Topics of labor education activities in schools and kindergartens. Project on labor education in the senior group of pre-school children Project on labor activity in kindergarten

Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 21 “Thumbelina” in the city of Safonovo, Smolensk region.


in the preparatory group

"Learning to work"

Prepared by: Bazyleva I.A.



Project topic: "Learning to work."

Explanatory note.

The main goal of labor education of children is the formation in them of moral guidelines, hard work, and awareness of the usefulness of work. The project is ultimately aimed at solving the main problem - the formation of preschoolers' ideas about work, its importance in human life, the accumulation of practical experience, the formation of skills and abilities.

Relevance of the project.

At preschool age, the child actively masters the basics labor activity. In work, his moral qualities, a sense of collectivism, and respect for people are formed.

Timely mastery of work activity allows the child to assert himself, feel independent, and skillful. It is important that the child experiences positive emotions during work processes, a feeling of joy from the results achieved, strives for recognition of his independence, self-affirmation, and receiving approval from adults for his skill.

The main task of adults is to help the child expand his circle of contacts with other people, learn ways of behavior, and understand the importance of adult work.

Involving a preschooler in work activities and constant guidance from an adult is an indispensable condition for the comprehensive development of the child’s mental processes.

That is why the development of the “Learning to Work” project becomes relevant.

Project goal: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards work in older children preschool age. Formation of knowledge about work and its meaning.

Tasks: 1. To form in children a value-based attitude towards work, the work of other people and its results.

2. Developing in children the ability to work in a team and come to the rescue.

3. Formation of the ability to plan the sequence of your work.

4. Learn to independently perform the necessary work actions.

5. cultivate accuracy, hard work, responsibility for the assigned work, mutual assistance, and a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of the work plan.

Project type: short-term, collective, practical.

Target audience of the project:

Administration of the preschool educational institution - organizes and coordinates the work on the project, provides resources for the project, scientific and methodological equipment;

Group teachers interact with parents and children;

Parents provide assistance in implementing the project, receive advice from teachers on labor education children;

Children - perform work assignments, participate in collective work, communicate with adults and children.

Project implementation period: 2 weeks

Project implementation stages:

Istage – preparatory.

IIstage – practical.

IIIstage – final (summarizing-effective).

Expected results of the project:

    Children have developed a value-based attitude towards work.

    Children have developed the ability to work in a team.

    Children have developed the ability to plan the sequence of their work.

    Mastering the ability to independently perform labor actions.

    Children have developed accuracy, hard work, and responsibility for the assigned work. Children feel satisfaction from the implementation of their work plan.

Ways to implement the project.

I stage. Preparatory.

1. Setting goals, objectives, forecasting results.

2. Drawing up a project implementation plan.

3. Studying the problem on this issue through methodological literature. Preparation of consultations and recommendations for parents.

4. Making a card index of games, selecting fiction on this topic, didactic and role-playing games in accordance with the age of the children.

II stage. Practical.

Schedule of events.

    Conversations: “Working is always useful”, “Machines are helpers”, “Every thing has its place.”

    Reading fiction:

N. Smirnova “How fabrics are woven and threads are spun”;

E. Permyak “Mom’s Work”, “Hasty Knife”;

V. Kataev “The Girl and the Jug”;

L. Slutskaya “The Earth is Working”;

I. Dyalutite “Human Hands”;

L. Voronkova “Sunny Day”.

3. Role-playing games:

“Kindergarten”, “We are cleaning”, “We are waiting for guests”, “Shop”, “Cafe”.

4. Productive activity:

Drawing “My Mother’s Profession”, “Talking Instruments”.

    Manual work: “We’ll fix the dolls’ clothes.”

    Design of visual material for children: diagrams “Washing hands”, “Canteen duty”, “How to dress properly”.

    Labor activity:

- “Labor landing” - assistance in cleaning the site;

Washing toys in a group;

Duty in the canteen, classes and in the corner of nature.

IIIstage. Final.

