All ages love stories. All ages are submissive to love (women's story). Why is the string we are interested in often misinterpreted?

All ages are submissive to love

Mikhail Aznaurov (M.A.),

Asterisk (Sound).

(M.A.) All ages are submissive to love,

I recognize this wisdom, no doubt.

Only that unfortunate person does not recognize her,

Who still dreams of big love?

Or he doesn’t reach transcendental heights in love.

When a gray strand or temple

When your beloved, forgetting about age, locks gray hair,

Transforms into a young girl.

Then I agree with human wisdom

And with the opinion: “All ages are submissive to love”

I haven't argued for a long time.

(Sound) Can age really get in the way of love? Love - it either exists or it doesn’t. It can be short, or it can last a lifetime. Similar to the waves of the sea. Either they are calm, or they begin to storm so much that they overwhelm the coast. So is love. Some kind of fire constantly ignites in the heart and in the flesh, enriching life as if in another world. This feeling covers two people: a man and a woman. They are happy at at the moment. Where there are no complaints and disappointments. And what are the complaints? If you love, you enjoy being with your loved one. After all, how nice it is that someone can hug you, come up and kiss you like a child, looking into your eyes. Or maybe just call it sunshine or fish. Everyone has their own. But very warm, from the soul. Walking through the park, I noticed one couple. They were a man and a woman of fairly mature age. They walked slowly down the alley, holding hands like children. Their eyes shone with happiness. And some kind of warmth emanated from them to everything that surrounded them. Then the man stopped and gently hugged the woman by the shoulders. He pressed her tightly to him. For a moment they stood, hugging each other, perhaps talking about something. But then they walked further along the alley, as if they were alone in this world. Many passers-by turned to look at this couple in love, quite advanced in age, and each thought about his own. Or maybe somewhere deep down they were jealous, perhaps with good envy. What a blessing it is to live a long life, and most importantly happy life. It is very difficult to keep your heart and soul open for many years. loved one. Millions of people passionately dream of being happy themselves and making someone else happy. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. They either do not know how or cannot bring what they want to life. And I would like there to be more happy and loving hearts.

All ages are submissive to love!

Well, who can object to me?

But if only the one

Who himself has not yet been able to love.

Love is like strong wine

Not everyone can drink it.

But if you light a fire in your chest,

Then there will be cold rains.

Sometimes years pass.

Winter has already silvered you.

And nature has no bad weather.

Search until there is spring in your soul.

All ages are submissive to love...

“All ages are submissive to love;
But to young, virgin hearts
Her impulses are beneficial,
Like spring storms across the fields..."

After a cold winter, spring always comes. Nature awakens from sleep.

She stood at the window, through which the soft warm sun was shining straight into her face, and pots of flowers were placed on the windowsill. bright colors. She was “aged” and spent hours of well-deserved rest with her flowers. She was distinguished by her calmness; I never noticed her being irritated. Moderately strict and not too demanding, she patiently passed on her work experience to me. I liked her. We had very good relationship, like a student and a teacher, like the older and younger generations. She had an only son; she failed to establish a relationship with his wife; and she, who had dreamed of having a daughter since her youth, gave all her mother’s love for her daughter to me. I was her favorite.

She lived a long, measured, happy life. At a young age, she met her husband Gregory and they immediately got married. He turned out to be extremely kind, sensitive, attentive, and most of all silent. At first he fought, and after the war he worked as a simple tractor driver drilling oil wells. Life was difficult and hungry. We worked a lot. Grigory played the harmonica well and fluently. They lived together with a feeling of happiness for almost half a century. The hard times of war and the hard work of a tractor driver were not in vain: over the years, he began to get sick more and more often. His relatives made every effort, but they still could not save him, and he left this mortal world.

“We live an age-old moment... a moment, and only... and in a moment we lose ourselves on a short path.”

Time flies inexorably fast. The years go by, and as always, after summer comes autumn, after autumn comes winter, after winter spring will certainly come. So spring has come...her spring...her seventy-fifth spring...Unexpectedly not only for us, but also for herself - a new love comes... She falls in love with a man of the same age. Her beloved widower, a strong man, is more restrained in showing emotions. Hot, fast, she was the first to like him - a rather slow and calm person. Their meetings were filled with flowers, dates, sighs.

