Coloring pages for children goodbye summer. Pictures for children on the theme “Summer” for activities in kindergarten and at home. Coloring pages for children: Summer treats

You are in the Summer coloring page category. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download Summer coloring pages and print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of Summer develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, and introduces us to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog, compiled by category, will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring books will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

We all love summer - a time for relaxation, vacations, games, adventures and swimming. Personally, I just love summer for a whole bunch of reasons, and therefore I invite you to draw this time of year with me step by step with a pencil.

So, what do you associate with summer? Personally, for me - with clear skies, sun, greenery and a house in the village. Let's try to draw a carefree landscape that would be perfect for illustrating your story about holidays and summer.

First, we divide our sheet with a line, marking the horizon. Draw with a simple pencil so that you can sometimes erase all the extra lines.

At the top of the sheet we draw a sun and clouds. You can draw a completely cloudy sky, or you can draw a clear one.

Add a couple of tree trunks.

And, of course, what would summer be without lush, bright foliage? We draw lush tree crowns.

The general landscape is ready, now it’s time to draw a house away from the trees. By the way, in the next lessons I want to show you how to draw houses. So, we draw the base of the house from two rectangles.

Add a roof to the rectangles. Don’t forget to remove all unnecessary lines along the way so that they don’t distract you.

Let's add another element and a pipe to the roof.

Let's finish drawing the doors and windows.

For children in kindergarten and summer camp, our selection will come in handy. Download, print and color.

As you wait for the arrival of summer, you dream about how children will run around on the street from morning to evening, splash in the river or sea, play yard games. But in practice, it turns out that during the day it is too hot for street fun, and children have to be hidden from the sun and heat at home.

What to do with a baby who had to be taken from the street in the summer and locked within four walls? What to do with kids in kindergarten when the weather doesn’t allow for a lot of walking, or children from summer camp who don’t want to sleep during quiet time.

Print it out for the kids. They will probably be happy to color beautiful coloring pages about summer.

These coloring pages about summer can be decorated with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, paints, plasticine, and made into appliques.

Coloring pages for children: Summer treats

These summer coloring pages are about children's favorite treats: ice cream and lemonade. Encourage children not only to color the coloring pages, but also to imagine how they can decorate ice cream or what fruits they can add to lemonade.

Summer coloring: ice cream

Summer coloring: ice cream

Summer coloring: ice cream

Summer Coloring Page: Lemonade

Summer Coloring Pages: Sea

The sea is what children look forward to summer for. To brighten up their anticipation of the main trip of the year, invite the kids to color summer coloring pages with a marine theme.

Summer coloring book: underwater world

Summer coloring book for little ones: shovel and bucket

Summer coloring: ship

Coloring pages about summer: Fruits and vegetables

An integral part of any summer is fruits and berries. We offer not only regular coloring pages, but also by color.

Summer coloring book: fruits

Summer coloring book: fruits

Summer coloring book: fruits and vegetables

Summer coloring: strawberry

Crafts on the theme "Summer": Insects and animals

Many of the children spend the summer in the village with relatives. There they get acquainted with insects (beetles, spiders), small wild and domestic animals. Even if it’s a hedgehog and a goat, the child will have enough impressions for a long time.

Summer coloring book: snail

Summer coloring: butterflies

Summer coloring: butterflies

Summer coloring book: insects

Summer coloring book: animals

Summer coloring: on the farm

Summer coloring pages

Below are some coloring pages about how people spend their summer. Children play in the yard, run through the fields, inhale the aromas of summer herbs and flowers, splash in the water, and eat ice cream.

Now you have summer coloring pages for kids that you can easily print out to keep your little ones occupied.

We offer you simple coloring books, but coloring books for the development of fine motor skills in children, since before you color the pictures, the outline of the picture needs to be connected by dots.

Using these coloring pages, you can conduct thematic conversations about summer, accompanying the story. poems about summer and stories about summer.

These are coloring pages about summer nature, coloring pages about the gifts of summer, coloring pages about summer fun.

Summer coloring pages for children

Hooray! Summer is here and here it is! The sun warms the earth and fruits begin to ripen on the trees.

Multi-colored flowers bloom under the summer sun. These are sunflowers in bright green grass - from them we get delicious seeds.

Delicious berries appear: gooseberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, currants. Insects are drawn to them and enjoy their aroma and juice.

Beautiful flowers are blooming. Butterflies and dragonflies fly to them and feed on pollen.

Look how beautiful it is! In summer you can go to the river for a swim or take a boat ride. Just be careful - don’t swim where it’s deep!

You can go fishing. The main thing is don’t forget to dig up some worms and grab a fishing rod.

