“Big and Dirty Love” Anna Gavrilova. “Big and Dirty Love” Anna Gavrilova About the book “Big and Dirty Love” Anna Gavrilova

Anna Gavrilova’s book “Big and Dirty Love” is written in places in a humorous manner, although it has quite serious overtones. The novel teaches us to think about our desires, because we often say them out loud, and when they come true, we understand that we had something completely different in mind, that these were just thoughts, but we did not at all want them to come true. “Be careful what you wish for,” the writer hints.

All people tend to want love, but women most often want something special, romantic and fabulous. Especially in youth, when the world seems rosy. But the older you get, the more you realize that fairy tales happen extremely rarely. Christina, the main character of the novel, thought so too. Sitting on a bench in the yard with a bottle of champagne, she thought that she didn’t necessarily need a prince straight from a fairy tale. Yes, and let the love not be too great and pure, but at least some kind... If only there was a person nearby, just to feel loved. She shared these thoughts with the dog walker who stopped next to her. And the wish has already begun to come true.

Christina woke up seemingly at home, but her mother behaved somehow strangely. There were no familiar things in the wardrobe, but a mountain of new ones was discovered. It turned out that Christina’s job was different, with a different boss, always dissatisfied with something. Well, how can this be understood? If you wanted love, you got it, and in addition, a new job and a wardrobe. But what it turns out to be like, now figure it out for yourself whether you need it or not. Next time, before you dream, think a hundred times.

The book is written in an easy and interesting way; the reader will laugh and empathize with the characters. The writer reflected in her book that the realization of a dream does not always become a fairy tale. Many people like to dream, to speculate just like that, and the writer teaches how to dream correctly, so as not to encounter a bunch of problems later. The book leaves a pleasant impression and makes you smile.

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Not a bad entertaining book. The plot is simple, there is a girl who dreams of love, and she falls into the hands of a magician (at first it seems that it is just by chance, but not everything is so simple! But shhh, spoilers). So he conjured up for her... a big and dirty love with an incubus. Our Chris wakes up in the morning, and it’s not her clothes in the closet, her mother is talking about some Gleb, and it turns out that she works in a different place and in a different position. Needless to say, what a shock the young lady experiences when a handsome man, whom she sees for the first time in her life, comes up to kiss her. So she has to figure out all this, who is who and how she got here. And along the way he manages to have fun and even fall in love (I don’t think this was a special secret or a spoiler for anyone?).
From reading I got exactly what I wanted, the book is not big, so I wasn’t too tired of the characters with their constant repetition of phrases and actions, I had a pleasant evening and relaxed. My rating is 4 out of 5, and for some reason I wanted more books about incubi, does anyone recommend anything?

It was evening, Christina was sitting on a bench with champagne, there was nothing to do. I was grieving over my wife’s share, and then boom, a wizard appeared (not really, of course, a wizard, they were stirring up something with the substitution of reality, but let’s not go into details). And what did dear Christina want? I have already turned 30, but there is no happiness, no family, no career, no husband. So give her love, but she doesn’t want simple love, but big and dirty (that’s how alcohol clouds her brain). The wish is heard, received, fulfilled. And then it started...I met Chris, a wonderful man in every way. And handsome, and caring, rich, sexy, in a word - unreal. There is nothing very magical or fantasy in the book, but yes, there are also vampires, incubi, and succubi. But that is not the emphasis here. More hints about the main character's intelligence. Yes, although, what hints. It says outright that she is a fool. Although I didn’t see such obvious stupidity. It’s true that her behavior doesn’t suit a 30-year-old. If you’re expecting something 18+ from a book with that title, then I’ll disappoint you, don’t expect it. There is nothing detailed there; you should turn to other books if you are curious. Bottom line: the book is light, not disgusting, not annoying. And the main character is so lucky, probably because she is a fool :) If you have time for such simple books, read them, if you like serious literature, then this work is not for you.

