Biography of Nigel Lawson. "Nigelissima" by Nigella Lawson Fake mashed potatoes

4 quick recipes from the British food journalist and TV chef's book about her love of Italian cuisine - pizza-style beef, fake mashed potatoes, pink shrimp pasta and rosemary beans

Just as Jamie Oliver is the male face of the British TV food revolution, Nigella Lawson is its female face. She is one of those thanks to whom England, which had never previously been distinguished by a special desire to diversify the home table, became an advanced country in this sense. “Nigelissima” is her tenth book (and so far the only one published in Russian). It is dedicated to Nigella's first true culinary love - Italian cuisine. These are not recipes that Lawson brought from Italy, but simple and delicious food that she created according to Italian rules.

And here’s what Nigella herself thinks about whether her dishes turned out to be Italian or not: “I won’t assure you that my recipes are authentic Italian, but believe me, they are correct. Food, like language, is alive: over time, under the influence of people and eras, it changes in many ways. Tradition dictates the form, and this should not be ignored. There is absolutely no point in the endless debate about whether or not to consider some recipes truly Italian - just a hopeless simplification. After all, the country that we used to call Italy has existed for a relatively short time (namely since 1861), but customs change, and if traditions are to be cherished, then cooking methods must evolve. In fact, the Italians have a striking feature associated with their cooking: they have managed to preserve traditions (with all the anarchic variations) without losing a constant interest in new things.

However, this quality is not realized by many people, since such a view does not fit into romantic idea about Italians or their cuisine. Our idea of ​​real Italian food is based on an embellished idea of ​​the peasant past, when food was simple and tasty and big family, gathered around the kitchen table, leisurely enjoyed it. The reality is that the peasants did not have kitchen tables, often they did not have kitchens, and often they did not have food. What we, not being Italians, consider Italian food is most often the food of the Italian diaspora. In some very real sense, the Italians who left their homeland seem to set the table for those who remained in their homeland. Their irresistible craving for products from their native Italy created a huge industry, opening the way for the vast export of Italian products that fed Italians living abroad: this is what allowed those who remained in Italy to eat much the same. And when the emigrants, gradually accustomed to abundance, returned to their homes, they brought with them new habits and new ways of preparing dishes. At the same time, a market for Italian products was created around the world. Even during the times of Ancient Rome, the ancestors of today's Italians never owned such a vast empire. Today, Italy's culinary colonization of the rest of the world is virtually complete."

Here are four recipes that emerged from this colonization.

Pink shrimp pasta

“I have nothing against shrimp pasta without sauce, the base of this dish is shrimp, with a little chilli, maybe a little wine and a few cherry tomato halves. I somehow came up with a similar recipe myself. But sometimes I want something more tender and creamy. This recipe actually brings together different flavors as the creamy mascarpone sauce brings out the heat from the dry chili flakes and the acid from the tomato paste. Also, I'm serious about pink drinks, so I think it's worth getting a pink martini or a pink Cinzano, an Italian rose vermouth. It gives the sauce a sweet, floral flavor that white vermouth or even rose wine. Instead of vermouth, you can add brandy to create a retro sauce.

I usually use organic raw shrimp that I buy at the supermarket, or small cooked shrimp that are sold frozen. They will leak some water, but this pasta will absorb as much sauce as you cook.

Now about the sauce: yes, it is quite rich, and I cook more pasta (egg pasta is very rich) than I estimate per serving. But this is mainly due to the fact that these egg taglierini (think thin tagliatelle) are sold in 250g bags, and I’m not crazy enough to leave 50g of pasta in the package.”

Beef pizza style

“Italians are good at finding ways to elevate inexpensive cuts of meat. Although pizza-style beef originates from Naples, it is prepared (and more often veal or even fish steaks) throughout Italy. This dish gets its name from its taste, which is reminiscent of pizza toppings. It contains tomatoes, oregano and garlic, and sometimes olives and capers. I also add anchovies and chili flakes.

Originally, cheap cuts of meat or fish were stewed in a sour sauce that softened the tough meat. However, instead of buying cheap meat, I sear thin pieces of steak, wrap them in foil to keep them warm, and cook the sauce in a hot pan. Here I used English pink calf escalopes, and I did this on purpose. Nowadays there is a movement against eating veal. However, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and Compassion in World Farming advise us to eat veal if the label says “pink veal” (it is humanely produced): otherwise In this case, a huge number of animals will be destroyed in vain. It doesn’t matter whether you buy beef or veal, the meat cooks in 5 minutes, so even if you don’t save money, you save time.”