She, like a young girl, ran to him on a date, completely forgetting about her age-related ailments. “In the rain of passions they become fresh... and renewed, and ripen... and powerful life gives both lush color and sweet fruit.” It was the same feeling that makes young people glow.

She spoke about her love without any embarrassment: “This is a gift from God! This is the last happiness in my life."

During the sincere conversation, I saw how tenderly they looked at each other, how affectionately and shyly Ivan Ivanovich smiled, how reverently he touched his Valentina’s hand. Looking at these beautiful, spiritually generous, sweet people, the last thing I wanted to do was call them “elderly.” Such courage to live! Such strength of spirit, sincerity of feelings, love!

He called her “dandelion” and protected her not only from hard work, but also from unnecessary worries.

He said: “A man should soar over his nest like a kite, covering his beloved with his powerful wings. And always keep your beak and claws ready from your enemies.”

The whole neighborhood was staring at the lovers.

If anyone thinks that fiery passion is not characteristic of older people, then he is deeply mistaken. Elderly people can also experience bright, very strong feelings for each other. For many, this gives a powerful impetus to life and puts off old age with all its problems. Believe me, now I know this for sure, I saw it!

Now my heroes are in heaven... “But the age is late and barren, at the turn of our days, the dead trace of passion is sad: like the storms of a cold autumn.”

They say that stars are pairs of lovers who found each other, and even after death their souls remained together, giving life to a star. Each star shines with its own unique light. Some glow with withering fire, others shimmer with many colors. Seeing the stars in the sky, I warmly remember these kind old people in love, dear to my heart...

This is such a simple and such a touching story.

I am 46 years old and married, she is 20 years old and the distance between us is 4000 km. We live in different countries.

If you had told me a year ago that I was capable of truly falling in love again, to the point of trembling, I would probably have said that it was impossible. Previously it seemed to me that real feeling love, not infatuation, for another person can only be experienced in at a young age. I was sadly mistaken! All ages are submissive to love - this is not just a beautiful line from Pushkin’s poem, it is a life truth!

Where does love begin? We ask this question most often only when we lose her. After all, when everything around us is blooming and singing, we don’t think about anything, but simply follow the call of our hearts. But if the moment comes when from the very heights of heaven we fall to the ground and lose our treasure, we try to understand, realize, accept. And when nothing good comes of it, we ask ourselves the question: “How did it all begin? How did everything happen so quickly? Where did this love come from?

It all started on vacation. The first time I saw her was at the hotel reception.

The first glance at such a stranger to me, an acquaintance, a conversation about nothing.

It all starts with physical attractiveness. For example, how do guys think? “Wow, what a figure, what a face, I like her!” On this basis, physical attraction arises, usually not binding to anything.

And so, after checking in, I go to the sea, and a spectacular scantily clad blonde with her hair pulled back, glasses and tattoos comes towards me. I don’t recognize her naturally (she had her hair down and was wearing jeans), but my brain sends me a signal - Sexy. But when she lies down on a sunbed nearby, I realize it’s her! Then there were wonderful days, or rather evenings. Alcohol, laughter and fun, conversations on various topics. It was good and easy, and most importantly, I felt as if I had known this person for a very long time.

But then the time came to part. A light hug, familiar words when saying goodbye. But in my soul I felt some kind of sadness. But there was no feeling of love yet; rather, there was a feeling of affection, well, maybe a little love.

And so I was home and soon went to work. We start corresponding. And here a feeling of some kind of inferiority in my life gradually began to wash over me. It's like I'm missing something. Appetite disappears, sleepless time sets in. At home, at work, everywhere in general, I start thinking only about her! And then everything became clear to me - I fell in love!

Be that as it may, all the greatest feelings begin with a thought. A strange thought creeps into our head, which gives a signal to the whole body that the calm times have passed. She crept into me a long time ago, just hiding in the recesses of my heart. The thought that without this person the days are grey, gray, the music is quieter, and there are much fewer colors of the rainbow. I want to tell about this feeling, but there is no one.

I become different from myself. I start doing stupid things that I'm still ashamed of. I talk to her several times on the phone, but when I hear her angelic, beloved voice, I feel stupidly lost like a teenager and don’t know what to say. And this is me, a person who can communicate on any topic for hours, “the soul of the party.”

