How to enter a trance for a beginner - effective techniques. Is it possible to enter a trance yourself and how to do it

To obtain mystical visions and the necessary paranormal information, as well as to reprogram their own state, ancient yogis and mystics used entering an altered state of consciousness or trans...

In this article we will look at the most common techniques for entering a trance.

Techniques for entering trance using visualization

  1. Close your eyes and concentrate on your inner sensations for a minute or two. Take a break from your daily activities and be completely passive.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing. It should be uniform and deep. Focus on exhaling.
  3. Imagine that your mind consists of several levels. Consciousness is highest level, active state; the lowest level is deep sleep.
  4. Move from level to level. Stay at the first level, relax, analyze your state. As you move to subsequent levels, notice the change in your state.
  5. When you are ready, move on to the next level and study it. Stay on each level as long as you want. There is no rush, you should not explore more levels than you want.
  6. In the future, either move to a new level gradually relaxing, or stay where you are most comfortable to get to know this level better.
  7. When you are ready to come out of trance, concentrate on inhaling and gradually rise through the levels until you reach the highest. Then open your eyes.

Different people imagine these levels differently. They can be used to better understand yourself.

Safe place and trance state

  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  2. Concentrate on exhaling, relaxing more and more with each exhalation.
  3. When you feel ready, imagine a safe place - this could be somewhere familiar to you, somewhere you have been before or somewhere you would like to visit. Can you imagine real place or imagine something on your own.
  4. A safe place can be whatever you want it to be, it can be anything you want. It could be a room, a beach, a clearing, a house. You can be alone in it, or you can surround yourself with people. The only mandatory requirement is that you must feel completely safe and be absolutely confident in this.
  5. Move to a safe place and enjoy the feeling of being completely safe. You can keep this feeling, or you can analyze some aspects of your life from the point of view of the security that the place you have chosen provides you.
  6. While in a safe place, you should focus on the following feelings: safety, comfort, confidence and control.
  7. Stay in a safe place for as long as you want. Remember that you can always recreate this place whenever you want.
  8. When you feel ready, leave the safe place and return to the real world.

To create a safe place, you can use various parts of the body and, in particular, the heart. You can retire to the world you have constructed at any time you wish.

One of the main points of this exercise is to feel safe and confident, and not what you think is “right” or “should”. Although it may be different each time you fall into trance, the experience is entirely dependent on your desire and creativity.

Rolling your eyes to enter a trance

  1. Sit or lie down with your head resting on something.
  2. Raise your eyes upward, straining them a little.
  3. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.
  4. After 5 seconds, exhale slowly and lower your eyelids.
  5. Hold the exhalation for 5 seconds, then inhale deeply again, open your eyes and lift them up.
  6. Hold your inhalation for 5 seconds, then exhale, slowly closing your eyes a second time.
  7. Hold the exhalation again for 5 seconds, then inhale, open your eyes and raise them to the ceiling, holding the inhalation for 5 seconds.
  8. Slowly close your eyes as you exhale and keep them closed while you concentrate on the exhalation.
  9. Remain in a state of deep relaxation, becoming aware of the different sensations you will experience. You are plunged into a trance, completely surrendered to the flow of consciousness, thoughts come and go. The outside world is somewhere very far from you.

After 15-20 minutes, begin to concentrate on your breaths, gradually move into a conscious state, open your eyes.

This technique allows you to enter a trance very quickly. It was developed by Dr. Herbert Spiegel, an American psychiatrist who noticed that some suggestible patients rolled their eyes while entering a trance.

Brian Rote "The Language of Hypnosis"

In this section, we will consider a simple classical method of step-by-step entry into a trance state to extract information from the subconscious and foresee the future.

Technique for performing stepwise entry into trance:

Lie down on a hard surface or bed. Do not use pillows and try to keep your back straight. You can also sit in a comfortable chair. Loosen tight clothing.

Relax completely!

Entering trance - Stage 1

While in a comfortable, relaxed position, begin to monitor your breathing. Don't control the breathing process, just monitor it. As you inhale, repeat SO-O-O-O, and as you exhale, repeat HAM-M-M-M. Gradually monitoring your breathing, you will feel that breathing is happening on its own and you no longer need to say SO-HAM to yourself. This means that you are in the first stage of trance. Your thoughts and worries should disappear at this stage.

