A nine-year-old boy, who was vacationing at a children's camp, died in a hospital in Grodno. The Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation. Children ran and asked for help: what caused the tragedy in the camp. Shortcomings were found in the work of the district hospital

A 9-year-old boy died in the Grodno regional hospital. The Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into the death of the child, said Sergei Shershenevich, official representative of the Criminal Investigation Department for the Grodno region. The guy died on June 11.

- The Grodno interdistrict department of the Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into the death of a 9-year-old boy, a resident of the Berestovitsky district. The child died in a health care facility in Grodno. A forensic medical examination has been ordered to establish the specific cause of his death. Are being interviewed medical workers relatives who provided assistance to the child. Medical documentation is seized and carefully studied, and other procedural actions are carried out. Conclusions will be made only after receiving and analyzing all the data,- said Sergei Shershenevich.

As Onliner.by learned, the boy had repeatedly complained about his health before he came to the camp. Initially, he was hospitalized in the Berestovitsa district hospital, and only then in the Grodno regional hospital, where he died.

At the Berestovitsky children's health camp, where the boy underwent rehabilitation, they refuse to comment. This year the camp should operate in four shifts and accommodate 160 schoolchildren.

According to Onliner.by, the boy was taken to Berestovitsa district hospital in the morning. He complained of weakness and fever. Blood tests turned out to be very bad, and at 17:00 he was taken by ambulance to the Grodno Regional Children's Hospital. There the child's condition worsened, he was transferred to artificial ventilation.

- The child was brought to the hospital by our mobile resuscitation team on Saturday, June 10, at 18:15 from the hospital in Berestovitsa. The child was admitted in serious condition. He underwent all necessary diagnostic and treatment measures. Despite this, the boy died on Sunday morning.- BELTA reports the words of the chief physician of the Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital Sergei Tarantsey.

The mother of a 9-year-old boy is in the maternity hospital.

- The child was visually impaired and studied at the Grodno specialized school, - told Onliner.by at the Berestovitsa Social and Pedagogical Center. - His mother separated from her husband and soon married another man in 2015. Then the family left for Russia for a while in search of a good job, but returned to Berestovitsa in January. The boy was youngest child in the family, he has an older sister and brother. Now the mother of the deceased boy is in the maternity hospital, she is expecting a child.

Investigators have seized all medical documentation, are interviewing specialists who worked with the boy, eyewitnesses and relatives of the deceased to find out all the circumstances of what happened.

“My child was dying in terrible agony, but it turned out that they would not initiate a criminal case, which means that no one would be punished. Although experts admitted that the district hospital did a poor job of examining and treating my son,- says the woman with tears in her eyes, writes Sputnik Belarus.

Last summer, the boy died of a common cold. The woman is sure: if the child had been immediately sent from the district hospital to Grodno, her son would have been alive. They kept me in the emergency room for almost two hours.

The family has already been informed that they will not initiate a criminal case into the boy’s death.

Let us remind you that 9-year-old Vlad went on a free trip to a children's camp on June 6 last year, healthy and cheerful. On the morning of June 10, the boy was taken to the regional hospital in Berestovitsa with a high fever and abdominal pain; in the evening he was sent to the regional children's hospital in Grodno in very serious condition, where he died in the morning. A little later, an examination showed that the cause of death was bocavirus (common cold) with various complications.

The family, using documents, reconstructed the chronology of the fateful day for Vladik. The boy was brought to the Berestovitsa district hospital at 6:25 on June 10, from the very beginning the doctors stated that the child’s condition was serious and the diagnosis was unclear. Despite this, until 8:15 the boy was in the emergency room, without prescribed treatment. From the doctors’ explanations, you can read that as of 8 o’clock in the morning, not all tests were ready.

– Why keep a small child with an unclear diagnosis in the emergency room for so long and delay testing?- the mother complains.

He was there alone because the nurse was from children's camp who brought him had to leave. People who were in the hospital at that time and saw Vladik told his mother that the boy asked for a drink and complained of feeling unwell, but no one approached him.

Thought it was appendicitis or acetone poisoning

From the emergency room, the child was sent to the intensive care unit and given the first prescription of medications. His condition did not improve, and the diagnosis remained unclear. Vladislav’s stepfather recalls the conversation with the resuscitator that took place that day. The family did not immediately learn that the child was in the hospital.

