Russian folk holidays presentation. “folk Orthodox holidays and customs of autumn.” 7th grade, presentation for a lesson on ICT. Russian Military Glory Day

The life of Russian people in the distant past consisted of everyday work and holidays.

On weekdays they plowed, sowed, reaped, worked in workshops, raised children, and kept house. But the time of holidays was also coming - it was a time of relaxation, fun, joy, when people felt that they were all one big family, everyone was gathering at the festive table, everyone was smartly dressed and wished each other love, happiness, health, a good harvest, good times. home, peace and joy in the heart and soul. There were many holidays in Russia: 140-150 a year. These holidays were aimed at promoting the health and well-being of people. Customs, rituals, the very celebration of holidays were passed down from century to century, from elders to younger ones, like a great treasure, a common wealth, in them the Russian people revealed their character, their soul, beauty, culture.

The first mention of Maslenitsa is in the 16th century. They began to prepare for Maslenitsa from the middle of the previous week. The housewives cleaned the place, bought food, and baked pancakes. They built ice slides, snow fortresses, towns, and swings.

Entertainment on Maslenitsa:

  • pancake treat;
  • skiing from the mountains;
  • buffoon booths;
  • hanging swing;
  • horse riding;
  • fist fights;
  • taking snowy towns.

Maslenitsa week

Monday – meeting

Tuesday - "flirts"

Wednesday – "gourmet" Thursday - "revelry"

Friday - "mother-in-law's evening"

Saturday - "Zalovkin gatherings"

Sunday - "forgiven day"


On the last day of Maslenitsa, cleansing rituals were performed: a large ritual fire was lit on an elevated place, and old unnecessary things were burned in it.

The effigy symbolizing Maslenitsa was burned, the holiday was considered over, all the treats remaining after Maslenitsa were subject to destruction, as Lent began.


The Annunciation is the good news of the birth of Jesus. It's time for the birds to arrive. It's time to dig the ground and plant. The holiday was not celebrated with fun. Traditional things were going to church, observing prohibitions, and talking about sowing and plowing.

Palm Sunday

The people greeted the arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem with palm branches. Among the Russians, the willow took the place of palm branches.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Willow has magical powers (protects against diseases, gives vitality and health, protects from lightning, fire, evil spirits.

The willow was kept on the shrine for a whole year. Napod noted that if the willow blooms well, the arable land will be successful.

Easter- "holiday-holidays" , the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The most important element of the holiday is the morning Easter meal, after which the village children went "to be christened" , the owners presented them with pies, sweets, and colored eggs. On the streets, girls and boys danced, sang songs, and competed in various games with Easter eggs.

Basically, the customs and traditions of the Russian people are connected with the calendar, and with church sacraments, holidays and difficult rituals.

The formation of traditions is a continuous process.

Some historical traditions of Russia are becoming a thing of the past or are changing under the pressure of modern realities. But new traditions in Russia, on the contrary, "conquer" their place in the sun and enter the life of the Russian people. In addition, some national traditions in Russia are gradually gaining popularity and becoming nationwide and ubiquitous.

Literature used:

  1. Russian folk holidays, Mikheeva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, DrofaPlus publishing house, 2007.
  2. Folk holidays in Holy Rus', Stepanov N.P., Russian Rare Book Publishing House, 1992.

Thank you for your attention!

Russian folk holidays, Mikheeva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, DrofaPlus publishing house, 2007

2. Folk holidays in Holy Rus', Stepanov N.P., Russian Rare Book Publishing House, 1992

Easter – "holiday of holidays" , sus Christ

On this day, everyone hurried to the church to bless the willow branches. They were brought home and then kept for a long time so that they would ward off illnesses from the house.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Didactic lesson project Subject: history, culture, traditions of the Russian people. Class: 7 "B". Teacher: Delemarskaya Valentina Georgievna. Topic: “Folk Orthodox holidays and customs of autumn.” Lesson type: non-traditional - skit.

