Dark pigment spots on the face of the cause. Age spots on the face - this is a bell, Failure in the body - the reason for these "points"! Vegetable and fruit juices

Spots on the face Brown- this is a violation of the pigmentation of a skin area due to dysfunction of melanin or the gastrointestinal tract. They cause aesthetic discomfort, and can also be a sign of a serious illness of the body, especially in men. Even if the spots are small and in small quantities, you should consult a dermatologist for diagnosis.

Dark spots are formations on the skin in the upper layer of the epidermis. The mechanism of appearance is associated with excessive production of melanin. Melanocytes are produced in the dermis and in the iris and hair. The stained areas vary in saturation and size.

The color of the spots is mainly from dark yellow to black-brown. The shape may be oval, round with smooth edges or not have a clear marked border. First, a dark dot appears, which begins to grow.

If growth does not stop for several years or the pigmented area begins to itch, becomes rough, this is a sure signal to see a doctor. An increase in the size of the spot in a child can go in parallel with the growth of the body.

Brown spots on the skin of the face can be represented by: moles, freckles, birthmarks, lentigo. On the Internet resources you can find a lot of photos for a clear visualization of the spots.

  1. Lentigos are dense in texture and slightly raised above the surface of the skin, characteristic of older people.
  2. Freckles are lighter than other spots, located in multiple clusters on the face (especially the forehead and chin area), as well as the back, neck, shoulders, arms.
  3. Birthmarks are localized over the entire surface of the body, can increase to large sizes.

Moles are congenital and acquired, they can occur both due to an excess of melanin pigment, as well as due to the rapid growth of capillaries, they are convex and smooth.

Causes of appearance on the face

There are a huge number of etiological factors leading to the appearance of brown spots:

  • occurrence during hormonal changes during pregnancy. Should not be removed, they may disappear after childbirth;
  • excessive exposure to the sun on the skin, that is, ultraviolet rays;
  • deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins;
  • the presence of diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract;

  • infectious etiology. Pigmented localizations often appear on the skin in malaria and tuberculosis;
  • brown spots may occur due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and the whole endocrine system;
  • tumor formations affecting the pituitary gland;
  • fungal diseases (a distinctive feature of such spots is dryness and peeling);
  • heredity;
  • age criterion. Senile skin defects are difficult to remove, due to the slowdown of metabolic processes in the body;
  • individual feature of the organism: hyperproduction of melanin in cells;
  • long-term use medicines sulfonamide groups;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetical tools;
  • injury to the skin (abrasions, scratches, bruises, wounds, at the site of a pimple).

Popular methods of disposal

Women try to remove or mask brown spots on their face by resorting to cosmetics or folk whitening methods. First you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe a series of examinations that will allow you to find or exclude the endogenous causes of the disease.

You can get rid of brown spots in several groups of methods.

Aesthetic procedures

Combined medicine and cosmetology have no difficulty in curing brown spots on the face in women.

  1. Peeling allows you to clean the upper part of the epidermis, activating the growth of new unstained cells. Great for light surface stains.
  2. Subcutaneous administration hyaluronic acid, which has a whitening effect, is able to remove small formations.
  3. laser therapy. The laser beam penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis, stopping the production of melanin in the cells. Over time, the dead pigment is washed out and the affected area is compared with the general skin tone.
  4. Point exposure to low temperature - cryotherapy.
  5. Subcutaneous injections of drugs with tyrosinase enzymes.

Folk methods

An important condition for the application folk remedies: the depth of the pigment is small and a doctor's diagnosis should be carried out.

Recipes of folk remedies:

  1. Cucumber mask. Grind the vegetable on a grater, squeeze the juice and mix with a nourishing cream, add a few drops of lemon. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Vinegar mixed with hydrogen peroxide in proportions 1:2. Wipe your face with this product 4-5 times a day.
  3. Bodyagi powder with hydrogen peroxide. Combine the ingredients until a thick slurry, keep on the face for 10-15 minutes. Use a moisturizer after this mask, otherwise, after a while, the skin will become very flaky.

