1st junior group physical corner. Passport of the physical education corner in the first junior group, educational and methodological material on physical education (junior group) on the topic. Design features for different age groups

Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 28 in Leninogorsk"

municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan


physical education corner in the first junior group

Educator: Kondratyeva T.N.


Promote full and comprehensive development and education of physical activity in children, which has a huge impact on the health and physical development of the child. To diversify the motor activity of children with the help of non-standard equipment, which is an integral part of the general object-play environment of the kindergarten.


1. Create conditions for activating children’s motor activity while they are awake, making wide use of a variety of bright toys, objects, and aids that stimulate them to perform different movements.

2. Contribute to the development of volitional efforts, enrichment of motor experience, and disclosure of their functional capabilities.

3. Formation of motor skills using manuals 4. Develop agility, endurance, speed of reaction, as well as courage, determination and resourcefulness.

5. Strengthening the muscle corset and development different groups muscles.

6. Help children, with the help of physical education aids, achieve a clearer understanding of movement, which is formed on the basis of sensations and perceptions.

7. To provide knowledge about the properties of various objects and aids (shape, color, weight, quality of material), to introduce the features of movement in space, with the directions of movement.

8. The ability to choose interesting and accessible movements with various aids that will help you creatively solve motor problems, feel comfortable in space among various objects and regulate your motor activity.

9. Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet.

10. Formation and strengthening of correct posture.

11. Activation of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Requirements for registration of benefits and selection of equipment

1. Children’s participation in the preparation of manuals for various types of physical education classes develops their skills of careful and careful handling.

2. The variety of shapes and colors of physical education equipment should contribute to the development of artistic taste in children. Gentle pastel colors are most preferable for painting equipment.

3. It is advisable to complete the equipment in accordance with different types of movements, physical exercise, outdoor and sports games. With the help of equipment and aids, the correct implementation of various sets of physical exercises (general developmental exercises, exercises in basic types of movements), as well as the targeted formation of various physical qualities (dexterity, flexibility, strength, endurance, speed and speed-strength qualities) should be ensured.

4. Equipment sets should include a wide variety of items: large-sized (gymnastic benches, ladders, booms, etc.), portable and stationary, made of different materials(wood, rubber, plastic, etc.), small (rubber rings, balls, balls, hoops, etc.).

5. The selection of equipment is determined by the tasks of both physical and comprehensive education of children. IN kindergarten it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of physical education equipment to provide children with a favorable level of physical activity in the process different forms physical education of preschool children.

6. It is necessary that the equipment (size, dimensions and weight of objects) correspond to the age characteristics of children and their anthropometric indicators. The amount of equipment is determined based on the active participation of all children in the process of various forms of physical activity. The dimensions and weight of portable equipment must be commensurate with the capabilities of children.

Technical support

1. Ensuring the safety of children when using it. Each benefit must be stable and durable. In order to provide insurance and prevent injuries to children during games in the physical education area, it is necessary to have good fastenings.

2. The materials from which the equipment is made must meet hygienic requirements, be environmentally friendly and durable.

3. Tape recorder: discs with music.

Requirements for the use of aids and equipment:

1. Develop children’s motor skills preschool age through the choice of certain methods of their actions, requiring physical effort and energy expenditure, correlating them with the dimensions and weight, stability and other properties of the objects used.

2. Create varied and complicated conditions for performing various physical exercises. (For example, children, overcoming an obstacle course consisting of different modules, make many movements: walking and running along an inclined boom, crawling on a gymnastic bench, crawling under arches, jumping on a trampoline, etc. with various aids and objects (ball, hoop, gymnastic stick, etc.).

3. It is important that in the process of teaching children movements, aids contribute to their faster development.


1. Outdoor games

2. Educational games

3. Sports games

4. General developmental exercises: physical exercises performed against a wooden wall, exercises with children's expanders, a gymnastic stick and other objects.

5. Main types of movement

6. Traditional equipment:

7. Non-traditional equipment: various massagers, small objects (rings, sticks, balls - for gripping with your toes),

8. Visual aid (masks, funnels from plastic bottles, manufacturing soft toys for development fine motor skills, manuals for breathing exercises). Manuals for various outdoor games.

First junior group

1. Children of the third year of life are very active, try to act independently, making a wide variety of movements using various aids (walking on a bench, climbing and crawling under a table, chairs, rolling a ball, throwing a ball and various objects, walking on limited support with maintaining balance, etc.).

