and insect bites – ideal condition for the onset of disease.
  • Mycosis of the skin - a skin fungus penetrates wounds and quickly spreads across the palms, covering the fingers and the nail bed area.
  • Lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, Omega fatty acids and minerals causes dry skin. Dry skin serves as an excellent springboard for cracks to appear.
  • Neurological disorders are another cause of cracking skin on the hands. With this disease, a person has poor control over his actions and obsessive movements can lead to skin injury.
  • Diabetes mellitus – the skin becomes dry, thin and very itchy.

Increased dryness of the skin may be a sign of the development of diabetes, cholecystitis, VSD, neuroses, and prolonged depression. Increased dryness of the skin and a rash on the palms may indicate a helminthic infestation. Usually the rash is accompanied by itching and can lead to irritation and the appearance of erosions and cracks on the hands and around nails


The onset of the disease is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • the skin of the hands becomes more sensitive, there is a feeling of constant tightness even after applying the cream;
  • the skin begins to peel off and acquires a reddish tint;
  • itching, burning sensation and micro injuries appear;
  • later, bubbles with liquid inside form;
  • over time, the bubbles burst and erosions form in their place;
  • the skin becomes crusty, thickens, and swells.

The skin will look untidy, first a red and then a bluish tint will appear, peeling scales will enhance the unaesthetic appearance of the hands.

Treatment of cracks around nails at home using traditional methods

The changes that are occurring should not be ignored and must be treated. Remains popular Treatment of cracks around nails using traditional methods.

The simplest and in an effective way getting rid of cracked hands at home is to lubricate the brushes with warm cedar, sunflower, olive and any available oil or wrap with natural-based napkins ( e.g. flaxseed) soaked in these oils.

Lemon and cucumber moisturize, brighten and prevent the development of cracks and peeling on the skin of the hands. Rub your hands with one of these products at night and leave until the morning without rinsing. The effect is noticeable already in the morning.

If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, contact a specialist. The choice of treatment options is yours.

Ointment for cracked hands with a healing effect

Folk recipes cope well with the task and find their supporters. Good reviews receivedointment for cracked hands with a healing effect made at home yourself.

Popular recipes for homemade ointments for cracked hands:

  • Take equal parts honey, butter, vodka and flour for thickness. Mix everything well, apply an even layer to a piece of gauze or bandage and wrap the damaged area. The ointment lasts for at least four hours, so it makes sense to carry out the procedure at night. For secure fastening, it is better to wear gloves.
  • Combine raw yolk with 1 tablespoon of any oil and 1 teaspoon of 9% acetic acid. Before use, heat the oil in a water bath and cool slightly to avoid getting burned.
  • Place rose petals in a blender or finely chop them, mix with a tablespoon of fat (preferably goose fat). Place the finished mixture in a cool place for two days, use as needed.


Relaxing hand baths are also an effective remedy for cracks:

  • based on flax - boil flax seeds about 3 tbsp. half a glass of water;
  • based on starch - 1 liter. stir warm water 2 tbsp. starch;
  • based on oats – grind 100 g of oats and cook in a liter of water until softened;
  • herbal based – 4 tbsp. Infuse chamomile, linden, and nettle in a glass of boiling water.

The duration of the procedure is at least 30 minutes, after which rinse your hands with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Compresses are very good at restoring dry skin and fighting cracks:

  • stir half a glass of honey and olive oil until smooth, add 1 tsp. salicylic acid. Heat the mixture and apply it to your hands;
  • Take the yolk for a glass of sour cream and squeeze out the juice from the lemon (1 piece). Mix all the ingredients well and apply the resulting mixture onto gauze (bandage, cotton fabric) and wrap your hands;
  • mix 4 tsp. glycerin and water, add 2 tsp. honey and a little flour to thicken it. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and apply cream.


The quality of food and its balance directly affects the skin and the body as a whole. Diet plays an important role and should include essential vitamins and minerals, fats:

  • Vitamin A comes from all yellow-orange and red fruits and vegetables;
  • vitamin B is present mainly in cereals, legumes, nuts, yeast;
  • vitamin D is found in large quantities in fermented milk products, animal and fish liver, and seaweed;
  • Vitamin E is in everyone vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, vegetables, beans;
  • Omega can be obtained from fatty fish and other sea creatures (squid), caviar, walnuts, and flax seeds.

Of course, you can periodically use a pharmacy vitamin complex, it is also useful, but natural vitamins that enter the body with food are difficult to completely replace. Eat more seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs and you will be guaranteed beautiful, healthy, glowing skin.