Cannellini beans with rosemary

“To prepare this recipe, all you have to do is open a tin can. Do you think I should be ashamed? Perhaps, but for some reason I don’t feel any shame. The dish turns out delicious, so should I apologize for the speed and simplicity? Even if there are only two eaters at the table, I still prepare the dish with the amount of ingredients indicated, since it is nice to eat cold the next day, and if you add some good tuna to it from another jar, you will have a wonderful lunch or dinner in a hurry».

Fake mashed potatoes

“On the one hand, this recipe has nothing to do with Italy; on the other hand, the idea of ​​the dish and the source are Italian. I'll explain now. One day I was cooking gnocchi alla Romana(Roman style gnocchi, small round semolina cakes). The mixture for them stood in front of me, and Lisa, an Italian who works in my house, walked past. She stuck her finger into the mixture, licked it and said, “What delicious mashed potatoes!”

I waited until the mixture cooled so I could form the gnocchi. Placed on a baking sheet, sprinkled with Parmesan and baked. It turned out delicious. But I kept thinking that I could do without the bulk of the preparation of the dish. This is where the recipe for fake mashed potatoes came from. I understand that my statement sounds scary, especially for those who grew up on semolina pudding, although there are those among us who remember it with tenderness. But the dish turns out to be much more interesting than you imagine. The mixture is easy and simple to whip up, so I prepare it in advance. (When it sits for a while, a crust forms on it, but as soon as you stir the mass with a spoon, the crust immediately disappears without a trace.) I cook this dish all the time and love it very much.

I know that in England you can’t find butter in tins, but while we were preparing this book for publication, my sister brought me a gift from Italy with a jar of butter, and I couldn’t help but take a photo of it.”

Nigel Lawson is a successful British television personality who is known throughout the world for his cooking show. Men call her herself sexy woman and love to watch her cook. Representatives of the fair half of humanity also follow the career of the TV personality and try to understand what caused her wild success. In this article you can read Nigella Lawson's recipes in Russian with step-by-step descriptions. In addition, we will tell you a few interesting facts about her life.

Who is Nigella Lawson? Biography

The famous British star was born into a wealthy family and was surrounded by attention and love from childhood. Perhaps that is why Nigel Lawson took the separation of her parents quite painfully. After graduating from university, the girl became a journalist, but her work as a restaurant critic was of particular interest to her. Subsequently, Nigella received the post of literary editor at a famous magazine, but continued to write for other publications. And at the age of 38, she published her first cookbook, “How to Eat.”

As she claims, the goal of her literary creations is to revive food culture, attract people's attention to “slow” food and revive the traditions of national cuisine. Soon another bestseller, also authored by Nigella Lawson, saw the light of day. The book was called "How to become a goddess of the hearth." She also gave her author the solid title of “Author of the Year.” Nigel Lawson's first program was released in 2000, and since then the TV personality has become a favorite of most Britons. Interestingly, she does not consider herself a great expert in cooking and is even offended if she is called an excellent cook. Nevertheless, Nigel Lawson's recipes are wildly successful in the UK. Next, we will offer you the most popular of them, and you can decide for yourself how delicious the dishes are prepared by the English television star.


Nigella Lawson's recipes are quite simple, but they are all original. Here is a recipe for a chocolate cake, the preparation of which will not take much of your time.

Combine 200 grams of sugar, 200 grams of flour, a little soda and three tablespoons of cocoa in a bowl.

Add 170 grams of soft butter, 80 grams of sour cream and two chicken eggs to the dry mixture.

Pour the finished mixture with hot water (120 ml is enough) and mix well again.

Place the dough in the pan and bake in a preheated oven until done.


Another quick and practical recipe from the famous presenter using Italian ricotta cheese.

Mix two chicken eggs and 200 grams of ricotta.

Add 70 grams of flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon to the mixture to taste.

Add vanilla extract and one spoon of sugar to the mixture.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Pour oil into a deep frying pan until it fills it by two centimeters.

Spoon out the dough and fry it until golden brown on each side.

Serve the finished dish hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Vietnamese chicken and cabbage salad

This dish can be prepared as a snack, or it can replace a full meal if you decide to lose a few extra pounds. Read on for the salad recipe.

Mix in a deep bowl one seeded and finely chopped chili pepper, a large clove of garlic (it should be put through a press in advance), one and a half tablespoons of rice vinegar, two tablespoons of lime juice, one and a half spoons of fish sauce, a little vegetable oil, chopped onion and black pepper. Leave the resulting dressing to infuse for half an hour.