2nd stage of the technique of entering a trance

Now, continuing to breathe in your natural rhythm, use your will to stop even the slightest movements of your body and muscles. Begin the relaxation phase. Starting from the head, face and neck muscles and gradually to the feet, relax each muscle. Pass your attention over each individual muscle and mentally say: “my eyelids relax, relax, my eyes relax, relax, my shoulders relax, relax, etc.” So mentally go through your whole body from head to toe and relax your whole body.

Repeat the process three or four times. Go through the body again and again until you feel numbness and insensibility throughout the body. It is also possible that you will feel the state of falling into the abyss. Don’t be alarmed, if this comes, it means you are relaxed enough to move to the next level.

Stage 3

When you have balanced your breathing and are sufficiently relaxed, begin to repeat the mantra Ommmmm, Ommmmmm to yourself, while counting Om one, Om two, Om three and so on.

When your mind settles into the attentive repetition of the mantra and any thoughts disappear, this means you have entered the third stage of trance.

Stage 4

At the fourth stage, you continue to repeat the mystical formula Om, and at the same time you need to clearly imagine the shining disk of the sun in the area between your eyebrows.

Repeating the OM formula, visualize a bright solar disk, look at it until you see a clear image of the sun, as if you saw it in reality.

It may seem quite difficult at first, but with practice it will get better. Daily exercise before bed can greatly speed up this process.

How to use the trance state?

When the fourth stage is reached, you can imagine any person or object in the place of the Sun, and replace the formula with a question that interests you. By concentrating in this way, you will receive an answer in the form of sound, words or image. This technique is applicable to any research and questions.

In fact, trance is a state that accompanies any yoga practice, be it performing asanas, pranayama, mudras... Of course, the greatest depth of trance is achieved during savasana or yoga nidra.

Many people view trance as something mysterious and difficult to achieve. It is sometimes called a “flow state” (enjoying the process of an activity) or a “peak experience” (inspiration from self-realization), and is also a state of awareness and presence. Meanwhile, we are talking about various natural states that arise, including spontaneously. IN ordinary life trance can occur when we engage in monotonous, rhythmic activity that is enjoyable and absorbs all of our attention and is performed at a calm, unhurried pace. For example, fishing, Nordic walking and even... the children's game of "silence" (by the way, an analogue of yogic meditative exercises).

Other parallels can be drawn between in modern ways achieving trance, often used in psychotherapy, and Eastern techniques. For example, the autogenic training method developed by the German psychotherapist Johann Schulz about a hundred years ago. It is known that he was interested in the systems of bodily and mental self-regulation of hatha and raja yoga. While practicing hypnotherapy, Schultz studied the sensations people experience in a state of hypnotic trance. At the same time, he discovered a commonality between the sensations that arise in people when immersed in a hypnotic state and those sensations that appear when independently performing a number of yoga exercises. This is primarily a feeling of heaviness associated with muscle relaxation, as well as a feeling of warmth accompanying expansion blood vessels. Based on these two sources - hypnosis and yoga, Schultz developed a method of self-regulation accepted throughout the world.

Indeed, with any method of achieving trance, there is one common result: the nervous system returns to its natural state, free from excessive intellectualization and socio-cultural stereotypes. Why does this happen? Firstly, the activity of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the logical processing of information, decreases (they, as a rule, are initially in a more active and often “overexcited” state). Secondly, the “subconscious” parts of the brain, freed from this suppressive influence, become disinhibited. Thus, an altered state of consciousness occurs. Physiologically, it corresponds to the “right hemisphere” functional state of the cerebral cortex. He is characterized by intuitive processing of information, allowing for multiple solutions. This differs from the ordinary “left-hemisphere” state, which limits the decision-making process to the rigid framework of rational thinking. This opens up access to blocked (repressed, taboo) subconscious resources. In other words, during the trance process the brain returns to the “childish” state characteristic of the child’s brain. Thanks to trance, by rediscovering life, we regain the childhood joy of life, the fullness of experiences, integrity and a sense of harmony, unity with the world and the people around us. This most important psychophysical phenomenon is allegorically described by all spiritual traditions as “second birth”, “be like children”, etc.

This is the therapeutic effect of trance, which is actively used in modern psychotherapy. In a trance, the human psyche becomes adaptive, capable of resolving internal contradictions and conflicts by removing internal barriers and overcoming habitual behavior patterns. As a result, it becomes possible to reconstruct neural connections, synthesize non-standard solutions, form new patterns (as if to learn something again). Today, due to the unnatural way of life, trance techniques are needed like vitamins for the body and soul. This is not just relaxation as rest, but “switching on” in the body the universal healing reaction of relaxation, or self-healing of the body, mobilization of its protective forces. Activation of “repair” – restoration processes. All this helps to cope with stress, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, and even physical pain. So with one patient we worked on the pain threshold as part of preparation for childbirth. Not long ago she sent a letter of gratitude, the process was painless.

