Losing weight through workouts for women with different body shapes. For those who cannot lose weight: training for body types H-shaped body type building muscle mass

Many women work hard on their body for years, but cannot achieve the ideal result. Centimeters and kilograms disappear from anywhere, except those places where they are really unnecessary. Exhaustive exercises and diets are not effective if they do not work on problem areas. To correct proportions, you need training based on your body type. Let's figure out how to determine your type and exercise correctly to get maximum results.

How to quickly and easily determine your body type

Body type is a given. The structure of a person is almost 100% dependent on genetic factors. But there is always an opportunity to improve proportions if you know your “weak points” and understand exactly how to work with them.

The first thing to do is take a measuring tape and take basic measurements:

    Chest circumference. Measure over a tank top or a simple bra without inserts. You need to focus on the most prominent points. The tape does not need to be pulled or loosened too much.

    Waist circumference. This is the narrowest area of ​​the body. Focus on a place slightly above the navel. Try not to suck in your stomach.

    Hip circumference. Measure along the protruding points of the buttocks, holding the measuring tape parallel to the floor.

Write down the obtained numbers on a piece of paper and begin to determine the type of figure:

    Approximately the same girth of the chest and hips with a narrow waist (20-30 cm less) is classic hourglass, those same notorious 90-60-90 in your personal format.

    If your hips and chest are almost the same, but your waist circumference differs by 20 cm or less, then your type is rectangle.

    The chest is noticeably smaller than the hips, and the waist is well defined - characteristic features of a pear. This type is also called triangle.

    If the top is wider than the bottom, then it is inverted triangle. This figure is also called T-shaped.

    If the difference between the measurements of the chest, waist and hips is small, but your legs are long and slender, then you have a figure apple. Second name - circle.

Whatever results you get, don’t be discouraged and don’t think that you have a “wrong” figure. Any body is beautiful. By choosing the right workouts for your body type, you can correct your proportions and look perfect.

Body type training: how to improve proportions

There are no universal workouts. This is mythology. Women with different body types can exercise the same way only in one case: if they just need to keep their muscles toned and their body is perceived as ideal. If you need figure correction, you should select suitable types of loads.

How to exercise for women with a pear body type

This is the most feminine type. The toned pear is almost flawless. The only negative is the massive lower body and... cellulite. Orange peel on the thighs and buttocks is the scourge of pear-shaped beauties, so they have to strictly control their diet in order to remain attractive.

During training, you need to load your back, arms and shoulders as much as possible. By pumping up the upper part, you can balance it with the lower one. The figure will seem more attractive. In addition, it is almost impossible for female pears to pump up their arms and shoulders. So they should be loaded twice a week, choosing the weight wisely and performing exercises 10-12 times in 3 sets.

The lower part should be dried, so heavy weights are excluded, and the emphasis is on the number of repetitions of the exercises (at least 25-30). Isolating exercises (abduction, swings) give good results, but basic ones give mediocre results. Cardio sessions should be intense and long (at least 40 minutes).

Hourglass: working with problem areas

An hourglass is a miss ideal if the figure is in order. To achieve this, you need to work the triceps, lower abdomen and thighs. Good solutions are circuit training, plyometrics, crossfit. For legs, it is better to use basic exercises (any type of squats, lunges). The abs are perfectly pumped with the help of the “bicycle” exercise and various types of planks.

It is important to perform the exercises 15-30 times. The number of circles is 4-5. For cardio sessions, it is better to choose a jump rope. A track without an incline is suitable as a simulator. The duration of cardio is at least 30-35 minutes.

How to train women with a T-shaped figure

Women whose figures resemble an inverted triangle often have beautiful breasts and luxurious long legs. This is a huge advantage. If excess weight appears, the belly begins to protrude, but fat is deposited last on the hips and legs. The goal is to balance the upper and lower body.

It is necessary to add volume to the legs and hips. Basic exercises will help with this - squats, presses, lunges. To dry the upper part, arms, back, chest are worked out in a multi-repetition mode (20-30 times) for 4-5 approaches. Weight is minimal so as not to gain weight.