Cosmetic products

There is a huge selection of cosmetic products, also used in medicine, that help remove a brown spot on the face. The most popular drugs: Skinoren ointment, Melantiv cream and Vichy Idealia PRO, Elure, sitomycin ointment.

Disadvantages and advantages of each method

The positive side of aesthetic procedures: a noticeable effect after the first manipulation, the effect on the deep layers of the skin. However, complete elimination in a short time does not give a 100% chance of avoiding the reappearance of the spot.

Why do home methods have a dubious effect and are not suitable for everyone? Getting rid of stains on your own is not always effective. The result of applying some recipes may become noticeable only after a year of use, due to the small amount of active substances that are unable to remove the pigment. Advantage traditional medicine- Use of natural ingredients.

Treatment of a brown spot on the face is the main advantage of cosmetic preparations. The composition of creams and ointments is selected by specialists and is aimed at the complete destruction of melanin in cells. Stronger drugs are dispensed by prescription at a pharmacy. Specific substances warn for careful use and possible allergic reaction.

According to people, the last method is the most effective.

Prevention of brown spots

By following these points, you can reduce the risk of brown patches:

  • get rid of excessive sunburn. Apply to the surface of the skin sunscreens moderate protection;
  • undergo annual examinations;
  • add foods rich in vitamin PP and C to the diet;
  • do not attempt to remove mechanically (scratch, cut).

Every woman wants to have a healthy and beautiful skin, but often not everyone succeeds. A variety of obstacles interfere with this, for example, brown spots, which annoy with their unattractive appearance. Every person who encounters this problem begins to wonder how to remove pigmentation on the face. Most often, this cosmetic effect appears over the age of 35 years. Getting rid of brown spots on the face for women can be somewhat difficult.

The appearance of pigmentation

Brown spots on the face are found in both young and older people. Most often they form between the ages of 40 and 50. These are the so-called age spots on the face of brown color. Very rarely, pigmentation can disappear without any treatment, spontaneously. As a rule, spots have a tendency to increase, and in order to get rid of them, you need to make a lot of effort.

Choice of treatment method

Many people ask the following question: "Brown spots appeared on the face, what should I do?". Pigmentation on the face is not only a cosmetic problem. The condition of the skin is more dependent on the functioning of internal systems and organs, so the fight against a variety of cosmetic problems only through masks and creams is meaningless. These methods are important only in conjunction with complex treatment. Before choosing a method of therapy, it is necessary to examine the entire body and identify the causes of the formation of brown spots.

Sometimes special cosmetics for external use can give some result - the spots can decrease in size and turn pale. However, this, as a rule, is not enough, since even a very expensive cream cannot eliminate the cause of this defect on the skin of the face. After a while, they return again, and very often become more noticeable.

The essence of the problem

Age spots are characterized by a high concentration of melanin in certain areas of the skin. You can notice the formation of moles or freckles in case of deposition of this substance in the upper layer of the epidermis. They usually do not cause any problems and do not cause discomfort.

Hyperpigmentation is caused by the accumulation of melanin in the deeper layers, with the formation of dark brown spots on the skin surface, which can sometimes even protrude a little.


Experts distinguish the following types of pigmentation:

Brown spots on the face: causes

Melanin, which is located in different layers of the epidermis, begins to be more actively produced, and accumulates in specific areas of the skin, while it forms pigmentation on them.

Causes of brown spots on the face may include the following:

Expert advice

By themselves, freckles or moles on the face do not cause discomfort and pain, but it should be remembered that they cannot arise just like that. You should immediately go to the hospital and undergo an examination of the whole body after their appearance. In addition, it is recommended to visit such doctors as an endocrinologist, internist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist. This will help identify the causes of brown spots on the face. Only after the diagnosis is made, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Methods for treating brown spots on the face

How to get rid of brown spots on the face? In order for them to completely disappear, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment, after which the spots will brighten or disappear.

