Granite: what kind of stone is it, what does it consist of and where is it used? Granite - description and properties of healing stone Granite stone description for children 2

Let's look into the Earth's storerooms

Rocks form the thickness of the Earth, and themselves consist of minerals.

View samples feldspar, quartz and mica. These are minerals, joining together, form granite rock

Examine a piece of granite. Find colored grains. This is the mineral feldspar. Find translucent grains. This is a mica mineral.

Fill out the diagram. Composition of granite.
In the diagram, fill in the rectangle with the name of the rock with a green pencil, and the rectangles with the names of minerals with a yellow pencil.

Copy examples of rocks from the text of the textbook.

Granite, sand, clay, limestone, chalk, marble, flint

Find additional information about granite, feldspar, quartz, and mica in the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky.” Prepare a message about 1 - 2 of these stones (of your choice). Write down brief information about them.

Granite comes in gray, pink, and red colors. It can often be seen in cities: the walls of some buildings are lined with granite, river embankments are built from it, and pedestals for monuments are made from it. Granite is a rock consisting of grains of several minerals. These are mainly feldspar, quartz, and mica. Colored grains are feldspar, translucent, sparkling grains are quartz, black mica. "Grain" in Latin is "granum". From this word the name “granite” appeared.

Feldspar is the most common mineral on the earth's surface. There are many varieties of feldspars known. Among them there are white, gray, yellowish, pinkish, red, green stones. Most often they are opaque. Some of them are used to make jewelry.

Quartz is a mineral that is part of granite, but is often found on its own. There are quartz crystals ranging in size from a few millimeters to several meters! Transparent colorless quartz is called rock crystal, opaque white quartz is called milky quartz. Many people know transparent purple quartz - amethyst. There are pink quartz, blue quartz and other varieties. All these stones have been used for a long time to make various jewelry.

Mica is a mineral consisting of plates, thin leaves. These leaves are easily separated from each other. They are dark, but transparent and shiny. Mica is part of granite and some other rocks.

If you have your own collection of stones (for example, multi-colored sea pebbles or other stones), choose the most beautiful and interesting ones. Take photos and post them here. In your caption, try to convey your attitude towards the world of stones.

Looking at stones is a very exciting activity. When studying stones, you are sure to go into the distant past of our planet and the area where you live. There are countless different stones on Earth: beautiful and not so beautiful, different colors and forms. Looking at the stones, you think that each of them contains some kind of secret and many riddles. And not all of them have probably been revealed and solved. And how much these stones have seen in their lifetime! I would like to know what secrets they hide, how they differ from each other, what is the history of their appearance on Earth, and what benefits do stones bring to people?.

Granite is a stone famous for its hardness and durability. From a scientific point of view, it is a mineral with a complex composition, a mineral. Distributed everywhere.

Translated from Latin - grain. Natural granite is formed in nature over millions of years. There are 2 known types of origin of the stone:

  1. Volcanic. The frozen lava of a volcano cools down and acquires a rocky structure. Over many years, granite stone crystallizes in it in the form of grains of different sizes. The process of turning sand into granite takes place along the same path.
  2. Granitization. During the tectonic displacement of continental plates, different rocks moved deeper into the earth. High temperature and pressure coupled with chemicals caused granitization.

It contains rocks:

  • potassium feldspar;
  • quartz;
  • acidic plagioclase;
  • amphibole.

Sometimes additional components are found (pyroxene, and others).

In percentage terms, granite consists of minerals:

  • 60–65% – ;
  • 25–30% – ;
  • 5–10% – dark flowers.

It turns out that granite is a mixture, not a pure substance.

It has a crystalline granular structure with crystals of large (more than 5 mm), medium (up to 2–5 mm) and small (up to 2 mm) sizes. There may be small empty cavities inside the stone (microlite granite) or cavities filled with other minerals (cellular or drusy granite).

Types and colors of stone

The different components that make up the stone, as well as their concentration, determine a wide range of color options. The most famous is gray (light or dark gray shades). Other shades:

  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • green;
  • beige;
  • brown;
  • white;
  • black.

Black gabbro granite has a special texture. When processed, you can get a perfectly smooth shiny surface. Granite stone has various patterns - spots, inclusions, striped-wavy patterns, rings.