Features of circle and rectangle body types

There are no absolute circles and rectangles, since some of the parameters are still larger. If your shoulders are wider, then it is better to train in the same way as women with a T-shaped figure. If you measure more on your hips, then you should pay attention to the exercises recommended for a pear figure.

Basic body types (ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph) are also relevant for girls. In view of the fact that, anatomically, the shapes of female figures are much more diverse, additional clarification is required in the issue of the physique of girls.

Certainly, somatotype The constitutional type of a person’s physique and the program of his future physical development. is primarily determined genetically, and it is impossible to influence this, but changing your lifestyle, which significantly affects your complexion, is quite achievable.

Female body types

Before starting their improvement, in order to determine the features that are most difficult to correct, girls should find out the answer to the question: “What type of figure do I have?”

We make three measurements:

  1. Bust volume: over a regular bra without a push-up, at the most protruding point, holding the centimeter parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist: along the narrowest part of the body (just above the navel), without retracting or protruding the stomach.
  3. Hip size: across the widest part of the hips, keeping the tape parallel to the floor.

We evaluate the results:

Body type – Pear (triangle)

The main characteristic features of this type of figure are fairly wide hips with relatively narrow shoulders. Such women are prone to fullness in the hips and buttocks.

When replenishing, fat is deposited in these areas. Sometimes you can see a woman with an elegant, even fragile, top, and a very massive bottom. The waist can be very pretty.

  1. The upper part of the body is longer than the bottom.
  2. In most cases, the lower limbs are broad-boned, and the upper limbs are narrow-boned.
  3. The waist is narrow, sometimes low.
  4. A pronounced waist remains under any circumstances.


Girls with this body type are more likely to have problems with cellulite. In training, it is important to put stress on the upper body: work the back, shoulders, and chest.

Comprehensive training for the legs is very important, as well as isolated ones for “drying out” the hips. Intensive circuit training or supersets will be effective. It is necessary to train the top and bottom on different days.


  • lunges (possibly with weights)
  • leg raises in the simulator
  • jump squats
  • ellipsoid
  • hyperextension

Body Type – Inverted Triangle (V-Shape)

Girls with this somatotype usually have wide shoulders and narrow hips. If a girl gets fat, then fat deposits accumulate on her back, shoulders, and chest.

  1. The top of the body is shorter than the bottom.
  2. The legs are often thin, but slender.
  3. The middle of the body is not clearly defined.


The peculiarities of the training are that it is necessary to develop the hips and buttocks, as well as constantly pay attention to the abdominals.

Alternatively, to reduce body weight, perform multiple sets with relatively heavy weights and low repetitions.

It is necessary to constantly remember about cardio exercises to control weight and prevent its accumulation. If you need to lose excess weight, then exercise more, 4-5 times a week, since this type is characterized by slow weight loss.


  • lunges
  • stepper
  • exercise bike
  • reverse crunches

Body type – Rectangle (H-shaped)

This body type does not have a pronounced waist. The body has approximately the same width at the chest, waist and hips. The distribution of fat tissue occurs evenly.

  1. The waist is not expressed.
  2. Tendency to corpulence.
  3. The stomach usually protrudes forward.
  4. Muscle relief is strong with reduced weight.


For this type of girl, you need to focus on your legs, due to an imperfect waist, which they always risk losing.

It is important for them to perform static exercises aimed at working out the slow muscle fibers of the abs, for example: side and straight planks, during which not only the abs are well tightened, but the lower floating ribs are also reduced in volume.

The training plan should be focused on increasing overall muscle mass, that is, working out the top and bottom to the same extent.


  • any twisting
  • sumo squats
  • treadmill with incline
  • stepper

Body type – Hourglass (X or 8-8)

The notorious 90/60/90, this body type is the most “balanced” and is considered the most attractive to the opposite sex. If a woman gains weight, adipose tissue is deposited evenly throughout the body.

  1. Considered a classic female physique.
  2. The bottom and top of the body are proportional to each other.
  3. The waist is very narrow.
  4. The waist to hip ratio is 0.7.


Girls with such a figure can build their training process in quite a variety of ways, since the main thing for them is to maintain muscle tone.

