Why are protein diets dangerous? Harm of protein diets: risk groups The effect of protein foods on the body

A protein diet is certainly effective and helps to get rid of extra pounds even in cases where other nutritional systems are powerless. But few people think about what this effectiveness is connected with, and what harm protein nutrition causes to the body.

Why this diet helps you quickly lose fat is stated in the article “Why is a protein diet effective?” Here we will analyze in detail the reasons for the negative effects on the body and describe actions to reduce harm.

We emphasize that harm can only be reduced. It is impossible to make protein nutrition absolutely harmless, so it should be temporary.

People with kidney and cardiovascular diseases need to be extremely attentive to their well-being and follow the recommendations below only after consulting a doctor.


How to reduce harm

Low fiber
  1. Without enough fiber, the speed at which food moves through the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

  2. normal intestinal microflora is disrupted
  1. add vegetables
  2. add probiotics, kefir and other fermented milk products.
Lots of protein
risk of deposits of kidney stones, salts in joints (risk of gout) we remove metabolic products by drinking 2 liters or more of free liquid per day, in the absence of contraindications, on an empty stomach, between meals, and a little before bedtime
Lots of purines
(if the protein is from meat, poultry and fish)
a large number of products of protein and purine metabolism disrupt the normal acidity of urine and can contribute to the deposition of kidney stones and salts in the joints (risk of gout)
  1. alkalization of urine (consumption of vegetables, fruits, berries with the exception of cranberries and lingonberries). For fruits, we give preference to non-sweet ones and exclude bananas and grapes due to their high carbohydrate content.
  2. cook the meat, because... up to 50% of purines goes into the broth
  3. ban on meat broths, meat by-products, mushrooms
Lots of cholesterol
(if the protein is from eggs and fatty meat)
increased risk of atherosclerosis add vegetable oils or nuts, because... contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin. They cause cholesterol to be in the blood in a state (emulsion) in which it cannot be deposited on the vessel wall
Lots of calcium
(if the protein is from dairy products)
With excess calcium content
  1. salts are deposited
    in the skin
    subcutaneous tissue,
    internal organs,
    walls of blood vessels,
  2. blood clotting increases;
  3. excess calcium displaces phosphorus, magnesium, zinc from the body
We eat more phosphorus than normal. With an excess of phosphorus, insoluble calcium compounds (in the form of phytins) are formed in the intestines, which are excreted in the feces.

Excess fat forms non-absorbable calcium oils and would also help get rid of excess calcium, but such a recommendation for those wishing to lose weight would be more than strange. It’s just that if excess fat accidentally forms on some days, then you shouldn’t worry too much.

There is a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc in pumpkin seeds, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for “neutralizing” cholesterol. Therefore, the inclusion of pumpkin seeds in the diet is highly desirable.
May be few vitamins and vital elements
a number of vitamins and vital elements are found mainly in plant foods (mainly carbohydrate foods) we drink vitamin complexes (!) without calcium (!)
Heavy load on the liver and excretory systems
this harm cannot be reduced

The result achieved with the help of protein nutrition can be maintained and improved only on the basis of the principles

Good afternoon, dear readers! Let's take a closer look at the topic - why is a protein diet dangerous for women? The roots of the protein diet go back to sports nutrition. There it was used by bodybuilders while preparing for competitions. They needed to lose weight, dry out excess fluid from their bodies, and gain muscle mass. Nutritionists became interested in professional nutrition and began recommending a protein diet to women.

What is the principle of a protein diet

Probably, the confidence of nutritionists is based on the fact that they simplified the diet, made their own adjustments to it, and added carbohydrates. In this form, the protein diet is today advertised as the simplest method for reducing weight for people who do not exercise.

The protein diet works in such a way that when using it, body weight and figure volume are really quickly lost. This is how she got women interested.

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Proteins quickly remove the liquid contents accumulated in the intercellular space. Body weight falls initially from this. A protein diet reorganizes digestion to a different principle.

Due to excess protein, a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates is formed. Daily household stress burns carbohydrate reserves and calories are lost. Protein products are digested in the digestive system for a long time, due to which a person does not want to eat for a long time. The results of the diet are visible immediately.

It is recommended to follow the diet for no longer than 2 weeks. Even during these weeks, protein nutrition can cause problems in digestion and kidney function. The protein diet, according to reviews, is chosen by those who love meat and fish; they agree to give up any bread products, pastries, and sweets.

Even nutritionists do not consider a diet based on protein products to be completely balanced. Excess protein causes kidney dysfunction, especially when a woman is predisposed to kidney disease.

For such women, a protein-based diet will only be harmful. At the same time, hair rashes and skin irritations appear.

A woman, switching to a protein diet to lose weight, does not think about the possible negative consequences. And from the first days of her diet, she is faced with sleep disturbances, rapid fatigue, and nervousness.

There are many contraindications for the diet. It cannot be used if the body has gout, dysbiosis, pancreatitis, diabetes, heart and vascular disease. The disadvantages of using the diet include pregnancy, breastfeeding, old age and childhood.

It is not advisable to use it for people with any chronic diseases. But if a woman has decided to adhere to this method of eating, she should take care of maintaining fluid balance, for which purpose drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

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If you want to lose excess weight, the diet suggests basing your diet on eating foods high in protein. These include lean poultry and animal meats, all types of fish, milk, and eggs.

Here is an example of a protein diet:

  1. It is preferable to use beef, veal, turkey, and chicken breast. The structure of this meat is tough, so it is recommended to subject it to long-term heat treatment. Boiled, stewed dishes, steam cutlets are prepared from it.
  2. River fish and seafood are used fresh, frozen, and canned. The benefits of fish are low cholesterol. You can cook fried, boiled, baked dishes from it. Caviar from sturgeon and other fish is included in the diet.
  3. Eggs can be consumed no more than 5 eggs per day. Their advantage is that they contain many useful substances.
  4. Side dishes include white beans, rice, buckwheat, and all types of oatmeal and cereal. Porridges are prepared without butter; it is excluded from this diet.
  5. Kefir and cottage cheese are essential foods in the diet; they contain proteins, calcium, and vitamins.