But here’s the paradox of our relationship - we didn’t have sex. Probably everyone will be surprised by this and say, well, everything you said earlier is complete nonsense! What kind of love can there be without intimacy? After all, it is the play of hormones that leads to the emergence of emotions and attachment. Maybe this is so, I won’t argue, at least when I was in love in my youth everything was different. But you don’t have to think that love and sex mean the same thing to me. The latter is only the ordinary satisfaction of physical needs, while love for me is an inseparable combination of sexual and spiritual attraction.

And now I find out that my loved one did not tell me the truth about his work. She is a webcam model. It was an unexpected shock for me. I was confused, I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t find a place for myself. I admit I even showed weakness and cried. In another situation, I would immediately end all relations with this person. But I loved it! And so I accepted it.

Not much time passed and another blow struck. I find out that she needs sex periodically. I am terribly jealous, although I understand that this person does not owe me anything and can do as he pleases. But it still hurts!

It is necessary to appreciate love, remember every moment, every look and smile of your beloved, and it doesn’t matter whether love begins slowly or very quickly, the main thing is that it is in us, in our hearts!

Well, I finally expressed my thoughts that have been tormenting me for some time. Did I feel better after this? This is an interesting question!

Having placed the worm on the hook, Patrick waved his fishing rod and cast the bait into the middle of the river. The homemade float swayed on the surface of the water and froze, reflected in the mirror surface. Having stuck the rod into the sand, the man stretched out on the grass, basking in the sun.

The autumn nights were getting colder. And after autumn comes winter with cold icy rains, snow, and angry frosty winds. Usually, at such a time, Patrick moved to a large port city, where he stayed until spring, “earning money” by playing in taverns, taverns and taverns. But Dion did not agree to his friend’s proposal, but put forward a counter proposal: to go to Forest Corner to Leia and her adoptive parents. Give the accumulated savings to the good old people and survive the winter on the farm. Sanriza, after listening to her comrades, said that she would go to Kituk, a port in the province of South Askor. Why, she did not specify. Dion immediately became bored. Then the woman invited everyone to follow her.

What will happen after Kituk? Where will we go next? – Patrick asked.

The ways of the gods are inscrutable... - the viol avoided a direct answer.

And they again obeyed her whim. What was it about this woman that she captivated with one look, one word? What made two adult men beaten by life - a cunning swindler and a persistent mercenary - obey her? Patrick couldn't explain it even to himself. Some kind of mystery shrouded this woman. Mystical frightening power was felt in every movement, look, even smile. Sometimes she looked at them as if they were foolish children. Often the look expressed the wisdom of a hundred-year-old man, who had seen many things in his long life that others would never know.

Patrick, who is attentive to detail, has long noticed that Sanriza constantly restrains herself, as if communicating with fragile creatures or weak cripples. He suspected that the violin possessed a power far superior to him and Dion combined. And that massacre on the forest road, which she did not want to talk about, was carried out by Sanriza, and not by the mythical squad of robbers, to whom she “fell” as a “victim.” And the miraculous recovery from a fatal wound after just a few hours?! Sanriza did not explain this either, getting off with jokes and omissions.

Patrick was distracted from his thoughts about the mysterious viol by a splash. Opening his eyes and standing up, he saw a dark-haired head moving along the surface of the river surface. Toffee! I decided to swim and scare away all the fish for him.

The man's thoughts turned to the girl. This young seductress had long occupied his imagination. Butterscotch persistently besieged him, like a stubborn enemy besieges a fortress. Loving glances, sweet smiles, innocent touches, seductive poses, wreaths of wild flowers, languid sighs - everything was used in the unequal battle of the two sexes. On her part - the entire arsenal of female temptation. With him there is a dull, hopeless defense, undermined by mental and physical hunger.

Two demons fought in Patrick's soul: the demon of lust and the demon of conscience. The first one said: “Take it!”, the second: “You can’t!” The eyes noticed all the bulges and roundness of the girl’s body, filled with juice. My mind kept saying: she’s young, fit to be a daughter.

Daughter... His little girl would be eight now. Half the age of Butterscotch. How old was Alfia when they first met? Seventeen! True, he was barely twenty then. Stupid, cheerful boy in love... Where did you go? All that was left was a disappointed, hardened pretender...

My thoughts were again interrupted by a splash, and then a frightened scream. He stood up and looked at the river. There was no toffee in sight. Suddenly she surfaced somewhere in the middle of the river and screamed. There was genuine horror in the voice. She floundered as if she was fighting off someone, and screamed heart-rendingly.