To get rid of pigmentation on the face, beauty salons offer the following methods:

Whitening preparations for removing pigmentation on the face

Whitening cosmetic products are used to remove brown spots on the face. In order to avoid the appearance of more moles and freckles on the face or their darkening, it is necessary to use these bleaching agents with extreme caution. In addition, some drugs have their own contraindications, so before you start using them, you should consult your doctor.

The most famous bleaching agents:

  • Cream "Retin-A", stabilizing the level of melanin in the skin.
  • Facial mask "Belita Vitex" with acids and white clay. It removes age spots, while moisturizing the skin.
  • Cream "Achromin MAX" has the function of protecting the skin from exposure to sunlight and eliminates brown spots.
  • Cream Biokon "Snow White", which is made on the basis of licorice, white lily and lactic acid, helps prevent pigmentation on the face, and also has a sunscreen effect.
  • VC-IP solution with vitamin C eliminates hyperpigmentation of skin cell layers.
  • Zinc ointment also whitens spots very well. It has no contraindications, so it can be used by pregnant women. The ointment should be applied to age spots 2 times a day until they disappear completely.

Before using any product, be sure to read the composition and do a test for a possible allergic reaction.

Comprehensive approach and UV protection

Any problem should be treated comprehensively, like pigmentation on the face. The effectiveness of cosmetic complex products in the treatment of brown spots has been clinically proven. The action of such drugs occurs in two directions:

  • Providing local medical and cosmetic results.
  • Providing protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

These products include the Neotone complex preparation, which uses serum with such modern ingredients as licorice, alpha-arbutin, Lumiskin. It is intended for night skin care. Also among the highly effective preparations is Radiance with an increased degree of protection SPF50 +, which provides the skin with morning care. This is very effective remedy, it performs all stages of facial skin care. In addition, it is caring and cosmetic product, acting in the form safe means prevention of age spots.

Traditional medicine

To get rid of age spots, there are many proven and safe folk ways. A very good effect is provided by masks that are applied to the face for 25-30 minutes, after which they are washed off with water. These masks include the following:


  • You should regularly exfoliate the top layer of the skin at the beautician.
  • Follow proper nutrition.
  • Protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation with cosmetics that contain shea and jojoba oils, retinol and vitamin C.
  • Incorporate into your daily menu a large number fruits and vegetables. During beriberi in the spring, it is advisable to take nicotinic acid and vitamin C.
  • It is undesirable to use phototoxic agents for skin prone to the appearance of age spots.

Pigmented spots on the face and body, as well as areas with insufficient skin color or its complete absence, are one of the most urgent problems of modern dermatocosmetology.

Such local disorders are associated with a coloring pigment, mainly melanin, as a result of which they are combined into one group of skin pathology by the term "melanoses". In recent decades, the number of people with hyperpigmentation has increased especially significantly.

Why do age spots appear?

Depending on the excess melanin ( dark spots), lack or absence of pigment (white spots), melanoses of a local nature are distinguished as hyper- and hypomelanoses, respectively. They are not just limited cosmetic defects that differ in causes and mechanisms of development and very often seriously injure the psyche, but can be the result of both local limited disorders and various diseases of the body. To have an idea of ​​how to get rid of age spots and in what cases it is possible, it is necessary to understand the causes and mechanisms of their formation.

Melanin is the main pigment that determines color skin. It exists in 2 types, the ratio of which determines the color of the skin:

  • eumelanin - an insoluble pigment of black or brown color;
  • pheomelanin is a soluble pigment with various shades ranging from brown to yellow.

Melanin is synthesized and contained in large cells with processes - melanocytes, which are located in the epidermal basal layer between keratinocytes. The main component of melanocytes is the amino acid tyrosine. As a result of a chain of biochemical reactions involving enzymes, the main of which is tyrosinase, tyrosine is oxidized to form a pigment from oxidation products.