During a diet on protein nutrition, it is allowed to load yourself with physical education and training on exercise machines. It will be noticeable how muscles grow, which is provided by proteins.

Those who want to lose extra pounds without any special restrictions in their usual home diet must realistically assess the harm of the diet. But people like the proposed method of losing weight, since they don’t even have to eat without meat.

The essence of the protein diet is taken from the famous Kremlin and Dukan diets. It is imperative to give up sweets, pure sugar, and eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet.

Reducing the amount of fatty foods and reducing caloric intake gives a noticeable weight loss literally every day. But diets require a significant increase in the amount of protein foods. Undoubtedly, eating with a lot of protein is good for muscles, their relief, and strength.

Proteins are the basis of muscle density; they provide strength to supporting tissues, hair, and nails. They are contained in immune bodies and protect a person from infection. Nature has designed the body in such a way that it does not accumulate proteins in its tissues and needs to constantly receive them from food.

But excess proteins lead to a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates, and these are important sources of energy necessary for the normal functioning of organs and the growth of new cells. A deficiency of these substances causes dysfunction in the brain and respiratory system.

The deficiency of important substances is replenished from its resources, glycogen accumulated in the muscles and liver is consumed, and fat deposits are consumed.

Is it possible to lose weight with this diet?

Undoubtedly yes. But you should evaluate the consequences that a protein diet can cause in the body. Is it possible to ignore the load on the kidneys if the diet excludes from the diet what the kidneys require, what foods are necessary for them to perform their functions.

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A large amount of protein foods forces the kidneys to work to the limit of their capabilities. They wear out quickly, because they remove particles of protein breakdown.

Excess protein acidifies the urine and increases the excretion of oxalates. Even in a short period of following dietary protein nutrition, oxalate stones, characterized by a spiky shape, can form in the genitourinary organs of a woman. And women need to take care of their kidneys, even those who have already given birth.

A diet containing proteins increases cholesterol levels in the blood and bile. This fact significantly increases the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, leading to heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, and ischemia. High cholesterol content in bile leads to the growth of stones in the gallbladder.

Protein foods do not contain fiber-rich foods. It is so necessary for the intestines and its normal functions.

Poor digestion of food retains it in the intestines, undigested food breakdown products stick to the intestinal walls, this causes a bad smell during a protein diet. The woman loses her appetite and intoxication develops.

Other consequences:

  • dehydration causes stress in a woman;
  • the formation of ammonia increases nervous excitability;
  • calcium deficiency is compensated by its leaching from bone tissue, which causes their fragility;
  • Women have difficulty conceiving because elements of protein breakdown accumulate in the genitals, and this reduces fertility function; excess protein interferes with fertilization;
  • excess protein causes muscle cramps;
  • lack of vitamins reduces immune strength, leading to the formation of vitamin deficiency;
  • resources in the body are depleted;
  • general condition and appearance deteriorate.

The body requires carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves and to feel full from food. The woman no longer has the strength to attend her usual workouts due to lack of energy.

Eating protein foods is a fashionable development of modern nutritionists. It has already shown its effectiveness and has received many admirers. But you can only follow the diet for 2 weeks. Then you need to wisely switch to a rationally calculated diet so as not to gain weight.

To effectively exit a protein diet, you need to:

  • divide meals into 5 times, eat small portions;
  • be sure to have breakfast in the morning;
  • have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, preferably drinking water before meals;
  • include raw and cooked vegetables, as well as raw fruits in your diet.

Food with a varied content of microelements will give the body energy and vigor.

What you can eat:

  1. animal products,
  2. different types of meat combined with vegetable side dishes and salads;
  3. fermented milk products to restore intestinal flora and the entire digestive system.

For fruits, give preference to citrus fruits, bananas, persimmons, and pears.

You need to eat, gradually increasing the calorie content, for this you need to introduce bread, rolls, pasta, sauces. Sweet dishes are also gradually being introduced, and side dishes from potatoes and grain crops are becoming more varied.

At the same time, you need to pay attention that the weight does not go away, it remains at the same level. What is not allowed when leaving the diet is the same fried, spicy, smoked dishes. You should not oversaturate your stomach and intestines with a mass of harmful foods.

When everything is in order in the woman’s condition, after a while it will be possible to repeat the course of the diet, be sure to follow all the rules. Protein nutrition includes low-calorie dishes; they are easily digested.

You should remember why a protein diet is dangerous for women.

A decrease in nutrients can have a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs. It is imperative to constantly monitor your well-being.

Scientists' studies indicate the dangers of a protein diet for women; each of them should know what to supplement their diet with, taking into account their existing somatic diseases.

Scientists have found that long-term nutrition with protein foods significantly reduces the defenses of the immune system, and a woman will be vulnerable to viral attacks. They warn that you need to drink enough water to mitigate the negative effects of the diet and protect yourself from unforeseen complications.

During this experiment, the researchers monitored the health indicators and weight of the subjects. As a result, the result was that all participants in the experiment lost an average of 6.3 kilograms in weight.

In addition, they noted that a diet of protein foods reduces the feeling of hunger in people.

At the same time, ketone bodies are activated, and this in turn leads to the fact that the feeling of hunger in the human nervous system is dulled. This effect begins to take effect 2-3 days after starting such a protein diet.

Employees of the same institute engaged in microbiology, led by Harry Flint, came to the disappointing conclusion that a protein diet (also known as the Dukan diet) can cause harm to the human body.

They came to the conclusion that diets with a low carbohydrate content can cause cancer of the rectum and colon in humans. The following study involved two groups of people.

The first group took part in a diet that included 24 grams of carbohydrates for one day, and the second group consumed 400 grams of carbohydrates every day.

The results obtained in this way demonstrated that in the first group of volunteers, the content of bacteria in the intestinal microflora - anaerobes that prevent the occurrence of cancer - decreased fourfold.

