Is it possible to do home peeling? Is it possible to do chemical facial peeling at home? Medium impact dry cleaning

Facial peeling at home differs from professional peeling in lower concentrations of active components, which in case of application errors will not allow you to cause irreparable damage to yourself. Remember that improper peeling can lead to facial skin burns and subsequent appearance of superficial scars, as well as hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin.

Peels use acids as active components, which reduce the pH of the skin and controllably “burn” the upper layers of the skin. Professional cosmetologists can quite easily control the depth of skin changes during peeling by choosing the desired acid concentration and the right time for applying peeling to the skin. But at home, managing these processes will be much more difficult.

Face after peeling: Before and After photos

Types of facial peeling –

  • Medium and deep facial peeling
    During medium peeling, the active components penetrate through the epidermis up to the middle layers of the dermis (Fig. 4). This type of peel is usually performed under local anesthesia. Medium facial peeling is effective for treating:
    → significant pigment spots on the skin,
    → actinic keratosis of the skin, photoaging,
    → superficial scars caused by acne,
    → allows you to reduce the depth of fine wrinkles by increasing the amount of newly formed collagen in the skin.

    With the help of deep peeling, which is carried out only under anesthesia or local anesthesia, you can effectively fight scars, scars and wrinkles. The chemical components of this peeling penetrate into the lowest layers of the dermis.

Important: Facial peeling at home should only be superficial, i.e. active ingredients should not penetrate deeper than the surface layer of the skin (epidermis).

Preparations for superficial peeling at home –

Facial peeling at home is best done with products based on alpha or beta hydroxy acids, i.e. designed specifically for superficial peeling, and not for medium or deep. Manufacturers use acids in peeling products obtained from organic sources, such as citrus fruits, sugar cane, and willow bark.

  • Alpha hydroxy acids
    used for superficial peeling. The most commonly used is glycolic acid, but other fruit acids can be used: citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (the latter is produced from the skins of grapes).

    It should be noted that facial peeling with glycolic acid can be both superficial (at an acid concentration of 25-40%) and medium (at higher concentrations). Peels with alpha hydroxy acids are mainly indicated for patients with dry and normal facial skin.

  • Beta hydroxy acids
    This type of acid includes, for example, salicylic acid. Beta-hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha-hydroxy acids because... they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, which means the ability to use lower concentrations of acid (which reduces the risk of complications)

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is preferable for use as a peel for people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat-soluble, and therefore peels based on it are especially indicated for people with oily skin and acne.

Professional brands of superficial chemical peel products containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids: MD Forte, Agera RX, Skin Obsession, Dermaceutic, Jan Marini, LA Peel, ICP, Mene & Moy, Skinceuticals Gel Peels, Mandel, Cosmedix, NeoStrata.

Preparing for home peeling –

  • Select a peeling product
    Taking into account your skin type (dry or oily), the absence or presence of acne, the level of dark skin and the results you want to get, choose a peeling product. You can also prepare your own peeling using products that you always have at home (see recipes below).
  • Prepare your skin for an at-home chemical peel
    using a facial scrub – exfoliate the surface dead skin layer approximately 24 hours before the peeling procedure.
  • Test the drug on a safe area of ​​skin
    If you are using peeling products with a high acid content or allergenic ingredients, you must first test the composition on a small area of ​​skin on the forearm or just below the ear (at the hairline). Leave the test solution for 1 minute.

    After 24 hours, you need to check the condition of the skin area: if the skin looks normal, then you can proceed to peeling the facial skin. If there are signs of an allergic reaction, intense irritation or redness (moderate redness is normal), then try a lower concentration of active ingredients in the peel solution. After that, take another test.

  • Cleansing your face before applying a chemical peel
    Use warm water and be sure to only use a mild cleanser to avoid drying out your skin before you begin.
  • Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, eyelids, nostrils and lips before exfoliating to prevent chemical burns to these very sensitive tissues.