You can learn to enter trance states on your own. One of the self-regulation techniques is simple breathing in the rhythm of the pulse - a modern modification of pranayama techniques (neuro-pranayama). The physiological basis of this exercise is the synchronization of the biorhythms of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, creating conditions for harmonization, fine tuning of the autonomic nervous system, balance of activity of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. So, at the beginning of shavasana or meditation, watch your own pulse for a while (to do this, feel it on your inside wrist or neck near the carotid artery). Then start counting how many heartbeats there are during inhalation and how many during exhalation. Breathe relaxed with your stomach, observing your own breathing, without interfering with its rhythm at first. After several breathing cycles, lengthen the next exhalation by one pulse beat. Gradually lengthen the exhalation by another two pulse beats. Then lengthen your inhalation by one pulse beat. The optimal ratio of exhalation and inhalation in this technique is 2:1. Observe how sensations flow synchronously in different parts of the body - spontaneously, without your participation. Then move on to the main practice. If you are doing an exercise during the day and need to quickly return to an active state, at the end take a deep breath and exhale forcefully.

By the way, if you want to get a deeper trance, get a regular phonendoscope from the pharmacy and try counting your pulse with it. The result will impress you.

The ability to enter a trance state is a very important and useful skill. It can be used for relaxation, concentration, getting rid of internal tension, performing various spiritual practices, self-development, learning, etc.

What is a trance state?

If you are interested in how to enter a trance state, then you probably already know what it is. The trance state¹ is an altered state of our consciousness and psyche, caused artificially. It is believed that trance helps to detach oneself from all external and distracting factors that prevent a person from focusing on his inner world.

Many people call this state meditation, but this is not entirely true, because meditation is just one way to move from an external state to an internal one.

There are many simple techniques to enter a trance state, one of which you will read in this article.

Most well-known meditative psychotechniques² are based on deep trance states.

They are well suited for religious and mystical practices, self-development and self-knowledge, but they turn out to be completely useless in conditions when you need to instantly mobilize, for example, in a moment of danger, when there is no time at all to take the “lotus” position or “sit comfortably on a chair in the coachman’s position.”

Methods for entering a trance state

Even in ancient times, Chinese sages, followers of the teachings of Tao³, developed a number of methods for instantly entering a state of trance.

These methods differ both in direction and in the specifics of the altered state itself: some of them are suitable for a fight or fight, others for a quick “dash”, for example, to run away, jump over a high obstacle, others allow you to shake off fatigue, drown out pain, and so on.

Based on these already simple techniques, even more simple system instant mobilization of reserve human abilities. The basis for this is a method of quickly, ideally instantly, entering a specific light trance state.

It's so easy way, that it may not be realized either by the practitioner himself, much less by the people around him. However, on the basis of this trance, training in the use of various psychophysiological phenomena is already being built.

What results does an altered state of consciousness produce?

For example, weightlifters trained in this method significantly improved their results by lifting weights that were prohibitive for themselves. Boxers and fencers had improved reactions, and psychics had an improvement in their specific sensitivity and ability to diagnose and treat diseases. For students, both its volume and speed of memorization, etc.

Technique for entering a trance state

The method of entering this altered state is based on two techniques: firstly, maximum concentration of attention on something, and secondly, the rapid dispersion of this attention. It is at the moment of “dispersal” that “immersion” into trance occurs.

To get started, try this method:

  1. You need to draw a dot on a piece of paper and attach it to the wall at eye level. You can choose another object on the wall - a stain from a dead fly, a hole in the wallpaper, or something else in the same spirit.
  2. Take a vertical position, arms down along the body. “Peer” closely at this point in front of you. Don't just look at it, and don't allow your attention to deviate from the object being contemplated. Attention will deviate, but every time it needs to be brought back. There should be no extraneous thoughts. Such concentration should not take more than 1-2 minutes (and this is only for the beginning, then the count will go on in seconds).
  3. As soon as you feel that your consciousness is sufficiently concentrated, close your eyes, relax and quickly disperse, disperse, and reset all your concentration. This must be done instantly, “on the bottom exhale.”

If you did everything correctly, and if you have enough abilities, you will feel that your body “automatically” sways forward, as if some force is pulling you forward. It may just be an inner feeling, or you may have to take a step forward to avoid falling.