Using a special knife, finely chop the cabbage (200 grams), grate one large carrot, and separate the chicken breast into fibers with your hands.

Take a bunch of fresh mint and chop it to make it more flavorful.

Mix all prepared ingredients with the sauce and add salt to taste.

Place the salad on flat plates and serve.


Nigel Lawson's recipes are not limited to traditional ones. On the contrary, she enjoys preparing dishes from all over the world. This time we offer you an original appetizer of vegetables, ham and the recipe below.

Place the finished tortilla on the work surface in front of you and spread the finely chopped ham on it.

After this, sprinkle the dish with a mixture of marinated grated cheese, finely chopped green onions and cilantro.

Carefully fold the flatbread in half so that it takes the shape of a crescent and fry it on both sides in a frying pan.

When the quesadilla is browned, place it on a board, cut into three triangles and serve with the salsa.

mushrooms and bacon

You will undoubtedly please your loved ones if you cook something delicious for lunch or dinner. Read the recipe for the original dish below.

Cut the bacon slices into thin strips and fry in a frying pan until golden brown. After this, immediately add two cups of finely chopped champignons to them and cook until they become soft.

Also cut the chicken fillet into strips and bread in a mixture of flour and thyme. Fry the slices in butter and then combine them in a frying pan with the prepared ingredients. At the end, pour a little hot broth into them and simmer everything together for a few minutes.

Roll out the dough, cut out two circles and place each in the bottom of one of the small but deep baking dishes. Fill the pie with the filling, and at the end close each with a dough lid.

Preheat the oven and place the pies in the oven, first making holes with a toothpick. Cook the treat for 20 minutes.

0 23 August 2013, 19:49

Nigella Lawson could lay claim to the title of "ideal woman": she is famous, 100% feminine, looks great at 53 and is a fabulous cook. Isn't it every man's dream? Television viewers, by the way, believe that her profession is ideal: a couple of years ago, The Daily Telegraph newspaper published the results of a survey, according to which Lawson was in second place in the list of owners of “the best job in the world,” according to readers. The TV star was second only to Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson, who receives substantial fees for driving luxury cars.

Nigel Lawson was born in London, her father Nigel Lawson served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Margaret Thatcher's administration for several years. Mother Vanessa Salmon inherited from her parents successful business, related to catering and food supplies.

Nigella herself chose journalism: after graduating from Oxford, she began working as a book reviewer and restaurant critic, later becoming literary editor of The Sunday Times, and also wrote for several newspapers and magazines.

At the age of 38, Lawson released her first cookbook, How to Eat, and it was an immediate success: she managed to sell about 300 thousand copies. Two years later, a new bestseller comes out: “How to become a goddess of the hearth.” For this book, Lawson was awarded the title of "Author of the Year" in her home country.

In 2000, the cookbook author appeared on screen: Nigella became the host of her own television show called Nigella Bites - this was the first of a series of Lawson programs aired on various British television channels. The popularity of Nigela’s programs is evidenced by the fact that every word she says has a striking influence on the minds of the country’s housewives: as soon as the TV presenter said on air that goose fat is a must for preparing Christmas dinner, sales of this ingredient in the UK immediately soared by 65 percent. It’s the same story with prunes, which began to be purchased 30 percent more after Lawson’s recommendation.

The TV star herself has never studied culinary skills and generally does not consider herself a professional chef or an expert in this field. According to her, she cooks solely for her own pleasure, and being at the stove is a pleasant hobby and a kind of therapy for her. Despite the general fascination with diets, Lawson has never hidden the fact that she loves to eat delicious food.

Of course, Nigel owes her wild success not only to her ability to cook. The audience liked her special style of presentation: for her ability to “flirt with the camera” and playful behavior, she was even nicknamed “the queen of kitchen porn.” However, Lawson is not offended, explaining that flirtatiousness is a trait of her character, and not at all part of her image.

A beauty with such culinary talent is guaranteed the attention of men, but now Nigella’s marital status is “divorced.”

She was married twice: in the mid-80s she married journalist John Diamond, with whom she worked in the editorial office of The Sunday Times. From him Lawson gave birth to a daughter, Cosima, and a son, Bruno. In 2001, Nigella's husband died of cancer at the age of 47. After the death of her husband, she was depressed for some time, but soon pulled herself together and continued filming her show.

In 2003, Nigella married millionaire and renowned collector Charles Saatchi. The public, by the way, condemned such a hasty marriage, because Nigel moved to her new lover just nine months after Diamond’s death.

Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi

In June 2013, a scandal broke out: the paparazzi photographed Saatchi when he was in a fit of quarrel with his wife by the neck during lunch in one of the London restaurants. Charles later stated that it was a “joking gesture,” but the police intervened in the matter, and a final discord occurred in the family. Lawson did not make any public statements on this matter, but journalists learned that it was she. In July this year, Nigella's second marriage, which lasted ten years, was dissolved.

Nigella's style supports her views on life: Lawson prefers plain tight dresses, gravitates towards black, but does not disdain bright shades of red and purple. She chooses contrasting accessories like colored clutches and printed sandals. Let's discuss the style of the "goddess of the hearth"?


I love books about Christmas, they are so festive, incredibly cozy and emotional. I start browsing at the end of November and stretch out the pleasure right up until February)
Today I’ll show you one of my favorite books by the charming Nigella Lawson. I enjoy her programs, watch them in the morning with a cup of coffee and get a lot of pleasure.

You can buy the book on Amazon.

  • April 7th, 2015 , 08:11 am

Today I'm with delicious and tender pasta. It’s strange that I haven’t shown this recipe in almost a year. I found it in the book of my favorite Nigella Lawson in the section of dishes for children's parties. I’m not little anymore, but I really love these dishes. In Florence, such pasta with ham, peas and cream is called “Alla Medici”.
And one of the girls asked me to write about this book, I again forgot. But I found my review for the magazine, so I’ll post excerpts from it.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

200 g farfalle or other short pasta;

2/3 cup frozen peas;

2/3 cup heavy cream;

150 g ham;

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan;

Salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare the pasta according to the instructions on the package. large quantities salted boiling water. 5 minutes before the pasta is ready, add peas to it.

Meanwhile, cut the ham into cubes. When the pasta is ready, drain the water. In a clean, dry saucepan, heat the cream, add the ham and Parmesan. Pour the pasta and peas into the pan and mix well. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Bon appetit!

Nigella Lawson "Holidays"

Over the years, each of us has developed favorite family dishes that take us to the happiest moments of our lives: New Year celebrations, birthdays, Easter feasts, Christmas evenings, friendly parties and get-togethers...

Well-known British TV presenter, journalist and cookbook author Nigella Lawson has combined all her favorite holiday recipes in one book called Feast.

The daughter of politician Nigel Lawson and socialite Vanessa Salmon, she graduated from Oxford University, after which she worked as a restaurant critic and book reviewer, and in 1986 became deputy literary editor of The Sunday Times. For a long time, Nigella wrote for newspapers and popular magazines such as Vogue, The Daily Telegraph, Gourmet and Bon Appétit, and then began to write cookbooks. In 1998, her first bestseller How to Eat was published, which sold over 300,000 copies, and the book How to be a Domestic Goddess brought Nigel the British Book Award for Author of the Year (2000). Since 1999, Nigella has appeared on television with her program Nigella Bites, which was released to accompany her book of the same name.

In November 2003, Lawson was in charge of menuing and preparing a dinner party for George W. Bush and his wife during their state visit to Great Britain. They say Laura Bush was delighted with Nigela's recipes. The book about holiday food is Lawson's fifth in her list of cookbooks. A few years later, a series of programs with the same name was released.

Every holiday plays an important role, so all menus and holiday recipes are selected with love and care. The Christmas table beckons with a huge golden brown turkey and roast goose, winter coleslaw, sweet sticky pudding, mini apple pies, a Christmas log and ice cream baked under a meringue white top. New Year's dishes are no less delicious: luxurious pork, pancakes with black caviar, risotto with champagne and chocolate chestnut cake. Funny and original ideas for romantic evening In honor of Valentine's Day, a chocolate cake will put you in a romantic mood, and a light crab cocktail will not overload your stomach.

Breakfast dishes have been lovingly selected, whether it's a holiday breakfast or a lazy morning after the holiday rush, but banana pancakes, strawberry cheese pancakes, biscotti, muffins and granola will make you jump out of bed and rush to the kitchen. A great start to the day...

Little gourmets are not left unattended, for them Nigella offers chicken nuggets, noodle soup, meat balls, several options for pasta and rice, mini-burgers, various pancakes, pastries and desserts. The children will be delighted! And be sure to check out the chapter dedicated to Halloween. If you still haven’t thrown parties with “scary” food, it’s time to correct this mistake.

In addition to the usual holidays, the book contains a lot of ideas for carnivals, themed parties, Lenten table and even a separate chapter dedicated to chocoholics.