Home peeling: recipes

Below we present four good recipes for facial peeling at home, the last of which we especially recommend.

1. Recipe for home peeling with alpha hydroxy acids -

2. Recipe for home peeling with beta hydroxy acids -

How to do this peeling at home -

  • Step 1– Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Step 2– wipe the skin with alcohol to degrease.
  • Step 3– prepare a soda solution in a separate container, which you will need to neutralize the peeling.
  • Step 4– Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, lips and nostrils to protect them from the peeling solution.
  • Step 5– Pour a small amount of glycolic acid into a glass container.
  • Step 6– using a brush or brush, quickly apply the solution to the skin, starting from the forehead, moving down to the nose and chin, and then to the cheeks.
  • Step 7– Apply one layer evenly, avoiding the eye area, lips and neck, and note the time.
  • Step 8– as soon as the time is up, wipe your face with a soft cloth soaked in the neutralizer solution. After 1 minute, wipe your face again. When the solution is washed off, it may sting the skin. After this, rinse your skin with water.

  • What to Expect During a Glycolic Facial Peel –
    1) The skin will tingle - this is a good sign! After 30 seconds, the tingling sensation usually decreases, but this does not mean that the peel has stopped working.
    2) In no case should it hurt or sting too much, but minor discomfort is possible. If this happens, immediately wash off the solution with a neutralizer.
    3) The skin may become red, this is normal.

    How to behave after facial peeling -

    To avoid side effects and complications, which may include burns, superficial scars, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, carefully follow the following recommendations.

    How to care for your face after a superficial peel –

    • cleanse your face only with mild cleansers,
    • moisturize your facial skin 2 times a day,
    • Do not peel off flaky skin, because... this can lead to skin depigmentation and even small scars,
    • You should not go out in the sun without sunscreen for 4 weeks, otherwise there is a risk of developing hyperpigmentation (brown spots on the face).

    How to care for your face after a medium or deep peel –

    • if necessary, use analgesics (paracetamol or Nurofen),
    • clean your skin with warm water and mild cleansers,
    • Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment (usually included) several times a day to reduce the risk of infection;
    • often during the healing process itching may occur; Antihistamines will help cope with it,
    • 2 days after treatment, go to your doctor for a re-examination,
    • avoid physical activity for several weeks,
    • Avoid scratching the skin to avoid the risk of scarring;
    • avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen (after the skin has healed) for 6 weeks,
    • You should contact your doctor immediately if you notice signs of infection or pigmentary changes.

    We hope that our article on the topic: Facial peeling at home was useful to you!

Attractive appearance is, first of all, a clean and healthy face. Stylish and fashionable makeup coupled with natural beauty may not be enough if the pores are clogged, the skin is uneven, rough, or excessively thick. The optimal solution to this problem is peeling. Many women are accustomed to having this procedure done in a beauty studio, and therefore know that its cost can significantly affect the wallet. This is why ladies often decide to do facial peeling themselves at home. However, it is worth clearly separating the compositions for normal, dry and oily skin, not forgetting about contraindications.

Types of facial peeling

So what is peeling? And why does this procedure allow you to monitor not only the appearance of the skin, but also its health and youth? The whole point is that facial peeling is a deep cleansing of the epidermis. An integral part of the procedure is grinding, which removes dead cells. As a result, the regeneration process starts in the tissues, they are rejuvenated and aligned. But there are several types of facial peeling. Below are the most popular types of peeling, among which the most popular are chemical and hardware.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling is one of the most popular types of this cosmetic procedure. Its focus is skin rejuvenation. In addition, the procedure restores the beauty of the problematic skin. It is aimed at eliminating a variety of aesthetic flaws.

Hardware facial peeling is based on a complex of physical effects on the skin. Thanks to this, the fabrics are cleaned. Some of the cells simply evaporate along with the water. As a result, dead cells are eliminated. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Through the use of special mechanisms, strict dosage of exposure to the face and maximum accuracy are ensured. That is why the risks of complications are reduced to zero.