The conducted studies have once again demonstrated the fact that thoughtless and unweighted, unstudied diets can cause unique harm to human health.

And it is much wiser to choose a time-tested diet, although it is less effective, but by following it you are much less likely to expose your own health to unnecessary risks.

One example of such diets is the so-called “Kremlin” diet, the benefits of which have been tested for many years.

Any diet is, in a sense, violence against one’s own body, and what its adherence can lead to is far from known, especially in cases where the diet has not been studied by anyone and no clinical trials have been conducted. Therefore, it is not at all wise to expose yourself to unnecessary risks, even in cases where the diet can positively affect your well-being and appearance.

The intestines are the first to suffer from the lack of fiber. A person begins to experience either constipation or diarrhea. All these are manifestations of dysbiosis. Impaired carbohydrate metabolism, ketoacedosis, is also one of the “joys” of a protein diet.

If you sit on it for a long time, you risk getting intestinal cancer.

The body experiences an excess of products formed during the breakdown of protein (oxalates, urates). They put a strain on the kidneys and liver, which cannot always cope with it.

When eating protein during the first months, you observe a significant decrease in adipose tissue. But after about six months, the weight begins to return, unlike health! Patients in rehabilitation clinics complain of severe headaches, problems with bowel movements, and muscle weakness. This is a consequence of carbohydrate deficiency.

A protein diet is especially harmful for girls, as it can cause problems with conception. Nitrogen, which occurs during protein processing, accumulates in the genital tract and can disrupt the fertilization process.

When observing laboratory mice that were fed protein foods, scientists found that only 30% of the animals became pregnant.

A protein diet invites you to forget about fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, a lot of vegetables, sweets and starchy foods. On the other hand, meat and fish can be eaten in any form, but they are tasty and filling.

But humans, like herbivorous mammals, have a fairly long intestine. When meat is digested, wastes and toxins are formed, which are eliminated slowly. Therefore, all these harmful substances lie like dead weight, poisoning the body. The walls of the intestines become like the inner surface of an old teapot, covered with a perennial crust of lime.

From the latest research by nutritionists, it is clear that the daily protein intake is 45 grams. To get them, you don't need to fill your intestines with sausage, cutlets and steaks. Protein is found in cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. Along with it, you will receive fiber and carbohydrates, without which the body cannot function normally.

The mechanism of protein diets - even more meat!

The essence of protein nutrition lies in the bomb consumption of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Carbohydrates and fats become “non grata” foods on the table.

The body, in a state of deficiency of the main source of energy (carbohydrates), begins to convulsively use glycogen in the liver, and after it is depleted, it switches to its own fat reserves.

The menu of the “protein specialist” (“Dyukanschik”, “Kremlevets”) is protein-rich, low-fat and low-carbohydrate. But each micronutrient performs a complex of important functions in our body. Low-fat diet will affect not only the condition of the skin and hair. It is natural that health problems become a consequence of such a diet.

The normal balance of BZHU is 25-30%, 25-30%, 40-50%. Any imbalance in nutrition will affect the functioning of organs and systems.

However, protein diets have advantages and beneficial qualities:

  • rapid weight loss, primarily due to fluid loss;
  • a varied menu (forums of “Dukan people” are a vivid illustration of this);
  • for lovers of meat and fish - a real opportunity to lose weight in a tasty way;
  • the ability to get rid of carbohydrate addiction;
  • complete refusal to consume harmful sugar-containing and flour products.

Within 2-3 weeks of a protein diet, weight loss can reach 5-9 kg. No other diet can guarantee such an effect.

In the pursuit of a slim figure, this argument becomes dominant and forces more and more people to use an extreme method of reducing volumes and numbers on the scale.

Why is a protein diet dangerous for women?

In the section Weight correction to the question Is a protein diet harmful? asked by the author Miranda $ the best answer is Koschey the immortal, Baba Yaga, the Ogre and other experts say no.))

Answer from Lyosha E.[guru] Harmful, alas harmful. Increased load on the liver and kidneys. Chronic poisoning. Once upon a time there was execution: a person was fed only meat, after a while he died.

I wouldn’t say that a protein diet for weight loss is that effective for everyone. I've met many people who didn't find it helpful.

Site Administrator | 06/04/2017

The protein diet, which is often praised, poses a danger for some women. If you decide to lose weight, the best solution is effective abstinence.

Do you want to know which foods contain proteins?

Eggs, fish, meat, chicken, beans, cheese, sausage, mushrooms.

Here is a list of risks that I decided to talk about.

* The protein diet is dangerous due to the misconception that women who love meat products become overly fond of it.

Often forgetting that an increased protein content in the body leads to its decomposition.

Darlings, you are poisoning yourself.

* I have always remained a supporter of the Kremlin diet. 40 grams of carbohydrates per day, and you are as slim as a cypress.

You cannot deprive your body of fats and carbohydrates. This is fraught with metabolic disorders, sagging skin, constipation and fainting.

* A pregnant woman needs to choose a complete and moderately saturated diet.

Let me give you a specific example.

Girl, age 32 years.

She managed to really lose weight, losing 8 kg in 3 weeks.

During this time, her mood changed for the worse, with frequent groundless breakdowns, increased fatigue, and unhealthy complexion.

The girl noticed that she had bad breath and coldness in her relationships with men.

Unable to bear it, she bought herself 2 chocolates at once, ate them, feeling cheerfulness and bursts of strength.

Any strict diet is dangerous because it does much more harm than good.

But you should not eat anything after 18-00, reducing the portion exactly by half.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Articles on the topic

Any diet is stressful for the body. Restrictions in nutrients never leave a mark on the body. Every diet carries a potential danger, and when deciding to stick to a certain product, you need to understand that your health can go along with your weight.

Numerous reviews of losing weight and qualified nutritionists indicate that diets are the enemies of our health!

