Beauty blogger Maya Lazareva about lifestyle and favorite cosmetics. Hair as advertised. Dream or reality? Lyudmila Belaya @belaya_lyudmila

About the expert: Denis Prokopovich- one of the leading experts in trichology with impressive professional experience, dermatologist-trichologist at the Hair Health Center (specialized trichological clinic).

If the heating temperature of the hair fiber has reached a dangerous maximum, the touch sensor detects this difference, and the device automatically switches to a more gentle mode.

5) In winter, you should not get carried away with too hot water for washing your hair.

But what if you really want to quickly immerse yourself in a hot bath and warm up?

Fine! But complete the bath procedures by rinsing your hair with water at room temperature.

6) When caring for your hair in winter, don’t limit yourself to just shampooing. m.

The entire range of care products should be used. Pay special attention to masks. If in summer the mask can be used rarely, then in the cold season it should be used 1-2 times a week.

This product contains all the ingredients in maximum concentration and very actively nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

7) Why do split ends and what to do about it? First of all, it is worth noting improper care. Steel combs, straightening irons, hair dryer, selected cosmetics. As a result, the hair catastrophically loses moisture! Also, do not forget that the longer the hair, the more it is exposed to wind, heat, rain and snow. In addition to external factors, they can be a marker of internal problems! Lack of vitamins and/or microelements due to dysbiosis and dieting, problems of the gastrointestinal tract - all this very often becomes the cause of split ends of hair. What to do? First of all, if possible, reduce exposure to all the aggressive factors I have listed that affect your hair. Try to provide gentle care for split ends of hair. A big request: well, don’t get carried away with grandma’s folk methods, masks, wrappings! The cosmetics industry has reached such a high level that it is able to offer the most advanced technologies and active ingredients to solve a particular problem.

8) How to get rid of electrified hair? The peculiarity of caring for such hair is its delicate care. Wash your hair with warm, but not hot water.

Try to reduce the use of hair dryers and straightening irons as much as possible. And if it is impossible to completely abandon the hair dryer, pay attention to devices that have an additional ionization function. Also provide your hair with high-quality and gentle combing. Remember that metal combs can make the situation worse.

9) Why do you need hair balms and conditioners? The microelement composition of water, the use of a hair dryer after washing your hair, and, finally, the shampoo itself can slightly “ruffle” the keratin scales of the cuticle. And in this case, the next player enters the hair care arena - hair conditioner. Its task is to carefully smooth out raised scales and close microscopic tears in the cuticle.

In addition, hair balms and conditioners contain a lot of additional caring ingredients that nourish the hair. Therefore, it is advisable to leave the conditioner on your hair for several minutes.

10) Special hair care. Be sure to use the mask 1-2 times a week. The mask contains a very high concentration of active substances, caring ingredients and conditioning additives.

Never ceases to be relevant. Long hair is the adornment of any woman. That's it. But..

There's always a "but", right?

When they say “long hair,” no one means just its length. This implies a set of qualities: shine, density, liveliness, length and even color. Alas, most women lose sight of everything except the cherished centimeters.

Let them be dry as straw, let them be like a 100-year-old grandmother, let them be gray-haired, let them be constantly wrapped in plush elastic. If only they were long!

Each hair has its own reserve of strength. This is the length to which hair will grow without damaging its structure. It is different for all of us and cannot be increased.

That is, not at all. Hair is 95% genetics and the rest is care.

It doesn't take a genius to notice that the longer the hair, the thinner, drier and lifeless it is for most people. And all because they grow without pity...

Against this background, statements that someone has grown a “mane” thanks to nettles, onions or burdock oil are especially fascinating.

But this is another topic for me.

Let's return to aesthetic parameters.

I want to see long hair with a young face. The more external signs of aging and age-related heaviness in the appearance, the less long, flowing hair is adorned.

In addition, there is such a wonderful property of human activity as movement. In which, carefully laid one to one, sparse strands turn into an untidy, liquid mass, sadly hugging the shoulders.