If you feel a “traction”, and even more so if it is a real physical action, then the goal has been achieved, and you have entered LMT (light meditative trance), on the basis of which you can already “code” yourself to perform various phenomena, both physical and mental.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹Trans is a series of altered states of consciousness (ASC), as well as a functional state of the psyche that connects and mediates the conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person, in which, according to some cognitivist-oriented interpretations, the degree of conscious participation in information processing changes (Wikipedia).

² Psychotechnics is a branch of psychology that became widespread in the 1910-1930s. and studied the application of psychology to solving practical issues, mainly related to labor psychology, career guidance and selection (Wikipedia).

³ Tao is one of the most important categories of Chinese philosophy (

By trance we mean an altered state of human consciousness and psyche, which is caused artificially. Many believe that the trance state has a beneficial effect on health, both physical and mental.

It is believed that trance helps to detach oneself from all external and distracting factors that prevent a person from focusing on his inner world. Many people call this state meditation, but this is not entirely true, because meditation is just one way to move from an external state to an internal one.

There are many simple techniques on how to enter trance yourself. The main factor of all techniques is absolute relaxation. At the moment of entering trance, nothing should distract. It is advisable to do all your homework before doing this, turn off your phone and other distracting devices, and choose a place where it will be most convenient to meditate. It is also not recommended to enter a trance on an empty stomach or when thirsty. The most best time For this kind of meditation, it is morning or evening, when the body is not yet very tired. If fatigue is severe, then it is better to postpone entering a trance.

The goal of techniques for quickly entering a trance is complete relaxation to the point of sleepiness, but at the same time the mind is active. This state helps to gain strength and relieve stress. You can choose any place for meditation, as long as it is comfortable to sit on. It is better to muffle all annoying sounds. It is best to enter a trance in twilight; you can light a candle and close your eyes.

In order to enter a trance, you need to completely relax, and you should feel your muscles weakening. Next, you need to monitor your breathing, which should be uniform at this moment. When entering a trance state, you cannot think about anything unnecessary.

So, the methods of entering trance:

"Safe place." To do this, while entering a trance, you need to mentally imagine some safe place. It doesn't matter at all whether it really exists or is fictitious. What is important here is that a person should feel comfortable and confident in complete safety. When you need to get out of trance, you just need to leave the imaginary place.

"Ladder". In this state, a meditating person mentally goes down the stairs, and exhales with each new step. The staircase can be visualized in the subconscious, but this is not necessary. In order to get out of a trance, you just need to mentally climb up the stairs.

"Visualization". IN this state You also need to fantasize, for this you need to mentally imagine some place or person to whom you need to go. Then you need to mentally imagine moving away from the place where the meditator is, and counting the steps, moving towards an imaginary place or person. To return to normal state, you need to return back to the starting place, counting the same number of steps.

If entering a trance is successful, the person will feel heaviness in the body and will not be able to move and will feel stiff. Thoughts will become light and slow. After a person comes out of trance, his body will be filled with new strength.

For any magic, it is important to be able to enter a trance or alpha state (there are many names, but the essence is the same: relax, get ready to work). Otherwise, all further steps will be useless. Know that any magical activity begins with this step. This is the first key for beginners. The most important one.

The goal is this: turn off the chaos in your head, relax your body and calm your emotions. The main thing is not to rush. Don't start visualizing or doing rituals right away. Until you have mastered the preparatory exercises, do not proceed to the next steps.

A few words about trance

So, in order to materialize a desire or perform the correct ritual, you need to learn how to enter a trance. In this special state of mind, we are, as it were, between worlds, forming a connection between the mind and the divine. Trance can be active or passive. It can be light, medium and deep. In addition, you can use the drowsy state.

Active trance is achieved through rhythmic dancing, singing, holotropic breathing, and shamanic practices. Passive through deep relaxation. In this article we will consider only passive methods. Since active ones are not suitable for everyone, there are more contraindications.

So, it is very important to learn to completely relax your body, calm your thoughts and emotions. Let's learn this right now.


You should not engage in meditation practices if you have mental problems or increased heart rate.

So let's get started...


Any magical practice begins with relaxing the body. To get started, do the following:

  • Ventilate the room.
  • Dim the lights.
  • Turn off your phone
  • Make sure you won't be disturbed
  • Stay alone in the room. Remove pets.

Now make yourself comfortable. You can lie down or sit. Whatever is more convenient. The back is straight.