No matter how much each power system is praised, no one will get better from using it. This is a kind of epidemic of various psychological complexes, which need to be gotten rid of not by restricting nutrition, but by rethinking internal ways of thinking.

For example, you really like to watch television series and eat sweet cookies or ice cream at this time. It is clear that such a diet will not lead to proper bowel function, thereby causing the deposition of fat cells and the appearance of excess weight.

  • Lack of adequate intake of nutrients into the body.
  • Limitation, both physical and psychological.
  • Accepting the fact that you are not entirely beautiful and slim.
  • Slowing down the metabolic process, increasing blood sugar.
  • Digestive tract disorder.
  • Stress for both internal organs and the face, nails, hair, teeth, etc.
  • General malaise, which can provoke the development of hidden diseases.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The appearance of even more extra pounds.
  • Lack of joys in life, the appearance of psychological complexes.

Dukan protein diet: oddities, harm and contraindications

Like any diet, protein diet also has contraindications. First of all, it is prohibited for older people to use it. This is explained by the fact that a large amount of calcium is consumed, which in the human body becomes less and less with age. In addition, high protein content causes blood clotting rates to increase, so there is an increased risk of blood clots forming in the blood vessels. And this is also dangerous for older people. By the way, young people are also at risk of thrombosis, so you should not ignore such warnings.

But there are other contraindications. For example, people who suffer from liver and kidney diseases are prohibited from going on such a diet. Contraindications also apply to any heart pathologies. In addition, people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should not resort to such a measure. This applies to colitis, dysbiosis, chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome. Gout is also a contraindication.

Such food is prohibited for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, you always need to follow the rules of the diet and monitor the deadlines. You are allowed to lose weight this way only once a year, and then the duration is no more than two weeks. All restrictions are related to the fact that the protein diet has pros and cons, which also need to be taken into account. Otherwise, such nutrition will cause irreparable harm to human health.

People often call the most effective diets those that allow you to lose weight quickly and without much effort.

In pursuit of the ideal, it is easy to forget the main goal of losing weight - to prolong the active period of life and maintain good health for as long as possible.

For example, the world-famous Dukan protein diet, the contraindications for which can be listed endlessly, gave rise to a whole movement of followers!

Why is a potentially dangerous diet such a success? And the success, by the way, is colossal - thousands of forums, regular seminars, 10 million copies of the book “I Can’t Lose Weight” sold, translation into 14 languages ​​and a contract with publishing houses in 32 countries! A person who wants to lose weight is simply not interested in why the Dukan protein diet is harmful - proper PR and a competent advertising campaign do their job. Besides, people actually lose weight, which seems to be the most important thing. But what price do you have to pay for the disappearance of extra centimeters?

Briefly about the diet

The classic Dukan protein diet includes several stages:

  • attack (protein only for 10 days, mostly meat);
  • alternation (protein and vegetables, up to 7 months);
  • consolidation (protein, vegetables and fruits, each lost kg is 10 days of the stage);
  • stabilization (the same consolidation, but now the menu becomes permanent, for life).

The point is to eliminate carbohydrates and fats from your diet. According to the author, they are not needed by the body and do more harm than good. The consequences of the Dukan protein diet are not difficult to imagine even at this stage of reading the book... The author clearly knows about the division of carbohydrates into “simple” and “complex”, since the list of permitted vegetables is built on this principle.

But, according to the author, the benefits of vegetables and fruits for humans are exaggerated and overestimated. Fats, even vegetable ones, are absolute evil - no discussion. Meat is the best source of protein. You can have fermented milk products if you don’t have money for meat. And only flavored ones, because pieces of fruit contain carbohydrates. Any fish, if you can’t bear to eat meat from morning to evening. Incl.

salted, canned, smoked...

Protein attack

The effect of a protein attack is familiar to all professional athletes: load the body with protein and then a shock dose of carbohydrates - the body will immediately begin to accumulate carbohydrates lost during protein days, burning fat. The main disadvantages of the Dukan protein diet are that there is no carbohydrate loading, i.e.

there is no “burning out” of fats. Everything in the human body is interconnected, and if one element of nutrition is excluded, all the others will be absorbed worse. By eating mainly meat and fish (not including fiber and carbohydrates in the diet), a person simply clogs the body.

The meat literally rots in the intestines, poisoning the blood and all organs with toxins.

Any doctor understands why the Dukan protein diet is dangerous: breakdown products enter the liver and kidneys, blood, and urine. It’s good if the diet lasts a week, but what if it lasts six months? Intoxication gradually increases, the level of ketones in the urine increases, and due to excessive stress, the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands deteriorates.

Protein poisoning, ketonuria, kidney failure, urolithiasis are the most harmless consequences of a long-term protein attack. The brilliant Pierre Dukan solved the problem very simply - drink 2 liters of fluid a day, and the body itself will get rid of the poison. If everything were so simple, the diseases listed above would not exist at all.

Water will undoubtedly help remove toxins from the body, but it will not avoid swelling and increased stress on the kidneys.

It is not difficult to guess whether the Dukan protein diet is harmful to blood vessels and the heart. The author claims that cholesterol levels remain the same after following the diet, but this is not true.

If you eat meat and fish in large quantities every day, hypertension, cholesterol plaques and vascular fragility are guaranteed. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the author does not limit portions in any way and does not recommend eating foods that the reader does not like.

Do you like beef? Eat it every day! This is dangerous and absurd advice - food should be varied, otherwise even a healthy product will become harmful.

Fruit and vegetable restrictions

Unfortunately, not all the dangers of the Dukan protein diet relate to the attack stage. At the second stage of the diet, the diet is supplemented with fruits and vegetables from the list proposed by the author. These are mainly “watery” plants with a minimal starch content - leafy greens, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage.

The reader is told about the high content of vitamins (which were disparaged in previous chapters) and is reminded of the dangers of carbohydrates (potatoes, legumes, etc.). At this stage, it would be possible to cleanse the body of toxins, but each mixed day (vegetables and protein) is replaced by a pure protein day, i.e.