Geochemical classification of the White and Chappell granitoids

Types of stone in terms of geochemical aspects:

  • S – product of melting of metasedimentary rocks;
  • I – the result of melting of metamagma substrates;
  • M – formed from magmas containing tholeiitic and basaltic rocks;
  • A – consists of incoherent chemical elements.

Classification by grain structure

Based on grain structure, they are distinguished:

  1. Porphyritic. There are protruding long inserts of quartz, microcline, .
  2. Pegmatoid. A uniformly grained stone with a symmetrical arrangement of grains.
  3. Rapakivi. Finnish granite stone. It has red round inserts with a gray frame.
  4. Gneissic. A classic specimen characterized by a fine-grained texture.

Names of stones based on mineral composition

According to mineral composition:

  1. Alaskite – dark-colored minerals are absent.
  2. Leucogranite – there are few dark colors.
  3. Biotite – the content of this mineral in the stone reaches 6–8%.
  4. Double-mica granite contains both biotite and muscovite.
  5. Lithium fluoride – the composition contains lithium mica.
  6. Alkaline – a large percentage of alkaline compounds.
  7. Pyroxene – content of orthoclase, quartz, augite.

See review on the topic:

History and origin of the breed

Data on the existence and use of granite in construction have appeared since the times of the countries of the Ancient World: Rome, Egypt, India. For the first time in 1596, the name was mentioned in science in the work of Caesalpinus “De metallicis”. In his work, the Italian naturalist used the Latin word “granum”, which means grain, as a basis.

Due to its strength, reliability, and durability, geologists have nicknamed granite business card Earth.

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It occurs in the form of batholiths - huge massifs with a large area. Sometimes it occurs in layers, alternating with other rocks.

Mined on all continents. There are large deposits in Somalia, Ethiopia, Namibia, USA, Italy, Germany, Finland, Great Britain, France (Pink Granite Coast).

In former USSR countries:

  • Mokryanskoye field in Zaporozhye region (Ukraine);
  • Malokokhnovskoye field in Poltava region (Ukraine);
  • Mikashevichi in the Brest region (Belarus);
  • Kordai district (Kazakhstan).

In Russia, granite deposits have been found in Karelia (Dymovsky, Kashina Gora granite, Letnerechensky, Ladoga, Serdobolsky), Eastern Siberia, the Urals (Kamenogorsky, Malyginsky, Rezhevsky, Sukhovyazsky, Malyshevsky), the Caucasus, the Far East, Bashkiria (Mansurovsky granite, Tashmurunsky deposit ), Central Russia(Pavlovskoye field).

Many types of stone are named after the deposits where they are mined. For example, red representatives extracted from deposits of the same name: Leznikovsky, Mezhdurechensky, Simonovsky, Emelyanovsky, Tokovsky, Kapustinsky. Gray specimens: Korninsky, Sofievsky, Zhezhelevsky, Pokostovsky.

Good quality has not only Russian granite, but also Chinese, Indian, Brazilian, Ukrainian (Yantsevsky, Tansky, Vasilyevsky, Korninsky).

To watch a video of how the extraction of useful minerals occurs:

Stone processing

The stone is very durable. You can split granite stone with a hammer, cleaver, or sledgehammer. You can break the stone into two parts, split it into several large parts, knock off some parts (shards) or trim it, giving it the desired shape, creating edges - smooth surfaces (faceted granite).

During processing, diamond drills are used for cutting and grinding. It is easy to give the source the desired shape using a tesque. Sometimes heat treatment is required. Heat-treated granite has a rough surface. Bush hammered granite also has such a surface. The essence of the treatment is the shock-rotational effect of special sprockets made of hard alloys.

On the map symbol granite - crosses (pluses) in a frame.

Also watch the program about processing:

How to distinguish natural granite from artificial

There are several signs that will help distinguish a real stone from a fake:

  1. Temperature. The original is cold. It takes a long time to gain temperature if you hold it in your hands. The fakes get warm quickly.
  2. Resistant to damage. Artificial analogues are easily scratched, unlike a natural sample.
  3. Drawing. Real stone has unique patterns that are not repeated. Imitation may have repetitions of some elements.
  4. Shine. The original is always matte, but a fake can be too shiny.
  5. Price. The suspiciously low price of granite products should alert you.