Activation of the tyrosinase enzyme occurs only in the presence of oxygen, copper ions and under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The synthesized melanin accumulates in the organelles (melanosomes) formed in melanocytes, which then move along the processes of the first to the keratinocytes of the epidermis and are evenly distributed at different depths in all layers, and the melanosomes are destroyed.

Regulation of the biological processes of melanin synthesis and secretion is determined by genes, the influence of the endocrine system with the participation of the middle lobe of the pituitary gland (through melanin-stimulating hormone), ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources, and a combination of these factors.

In these processes, disturbances in the metabolism of amino acids, the function of the nervous system, liver and spleen, and the deficiency of such microelements as magnesium, copper, sulfur and iron are of no small importance. For example, magnesium is involved in the regulation of the secretion of melanin-stimulating hormone, is directly involved in the transmission of signals from hormone receptors, is able to inhibit the action of tyrosinase, and helps maintain the connective tissue structure, due to which the pigment is distributed more evenly.

Thus, the causes of the appearance of age spots are very numerous. They are able to cause both a local decrease in the number of melanocytes and a breakdown of the mechanisms briefly described, resulting in disturbances in the synthesis and secretion of melanin and its distribution in the skin. In the vast majority, patients with limited areas of increased pigmentation on the skin prevail.

Is it possible to remove age spots?

Depending on the causes and mechanisms of occurrence of hypermelanosis, they are combined into two groups:

  1. Primary, which are large group diseases in which focal hyperpigmentation is the leading and, most often, the only clinical sign, although sometimes it can be combined with other manifestations of the disease. Primary hypermelanoses can be acquired, congenital and hereditary, which are inherited, are detected immediately after birth or after some time and, often, in combination with the symptoms of any other pathology.
  2. Secondary, including limited skin changes, caused by primary morphological elements in the form of rashes with any infectious or inflammatory origin. Hyperpigmentation in these cases develops as a result of the influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines. It has the character of residual effects of transferred dermatosis (eczema, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, various vasculitis, etc.). Such defects, as a rule, do not need any therapy and after some time disappear spontaneously after the cure or long-term remission of the underlying pathology.

Acquired hypermelanoses also include all cases of activation of the synthesis and secretion of melanin, which develop throughout life under the influence of:

Some types of primary hypermelanoses cannot be treated with cosmetic products at all. In these cases, age spots can be removed only through therapeutic, and sometimes surgical treatment of the underlying pathology.

The most common types of age spots


It is a primary hypermelanosis and develops, as a rule, between the ages of 10 and 70 years. The foci are represented by rounded or oval spots with a maximum diameter of several millimeters to 1–2 cm and various colors - from light to dark brown and even black, depending on the duration of their existence. Most often, lentigo is localized on the face, neck, upper chest and arms.

Causes include chronic sun exposure and age. Depending on the latter, juvenile (simple, youthful) and senile lentigo are distinguished. Simple can develop on any skin areas and even on the mucous membranes. In the basal layer, an increased content of melanin is noted, but its local distribution is observed.

Already in old age, senile age spots very often occur, which is mainly due to a change (slowdown) in metabolic processes. It is important that lentigo spots are a precancerous pathology. This is confirmed by a histological study - in the dermal layer, dystrophy of collagen fibers is determined, prone to staining with alkaline dyes, which indicates "solar" elastosis. Therefore, the choice of treatment in elderly patients should be very careful and reasonably justified.

Freckles, or ephelids

They are one of the typical features of the skin of blondes and redheads and belong to hereditary primary hypermelanoses. Their number is not associated with an increased number of melanocytic cells, but with a more intensive formation and accumulation of melanin in keratinocytes.

Freckles appear in childhood(from 4 to 6 years), and at an older age (after 30 years) - the number of elements decreases significantly. They look like spots with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.4 mm, localized on the face, on the back and front of the chest, as well as on the limbs. The boundaries of the ephelids are clearly defined. Their number and intensity of pigmentation increase significantly in spring and summer under the influence of ultraviolet rays, especially after sunburn.

In addition, in women (less often in men) after 40-50 years, so-called age-related freckles. With increasing age, their number increases more and more.