2. Independent motor activity of children 2-3 years old is associated with playing with various objects and toys. Children reach for a toy, bend over, climb onto a cube, and make certain efforts to get this or that object or aid.

3. Imitation movements occupy an important place in children’s independent activity. You can observe how a child independently demonstrates his motor activity in games with imaginative toys. For example, a child jumps with a bunny, runs away from a wolf, crawls under arches, hides in a tunnel, etc.

4. Actions with benefits are quite simple, they usually beat them. For example, a child takes a hoop lying on the floor, sits in it, imagining that it is a house, then runs to the fox and sits down with her. Then he takes a bunny, a bear, etc. and again puts them in his “house,” etc. Another child can use the hoop as a car steering wheel. Children can also build a house from a rope or jump rope (lay out a circle on the floor), build a fence from gymnastic sticks, using actions such as stepping over and crawling.

5. It is important for the teacher to find a rational combination of aids and movements and not allow them to become monotonous.

6. Two- to three-year-old children love to run errands for adults, so children should be more often involved in arranging and cleaning up supplies. The teacher must maintain children's interest in various physical education aids by introducing novelty into their use (introducing a new aid, moving it from one place to another, complicating a motor task with the same aid).

Placement of physical education equipment

All benefits should be available to children, encouraging them to do everything themselves that is feasible and interesting to them.

1. Place some small aids (rubber rings, balls, massage balls, etc.) on a hanging shelf so that the child cannot reach them from the floor.

2. Under the shelf you should place a stable box or cube (10-15 cm high), on which the child can stand and take the item of interest to him.

3. In order to increase the physical activity of children, it is advisable to place their favorite toys (bunny, bear, fox) on large aids (gymnastic ladder, etc.).

It is important to place physical education aids in such a way that they contribute to the manifestation of physical activity in children. So, next to the doll corner you can put motor toys (cars, carts). Large exercise equipment requires a lot of space, so it is better to place it along one free wall.

Teachers should remember that children’s interest in the same manual quickly decreases. Therefore, it is not advisable to keep all available manuals in a group room. It is better to introduce them gradually, alternating them. Small aids should be kept in open drawers so that children can freely use them.


Quantity per group (pcs.)


The cabinet is 2-sectional: the first section is open, the second section with doors.

For storing physical education equipment.

Shelf with drawers, 4-tier.

Plastic floor container.

Card index of morning exercises.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for conducting morning exercises.

Card file of gymnastics after sleep.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for performing gymnastics after sleep.

Card file of visual gymnastics.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for conducting visual gymnastics; goals, names and descriptions of exercises.

Card file of breathing exercises.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for conducting breathing exercises; goals, names and descriptions of exercises.

Card index articulatory gymnastics.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for conducting articulatory gymnastics; goals, names and descriptions of exercises.

Card index finger gymnastics.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for performing finger gymnastics; goals, names and descriptions of exercises.

Card index of physical education minutes.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for conducting physical education sessions; goals, names and descriptions of physical education minutes.

Card index of outdoor games.

Contains methodological techniques and methods for conducting outdoor games; goals, names and descriptions of games.

Half masks.

For games.

CD player.

For listening to music CDs.

CDs are discs with recordings of physical education sessions.

For physical education sessions with musical accompaniment.

CD – discs with recording of rhythmic music.

For morning exercises, finger exercises, visual exercises, outdoor games with musical accompaniment.

CDs are discs with recordings of calm music.

For visual, breathing, articulation gymnastics, gymnastics after sleep with musical accompaniment.


Physical education standard equipment


Quantity per group (pcs.)


Set of multi-colored pins.

For playing bowls, it develops manual dexterity and accuracy in children.

The ball is rubber. Diameter 20-25 cm.

The ball is rubber. Diameter 10-15 cm.

For children's games, develops dexterity and eye.

Colored plastic ball. Diameter 6-8 cm.

For outdoor games, it develops dexterity, eye, and color perception in children.

Plastic baskets.

For throwing balls, develops the eye.


Develops and strengthens children's arm muscles.

Massage set “Su-Jok”.

Develops tactile perception, strengthens children's finger muscles.

Flat colored hoop. Diameter 40-50 cm.

For outdoor games.

Physical education non-standard equipment


Quantity per group (pcs.)



Train arm muscles; develop stamina and endurance.


Jumping stand.

For high jumps, develops leg muscles.


Develops arm muscles.