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Objectives of the lesson You will be able to continue: Formation of your speech based on stories about folk rituals; Developing the ability to work independently; The ability to convey folk flavor in a song, story, dramatization (artistry, expressiveness)

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Paganism and our idea of ​​it. Every person from childhood remembers grandmother's fairy tales, sayings, instructive proverbs, mesmerizing lullabies. The folk wisdom contained in them has fostered for centuries respect for the Russian people and admiration for their talent. In the lessons of IKTRN and Russian literature, you got acquainted with sayings, proverbs, fairy tales - with everything that the Russian language is so rich in. In lessons we study the customs of the Russian people, their history. We already know why they decorate a Christmas tree on New Year's Day, what Maslenitsa is, Carols. Since ancient times, the history of the origin of Slavic culture has been associated with mythology. And today the culture of the pagan worlds is close to us.

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Proverbs and sayings about autumn: In autumn, they slurp milk with a match: they dip it once, shake it twice, and then put it in their mouth. In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above and sweeps from below. Autumn is the queen: jelly and pancakes, but spring is smooth: sit and watch. What you reap is what you thresh, what you thresh is what you put in the barn. In autumn, the crow also has a head of hair, not only the black grouse. Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time. In late autumn, one berry, and even then a bitter rowan. In autumn, livestock gets fatter, and people become healthier. Autumn is boastful, spring is fair. Autumn will give orders, and spring will say its own. Autumn is stocky, winter is stocked up. Autumn is the time to harvest. Autumn - eight weather changes. He grumbles like a skinny fly in autumn. In autumn, the crow has a shock of bread. Autumn will come and ask for everything. Chickens are counted in the fall. In autumn, the sparrow has a feast. In autumn the sparrow is also rich. Autumn brings bad weather.

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Proverbs and sayings about September: September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn. September takes the caftan off his shoulder and puts on a sheepskin coat. In September there is one berry, and that one is bitter rowan. September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage. In September there is fire both in the field and in the hut. September is cold, but full. September is the time of golden autumn. September is departure time. September is a magician of light. September is deciduous.

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Proverbs and sayings about October: October rides a piebald mare: it loves neither the wheel nor the runner. In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove. October will cover the earth, sometimes with leaves, sometimes with snow. October is cold, father, and November has chilled him too. In October, there is a hut with firewood, and a man in bast shoes. October is the month of the first snows, the first cold weather. October loves neither wheels nor runners. In October, not even a leaf can stick to a tree. Everyone would like October, but the peasant has no choice... October thunder means a snowless winter. In October, a man lives with caution. By October, the birches become bare.

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Proverbs and sayings about November: November is an off-road vehicle: now snow, now mud, now mud, now snow - neither the wheel nor the runner can move. In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts. November - September's grandson, October's son, winter's brother. In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh. The November frosts make the December frosts worse. In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day. In November, autumn - the fat woman fights with the feisty one - in winter. In November there will be snow - bread will arrive. November nights are dark before the snow. In November, winter fights with autumn. November is the gate of winter. November is the twilight of the year.

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Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday was established by the Russian Orthodox Church in memory of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God in the Blacher Church of Constantinople in the 10th century. The Mother of God prayed for a long time, and then, approaching the throne of the temple, she took off the veil (veil) from Her head and spread it over the people praying in the temple, thereby signifying the protection She provided to the entire Christian world from visible and invisible enemies.

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Historical information. Saracens (Greek Σαρακηνός - “eastern people”) are a people mentioned by the ancient Roman historian of the 4th century Ammianus Marcellinus and the Greek scientist of the 1st - 2nd centuries. n. e. Ptolemy. A nomadic bandit tribe, Bedouins, who lived along the borders of Syria. Since the Crusades, European authors began to call all Muslims Saracens, often using the term “Moors” as a synonym. The term is currently used by historians to refer to the population of the Arab Caliphate in the period before the conquest of the Abbasid Caliphate by Hulagu, as a result of the Middle East campaign of the Mongols. (VII - XIII centuries).