Photo peeling

Photo peeling is another type of procedure. This type of cleansing allows you to activate the growth of the formation of new cells, get rid of pigmentation, wrinkles, and eliminate various defects on the skin.

Photo peeling is an excellent way to prolong the youth of the skin. The secret of the procedure is the use of biological natural ingredients. That is why the action is as prompt as possible. Peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis begins literally immediately. Thanks to this, after just a few sessions you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of your skin.

Chemical peeling

There is another variety. This is a chemical facial peel. This type of cosmetic procedure is essentially a burn to the skin. However, its depth is clearly controlled. That is why the result can be the elimination of defects in the integument and its rejuvenation. Chemical peeling of the face is usually divided according to the level of intensity into medium, superficial and deep. Each type of chemical scrub is aimed at eliminating specific problems. It is worth considering that the deep version is the most effective and powerful. It not only removes the top layer of cells, but also smoothes the surface of the face.

Physical peeling

Physical peeling for the face is usually classified as a special category. This cosmetic procedure is carried out using innovative technical means. Its result is rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin. Physical facial exfoliation can eliminate wrinkles and sagging. There are two main types of physical facial peels. These are laser peeling and cryopilling. They are equally effective for oily and dry skin.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical peeling is a special type. This facial care option is based on the use of mixtures based on special abrasive particles. Such compositions are applied to the skin under high pressure. This is why the top layer of the epidermis is literally removed. What is the result of this impact? Mechanical peeling allows you to:

  • restore skin elasticity;
  • get rid of wrinkles;
  • eliminate traces of post-acne;
  • smooth out small scars.

In turn, mechanical peeling is divided into gommage, brossage, and scrub. This is exactly the type of peeling that is usually done at home.

Preparation for the procedure

Before carrying out home peeling of the face, you should definitely prepare for the procedure.

For a month before date “X” the first preparation is carried out approximately. To do this, it is optimal to use products that contain glycolic, ascorbic, azelaic, phytic, kojic or other acids in low concentrations. These are special creams and masks that prepare pores and tissues for a more powerful and deeper effect. By applying these drugs to the skin, you can achieve the required level of thinning of the upper layers of the epidermis. As a result, the effectiveness of the facial peeling itself will be higher.

In a week Before the expected date of peeling, you should stop any procedures that cause some degree of skin trauma. These are hair removal, cleansing or scrubs.

In 2-3 days Before the session, you must stop applying products that contain AHA acids.

Facial peeling recipes at home

To care for problematic facial skin, peeling is often done at home on your own. There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to carry out the procedure efficiently and effectively. The main thing is to consider that almost all recipes do not involve the use of water. You just need to wash your face with it afterwards.

Recipe 1: for oily skin

To cleanse problematic oily skin at home, it is worth exfoliating. The optimal solution is to use a recipe based on sea salt. It will need to be mixed with honey.

Note! Homemade peeling with sea salt can also be done for dry skin, but in this case you will need to mix it with olive oil.

The composition should be rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. This should be done for several minutes, after which the mixture is washed off with cool water. For optimal care, you should use infusions of mint, chamomile or sage instead. You need to wash your face carefully after the procedure, which helps open the pores and clean them. You can use a cream with a light texture.

Recipe 2: anti-aging peeling

You can achieve a rejuvenating effect by performing a special facial peeling at home. An excellent solution is to use mandelic acid.

The face must be cleaned of traces of makeup and care products. It is equally important that no traces of sebum remain on the skin. It is also recommended to steam your face before the procedure. First of all, a tonic with mandelic acid with a concentration of 5% is applied to the skin. Next, pre-peeling is done with ten percent mandelic acid. Only in the third stage is the drug used at 30%.