Attribute "Cocktail".

For breathing exercises, strengthens the respiratory system.

Attribute "Curtains".

Attribute "Aerial pictures".

Card "Left - Right".

Promotes the development of spatial orientation in children.

Cards – “A crab is looking for a treasure”, “A butterfly flies to a flower”, “A bear has a sweet tooth”, “Fish and a pond”, “A dragon is watering a flower”.

For visual gymnastics.

Throwing pads.

Develops accuracy, eye, strength.

Massage track “Traces”.

To prevent flat feet, massage the feet and develop coordination of movements.

Massage path “Traces made of buttons”.

Massage track “Traces of beads”.

Massage path “Flower Meadow”.

Massage track “Bump-one, bump-two.”

Massage track "Senior Pencil".

Massage path “Sticks”.

Massage path “Colored mosaic”.

Massage path “Smooth path”.

Massage path “We walk merrily.”

Massage path “Colorful circles”.

Massage path – transform “Grass”.

Massage mat made of buttons.

Pea massage mat.

Massage slippers.

For foot massage, prevention of flat feet.


For back and lower back massage, strengthening the muscle corset.

Physical education of children in kindergarten is one of the ways to develop children, which implies not only improving their health, but also giving them skills to interact with other people. To do this, it is necessary to equip the kindergarten, which will contain a wide variety of objects and exercise equipment.

Design features for different age groups

Before setting up a sports corner, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children:

  1. If we are talking about the younger group, then the sports ground should be part of the play area. It usually contains balls of different sizes and slides for walking.
  2. For children from middle group it is necessary to prepare a space in which, in addition to the listed items, there will be stands with information about different sports. Also on the site there should be darts, skittles and other similar items for sports games.
  3. IN senior group everything previously listed is complemented by mats that are necessary for fitness. Information about the rules of the games is also provided at special stands.

In addition, for each age group there should be special paths that are designed for the proper development of children’s feet. The following items should also be in the garden:

  • masks;
  • balls;
  • sets for sports games.

In addition, you can come up with a name for the sports corner in the kindergarten to make it more attractive for kids.

Types of sports equipment

To equip a place for physical education in kindergarten, the following are most often used:

  • Swedish walls;
  • balls;
  • gymnastic mats;
  • hoops;
  • jump ropes;
  • basketball hoops.

It is worth remembering about the musical accompaniment. For this purpose, an acoustic system or tape recorder is usually installed. Also, there is usually equipment that is made by the teachers and parents themselves. Examples include the following items:

  1. Health tracks created on a fabric base on which, for example, buttons are sewn. Such devices help massage children’s feet and are a means of preventing flat feet.
  2. Breathing exercise equipment. An example is paper figures that students must blow off the table.
  3. Games similar to “twister” with images of feet and hands. They contribute to the development of children's coordination of movement and the development of spatial perception.
  4. Expanders.
  5. Various masks. They are necessary for outdoor games.

When setting up a sports corner, it is worth remembering that the list of items is limited only by the imagination of the teachers. Therefore, if possible, it is worth spending time creating new inventory. By creating a sports corner in a kindergarten with your own hands, you can be sure of its reliability and safety.

Requirements for sports corners

When designing a corner for physical activity, it is necessary to take into account some requirements. The distinctive features of such a room should be:

  1. Content richness. This suggests that kindergarten should have everything necessary for comprehensive physical development children of a certain age group.
  2. Flexibility of the playing space. This parameter means that items must be placed in a small area for different types activities that do not limit free space.
  3. Possibility to use all elements environment. This feature lies in the rational placement of all equipment.
  4. Safety. A sports corner in a kindergarten group should not be placed next to windows or in places where active actions children may result in a dangerous situation for them.
  5. Room hygiene.
  6. Matches the interior of the room. This is necessary to ensure that children want to engage in physical activity. Even with the good work of teachers, if the design is incorrect, many will not want to play even their favorite games.
  7. Age appropriate. At the same time, it is worth creating conditions in which children have free access to all the items presented.
  8. Environmental friendliness. When selecting equipment and materials for its creation, you should approach this process very carefully.

Tasks of a teacher when creating a sports corner

When designing a corner, educators, first of all, should take care of creating a diverse physical education and gaming environment, which will be aimed at optimizing motor activity. If equipment is placed incorrectly or if necessary items are not available, not all children will be able to engage in physical activity, or this time will not be spent effectively.