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Treats of the Brownie (14) October (leaf fall) Intercession - (with the introduction of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her miraculous payment). In folk tradition, this day marked the meeting of Autumn with Winter and the roots of this holiday go very deep. Popular beliefs associated the name itself with the first frost that “covered” the ground, indicating the proximity of winter cold, although the exact name of the holiday has not been preserved. The Day of the Intercession coincided with the end of field work and serious preparation for winter. Around these days they began to heat in huts: spinners and weavers began to work. On this day, the Brownie goes to bed and in connection with this the ritual of “Baking corners” was associated. The brownie was asked to keep the house warm in winter, they baked special “blini”, small pancakes, and the first pancake was divided into 4 parts and carried to the corners of the hut as an offering, so that the spirit of the house would be well-fed and calm. On this day, girls asked Lada for marriage (during Christianity they began to ask

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Matchmaking - painting of the 18th-19th centuries After the wedding, a feast was held. The veil, which hid the face of the bride and the wedding party from the groom and guests, was replaced by a “woman’s headdress” - a warrior. During this ritual, the bride had to cry, and women and girls had to sing sad songs. Unequal marriage. They unraveled my braid with tears, and with tears they led me in marriage... Wedding feast

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Festive festivities Round dances and games were timed to coincide with various pagan folk holidays. Holidays coincided with field work, seasons, with various signs, with seasonal work in the field. In Rus', field work ended by autumn, the grain was put into bins, and the time of folk festivities and fun began.

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Riddles for children A lot of riddles about autumn, the autumn months and much more... Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course...

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Children's poems - riddles about the autumn month - September. They will tell you about the most beautiful autumn month. The collective farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have flocked to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has it come to us? (…….)

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Riddles about October. The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy: The vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices are falling silent, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? (……..)

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Presentation on the topic:

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Celebrations on Trinity Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated by the church on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. On this day, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles is remembered. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles as they all gathered together in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem. Suddenly there was a loud noise from the sky, as if from a rushing strong wind, and this noise filled the entire house in which they were located. Then they all saw, as it were, splitting tongues of fire, and one tongue of fire rested on each of the apostles.

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Old Testament Trinity (Abraham's hospitality) The Holy Spirit who descended from heaven gave the apostles the grace of the priesthood for the establishment of the Church on earth, strength and intelligence for preaching the Word of God throughout the world. This day is considered the birthday of the New Testament Church and has been solemnly celebrated since ancient times.

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Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Dormition - one of the twelve great church holidays - is celebrated on August 15 according to the old style, and on August 28 according to the new style. From August 1, according to the old style, or August 14, according to the new style, the two-week strict Dormition Fast begins. Why do we not mourn on the day of the death of the Mother of God, but celebrate this event? Because the word “dormition” alone shows that the death of the Mother of God was extraordinary. It was like a short dream, followed by birth into eternal life.

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The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos This festival in honor of the Virgin is truly adorned with many and great gifts and is rightly revered as the day of salvation for the whole world, wrote Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, in the 9th century. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the result and crown of the Old Testament, all the hopes and aspirations of pre-Christian humanity. The Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary introduces a person into a very special circle of ideas and reflections. Through a long series of generations, God's Providence prepared this vessel of the Divine for itself on earth. “The Most Blessed Mary, descending in a direct line from Abraham and David, counts among her ancestors the Old Testament patriarchs, many high priests, leaders and kings of the Jews. Thus, if respectable valor, spiritual qualities and merits are assimilated and bring respect to the name of their descendants in the world; then faith, meekness, courage, patience and other virtues of the race of Abram and David in the very birth of the Virgin Mary adorned Her name.”

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Maslenitsa Maslenitsa is an ancient Russian folk holiday that dates back to the times of ancient, pagan Rus'. The holiday intertwined both pagan and Christian customs. The holiday does not have a fixed calendar date; it is celebrated according to the church calendar at the end of winter - beginning of spring. Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that we inherited from pagan culture. This is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful anticipation of imminent warmth and spring renewal of nature. Folk festivities continue for seven whole days with songs, dances, Russian folk games, horse riding, and ditties. On the most joyful last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday - an effigy is burned and everyone asks each other for forgiveness, freeing themselves from sins before Lent. Since ancient times, the indispensable and most important attribute of Maslenitsa has been, of course, round, rosy, hot pancakes - a symbol of the sun, which grew brighter and brighter, lengthening the days. With butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms or sturgeon - for every taste! The holiday is celebrated on a special scale in Suzdal. Many people come here to have a fun winter and welcome the long-awaited spring. Maslenitsa in Suzdal is a bright and unforgettable holiday, which is accompanied by games, fun, theatrical folklore performances, horse riding, burning effigies, delicious pancakes and Russian cuisine. Celebrate Maslenitsa in Suzdal, welcome spring fun, bright and noisy!

