Is it possible to wipe your face with ice? Ice cubes for the face - recipes, reviews and preparation rules. What are the benefits of wiping your face with ice?

Many women prefer to wipe their face with ice in the morning, thereby replacing washing. This procedure is useful, but how exactly to perform wiping? We will talk about how to do this correctly, what recipes to use, whether there are any contraindications and all other nuances.

The benefits of ice: fact or fiction?

When ice cubes come into contact with the face, the skin quickly cools. The vessels that are located in the upper part begin to narrow, and the deeper ones, on the contrary, expand. This is very beneficial for the skin and, most importantly, even if you rub it every day, the effect will be consistently high.

Ice should be removed as quickly as possible after contact with the skin, as reviews indicate. If you do this a little slower, then the skin will begin to become supercooled. more than normal. This can be harmful to the face, but more on the rules below.

In general, daily rubbing with an ice cube optimizes the metabolic processes of the skin, as a result of which the natural regeneration process is launched and wrinkles are smoothed out. Therefore, doing this procedure every day will be useful for women at any age:

  • at 20 years old - to maintain young skin for as long as possible;
  • at 40 or more - to prevent the aging process.

About the choice and use of ice

It would be correct to use cosmetic ice within the framework of the described procedure: twice during the day - in the morning and evening. In this case, it will be most useful for the skin to be exceptionally clean: after washing and removing makeup. Only then can it be wiped with an ice cube, and this must be done carefully.

It is advisable to guide it along the massage lines as gently and smoothly as possible. The most important ones are located from the central part of the face to temporal region, it will be useful to use circular movements.

After the procedure, there is no need to wipe the skin; you can simply blot it a little to remove excess water. The same moisture, which is beneficial, and the active components are absorbed into the skin. As soon as the skin dries, you should apply a special cream with a moisturizing effect. Reviews say that it is not advisable to use the same composition every day. It would be best to alternate several types of creams, as well as recipes for making ice, which is easy to make at home.

Cosmetic ice cubes are also useful for the epidermis around the eyes. This way, you will be able to remove dark circles and reduce puffiness. The procedure can be used both for the skin of the neck and décolleté.

It will be especially useful to massage the face with an ice cube in contrast, for example, after a hot bath, compress, sauna or bath. After this, you should take a towel with soft bristles, place it in hot water, squeeze it out and apply it to the skin of your face. It is recommended to hold the compress until the towel cools down.


Cases when you cannot use ice cubes include the following contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity of the skin, in which it begins to turn red at the slightest contact with ice. A sign of even greater deterioration of the condition of the skin of the face should be considered a burning sensation or pain;
  • the presence of even minor rashes, inflammatory formations and wounds;
  • severe or progressive enlargement of pores;
  • allergic reactions to certain ice components;
  • winter or simply frosty season, just before going outside.

These contraindications affect all recipes and components from which the cubes are prepared.

How to make ice at home?

The first preparation method is universal; it is great for any skin type. In order to prepare cosmetic ice cubes, you need to brew leaves, as well as chamomile or linden flowers. After this, the resulting solution is allowed to brew at room temperature. The broth is filtered, cooled and poured into special forms.

Recipes with chamomile are the most popular because it not only moisturizes or neutralizes inflammation, but also gives the skin a healthy tone.

A rich infusion of chamomile is able to give an unobtrusive, pleasant golden hue, reminiscent of a tan.

You can use a decoction of green tea to rub the cubes and also to prepare them. It also needs to be strained and poured into molds. It is good because it perfectly tones the skin, fights the effects of aging, and is characterized by antioxidant effects.

Recipes with aloe juice for the face involve the use of not only this component, but also others. It is advisable that there be at least three of them, for example, filtered or mineral water, green tea, low-fat milk. This composition makes it possible to fight wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. The following recipes for healing cubes are:

  • parsley decoction. In addition, ice cubes with the addition of the presented variety of greens are characterized by a whitening effect;
  • Frozen extract of fresh cucumbers will perfectly moisturize, help remove hyperpigmentation and make the complexion even tone;
  • extract of any citrus fruit (preferably lemon or orange), pre-diluted mineral water in a 1 to 1 ratio will also be very useful. Such cosmetic ice helps get rid of peeling, makes it possible to tone and cleanse the skin;

Any ice cube recipes containing a decoction of mint or lemon balm will add freshness to your facial skin.