Properties and applications of granite

Most often, stone is used in construction, given its strength, resistance to weather influences and temperatures. It does not absorb moisture, which justifies the use of the material near bodies of water.

Areas of application of natural and artificial materials (porcelain stoneware):

  • building cladding;
  • design of embankments, central streets, metro stations, underground passages;
  • production of countertops, window sills;
  • flooring in private properties, museums, theaters;
  • design of stairs;
  • production of grave monuments;
  • addition to road surfacing composition.

The stone is durable, lasting for hundreds of years.

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Yellow – Sunset Gold, Crystal Yellow.

  • Brown - Dymovsky, Elizovsky.
  • Tsvetnoy – Didkovichsky, Yuzhno-Sultaevsky, Beinbook Brown.
  • Black – Absolut Black, Black Galaxy, Gabbro-diabase, Bukinsky.
  • Physico-chemical properties

    Granite is famous for its strength, which is almost 2 times greater than the strength of marble (see). It is resistant to precipitation, acids, frost, and heat. Does not absorb moisture, fireproof.

    Maintains external aesthetics for many years, despite external adverse influences. Clay and sand are formed when granite breaks down under the influence of sun, water, wind, and living organisms.

    1. Density: 3.17 g/cm3.
    2. Hardness on the Mohs scale: 6–7 points.
    3. Specific gravity: 2.7 g/cm3.
    4. Abrasion: 1.4 g/cm3m.
    5. Compressive density: 300 mPa.
    6. Compressive strength: 299.6 MPa.
    7. Bending strength: 57 MPa.
    8. Radioactivity of granite: weak, contains a small number of isotopes. Requires measurement with a device.
    9. Electrical conductivity: none.

    The chemical formula is long, depending on the composition: SiO2 – 70.18; Al2O3 – 14.47; K2O – 4.11; Na2O – 3.48; CaO – 1.99; FeO – 1.78; Fe2O3 – 1.57; H2O – 0.84; TiO2 – 0.39; MnO – 0.12; MgO – 0.88; P2O5 – 0.19. The percentage of elements is indicated through a dash.

    Medicinal properties

    In lithotherapy, the stone is used to treat bronchopulmonary diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Helps with problems with joints and bones (especially with diseases of the spine). For colds, it helps to quickly reduce body temperature.

    Magic properties

    People believe that the stone can protect the house from negative energy. This is facilitated by granite decorative elements in the interior or talismans.

    Granite amulets help develop intuition. Improves brain function.

    As a talisman and amulet, granite helps people associated with mental work (educators, teachers, students, scientists).

    In addition, watch the documentary:

    Stone cost

    The price of granite slabs starts from 2000 RUR/m2. Granite monuments for graves cost from 6,000 rubles. Granite tiles for interior decoration - from 3000 RUR/m2.

    The cost depends on the shade. Colored, black copies are much more expensive than the classic versions.

    Share your knowledge about granite products and their performance characteristics. Repost on social networks. All the best.

    A brief account of granite, the most common rock, is given in this article.

    Brief information about granite

    Translated from the Latin language, “granite” means “grain”. And in the earth's crust it is the most common rock. It is an apparently crystalline, granular, massive volcanic rock that formed during the cooling and solidification of magma melts at depth. By its nature, granite is a durable material, which is why it is used in construction.

    Among the main characteristics of the breed are:

    • The strength of granite is 2 times greater than the strength of marble. This is due to the presence of quartz in its composition, so it can only be polished with diamond.
    • It is able to withstand temperatures from -60°C to more than +50°C and is practically not affected by fungus.
    • High level of moisture absorption.
    • Resistant to the external environment, acids and precipitation.
    • Frost-resistant.

    Granite description for children's appearance of stone

    Because granite is an igneous rock that is highly polished. Its mirror surface, obtained through the polishing process, for a long time can retain its lining. It contains large number grains And depending on their size, granites are:

    1. Fine-grained
    2. Medium grain
    3. Coarse-grained

    Fine-grained granites are the most resistant to mechanical stress and weathering. They are considered the most expensive and high-quality breed. A distinctive feature of granite is its color range, which depends on the amount of feldspars in its composition. The most common shades of stone are pink, red, orange, gray-blue, bluish-green. Biotite and hornblende, dark-colored components, also affect color. Thanks to them, granite can have a dark and greenish tint. The rarest rocks are blue quartz.