– At about 11 o’clock in the afternoon I arrived at the hospital and demanded that Vlad be transferred to Grodno. But the doctor from the intensive care unit then told me that the boy had taken acetone, that by the evening he would come to his senses, and in a couple of days he would be running healthy again, says Andrey.

The man was then surprised: “What acetone, where from?” Now he is sure that it was an incorrect diagnosis, due to which valuable time was lost. However, this diagnosis does not currently appear in medical records.

Only at 15:00, 8 hours after the child was admitted with an unclear diagnosis, the hospital convened a council of doctors and came to a decision to send the boy to Grodno.

In total, Vladik spent 10 hours in the district hospital. During this time, as the parents managed to find out, the child was given a blood test twice, an ultrasound scan, and an x-ray. Vladislav’s medical record at the Berestovitsa hospital records that he was prescribed only a few simple medications.

They were brought to Grodno to die

The mother is sure that such diagnostic measures were not enough for her boy, especially considering the fact that doctors from the very beginning could not understand how and what to treat him for.

– If the district doctors had immediately called more experienced specialists from Grodno, then complications during Vladik’s illness could have been avoided, he would have remained alive,- says Lyudmila.

Judging by the medical documents that the parents saw, already at the regional children's hospital Vladik was diagnosed with blood poisoning of an unknown cause, there was still a suspicion of viral infection, and the child was in very serious condition.

For more than 12 hours, Grodno doctors carried out intensive therapy, performed tests and examinations. But the child’s condition worsened every hour. He was found to have signs of pneumonia. Three hours after admission to the hospital, the boy was transferred to artificial ventilation. Renal failure and various lesions were detected internal organs and other pathologies that parents cannot talk about without tears.

In the middle of the night the temperature rose to 40°C, it was impossible to bring it down. In the morning, the child’s fingers began to feel cold, his body temperature rose to 41°C and also did not drop.

At 7:30 the boy's heart stopped. Resuscitation measures continued for more than half an hour, but did not bring a positive effect. At 8:10 am, doctors pronounced him dead.

Looking through the papers once again, Lyudmila concludes: “They brought him to Grodno to die. Grodno doctors did everything possible, but it was too late.”

Shortcomings were found in the work of the district hospital

Now the mother is asking questions: why the district hospital was inactive for almost 10 hours, why the doctors who were supposed to carry out more active diagnosis and treatment did not take the necessary measures and why the hospital management still remains in place, none of the doctors were suspended from work for time of the inspection?

In the inspection documents, the family found the conclusions of two commissions that assessed the work of the district school and the quality of care medical care Vladislav Dudovsky. They say that in the intensive care unit of the Berestovitsa district hospital, diagnostic tests and treatment did not fully correspond to the severity of the child’s condition, and the medical consultation and transfer of the boy to the regional hospital had to be organized in a more early dates. Moreover, given the severity of the condition, the child spent too long and unreasonably in the emergency room.

Mother: You wouldn’t wish such a death on your enemy.

– It turns out that the district doctors did almost nothing. Because of ignorance, or because of reluctance, they did not send Vladik to more experienced specialists and reached the point where my son’s condition became critical. You wouldn’t wish the kind of death that my son had, and the pain that I had to endure, even on my worst enemy. I don't want anyone to go through this again. Why did no one question their qualifications? These doctors continue to work, says the mother.

In addition, at the time Vladislav was admitted to the district hospital, there was no infectious diseases department in it, and all the specialists who could examine the child and possibly see the symptoms of bocavirus were on vacation. No one called them urgently to examine the boy, as indicated in job descriptions, approved by the head physician of the hospital.

Now the family has time to study all the verification materials. They have the opportunity to appeal the decision not to initiate criminal proceedings.

The death of a nine-year-old boy, who was brought to the hospital from a children's camp near Bolshaya Berestovitsa, shocked many. While the investigation is underway, many refuse to answer questions from journalists. And yet, SG correspondents found out the details.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. pixabay.com

The family has been living in the agricultural town of Pogranichny, Berestovitsy district, since January of this year. The boy has a brother, a 4th grade student, and a sister, a ninth grader, the school in the agricultural town said. Director educational institution Inna Kerget added that their mother and stepfather are raising them, and their grandmother helps them. The family is in good standing and is not registered with the SOP.

