Subordinate to each other. Can relatives work under a manager? Subscribe to updates

Each person has the right to decide for himself what to do and what to do.. Therefore, working for a relative or friend is up to you. But I will try to state my point of view.

For example, everything in this matter depends only on you or your performance. If the person is a responsible employee, then no problems should arise. And if you are lazy and the like, then even from a stranger you can lose everything.

For example, I successfully worked for more than five years with my good friend and he did not show me any favors, and you can earn respect for your work.

Look at the various Asian or Caucasian workers. They all get along well in one company or firm. It's only worth it for someone big family open your own business, and then all the employees will be relatives. It is not clear why the Slavic brothers cannot do this. They would rather recruit guest workers from Central Asia than hire a brother or friend.

In our society we need to treat each other better and establish relationships between relatives and loved ones. And then it is necessary to develop further childhood a sense of responsibility for yourself and your loved ones. Maybe the next generations will then become closer and become more friends.

Margarita Smurova

13.02.2015 | 618

Working in a team led by your friend is a very tempting prospect. But let’s figure out whether it’s worth doing this and how this development of events will affect future relationships.

Search for profitable and promising work- the process is troublesome. “Warm” places have long been dismantled, vacant ones are rarely attractive, and the search for a compromise option can drag on for months. The idea of ​​hinting about a problem with employment to a friend or girlfriend who has the opportunity to form a team suggests itself. But, alas, not everything is so simple.

The benefits of working in the same team with a friend

When I think about working in a friend’s team, my imagination paints a rosy picture. The first days of adaptation will be much easier, since your friend has probably already talked more than once about the intricacies of his work and its specifics, and there will always be someone to turn to with questions. The prospect of more frequent communication also seems tempting.

A friend will always provide support at work

The opportunity to receive information “from the bottom” also cannot be discounted. Some problems that may not be visible from the height of the boss’s chair will be conveyed clearly and in detail by a friend.

In general, there are enough reasons why you should go to work with a friend.

Friend or boss - disadvantages of working under a friend

Practice shows: the slightest excesses will turn advantages into disadvantages. The presence of a common topic, understandable and relevant for both, results in a complete absence of other interests. Having gathered at the table on the occasion of the celebration, within a few minutes the friends move on to production problems.

When in a “boss-subordinate” relationship, both partners can feel awkward, especially if the first had to make some efforts to provide a vacancy for a friend, and the second knows about it. This problem arises if the relationship between friends is truly warm and friendly.

Working together can ruin even a strong friendship

It is more difficult for a subordinate if the boss, wittingly or unwittingly, wants gratitude for an action he has done. In this case, relationships begin to crumble before our eyes. Any request to take on additional responsibilities is perceived as pressure, an attempt to make a remark within production process- as a reminder of a favor. Refusal will seem ugly both from the position of a friend and from the position of a subordinate. There is no one to even complain or discuss these problems with: a friend has turned into a boss.

Problems in the team should also be expected: other employees are not always ready to have a friend of the boss as a colleague. The boss's friend is most often treated with hostility, since it is he who is predicted to have an unreasonably fast promotion and it is with his “denunciation” that the punishments imposed by the boss are associated.

Rules of behavior with a boss-friend

  • Work issues should be resolved only at work, and friend issues should remain outside of it.
  • The form of addressing your boss during work should not become familiar, regardless of whether one of your colleagues is nearby or not.
  • Complete refusal to demonstrate one’s status and full implementation of all official duties will help to establish relationships with the team.
  • The demand for a salary increase and other benefits must be strongly justified.

If the feeling of discord still begins to visit, and there are no prospects for resolving the problem through a serious conversation, the choice “boss or friend” will still have to be made. Perhaps he will not be in favor of work, because good job sooner or later you can find it, but true friendship is not easy to find.

After lengthy consultations in the Prosecutor's Office and the Constitutional Court, the Ministry of Justice finally clarified who, in accordance with the Anti-Corruption Law, is considered a relative and cannot work under each other.

We are talking about changes that affect two categories of persons:
- civil servants;
- government officials and persons equivalent to them.