Experiments with weights and types of training are allowed in order to prevent fat from being deposited. The main goal of training is to strengthen the muscles of the body to maintain proportions; both strength and cardio training are important. Group aerobic exercises (aerobics, sports dancing and many others) are perfect for this.


  • swimming
  • slow running
  • light resistance bike
  • step aerobics

Body type – Apple (circle)

The body of girls with this type of figure has a wide waist and (usually) well-defined breasts, and can resemble an oval or circle. Excess weight tends to be deposited on the stomach; the legs are the last to suffer.

  1. It has a rounded outline in the area from the shoulders to the buttocks.
  2. Legs are usually thin.
  3. Narrow shoulders.


It should be noted that for owners of this physique there are separate types of training, and they have their own specifics, which an experienced trainer will help you understand.

Due to the fact that this self-type is prone to gaining excess weight, you should pay sufficient attention to aerobic exercise: treadmill, exercise bike or stepper, aerobics, tai-bo, for at least 20-30 minutes each time, or devote one of the weekly workouts specifically cardio.

It is also necessary to include various exercises to develop the abdominal and leg muscles. This will create the necessary balance between the upper and lower body.


  • Burpee with jumping
  • leg presses
  • tabata
  • squats

Even with all of the above, it may not be so easy to determine your somatotype.

And so, a clear plan has been drawn up, problem areas for grinding have been identified. Don’t rush to start strength training; first, get ready psychologically and give your body time to adapt to physical activity.

Excessive enthusiasm, especially at first, is likely to have a negative impact. The most important rule for beginners: try to move towards your goal step by step.

Women, in their desire to lose weight or simply correct certain features of their figure, begin to fanatically engage in sports, however, they do not achieve the desired result. Why is this happening? The thing is that there are six different types of female figures, for which completely different physical exercises are suitable. But physique is not a death sentence. Everything can be changed. Fortunately, without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons.

To determine your body type, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself objectively. Having honestly determined your type, you can easily choose the fitness direction that suits you.

The recommendations below are general in nature, however, following them will help you correct your problem areas as effectively as possible. If you want not just to correct your figure, but to change radically, then you should seek advice from a professional fitness trainer who will develop for you an ideal training program that can change your body almost beyond recognition.

"Rectangle" or H-shaped type
This is your body type if:

  • your shoulders, waist and hips are approximately the same width;
  • you have slender legs, but practically no butt;
  • a strong lean body, but small breasts and an indistinct waist.

The main advantage of this type is strong muscles that quickly respond to exercise, and leanness. In other words, girls with a “rectangle” body type gain excess weight with difficulty, but gain muscle mass easily. A distinctive feature of this physique is strong muscles from birth, which allows you to achieve an almost ideal body with the help of strength training.

True, to create seductive forms, you will have to work hard, namely:
- tilting with a turn will help you form those very exciting curves. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended above your head. The tilt is performed alternately to each leg, with your hands touching the toe and keeping your back straight. The number of repetitions is at least 20 times on each leg.

For an H-type figure, it is worth emphasizing the need to perform additional exercises aimed at working the abdominal muscles and reducing fat deposits in this area. The most suitable exercises for this are exercises with a gymnastic hoop, a rotating circle and, of course, various crunches designed to work the abdominal muscles. The exercise should be done at least 3 sets of 20 times.

Strength classes such as BODY SCULPT are also helpful. Strength exercises should be performed with fairly large weights, since your muscles will only respond adequately to intense and even exhausting training. They will give a load to the whole body and help create a strong muscle corset. Strength training should be done at least 3 times a week, and in between, be sure to do aerobics, running, race walking, swimming or dancing. The duration of strength training should be 1.5–2 hours, aerobic training - about an hour.

"Rectangle" (skinnier) I-shaped type
This is your body type if:

  • you have narrow hips and shoulders;
  • flat stomach, poorly defined waist;
  • almost complete absence of breasts and any roundness in the buttocks area.

Women with an H-shaped figure can come close to achieving a similar physique if they manage to seriously lose weight. Despite all the advantages of an I-line figure, its excessive elegance often borders on a certain angularity and a complete absence of feminine seductive forms.