But perhaps one of the most significant was and remains the Easter table. Most of the recipes in the book are quite traditional. Easter table British. A lamb symbolizing sacrifice for a new life, a rabbit, Easter cinnamon rolls, a cupcake with marzipan balls symbolizing the apostles, a cake decorated with sugar eggs. And of course, colored eggs. Nigella reveals her secret to coloring eggs: Fill about six pans with water and dissolve a packet of egg dye in each pan. Then bring the water to a boil and reduce the temperature. Let the eggs simmer for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the eggs in separate pans for 24 hours. When you take out the eggs they should be beautifully colored. If you dip the eggs in a bowl of water and vinegar, they will absorb the dye better, but Nigella prefers a pale color with a slightly marbled effect.

Undoubtedly, the book "Holidays" is one of best books Nigel Lawson, because few people write so openly about the emotional significance of food, about the connection of generations through food, through the table, through culinary traditions. May your traditions be no less strong, and may your holidays always be fun and delicious!

Dishes from this book:

  • July 1st, 2014 , 10:52 am

This dish is a hybrid of two recipes: cadgeree prepared using risotto technology, that is, Anglo-Indian influence, but an Italian method. Nigella herself admits that Italians may look askance at this recipe, because it uses spices that are alien to Italian cuisine. But the cumin, coriander and turmeric should work their magic and we end up with a rice and fish stir-fry that brings smoked fish, rice and spices together.


280 g smoked haddock fillet or any other white fish (skinned);

1 bay leaf;

1 grated nutmeg (or 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg;

1 sprig of parsley;

2 cups of water;

vegetable broth;

2 tablespoons oil, plus 1 teaspoon;

½ teaspoon vegetable oil;

1 leek stalk;

1 1/2 cups arborio rice;

¼ tsp. ground cumin;

¼ tsp. ground coriander;

¼ tsp. turmeric;

zest of 1 lemon;

1 teaspoon lemon juice;

1/3 cup white wine;

6 quail eggs (optional);

2 tablespoons chopped parsley.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Prepare as follows:

Cut the fish fillet into several pieces and place in a pan. Add a little pepper, bay leaf, grated nutmeg, and a sprig of parsley, and pour in water. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes until the fish is cooked but not falling apart. We take out the fish, wrap it in foil, and strain the liquid into another bowl. Add enough vegetable broth to make 4 cups of liquid in total. Pour this liquid into a saucepan and heat over low heat.

Heat 2 tablespoons of butter and vegetable oil in a wide frying pan. Chop the leek and add it to the frying pan with the oil. Cook for about 5 minutes until the leeks have softened. Add rice and mix well, then add spices and lemon zest. Stir and pour in the wine, stirring until it is absorbed. Then pour in a ladle of hot broth, stirring until this liquid is absorbed. Continue adding ladle after ladle of broth until the rice becomes sticky and the liquid is almost all absorbed - approximately 20 minutes. It is important that each portion of liquid is completely absorbed before you add the next.

Meanwhile, place the quail eggs in a saucepan of cold water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, remove the eggs and place them in a bowl of cold water.

When the rice is ready, add the fish, separated into pieces with a fork or fingers, the remaining oil and lemon juice, mix well. Place the risotto on a large dish, top with peeled and halved quail eggs and sprinkle with parsley.

Bon appetit!

Tip: Nigel does not recommend adding grated Parmesan to this risotto. Italians never grate cheese into pasta dishes with fish, and even if the dish is not entirely Italian, their opinion is worth taking into account.
Prepared for magazine StayDelicious

  • June 2nd, 2014 , 11:08 pm

Today I decided to make pancakes in the morning, but I had some cottage cheese in the refrigerator, and I remembered this recipe. The pancakes are very tender, according to Nigella, with the taste of cheesecake. Juicy strawberries with balsamic vinegar and sugar go very well with them.

Ingredients for 15 pieces:

3 eggs
1/3 cup flour

2 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon premium vanilla

1 cup cottage cheese

To submit
2 cups strawberries
1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar

1 teaspoon sugar

We start with strawberries so that they have time to brew while the pancakes are being prepared. Cut the strawberries into quarters or 8 pieces, depending on their size. Sprinkle with sugar and drizzle with balsamic vinegar, stir, cover with cling film and set aside.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with sugar, add cottage cheese, flour and vanilla. In another bowl, beat the whites with a whisk until light foam. Add the protein to the dough.

Heat the pan and spoon in the dough. Each pancake will take about one minute to set at the bottom, flip to the other side. Transfer to a heated dish and keep warm.