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Epiphany Another Orthodox holiday is celebrated annually in Suzdal - Epiphany. The Feast of Epiphany is a very significant holiday for Orthodox Christians. The rite of Baptism is a special sacrament of the Orthodox Church, during which the person being baptized is cleansed of the sins of his past life. The history of the holiday of Epiphany is interesting. The holiday is dedicated to the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. It is believed that by celebrating this holiday according to all the rules, the believer gets rid of all diseases and illnesses.

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Baptism The rite of Baptism is a special sacrament of the Orthodox Church, during which the person being baptized is cleansed of the sins of a past life. In Rus', on the day of Orthodox baptism, it is customary to dive into an ice hole. It is believed that water on the night of Epiphany acquires supernatural properties, has extraordinary healing powers, cures all kinds of ailments, and heals both body and spirit. For many Orthodox Christians, the holiday of Epiphany becomes a good tradition of strengthening faith, spirit and body. For these purposes, a special bathhouse is built, where everyone who wants to perform the rite of Baptism can go. Swimming in the ice hole takes place in a civilized manner, under the supervision of rescuers and doctors. Swimming in an ice hole is a wonderful conditioning and cleansing of the body, good spirits and a lot of impressions and enthusiastic stories.

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Easter In the spring, after a long, harsh winter, after strict fasting, the Orthodox celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Easter is the greatest, big holiday for all Christian believers. On Easter, the entire Orthodox world sings of the deliverance of all mankind from the slavery of the devil. But to do this, you must first undergo a strict long-term fast, thereby proving your readiness and desire to free yourself from defilement. This period is full of prayers, services, church chants. We must forgive everyone and ask others for forgiveness. The Orthodox Easter holiday is the brightest, most beautiful, touching, instructive, kind Orthodox holiday. At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs as a symbol of resurrection, bake Easter cakes, and prepare Easter cottage cheese. At Easter, it is customary to exchange colored eggs with the words “Christ is Risen.” The holiday of Orthodox Easter begins at midnight between Holy Saturday and Resurrection. The service begins at midnight with beautiful chants, then all believers go to the Procession of the Cross. The significance of Easter is very great for Orthodox Christians; it is the greatest holiday of purification and forgiveness.

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Night of Ivan Kupala July 9 to July 10 (at night) The day of the summer solstice marks the holiday of Ivan Kupala - the holiday of water and fire. Our ancestors called the pagan god of fertility Ivan Kupala. Kupalo was portrayed as a brave young man with curly hair and a beard. Kostroma, a young woman in white clothes with an oak branch in her hands, was considered a symbol of fertility. Our ancestors regularly celebrated this holiday, believing in the mercy of the gods and hoping for a rich harvest. But modern reality has set its own accents - the holiday of Ivan Kupala is a time for relaxation, entertainment and fun. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is distinguished by its mystery. According to popular belief, on this night, herbs have the greatest healing power. They used a white tablecloth to remove dew from the herbs and wash themselves; it was believed that diseases went away along with the dew. Celebrants bathed in rivers to relieve illness. One of the traditions was to lower a set fire wheel to the river: a symbol of the turning of the sun towards winter. Bonfires were lit on the river bank, round dances were held, ritual games were held, and people waited for the month to meet the sun. There is a beautiful legend that ferns bloom on this night once a year. And with the help of this flower, buried treasures are opened.

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Christmas Christmas is a bright, pure religious holiday. Our ancestors also glorified Kolyada. Kolyada is the pagan god of feasts and peace. Christian and pagan customs are mixed here. The mummers entered houses with candles burning on the windows, danced, sang carols, and entertained the owners with jokes. For this, the hospitable hosts treated the mummers to sweets and gave gifts. Today, Christmas has not lost its relevance. This is a family, home holiday that brings different generations together. Sledding, songs, dances, theatrical performances, competitions and constant gifts.