The seasons provide a wealth of material that can be used for speech therapy classes and speech games with children. Summer is no exception! There are a number of interesting changes in nature this season, and people spend a lot of time outside, working and relaxing. Visual materials allow you to show children a variety of features of this period; pictures and cards must be actively used during developmental activities.

What to tell children about summer

The main “summer” topics that can be used for conversations with children are:

  • berries, ;
  • , birds, ;
  • people's activities in the garden, in the forest;
  • types of outdoor recreation (travel to the sea, summer sports);
  • safety of children in summer.

The first of these sections are suitable for toddlers, and the rest for older preschoolers. They allow you to choose pictures about summer for both very young children and future first-graders. You can use both subject images (berries, toys for the sandbox) and plot compositions:

  • “The first day of summer has arrived!”;
  • “What do children play outdoors in the summer?”;
  • “What are the rules of behavior on the water and why are they needed?”

Correctly selected illustrations help increase the effectiveness of speech development exercises and make them more interesting. Various pictures about summer are excellent visual material that makes it possible to conduct useful activities, as well as exciting games with preschoolers of different ages.

Work in the garden

Animal world

Russia Day

Children care about nature


  • Select one subject picture from a thematic group of images (mushrooms, berries, insects), describe it, listing as many characteristics as possible.
  • Make up the story “Summer Vacation” using images of children:

- in the forest;
– on the beach;
- at the dacha.

  • List the signs of summer based on several subject paintings depicting nature or the city.
  • Talk about one of the wildflowers using several photographs or drawings.
  • Select several subject pictures (from the whole set) on the topic: Summer in the forest, write a description of each of them.
  • Tell one of several fairy tales or stories in pictures, selected according to the topic.
  • Come up with riddles for each subject image from the series: “Children playing in nature.”
  • Continue the sentence “Hello summer, you came to us with .....”. You can list the signs of the season, seasonal changes in the world around you. You need to complete the task based on subject or plot images on the topic.
  • Tell them that animals also enjoy summer, that their lives change a lot at this time of year. The drawn animals in the pictures should be a kind of “clues”.
  • Draw a verbal portrait of one of the people in the picture, describe the appearance features of one of the tourists or vacationers on the beach.

Summer in the forest
Forest in summer
Summer in the city
City in summer
Children's fun in summer
Summer Games
Summer in the village
Summer day in the village

It is important to select all tasks for speech development based on the child’s age characteristics, then they will be interesting to him and will also be beneficial. For example, for children 5-6 years old, you can use tasks of increased complexity: ask them to tell (based on the plot picture) what happened before the events depicted and what will happen after. You can ask to talk on behalf of one of the characters depicted in thematic pictures for children from the senior or preparatory group. Subject cards are useful for coming up with:

  • riddles;
  • funny stories with continuation;
  • short poems.

Such exercises not only train the speech abilities of future schoolchildren, but also develop imaginative thinking, attention, and imagination.


Various pictures for children about summer can be used not only for educational activities, but also during exciting games. Here are some of them:

  • “Let’s collect raspberries in a basket”: list as many forest or garden berries as possible, selecting appropriate images from a set of illustrations.
  • “I’ll tell you, guess!”: take any subject card on the topic “Summer” and describe what is depicted on it. This could be: plants, animals in a “summer” coat, a symbolic image of the weather or a natural phenomenon (rainbow, thunderstorm, dew).
  • “Summer is an artist”: choose one of the flowers, “invite him to visit.” Then you should name the drawings, as many as possible, that can be painted by him. These are unique word coloring books for children that allow you to enrich your speech with descriptive adjectives.
  • “Hike”: each of the players (in turn) talks about what he saw during an imaginary (or real) excursion into nature. For this game you need to select several plot pictures. “Summer in the Forest” or “Summer Vacation in Nature” would be perfect. You can take any published for kindergarten on this topic.
  • “In a forest clearing”: this game combines speech and artistic tasks. Each participant must draw with a pencil and then color a portrait of some animal. These need to be animals that are easy to meet in the forest in the summer. You can use ready-made mask images that are placed in Summer in the Forest or other similar coloring books. Of course, ready-made masks used in kindergarten for matinees are also suitable. Then the children play the character whose image they got. You can ask everyone:
  • tell about his life in the forest;
  • come up with a funny story about summer;
  • list your favorite berries, flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees.

At the end of the fun, the one who was the most interesting animal is chosen and becomes the winner.

  • "In memory of summer"

It is impossible to imagine games on the theme of “summer” without entertainment in nature. Invite your child or the whole group to find the most beautiful leaves or flowers in the park. Let everyone choose one and then describe it. Then all the plants need to be carefully dried and then placed in a folder on a transparent or colored background. The finished herbarium can then be placed in the group’s corner of nature, where some animals and plants are found all year round.

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