    Granite deposit

    Geologists find information about granite and its deposits. This rock is common on all continents. The main places where granite is mined are Wisconsin, Georgia, Vermont, South Dakota, the Malokokkhnovskoye and Mokryanskoye deposits, the Urals, the Far East, the Caucasus, and Siberia.

    • It conducts sounds through itself much faster than air.
    • Contains radiation.
    • Mount Kangchenjunga, the world's third highest mountain, is made entirely of granite.
    • The world's main suppliers of granite are Italy, China and India.
    • Interestingly, this rock was formed at great depths under enormous pressure, and after millions of years it ended up near the surface of the earth.

    We hope that the story about granite for children helped you learn a lot of useful information about this natural stone. You can leave your message about granite using the comment form below.

    GRANITE is a crystalline rock consisting of feldspar, mica and quartz.

    Granites are a widespread rock found on all continents of our planet. Sometimes they come to the surface in areas composed of ancient rocks, where, as a result of erosion processes, the overlying sediments have been destroyed.

    However, in most cases, the solidified magma from which granites were formed does not reach the surface of the earth's crust and solidifies (crystallizes) at different depths, forming bodies of unequal shapes and sizes. Granite, as a rule, has a granular structure: from fine to coarse-grained

    Granite is a complex natural material natural stone. Mainly formed from feldspars, mica and quartz


    Granite (from Latin granum - grain)


    Depending on the proportional combination of minerals, it acquires different colors. Has a rich color scheme: from black - to traditional red-burgundy with black - to white and gray.

    By the way, it is feldspar and quartz that create the “spotty” effect.

    Granite can be coarse-grained, medium-grained and fine-grained. This amazing stone has a rich range of colors: from the traditional red-burgundy version with black speckles to white with gray splashes (and vice versa).

    The most common granites are gray (“Sibirsky”, Gray Quenna) and black (Absolute Black, Nero Africa), but there are also rocks of pink-red (Rosso Marina), white (“Mansurovsky”), yellow (“Zhiltau”) and green ( Forest Green) tones.


    Granites are a widespread rock found on all continents of our planet.

    In the USA, granites are distributed along the Atlantic coast (from Maine in the north to Georgia in the south), forming large massifs in the north of the country, in the central part of the Ozark Plateau, in the Black Hills and the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.

    In Russia, there are about 50 deposits of granite suitable for use as piece stone, as well as rubble and crushed stone - on the Karelian Isthmus, in the Onega and Ladoga regions, the Arkhangelsk and Voronezh regions, in the Urals, in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory, Eastern Transbaikalia.

    A large granite deposit is located in Ukraine. The Ukrainian crystalline shield stretches across the entire territory of the country, from the northwest to the southeast. The width of its part directly exposed to the surface is 200 km, and its length is about 1000 km. It is on this strip that the main deposits of decorative stone are concentrated.


    1.Durability. The best grades of fine-grained granite begin to show the first signs of deterioration after more than 500 years, which is why it is often called an “eternal” stone;

    2.Strength. Granite is highly resistant to friction, compression and abrasion. This is a very dense (2.6-2.7 t/m³) and durable stone (its compressive strength is 90-250 MPa - twice that of marble);

    3.Resistant to weathering and acids. Granite is an ideal stone for exterior decoration of buildings.

    4.Waterproof. Granite practically does not absorb moisture (water absorption coefficient is 0.05–0.17%). That is why granite is perfect for cladding embankments.

    5.Environmentally friendly. Contrary to prevailing prejudices, the natural radiation level of most granites corresponds to class 1 - i.e. they are radiation safe and suitable for all types of construction without restrictions;

    6. Richness of textures. Unpolished, rough stone that absorbs light; polished to mirror shine, showing the world a unique light play of mica inclusions - the decorative capabilities of granite can satisfy even the most complex design plans;

    7.Compatible with other materials. Granite goes well with wood, metal, ceramics and other materials used in modern construction. It will “fit” into any interior - from classic to ultra-modern;

    8.Rich color palette. The most common is gray granite, but red, pink, orange, bluish-gray, and bluish-green are also found.