The children's health camp "Berestovitsky" refused to comment on what happened. But they confirmed that the boy was indeed improving with them.
Vladik was brought from the camp to the Berestovitskaya Central District Hospital.

- This is a sensation for you. And we didn’t sleep or eat for three days and three nights. We are also living people, everyone is stressed. We already had a Ministry of Health commission, and all possible commissions. All documentation has been confiscated, call the Investigative Committee,- advised at the hospital.

We reached the grandmother of the late boy, Nina Evgenievna:

- He was so affectionate. He didn’t want to go to the camp, he hugged me around the neck before leaving and said: “Grandma, I love you so much.” I reassured him: they say, I can’t do anything, that’s what my parents decided, you need to go. And then he asked: “Will you come to me?” “I’ll come,” I promised. He also asked me to buy him a car. I didn’t have time... They buried him in Gritsevichi, the grave next to his grandfather’s. My daughter was not allowed to attend the funeral; she is 34 weeks pregnant. She was in storage in Volkovysk. When she found out about Vladik’s death, she felt worse and was transferred to Grodno. I myself fainted at the funeral, I still don’t believe how this could happen...

According to Vlad’s grandmother, he graduated from the first grade of the Grodno special comprehensive boarding school for children with visual impairments and was visually impaired. On weekends, a 9-year-old boy came to his parents or stayed with his great-aunt in Grodno. The child had an older sister and brother. Now his mother has remarried, Vladik called his stepfather dad.

At the Grodno boarding school, it was not possible to talk with the management: the director, deputy director for medical work and pediatrician went on vacation on Monday.

Was it possible to find out the cause of death? The head of the department of the State Committee of Forensic Examinations for the Grodno region, Larisa Bober, threw up her hands: the diagnosis is still being clarified, preliminary medical experts saw manifestations of sepsis. However, in order to accurately establish the pathogen and cause of death, the results of virological and bacteriological studies are needed.

MINSK, June 16 – Sputnik. The investigation into the death of a nine-year-old boy who was vacationing in the Berestovitsky camp is being carried out by commissions of the Ministry of Health and the Investigative Committee, the chief physician of the Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital Sergei Tarantsey told Sputnik.

The incident occurred in the Berestovitsky district. The day before, on Saturday, a child whose health had worsened was brought from the Berestovitsky camp first to the Berestovitsky hospital, and then to the Grodno regional children's hospital. There he died.

“The commissions of the Ministry of Health are working, the Investigative Committee is working,” Tarantsey said.

Delivered by the resuscitation team

The interlocutor told the agency that the patient arrived to them in serious condition. And the doctors did everything necessary in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

“This is not a situation when there should be any comments... Yes, there was such a child. Yes, he was taken from the Berestovitsa hospital by the resuscitation team. Yes, in serious condition, yes, to the intensive care unit. Everything that is necessary in diagnosis and treatment, Unfortunately, he died on Sunday, June 11,” Sergei Tarantsey commented on the situation to Sputnik.

All diagnoses and conclusions will be made after a forensic medical examination, he added.

As the official representative of the USC for the Grodno region, Sergei Shershenevich, told Sputnik, the necessary examinations have been appointed on the fact, in particular, forensic examinations. Medical workers who provided assistance to the child and relatives are interviewed. Medical documentation is seized and carefully studied, and other procedural actions are carried out. Conclusions will be made only after receiving and analyzing all the data.

In the camp - everything is as it was

The Berestovitsky camp refuses to comment on what happened. Head Alexander Torgonsky told Sputnik that the institution is operating as normal.

“In the camp everything is as it was,” he said.

As reported in the media, before visiting the camp, the boy was lying with bronchitis in the infectious diseases department of the Berestovitsky district hospital. After discharge I felt well. With a certificate stating that he was healthy, he was sent to a camp where the child stayed for two days, after which he became ill. The boy developed a fever and was put in the camp isolation ward and given an injection. Then the patient was taken to the Berestovitsa district hospital, where he was kept in the emergency room for a very long time, relatives of the deceased told reporters.