Rubbing your face with ice is the simplest procedure that ensures recovery and improvement of its condition. However, when resorting to the presented method, you should take into account contraindications and simply remember all the rules.

An extremely large number of ways have been created to improve the condition of facial skin, eliminate all kinds of defects, unevenness, wrinkles, and make the skin elastic, fresh and as attractive as possible. Did you know that all this can be achieved by periodically wiping your face with ice cubes? Even Catherine II the Great washed herself with ice cubes.

Cosmetic ice has been used by cosmetologists in salons for a long time, but in lately Ice treatments, such as cryotherapy or cryosauna, are extremely popular, especially during the hot season. Rubbing your face with ice cubes can be used as an alternative to moisturizing creams, and you can create your own version that is suitable for your skin type. How to wipe your face with ice cubes, with what frequency, what effect can be achieved and recipes for frozen preparations according to face types - you will find all this in this article.

Is rubbing ice on your face good or bad?

There's actually no general consensus on whether rubbing ice cubes on your face is beneficial. Each skin is individual, and each has its own needs and predispositions. Some people think that ice rubbing does not bring the desired effect, for others, on the contrary, the skin is noticeably transformed, and they no longer want to change this method. However, even the opinions of experts are divided on this issue, so it is certainly impossible to say what prevails in the use of such a procedure as ice for the face, benefit or harm. If we talk about the disadvantages of this cosmetic facial exercise, there are opinions that:

  • washing with ice is stressful for the skin;
  • after such washing, the pores close, and the use of the cream becomes pointless, since it is not absorbed properly;
  • after using ice, the blood vessels narrow and the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands are delayed;
  • if you get too carried away with rubbing with ice at night, you can get insomnia, because such a temperature difference activates the nervous system and it will be more difficult to fall asleep as usual.

But ice procedures have undoubted advantages, the list of which is quite large:

Since even experts cannot say for sure whether wiping your face with ice is beneficial, let’s take two postulates as truth:

Firstly, every girl should pay attention to how her skin reacts to certain processes. What may be beneficial for one skin type may be completely unacceptable for another skin type.

Secondly, you can’t overdo it in every task. And short, light rubbing of ice on your face, which brings a charge of positive emotions and nourishes the skin with useful components, will perfectly charge you for a cheerful morning.

In addition, if you freeze not just water, but make ice for the face with herbs or fruits, each time the skin will receive various vitamins and nutrients.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to properly prepare and use this method.

How to properly wipe your face with ice cubes?

You need to understand that there is a risk of harming the skin with low temperatures, so if you decide to use this method, you need to know all the nuances. You also need to prepare the cubes correctly; for this, read some tips.

For dry skin, you will need nourishing and soothing ingredients; decoctions of plantain, parsley, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, and dandelion are suitable. And some berries, for example, gooseberries, rowan, sea buckthorn.

For normal skin, fruits rich in vitamins are often used to create additional immunity for the skin or moisturize. Strawberry, raspberry, watermelon, peach are suitable.

For oily and combination skin, it is best to use mattifying components. Green tea, grapes, grapefruit, cranberries, as well as herbs such as St. John's wort, calendula, burdock. Ice with lemon is perfect for a face suffering from excess oiliness. To dry it, sometimes add some vodka or alcohol; to eliminate acne, add some salt to the water.

  1. Do not hold the cube with bare hands; use a glove or cloth to prevent frostbite on your fingertips.
  2. Your skin will tell you whether you can wipe your face with ice every day. After a week of daily procedure, observe how it has changed and whether you feel any discomfort, itching or.
  3. And the last thing that is important to know: you need to wipe with circular, light, massage movements, but only along specific lines.

Ice cube recipes for the face

Since we have decided that ice cubes can be extremely useful for some skin types, let’s consider what results can be achieved using such a frosty method and how to achieve improvement using ice to wipe the face and recipes based on it appearance skin.

  1. Parsley

You can make a decoction or juice from parsley, which is great for aging skin, for whitening both freckles and dark circles under the eyes.