"Big and Dirty Love" is a book whose title speaks for itself. Therefore, if you decide to read it, I advise you not to grab the stars from the sky, but simply relax and comprehend the content. Which will begin with the fact that, tired of the failures of her personal life and not only the main character Christina, drunkenly makes a deal with an unknown friend on the topic that, supposedly, I want love! At least some!
The unknown man did not begin to sympathize, but simply grinned. Then in the morning our heroine discovers the very thing that Viktor Tsoi sang about.
The heart demanded change - get it. Different job, different clothes, different daily routine, basic knowledge and acquaintances. And in addition to this, a comrade boss, whom the summary generously protected with the title of tyrant.
Needless to say... (see title). From the point of view of dynamics, everything is developing quite slowly. The reader, together with Christina, will have to go through the consequences of a conditional shell shock of consciousness, sort out what the hell is going on here and what kind of close relationship with the authorities, who are called Gleb, and there are little vampires walking around and so on, which is attached to the world of an expanded set of races and nationalities. That is, the very beginning is swearing, molestation, stockings and short skirts. You just have to get over it, because after that there will be a real mess. It's clear that it will also be on the theme of love, the struggle for love and one's own destiny, but damn it, there is meaning here, there is dynamics, there is romance, which even the numerous taffy names and forays into the panties of the main character could not spoil. The latter, by the way, quite often behaves, quoting Vadim Yuryevich Panov and his description of Inga’s sense of tact from TG, with the elegance of a bulldozer. But even this doesn’t kill the book and only spoils it a little. This is also a novel about the intrigues of the powers that be, about harsh office life, accounting and the concept of comfort.
Because it’s a mess if the boss only has a desk in his office. There should always be a place for armchairs, a carpet and everything else to make it cozy. If we put aside reasoning in the clouds, we get this:
- a certain development of the plot with a set of thoughts about the old and the main thing on the topic of happiness, destiny, predestination and past lives
- some humor
- a charming boss, especially in the second part, who can bite and protect from all bad things
- a stern woman who can do everything!, who will help you open a sign in Excel and take a man back
- a mother who will understand, forgive, give the man the benefit of the doubt and bless him to kidnap him" -"
- numerous "Cri-i-i-i-is!" and “Gleb, I’m not ready!”
- dead-end beginning with massive stockings of the main character
- the stern woman doesn’t care at all!, the twin can do everything! He doesn’t care about brains and often indulges in those tricks in the name of an impulse of the soul
- double dialogues, well, where would we be without them? As a result, Anna Gavrilova knows how to do it with humor and the right amount of romance. A good option to relax your brain for a couple of evenings.

I never drank on the street. Especially champagne. All the more warm. And even from the throat! But after meeting the girls, such melancholy came over me that, falling out of the taxi, I turned not home, but to the supermarket. I took a bottle of Brut, and there it was.

If my mother, God forbid, catches me doing this, she will hack me to death, but I don’t really want to move my bones to the next entrance. Besides, there is a bench without a back and the lantern is not lit, and it’s dark outside...

- Girl, are you okay? – asked a dog walker passing by.

I was just taking a new sip - I choked, coughed and mentally sent the compassionate passerby to a known address.

“Well, sorry,” he chuckled, stopping. The dog, huge, but seemingly rootless, growled menacingly.

“Yeah,” I muttered, carefully wiping myself with my sleeve. Why the hell did you wash your windbreaker?

The dog growled again, and I thought and meowed in response.

“Hm-yes...” concluded the dog walker.

She waved her hand, saying, go ahead, don’t bother me. But the passer-by turned out to be extremely pestering. He let the mongrel off the leash and, as soon as the dog disappeared into the nearest bushes, he plopped down on the bench.

“Let me try,” he said and reached for the bottle.

I moved away automatically.

- Yeah, right now!

He didn’t answer, but I mentally cursed and moved even further away.

- Kri-is... don't be greedy.

- Uh... Do we know each other?

Taking a close look at the dog walker, I came to the conclusion that I was seeing him for the first time. Although... maybe they are familiar. The man’s appearance is completely unremarkable - he’s all sort of typical. And his dog is expressionless, although big.

“Almost,” the interlocutor “delighted,” but still reached for the bottle. Then he nodded at my bare legs and asked: “Isn’t it cold?”

Actually, it’s not hot - it’s evening, after all, and summer, according to the calendar, ended yesterday. But I wasn’t supposed to wear jeans.

- What do you need? – I muttered impolitely.

“Yes, I was just passing by,” the nameless man shrugged and licked the bottle. - Ugh! Yes, it's warm!

- Well, sorry... those.

- You can use “you”.

Yes. It's possible, but not necessary.

- So what happened? – asked the stranger. - Why do we drink?

I really wanted to send it a third time, only not mentally, but out loud. But the man looked into my eyes, and something changed in me. Or rather, something clicked in my head, my mouth opened by itself, and the words came out of my tongue:

- Yes, because I’m stupid!

- And... in more detail? – the dog walker asked insinuatingly.

– Well, I knew from the very beginning that there was no need to go to this meeting!

– What meeting?

- With the girls! With classmates! “The man looked at me with such sympathy that I couldn’t stand it and told all my secrets at once: “I’m thirty, you know?” And I'm not married, and without children, and in general! And they all... And I...

- Are you jealous?

- No. Yes. Well…

Phew, how can I explain? And even a man? I don't envy you, just a little bit. I just felt sorry for myself. It’s so sad that I even cried in the taxi.

– What’s stopping you? – the interlocutor did not let up.

“The same as for a dancer,” I muttered, decisively selecting the Brut. Wow, he tried it! Yes, it’s already at the bottom!

- So you are waiting for love? – the stranger guessed. Or rather, he’s no longer a stranger, but a drinking companion, but that doesn’t matter. - Big and clean?

It’s not for nothing that people drink champagne chilled – when it’s warm, it completely blows your mind. In a sober state I would not say this:

“I even agree to something small and dirty, do you believe me?”

The man's mouth nearly burst from smiling.

- Nope, I don’t believe it.

The dog walker’s smile became even wider, although it seemed – where could it go?!

- In vain? – clearly holding back his laughter, he asked. Then he smacked his lips and said: “I can’t offer a small one, but a big one... Big and dirty, huh?”