Stir in strawberries. Serve pancakes with strawberries and the resulting syrup.
Bon appetit!
What else can you cook with strawberries?

  • April 15th, 2014 , 08:08 am

I baked some buns here) Delicious, beautiful, with cinnamon) According to the recipe from Lawson’s book “Holidays”.

These buns are usually eaten on Friday, Easter Eve. Nigella writes that she makes her buns a little smaller than traditional buns.

Ingredients for 16 buns:

For the test

2/3 cup milk;

60 g butter;

zest of 1 orange;

1 clove;

2 cardamom pods;

3 cups bread flour;

1 package of dry active yeast (7 g);

3/4 cup dried fruit mixture;

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg;

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger;

For greasing buns

1 chicken egg;

1 tbsp. milk

For crosses

3 tablespoons flour;

1/2 tablespoon of powdered sugar;

2 tablespoons of water.

For sugar glaze

1 tablespoon of powdered sugar;

1 tablespoon boiling water.

Heat the milk, butter, orange zest, cloves and cardamom pods in a saucepan until the butter melts. Then we leave it so that the milk is saturated with all the flavors.

Mix sifted flour, yeast and dried fruits in a bowl and add ground spices. When the infused milk has cooled but is still warm, remove the cloves and cardamom pods and add the egg. Pour this liquid into the bowl with the dry ingredients.

Knead the dough by hand or with a mixer (dough hook); if it is too dry, add a little warm milk or water. We continue to knead until the dough becomes silky and elastic, but take into account the presence of dried fruits. Roll the dough into a ball and place in a greased bowl, cover with film and place in the refrigerator to rise.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it stand at room temperature. Punch down the dough and knead it again until smooth. Divide into 16 balls and make smooth round buns.

Tip: To divide the dough into equal pieces, divide the dough in half and continue dividing it in half until there are 8 pieces. Use these pieces of dough to make two buns.

Place the buns on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Using the back of a paring knife, cut a cross into the top of the buns. Cover with a kitchen towel and leave the buns to rise for about 45 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 210-220 degrees C. Brush the buns with an egg beaten with a spoonful of milk. Then mix the flour, caster sugar and water to form a smooth, thick paste. Using a teaspoon, place two lines on the buns in the form of a cross. I did this using a regular package.

Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Remove the buns from the oven, mix powdered sugar and boiling water for a glaze and brush each hot bun to make them sweet and shiny.

Bon appetit!

Advice: Instead of putting the dough in the refrigerator to rise slowly, you can leave it in a warm place for 1 - 11/2 hours.

It is better to eat them warm, with milk or tea.

Prepared for the iPad magazine StayDelicious.

  • March 21st, 2013 , 11:25 pm

Today I come to you with a book by Nigella Lawson Nigella Express. 130 recipes for good food, fast. But first I have a request and question. Help me find someone who can do a LJ design. I ordered it for Katya a few months ago, but it disappeared. And by spring I want new things) I clearly know what I want, but I need to formalize everything technically.

Nigel Lucy Lawson needs no introduction - a British journalist, cookbook writer and TV presenter. She is the daughter of politician Nigel Lawson and the sister of Dominic Lawson, the former editor of the Sunday Telegraph. Nigel, an Oxford graduate, wrote a restaurant column for the Specator magazine and then became deputy literary editor of the Sunday Times in 1986.

In 1998, her first cookbook, How to Eat, was published, which became a bestseller. Two years later, Lawson published her second book, How to be a Domestic Goddess, and won the British Book Awards for Author of the Year. In 2000, Lawson began hosting a cookery program on Channel 4 called Nigella Bites and Forever Summer with Nigella (2002), which was accompanied by the release of books of the same name. The show "Nigella Bites" was very successful and earned Lawson a Guild of Food Writers Award, but in 2005 the ratings dropped and the program was canceled. In 2006, the program “Nigella Feasts”, dedicated to banquets and dinner parties, was released in the USA, then “Nigella’s Christmas Kitchen” about Christmas cuisine appeared in the UK on BBC Two, followed by a series of programs “Nigella Express”. All these series of programs were also accompanied by the release of books.

For her inimitable manner of communicating with viewers, some critics call Lawson the “queen of food porn.” But I like her style, she makes me want to cook with ease, without straining. After all, Nigella never specifically learned to cook, she treats this as a pleasure. She is the mother of two children, Cosima and Bruno.