Medicines, products and pharmaceutical glue

Medications and products play an important role in the treatment of cracks in the hands:

  • Balsamed is an ointment containing vitamins, moisturizing and softening components, promotes rapid healing and restoration of the skin, has no side effects, but is contraindicated for children of preschool age.
  • Lamisil – fights skin mycoses.
  • Levomekol is indispensable for purulent lesions, it regenerates tissue well and accelerates recovery, destroys pathogenic microbes.
  • Bepanten is an active component of provitamin B5, quickly copes with redness and irritation, significantly accelerates the healing process and natural restoration of the skin, and is indispensable for burns and diaper rash.
  • Boro Plus is a herbal, natural cream for irritated, rough and cracked skin, has an antiseptic and antifungal effect.
  • Fingerfix is ​​a fast-acting restorative and wound-healing cream, effective against chapping, thanks to the protective film formed during application.
  • Radevit - soothes the skin, its vitamin composition (A, E, D) accelerates the healing process.
  • The healer is an aloe-based cream with moisturizing, wound-healing and antiseptic effects.
  • Solcoseryl - ointment perfectly solves the problem of dry skin on the hands, but has a short shelf life due to its natural composition.

The so-called pharmaceutical glue - a medical product with antiseptic action. Promotes rapid regeneration and healing of various injuries, even deep ones. This is an elastic mixture of a yellow hue with a specific odor. The adhesive is applied externally and creates a protective barrier thanks to the resulting film. The composition includes synthetic resin, rosin, polyvinyl butyral and astringent component.

The film is resistant to chemicals. Damaged skin quickly heals and recovers without surgical stitching.

What to do if the skin is cracking under your nails

If the skin is crackingnot only on the palms, but also under the nails, the tips below will tell you what to do first:

  • reduce open contact with chemicals, even the most gentle ones, to a minimum;
  • replace store-bought chemicals with home remedies like mustard and soda;
  • trim your nails correctly, your fingertips should not be higher nail;
  • dried edges of cracks must be carefully removed with nail scissors;
  • At night, apply anti-crack ointment and wear gloves.

Prevention of this disease

Any disease is easier and cheaper to prevent. Prevention of this disease will help to avoid many troubles associated with cracks on the hands and around the nails:

  • Perform any household, construction, gardening work wearing special gloves;
  • at hand wash use hypoallergenic products;
  • lubricate your hands after each wash with a good nourishing cream;
  • maintain hand hygiene;
  • remove burrs in a timely manner;
  • use a hand scrub to remove roughness;
  • Regularly pamper your hands with baths;
  • add missing vitamins to your diet;
  • avoid mechanical damage.

If you monitor the condition of your hands, but cracks still appear, contact a specialist as soon as possible. Conducted on time therapy will help avoid complications.

If the cracks are not treated, they will become deeper over time, which threatens to spread the problem to the point of blood poisoning. The most habitual work with your hands will bring pain and the appearance of new cracks.

Take care of yourself and your hands.

Human hands can tell a lot: about social status, fashion preferences, place of work and even character traits. Beautiful hands for a woman it is long nails, smooth skin well-groomed cuticles. But even a perfect manicure can be ruined by dry, rough skin on the hands and around the nails. It looks as if their owner has never cared for them. What is the reason for this unaesthetic phenomenon?

Why do cuticles and skin around nails dry out?

There are actually many reasons. Common ones include:

  1. Tap water. People living in cities use tap water to wash their hands, and it is saturated with chlorine. Result: dry skin around the nails and on the hands. The exception is residents of some villages, as they wash their hands in water without chlorine.
  2. Lack of vitamin E. With poor nutrition or autoimmune diseases, vitamin deficiency often develops. Retinol (vitamin E) is responsible for hydration and nutrition skin. When there is not enough of it, the skin around the nails and cuticles becomes very dry.
  3. Contact of chemicals with the skin of the fingers. As a rule, this occurs during work (cleaning the house, disinfecting medical or other devices). Some chemicals cause not only dryness, but also inflammation of the skin around the fingernail.
  4. Weather conditions: There are many people who do not tolerate cold well. Some people spend the whole day outside due to work, while others only need to go out there once without gloves for the skin around their nails to become dry and rough. For some, this problem persists even in hot weather.
  5. Hormonal imbalance. A lack of certain hormones causes dry and flaky skin around the fingernails. This disorder also has other symptoms, namely: headaches, irritability, drowsiness, weight gain. They should be a reason to visit an endocrinologist.
  6. Gastrointestinal diseases. Diseases such as dysbiosis interfere with the normal absorption of nutrients from foods, and therefore dehydration and vitamin deficiency occur. As a result: the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks. This reason cannot be eliminated at home. If, in addition to dry skin, you experience symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, fever, bloating, you should visit a gastroenterologist.
  7. Skin diseases. Cracks, dryness and yellowing of the skin near the fingernails are often caused by diseases such as dermatitis and fungus. Dermatitis can be contact (creams, lotions, oils) or food dermatitis. The fungus is caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

You can easily get rid of everyday causes using the means that will be described below. If the problem is internal, these methods are used as auxiliary methods in conjunction with taking medications prescribed by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or gynecologist.