To correct the shortcomings of this type of figure, you should:
- do strength exercises as often as possible, ideally 4–5 times a week for 2–2.5 hours. In order to build muscle volume in the missing areas, you should choose long-term strength training with heavy weights and low repetitions. Of all the possible exercises, preference should be given to those that are aimed at working all muscle groups. Such exercises include squats with dumbbells or a barbell, flexion, extension and extension of arms with dumbbells in different directions, block press from the chest, pulling a block from behind to the upper and lower back, leg swings with weights, lifting and lowering legs on exercise machines, lunges with a barbell on the shoulders, crunches from a lying position, side twists while hanging on a horizontal bar and raises on your toes. When performing such exercises, it is very important to focus on thoroughly working each muscle until you feel a slight burning sensation.

Between strength training, you should leave one day of rest, since muscles grow in a calm state.

Aerobic exercise should also be present, but in a much smaller volume. Of all types of aerobic exercise, you should choose the smoothest and calmest: race walking, swimming, water aerobics, leisurely exercise on exercise bikes. Aerobic training should be done 2-3 days a week, and its duration should not exceed 20-30 minutes.

Women with an I-shaped figure can very quickly develop beautiful, sculpted abs, since they have almost no abdominal fat. To do this, you should devote at least 20 minutes a day to abdominal development exercises, 5-6 times a week. Intensive pumping of the abdominal muscles will allow you to boast of sculpted abs after just a few months of regular training.

"Triangle" or V-type (sometimes called T-type)
This is your body type if:

  • your shape resembles that of an athlete or professional swimmer;
  • you have long slender legs;
  • thin buttocks and narrow pelvis;
  • the lines of your body taper from the shoulders to the waist;
  • you manage to gain weight “from above” - first your arms and face become fat, then your chest and stomach, and only then your buttocks and thighs.

Such a figure would be ideal for any man, but it gives women excessive angularity and masculinity. In addition, women with a V-shaped figure tend to have large breasts, which provokes the habit of slouching, which makes the figure even more monumental. To achieve an ideal figure, you should pump up your lower body well and lighten the entire shoulder girdle.

You can achieve a similar result:
- with the help of strength and aerobic exercises, which should be alternated. Strength exercises should be given 1–1.5 hours 3–4 times a week. Aerobic workouts should be selected in such a way that they load all major muscle groups. These parameters include walking with weights, running, exercising on a treadmill or ski machine, climbing stairs or jumping rope. Aerobic training should be 40-50 minutes 3-4 times a week. You should also try to move as much as possible during the day.

At home, you can perform wide squats - 2 sets of 15-20 times. If desired, you can increase the load by picking up a fitball or dumbbells. When performing the exercise, do not forget to ensure that when squatting, your knees do not go further than your toes - only in this case the load is optimal;

It is also useful to do swings (10-12 repetitions on each side) and lunges (three sets of 15-20 times);

Please note that women with a T-shaped figure are strictly contraindicated for any physical exercises associated with increased stress on the shoulder girdle: swimming, rowing, kickboxing and other martial arts in which the main emphasis is on punches.

"Pear" or A-shaped type
This is your body type if:

  • you have very “steep” hips;
  • you have a thin waist and a flat stomach;
  • you have narrow shoulders and a small bust;
  • excess weight is deposited exclusively below, on the hips and abdomen.

The undoubted advantage of your figure is a clearly defined waist and elegant top, but you will have to work hard with the bottom. The more you tend to be overweight, the more pronounced the discrepancy between a lush bottom and a narrow top becomes. Our task is to tighten the hips and stomach, and keep the shoulders toned.

The following training will help us achieve this:
- It will be useful to do push-ups at home. Two sets of 8-10 repetitions. But strictly every other day.

For the lower body, you need to choose exercises such as squats, lunges, calf raises, leg raises in various positions, leg curls, hip extensions and torso raises from a lying position. All exercises aimed at working the lower body should be performed with light weight, but a significant number of repetitions, which will allow you to quickly reduce the volume and tighten the muscles.