It is reported that the boy was the youngest child in the family, he has a sister and brother. The mother is now in the maternity hospital and is expecting another child.

The mother of a child who went healthy to a children’s camp near Berestovitsa and then died in the hospital, found out how her son spent his last day of life, writes Sputnik.by.

“I am the mother of Vladik Dudovsky. Recently discharged from the hospital. I want to find out what happened to my son,” Lyudmila asked the doctors from Berestovitsa with this question. The woman spent the whole day in the district hospital and learned that her 9-year-old child, who has a visual disability, was wearing a diaper for a reason unknown to her, and the doctors could not put him in the infectious diseases department because it was not working.

Vladik comes every night and asks: “Mom, don’t cry!”

“I myself have only recently been discharged from the hospital. I know what happened to Vladik from the stories of my daughter, relatives and random witnesses who saw him then. We were told that Vladik waited for a very long time in the emergency room at the Berestovitskaya hospital until he was assigned to a ward and prescribed treatment. This doesn’t give me peace,” says Lyudmila on the road from Grodno to Berestovitsa.

Lyudmila's son Vladislav died suddenly four months ago. Since then, the woman practically did not leave the hospital and could not even attend the child’s funeral. First, she was in the maternity hospital with a difficult pregnancy, then with a prematurely born baby, then with increased blood pressure due to nervousness.

According to the woman, she always thinks about the day when her son became ill and tries to understand at what point everything went wrong. After all, before going to the camp the child was healthy, there is a certificate. Lyudmila admits: she doesn’t sleep at night, takes antidepressants and wants to find out why doctors were unable to detect and cure a common cold in time.

“I started having problems with blood pressure. The doctor said it was due to nerves. And the priest in the church advised us to think of Vladik as if he were alive. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get out of this grief,” adds Lyudmila.

Almost every night her son comes to her in her dreams and talks. He never liked to see his mother's tears. And now every time he asks: “Mommy, don’t cry, otherwise I won’t come to you.” “It’s for his sake that I try to hold on,” says the mother.

Why did the boy wear a diaper?

The woman came to the Berestovitsa hospital with questions: why it was not possible to save Vlad, and how he spent the last day of his life. She is afraid that in the case of the death of her child there may not be any culprits at all. And everyone will blame it on weak immunity or force majeure, as the doctors at the district hospital were trying to explain to her now.

“What can I tell you? We told the Investigative Committee everything,” or “Let the authorities tell you,” was how the doctors responded in carbon copy to the mother’s request to provide at least some details. But looking at a woman with infant in their arms, they began to communicate.

For example, the surgeon told the mother interesting fact. When he came to examine Vladik, he saw that he was wearing a diaper, and the smell from it was unpleasant. The mother is surprised: “My son has never had enuresis. What is this for?

According to the doctor, that morning the boy was lethargic and had to be asked questions several times. The doctor even decided that the boy had developmental disabilities.

But Lyudmila explains that this is not like him: “The son was very smart, quick, sociable, he always spoke quickly.”

The doctor told the mother that the boy was sent from the emergency room to intensive care. There they discovered that he was not giving urine; this seemed incomprehensible, so they decided to send the child to Grodno.

True, none of the other doctors with whom the woman spoke confirmed the words about the diaper. And the nurse from the camp, and the doctor on duty, and the deputy chief physician for medical affairs assured that this could not happen, because there were no diapers either in the hospital or in the camp.

Waited from 06:30 to 9 am?

A nurse from a children's camp brought the child to the emergency room of the Berestovitsa hospital at about 06:30 on the morning of Saturday, June 10. And half an hour later she went back, leaving the child with local doctors.

She explained to the mother that the boy felt unwell the day before - on Friday afternoon he had a fever and vomiting. The child was placed in an isolation ward, but in the evening they were taken to dinner; the child did not refuse food. She remembers that the boy, despite the prohibitions, got and ate a chocolate bar somewhere, and suggested that it could have made things worse. He spent the night in isolation to rule out suspicion of an intestinal infection.

“The night passed calmly, and at about 6 in the morning the temperature rose sharply, his stomach hurt, and I took him to the hospital with suspected appendicitis,” explained nurse Elena.