And now a surprise...Ta..da...yes...I'll give! What's that on the spread? That's right, I was shocked myself. I ordered the book on Amazon, and it was used, but the book was in excellent condition. And when I sat down to look through it, I was pleasantly shocked! It's autographed! And although it’s not for me, it’s still very nice! And after some time, I sat down to look through her second book, which was bought in the same way, and almost fell out of my chair) There is also an autograph, I didn’t notice it right away. My husband showed it, and he was sure that it was printed, because such a coincidence cannot exist! But then common sense won, because a thousand books cannot be addressed to one woman) And the handwriting is the same. But about this book next time)

The book is wonderful, so huge, almost 400 pages. With many beautiful photos, to almost every recipe. The book has 13 chapters, the same as the episodes of programs in the cycle of the same name. I’ve looked through it several times already, at first I wrote down the recipes on pieces of paper, and then I decided that it was better to buy a book so that everything would be accurate and with a picture) I really love the series itself and definitely recommend watching it.

In order not to rewrite the contents and titles of the chapters, I provide photos) It is clear that in this situation, the recipes are not divided by topic, such as meat, baked goods, snacks, which for me makes the search a little more difficult, but for this there is an index at the end of the book. But it’s very easy to find the corresponding episode and watch a video of how she prepares this or that dish. The truth is, if you are hoping for dietary dishes, then this is not the place for you. Nigella loves to eat delicious food and does not limit herself too much. So the calorie counter may go slightly off scale on some dishes))) But it’s worth it) You can just watch how she licks the spoon and everything will become clear.
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1 tsp ground ginger

  • 1/3 tbsp. molasses (I replace it with honey)

  • 1/4 tbsp. honey

  • 3/4 tbsp. brown sugar

  • 2 cups raw peanuts

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 2 tbsp. sunflower oil

  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Spread the mixture in an even layer on 2 baking sheets and bake for 40-60 minutes, being careful not to burn. Halfway through baking, stir the granola well. Cool and store in a jar for about a week. I WILL BE GIVING A RECIPE FOR AMAZING CUPCAKES WITH THIS GRANOLA SOON, so stock up. Half the serving is enough for both muffins and a large jar of granola.

    This is what Nigella Lawson is called by admirers of her incomparable talent... All because she became famous for her flirtatious manner of communicating with people and admirers, which she also applied to the cooking process.

    In criticizing this behavior, many observers cite Lawson's attractiveness, as evidenced by the fact that Nigella has been voted one of the most beautiful women peace.

    According to a survey published in the famous English newspaper The Guardian, male readers admitted that they love Nigella because they lustfully want to be next to her. ideal woman, and women, in turn, for the desire to be like her. One critic said that Nigella may be loved more for her smile than for her cooking skills.

    Perhaps, at first glance, without knowing the details of the personal life of this famous woman, it seems that she is nothing more than a flirtatious beauty, capable only of flirting. However, the opinion about her changes after getting acquainted with the story of her exciting life, which is full of pleasant, intriguing, and tragic moments.

    Difficult childhood

    Nigella was born on January 6, 1960 in London into a family of influential and famous parents. Her father, Nigel Lawson, served as England's Chancellor of the Exchequer for several years and worked in the administration together with Margaret Thatcher, and her mother, the amazingly beautiful woman Vanessa Salmon, was the heir to the huge J. Lyonsand Co., uniting under its own name a chain of restaurants and hotels.

    And in this ideal family, in the opinion of many, there was a tragic turning point in the relationship between the parents, who divorced in 1980, which in turn could not but affect the relationship between a loving father and daughter; these events led to discord in their relationship. After some time, each of the parents had new family, and Nigella has new ones stepbrothers and sisters, before that she had two sisters and one brother. Unfortunately, Nigella has faced a number of tragic events in her personal life.

    Because Lawson's father held such a high position, the family had to move frequently from place to place, which affected the girl's studies. Every year her parents were forced to send their daughter to different schools. So, in 9 years, Lawson changed 9 schools. Despite her efforts and perseverance in her studies, Nigella’s behavior left much to be desired. Her last place of study was the Godolphin and Latymer girls' school in London. After graduating from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, she received a degree in medieval studies and languages.

    A thorny path to glory.

    Lawson initially worked for a publishing house under the leadership of the famous Naim Attallah. When she turned 23, Charles Moore invited Lawson to write articles for The Spectator newspaper. Nigella soon began a career as a book reviewer and restaurant critic, and in 1986 she became deputy literary editor of The Sunday Times. This, in turn, influenced Lawson to become a freelance journalist, writing for several newspapers and magazines simultaneously. .

