25th frame for weight loss. Healthy eating. frame for weight loss - guide and video

25 frame for weight loss is a special program aimed at the person with the help of whom weight loss occurs. In our country, this technique began to be used relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity among people who have problems with excess weight.

How does it work?

The effect of frame 25 for weight loss is based on a quickly flashing image, which affects the psychological state of a person. Why exactly 25 frames and not 23 or 47? It's very simple.

The thing is that many years of research by scientists have shown that people are ready to perceive visual information in frames. At the same time, he consciously perceives only the first 24 frames, and the brain does not have time to perceive the 25th frame, since it is already receiving new information, and therefore it puts it aside in the subconscious.

And the subconscious, as you know, has great power. It remembers what a person simply cannot remember on his own without immersion in hypnosis. Therefore, being deposited in a “secluded place” of the brain, these frames influence a person from the inside, namely his eating habits.
On a subconscious level, they discourage a person’s appetite and instill, to some extent, an aversion to food and fat people. Therefore, they begin to actively lose weight, without making any special efforts.

Those who tried this technique on themselves were divided into two camps. Some believe that “25 frames” really helps you lose weight, without any restrictions on food or physical activity, while others argue that this is just another quackery, with the help of which someone simply makes money.

But in any case, the impact of frame 25 has been scientifically proven. And even if this really does not affect body weight, then there are only two options. Either the program was purchased from unverified sources, and therefore did not bring positive results, or those people who really helped are very naive and suggestible.

Hence the “minus” of this technique - it is almost impossible to check the psychological “filling” of this video and how exactly it affects a person’s subconscious and whether this happens in principle.

But with all this, the “25 frame” program has a lot of positive reviews. Although there is a catch here too. Perhaps most of those positive reviews were written by fake people? Who knows? Therefore, until a person tries this weight loss method on himself, he will not be able to draw an unambiguous conclusion.

In order for the 25 frame method for weight loss to be truly effective, experts say that there is no need to buy it from dubious individuals. It’s better to do this in a pharmacy or specialty store that definitely doesn’t sell counterfeits.

In this case, you should install the program on your computer or laptop and watch this video every day for 2–3 hours. This is the only way you can truly lose weight.
When you miss classes, your brain begins to rest and forget everything that happened before. And therefore it begins to influence you less effectively in terms of losing weight. Therefore, you should not relax and skip viewings.

Or maybe that group, for whom the 25th frame did not help, periodically missed views? Maybe that's why they couldn't achieve their goal? Don't make the mistakes of others and confidently move towards your goal.

Video about frame 25 for weight loss

Methods “25 frames for weight loss” is the name of a series of information products that are designed to facilitate the transition to a new lifestyle. Recently, the Internet has been flooded with banners with slogans like “lose 10 kg per month without effort.” By clicking on the link, you will be taken to the website of the seller of the “25 frame” program. If you believe what is stated there, this is a real panacea for those who have a sedentary job, cannot play sports, and are not able to withstand any diet due to a strong feeling of hunger. This whole miracle costs about 1000 Russian rubles and is distributed by mail.

What is the “25 frame method for weight loss”

The “25 frames for weight loss” technique is based on a popular hypothesis - the human brain assimilates information that appears before the eyes for a split second and directly “records” it into the subconscious. Let’s say, if you insert a frame with the inscription “cakes are evil” into a movie or video and make it so that you see it for just a split second, the subconscious will supposedly “record” this information, and after a while you will stop feeling a special love for baking with cream.

The technique is implemented in the form of a special program. You buy a disk, install the program on your computer, and a yellow “smiley” appears in the tray. You click on it, enter the desired weight in a special line, and the program begins to show you an invisible statement like “I weigh 48 kilograms and have a modest appetite.” If you believe the supporters of the hypothesis, the subconscious is “imbued” with this idea and itself looks for ways to lose weight.

The developers of the “25 frame weight loss” programs advise initially using it for no more than half an hour a day, for three weeks.
Then a week-long break is taken, after which the 25th frame is used for weight loss again for half an hour a day for three weeks. This mode is repeated three times.

Is it possible to lose weight with 25 frames?