    In modern construction, granite is used so widely that, without exaggeration, it can be called a universal material.

    Floors, stairs. Granite is a material with a very low level of abrasion. Even if the stairs in your personal apartments are a year will pass 1 million people, they will be able to erase its steps by no more than 0.12 mm;

    Various interior details. Window sills, cornices, baseboards, railings, furniture tabletops, coffee tables, bar counters, balusters, columns - the high strength of granite will allow these items to remain intact and unharmed for many years, avoiding mechanical damage from exposure to temperature and humidity;

    Facade and interior finishing. Granite is a very ergonomic material that can provide you with a comfortable stay in the building;

    Landscape design elements. Alpine hill, rock garden, Japanese gardens, decorative ponds - made of granite, these fashionable compositions will give your garden naturalness and originality.

    Curbs, steps, paving stones. Granite is successfully used in places where greater “endurance” is required. It is resistant to mechanical stress, chemical contamination and temperature changes - it does not change its properties over hundreds of freezing and thawing cycles.

    Facing embankments. Granite practically does not absorb moisture - accordingly, when the temperature drops, additional internal pressure from frozen water does not form in the pores of the stone, which can lead to the formation of cracks and destruction of the rock.

    Granite paving stones. The use of granite paving stones dates back thousands of years. The famous ancient Roman cobbled roads can still be walked today; you will find streets lined with paving stones in the old part of any of the European capitals; In modern cities, stone roads are gradually replacing asphalt and concrete.


    Since primitive times, man has become accustomed to trusting stone. This natural, living, “feeling” material will relieve psychological stress and bring coziness, tranquility and comfort to your home.

    Have you ever wondered about the origin of the expression “gnawing at the granite of science”? Why, when talking about diligent and capable students, do we remember granite and not any other stone? It turns out there is an explanation for this. According to some observations, granite has the ability to stimulate human mental activity, helping to achieve success in scientific research.

    When we say rocks, we mean minerals and rocks. Minerals are solid natural substances, minerals are an integral part of rocks. Stones have helped people out since ancient times. They were used to build homes, tools, and even make weapons in the Stone Age. Some rocks are used as fuel, semi-precious and precious stones They made and still make jewelry to this day. It’s not for nothing that children begin to study the topic “minerals and rocks” in the first grade, and then repeat and consolidate them in the second, third, and fourth. An atlas-identifier like Pleshakov’s atlas will help you decide in the world of stones. It contains drawings by which the stone can be easily identified and its name found. And you will also learn a lot about some of them.

    Some minerals form crystals in nature - these are figures with smooth edges, some form inclusions in rock, and others can be found in nature in the form of large stones.


    People call bright, beautiful stones gems. They are used to make jewelry and crafts. Some minerals are so scarce in nature and so difficult to obtain, which is why products made from them are very expensive, these are precious (or jewelry) stones. Those that are more common are semi-precious (topaz, malachite, opal, amethyst). Even more often - ornamental, they are used to make figurines, boxes, souvenirs (agate, jasper, selenite, onyx).

    There are not so many precious stones, for example, diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald. The stones are polished, applying edges to them, and this makes the natural piece of mineral much more beautiful. A cut diamond is called a diamond.

    But stones are good for more than just jewelry. Glass cutting tools are made from waste from diamond processing, which is known to be the hardest mineral. Previously, rubies were used in the production of lasers, but now they have been replaced by artificial rubies.

    A beautiful slightly bluish or bright blue mineral with dark veins.

    Malachite- a bright green mineral with a beautiful dark pattern. Previously, it was mined in large quantities in the Urals, in the mountains. Bazhov’s tales glorify the work of craftsmen processing Ural malachite. Malachite was used to make jewelry, boxes, and even vases and figurines.

    Amber- This is petrified tree resin. It retains its yellow-orange color and transparency. Sometimes in amber you find various insects that got stuck in the resin many years ago.

    Coral- this is the skeleton of sea inhabitants, coral polyps. Corals look like petrified, porous tree branches, ranging in color from yellowish to red and even black. Coral is used to make jewelry.