Teachers also need to make sure that children have knowledge about a variety of outdoor games and physical exercises. Because we're talking about children younger age, it’s worth thinking about how to present information to them in graphical form.

Teachers should also promote the development of qualities such as flexibility, agility, coordination and speed. At the same time, it is worth encouraging the motor creativity of each pupil, and not just trying to subjugate all the kids so that they do only what they are told.

Propaganda is becoming one of the most important components of raising children. healthy image life.

Mistakes made when designing a sports corner

When observing children in kindergarten, you will notice that many of them do not want to be in the sports corner. But why does this happen? There may be several reasons:

  1. Staticity and monotony of the objects used. In the absence of interesting exercise equipment and other equipment, a children's sports corner may only interest a child on the first day of visiting kindergarten.
  2. Inconsistency of equipment with the age characteristics of children. Because of this, many children are not interested in working out independently in the sports corner.
  3. There is a ban on visiting the corner at a certain time. Some educators use prohibitions to make it easier for them to control the behavior of all children. But such actions help reduce the time spent on physical activity. Such prohibitions also kill independence in students.

The most common reason why sports corners in kindergartens are not equipped according to all the rules is the lack of enough money to purchase equipment and additional materials. To remedy this situation, you can create attributes with my own hands from scrap materials.

It is also worth remembering that when decorating you need to pay attention to the lighting of the sports corner. It should be located in a place where there is enough light for children to play. If this condition is not met, then many kids simply will not want to play in a poorly lit place, and in the worst case, their eyesight will be damaged.

Competitions to determine the best sports area

Many kindergartens hold competitions, based on the results of which the best sports corners are identified. Such events encourage teachers to be creative, and parents are attracted to the problems of physical education of preschoolers.

As a result, sports corners in kindergartens are greatly transformed, which contributes to more active activities for pupils. To identify the best sports corner, the criteria mentioned earlier (hygiene, safety, originality, etc.) are used. In order to win the competition described, it is not enough just to beautifully decorate part of the room and create original equipment.

Nadezhda Zubtsova

Physical education corner in the first junior group« Sun»

We had a review-competition in our kindergarten physical education corners. IN group I couldn’t find a convenient place, so I placed the sports equipment in the bedroom. This placement was the most convenient for my kids. The ladder is securely fastened. All equipment is stored in special boxes placed on the shelf. The presented equipment is multifunctional in use, compact, attractive and accessible to children. Non-traditional equipment is always an additional incentive physical education- health work. Therefore, it is never superfluous. The use of non-standard aids and equipment adds variety to physical activities and the effects of novelty, allows for greater use of familiar exercises.

The competition, held in kindergarten, made it possible to enrich the subject-development environment and create conditions for independent motor activity of children in group.

Based on the results of the competition, our the group took first place.

“Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Therefore, I hope that my work will help my children become healthy.

I took a sample passport here on the website, unfortunately I don’t remember from whom, so I apologize.

No. Name Quantity per group


1 storage shelf physical education equipment

2 Storage boxes physical education equipment

3 Symbol corner – Sunshine

4 Card index physical education corner:

Morning exercises

Exercising after a nap

Breathing exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes

Finger gymnastics

Games for coordination of speech with movement

Outdoor games

Games to promote a healthy lifestyle

Illustration card index of sports games and exercises

D/game – lotto "Sport"

5 Masks and attributes for mobile games:

- « Sunshine and rain»

- "Hares"

- "The Bear and the Bees"

- "Frogs"

- "Cat and Mice"

- "Sparrows and the car"

- "Horses and Sleds"

6 Folder “Health-saving technologies for children first junior group»

7 Folder "Poems about sports for children"

Physical education equipment

1 Stairs - wall

3 Arches for crawling

4 Log – ring throw

6 Set of colorful pins (8 pcs.)

7 Ball – fitball

8 Medium rubber balls

9 Small soccer ball

10 Basketball

11 Large hoop

12 Jump ropes

14 Rackets

15 Ribbons

16 Braids

17 Sultans

18 Handkerchiefs

19 Bags of peas for the prevention of poor posture

20 Colored balls

21 Darts on linden trees

24 Rope

25 Soft modules

Non-standard equipment

2 Agility trainer "Traps"

3 Exercise machine for breathing development "Breeze in a Bottle"

4 Breathing trainers "Clowns", "Apple", "Pineapple", "Watermelon", "Strawberry"

5 Visual trainers "Flower", "Butterfly", « Ladybug» , "Eight", "Airplane"

6 Game "Get the Butterfly"

7 Game "Catch a Fish"

8 Game "Motalochki"

9 Balancers

11 Posture Wall "Palms"

12 Paths for prevention flat feet:

- "Rope"