To make parsley ice cubes for your face, you can use either dry herbs or fresh leaves. In any case, we pour boiling water over the finely chopped herb and heat it additionally over low heat for another 10 minutes. You can use different proportions depending on the problem and skin type: start with a less concentrated solution (for example, one tablespoon per glass of boiling water), and later you will understand what concentration is best to prepare for your skin type.

Ice with parsley for the face can also be made from juice. To do this, squeeze out fresh leaves, as you understand, there should be a decent amount of them, dilute with water if desired or use concentrated juice, freeze and use for health. This juice can make freckles, bruises and even pigmented areas less noticeable.

  1. Green tea

Perhaps the simplest and most popular home skin care product is tea. This is explained, of course, by its availability, versatility and ease of manufacture. Green tea ice cubes for the face have excellent toning, rejuvenating, and relieving swelling and bruising properties.

The method for preparing tea cubes is ridiculously simple: brew tea as usual, adjusting the concentration based on preferences and skin sensitivity, cool, pour into molds and freeze.

Green tea is suitable for all hair types and can perfectly help out tired and dull skin.

  1. Black tea

It must be said that black tea is in no way inferior to green tea, and ice cubes based on it can also be used to restore, tone and tighten the skin.

Black tea gives the skin an even tanned color, which is unlikely to be very noticeable, but there will be a clear feeling that the skin has begun to look better. By adjusting the strength of the tea, you adjust its coloring effect.

Both black and green teas used for cosmetic procedures, you need to choose high quality, because we want to nourish the skin with useful components, and they can hardly be found in low-quality products.

  1. Chamomile

This very common herb in our country is the second (after tea) universal remedy for the face. Combining with any skin type, it nourishes dry skin and eliminates excess shine from oily skin, and also fights acne and wrinkles. So girls of all ages and all types of problems can wipe their face with chamomile ice.

The simplest recipe for making chamomile ice cubes is to freeze the infusion. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of dry chamomile leaves, which can be found in any pharmacy, with a glass of boiling water, cool, freeze into molds, and you're done.

Rubbing your face with ice cubes and chamomile with a less concentrated infusion (1-2 tablespoons) is recommended for those with dry skin; 3-4 tablespoons can be afforded by those who want to get rid of greasy shine or inflammation.

Ice for face against wrinkles

Ice cubes will help tighten and tone aging skin; the properties of the various components that make up the ice can both prevent and delay the appearance of wrinkles, and even completely smooth out small wrinkles.

  1. Ice cubes with herbs for the face, fighting wrinkles.

Take 1-2 tablespoons of linden blossom, dandelion, mint, or a mixture of them, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, separate from the sediment using a sieve and use the resulting broth for freezing. Wipe your face with the resulting cubes in the morning and evening (depending on how you feel).

  1. Flax seeds.

This product promotes smoothing, so it can be safely used to make ice for the face in anti-wrinkle recipes. Pour 1-2 dessert spoons with a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. Separate the infusion from the sediment and freeze, first pouring it into molds.

Of course, there are actually many more recipes for ice cubes for the skin. Share in the comments what recipe you use or tell a story about how your skin reacts to this procedure.

Be healthy and remember that you are beautiful at any age!

Rubbing your face with cubes cosmetic ice– a long-proven remedy for improving skin condition. Pieces of ice can tighten pores, tone muscles, improve blood circulation, reduce wrinkles and give a glow. The advantage of this procedure is that you can prepare ice cubes at home, in the shape, color, and infusion you want. The procedure hardens, relieves skin irritation, gives elasticity, improves skin condition and rejuvenates it for several years. In the morning, by rubbing your face with ice cubes, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day! But it is very important to know how to wipe your face with ice cubes correctly.

Instructions for use

There are different rules for using ice cubes. Let's look at the main ones.

You cannot massage your skin with ice; you need to gently and quickly rub it once over your face. You need to wipe your face along the massage lines. Namely, from:

  • chin to earlobes,
  • corners of the lips to the midpoint of the ears,
  • middle upper lip to the top of the ear,
  • one wing of the nose to the ear on the corresponding side,
  • inner corner of the eye along the eyelid from above,
  • outer corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the nose,
  • middle of forehead to temples,
  • the line of the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose.