    Open screening of “Let’s Make Cookies.”

    Making an album with proverbs and sayings about work and hard work.

    Exhibition of children's drawings "What I want to be when I grow up."

« Household chores for children. Without reminders and with pleasure »;

“Labor education of preschool children in the family”;

“Work is a natural form of activity for a child.”


“Conversations with preschoolers about professions”, T.V. Potakova, M.: “Creative Center”, 2003.

« Preschool education» No. 1, 2006

A project for children of the senior group of a preschool educational institution on the topic “Time for business, time for fun.” Labor education

teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten for supervision and health improvement No. 190" Saratova Isaeva Olga Viktorovna
Project topic:“Time for business is time for fun.”
Project type: group, informational and practical.
Project participants: children, parents, teachers.
Relevance of the project:
Labor is the basis of human life, a source of inspiration and practical knowledge, the right way to be realized in life. Interest in work and the necessary skills are established in childhood. In the process of work, interacting with adults and peers, the child learns about the world around him, shows independence and initiative. It is important for teachers and parents not to miss this important and unique moment - preschool childhood.
Target: Developing a positive attitude towards work.
1. Expand knowledge about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person.
2. Ensure the development of independence and initiative in work.
3. Fostering a value-based attitude towards work and its results.
Project duration: short-term from 04/02/2018 to 04/30/2018
Interaction with parents:
Information for parents “Work is a natural form of activity for a child.”
Consultation “Nurturing independence in children of senior preschool age.”
Expected result:
Consolidation of necessary skills and abilities in various types labor.
Participation in joint work activities.
Development of cognitive interest and creative activity.
Increasing interest in work.
Acquiring knowledge about professions.
Project support:
Preparation required material to implement the project.
Studying pedagogical literature.
Selection of works of art, didactic games, illustrations on the topic.
Project stages:
- Preparatory:
identifying the problem
defining goals and objectives
organization of work on the project
- Basic:
practical activities to implement the project
- Final:
photo exhibition “Time for business - time for fun”
Lapbook “Planting plants”.

Project content:
Stage I.
Identifying the problem. Definition of goals and objectives. Organization of work on the project.
Stage II.
Reading works:
S. Marshak "Mail"
Y. Tuvim “Everything for everyone”
D. Rodarri “What crafts smell like”
Learning proverbs and sayings about work.
Didactic games:
"What from what"
“What are these items for?”
“Who needs what for work”
"What did I see?" (story about professions)
“Who can name more different professions?”
"Tools for work"
“Who is treating us?”
"Who to be?"
“Who is more important?”
“We came to the post office to buy postcards.”
"My Parents' Profession"
“How do we grow flowers?”
"There's a place for everything"
“What to give to guests?”
“Why did the flowers wilt?”
“What do torn books dream about?”
"Toy Repair"
“How we wipe toys”
“Sowing carrots, dill, parsley”
“Helping the teacher in gluing books”
Work in a corner of nature:
caring for indoor plants
Labor in nature:
creation of an ecological trail
Showing video material about the work of adults.

Stage III.
Photo exhibition "Time for business - time for fun."
Lapbook “Planting plants”

At the beginning and end of the project, teachers conduct conversations on issues in order to clarify the children’s knowledge.

1. R.S. Bure "Preschooler and Labor".
2. T.S. Komarova, L.V. Kutsakov “Labor education in kindergarten».

As a result of the implementation of the project “Time for work - time for fun,” children’s interest and positive attitude towards work increased. They acquired the skills of self-realization, work culture, caring for tools, and economical use of materials.
In the process of collective work, children began to coordinate their actions, desires, interests, distribute responsibilities and help each other. They acquired knowledge about various professions and expanded their understanding of the social orientation and benefits of work.