The procedure ends with a soothing mask. However, first you need to wash your face with water. It is optimal to make a composition with lactic acid, kelp and collagen. The mask in the form of applications is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Recipe 3: peeling for dry skin

Dry skin needs cleansing no less than oily skin. However, the procedure requires delicate compounds. Peeling for dry skin should not be performed more than once every 2 weeks. There are many recipes. Here is one of them: you need to take 3 strawberries and one medium-sized apple. All fruits should be grated and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion for a couple of minutes. You can leave the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour and only then wash it off with water. You can wash your face not only with water, but also with herbal decoctions. At the end of the session, it will not be superfluous to use a nourishing cream with a light texture.

Recipe 4: for whitening

Peeling at home helps solve a number of different problems. For example, such a procedure can get rid of traces of not so beautiful tanning or pigmentation. Cucumber peeling works well. This recipe uses 1 cucumber. The fruit should be washed, peeled and juice extracted from the resulting mass.

Carefully add a large spoonful of oatmeal into this liquid. The mixture is thoroughly kneaded, after which a large spoon of sea salt is added to it. The result is a composition that is very similar in consistency to cream. Next, add a couple of drops of rose oil into the paste.

The resulting mixture is rubbed into the face for 2 minutes. The movements should be massage. Then this composition should be left on the skin for 10 minutes. Only then should the product be washed off.

Pay attention! To achieve optimal results, 2-3 sessions of whitening peeling are necessary.

Recipe 5: for normal skin

Procedures for cleansing and exfoliating normal skin are recommended once a week. The recipe suggests mixing:

  • 3 large spoons of oatmeal;
  • 3 large spoons of orange zest;
  • 3 large spoons of chamomile infusion (can be replaced with milk).

The resulting mixture, which does not need to be diluted with water, as in previous recipes, is rubbed in a circular motion into the skin. Then you need to leave it on your face for 5 minutes. Rinse off optimally with herbal infusions or softened water. The composition of this scrub perfectly removes dead cells from the surface layer of the epidermis. This mask has no effect on deep tissues. But there are contraindications. This homemade scrub should not be used by those who are allergic to citrus fruits.


Peeling, even at home, remains a cosmetic procedure. That is why there are a number of contraindications to skin cleansing sessions. It is very important to be careful when treating problem surfaces. If there is a lot of inflammation and pimples, then any type of peeling should be abandoned. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

Among other contraindications it is worth noting:

  • vitiligo;
  • presence of papillomas;
  • dermatitis;
  • melanoma;
  • increased sensitivity.

Another contraindication is open wounds. It is equally important to approach sessions with caution for those who are allergic to certain medications. When carrying out procedures, the use of such hazardous components should be avoided.

Video: how to do facial peeling at home

Doing facial peeling yourself at home will not be difficult if you use the video recommendations below. Recipes will help you do everything right:

In order for your skin to always be healthy and glowing, it is not enough just to wash your face and apply cream at night. Facial exfoliation should also be an integral part of self-care. Subcutaneous fat, remnants of city dirt, dead epithelium - all this can greatly complicate our life. But what to do when there is no opportunity to visit a professional cosmetologist and expensive procedures? Today we will learn how to make high-quality and absolutely inexpensive peeling at home, which will help your skin smell fragrant and you remain confident in your beauty.

Types of peeling

When starting the facial cleansing procedure, it is important to know that peeling at home differs from professional peeling in its gentle effect and less intense influence of the components on the skin structure. That is why the procedure at home cannot cause much harm. There are 3 types of cleansing:

1. Superficial - the active components of peeling agents penetrate only into the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Saves from photoaging, rashes of various origins and uneven skin color.

2. Medium – the stratum corneum is destroyed down to the grain layer. This peeling will help get rid of shallow wrinkles and improve tissue regeneration.

3. Deep – the effect of cosmetics on the entire epidermis, creating a lasting lifting effect.

Important: at home we can only carry out superficial, chemical or mechanical peeling. Otherwise, the procedure can lead to facial burns, pigmentation and scars.