The appearance of such age spots is associated with a decrease in the hormonal function of the ovaries and a decrease in the content of estrogen in the blood, with a weakening (in both women and men) of the protective reaction to the damaging effects of sunlight and a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin, as a result of which it becomes more susceptible to microdamages.

This melanosis is not a manifestation of a pathological condition and does not require treatment, however, patients quite often turn to beauty parlors for this reason. With a professional approach, in most cases it is possible to carry out effective whitening pigment spots.


This is the most common type of limited primary acquired hypermelonosis, in which melanin accumulates in the cells of the epidermis of the spiny and basal layers, and the number of melanosomes in the superficial dermal layers also increases.

Chloasma appears in the age period of 20-50 years. They look like spots with irregular outlines of dark yellow or dark brown. Favorite localization - forehead, cheeks, periorbital zone, upper lip and the bridge of the nose, zygomatic region, neck. The cause of hyperpigmentation is excessive sun exposure against the background of changes in the blood levels of estrogens, progesterone and luteinizing hormone in women, and in men - low testosterone levels and high levels of luteinizing hormone.

Especially often, such hormonal changes are associated with the second half of pregnancy, pathological processes in the uterus, ovarian tumors and oral contraceptives. Age spots during pregnancy occur in most women (90% on average). First of all, they appear mainly in the "hormonally dependent" zones (areola, white line of the abdomen and inner thighs), and then in the above-mentioned zones.

Chloasma, melasma


Which many authors equate to chloasma. However, melasma is not associated with the reproductive organs, but with the pathology of other organs (liver disease, etc.) and ultraviolet radiation. It is characterized by a more pronounced aggressiveness of the course, compared with chloasma, and can be transient (in spring and summer, with hormonal surges) and chronic, when hyperpigmentation spots do not completely disappear, but only become paler.

The number of visits of patients with melasma is even significantly higher than those with chloasma. The remedy for age spots with melasma is chosen depending on its varieties (epidermal, dermal and mixed), which differ from each other in the depth of the location of the excess amount of pigment.

Broca's pigmented perioral dermatosis

Isolated in a separate form of hypermelanosis. It develops predominantly in middle-aged (30-40 years) women with hormonal ovarian dysfunction or dysfunction of the digestive tract. Foci with clear boundaries or vague outlines are localized in the zone of the nasolabial triangle. The spots have a yellow-brown color of varying intensity, up to complete disappearance. Removal of age spots on the face with Broca's dermatosis is possible only as a result of complex therapy with a predominant correction of the underlying pathology.

Treatment of age spots

In order to prevent the appearance of age spots or enhance the color intensity, as well as during their treatment, photoprotective agents containing ultraviolet filters (with an SPF factor of at least 50) are used - sprays, emulsions and creams from various manufacturers.

Methods for getting rid of pigmented skin defects:

  1. Laser removal of age spots.
  2. Whitening, consisting of two stages - mechanical or chemical peeling and direct whitening effect. The latter is achieved mainly by blocking the tyrosinase enzyme and reducing the production of melanin by melanocytes.

Laser exposure

For the purpose of selective photothermolysis, carbon dioxide, alexandrite, ruby, copper vapor or dye lasers are mainly used. If the principle of action is to evaporate tissues containing melanin, then the brightening effect of other types is to destroy and spray the pigment into particles (selective photothermolysis), which are then removed by macrophages through the lymphatic system. The laser can be used to remove age spots on the face and other parts of the body.

Each type of laser is designed for a specific type and depth of localized hypermelanosis. Recently, high-pulse IPL therapy has become very popular. With the help of these methods of treatment, defects can be removed relatively quickly and excellent results can be obtained.

However, they are very costly. In addition, the removal of age spots with a laser can cause various complications - repeated, even more pronounced, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation in the form of white spots, scars. In conventional beauty parlors, mechanical (dermabrasion and, much less often, cryodestruction) and chemical peels are mainly used, followed by bleaching.