    In the UK, Lawson has written for The Daily Telegraph, the Evening Standard, The Observer and The Times Literary Supplement, as well as a food column for Vogue and a Make-Up column for "The Times Magazine". At the same time, Lawson collaborated with Gourmet and Bon Appétit in the USA.

    Nigella Lawson has been married twice. Her first husband was journalist and presenter John Diamond, the father of two charming children. Two years later, Lawson married Charles Saatchi, founder and co-owner of one of the world's largest advertising agencies and a passionate collector of contemporary art.

    Remove bones and skin from the fish. Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat using a blender or food processor until smooth. Chill the pate in the refrigerator. Serve with soft or toasted white bread and pickled cucumber slices.

    Prepare a wonderful Sunday dinner for the whole family. We present to your attention a traditional English roast beef from the famous chef and writer Nigella Lawson. The dish does not require any special cost or effort to prepare. The meat turns out tender and deliciously tasty.

    Well-deserved awards.

    Lawson's love for cooking began from early childhood. As a little girl, she loved to watch her mother cook excellently and enjoy the process.

    1998 was a significant year for Nigella - she published her first cookbook, called “How to Eat.” The book became an undoubted bestseller, selling 300 thousand copies. Two years later, another book, “How to Become a Hearth Goddess,” was published.

    It was during this period that Lawson won the British Book Awards in the “Author of the Year” category. In addition, in 2000, Nigella began hosting her own cooking program on Channel 4, known as Nigella Bites. The program was accompanied by the release of another book under the same title. The show was so successful and stunning that it earned Nigella a Food Writers Guild Award. However, after such stunning success, the program’s ratings fell sharply and it was closed.

    In 2006 it comes out new program Lawson called "Nigella Feasts", dedicated to lavish banquets and dinner parties. On December 6 of the same year, a program about Christmas cuisine “Nigella's Christmas Kitchen” appeared on BBC Two, followed by a series of programs “Nigella Express” on September 3, 2007.

    Nigella is known to have sold more than 3 million copies of her books worldwide. Moreover, Lawson is known to produce its own brand of kitchenware, Living Kitchen, which is valued at £7 million.

    We present to you a wonderful, quick and easy pear dessert from the famous English chef NIGELLA LAWSON. This dessert is quick to prepare and will impress your friends and especially your children. All products used are natural and healthy!

    Laksa soup is a Peranakan dish common in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, which is a spicy noodle soup. The etymology of the name "laksa" is unknown. We present to your attention one of the wonderful recipes from the famous English chef Nigella Lawson.

    Coquetry vs cooking.

    In truth, the inimitable British journalist, cookbook writer and TV presenter, Nigella Lawson, is recognized and valued more as a food critic than a chef. Nigella is known as one of the most popular, sensual, celebrity chefs with a flirtatious attitude to cooking. In addition, Nigella is a fan of sexy lingerie and seductive outfits. Often, fans of the TV presenter discuss on forums and blogs not only dishes prepared according to her recipes, but also her appearance. Undoubtedly, Nigella Lawson is unique in her approach to cooking, and, above all, is an undoubted trendsetter.

    Nigella never specifically learned to cook, much less received professional training. Lawson treats cooking as a pleasure. Moreover, she does not like to be called a “celebrity chef” and does not even consider herself an expert in this field. She never ceases to claim that she cooks only for her own pleasure and enjoyment. According to her, the process of cooking should not be a chore, but rather something that feels like fun, that creates a feeling of relaxation rather than stress. This is exactly the case in her kitchen. The most important rule is “No rules.”

    It was noted that viewers listen to Nigella's opinions on products. If she praised something during her broadcast, then sales of that product will definitely increase. In her programs, Nigella focuses on the taste characteristics of food more than on the components of the dish. She does not encourage cooking low-calorie, low-fat foods. Her culinary masterpieces may even include high-calorie product like goose fat. Unlike many celebrities, Lawson does not exhaust himself with useless diets. Most likely, she will prefer a double portion of cream and sweet pastries instead of a diet salad.

    It is known that Nigella Lawson is actively involved in social and community activities, which is undoubtedly a plus for her much-criticized nature. Lawson is the ideologist of a social movement created in the mid-80s called “Slow Food”. In addition, Lawson advocates the revival and preservation of national gastronomic traditions.

    According to the published results of a survey by The Daily Telegraph, according to the British, Nigella Lawson justifiably took second place in the list of holders of the best profession in the world. Moreover, she has repeatedly been ranked among the most beautiful women on British television. And this, in turn, proves that Nigella Lawson is one such voluptuous, controversial, incomparable and inimitable personality in modern show business. She knows exactly how to find the way to the heart of any man.

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