Like any other procedure, peeling has a number of contraindications. Despite the fact that superficial cleaning cannot be called a full-fledged medical procedure, it is not recommended to carry out chemical peeling for redness, viral rashes and inflammatory processes in the facial area. Failure to do this may cause the problem to spread to other areas of the skin.


So, if you decide to carry out the peeling procedure at home, you should first prepare your face for what will happen to it. No special preparation is required for surface cleaning. And yet:

Choose a drug or home recipe for the procedure.

Try an elbow peel. This is required to prevent an allergic reaction on the face.

24 hours before, use a scrub to remove dead layers of facial skin.

Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash off your makeup. Preferably with a mild cosmetic or milk.

Use lotion or toner to remove dirt and excess subcutaneous fat.

Cosmetic products for peeling at home

The mass market offers us a number of ready-made cosmetics for facial peeling. All of them are created on the basis of so-called alpha and beta hydroxy acids, obtained organically (from cane, lemon and other citrus fruits).

1. Alpha hydroxy acids– used for superficial facial cleansing. This subspecies includes glycolic acid, malic acid, citrus acid, fermented milk and even tartaric acid. Most drugs use glycolic acid with a concentration of approximately 25%. Peels with alpha acids are best suited for girls with dry and normal skin types.

2. Beta-hydroxy acids– penetrate deeper than the first group and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for those with sensitive and oily skin. These include salicylic and kojic acids.

There are a number of professional brands available for at-home superficial peels. The most recommended of them are: “Aquatonale”, “Gigi”, “Cosmedix”, “Clarins” and others.

Homemade quality peeling

Well, now let's take note of a number of recipes for home peeling products that you can make yourself.

For oily skin types

1. Aspirin (salicylic) peeling

Acetylsalicylic acid, simply aspirin, is, as we already know, the most prominent representative of the beta group hydroxy acids. This superficial peeling is considered very effective, but is prohibited for people with an allergic reaction to aspirin.

You will need:
3 aspirin tablets
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon baking soda

1. Mix baking soda and water in a separate bowl. The mixture will be needed at the end of the procedure.

2. In another container, crush 3 aspirin tablets and add lemon juice. The resulting mixture should resemble a slightly runny paste.

3. Apply the paste to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Important: avoid getting the product on the delicate skin around the eyes.

4. Rinse off the peeling agent using a cotton swab and soda.

2. Salt peeling

You will need:
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of any face cream

1. Make a peeling product from soda, salt and cream.

2. Apply for 20 minutes to problem areas of the skin.

3. Rinse off with cool water.

4. Use moisturizer after the procedure.

3. Almond peeling

You will need:
30 grams chopped almonds
30 grams chopped oat flour
1-2 tablespoons milk
Tea tree oil

1. Knead almond flour and milk into a homogeneous mixture at room temperature. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

2. Add a few drops of essential oil.

3. Apply to face and keep for 10-15 minutes until a crust forms.

4. Rinse off with warm water.

For dry skin types

1. Glycolic peeling

Glycol is an acid found in sugar cane, dairy products and grape pomace. It is glycol that is considered the most popular peeling product at home and helps get rid of age spots and inflammatory rashes. The simplest recipe for glycolic peeling: mix sugar and homemade yogurt in a 1:1 ratio and apply to prepared face. This mask can be kept for about 15-20 minutes.

2. Lemon peeling

The process of applying such a product is no different from others. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with purified water in equal quantities and the skin cleansing mixture is ready. It is recommended to apply the product in several approaches using a cotton swab.

For normal skin type

1. Oatmeal peeling

Add a few drops of water to ground oatmeal, about 2 and a half tablespoons, and let sit for a few minutes. The peeling agent is ready. This method does not require aging on the skin. Massage your face with this paste, paying special attention to problem areas. Rinse off with warm water.