Pay attention! Before wiping your face with ice, you need to lightly melt the ice in hot water. This is necessary so that the piece of ice forms a protective layer that will not damage the skin.

Pay attention! After wiping your skin, you should not dry yourself with a towel. It is better to wait until the skin itself absorbs the beneficial substances.

To get hydrated skin, you need to apply a little cream to still damp facial skin and let it absorb.

Do not go outside in windy or cold weather at least half an hour after the procedure.

It is better not to take risks with the procedure if there are damaged or inflamed areas on the skin of the face. It is necessary to treat inflamed skin with the help of herbs.

  1. For oily or combination skin, solutions with herbs such as burdock, calendula, chamomile, and St. John's wort are suitable.
  2. For dry skin, ice cubes with plantain, mint or birch are recommended.
  3. Normal skin – sage and linden are ideal.
  4. For problem skin, it is recommended to use ice with aloe.
  5. If a woman wants to whiten her skin, then she should make a decoction of rice. She must grind the soft rice through a sieve and then freeze it in the refrigerator.
  6. For problems such as bags under the eyes, it is recommended to use ice cubes with a solution of chamomile, St. John's wort, green and black tea. Take the solutions in equal parts, then let them brew, and then freeze the miraculous solution.


These ice cubes are very easy to make.

  1. First, prepare a solution for the future cube. The solution may consist of fruits, vegetables, green and black tea or herbs. It all depends on the skin type, its condition and the woman’s wishes. The water used must be mineral, drinking, but not carbonated. It is also undesirable to use chlorinated water, since mineral water is considered more beneficial - both when taken orally and during skin procedures.
  2. The solution is then placed into a small container, such as a yogurt mold. The mold itself should be placed in the freezer.
  3. We are waiting for the solution to turn into ice. When the solution begins to freeze, you will need to remove the top frozen layer and throw it away, since it contains the most harmful substances. Under no circumstances should they come into contact with sensitive facial skin.

Pay attention! You cannot store ice made from herbs, fruits, vegetables, green and black tea for more than 5 days, as such pieces of ice already lose their medicinal and beneficial properties.

If desired, you can wipe the healing ice cubes not only on the skin of the face, but also on the skin of the neck and décolleté. This improves the condition of the skin of several parts of the body at once. And you can use this procedure more than once a day, since there is no harm from it. The more regularly this procedure is performed, the better the skin condition becomes.


Contraindications for use are:

  • too much sensitive skin,
  • feeling of burning and pain,
  • presence of wounds and/or inflammations,
  • enlarged pores,
  • the appearance of small spider veins,
  • skin dehydration.

First you need to get rid of these listed shortcomings, and then move on to the procedure itself in order to rejuvenate yourself by a couple of years.

Any girl and woman can follow simple tips on preparation useful cubes ice.

Home cosmetology is very common among women. Maintaining beauty is very important for a woman. Rubbing your face with ice - useful procedure. Ice recipes are very varied. Some people freeze lemons, some freeze berries, and some just freeze water.

Different frosts bring visible results. But to achieve it you need to know the right ones, effective recipes cooking cold.

What are the benefits and harms of wiping your face with ice?

Rubbing with cold is beneficial for health and beauty. However, the procedure has its pros and cons.
Benefits of rubbing ice on your face:
  • Improves complexion. Cold normalizes blood flow, due to which capillaries expand
  • Narrowing of pores. They do not become clogged with dust and dirt, which means the possibility of acne and other inflammations is reduced.
  • Relieving swelling. Bags under the eyes can be easily eliminated by rubbing cold cubes around the eyes
  • Pigment spots become less pronounced. Due to active blood flow, skin cells are renewed
  • Elimination of shallow wrinkles. The skin becomes firm and elastic
Disadvantages of the procedure:
  • Cold rubbing is prohibited for people who have purulent inflammation on their face.
  • If a person often suffers from diseases of the nasopharynx, then cold can trigger the disease
  • The procedure is contraindicated for those who are allergic to cold.
  • Thin, sensitive skin will suffer stress from the cold. This can cause redness and rashes
  • Open wounds are a contraindication to the procedure
The benefits and harms of rubbing ice on the face have been identified by professionals in the field of cosmetology.
If there are contraindications, it is better to refuse the procedure. If in doubt, the cosmetologist will answer all your concerns. Whether the patient is allowed to resort to rubbing the skin with cold is competent. Will recommend recipes suitable for a specific type of epidermis.