Removal of age spots with a laser


Chemical peels are carried out using retinol and its derivatives, as well as fruit alpha-hydroxy acids - citric, kojic, malic, tartaric, glycolic, lactic, almond. Fruit acids also have a regenerating effect.

To achieve a depigmenting effect, drugs are used, the main components of which are hydroquinone (rarely used due to toxicity), ricinol, arbutin, salicylic, kojic, azelaic acids, ascorbic acid in the form of magnesium ascorbyl-2-phosphate. In addition, these substances have mild exfoliating, and some of them, antioxidant effects. Chemical peel often combined with mesotherapeutic procedures in order to introduce ascorbic, glycolic acid and other drugs.

Dark spots appearing on the skin spoil appearance and add years. Lifehacker figured out where this misfortune comes from and how to restore a healthy, even color to the face.

What are age spots

Hyperpigmentation is an uneven distribution of melanin pigment in the skin (in fact, it is he who gives the skin its color). If you have freckles, you are familiar with this situation: it is so genetically formed that there are cell clusters in certain areas in your skin Freckles: Remedies, Causes, and More which produce more melanin than others.

But freckles look cute and have been present since childhood, that is, their owners have time to get used to their features. Pimples are a completely different matter. Often they appear suddenly, have a large uneven shape, and require dense masks for masking. tonal means which is not suitable for everyone.


The reason for the appearance of spots is a failure, as a result of which some of the skin cells begin to produce more melanin than before. Hyperpigmentation itself is not harmful. What Causes Increased Skin Pigmentation?. But it is a symptom of some changes that have occurred in the body. Which, in turn, can be both neutral in terms of health, and quite dangerous.

What Causes Pigmentation Spots?

Failure in the work of skin cells most often occurs for the following reasons 5 possible causes of pigmentation problems.

1. Excessive UV exposure

UV light irritates melanocytes, the skin cells responsible for producing melanin. Normally, this turns into an appearance. But if the cells are stimulated by the active sun often and a lot, some of them "go crazy" and start producing melanin day and night in horse doses.

Age spots are frequent companions of fans of solariums and tanning.

2. Skin injuries, including sunburn

Otherwise, you will not win, but only aggravate pigmentation.

1. Whitening creams and ointments

Such products contain hydroquinone and retinoic acid - substances that provide the skin with light peeling and accelerate cell regeneration. Do not buy these drugs yourself. Check with a dermatologist to avoid possible skin irritation.

2. Whitening masks

Similar cosmetics can be found in supermarkets and pharmacies. But many also use homemade masks made from affordable products.

The main secret of effectiveness: the mask must contain acid.

Below are a few recipes for similar masks, which are highly praised on various forums.

Yeast mask with lemon

Dilute 20 g of yeast with 1 tablespoon of warm milk. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Some recommend applying a cold compress (gauze soaked in cold water) after the mask to soothe the skin.

Whitening mask with lemon and honey

Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply to a cleanly washed face, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Whitening mask from kefir

Soured milk and unsweetened yogurt are also suitable. Just apply kefir to the area with age spots for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water and a couple of drops of lemon juice to remove the oily film from the skin.

3. Mesotherapy

So called subcutaneous injections with special bleaching preparations. The same cream, but more effective. In one procedure, you can seriously lighten the pigment spot, but it will take several sessions to completely get rid of it.

4. Microdermabrasion

Many people try to get rid of stains using scrubs. Microdermabrasion is basically the same scrub, but instrumental. With the help of a special nozzle, the beautician “grinds” the skin, removing the top layer spoiled by the pigment.

5. Chemical peels

The meaning of the procedure is to apply a chemically active composition to the skin, most often based on some kind of acid: glycolic, lactic, tartaric, malic, and so on. This composition allows you to dissolve and remove the surface layer of the skin in which the pigment has settled. In addition, peels stimulate cell renewal. Such procedures can only be carried out by a professional cosmetologist!