2. Milk peeling

The benefits of fermented milk products for our skin have been known for centuries. Apply kefir, sour cream or milk to your face for about 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. This procedure will improve blood circulation, rid the skin of surface dirt and stop foci of unwanted inflammatory processes.

3. Tropical peeling

Tropical fruits contain fruit acids that are beneficial to our face. Sweet pineapple, kiwi and papaya are best for superficial facial cleansing at home. Cut the fruit pulp into pieces, mash it into puree, and add a little honey for an anti-inflammatory effect. You can apply the mixture for a maximum of 5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Combination skin type

If you have a combination skin type, only comprehensive care is suitable for you. For problem areas with enlarged pores and oily type, use aspirin, salt and almond peeling recipe. If your cheeks, forehead and neck are prone to dryness, we recommend using home peeling products that are suitable for all skin types.

Rules of care after facial peeling at home

In order to avoid any complications and undesirable effects, even after superficial peeling, you should follow the following recommendations:

1. For a week after the procedure, cleanse your face of makeup and dirt only with mild cosmetics.

2. Use moisturizers 2 times a day.

3. Avoid overheating, sunbathing, hypothermia and other chemical and mechanical damage.

4. In case of pigment changes on the skin, immediately contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Compliance with safety rules and hygiene standards will definitely make facial peeling a simple, favorite and necessary procedure in your personal care routine. We hope our little tips will only help you become even more beautiful and charming.

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Homemade facial peeling

Homemade facial peeling, of course, will not replace treatments with a cosmetologist, but it will help keep your skin in good condition. Let's see how you can do facial peeling at home using professional preparations and products that you can prepare at home.

Contents of the article:

What is homemade facial peeling?

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to improve the appearance of the skin by cleansing it of the top layer of dead skin cells. Properly performed peeling can not only improve the color and texture of facial skin, but also reduce fine wrinkles, narrow pores and solve a lot of other cosmetic problems.

Not so long ago, this procedure could only be performed in beauty salons, but the modern cosmetic industry offers a lot of effective peeling compositions that can be purchased at a pharmacy and used at home. The main active components of such products are fruit acids or enzymes that can penetrate deep into the skin and effectively cleanse it of impurities.

At home, without harm to health, you can only carry out superficial peeling, which implies a shallow effect on the skin and minimal damage to it. Both mechanical and chemical types of peeling are available at home.

To carry out this procedure, various cosmetics (scrubs) are used, which contain abrasive particles. The scrub can also be prepared at home using crushed nut shells, grains, fruit seeds and other components of plant origin. Abrasive particles mechanically cleanse the skin of dead cells, sebum and cleanse pores. Gommage can also be used, which is suitable for dry sensitive skin: the product is applied to the skin and left for a few minutes, after which it is rolled with your fingertips.

Various devices for cosmetic iontophoresis, etc.

Contraindications for home peeling

The presence of inflammation on the skin, be it acne or viral rashes, is a contraindication for peeling. Treating the affected areas with peeling agents may cause the rash to worsen and spread.

Homemade facial peeling: recipes

Despite the fact that today the market is replete with various ready-made scrubs, masks and gommages, an effective peeling product can also be prepared at home. Self-prepared mixtures will not only be cheaper, but will also not contain various additives and preservatives.

How to exfoliate at home for oily skin

Salt peeling at home:

Just before application, mix a teaspoon of salt, soda and a tablespoon of thick sour cream. Then you need to apply the mixture with massaging movements and leave for several minutes, then rinse and moisturize the skin.

Peeling with almonds:

Mix equal volumes of chopped almonds and flax seeds with diluted blue clay. Apply the resulting pasty mass onto the face with massaging movements and rinse.

How to exfoliate at home with baking soda

Add water to the soda to form a paste, apply with massaging movements to the skin of the face and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Homemade facial peeling for problem skin

Homemade peeling with salicylic acid:

crush 3 aspirin tablets, add a little honey and water. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse off.