Another disadvantage of the Dukan protein diet is that the list of allowed fruits and vegetables is quite modest. There is plenty to choose from, but the diet is still neither balanced nor varied. As a result, an excess of some substances and a deficiency of others is inevitable.

Carbohydrate fasting

In order for fat to “burn”, it must combine with carbohydrates, which are catastrophically low in the diet (2 tablespoons of bran per day). With a deficiency of carbohydrates, the body processes “reserves” of fat, but is unable to do this safely - the same ketones are formed that poison all organs.

The skin turns grey, the sweat and urine stink disgustingly, the breath smells like something rotten, the hair becomes dull, the muscles become decrepit. Not particularly concerned about the harmful effects of the Dukan protein diet in the long term? Think about your appearance and well-being, which is getting worse every day.

According to sharp-tongued doctors, the Dukan protein diet has only one contraindication - taking care of your own health. The author filed suit for libel, but the court found itself on the side of doctors who actively criticize such methods of combating excess weight. Perhaps absurd advice is to blame? For example:

  • Drink cold water during meals. It is no secret that drinking too much during meals, and even cold drinks, lead to the development of gastritis and enterocolitis, impair digestion and complicate all metabolic processes. By the way, food should also be cold, because... the body will have to spend calories to “warm it up” to body temperature (no comment).
  • if you don't feel like drinking water, replace it with coffee or Coca-Cola. Two liters of Coca-Cola a day is not at all harmful, according to the author. Moreover, they explain to the reader why Coca-Cola is useful, although the harm of such drinks has been definitively proven and cannot be doubted.
  • if you want dessert, order another mug of coffee. Still want it? Order more coffee, eventually your appetite will go away. Yeah, but tachycardia will come, but who cares?
  • If you want variety in your food, eat more. After such a recommendation, there simply cannot be any doubt about whether the Dukan protein diet is harmful. There is, there is, and there is food around the clock without restrictions - will a doctor allow this to his patient?
  • fry meat and fish. During frying, all the fat is removed from the food. The fact that the frying process kills all the benefits of the product, contributes to the formation of carcinogens, and is simply harmful to the gastrointestinal tract should not worry anyone.
  • eat meat raw, it's natural. Apparently, no one in France had heard of bacteria, viruses and helminths.
  • Chew gum, it satisfies hunger by “deceiving” the body. In fact, the opposite is true, the chewing process triggers the gastrointestinal tract, and hunger is felt more acutely.
  • Do not use vegetable oil, it makes you fat. Instead of oil, season salads with liquid paraffin. The author honestly reports that chronic diarrhea is likely, but it should not bother the reader. By the way, paraffin oil was removed from the list of food products in 2008. And diarrhea, as everyone knows, is a direct path to dysbiosis and its consequences (for example, low immunity).

The author calls everyone who dares to discuss the harm of the Dukan protein diet and contraindications to it evil people and envious people. All those who have undermined their health or were unable to lose weight in the proposed way - inveterate pessimists, weak-willed fat people, lazy people, etc. And this is right in a book that many call a bestseller.

Not too professional, right? But we’ll forgive the author, because at the very beginning of the story he honestly admits that the diet was invented in 1970 in five minutes, during a conversation with a patient who said: “I’m ready for any sacrifice, just don’t deprive me of meat!”

The young therapist replied: “Okay, eat only meat and let’s see what happens”...

Is the protein diet harmful to the body?

The disadvantages of a protein diet are quite significant. All these disadvantages must be taken into account.

Kidney diseases. First of all, eating according to such principles leads to kidney diseases, and this applies to both women and men. Due to the fact that a person intensively consumes foods that contain proteins, the kidneys work hard. And the diet itself for kidney disease is also very dangerous. It is this organ that is responsible for removing all substances after the breakdown of proteins. Their high concentration leads to urine acidification. And this provokes inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system and increases the excretion of oxalate salts.

Even a healthy person will begin to form kidney stones, and the most dangerous are the oxalate type, since they have a spike-like structure. A low-protein diet does not cause this complication. Such overloads are very dangerous, as the functioning of the kidneys is impaired. When an organ becomes clogged with stones, it must be removed.

High cholesterol levels. The harm from an exclusively protein diet also lies in the fact that the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the bile and blood increases. According to scientific research, with a protein diet, the risk of developing heart and blood vessel diseases increases by almost 30%. Moreover, this applies to both stroke and heart attack. An increased level of cholesterol concentration leads to atherosclerosis.

Intestinal problems. Another problem for the body after such a strict and irrational diet is that the functioning of the intestines is disrupted. You have to eat food that does not contain enough fiber. As a result, disruptions in intestinal function begin. Constipation appears, and it can be prolonged, and this leads to an acute form of hemorrhoids.

In addition, food is poorly digested, rotting begins in the intestines, and its walls become covered with plaque. Appetite gradually worsens, nausea torments, and an unpleasant aroma appears from the mouth. Subsequently, intoxication begins. And this is additional stress, which leads to other serious diseases. Gradually, the body will adapt to such a diet, but it will no longer be able to accept other foods.

Other diseases also develop. When protein is broken down, ammonia is formed. It has a bad effect on the nervous system. With constant consumption of protein foods, a large amount of this substance accumulates, which leads to irritability and nervousness.

Eating according to such principles leads to the fact that the liver has to work in difficult conditions. The risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases. A lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids causes the walls of blood vessels to become fragile.

To process large amounts of protein, calcium is required. With its deficiency, the supply from the bone structures begins to be used, so that they become brittle. Brain function gradually deteriorates. Women's fertility decreases. I may experience seizures. This is due to weakened immunity and vitamin deficiency.

Every person who wants to start losing weight with a protein diet should know the dangers of a protein diet.

In addition, you should always take into account the timing - such a measure is allowed no more than once a year and no more than 14 days. Otherwise, you can greatly harm your body.

An unbalanced diet causes health problems. All nutritionists in the world repeat this truism, which does not prevent beauties from regularly violating the basic postulate in the world of food.