We should not forget about the shoulder body. An exercise such as a “pullover” or dumbbell row from behind the head, as well as pull-ups on uneven bars, bending arms with dumbbells in various body positions, lifting dumbbells, bench press while lying or standing, and rotating the upper part will help keep the muscles of the arms and chest in good shape. body and block pull to the upper abdomen and back. Remember that all upper body exercises must be performed with heavy weights and low repetitions, which will effectively build muscle mass that is missing in these areas.

Apple or O-shaped
This is your body type if:

  • you have fairly thin hips and shoulders;
  • slender or thin legs and proportional buttocks;
  • protruding tummy.

This body type is the most difficult to work with, and achieving the desired shape can be challenging. However, if there is a desire, then there is a way:
- intense aerobic exercise - step, tai-bo or dance classes - will help burn excess fat deposits. You should attend classes at least three times a week.

Don't be afraid of strength training. For example, you can do bench presses, dumbbell squats, or bent-leg deadlifts. Each exercise should be performed in 3-4 sets of 10-12 times. In this case, the abs will tense statically, and the stomach will tighten in “automatic mode.”

At home, you should perform sit-ups with a twist, in two rounds of 20 repetitions, and front and side planks on your elbows. The time for performing the plank should be gradually increased and brought to 1.5-2 minutes.

Hourglass or X-shaped type
This is your body type if:

  • you are the owner of rounded hips and bust;
  • when you gain weight, your buttocks and lower thighs get better, but you still maintain your waist;
  • you have rounded arms and legs.

Slender women with this type of figure look incredibly attractive, and even with a slight weight gain, a figure with an X-silhouette does not lose its seductive proportions and looks very harmonious, since fat deposits are deposited in the chest, shoulders, hips and buttocks, while the waist remains practically unchanged.

Therefore, when doing fitness, your main task is to maintain feminine forms, without letting them “blur”:
- to keep your muscles toned, you should do cardio training, for example, exercise on an exercise bike, step aerobics, running, race walking, dancing, swimming, water aerobics, jumping rope. The duration of the lesson is 35-40 minutes.

Almost all strength exercises are suitable for you, with the exception of weight training exercises aimed at working the abdominal muscles. You can create a complex workout from various squats, bends in different directions, bending and extending the legs, swinging the legs, raising and bending the arms with dumbbells, barbell press, leg lifts on the machine, pelvic lifts from a lying position, block pulls to the lower and upper back , as well as various types of twists. All types of strength exercises should be performed with medium weights, since over-pumped muscles can deprive your figure of its natural smooth lines. The exercises listed above will allow you to strengthen your muscles and maintain the seductive proportions of your figure for many years.

In the gym you can perform classic circuit training. For example, 40 seconds of aerobics (an exercise bike, running or jump rope), then pull-ups on a bar, abdominal exercises on an incline bench, back lunges with dumbbells in your hands. Each exercise should be performed 10-12 times. We recommend performing several circles per workout.

Sources - http://lady.mail.ru http://signorina.ru http://sympaty.net http://iledy.ru http://fitness4home.ru

As a rule, women with this type of figure have well developed muscles. Muscles are predisposed to growth (this is determined by genetics) and respond very quickly to formative physical exercises. Do you feel that excess fat is nestled in your body and just doesn’t want to leave your waist, abdomen and back? With the help of a combination of aerobic and strength exercises, with proper nutrition, you will solve two problems: fat burning and figure correction.

For the first 6-8 weeks, the main component of your training should be aerobic exercise. About 2/3 of the time load should be occupied by aerobic training, i.e. 2 times a week - aerobics classes and 1 time - strength exercises. Then the type of loads can be changed to 1:1 mode. Aerobic and strength exercises should alternate.

If you are afraid of gaining more muscle mass and looking like Schwarzenegger, we advise you to use small weights or not use them at all. Strength training is important not only because it strengthens your body, it increases your metabolism and provides you with additional strength.

By building muscle mass, you burn more calories because muscles increase in size and begin to expend more energy.