- "Flower"

- « Sun»

- "Traces"

- "Crocodile"

- "Flowers"

- "Fish"

- "Heels and toes"

- "Traces - buttons"

Massage mats

Ribbed board

Foot massager

- "Turtle"

- "Ladybug"

- "Swamp"

13 Massage mittens

Elena Margelova

This year we recruited first junior group, children 2 years old. Of course, they are all very active and mobile. But their activity needs to be directed in the right direction. Unfortunately, the physical education instructor at our group is not allowed. That's why we decided to create one for kids ourselves. sports corner. Everything, as always, is made by hand.

First of all, it was necessary to teach the children to walk in a circle and stand in their places while exercising. For this purpose, we made a “sun”, the rays of which cannot be crossed while walking in a circle, then we made “footprints”, which we lay out during exercise, so that each child would stand in his place. By the way, the “sun” can also be used for jumping on two legs; we jump over every ray.

After charging, the children help put the “footprints” back into place. We also made gymnastic sticks, flags, ribbons, and handkerchiefs for exercise.

And, of course, in our sports corner We placed a folder with a set of morning exercises for kids and a collection of outdoor games for children of our age. To develop accuracy and dexterity, two ring throws were made, also with our own hands.

To develop fine motor skills in our there is a sports corner"winders" that children simply adore. They race and just “show off”, showing off their skills.

Certainly, sports corner cannot exist without balls, which we also have.

In addition to regular balls, we also have special spiky balls for developing fine motor skills.

To prevent flat feet and develop arches, we have not only massage mats which we made with our own hands together with our parents,

but there are also the most ordinary abacus,

and these are the “gurneys”

We also haven’t forgotten about breathing exercises. In our there is a game in the corner"football","funny snowflakes","storm in a bottle"

There is also in our corner tunnel, whistle, tambourine, homemade skittles, boxing gloves and much more.

This is how we try to diversify the lives of our kids, but, of course, we don’t stop there. We hope that we will be inspired by new ideas and will bring them to life!

Publications on the topic:

Theater corner in junior group 1 Teachers: Pertseva Irina Pavlovna Vorontsova Elena Yurievna The versatility of theatrical play.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention an information corner of traffic rules for parents in our group “Fidgets”. Parents simply must.

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Physical education corner in the first junior group. In my group, I equipped a physical education corner to develop physical qualities and motor skills. There are handkerchiefs, flags,...

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There are many means designed to facilitate the process of a child getting used to a new team, walls, and daily routine. One of these means.

Olga Potapova

B 1 younger group"Rays of Sunshine" teachers together with parents designed a physical education corner. It's called "Get Healthy." What kind of benefits does it contain? No: attributes for outdoor games, items for outdoor switchgear, motor toys (horses, spinners, ring throws, climbing frames, balls, tracks for the prevention of flat feet and much, much other material! Main character this corner - doll Masha who smiles at the children with a kind smile and kindly provides various aids for activities and games; handkerchiefs, multi-colored braids, noisemakers, plumes, and she keeps all this in her large pockets beautiful dress! Children love the Masha doll and are happy to take benefits from out of pocket as they wish.

This is what we have physical education corner.

Meet the doll Masha in her beautiful dress!

And these are benefits that are in her pockets!

Physical training!

Publications on the topic:

Theatrical activities in kindergarten are a good opportunity to reveal a child’s creative potential and foster creative orientation.

A properly organized developmental environment allows every child to find something to do and learn to interact with adults and others.

In our kindergarten there was a competition for the best design of a reading corner. In this competition, my partner and I are Veronika Andreevna Shutko.

I bring to your attention the design of the Kuban corner in our group, which was created thanks to co-creation parents and teachers.

Zone musical development children is an integral component of the subject-development environment in kindergarten groups. This corner serves.

Formation of a child’s correct speech is one of the most most important tasks preschool education. However, dynamic analysis is practical.

In our group "Sun" I design a corner dedicated to the topics of educational planning. This is very interesting for children. Firstly, they can clearly see.

In our kindergarten there was a review of “Patriotic Corners”. It coincided with the week of tolerance. Our group represented the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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