A civil servant is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus who holds a public position in a government body in accordance with the procedure established by law. In cases where this is directly provided for by legislative acts, civil servants are persons working in a state organization;

Public officials and persons equivalent to them include not only civil servants, but also persons who do not serve in public service. Namely, public officials are persons holding positions in government organizations (for example, the head physician of a hospital, the rector of a university, chief accountant state-owned enterprises),” explains the Ministry of Justice.

Before the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Fight against Corruption” came into force, there were restrictions on the joint public service of close relatives and in-laws (parents, spouses, children, siblings, as well as parents, children, siblings of spouses), established by the Law of the Republic Belarus "On public service in the Republic of Belarus". These persons were not accepted into the civil service in the case of direct control and subordination (however, when Lukashenko’s son became his father’s assistant, the servants of the law did not notice the violation of the law for some unknown reason).

However, previously the restrictions applied only to civil servants, but now the list has been expanded to include “persons equivalent to them.”

“With the entry into force of the Law (from January 29, 2007), the circle of persons who are subject to restrictions related to public service has expanded. This affected adoptive parents, adopted children, grandparents, grandchildren. Close relatives (in-laws) cannot pass civil service under direct subordination. In the event of such situations, one of them is subject to transfer or dismissal, - the Ministry of Justice reports - The restriction in question applies only to those state organizations in which the person serves in public service and is a civil servant in cases expressly provided for by law. acts. The established restrictions do not apply to other state organizations (systems of education, healthcare, science, culture, sports, social security, etc.).

Taking this into account, for example, a daughter-in-law cannot work as a notary in a notary office headed by her mother-in-law; a grandson cannot work in a department of the executive committee whose head is his grandmother; spouses cannot work under conditions of subordination in the regional land management and geodetic service, etc.

The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Fight against Corruption” introduced the concepts of government officials and persons equivalent to them. These persons include not only civil servants, but also persons who do not serve in public service.

For example, public officials are persons holding positions in government organizations (director of the House of Culture, dean of the faculty of an educational institution, head of a laboratory of a research institution, etc.). However, for persons holding positions in government organizations, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Fight against Corruption” has introduced certain restrictions on engaging in certain types of activities. For example, they do not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity, take part personally or through proxies in the management of a commercial organization, etc.

As for the joint work of such persons, they are subject only to the restrictions established by Article 27 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. Namely, it is prohibited collaboration close relatives (in-laws) in the same state organization (separate unit), if their work involves the direct subordination or control of one of them to the other. This prohibition applies only to persons working in the positions of manager, chief accountant (his deputies) and cashier.

Thus, the joint work of spouses, parents and children, other close relatives (in-laws) occupying the positions of chief physician (father) - general practitioner (son), head of a laboratory (father-in-law) - researcher (son-in-law) in the same state organization ), head of the library (sister) - librarian (brother), dean (grandfather) - head of the department (grandson), etc. does not conflict with current legislation."

In many companies, the secretary reports not to one, but to two or even several managers. If the bosses are directly subordinate to each other (for example, the director and his deputy), in this case the secretary understands who is in charge. What if you are the secretary of two “equal” managers, for example, the owners of an enterprise or deputy general directors? How to distribute your working time and labor resources so as not to overload yourself with processing and not find yourself between a rock and a hard place?

Features of working with two bosses

Not long ago, on one of the job search sites, I came across an interesting vacancy for a personal assistant. The employer identified dual subordination as its main feature. And he acted very competently, because not every experienced secretary would agree to such a job. Why?

In a situation where the secretary has two managers, there are a number of features:

Firstly, the principle of unity of command is lost. A person who previously easily prioritized work may become confused and not immediately understand whose instructions to follow first.

Every boss is sure that he is in charge, and his tasks are the most urgent (and generally the only ones). In addition, managers rarely agree with each other on the tasks assigned to you. Therefore, confusion may arise in the work if the secretary is not experienced enough and has not yet learned to highlight the main thing.

Secondly, managers may have different styles management and relationships with subordinates. One of the bosses can be easy to talk to, while the other is boorish and even rude, and you need to find an approach to both.

In addition to the fact that you need to seek an approach to managers due to their psychological characteristics, you will have to adapt to the working rhythm of each boss. We can say that the secretary is very lucky if they coincide. There are managers who like to start their workday an hour earlier than the company, and some stay in the office until midnight. And everyone needs the presence of a secretary at the workplace. Therefore, you will have to take steps to adjust your schedule without compromising your work results and your own health.