How to properly wipe your face with ice cubes

How to properly wipe your face with ice? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. But the procedure will give a positive effect only if carried out correctly. How to wipe your face with ice cubes?
Tips from cosmetologists:
  • The procedure must be carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Cleanse skin of makeup. If necessary, wash with a special product (gel, foam, etc.)
  • Using the frozen mixture, move from the nose in a circular motion to the temples. The duration of massage movements is approximately 5 minutes
  • Drying with a towel is not recommended. The droplets should dry on their own
  • Complete the treatment by applying your usual cream.
Important! The cold cannot be held in one place for more than 5 seconds. Hypothermia skin it is possible.
You can wipe ice on more than just your face. The neck and décolleté area is also susceptible to this type of procedure. Especially if your skin is aged. Rejuvenation will not take long to appear and the result can be seen after a couple of weeks of daily rubbing with cold.

How to make ice for your face yourself: popular recipes

There are many recipes for preparing compositions for freezing. Those who are faced with the desire to try this procedure for the first time are lost among the variety of cooking methods.
How to make ice for your face? Everything is elementary, the main thing is to choose a recipe for preparing the cold. Below are some of the most popular options.

Parsley facial ice

Parsley facial ice is one of the most famous recipes. It is useful for any skin type. It will be most useful for aging skin. Toning and rejuvenation are the main advantages of this recipe.
To prepare the decoction, you need to finely chop the parsley (about 50 g). Fill it with 0.5 liters of water. Place on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, then strain it. Pour it into ice cube trays and freeze.

Green tea ice

Ice tea made for the face improves skin tone and eliminates dark circles under the eyes. Green tea facial ice is prepared quickly. You need to pour 1 tsp. loose leaf tea 1 cup boiling water. Once it has cooled, pour the liquid into molds and freeze.

Ice for face with lemon

For the face, experts recommend using ice with lemon for people with oily skin types. This recipe will relieve problem skin from rashes, redness and other troubles. Mix the juice of one lemon with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3, pour into molds and freeze.
Advice! Skin with abundant acne It will become cleaner if you use the procedure 3 times a day.

Ice for face with aloe

Ice with aloe for face with dry skin type. It will be moisturized and smooth. To prepare this recipe, you need to squeeze the juice from aloe branches and mix it with clean water and freeze it in molds. The ratio of juice and water is 3:1. Skin prone to allergies and irritation will also benefit from such rubbing.

Many people know about such a rejuvenating procedure as cryotherapy. However, a similar technique is also available at home: ice cubes for the face have the same effect - they trigger the process of self-renewal of cells, thereby slowing down their aging. The result usually exceeds all expectations: lifting of aging skin that has lost its elasticity, smoothing of wrinkles, improvement of complexion, sufficient hydration. All this is available to those who know how useful ice from a regular freezer is, what extraordinary cosmetic properties it has and how to use it correctly. IN pure form or in combination with many other components - in any case, ice remains one of the most effective anti-aging remedies at home.

Secrets of skin transformation

Those who regularly use ice cubes on their face are familiar with the feeling of a slight chill and tingling sensation on the skin. Despite this, as a result of daily rubbing, there is a profound effect on the cellular processes on which the health and appearance of the skin depends:

  • vessels lying on the surface of the skin narrow for a short period of time;
  • vessels located deeper, on the contrary, expand;
  • as a result, blood flow to the skin increases;
  • Because of this, the superficial vessels expand, nutrients and oxygen flow to the cells - and the skin simply blooms;
  • increased blood flow triggers cellular renewal and self-healing processes;
  • The result is that aging slows down, wrinkles are smoothed out, yellowness is replaced by a healthy blush.

Rare homemade masks, prepared from improvised means, have such an effect as wiping the face with ice - cubes in which you can freeze a variety of components and thereby enhance their effect. However, it is worth considering that this procedure affects deep processes at the cellular level, and not every skin can withstand the test of low temperature. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to the indications and contraindications, so as not to repent of your own experiment later.