It was as if Patrick had been hit by a spring. Without hesitation, he grabbed the knife, held it in his teeth and rushed into the water. With several strong strokes he reached the drowning woman. Fortunately, the river is wide - a horse can jump across it in a few leaps. But as soon as she extended her hand, the girl disappeared under the water, as if someone had pulled her leg. Patrick dived in next. An oblong shadow flashed in front of his face. Clutching the knife in his hand, he rushed after her. I saw a silvery sheen and a long fin running down the back. Without hesitation, he plunged the blade into the elastic flesh. In response, he hit him in the gut with such force that he was thrown out of the water and almost knocked out the breath. His eyes went dark for a moment, but he managed to notice his eyes widened in horror. gray eyes and Toffee's pale face. She immediately grabbed onto him, almost drowning them both. Patrick twisted, freeing himself. With great difficulty, he tore her hands from his shoulders. He grabbed him by the chest and swam to the shore, dragging the half-conscious girl behind him. When his feet touched the muddy bottom, he stood up, picked up the trembling body in his arms and, staggering, walked to the shore.

Having got out, he collapsed on the warm sand, catching his breath. Butterscotch, clasping him by the neck, did not open the embrace, trembling slightly and whining like a puppy.

What was that? – Patrick was amazed, finally coming to his senses. “Now I understand why there are no fish in this river.”

I... I... - Butterscotch even began to stutter from the shock she suffered. - I was swimming, and it... it grabbed! And to the bottom! I was so scared! I thought I was going to die! And I... And me... I haven’t been kissed yet! – she suddenly roared out loud.

Fuck you! – the man laughed. “I found something to think about on the verge of death.”

I love you Pat, I love you! Why don't you love me?! – the girl continued to shed sad tears.

Yes, I love you, just calm down!

No, you won't kill me!

Patrick looked into the tear-filled, mournful eyes, looked at the trembling blue lips, wanted to laugh it off, as usual, but suddenly leaned down and covered the girl’s mouth with a kiss. Toffee froze and even stopped shaking. Long-restrained passion broke through the barriers and flooded the man’s body and mind. The seductive girl's body lay obediently in his hands, ready to accept and surrender. How can I resist here? Spitting on all the taboos and moral principles, Patrick crushed him under him, showering him with caresses and kisses. And now the fear left the girl’s eyes, giving way to joyful excitement. The legs opened, accepting the desired male flesh, the lips parted, releasing a groan of the first pain. She tensed, but did not push away, but only pressed harder, closing her eyes, clutching her shoulders and holding her breath. Patrick tried to restrain himself, to be gentle and affectionate. The first intimacy is the most important. You can scare and instill disgust for the rest of your life. But he didn't want that. Who knows, maybe this baby will become his destiny? His second beloved woman. And she will give him a new daughter, and maybe a son...

February is the month of love! This is the “discovery” I made for myself while reading in last days publications on our website - many articles and diary entries are devoted to this particular topic.

I, too, one might say, unexpectedly even for myself, made my contribution to our “piggy bank” by writing in my diary a short story about my impressions of a pleasant evening -
"Oh! Get married, grandmas!” If anyone is interested, take a look.

My post resonated with many users and they asked me why I didn’t include my material in articles. I thought about it and decided to develop this topic.

“All ages are submissive to love!” - this is an axiom that we have become accustomed to for a long time. I just watched an interesting scene from my life from the balcony. There is a girl standing in the yard - a schoolgirl, 13-14 years old.
Two boys approach her. One is holding a red rose in his hands, the other is holding a small soft toy... Apparently two friends are congratulating their girlfriend, perhaps on her birthday!

The girl took a rose and a gift, boldly kissed her gentlemen on the cheeks and, holding hands, the friends went for a walk.... A very sweet scene! And who knows, maybe it was a significant event in the lives of these children...

The theme of my story was the happiness of two adults, mature people. It seems to me that the statement “All ages are submissive to love” is very, very correct. It’s just that very often we associate with love the relationships of young people, let’s say “of puberty,” but young love or the love of pensioners is not taken seriously. Why do they need this?! Why break your usual way of life, endure the quirks and habits of someone else’s adult, sometimes even to the detriment of your interests...

But this is only at first, a cursory glance, one can argue this way. And if people “match”, if they feel each other, they feel good and comfortable together.