Homemade facial peeling for blackheads

crush the hydroperite tablet and mix the powder with 15 ml of camphor, ammonia, glycerin and boric acid. Grate baby soap and add it to the resulting mixture until a creamy consistency is obtained. Apply peeling to face and leave until completely dry. You can clean your face of this composition using a napkin moistened with water and 10% potassium chloride.

Homemade facial peeling for acne

Pour 2 tablespoons of bodyaga with 3% hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of rich sour cream. Leave the mask on your face for up to 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Homemade facial peeling for dry skin

Fruit peeling:

Grind several strawberries and one medium-sized apple using a blender. Apply the resulting puree mass onto the face with massaging movements for 5 minutes, then rinse.

Peeling with yogurt and sugar:

Mix homemade yoghurt and sugar in equal parts, apply to face for 15 minutes, massage and rinse with water.

Lemon peeling:

Mix water and lemon juice in equal parts and apply the resulting mixture to your face using a cotton swab. This peeling is suitable for aging skin.

Peeling with almonds and oil:

mix chopped almonds, oat seeds in equal proportions and add a few drops of olive oil. The prepared paste must be kept on the face for up to 20 minutes, then washed off.

Milk facial cleansing:

Apply sour cream or kefir to the skin of the face and leave for up to 20 minutes.

Oatmeal peeling:

add a few drops of water to a small amount of oatmeal, then apply the mixture to your face, massage and rinse.

Berry peeling:

Mash red currants and grapes in a ratio of 2:1. Apply the resulting juice to your face and leave for about 10 minutes.

Peeling at home for combination skin

Combination skin requires special, comprehensive care: areas with enlarged pores (T-zone) are treated with formulations for oily skin, and the neck, cheeks and temples are treated with peelings for dry skin. Also, for this type of skin, peelings from professional series can be used prophylactically.

At home, you can do the following peeling for combination skin:

mix 1 tablespoon of ground rolled oats, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of baking soda. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face with massaging movements, and then rinsed off.

We do peeling - we give the skin freshness and youth

Let's take a quick look at why experts advocate peeling (exfoliation). The session is aimed at removing and exfoliating dead (aged) cells of the upper layers of the epidermis. The faded particles clog the pores, preventing the epithelium from fully absorbing oxygen and being saturated with moisture, microelements, and vitamins. Also, the skin membranes lose their natural attractiveness under the influence of sunlight and dust, exhaust fumes, various ailments, and age-related changes.

Why does a face become so attractive?

  • Firstly, removing the stratum corneum allows you to awaken regeneration processes and accelerate the body's production of the most important proteins - elastin and collagen. It is these substances that are responsible for the firmness and density, youth and elasticity of our skin.
  • Secondly, scrubbing makes it possible to say goodbye to blackheads, rashes of various etiologies, acne, and improve the reflective ability of the skin.

After carrying out cleansing sessions, which are completely easy (and even pleasant!) to carry out at home, the integument becomes:

  • shining;
  • silky;
  • fresh;
  • tender;
  • smooth.

Numerous photos on the Internet of girls of different ages updated after exfoliation confirm the real magic of the procedure. We also wrote in the article about easy ways to remove skin defects effectively and quickly.

Features of the event

There are two types of exfoliation you can do at home: mechanical or chemical. Any of the types will imply only superficial cleaning, which has minimal damaging effects on the epidermis. What's the difference between them?

With mechanical action, old scales are “expelled” with the help of scrubs and gommages. Abrasive components - essential components of scrubs - clean off dead cells, remove sebaceous secretions and dirt plugs. It is preferable to use gommages for dry skin - apply the creamy product for a few minutes and gently roll it with wet fingers.

Chemical exfoliation uses acid-containing compounds. Acids - for example, malic, tartaric - penetrating into the epithelium, help exfoliate dormant cells and restore turgor.