It is worth noting that, in fact, not all modern psychologists are sure that the subconscious mind works this way. This area of ​​the psyche remains poorly studied, and little is said about facts - mostly about assumptions.

The placebo effect has long been known - the patient is sure that he is taking the medicine, the body is mobilized and recovers, despite the fact that the treatment is replaced, for example, by a capsule with gelatin inside. Some experts believe that losing weight using frame 25 is just a placebo. You believe that the positive statement written in the program will help you eat less, and you actually give up unnecessary snacks and lose weight without much difficulty.

However, some psychologists believe that the subconscious works exactly as the program developers believe, and that it can be influenced.

These scientists often write about the need to work correctly with the subconscious:

  • Giving commands to “your head” only in the affirmative form and present tense. For example, not “I will lose weight by 20 kilograms with the help of frame 25”, but “I weigh 48 kilograms with a height of 160 cm”;
  • Refusal to use the particle “not” - not “I don’t eat at night”, but “I have dinner at 18.00 and that’s enough for me”;
  • Refusal to use negative context - not “I exhaust myself with sports 6 times a week”, but “I do feasible exercises 6 times a week easily and joyfully.”

The literature, however, also describes the negative effects of influencing the subconscious for the purpose of weight loss.

    In particular, Russian psychotherapist A. Vasyutin writes that for some people, weight is closely related to survival mechanisms, and improper non-professional influence, including with the help of psychological techniques and programs, can lead to a “failure” of the subconscious mechanism and serious health disorders.

    Proponents of the method are generous in their assessments. Many of them believe that such psychological programming is a real find that can help a person or. There are two options here: either they purchased licensed videos or they turned out to be more suggestible people. For some patients, simply believing that someone is trying to make them lose weight is enough - the placebo effect is quite strong for some.

If you decide to lose weight with 25 frames, follow the following tips.

25 frame for weight loss - guide and video!

    Buy a video with 25 frames where the possibility of stumbling upon a fake is extremely small: in clinics, on sites with a proven reputation, from people, in stores with licensed products.
    Be methodical. The human brain needs constant training - don’t let the effect fade, don’t skip sessions of watching videos with 25 frames for weight loss.
    Help your body acquire a new shape, by correctly adjusting your sleep and eating patterns, so that you make the rhythm of life more active.

The main thing is a positive attitude. Believe in achieving your goal, make it tangible, and everything will come true! Look at our example, it, of course, does not contain a real 25 frame (this always costs money), but it is very similar to it and carries an amazing attitude towards reducing appetite and losing weight!

The impact of the 25th frame on the subconscious, according to some scientists, is a fictitious technique, others argue that, after all, the influence of this very 25th frame on people is the network, or rather the hidden text that is present on it.

What is the 25th frame

It is known that for video to be perceived there must be at least 24 frames. Less is acceptable, but such a property of the video as the fluidity of the film is lost.

What are video frames? These are pictures sequentially inserted into a video sequence. Frames alternate sequentially at a certain frequency. If 25 frames are shown per second, then the same 25th frame The display time is 1/25 sec, i.e. 0.08 sec. Indeed, it has been experimentally established that a time of 0.08-0.12 seconds is the most effective frame duration for influencing the subconscious.

In training programs or other programs influencing the human subconscious, using 25-frame method, this is the duration that is used.

In reality, the 25th frame is not hidden, because Each frame is marked by the eye of the beholder, but due to the inertia of vision it merges with other frames and is not distinguished by a person. However, thanks to this same effect, it is not difficult to notice the “extra” advertising frame. For example, it can be seen on the storyboard of a video, or you can even read a short word if it is in large font, as they can be seen in the video with affirmations for losing weight and maintaining an optimal weight by Louise Hay.

Below you can watch online weight loss video with 25th frame effect. These additional frames contain affirmations (installations) of Louise Hay, promoting weight loss and maintaining a beautiful figure and optimal weight. Similar video techniques with a 25 frame effect are now widely offered on the Internet on DVDs.

In general, the term itself " Weight loss 25 frame " is widely known and there is no point in dwelling on this particular phrase.