Love has no age! Time is a relative category! And I will say this, you can live your whole life and never meet your love... Or you can find it in your declining years, having the experience of more than one marriage behind you... And here people of mature age even have an advantage - as a rule, they are already established individuals, with their own, sometimes difficult, burden life experience, but these are people who know how to appreciate the joys of life, who know how to forgive a lot and who know the value of equal partnerships.

My heroes, whose story I described in my diary, are a striking example confirming this statement. Love never gets old! How important it is for a woman who has already passed the “Balzac” age to feel desired and loved! Take my word for it, my Darling has blossomed and become prettier! Now, I think she looks even better than 10 years ago! Health also does not fail. She is energetic, constantly busy and simply never gets bored. There is so much more to do! In a conversation she admitted:

What a pity that we met so late! I couldn’t even think that I would get married after I retired!....
And how warmly she speaks of her husband - “clever, very decent person, wonderful man!” Do you think she was just lucky...I think she deserved her happiness!

Now I want to tell you about another couple that I have known for a long time. He was married for about 20 years and has a daughter from this marriage. I knew his first wife only through conversations. Her character is explosive, energetic and even a little hysterical... Her career meant a lot to her. Earning more than your husband, working two jobs - this has become the norm. They got married as students and built their family together... Their daughter grew up and graduated from college. Common language I found it difficult to get along with my mother, I felt more sorry for her... My mother began to get sick often, ulcers, blood pressure...

The atmosphere in the family was often simply explosive... The gray, boring life of an ordinary engineer. One joy is rare business trips, where you can take a break from your family... And there was practically no family anymore, they had long lived in different rooms. But he still wanted to live, because he was not even 50 years old...

A hobby appeared - amateur tennis. This is where he met his second love.

She was a little younger than him, but the complete opposite of his ex... Also energetic, active, smart, a sought-after specialist, but with a completely different attitude towards life... and towards men. No, she didn’t want to get married at all. She also had a marriage behind her, not entirely successful, but her son grew up. After all, motherhood is very important for a woman. Being a self-realized, self-sufficient woman, smart, talented, she simply loved life and knew how to enjoy it! And it's so contagious!

They began to spend more and more time together, especially since they discovered another common thing - a love for alpine skiing. So a year passed. And then they decided to start a family! We are family friends, and I want to tell you that such an interesting, versatile, friendly family I haven't seen you for a long time! Sports people (they manage to go to the mountains several times during the winter), tennis partners (we sometimes come to the courts to “cheer” on friends), theatergoers (very rarely miss premieres and visiting tours).

The friend got his license and got behind the wheel. Previously, he had never even had such a thought... Now life is active and mobile! They bought a house in the village and we often go to visit them in the summer, there are such beautiful sunsets...

Another example of love that came as a surprise... My good friend, a young woman, she is 34 now, married for love. After six years of marriage, she gave birth to a son. We lost each other for some time and didn’t communicate. And then the other day we got a phone call. She changed her address and divorced her husband... She explained simply: “Our marriage fell apart... Complete misunderstanding and disappointment... I met a man! I got married and now I’m happy!!!”

I was surprised by this news, and when I saw the photo of my new husband, I was completely confused... Her second husband is very similar to the first...
- This is only an external resemblance! They are so different! The attitude is completely different!

He is 10 years older than her. Widower. Two children - a son almost 24 and a daughter 12 years old. So now she is the mother of a large family, the mother of three children. Her stepson is only 10 years younger than her. But she is HAPPY!!! They live together. Love settled in their house too!

A very important component of love and marriage is sex. I cannot help but note that sexual compatibility and the desire to possess a given partner is a priority for happy marriage. If there is attraction, desire, then all problems in this important area can be solved, but as a rule they do not arise...

That's all I wanted to tell you today. All that remains is to draw a conclusion. Love. Marriage. The topics are very interesting, voluminous and evoke different responses. I will only express my personal opinion.

Love is happiness, no matter what age it comes to you.
Marriage is a job that requires a lot of dedication. I like the quote
– « A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short"(A. Maurois)

Marriage is a union, a partnership based on the dialogue of two loving people! And it doesn’t matter what kind of marriage you are in, how long it lasts - a year, five or thirty years, if you “speak” the same language, hear and understand each other, love and the desire to be together does not go away... That means he lives in the house with you Love! Long years and winters to us and our loved ones!

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