For a long time it was believed that with the help of strength training it is impossible to burn fat where we want! According to recent research, partial local burning of fat deposits is possible!

Let's start with exercises for the abs and back.

The abdominal muscles are of no small importance in the overall development of the muscular corset. By working on the abs, we begin to warm up our body very quickly by greatly increasing blood circulation in the liver area. This plays an important role in the fat burning process.

Ab exercises.

1. Raising the body from a lying position

Lie on your back, knees bent at 90°, feet flat on the floor, back firmly pressed to the floor, fingers clasped at the back of your head. Contracting your abdominal muscles, lift your head, shoulders and torso, then slowly lower down. Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift the body.

2. Reverse twist

Lie on your back, knees bent and pulled up to your chest, hands on the floor along your torso. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your pelvis off the floor, pulling your tailbone forward and up. Lower yourself slowly.

3. Raising the torso and twisting

Lie on your back, knees bent at 90°, feet on the floor, fingers on the back of your head. Raise your body forward and up and turn your whole body towards your left knee, do not bring your elbow towards your face. Lower yourself slowly. Do the required number of repetitions. Then begin turning towards your right knee. Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift the body.

4. Lifting the torso, knees on the side

Lie on your back, bring your knees together, lower your legs, bent at the knees, to the floor to your left, and place your fingers on the back of your head. By contracting your obliques, lift your head and shoulders. Try to keep both shoulders parallel to the floor. Lower yourself slowly (both shoulders on the floor). Inhale - on the floor, exhale - raise your head and shoulders.

A set of physical exercises to strengthen the back muscles 1. Back extension

Lie on the floor on your stomach, legs straight, arms bent and crossed behind your back at the waist. Lift your head and chest up, only partially lifting your stomach off the floor. Lower yourself slowly. Don't make jerky movements. Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift the body.

2. Wide row with dumbbells

Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. In your hands are dumbbells (weighing 2.5-7 kg). The arms are lowered along the body, palms facing back. Squeezing your shoulder blades together, lift your elbows up and out to shoulder level without bending your wrists. Straighten your arms. Inhale - arms straight, exhale - bend your arms.

This exercise also strengthens the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

3. Raising arms and legs alternately.

Lie on your stomach with your arms straight above your head. Begin to lift your right arm and left leg. After completing the required number of repetitions, switch arms and legs. Inhale in a relaxed state, exhale - tense the muscles.

Exercises to strengthen the hips and buttocks.

I. Forward lunges with dumbbells

Stand straight, lower your arms with dumbbells (2.5-7.0 kg) down along your body. Keeping your back straight, step forward with your right foot so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

2. Single leg extension

Stand on all fours, arms bent at the elbows, resting on your elbows. Lift your right knee off the floor and begin to extend your leg upward, your shin should be perpendicular to the floor. Lower your leg without putting the weight of your body on it. After completing the required number of repetitions, move on to your left leg. Inhale - leg down, exhale - leg up.

Strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest.

1. "Butterfly" from a lying position

Lie down on a bench with your knees bent. In your hands are dumbbells (2.5-7.0 kg). The arms are slightly bent, palms facing up. Bring your arms together in front of your chest and spread them out to the sides until your elbows are at chest level. Inhale - arms to the sides, exhale - contraction in front of the chest.

2. Seated arm extension

While sitting on a bench or standing, pick up dumbbells. The arms are raised above the head, palms facing inward. Bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells to your shoulders, leaving your elbows in the same position. Straighten your arms. Inhale - bend your arms, exhale - straighten your arms.

3. Push-ups

Get on all fours, knees shoulder-width apart, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push your pelvis forward and down. The body from the crown to the knees should form one straight line. Lower your chest toward the floor so that your elbows are at shoulder height. Try not to arch your back. Straighten your arms. If you wish, you can complicate the exercise by doing a full push-up with straight legs, resting on your toes. Inhale - bend your arms, exhale - straighten your arms.

Now it’s difficult to say who exactly suggested dividing all women according to fruit and geometric characteristics, that is, dividing all the diversity of our beautiful figures into five types. Based on this very type of figure, we select a suitable wardrobe. But physique is not a death sentence. Everything can be changed. Fortunately, without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons.