She recalled that the boy did not want to go to the hospital, on the way he assured that he felt better, and in the emergency room he asked: “Aunt Lena, take me back.”

“Agree, a sick child will not ask to go back to camp,” added Elena. But the mother is sure that her son was simply making up excuses so as not to end up in a hospital bed again.


Lyudmila managed to find a doctor who was finishing his night shift when Vladislav was brought in. The doctor said that she immediately called all the necessary specialists and claimed that at that time everything that was possible was done at the level of the emergency room of the district hospital. According to her, before 8 a.m. the boy was examined by specialists (pediatrician, surgeon and others), and a blood test was taken. At the end of her duty, the child’s diagnosis was unclear.

The mother tried to find out how much time the child spent in the emergency room, but the only thing she managed to find out was that the boy was supposed to be sent to the ward at about 9 o’clock in the morning.

“It turns out that he waited at least two to two and a half hours for the specialists’ decision,” the mother calculated.

The whole department was closed during the holidays

Most doctors assured that the child felt well. But from the emergency room, Vladislav was sent not to a regular ward, but to intensive care. The doctors explained that this was a forced decision.

According to them, the child was supposed to be admitted to the infectious diseases department. But at that time it was closed, and its employees were on vacation. The hospital clarified that it is common practice for them to close an entire department during the holiday period.

The deputy medical doctor tried to explain to the woman that the child was being treated. In particular, symptomatic treatment was carried out. The boy was observed by a resuscitator. In the afternoon we took repeated tests, gathered a consultation and came to the conclusion that we needed to contact our Grodno colleagues.

“There were indirect signs indicating the presence of the virus, leukocytes were reduced, but this was not paid attention to at first. He was given antibiotics, but they have no effect on the virus. IN Grodno boy They brought me closer to six o’clock in the evening,” said the deputy head physician.

The mother asked: “Why weren’t they taken to the regional hospital earlier?” The doctor explained that Vladik was being watched by an experienced doctor who was trying to figure out clinical picture, and by about two o’clock in the afternoon it became clear to him that the case was too complex and incomprehensible.

The hospital is confident that they will punish you to the fullest extent.

The head physician of the Berestovitsa hospital spent about 5 minutes with the mother of the deceased Vladislav Dudovsky. She explained that investigators had taken all the medical documentation, the Ministry of Health was checking, and now they themselves would decide who was to blame in this story. The manager herself did not undertake to judge whether the medical personnel subordinate to her acted correctly.

Many doctors in Berestovitsa are sure that the punishment will be very severe.

“This case is being monitored in Minsk, no one here will escape responsibility. Maybe they will even punish you more severely than necessary. So that others can see and be afraid,” one of the local doctors is sure.

Another explained that anyone could find themselves in this situation, and doctors cannot be blamed.

Could you have caught the virus before the camp?

The investigation into the case continues. Let us recall that a month and a half ago, the results of the examination became known, which showed that the cause of death of 9-year-old Vladislav Dudovsky was bocavirus. This is a common cold, which affects 5 to 15% of the population of Belarus every year.

“Recently, an investigator asked me to write a statement about who I would like to blame. I want all those responsible to be punished. We sent them to the camp healthy child, and a few days later he was gone,” the mother complains.

The investigator told her that the investigation is now trying to figure out where the child could have contracted the virus, which became fatal for him. One version is that the boy became infected before arriving at the camp. The mother is sure that this could have happened in the hospital.

“Almost before being sent to the camp, Vladik was in the infectious diseases department of the Berestovitsa hospital with bronchitis. But just at this time, all the children were suddenly transferred from the infectious diseases department to the regular one. Children could walk freely along the corridor and communicate with each other. The infectious disease then went on vacation,” the woman adds.

Let us remind you that 9-year-old Vladislav went to the children's health Camp near Berestovitsa on a free voucher from the education department in early June. Two days after his arrival, he developed a fever heat, there was nausea. DOL employees shot her down on their own. The next day, the child was taken to a local hospital, where doctors tried to save the child.

In the evening, the child was sent to Grodno in serious condition. The next morning, June 11, the boy died. A criminal case was opened into his death.

As Sputnik learned, shortly after the death of Vladislav Dudovsky, a little girl died from the same virus in the Berestovitsa hospital.

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