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Holidays in the Russian village of the past were an important aspect of social and family life. The peasants even said: “We work all year for the holiday.” The holiday was perceived by the religious consciousness of people as something sacred, opposite to everyday life - everyday life. If weekdays were interpreted as a time during which a person must engage in worldly affairs, earning his daily bread, then the holiday was understood as a time of merging with the divine and becoming familiar with the sacred values ​​of the community, its sacred history.

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First of all, the holiday was considered obligatory for all members of the village community who had reached adulthood. Children, old people, cripples, old maids, and the sick were not allowed to attend the holiday, since some had not yet reached the age of understanding sacred values, while others were already on the verge between the world of the living and the world of the dead, others had not fulfilled their destiny on earth - they had not entered into marriage.

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The holiday also implied complete freedom from all work. On this day it was forbidden to plow, mow, reap, sew, clean the hut, chop wood, spin, weave, that is, perform all everyday peasant work. The holiday obliged people to dress smartly, to choose pleasant, joyful topics for conversation, and to behave differently: to be cheerful, friendly, hospitable.

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A characteristic feature of the holiday was a large crowd. The quiet village on weekdays was filled with invited and uninvited guests - beggars, wanderers, pilgrims, walkers, leaders with bears, showmen, raeshniks, puppeteers, fair traders, peddlers. The holiday was perceived as a day of transformation of a village, a house, a person. Strict measures were taken against persons who violated the rules of the holiday: from fines, lashings, to complete expulsion from the village community.

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In the Russian village, all holidays were included in a single multi-stage sequence. They coped from year to year, from century to century, in a certain order established by tradition. Among them was the main holiday, which, from the point of view of the peasants, had the greatest sacred power - Easter. The great holidays: Christmas, Trinity, Maslenitsa, Midsummer and Peter's days and small holidays, also called semi-holidays, were associated with the beginning of various types of peasant work: the first day of sowing grain, harvesting cabbage for the winter and others.

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Holidays not associated with church tradition included Christmastide, Maslenitsa, sacred holidays - in memory of some village event, often tragic, in the hope of appeasing nature, the deity, as well as various men's, women's and youth holidays.

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  • Christmas, Holidays:
    • Carols;
    • Mummers;
    • Christmas carols;
    • Spiritual Poems;
    • Yuletide fortune telling;
    • Underwater songs;
    • Rituals;
    • Games.
  • Baptism:
    • Gatherings;
    • Evenings;
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    • Wide Maslenitsa;
    • Palm Sunday;
    • Easter;
    • Red Hill (invocation of spring; weddings);
    • Semik;
    • Trinity.
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    Summer Red

    • Ivan Kupala;
    • Peter's Day;
    • Elijah Day;
    • Spas (honey, apple, nut);
    • Summer Rusalia
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    Autumn is golden

    • Autumn;
    • Dozhinki - the holiday of the last sheaf;
    • Skit;
    • Harvest Festival;
    • Autumn Fair;
    • Halloween in Russian: ghouls, ghouls, goblin, merman, kikimores, witches.
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    September 21 - Autumn

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    September 21 Oseniny, Malaya Prechistaya, Ospozhinki, Nativity of the Virgin Mary

    • In the church calendar, this day marks a major holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is believed that it was on September 21 that daughter Maria was born into the family of the righteous Joachim and Anna. In Orthodoxy, the holiday is one of the twelve - that is, the main ones of the year.
    • On the Most Pure Day, on the day of the autumn equinox, the second meeting of autumn was celebrated.
    • Old style date: September 8.
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    Mother of God

    Very little is known about the birth of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, a pious couple from Jerusalem did not have children for a long time. When Joachim retired into the desert to pray for the birth of a child, an angel appeared to both him and his wife, announcing that their offspring “will be talked about all over the world.” Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a girl.

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    She was a Virgo not only in body, but also in soul: humble in heart, circumspect in words, prudent, taciturn, a lover of reading, hardworking, chaste in speech, considering not man, but God as the judge of her thoughts. Her rule was to wish well to everyone, to honor elders , do not envy equals, avoid boasting, be sensible, love virtue.