It’s enough just to choose the fitness direction that’s right for you. The necessary training will allow you not to lose your advantages and keep your weaknesses in good shape. So, there are five main types of female figures: two geometric - “rectangles” and “triangles”, two fruity - “pears” and “apples”, and one ideal, at least the public opinion considers it so (and, I note, most men ) - “hourglass”.


Your shoulders, waist and hips are approximately the same width;

You have slender legs, but practically no butt;

Strong lean body, but small breasts and an indistinct waist.

The main advantage of this type is strong muscles that quickly respond to exercise, and leanness. In other words, girls with a “rectangle” body type gain excess weight with difficulty, but gain muscle mass easily. True, to create seductive forms, you will have to work hard, namely:

Tilts and turns will help you form those very exciting curves. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended above your head. The tilt is performed alternately to each leg, with your hands touching the toe and keeping your back straight. The number of repetitions is at least 20 times on each leg.

Doing crunches on an incline bench will help tighten your stomach. The exercise should be done at least 3 sets of 20 times.

Strength classes such as BODY SCULPT are also helpful. They will give a load to the whole body and help create a strong muscle corset. You need to visit them at least twice a week.


Your shape resembles that of an athlete or professional swimmer;

You have long slender legs;

Thin buttocks and narrow pelvis;

The lines of your body taper from the shoulders to the waist;

You manage to gain weight “from above” - first your arms and face become fat, then your chest and stomach, and only then your buttocks and thighs.

The main problem we have to solve is to compensate for the overdeveloped shoulder girdle. To do this I will suggest the following:

At home, you can perform wide squats - 2 sets of 15-20 times. If desired, you can increase the load by picking up a fitball or dumbbells. When performing the exercise, do not forget to ensure that when squatting, your knees do not go further than your toes - only in this case the load is optimal;

It is also useful to do swings (10-12 repetitions on each side) and lunges (three sets of 15-20 times);

Fitness center membership holders will benefit from attending LOWER BODY or BUMS classes three times a week.


You look like JLo and Beyoncé not only in dreams, but also in reality;

You have clearly defined, very “steep” hips;

You have a thin waist and a flat stomach;

You have narrow shoulders and a small bust;

Excess weight is deposited exclusively below, on the hips and abdomen.

Our task is to tighten the hips and stomach, and keep the shoulders toned. The following training will help us achieve this:

It will be useful to do push-ups at home. Two sets of 8-10 repetitions. But strictly every other day.

Exercises aimed at working the lower body will also be useful, for example, classes such as LOWER BODY or BUMS+ABS. To achieve beautiful muscle definition, classes should be attended at least three times a week.

We should not forget about the shoulder body. An exercise such as a “pullover” or overhead dumbbell rows will also help keep the muscles of your arms and chest toned. The exercise is so named because of its similarity to the movement we make when removing a jacket over our head. It should be performed while lying on a gymnastic bench. Be careful - you need to keep your lower back pressed against the bench, and as you exhale, lift the dumbbell strictly to the level of your forehead, as the muscles will relax further. The number of repetitions is 8-10, in two approaches.


Your hips and shoulders are quite thin;

Slender or thin legs and proportional buttocks;

Protruding tummy.

Intense aerobic exercise - step, tai-bo or dance classes - will help burn excess fat deposits. You should attend classes at least three times a week.

Don't be afraid of strength training. For example, you can do bench presses, dumbbell squats, or bent-leg deadlifts. Each exercise should be performed in 3-4 sets of 10-12 times. In this case, the abs will tense statically, and the stomach will tighten in “automatic mode.”

At home, you should perform sit-ups with a twist, in two rounds of 20 repetitions, and front and side planks on your elbows. The time for performing the plank should be gradually increased and brought to 1.5-2 minutes.


In the gym you can perform classic circuit training. For example, 40 seconds of aerobics (an exercise bike, running or jump rope), then pull-ups on a bar, abdominal exercises on an incline bench, back lunges with dumbbells in your hands. Each exercise should be performed 10-12 times. We recommend performing several circles per workout.

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