Meat, meat and more meat – what will the “predator” menu lead to? The authors of protein nutrition systems warn about possible complications, but they do so in small print, without describing them in detail.

  • Intoxication with decay products will certainly lead to kidney problems. And if you intend to eat meat and fish for more than two weeks, get ready for irreparable changes in the functioning of the body.
  • Numerous studies have proven that long-term protein nutrition increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks by at least 38%. Not only the urinary system suffers, but also the cardiovascular system.

Do you still want to be heavy on protein for more than one day?

Do you dream of losing weight and think the harm of a protein diet is an exaggeration? But wait a little before following it. Advice that you read on the Internet or heard from friends is not always a panacea.

It is worth taking a closer look at whether this method of losing weight will bring more benefit or harm to your body. You want to show off your slender figure, and not go to doctors.

Have you heard rave reviews about this amazing weight loss technique? Your friend has already lost a couple of tens of kilograms on it, and you are ready to run to the nearest store for the necessary products? Now stop. Let's just speculate about the dangers of this method of losing weight.

Protein diets (the most popular of them are the Atkins and Dukan diets) suggest that only products with the maximum concentration of animal protein will remain on your menu. Fats and carbohydrates should be consumed to a minimum.

Thus, you should almost completely give up cereals, baked goods, potatoes, sunflower oil and much more. But instead, you are allowed to simply overeat with meat, fish, eggs and dairy products with small splashes of vegetables and fruits.

Our mentality is such that most people who want to lose extra pounds like this method of losing weight. After all, protein foods are traditionally present in large quantities on the table of 95% of post-Soviet families. But it can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Let's do some math!

According to scientists, the required daily dose of protein is approximately 1.5 g per kilogram of weight. The body weight of an average person is from 50 to 70 kg. That is, you can consume from 75 to 105 g of pure protein per day without harm to your health.

But what does the sample protein diet menu tell us? Their adherents recommend eating 300-500 g of meat per day, for example, beef. 100 g of such food contains about 26 g of protein. That is, it turns out that you consume from 78 to 130 g per day. And if you also take into account fish, cottage cheese, eggs, then this figure will go off scale.

  1. With such a protein attack, the pancreas has to secrete a huge amount of trepsin, an enzyme for digesting protein foods. This causes acute or chronic pancreatitis.
  2. You hardly want to see what kind of garbage dump your intestines turn into with an excessive love of animal products. Liver and pancreas they don’t have time to digest all this and working in emergency mode.

    Therefore, more ATP molecules are spent on the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the breakdown than we receive from such food. This means our energy reserves are depleted.

  3. Undigested proteins are deposited in adipose tissue, and During their decay, many toxins are formed(mainly nitrogenous slags). And immediately a poisonous time bomb begins to act in our body.

So, contrary to popular belief, a protein diet not only does not guarantee weight loss, but can also completely disrupt the functioning of your body. Decide: is it worth following the fashion trend and killing your health, or is it still important to think about the hidden risks of such weight loss.

Nutrition Protein diet for weight loss: pros and cons

Protein diets have become very popular due to their effectiveness and visible results in the fat burning process.

The principles of this particular diet underlie the preparation of professional athletes for competitions during the so-called drying period and, in combination with a well-structured training plan, allow them to minimize the level of subcutaneous fat.

The nutrition plan for such a diet is based on one single principle - maximum protein consumption (at least 2 g per 1 kg of body weight). They try to reduce the content of fats and carbohydrates as much as possible to achieve the fastest results.

However, I believe that “healthy” fats should always be present in the diet and make up about 20% of daily calories. Sources of fats include vegetable oils, seeds, avocados and fatty fish, such as salmon. During such a diet, you can additionally consume omega 3 in the form of supplements.

You also need to remember that even protein foods in excess quantities can provide increased calorie intake, so do not forget about the total daily calorie intake.

A common mistake when following a protein diet is an extremely sharp reduction in the amount of carbohydrates. This should be done gradually, gradually reducing their content by about 10%.

And it’s certainly stupid to try to completely abandon them. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, not enemy #1.

The source of carbohydrates during the protein diet should be mainly cereals, which should be consumed in the first half of the day.

High protein foods: chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese and dairy products, egg whites, fish, tofu. A lot of protein is found in tuna, which is also sold canned in its own juice and is great for making salads.

It is better to eat often - up to 5-6 times a day and in small portions (250-350 g). On a protein diet, it is very important to drink a lot of clean, non-carbonated water, since when protein is absorbed, many harmful metabolic products are formed that need to be removed from the body. If there is not enough water, this cannot be done.

The diet is based on the fact that the body spends about a quarter of the energy received from protein products on their absorption.

The essence of the diet

The harm of a protein diet is that it can lead to excess protein, and this is not always acceptable. Basically, such nutrition is the basis for the Kremlin diet or Dukan nutrition principles. A person’s body weight decreases significantly due to the fact that a person gives up simple carbohydrates and sugar. In addition, the restriction concerns the consumption of saturated fats.

Of course, proteins are very important for humans. It is from them that the main dense part of the muscles, various protective devices such as nails and hair, and the tissues of the supporting mechanism consist. Protein is needed for immune cells that protect the human body from various infections. Protein does not accumulate in the body, so it is necessary to constantly consume it with food. A low-protein diet can lead to a lack of proteins, which will immediately affect the functioning of many organs and systems.

However, for the body to function normally, it requires not only proteins, but also carbohydrates and fats, albeit in small quantities. For example, carbohydrates are considered the main source of energy; they are required for the functioning of all organs, as they are responsible for cell division and growth. But saturated fats are necessary for the functioning of the brain, respiratory organs and testosterone synthesis in men.

If you do not get enough of all these elements from food, this will lead to their deficiency, and then to various diseases. Of course, a low-protein diet also has various disadvantages, but a large amount of proteins and a lack of fats and carbohydrates are also very dangerous. The body experiences stress because it is in extreme conditions. To make up for the lack of carbohydrate, it first uses up glycogen, which has accumulated in the liver and muscles, and then switches to fat reserves.