Treatment of dry skin around nails

Depending on the cause, getting rid of this unaesthetic problem will be quite easy. That is, if it is not a hormonal imbalance or a gastrointestinal disease, you can use the following remedies:

Cream "Zorka"

Active ingredients: floralisin, petroleum jelly, pentol, sorbic acid.
The cream is effective for deep cracks in the skin of the fingers near the nails.

Tea tree oil

They can both soften the skin around the fingernails and eliminate fungal infections. The oil has an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal effect.

Medical glue BF-6

Sold in pharmacies. Prevents infection of cracked skin on the hands and around the nails. Method of action: the drug seals cracks in the fingers and promotes their healing.

Folk remedies

When the skin around the nail cracks and peels, home methods will help:

Glycerin and honey mask


  1. Honey – 20 gm.
  2. Glycerin – 20 gm.

Directions for use:

  • Heat honey and mix with glycerin;
  • Dip your fingers into the warm solution;
  • Keep for 10-15 minutes.

Cottage cheese and sunflower oil mask


  1. Cottage cheese – 20 grams.
  2. Oil - one tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the oil;
  • Mix with cottage cheese;
  • Dip your fingers into the mixture or simply lubricate them (as is convenient);
  • Keep the mask on your fingers for 10-20 minutes;
  • Wash your hands with warm water;
  • Apply any moisturizer to them.

Hand baths with olive oil


  1. Olive oil – 20 ml.
  2. Water – 500 ml.

How to use:

  • Mix the ingredients and heat;
  • Pour into a small plate;
  • Wash your hands with soap;
  • Soak in the bath for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal jelly bath


  1. Oatmeal – 100 gm.
  2. Water – 500 milliliters.

How to cook:

  • Pour water over the cereal;
  • Cook for 10-15 minutes;
  • Pour the resulting jelly into a free container.

How to use:

  • Dip your fingers in warm jelly for 10-15 minutes;
  • Wipe with dry cloths.

Calendula oil compress

Cooking method:

  • Heat the oil (20 ml) in a small bowl;
  • Dip five or ten cotton pads into it;
  • Place them on your nails;
  • Secure with a bandage or plaster;
  • Keep for 30-60 minutes.

This method is always effective if the cuticle and skin around the nail are dry.

If the skin around the toenail is inflamed, this is most likely the result of a manicure or an infection in the crack. No less common cause The problem is an ingrown toenail. In this case, you should arm yourself with antiseptics (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol) and painkillers (rescuer, healer, bepanten).

The problem of ingrown toenails can be solved at home. To do this, you need to steam your finger in hot water, lift the part that has grown in with scissors and put a piece of cotton wool under it. In particularly advanced cases (swelling, pain, suppuration), you should consult a doctor.

The appearance of cracks on the fingers and around the nail usually indicates dermatitis, fungus or psoriasis. The fungus can be cured at home with remedies such as Nystatin and Clotrimazole, but it is better to find out the causes of dermatitis and psoriasis from a dermatologist. Typically, these diseases are treated with diet, namely by eliminating alcohol and confectionery from the diet.


To protect your hand skin from dryness you need to:

  • use cuticle oil or cream at least twice a week;
  • wear warm gloves in cold weather;
  • wear rubber gloves when in contact with detergents;
  • wash your hands with water at room temperature;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • undergo regular medical examinations;
  • promptly treat gastrointestinal diseases;
  • limit contact with people carrying the fungus;
  • When doing a manicure, cover the skin around the nails with oil or Vaseline;
  • Treat dermatitis promptly.

Subject to all these rules, the skin on the fingers and around the nails. It's unlikely to burst. The only exception may be psoriasis, since this disease is still considered incurable and all its causes are unknown.

The causes of cracked skin around the nails can be both quite serious and easily remediable. As a rule, treatment does not require special costs or effort. Standard skin care and preventative measures are sufficient. Serious causes of cracks and dryness are fungus, dermatitis and psoriasis.

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