And sadly, double workload is not always compensated by double salary.

How to sit on two chairs?

There are many systems for organizing work (for example, dividing tasks into urgent and non-urgent, important and unimportant), perhaps you have already developed yours. With dual subordination, there is no need to change the system; it needs to be adjusted to the situation.

For example, you were given an order. You accept it, but you decide the order of tasks to complete yourself depending on the current situation. Both managers ask to connect, say, with the company’s branches in Magadan and Yekaterinburg. Who to connect first? I would dial Magadan. Why? The time difference is greater - the working day ends earlier there. But if you know that you will get through to Yekaterinburg the first time, and connecting to Magadan will take much longer, call Yekaterinburg. Connect one boss, and then calmly dial the second number.

Never complain about one boss's workload to another. This not only indicates unprofessionalism, but will also lead to the fact that, after listening to complaints, the boss will decide that you are not coping with your responsibilities.

Sometimes managers may give you tasks that contradict each other. How to solve them?

The most important thing is to ask questions openly. You can clarify which of the instructions you should follow with both bosses. In this situation, it is not up to you to decide. Let the bosses agree among themselves, and you start working on a more clearly defined task.

One of the deputy general directors handed over the supply contract to the reception secretary with instructions to send it to the lawyers. The second deputy asked the day before not to send the contract anywhere and flew off on a business trip. The matter was urgent, so the secretary informed the boss that the second deputy asked not to hand over the contract. The leaders called each other and came to an agreement. The contract was sent to the lawyers with some amendments.

Maintain neutrality in communication with all your bosses, do not talk almost in a friendly manner with one boss in front of another - maintain subordination. Then, in a situation where a conflict arises between them, you will not get caught in the middle, you will be able to protect yourself from tense relations with one of the bosses, and you will not worry about something that, in fact, has nothing to do with you.

But even in a normal work situation, a warmer relationship with one of the bosses can cause dissatisfaction with the other.

I worked as a secretary to two deputy general directors in different areas of the company. But not only the areas of activity were different - the bosses themselves differed like heaven and earth. One of them (an older man, sociable and cheerful) liked to hold “political five-minute meetings” in the morning: his friend would come to him, I would make them coffee and stay in the office to listen to stories from the past. And I was very surprised when I found out that the second boss didn’t like these meetings. But they had good relationship, and my ten-minute coffee drink early morning did not affect work in any way. But nevertheless, his reaction was violent and extremely negative.

The fact is that the second leader studied and worked in America and embodied the Western style of management. For him, informal communication with subordinates was completely unacceptable, and, of course, insubordination caused irritation.

Our advice. Delimit space on your desktop, mail, electronic files. For example, in the trays on the left there will be documents for one boss, and on the right - for another. You can have two phone books. In addition, all data, including personal data, should be stored on the computer in different folders.

Take preventive measures

■ Discuss your responsibilities in advance. As a rule, the duties of a secretary are the same when working with one and another manager. But there may be nuances: for example, one requires scanning and storing certain documents in electronic form, while the other controls the execution of documents entirely on the secretary.

■ Find out whether you need to comply with personal requests from managers. And be prepared for the fact that if you are involved in the personal affairs of one boss, the second one will also take advantage of the situation. In many companies, secretaries, of course, do not deal with the personal affairs of the manager. But in practice, you often have to buy tickets and carry out other private tasks.

■ Study managers' work schedules. And try to organize your work day so as not to spend 12 hours in a row in a company. Perhaps on certain days you will arrive early, and on others, on the contrary, you will be late. Find out on what basis vacation and other organizational issues will be agreed upon.

■ If there is a lot of work and you cannot cope (the company’s staff has increased, the scope of activities has expanded, the number of orders has increased, etc.), then don’t be a hero, but, having prepared your argument, ask for an assistant.

If you work under several managers, you have the opportunity to learn how to multitask, set priorities correctly (and without this you can’t!), and adapt to different people and situations.

M.A. Yudakova,
Secretary of the Managing Director of TD Polymetal LLC

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