Yes, such diets are effective and really help.

Indeed, weight loss can be quite significant, but (here is the rub) it is often achieved through such difficulties and hardships that everyone who loses weight ends up paying a terrible price; Some fatal cases are also known.

The classic Dukan protein diet includes several stages:

  • attack (protein only for 10 days, mostly meat);
  • alternation (protein and vegetables, up to 7 months);
  • consolidation (protein, vegetables and fruits, each lost kg is 10 days of the stage);
  • stabilization (the same consolidation, but now the menu becomes permanent, for life).

One of the most important signs that such diets are harmful is the fact that in any book, when describing a high protein diet, it states that you should adhere to this style

one to two weeks.

After all, the authors know that long-term use of a high-protein diet is fraught with negative consequences, so by pointing this out, they are trying to protect themselves from lawsuits in advance. If you have been on this diet for too long and have experienced some adverse effects, the blame for long-term use lies entirely with you.

Protein diets are widespread among healthy eating enthusiasts. This diet is based on animal proteins (beef, veal, liver, heart, fish and seafood, black and red caviar, hard cheeses, eggs, etc.), which are necessary for the body to function normally (due to a lack of protein, it gradually decreases ability to repair tissue).

This diet promotes rapid weight loss, however, according to experts, such a diet can significantly harm your health.

A recent study on this topic found that a high-protein diet significantly increases the risk of premature death. Several thousand volunteers aged 50 to 65 years took part in the experiment. The health status of the participants was monitored by doctors.

Scientists suggest that a protein diet is comparable in danger to smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

The research group has already published the results of two of its studies, which proved the harm of such a diet. According to one study, people who consumed large amounts of protein had a fourfold increased risk of developing diabetes or cancer.

As a rule, such patients consumed up to 20% protein of the total calorie intake. In general, meat eaters had twice the mortality rate compared to those who consumed no more than 10% protein of their total calories.

Scientists explained that consuming animal protein in large quantities affects the production of growth hormone, which is important for the metabolism of an adult, but in addition, growth hormone increases the likelihood of developing cancer.

A protein diet is only useful for people over 65 years of age, since at this age the production of growth hormone is significantly reduced, and protein helps increase its secretion. In old age, experts recommend consuming about 0.8 g of animal protein per 1 kg of weight.

Another study by the Sydney team found that a high-protein diet promotes fat storage and decreased appetite.

According to scientists, the most dangerous diet is one that contains a large amount of fat and a small portion of protein.

Previously, the US media discussed more than 40 diets that average Americans most often chose for themselves. The results concluded that the most optimal and healthy is the Dash nutrition system, which is based on vegetables, fruits, and grains.

We are talking about the popular Kremlin and Dr. Atkins diets. Meals according to recommended recipes contain a large amount of protein foods. But the body also needs fiber, which is absolutely not present in the included products.

And the lack of the required amount of fiber leads to interruptions in intestinal function. A person experiences either constipation or diarrhea. And these are the first signs of dysbiosis.

A protein diet can disrupt carbohydrate metabolism, and its long-term use causes intestinal cancer. A protein diet provokes the formation of protein breakdown products in the body: uranium and oxalates.

Only balanced food, which contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, can fully satisfy the body's needs.

A protein diet helps reduce fat tissue, especially in the first months. But gradually the weight returns, after about six months, but health has already been lost.

People develop headaches, muscle weakness, and intestinal functions are disrupted. These are signs of carbohydrate deficiency.

With a protein diet, you are asked not to consume fruits, vegetables, sweets and flour, replacing all this with meat and fish.

But humans have a fairly long intestine. And digesting meat in a long intestine is quite difficult. So various toxins are formed, covering the walls of the intestines. They become like an old kettle clogged with scale.

Scientists have established that the daily protein requirement is no more than 45 g. All this can be replenished by consuming vegetables, fruits, legumes, and cereals, without getting carried away with sausages and cutlets. In addition, vegetables contain a lot of fiber, without which the body cannot function.

I would like to come up with a diet so that you can eat more tasty things and at the same time lose weight. This dream, which seemed unrealizable for many, took on real shape in the form of the “Kremlin diet” or the “diet of American astronauts,” but best known as the protein diet.

Its author is called the American Dukan - another name for it is the “Dukan diet”. The British Dietetic Association has made serious accusations against him. According to professionals, Dukan is accused of developing a diet without having anything to do with medicine, and thus simply earning fabulous sums from his publications. At the same time, the diet he developed caused and continues to cause enormous harm to the body of everyone who risked losing weight thanks to his advice.

The essence of the Dukan diet is the complete exclusion of fats and the almost complete absence of carbohydrates. He suggests replacing the latter with vegetables. At the same time, as a non-specialist, Dukan did not take into account that the human body absorbs sugar from some vegetables much faster than regular sugar, which is like death for diabetics who are losing weight.

Experts from the American Medical Association explain that initially the protein diet was used exclusively by those who were professional bodybuilders. It is the most effective means for losing weight and cutting, and most importantly, this diet perfectly builds muscle mass.

A little later, a protein diet was proposed as the most effective way to lose weight, but for these purposes it was modified. So, a very small percentage of carbohydrates was added to it. However, the main thing remains unchanged - when using a diet, it is imperative to engage in physical exercise. This is due to the fact that with a protein diet, the body loses weight very quickly, and the skin does not have time to adapt to this - it sags and has the most unsightly appearance. Nutritionist and sports nutrition expert Olga Larina explains that after such a diet with the introduction of carbohydrates into the diet, the weight will begin to rapidly return, so it is extremely important to give the body a sports load all the time. This is especially important for women, as they are most prone to eating sweets and gaining weight faster.