“If a child has invested a piece of his soul into working for people and has found personal joy in this work, he will no longer be able to become an evil, unkind person” V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Teaching creative work is the special task of the educator. Creative work is possible only when a person treats work with love, when he consciously sees joy in it, understands the benefits and necessity of work, when work becomes for him the main form of manifestation of personality and talent” A.S. Makarenko “Education must be vigilantly concerned in order, on the one hand, to open the pupil to the opportunity to find useful work in the world, and on the other, to instill in him an indefatigable thirst for work.” K.D. Ushinsky “If a child has put a part of his soul into working for people and has found personal joy in this work, he will no longer be able to become an evil, unkind person” V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Teaching creative work is the special task of the educator. Creative work is possible only when a person treats work with love, when he consciously sees joy in it, understands the benefits and necessity of work, when work becomes for him the main form of manifestation of personality and talent” A.S. Makarenko “Education must be vigilantly concerned in order, on the one hand, to open the pupil to the opportunity to find useful work in the world, and on the other, to instill in him an indefatigable thirst for work.” K.D. Ushinsky

The goal of our project is to create favorable conditions for the environmental, moral, and labor education of schoolchildren, through the joint activities of children, parents and teachers in the implementation of the labor education project “Work is a matter of honor!” The goal of our project is to create favorable conditions for the environmental, moral, and labor education of schoolchildren, through the joint activities of children, parents and teachers in the implementation of the labor education project “Work is a matter of honor!”

Objectives of our project: - Development creativity students. - Creation of the most favorable environmental conditions. - Fostering hard work, love for one’s small homeland and respect for nature. Objectives of our project: - Development of students' creative abilities. - Creation of the most favorable environmental conditions. - Fostering hard work, love for one’s small homeland and respect for nature.

Autumn Campaign “Where you were born, you come in handy.” Action "Light in the window". Winter Promotion “Dining for birds”. “Yolka” campaign. Action "Clean Air". __Spring Promotion “Best School Yard”. Action "Green Grass". Campaign “Plant a tree”. Autumn Promotion “Color Flowerbed”. Autumn Campaign “Where you were born, you come in handy.” Action "Light in the window". Winter Promotion “Dining for birds”. “Yolka” campaign. Action "Clean Air". __Spring Promotion “Best School Yard”. Action "Green Grass". Campaign “Plant a tree”. Autumn Promotion “Color Flowerbed”.

Development of a creative and comprehensively developed personality, with a pronounced individuality, possessing important qualities such as: hard work, responsibility, efficiency, patriotism, communication, cognitive interest And careful attitude to nature; implementation of landscape design and creation of design compositions made by the hands of students on the school grounds; formation of an environmentally friendly environment in the Pirovsky district. development of a creative and comprehensively developed personality, with a pronounced individuality, possessing important qualities such as: hard work, responsibility, efficiency, patriotism, communication, cognitive interest and respect for nature; implementation of landscape design and creation of design compositions made by the hands of students on the school grounds; formation of an environmentally friendly environment in the Pirovsky district.

Project: Labor education of older preschoolers with mental retardation

Project type: educational and informational, creative

Implementation period : medium term (3 months)

Focus: development of cognitive, creative abilities, work skills.

Supervisor project: Educator – Petrova Tamara Stepanovna

Institution: GBOU primary school- kindergarten No. 687 “Child Rehabilitation Center”

Project participants: children preparatory group, teacher: Vorozhtsova M.V., parents

Relevance: It is necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that children learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Create conditions so that the child wants to work

Project implementation forms:

  • Conversations.
  • Equipment for a developing subject-spatial environment.
  • Working with parents.
  • duty in corners of nature, in the dining room, in classes;
  • excursions around the kindergarten (introduction to the professions of teachers and kindergarten workers);
  • Doctor Aibolit's workshop (book repair);
  • manual labor(making crafts);
  • Collaborative activities in progress regime moments all day long
  • Observations of adult labor
  • Organization of work activities and feasible assistance for adults
  • Artistic media (art, music, fiction, etc.)
  • Didactic, board, educational games
  • Looking at paintings, illustrations, pictures


  • To form a positive attitude towards work in children of senior preschool age.