Home cryotherapy: indications and contraindications

Ice has a targeted effect on the skin, so wiping your face with ice cubes is recommended for:

  • withered, wrinkled skin (rejuvenation);
  • appearance of a double chin and jowls (lifting effect);
  • oily skin covered with a sebaceous film (drying);
  • constant attacks on the skin from the outside (protection and toning);
  • age-related dryness and seasonal peeling (moisturizing).

As can be seen from the testimony, such cryomassage of the face at home is in no way inferior salon procedures. The advantage is that the contraindications for it are much smaller than the list that is provided for such a procedure in a cosmetology salon. It is not recommended to use such a radical method of rejuvenation if the following conditions occur:

  • sensitive, delicate, too thin, chapped and frostbitten skin;
  • rosacea;
  • cerebral stroke;
  • problems with the circulatory system and blood vessels;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • with advanced inflammatory reactions on the skin ( large number pustular pimples and acne);
  • individual intolerance to cold;
  • during periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases, especially if there is a high temperature.

That's why they say that ice for the face is beneficial and harmful at the same time within one procedure. If you carry out this procedure correctly at home, it will turn out excellent results that will be visible to the naked eye. If you ignore advice, recommendations and contraindications, no one can guarantee the effectiveness of such cryotherapy.

About the rules for preparing ice cubes

To carry out a home cryotherapy procedure, you need to know how to properly wipe your face with ice to avoid all sorts of side effects. Low temperature can harm cells and blood vessels, and this will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and its appearance. So be extremely careful and do not neglect the experience of professionals accumulated over the years.

1. For freezing, use filtered, pre-purified water or still mineral water.

2. Herbal ice has an even more effective effect on the skin when, instead of water, decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs are poured into the molds. To prepare it, one tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water, cooled for an hour (at least), filtered, and put into the freezer in molds. For example, chamomile ice for the face has an anti-inflammatory effect and works great for minor skin rashes.

3. Fruit ice, which has antioxidant properties, takes excellent care of the skin. Fruits and vegetables are cleared of seeds and skins, chopped into pieces, placed in molds and filled with water. Needs bleaching age spots- take a lemon. If you want maximum hydration, you will need a cucumber. And make ice cubes for the skin around the eyes with parsley.

4. It is recommended to keep the cubes in the freezer for at least two hours: the freezing time will depend on the quality and intensity of the freezer. But there is also no need to overexpose the product in it: it can quickly lose its healing properties.

5. Rub the face with ice cubes strictly along the massage lines, quickly enough, without delays in any specific areas.

6. Many people doubt whether it is possible to wipe their face with ice every day - not only is it possible, but it is also necessary! And not once, but twice, morning and evening. However, after a couple of weeks, the skin will need a break for at least a month.

If you follow the simplest but very important instructions, ice cubes will help deal with wrinkles, refresh your skin color and tighten sagging folds. With them you will become the owner of a clear, smooth, neat facial contour and elastic, elastic skin.

Recipe selection

So, we decided to try ice cubes for the face: you need to choose recipes according to your skin type.

Herbal ice

  • For normal skin, it is recommended to take an infusion of mint, St. John's wort, violet, yarrow, dill, valerian, sage, and plantain.
  • Herbs such as chamomile, mint, sage, yarrow, lemon balm, dill, parsley, and linden blossom will moisturize dry skin.
  • Oily shine will be removed by ice cubes with birch buds, yarrow, peony, St. John's wort, wormwood, coltsfoot, horsetail, and calendula.
  • A frozen infusion of nettle, chamomile, string, oak bark, green tea, and calendula will have anti-inflammatory properties.

Fruit ice

  • For normal skin, it would be better to use strawberries, currants, grapes, watermelon, peach, rowan.
  • To moisturize dry skin, kiwi, grapes, and cucumber are recommended for cold rejuvenation.
  • Improve your condition oily skin ice cubes with tangerine, grapefruit, orange, strawberry.

By discovering home cryotherapy, you can enjoy the effectiveness of regular ice cubes, which will give you an extraordinary feeling of freshness. Even Catherine II knew whether it was useful to wipe her face with ice, since she herself washed her face with milk or water with pieces of ice every day.

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