- Yeah! – drinking and nodding at the same time is very inconvenient, but I managed. - You can have two!

Still, I couldn’t resist and laughed.

- No, two is too much. One! But big...

She waved her hand at him - men! They don’t understand anything about the mysterious female soul. However, what the hell is the difference? Still chatter. Simple chatter and nothing more.

Part I

Chapter One

The alarm clock was pulled out of some very good dream. No, alas, I didn’t remember the dream, but there was a smile from ear to ear on my face.

Turning over onto her stomach, she buried her face in the pillow, hoping to sleep for another five minutes, but... no luck.

- Kri-is! Cri-i-is! Do you have a conscience? “Mom screamed from the kitchen.

I honestly nodded and closed my eyes, but the mother began rattling the dishes and... well, I still had to get up.

Unconsciously imitating a zombie, she trudged to the bathroom. I washed my face and cleaned my 32 (actually 28, but these are minor things), noting at the same time that there seemed to be no hangover. I carefully examined my hair and came to the conclusion that yesterday’s styling had not suffered much, so I didn’t have to wash my hair.

However, it is not necessary to wash it at all - in our wretched office they don’t pay attention to such trifles. Our boys only look at the monitor, and the only girl, Maria Sigismundovna, sixty-three years old, does not come into our office at all. We only meet on payday and at corporate events.

- Kri-i-is!

- Yes, yes! I'm coming!

In passing, I looked into the kitchen - a bowl of oatmeal was already steaming on the table. I rolled my eyes and grimaced - two months ago my mother read another book about a healthy lifestyle, and here it is. The fact that my stomach wakes up only at lunchtime, and that I simply choke on breakfast (any kind!) does not bother her.

– Chris, how long can you wait? - the mother cried. - You'll be late for work!

So what? We're all late. This is part of the corporate culture.

Mentally grumbling, I returned to the room, pushed back the closet door, and... and then a shock hit me. Complete and comprehensive.

- And... what is this? – I muttered. Then she finally came to her senses and yelled: “Ma-am!”

Mom was in no hurry to answer the call, but I looked at the even rows of hangers and slowly went wild.

I'll kill you! No, I know that you can’t do that about your mother, but I’ll kill you! Right now! And with extreme cruelty!

- What? – A slender woman in a tacky housecoat and curlers appeared in the doorway. The face of my... overly caring parent was covered with a thick layer of sour cream - a mandatory morning mask.

I took a deep breath, then exhaled and asked, trying not to hiss or spit:

- Mommy, where are my clothes?

The parent gave a puzzled look and took a step forward to look into the closet.

- Like where? Here.

Her bewilderment was so sincere that I was confused. And mom turned around and, as if nothing had happened, went to the kitchen. She just threw it over her shoulder:

– You need to drink less.

Drink? Oh damn! What time did I arrive yesterday? Ay...

Thoughts about meeting my classmates and intimate conversations on the bench were resolutely discarded, and I no less resolutely followed my mother.


Big and dirty love Anna Gavrilova

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Title: Big and Dirty Love

About the book “Big and Dirty Love” Anna Gavrilova

Big and pure love is wonderful, according to those who have experienced it. But after thirty years, faith in a miraculous meeting gradually begins to evaporate, and stories about a romantic prince on a white horse evoke only a skeptical smile. After thirty years, you look into the future with disbelief, not expecting wonderful surprises from it, and the further you go, the more clearly you understand that such an attitude towards life is completely justified.

But, whatever you say, I want love. Even if not big and clean, but small and... at least some kind! This is how the main character of Anna Gavrilova’s novel thought, sitting on a bench with a bottle of dry champagne. But unexpectedly, Christina’s wishes began to come true. It turned out that love does not come alone, but with new clothes, a new job and a not-so-nice boss. Everything seemed to be fine, but deep down the girl had the feeling that she was being deceived somewhere.

The book “Big and Dirty Love” tells about the secret dream of any woman: suddenly someone will present you with a cool guy on a silver platter along with a well-paid and interesting job. Anna Gavrilova's work is read avidly and leaves behind a pleasant feeling of lightness and satisfaction. This genre is often preferred by women; it is somewhat reminiscent of a fairy tale, only the plot in it is intended for an adult audience.

The novel “Big and Dirty Love” warns that you need to dream carefully, clearly formulating your wishes, otherwise you risk getting something that is not what you really wanted. So the main character thought that she would agree to any love, even dirty, and now she found herself in a cycle of fantastic adventures.

The book leaves a storm of emotions - a sensual office romance flares up before the reader. Partners understand that this is not just a sexual desire, but something really important that will change their whole life once and for all. No matter what reality this couple finds themselves in, they always need each other; real feeling does not recognize calculations and common sense. It simply sweeps away everything in its path. The light narrative style inherent in Anna Gavrilova and unexpected plot twists make the work “Big and Dirty Love” unusual and different from other “women’s” literature.

The book makes you smile from the first page. Then the reader will have to grieve, and hope, and laugh along with the characters, but the feeling of happiness remains even after the last page is turned.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Big and Dirty Love” by Anna Gavrilova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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