  • Continue to cultivate interest in various professions and parents’ place of work.
  • Expand ideas about the work of adults. Foster respect for working people.
  • Create a need to work.
  • Cultivate a love of work.
  • Teach to diligently and carefully carry out assignments, take care of materials and objects, and put them back in their place after work.
  • Cultivate a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, and to achieve results.

Types of work of preschool children

Forms of labor organization

  • Orders
  • Duties.
  • Collective work (common, joint)

Integration educational areas of the program:artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, social-communicative, speech and physical development

Expected results

For educators

  • Increasing pedagogical competence in work activities.
  • Establishing relationships between adults and children.
  • Collection and systematization of material available for preschoolers to master
  • Improving the educational subject-development environment, creating optimal conditions for the development of the child’s cognitive abilities in work.
  • Establishing relationships with parents in the organization of the educational process. Parents of students will be involved in preparation (making attributes) and participation in work activities.
  • A teacher’s ability to present his or her center of work activity.


  • Developing trusting relationships with preschool teachers.
  • Informational – educational work, thematic consultations, photo exhibitions about the events held, project presentation.
  • Direct inclusion of visual material in the process of collecting information.
  • Help and assistance to teachers in the production of attributes and toys.


  • Formation of a positive attitude towards work in children of senior preschool age.
  • Developing the ability to work in a team and help.
  • Fostering a value attitude towards work, the work of other people and its results.
  • Development of active speech in a child, formation of its expressiveness
  • Enrichment vocabulary. Ability to properly build dialogue.
  • Development of organizational abilities in a child. The ability to obey certain rules.
  • Raising in children a respectful attitude towards working people.

Project stages

Stage 1 preparatory

  • Work with methodological material and literature on this topic.
  • Production of visual aids.
  • Develop notes on educational activities in educational areas: cognition, artistic and aesthetic creativity, communication
  • Discussion of the topic of the project and choice of form for its defense.
  • Selection of materials
  • Conversations with parents.

Stage 2 . Basic (practical)

  • Examination of illustrations on the topic.
  • Conducting GCD in educational areas according to the regime educational activities.
  • Observing the work of adults
  • Conversations about labor
  • Reading fiction, poetry, proverbs
  • Targeted walks
  • Didactic, role-playing, outdoor games
  • Direct labor of children (collective and joint labor)
  • Fine art
  • Solving problem situations
  • Construction from natural materials (penguins made from pine cones)
  • Work assignments
  • Duties: in the canteen, classes, in a corner of nature

Stage 3 . Final.

  • Photo exhibition “We love to work”
  • Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials
  • Presentation “Labor education”

Project Implementation Plan

Social and communicative development

  • GCD Topic: “Introduction to the profession of a librarian” (including the role-playing game “Library”)


Give children an idea about the library, about the rules that are adopted for readers visiting the library. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Creating interest in working in the library. Familiarization with the rules for using books and other materials provided by the library. Awakening children's interest and love for books, instilling an appropriate attitude towards the work of library staff


*Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game.

*Introduce children to the concept of library. Expand their understanding of the work of librarians and all library employees.

*Actively develop interest in new games.

*Continue to teach children to interact with each other, to play according to the rules of the game.

*Independently make decisions that are necessary to successfully continue the game. - Help each child learn the rules of the game and follow them.

*Develop creativity and ability to interact in a team.

Preliminary work: - Reading the work of S. Zhupanin “I am a librarian.”



*Introduce children to the profession of a firefighter


*Reveal the significance of work, show its danger.

* Convince that working for the benefit of society is an honorable and necessary thing

*Develop interest in this profession

*Introduce special clothing and equipment necessary to extinguish fires

*To instill in children a desire to provide mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, to be brave, courageous, dexterous, and respect for the work of people in this profession.

  • GCD "Introduction to the profession of a tailor"

Target : To form ideas about the work of a tailor and seamstress.


*Introduce the profession of a tailor, seamstress, fashion designer

*To consolidate children’s knowledge about the purpose of objects that make work easier in everyday life (sewing machine)

*Develop attention, thinking, speech of children.

*Cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to imitate them.

Speech development tasks:

Vocabulary work: tailor, thimble,

Activation: seamstress, sews, models.

Equipment : A set of illustrations from the history of clothing, a chest, a set of tailor's accessories, fashion magazines, dress stencils, scissors, pencils.

Role-playing games to introduce children to professions.

  • "Mail"

Information part

Tell children that animals and birds can deliver mail just like vehicles and people.

Familiarize yourself with the process of obtaining paper on which newspapers and magazines are printed.

Explain that mail helps people receive quick information, exchange letters, send parcels.

Attributes: parcels, parcels, letters, postman's hat, bag, mailbox, telephone.

Creating a problem situation

The children receive a letter from the forest, saying that people have appeared there who are breaking young trees and picking flowers. The children’s task: organize a help team and propose ways to solve the problem.

A carrier pigeon brings a telegram from a hippopotamus saying that there is a severe drought in Africa. Children's task: organize delivery drinking water in special cylinders; offer delivery methods.

  • Role-playing game "Barbershop"

Information part

*Tell about the fact that there are special hairdressing salons for animals.

*Draw children's attention to the problem of garbage (empty bottles, clipped wool).

*How to solve the problem with the least damage to nature?

Creating a problem situation

*a shaggy, dirty dog ​​comes to the hairdresser, which, because of its unkempt appearance, no one invites to play with him (the master offers to wash it and cut it)

*opening of the hairdressing salon “At Artemon’s” (room decoration, selection of magazines, photographs).

*The environmental police come to the hairdresser and talk about the need to dispose of garbage. (Children offer solutions to this problem: throw plastic jars into some containers, glass jars into others, then all this is taken to a factory for recycling.)

  • Introduction to the construction profession.

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the construction profession.

Preliminary work:looking at illustrations and reading works on the topic.

Tour of the kindergarten.The teacher gives a tour of the kindergarten and invites them to tell them how they see their home (large, beautiful, bright, wide windows, comfortable rooms for games and relaxation). What places do you like the most? Why? Who built the kindergarten? Tell that architects, draftsmen, engineers, builders, masons, plasterers, carpenters, roofers, painters took part in its creation.

Game "Guess and name."Various objects are laid out on the table (axe, saw, trowel, brush, plane, hammer, nails, pencil, ruler).

Conversation. The teacher discusses with the children what else the builders have created in their city, showing drawings and photographs.

  • Didactic games: "Professions”, “Who needs what?”, “What is it made of?”, “Collect a flower”, “Seed store”, “Who has which flower”, “What grows and how”, “Each plant in its place”, “Sun or Shadow”, “Find out by description”
  • Teamwork in a corner of nature

Target: Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the correct techniques for caring for indoor plants.



  1. Improve children's knowledge about plants, their types, characteristics of growth and development, and how to care for them.
  2. To develop in children the ability to work in a large team, to teach them to evaluate common work, their share of participation in it, and the work of a friend from the standpoint of achieving a common result.
  3. Improve labor skills in caring for plants, the ability to independently use equipment, and work at a uniform pace.
  4. Learn to form adjectives.


  1. Develop gross and fine motor skills.
  2. Develop curiosity, intelligence, and cognitive abilities.
  3. Develop a positive attitude towards physical work.


  1. To cultivate hard work, a sense of mutual assistance, friendliness, and accuracy.
  2. To form strong-willed qualities, patience, endurance, desire to achieve a common goal, conviction in social significance labor.
  3. To cultivate a love for nature, respect for it, and care for living things.


Five indoor plants, cards, a letter, a watering can with water, a sprayer, sticks for loosening the soil, basins, rags, tassels, oilcloths, aprons

  • Work in a corner of nature: transplanting and cuttings of plants; observation of root growth in cuttings; planting cuttings; watering and loosening the soil; wiping and spraying leaves.
  • Labor in nature: cleaning leaves on the site, preparing flower beds for spring, collecting seeds and natural materials

Artistic and aesthetic development

  • Looking at illustrations from the series “House Plants”, “Favorite Cacti”, “Home Doctor”
  • GCD for sculpting: "My favorite houseplant"

Target: Reinforce various techniques in sculpting.