Take a few deep breaths and exhales and begin to relax. Imagine how relaxing you feel:

  • right leg,
  • left leg,
  • abdominal muscles,
  • back muscles
  • chest muscles.
  • right hand,
  • left hand,
  • right shoulder,
  • left shoulder
  • neck muscles
  • head

Your whole body relaxes. Feel it, stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. Your goal is to learn to relax your body. Do this exercise for 2 weeks 1-2 times a day. Then move on.

Freeing yourself from emotions and thoughts

You need to start using mental magic or spells in good mood, if yours is bad, you should get rid of the negativity.

Why? The thing is that if the mood is bad or if there is anger and other destructive thoughts and emotions in the soul, the person’s subconscious cannot clearly generate positive images, the pictures will either be blurry or have a negative component. And instead of attracting the desired desire, you will attract a negative scenario.

Also negative emotions will interfere with your focusing. And in order to reach the cosmos, a high concentration on what you want is important. Therefore, first get rid of negative experiences, calm your emotions and thoughts, and then move on to visualization.

Here's one simple way:

Take paper and pen, write down all your negativity, everything that worries you. And then burn the leaf. Fire is a wonderful cleanser of negativity. After this exercise, you will feel better, and you can proceed to further steps, which will be described below.

Powerful ways to calm your mind and emotions:

  • Before meditation, take a 30-minute walk in the fresh air.
  • Use the stopping technique negative emotions and thoughts. For 10-15 minutes (it will take less time after training) do mantra meditation.
  • As you inhale, say to yourself “So-o-o-o-o”, and as you exhale, “Ha-a-a-a-m.” This practice helps a lot.
  • Or, as you inhale, stretch out the word vdooooh to yourself, and as you exhale, exhale.
  • Give yourself 1-2 weeks to master this step.

Turning off internal dialogue

VD is a constant activity of the mind, constant thoughts that swirl in a person’s mind. On the one hand, VD is a useful protective function. But when the VD is constant, and even if the focus is on the negative, then it takes a lot of energy and attracts even more negativity.

VD does not allow you to relax and concentrate on what you want. When practicing magic, it is important to turn off VD, or at least slow it down.) Here are the methods:

Blocking consciousness

Make yourself comfortable. Let some picture or flower be placed in front of you to focus your gaze on it. Say or chant a mantra or any neutral word that has no associations. (short, for example free-den)

Look at a flower or a picture and let the mantra sound as it wants. Let it fill your mind. Then gradually switch to a whisper. And after some time, recite the mantra to yourself. During the exercise, you can sway or sit still. Performs from 10 to 30 minutes.

"White Screen" technique

To calm the chaos in your head, imagine white screen, and as soon as a thought appears, erase it on this screen. Also, the duration of the exercise is from 10 to 30 minutes. At the initial stage, it is better to devote more time to these practices. Give yourself 2-3 weeks to master this step.

Meditation on a candle

The easiest way to calm your mind is to light a candle before trance and look at its flame. You can do deep breathing while doing this.

Concentration on sensations

Extend your right arm in front of you. Concentrate on the sensations, how you feel the energy, the tingling sensation, the warmth, etc. Then extend your left arm and focus on the sensations in both arms.

Looking beyond the clouds

After relaxing, visualize the sky. Synchronize your thoughts with the clouds and imagine how they float across the expanse of heaven far into the distance.

You have learned to relax your body and slow down your internal dialogue. Now you can move on to more serious matters. Now we will learn to enter a trance.

Method of K. Penzak

I like his methods of becoming alpha. After preparatory exercises (for example, contemplating a candle and relaxation), you can imagine yourself going down the stairs. At the same time, draw a number on each step, from 12 to 1.

(You can be creative and choose images that will be closer to you, for example, going up into the sky, going down in an elevator, diving into a cave...)

Or you can visualize a screen on which you see the numbers from 12 to 1 in turn, and then you still need to run a report from 13 to 1. But without drawing numbers on the screen.

"Black Dot"

Now place the sheet with the black dot in front of you, at eye level. The distance from you to the black point is 2-3 meters.

Sit comfortably on a chair. Don't cross your legs. Place your hands on your knees, palms up.

You can sit on the floor. For example, in the lotus position.

Look at the black dot. And don't do anything else. Just watch. Try not to blink. Don't look away. Contemplate the point for 10 minutes (it’s better to look at the point for up to an hour, but you should start with 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time) when thoughts appear, imagine how the black point draws them into itself. Achieve a state of silence in your mind. And then count to 7 and at the count of 1, close your eyes. Imagine yourself plunging into darkness. Feel like you are floating in it. That's it, you are in a trance state. You can start with visualization or other techniques.