6. Laser therapy

A laser beam with a certain wavelength selectively acts on pigmented cells without injuring others. Under the action of a laser, melanin is destroyed. This method is considered one of the most effective: if the area of ​​pigmentation is not very large, you can get by with one procedure.

Age spots on the face are formed in older people with light and ultraviolet-sensitive skin. As a rule, such spots occur in different sizes and shapes. The main reason for their formation is a long pastime in direct sunlight.
The pigment that makes up the spots is called melanin. It is formed and concentrated in pigment cells - melanocytes. With an excess of melanin in the skin, areas of hyperpigmentation appear - age spots.


  1. Senile age spots on the face usually have various shades of brown, but are more often dark. They are formed on the skin with an increase in melanin in the body of an elderly person.
    Predisposing factors for the formation of age spots on the face are the following:
    • heredity,
    • prolonged exposure to the sun
    • hypovitaminosis,
    • diseases of the intestines and other digestive organs,
    • aggressive effect on the skin of chemicals,
    • incorrectly carried out cosmetic procedures- scrubs and peels,
    • hepatic-renal pathology.

    Increased age-related pigment formation is due to increased melanin synthesis in older people.

  2. Keratosis is a disease that causes a large number of age spots on the face. Actinic or seborrheic keratosis is distinguished.
    • Actinic keratosis is characterized by rough, scaly patches of skin, red or brown, firm nodules that are painful to the touch and easily irritated. The cause of the pathology is a long stay in the open sun. Actinic keratosis is a precancer, but timely detection of the disease and the right treatment do not allow skin cancer to develop.
    • Seborrheic keratosis is a skin disease that is manifested by the presence of a huge number of moles and warts. This pathology is inherited and is quite common among adults. At the same time, areas of hyperpigmentation do not pose a threat to human health. Some individuals choose to remove them purely for aesthetic reasons and their own choice.
  3. Melasma is a disease characterized by the formation of an excess amount of melanin in the body.
    Melasma affects mainly women.

    Factors contributing to the development of the disease are:

    • hormonal imbalance,
    • long-term therapy certain groups drugs,
    • heredity,
    • prolonged exposure to the sun.
  4. Hormonal factors - hormone therapy, pregnancy, contraception. Age spots disappear completely after the cessation of hormone use or after childbirth.
  5. The use of phototoxic drugs - tetracycline, sulfonamides, antihistamines, quinine, acne medications. These products irritate the skin, making it hypersensitive to the sun. Symptoms of phototoxic photosensitivity are practically burn symptoms: age spots on the face increase and cover most of the face, located on the nose, cheeks, forehead.

Types of age spots

  • Freckles are small, harmless dark spots on the skin. Most often, such marks occur in fair-skinned and fair-haired individuals. This is due to the specific rapid reaction of fair skin to ultraviolet light.
  • Lentigo is age-related changes that usually appear in place of freckles. They arise after forty years and disturb women, because they are poorly disguised and give out the true age.
  • Chloasma or melasma are pigment spots of large size and irregular shape, located on the face and increasing in size by merging smaller ones. In young women, chloasma occurs on the temples, forehead, and cheeks.
  • Moles or nevi are pigment spots of small size with clear contours. These are the so-called congenital or acquired accumulations of melanocytes. Unfavorable conditions can contribute to the malignancy of moles.
  • Vitiligo is white pigment spots on the face. This type is a manifestation of endocrine disorders.


  1. The appearance of age spots on the face and neck occurs as a result of hydrocarbon poisoning of the body. Most often, women working in garment factories suffer from this.
  2. A wide yellowish pigment spot with a rim located on the forehead indicates diseases of the nervous system. Only a neurologist can solve such a problem.
  3. Brown pigment spots on the face in the mouth area: on the lips and chin indicate a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Slightly noticeable pigment spots on the face, which do not have clear boundaries and periodically flake, indicate liver pathology. By restoring its normal operation, you can permanently get rid of them.
  5. Brown spots on the face in pregnant women are called chloasma. They are the result of a hormonal imbalance in the body and go away on their own after childbirth.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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