Objectives: Educational:

*Learn to create images of the same objects in variable ways, reinforce the rules of working with plasticine: roll out the plasticine, use a stack when decorating leaf veins, knead, shape the edges of the petals, giving them a characteristic shape.


*Develop team creativity skills. Expand children's imaginative ideas.


*Cultivate neatness, independence, the desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. Induce a feeling of joy from the created image.

  • Drawing: "Nature Corner"

Goal: to consolidate drawing techniques with a simple pencil light pressure

Target: consolidate a new technique for folding paper “ball”

  • Listening to Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers"

Cognitive development

  • Conduct a series of conversations: “What conditions are necessary for plants to live and grow”, “How to care for indoor plants”, “How to reproduce indoor plants", "What is a flower made of", "If you were an indoor flower", "Why do people grow plants"
  • Examination of illustrations from the series “Professions”, “Special machines”
  • Construction from natural material “Penguins”


*To develop in children technical skills in working with natural materials (selection of material, joining parts, installing a toy on a stand, painting, varnishing it, etc.)


*Continue to expand children's knowledge about natural materials;

*Teach children to use different natural material(cones, twigs) for making “Deer” crafts;

*Develop in children the ability to connect parts of a craft using plasticine

*In the process of work, develop children's creativity, mental abilities, fantasy, imagination of children;

*Instill in children a sense of collectivism and responsibility for their work;

*To consolidate technical skills and abilities in working with natural materials;

*Teach to use the material carefully and sparingly;

*Continue to teach children to work with sharp materials with caution and remind them of safety precautions;

*Cultivate love for native land, to animals.

  • Experimentation: “Which side of the leaf does the plant breathe”, “How do they affect plant growth (water, light, heat)”

Speech development

  • Creative storytelling for children on the topics: “We helped the janitor remove leaves on the site”, “What I saw when I went to kindergarten”
  • Examination of illustrations about the work of adults, compilation of descriptive stories
  • Learning poems and riddles, proverbs about work
  • Word games: “Describe in words”, “Remember - name”, “One is many”, “Be attentive”, “Who needs what”, “Pick up an action”, “Say the opposite”
  • Reading fiction:

*"The House That Jack Built", trans. from English S. Marshak

*“Tall Tales in Faces” by G. Sapgir

*“Everything in its own way” G. Skrebitsky

*“The Cure for Obedience” by K. Dragunskaya

  • Music games:

* “Who is faster?”, music. M. Schwartz

*“Trip”, “Walk”, music. M. Kuss

“Zemelushka – black earth”, Russian folk song

Physical development

  • Conversations: “How to use tools to care for indoor plants”, “If you want to be healthy”
  • Outdoor games: “It flies, it doesn’t fly”, “I know five names”, “Crows and a dog”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Bears and bees”, “We are funny guys”
  • Games-competitions: “Who can put on an apron faster”, “Collect only indoor plants”, “Help Dunno find violets”
  • Physical education minutes: “We’re going to cut the wood now,” “Washing the clothes,” “We’re salting the cabbage, salting it...”
  • Finger gymnastics: “We shared an orange”


Bure R.S. Social and moral education of preschool children: Methodical manual. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2011.

Borisova M.M. Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old: Methodological manual. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2012

Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children: a methodological manual. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2008-2010.

Gerbova V.V. Communication. Development of speech and communication of children in the kindergarten group preparatory to school: Methodological manual. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2012.

Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. System of work in the kindergarten preparatory group: Methodological manual. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2012.

Kutsakova L.V. Construction from building material. System of work in the kindergarten preparatory group: Methodological manual. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2012.

Komarova T.S. Artistic creativity. System of work in the kindergarten preparatory group: Methodological manual. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2012.