How often should I exfoliate? Cosmetologists advise treating oily skin 1-2 times every 7-8 days, and dry skin once every 2-3 weeks.

Features of preparation

How to properly prepare for an exfoliating procedure? It consists of three successive steps:

  • Step 1. Do makeup removal in your usual way - using lotion, milk, tonic. We also recommend wiping your face with micellar water.
  • Step 2: Apply exfoliant. Not sure what to choose? Do not experiment, especially with sensitive skin - seek advice from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  • Step 3. Remove (rinse off) the drug. Apply your favorite (suitable) rich cream or healing ointment.

Our advice: the results will improve if you steam the skin a little before cleansing procedures.

Home beauty salon made easy

Dear readers, do you want to carry out procedures yourself, like in a salon? You can do it! So, the most popular cleansing beauty treatments that can be performed in your favorite kitchen:

  • Glycolic. In a specialized store (pharmacy, supermarket), purchase a mask based on glycolic acid. Keep it on your face for no more than 8 minutes.
  • With calcium chloride. Purchase calcium chloride solution (Solutio Calcii chloridi) and baby soap. How to do it? Apply the solution first, wait until it dries, and re-treat your face. Lather your pads with soap. Apply soap foam over the layers, carefully roll off the clots of dirt.
  • With lemon. Prepare a teaspoon of lemon (lime) juice. Apply 2-3 layers, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Sodas. Add 0.5 teaspoon of soda to the washing gel (any kind is suitable) (a little less is possible), gently massage the problem areas.

Our golden recipes

What could be better than using folk remedies for exfoliation - the refreshing effect will definitely please you. Finding them in the kitchen is easy! Our many times tested recipes are for you.

We use semolina

Sequence of procedure with semolina:

  1. Pour 2-3 tbsp into a bowl. spoons of warmed olive oil.
  2. Pour semolina into a separate bowl (it’s convenient to use a saucer).
  3. Moisten the skin with water (ideally chamomile infusion).
  4. Soak your fingers in butter, then dip them in semolina.
  5. Do a light and smooth facial massage - try not to stretch the skin!
  6. Wash your face with warm boiled water, apply your favorite oily care product.

We use bodyagu

The guest from freshwater reservoirs contains silica needles. By penetrating into the upper layers of the dermis, they increase blood circulation and increase the activation of bioactive substances. As a result, the epidermis is renewed and rejuvenated.

Sequence of the procedure with bodyaga:

  1. Dilute the extract (pharmaceutical) with hydrogen peroxide to a creamy state.
  2. Apply to the epidermis using a sponge (brush), rub in gently.
  3. Keep the greenish mixture for 10-15 minutes. Be prepared for a slight tingling or burning sensation.
  4. Wash with warm water, dry your face with a towel or napkin.
  5. Apply slightly cooled kefir (homemade sour milk) for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Wash your face and treat the reddened skin with a rich cream.
  7. After 3 days, pamper the shaken skin with a mask of yolk, honey, milk (homemade), and birch sap.

Our advice: Do not pick off the peeling scales - scars may remain. For the first 2-3 days, lubricate the renewed epithelium with boric vaseline - it will have a calming effect.

When sessions are prohibited

Please note that exfoliation (even with a number of benefits!) cannot always be done.

Cosmetologists ban cleaning if:

  • hypersensitive skin;
  • they contain wounds, cuts, pustules;
  • there are diseases - ichthyosis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.;
  • individual immunity to the components used is observed;
  • there are moles, warts, and other neoplasms;
  • vascular network appears;
  • you are waiting for the baby.

Friends, thank you for being with us! I wish you beauty, irresistibility, perfect and radiant skin! Write questions and wishes in the comments. Was the material useful to you? Tell us about your secrets to an impressive appearance. What are your “signature” scrub masks? We will be grateful if you share the information with your friends on social networks - everyone wants to be beautiful! Smiles, positivity and sunny mood to all of us!

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