    Pearl- it is not a mineral or a rock, although it looks like a round pebble. Pearls are produced by seashells - bivalve mollusks. Each pearl is covered with a layer of mother-of-pearl, it is smooth and shiny. There are white, pink and black pearls.

    Stones are also used in construction as building materials (limestone, sandstone) and finishing materials (granite, marble).

    Other minerals and rocks

    These stones are collectively called minerals. Some of them are minerals, some are rocks, and some were formed from lava foam or plant remains.

    Rock salt (mineral halite). If you clean this mineral from impurities, you get ordinary table salt that we eat. And in nature it is found in the form of huge crystalline blocks. Halite is very brittle and easily dissolves in water.

    The mineral is one of the most common on the earth's surface. The color of the stone ranges from yellowish, greenish to brown.

    A mineral that forms beautiful oblong crystals. If the crystals are transparent, it is popularly called rock crystal. If they are also painted purple- this is an amethyst. If white - milky quartz. There are many other types of quartz. They are used to make souvenirs and decorations. Quartz is part of granite.

    Layered and shiny mineral. It is part of granite and gives it shine.

    A rock consisting of grains of sand cemented by clay or other material. Sandstone maybe different colors, but gray, yellowish-gray or white predominates, less often reddish. It is often used in construction and site design.

    Since ancient times, this mineral has been widely used in flints - devices for making fire. In this regard, one of the elements of flint began to be called flint, although today hardened steel is used instead of the mineral. Flint, moreover, easily splits into sharp fragments, which is why primitive people previously used it to make tools and sharp hunting weapons.

    This is fossilized lava, porous volcanic glass, formed as a result of the release of gases during the rapid solidification of hot lava. She doesn't drown in water. Pumice is used for hygienic cleaning of heels from dry skin and you can find it in your bathroom.

    This is a rock that consists of quartz, feldspar and mica. The color of granite depends on the ratio of minerals. Reddish, brownish, greenish or reddish inclusions in granite are pieces of feldspar, dark and shiny are mica, white translucent are quartz. The stone seems to be granular, and grain in Latin sounds like “granum”, hence the name of the rock - granite. The stone is hard and durable.

    Limestone - Chalk - Marble.

    The basis of limestone is the remains (shells, shells, skeletons) of mollusks and other ancient inhabitants of the seas. Over the years, they have been crushed and compressed underground. But the rock is still not strong and is washed away by water. Limestone is used as a building stone. Limestone, in which the shells of marine animals and their fragments are visible, is called shell rock.

    A special form of limestone is chalk. It is formed by very small organic particles left over from dead marine life. Chalk is fragile and crumbles easily. There are entire chalk islands that seem to have grown out of the sea.

    Marble is hardened limestone. It, like limestone, consists of calcite, but also contains impurities. The color of marble depends on these impurities - these are stripes different shades, and curved lines. After polishing, a beautiful drawing, and therefore it is often used for decorative finishing of rooms and buildings.

    Peat - Brown coal - Hard coal - Anthracite.

    Peat consists of decomposed plants that grow in bogs. Its main component is sphagnum moss. Peat is actively used as fuel, as a fertilizer, and even as a filter for wastewater treatment plants.

    Over time, the peat compacts and turns into brown coal.

    And if it remains underground for many years, it will become coal. The coal deposits that people mine today were formed from plants that lived on the earth millions of years ago. This is a very long process. Coal is used as fuel.

    Over time, hard coal becomes anthracite. On anthracite rocks you can sometimes even see imprints of ancient plants - giant ferns. From such plants all the anthracite now existing in the world was obtained.

    The main source of iron. It is usually black, slightly shiny, turns red over time, very hard, and attracts metal objects.

    If we talk about minerals, we cannot fail to mention oil, although it is not a stone, a mineral, or a rock. Oil is a mineral substance, a viscous dark-colored liquid with the smell of gasoline, flammable. Oil was formed from the decay products of small animal and plant organisms (plankton) that lived millions of years ago. It is mined from the very depths of the Earth. Used to produce fuel, lubricants, and plastics.

    Video about beautiful stones from the gem museum:

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