Alpha state

For some, a regular account helps more to enter the ASC. For example, you can try this method.

Sit comfortably, look at one point and start counting from 100 to 1. When you reach 1, close your eyes and start visualizing what you want.

Gradually reduce the amount of time it takes to enter the altered consciousness of consciousness.

And when you reach 10 in the count, say the following to yourself: “When I say the number one, I will go into a trance. Then say the same on the number 5.

And when you say 1, close your eyes and begin visualization.

Take a comfortable position. Sitting, standing or lying down. Count to 7, while looking at one point and close your eyes. The dive begins inner world. Relax your body.

Now take a deep breath and as you exhale, let go of all your thoughts. Take another breath and release all your fears and doubts as you exhale. Fine. Now take another breath and exhale all the negativity.

You feel good. External sounds stop distracting you, you dive inside yourself.

Now imagine how you close the curtain blue you leave all your thoughts in front of you and behind her. Visualize your connection to your divine source. Talk to him. Read the prayer. Indulge in the divine. And then start visualizing.

For beginning practitioners, this method will not be enough; I recommend doing either the “Blocking of Consciousness” exercise or “mantra meditation” before it.

Realize that everyone is different. And the approach to everyone is different. Find your own method. Whichever one is closer to you. Try it. And everything will work out.

Easy way

There is a simple exercise before visualization that helps calm your thoughts and emotions; to do it, you just need to sit up straight and breathe deeply, observing the rhythm of your breathing. Inhalation and exhalation should be deep, holding your breath in between. To begin with, breathe according to this pattern: 5-5-5-5, then increase it.

As you inhale, imagine how you are filled with love, and as you exhale, you are cleared of negativity.

How to get out of trance

It's very simple actually. After finishing the practice, mentally tell yourself: “Now I will count to 3 and come out of the trance state.”

Now start counting 1...2...3... And at number 3, open your eyes. If you did the exercise using the Penzak method, then do the report from 1 to 12 and from 1 to 13.

After opening your eyes, you can clench and unclench your fists several times and rub your palms together.

  1. If you find it difficult to enter an altered state of consciousness, use special music. For example, for relaxation.
  2. Before practice, make sure that no one will distract you from the desired action. Ventilate the room. Make the lights dim. Close the door. Turn off your phone. Wear loose clothing.
  3. Use magical attributes to more easily enter a trance. For example, look at the flame of a candle. Instead of a black dot.

After achieving trance, you can begin to practice wish fulfillment. More on this in the next lesson.

Drowsy state

The easiest way to reach the subconscious and superconscious is to use the drowsy state, which is characterized by a slight drowsiness that occurs immediately after waking up or just before falling asleep. It is important to maintain this state and use the power of your imagination in it. The main thing is not to fall asleep.

During the waking state, an invisible channel opens that connects you to the subtle plane and your subconscious mind. And in these moments you have the power to recode your beliefs, replacing them with the necessary, positive attitudes. Or attract what you want thanks to visualization.

At the initial stage, it is recommended to practice immediately after waking up. Since the process of awakening lasts longer, it is more drawn out, and in the moments of falling asleep it is more difficult to maintain a state of light drowsiness, and not fall asleep.

You simply imagine your intention in the form of a picture, concentrate on it for 10-15 minutes, or imagine a whole plot in your imagination, as if from a movie.

Read about how to visualize correctly in the corresponding section.

Note: You can also recite affirmations.

Attunement to magical power

1. Before visualization or spells, if you are a believer, read the Lord's Prayer. Better several times. For pagans, read a prayer to the God or Goddess.

2. Imagine that a creative force is awakening inside you, it fills you, it radiates from you. It shimmers in your blood, drips from your hair and fingers.

When you feel strong within yourself, start practicing.

3.After visualization, thank the Universe (God, Gods).


  1. Relax (2 weeks)
  2. Disable VD (2 weeks)
  3. Enter into a trance. (2 weeks)


For spells and other practices to work, it is important to have a strong Will. Train her regularly. Be sure to be your own word. If you promised yourself or others something, do it at any cost. If you wrote down a step in your action plan, do it! Set a goal, achieve it.

Also, for the fulfillment of thoughts, the enormous power of words is important, since in addition to imagination, you will work with beliefs, some will go further and begin to practice conspiracies and spells.

To make it big, watch your speech, don’t use negative phrases, don’t lie. Again, live by the principle of said, done.

Try to eat healthy.

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