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    • The holiday is dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time, field work is completed: harvesting, transporting grain to barns, harvesting flax. The foundation for the family's well-being for the coming year has been laid. On this day they honored and thanked the Mother of God for the harvest. It is believed that it gives prosperity, patronizes agriculture, family and especially mothers.
    • The harvest festival was sometimes celebrated for a whole week - with games, songs, dances, feasts. The autumn people were met by the water. Early in the morning, women went to the banks of rivers and lakes with bread. The older woman stood with a loaf of bread, and the young women sang songs to the glory of the Mother of God. After this, the bread was broken into pieces according to the number of those gathered: each woman took her piece home and fed it to the cattle.
    • The symbols of the holiday are oats, lubok with grain and homemade bread.
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    This day is popularly called the Second Most Pure Day.

    • Relatives came to the newlyweds on the Most Pure One: they watched how they lived, taught them to be smart. The young housewife had to feed the guests a delicious dinner and give the parents round pies, and her husband had to show the farm: livestock in the barns, harness and tools in the sheds.
    • This is traditionally a women's holiday: a woman is revered as a continuator of the family.
    • On this day, women turn their prayers to the Mother of God so that the Holy Intercessor will send a child. After the service, you must give alms or invite the disadvantaged, orphans, and the sick to dinner.
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    Name day on this day Georgy, Ivan

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    Most Pure

    On the Most Pure Day, on the day of the autumn equinox, they celebrated the second meeting of autumn and observed signs. If the weather was good, then the whole autumn should have been like this.

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    Russian Military Glory Day

    This is a significant and memorable date for any Russian person. On September 8 (September 21, new style) 1380, a great battle took place on the Kulikovo Field. Russian regiments led by the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich (Dmitry Donskoy) gave a decisive battle in the history of Russia at that time to the Horde troops led by Khan Mamai. The battle was called Kulikovo and was a turning point in the struggle of the Russian people against the yoke of the Golden Horde. This is one of the days of military glory of Russia, celebrated annually on September 21

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    International Day of Peace

    For most people on planet Earth, peace is an everyday reality. Our streets are calm, our children go to school. Where the foundations of society are strong, the priceless gift of peace may not be particularly noticed by anyone. However, for too many people in the modern world, this gift is nothing more than a fairytale dream. They live in chains, in an atmosphere of instability and fear. It is mainly for them that this day exists. In 1982, in its resolution, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace (InternationalDayofPeace) as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence. Since then, the holiday, celebrated annually on September 21, has attracted millions of people, spanning many countries and regions. It is designed to make people not only think about the world, but also do something for it.

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    One of the main altar celebrations for the Orthodox is the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (Protection?). This bright holiday, shrouded in many traditions and beliefs, was established by the Russian Orthodox Church in the mid-12th century and is celebrated annually on October 14. Saint Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, showed concern for this.

    The cover is the beginning of winter. As a rule, the celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos coincides with the first frosts and snowfall, so farmers try to remove the crops from the fields by this time and make the necessary preparations for the winter. The cattle were no longer driven out to pasture and were transferred to winter feed.

    Pokrov is the period of weddings. The snow covering the fields on Pokrov is in many ways reminiscent of a bride's veil and wedding bedspreads. This shows the connection between the celebrations. At this time, the period of round dances and festivities ended, and gatherings began. Young people spent time doing needlework, singing, talking, caroling and chanting. According to ancient beliefs, a marriage entered into on the day of the celebration of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos will be happy and long. Therefore, at this time there was a series of weddings. And girls who did not have a groom lit candles in the church in front of the icon of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, praying for a speedy successful marriage, made conspiracies, told fortunes and performed rituals to attract their betrothed to the house, and generally tried to spend this day in fun and entertainment.

    The cover is intercession. People associated with the military profession considered this holiday to honor the intercession that helped them win the most difficult battles. Since ancient times, the Mother of God of the Intercession was considered the patroness of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The main temple in the Sich was Pokrovsky, and the patronal (temple) holiday was celebrated accordingly on October 14. For this reason, the Cossacks always proclaimed a prayer for protection and deliverance before the campaign. And then they returned with gratitude. One of the ways of showing gratitude for the help and patronage of the Russian troops in the battle with the Turks, which began on October 1, 1552 (the eve of the Intercession) and ended with the capture of Kazan, was the construction of the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God by order of Ivan the Terrible. Nowadays this is the main temple located on Red Square in Moscow - St. Basil's Cathedral.

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