Collection of outdoor games: Methodological manual / Author - comp. E.Ya. Stepanenkova. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2011.

Natalya Skorobogatova

Group preschool education

Municipal educational institution Arkhangelsk secondary school

Target project:

Involve children in doing labor assignments.

Tasks project:

1. Introduce children to the items necessary for labor activity.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about their parents’ professions.

3. Create interest in the results labor actions.

4. Arouse the desire of children to participate in the implementation labor assignments.

5. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the professions of family members. Learn to clearly name your profession and type of activity.

Type project:

According to the dominant activity project: informational.

By number of participants project: group.

By time: short-term (3 weeks).

By the nature of contacts: child and family, within the preschool educational institution.

By knowledge profile: multi-subject.

According to the nature of the child’s participation in project: participant from the inception of an idea to the receipt of a result.

Compound project team:

Supervisor project - teacher.

Children and parents middle group.

Implementation stages project:




Meaning project for everyone it participants:

Children: receive and put into practice safety rules.

Teachers: continuation of mastering the method design- a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, effectively develop creative and cognitive thinking preschoolers.

Parents: expand possibilities cooperation with your children, prepare material for teaching their children.

Estimated distribution of roles in project team:

Educator: organizes educational situations, joint productive activities, counseling parents

Children: participate in educational and play activities.

Parents: prepare material for teaching children, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

Security project activities


Card index finger games « Work» .

Expected result project

Children willingly perform work assignments.

Stages of work on project:

Preparatory stage

Defining a theme project.

Selection of materials on the topic project.


Main stage

Distribution of educational activities according to the grid of continuous educational activities for a given age.

Final stage

Conducting a lesson "My Parents' Professions".

Portfolio creation project.

Interim report preparatory stage project.

Implementation project by stages:

Preparatory stage

This stage was implemented over three days.

Topic defined project.

Formulation of goals and definition of tasks.

Selection of materials on the topic project.

Drawing up a plan for the main stage project.

Main stage

This stage was implemented within 2 weeks, over the past period organized:

- Conversations:

- “Don’t sit idly by, you won’t get bored”,

- "Without there will be no labor and no fruit» .

- Didactic games: - "Professions",

- "Cookware store",

- “Who can tell you more about the profession”,

- "Say a word",

- “Let’s set the table for the dolls”.

- Productive activity: drawing "My Mom's Profession".

Art studies literature:

V. Berestov “Who can learn what?”,

K. I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief",

Ukrainian fairy tale "Spikelet",

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”,

S. Baruzdin "Mom's work",

Fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".

Involving children in implementation labor processes"Washing toys", "Washing Flowers", "NOD Organization".

Educational activities in OO "Artistic creativity" -

applique "Cactus".

Finger games index « Work» :

- “Come on, brothers, let’s get to work!”,

- "Washing",

- "Helpers",

- "Pies".

Final stage

At the final stage design, which lasted one day, was carried out events:

Class "My Parents' Professions"

Portfolio creation project.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this activity was carried out by me for the first time and I believe that the goals and objectives were successfully resolved by me, children and parents took an active part in the implementation project. The result has been achieved!

Publications on the topic:

The problem of labor education is relevant for children, because they are developing personal qualities and the desire to work. Tasks.

Preparations for New Year's holiday. The work in the group increases every day. But these are pleasant chores. I want to do everything.

My students and I are on the second junior group let's go for a walk. It was a warm, quiet, sunny day. Guys, look, we are in autumn.

Household and household work. “Let’s restore order in the group.” Senior group Household and household work. “Let’s restore order in the group.” Senior group. Kurochkina Tatyana Vladimirovna Economic and household work. “We’ll find it.”

Abstract of GCD manual labor "Snowflakes" in middle group. Goal: Activate creative interest, activate positive emotions. Shape.

Summary of educational activities in the middle group on cognitive development “Adult Labor” Goal: To form generalized ideas about people’s professions: doctor, cook, salesman, driver. Objectives: Educational: To introduce work.

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