But, as they say, “although all dogs are dogs, yet all dogs are different.”
Well, paraphrasing this expression in relation to the topic of this article, you can write in the same way:
"All programs weight loss 25 frame similar to each other, but still each of the programs weight loss 25 frame different from others"

Here I talk about the programs " Weight loss 25 frame " in my performance. It goes without saying that I, as the author, introduced into them my own, worked out, honed by experience concept.

Here is one example program " weight loss 25 frame" in the picture

So, to the question “what is good about my weight loss programs 25 frames” - I answer.

1. You know that in principle there is a lot that can be put into a coding system. An advertisement for a product, for example. Or, even worse - something shameful. And what? The signals are invisible...

This is where I assert: behind this program I stand, a real person, S.N. Tremsin, Candidate of Medical Sciences. And I guarantee that I did not include anything other than the fight against excess appetite in the “weight loss 25th frame” program.

Do you feel special?

I guarantee it! And this is already worth a lot.

2. I called these 25 frame weight loss programs “weight loss programs.”

The name is due to the fact that the coding of this series contains small drawings that can easily be placed somewhere in the corner while working on the computer.
That is, weight loss programs are “weight loss 25 frame” programs intended for those who, due to their occupation, spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen.

They not for special coding lose weight (I have other developments for this).

Weight loss 25 frame in my performance - these programs are for those who sit in front of the monitor for a long time, at least 2 hours a day.
They code weight loss “without leaving the workplace,” so to speak.

3. There are no such 25 frame weight loss programs available yet. These are the first options.

I mean, they don't take any time at all to code to lose weight. They save weight loss time.

Everything that I wrote above creates special requirements for the 25 frame weight loss programs.

The most important thing is that due to the long action they should not have a strong effect in any way.

You probably know that many encoding programs (at least those made by me), if the optimal exposure time is exceeded, can cause an overdose effect.

An overdose is expressed in a pathological lack of appetite, symptoms of malaise, etc.

But weight loss is free of overdose!

There are no side effects. Sit in front of the screen for days at least!
This can be achieved easily. It’s just a very soft coding to lose weight.

Soft! Do you hear?

And therefore - for those who are in front of the monitor for less than 2 hours a day - losing weight is useless.

In such cases weight loss 25th frame in the form of "lose weight" - useless . And that's it.

Well, for the rest - soft coding occurs, as I already wrote. It's as if nothing special is happening. But appetite, if it was previously excessive, harmful and painful, is significantly weakened.

This is the effect of my weight loss products. They won't force you to lose weight. Their action is too soft.

Their task is very simple.

Weight loss 25th frame relieves hunger tension, reduces excess appetite, and allows you to more successfully engage in active weight loss.

That's all their action is. It's up to you to decide if THIS is worth trying for yourself.

By the way, without exception, all weight loss programs (weight loss 25th frame) are free!
All! Without exception!

The program is intended for long-term daily use.

An ideal option for people who spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen.

The program takes up little space on the monitor screen and does not interfere with work.



Programmed coding to reduce excess appetite.

As a result, overweight individuals begin to lose weight.


After 7-10 days of coding, a person suddenly discovers that he no longer wants to eat something extra.

Therefore, the process of losing weight begins without hunger tension, without constant thoughts about food, easily and effectively.

Directions for use:

After downloading, the program is immediately ready to work. No installation required.

Just run the program, a small coding window will appear. There is no need to look at it. Move the window to a location on the screen where it will not interfere with your work.

The action is very mild and therefore does not cause complications or side effects.

Designed for long-term, multi-day use.

With prolonged use, the intensity of the coding signals becomes dull.

It is advisable to have at least 5 programs in your set for daily replacement.


Authenticity (anti-counterfeiting):

Every time the weight loss program opens (this is 7-10 seconds of loading), an Internet page first appears confirming the authenticity of the program.

How to use a slimming device

I advise you to display its shortcut in a prominent place so that you can download it with just one click of the mouse

Slimming Loads Slowly - About 10 Seconds.
In this case, the page confirming its authenticity is loaded first, and then the weight loss picture itself..
Be patient and she will reward you with good results.

How to move to the right place

How to close

Lose weight 25 frame - horizontal orientation

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