Dietitian Larisa Mulyk, a member of the National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists, explains in detail the essence of the protein diet and its negative consequences: the basis of the diet is meat, eggs, cheese, fish, and dairy products. Since the body begins to burn carbohydrates to obtain the necessary energy, in the absence of these during a protein diet, it switches to fats. And when large amounts of fat are burned, ketone bodies are formed in the body. Their accumulation causes a shift in the acid-base balance, or acidosis. If the amount of ketones exceeds a certain level, a person may fall into a coma.

But this is an extreme case. Basically, a protein diet, according to Larisa Mulyk, causes an unpleasant odor in the mouth and the appearance of bags under the eyes, which indicates a violation of the kidneys. Eating cold protein dishes is a direct path to gastritis and enterocolitis. With long-term use of this diet, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and often cancer, increases.

Sitting on proteins alone, due to a lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to experience a lack of energy, as a result of which its performance sharply decreases and fatigue increases. At the same time, the women’s body receives an additional disadvantage - due to its physiological abilities, during such a diet, a restructuring of metabolic substances occurs in it. One of its significant consequences is the deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and skin.

But the negative consequences for women are not limited to this. The most dangerous for them are disturbances in hormonal balance and ovarian function, inflammation of the appendages and, as a result, infertility.

The American Medical Association conducted studies that involved several thousand volunteers aged 50 to 65 years. They all used a protein diet for a long time. Doctors monitored their condition. The result was shocking: 75 percent of protein food lovers died prematurely. In all subjects, the risk of cancer increased fourfold. These figures refer to those whose diet contained at least twenty percent protein. Experts from the United States compare the dangers of a protein diet with smoking twenty cigarettes every day.

Scientists from Sydney came to unexpected conclusions. In the course of research, they found that with long-term use, a protein diet begins to have the opposite effect: it promotes fat deposition while simultaneously reducing appetite. Australian scientists conducted their experiments on rodents. About a hundred animals were kept on different diets, and those who ate the most protein developed diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems faster, and life expectancy was sharply reduced.

Regarding the protein diet, doctors are unanimous that it can be used for no more than two weeks, and then take a break for at least a year. Then there will be a minimum of negative consequences from it, and you can lose weight noticeably.

Today I will tell you what a protein diet is and how to follow it correctly. First, it should be noted that this type of diet can be considered one of the most effective for weight loss.

The best results with a protein diet can be achieved by combining it with physical training, which should be done at least three times a week. You also need to take into account that with this method of eating, food must be taken six times a day.

It is noteworthy that this protein diet involves the exclusion of carbohydrates and fats from the diet. Good results from this diet are achieved due to the high protein content in the menu, which, like vegetables and fruits, is rich in fiber, mineral compounds and all essential vitamins.

Protein diet - what you need to know?

Before starting a protein diet course, you need to know some nuances, which I will tell you about below.

Meals should be strictly 6 times a day.

Avoid alcohol completely.

Do not eat less than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

All foods you eat should be low in fat.

During the diet, you should drink 2 liters of regular non-carbonated water.

With a protein diet, your body should receive no more than 700 calories per day.

Protein diet - benefits

During a protein diet, you will not feel an unbearable feeling of hunger. Also, you will not feel tired and overwhelmed.

During this diet, the body receives comprehensive benefits: you will have elastic thighs, tightened skin, improved sleep and tone, reduced cellulite and increased performance. Due to the increased consumption of fiber during a protein diet, intestinal function improves.

The huge advantage of a protein diet is not the kilograms lost, but the fact that after finishing the diet, weight will not be gained. During this diet, you can go to the gym for training, which will only enhance the effect of the procedure.

Protein diet - contraindications

If you are planning to go on a protein diet, be sure to carefully read the contraindications. It will be even better if you consult with a doctor who is aware of your condition, since in our time not everyone has good health, so not everyone will be able to use this type of weight loss.

You are strictly prohibited from using a protein diet if you have abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, if you have hepatitis or liver disease. The diet should also not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Kidney diseases.
  • Liver diseases and some gallstone diseases.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially if they are chronic.
  • Any oncological diseases and neoplasms.

This diet is also contraindicated for older people, as it increases the risk of thrombosis, which is life-threatening.

Disadvantages of a protein diet and features

Like any diet, this method of eating has its own characteristics, which can be classified as disadvantages.

  • Eating 6 times a day is not convenient or possible for everyone.
  • Blood pressure surges may occur.
  • During the diet, exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.
  • During a protein diet, it is additionally necessary to take multivitamins.

Since there are many types of protein diets, many experts believe that the least harmful of them is protein-carbohydrate alternation.

What foods should you avoid?

During this diet, you should exclude all sweets from your diet: cakes, sweets, pastries, etc.

The ban also includes sweet fruits such as grapes, bananas, apricots, peaches, etc.

Flour dishes are excluded from the diet, not to mention cookies and buns; you will have to forget pasta for a while. There will be no benefit from potatoes, cereals, butter and various desserts.

Sample protein menu for seven days

Here is an approximate protein menu for seven days. Do not forget that you need to add your first breakfast to it every day; it will consist of a glass of unsweetened kefir, tea or coffee. In the afternoon, eat an apple, orange or a glass of kefir. Also, don’t forget about a glass of kefir or juice at night, you shouldn’t feel hungry.

What is important to know when following a protein diet?

It is very important to know, unfortunately, the promoters of this diet forget to mention this, a protein diet must be combined with a mandatory one. Excess protein in the body with inactivity can lead to oxidation of urine, swelling of the kidneys and growth of the collagen membrane around the capillaries. All this can provoke the appearance of urolithiasis, even if this problem was not familiar to you before.

If you firmly decide that a protein diet will be useful for you, be sure to include a large amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, be sure to take a vitamin complex and increase your intake of plain water. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters daily, taking into account that tea, coffee and juices should not be included in this volume.

And I remind you once again - remember that a protein diet should only be used by absolutely healthy people, with the addition of a large amount of fruits and vegetables, as well as water! Many nutritionists have included this diet in the Top 5 most harmful. And earlier you can read, Ksenia Borodina.

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