These are, of course, completely cartoonish pictures, but they reflect the following important point:

Figure proportions

The shorter the height and shorter the legs, the more clearly the excessively long hair will emphasize this fact.

The maximum acceptable hair length that looks beautiful, in the presence of other factors (shine, thickness) is mid back length (middle of the back).

Beautiful 20 inches - even among the Asian type of appearance they are rare.

Everything else is comedy.

And let me remind you once again how a healthy shine of hair beautifies and rejuvenates. Sometimes it’s worth changing the vector and taking care of it, instead of laboriously distributing three hairs across the floor.

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about hair: 11 comments

  1. Youli

    I completely agree with the above
    By the way, yes, the optimal length is indicated here correctly
    Anything longer, even taking into account shine and density, I personally see as a horse’s mane
    The only exception is for children

  2. Elena

    I, as the owner of long hair 40+, largely agree with what was said in the article. All these 3 hairs smeared across my back and mouse tails on my slicked head really irritate my aesthetic nature. Fashion is fashion, but are most girls really so devoid of a sense of beauty and harmony?! I believe that the thinner the hair, the shorter it should be. And I only accept loose hair on holidays or outdoors (besides the house). In everyday life: at work, on public transport, in the wind, all this looks sloppy, shaggy and repulsive, no matter how thick and beautiful the mop is in itself in a calm state. Loose hair below the shoulders looks especially unaesthetic on women in uniform (and often paired with bright makeup), the corresponding association suggests itself))
    And folk recipes (as well as all the others) cannot increase hair thickness only if this density was not there in youth, but if the hair was thick and then thinned, then everything can be corrected)! Of course, not to the initial state (age, hormones, etc. also matter), but the fact that all available hair follicles that have fallen asleep in a deep sleep wake up is a fact!

  3. Valentina

    On the Internet they often write this: if long hair is beautiful, thick and well-groomed, then even at 60 years old you can safely flaunt it... And the examples begin - look at Catherine Deneuve. This irritates me, how can you compare ordinary women in everyday life and those who “work as faces” - they have an army of assistants and even their seemingly straight hair is carefully styled, such ladies do not know what a subway or a bus is, etc.
    No matter what they say, the main thing is how you feel... I think that an aging face and long hair (even super-groomed) is dissonance. And if your hair is really long, thick and beautiful, it’s still better to tidy it up with age, there are a lot of decent styles and hairstyles.

  4. Julia

    I understood everything about hair quality and age-appropriateness. I want to give an example from personal experience about long hair and its appropriateness in the environment. I have a 33-year-old girl at work, quite slender, tall, with hair down to her butt. Usually she wears them loose, holding them on top with a hairpin... When she stands or walks, it’s beautiful, when she sits at her desk, it’s not so beautiful... but when you sit down to drink tea with her, it’s not very nice, she bends over sugar or cookies and hair along with it.

  5. Dilya

    According to my observation, it is impossible to walk in the city with your hair tied up, since the wind ruins your tied hair for an hour. Then walk around with the antennae sticking out above your ears... It’s better if they are loose, it’s easy to remove after the wind and it looks natural. Personally, I feel better this way. It’s just that my hair is not thick, but when it’s loose it looks thick and the quality of the hair is good. I’m 41 and my skin is like that of a 29 year old, so for now I can afford it. The short ones don’t suit me, they look too big or too miniature, since they don’t grow tall and the bones are small. And with fluffy hair, wearing a tight dress and high heels, I’m Miss Elegance! When eating or in restaurants, you need to control your hair and not bend over too much, then everything will look beautiful.

  6. Olga Poli.

    I sincerely and passionately hate this fetish! If you have thick hair, you should definitely wear it long... But why, what the hell, why?
    My hair has been given a lot of time. Even at their longest, they remained thick and quite strong. But I love haircuts! I love! And on yourself, and on people, and on little girls, and on grown ladies. Why? Partly because, at the dawn of my foggy youth, I myself was a victim of the prehistoric trend - “you have to walk askew.” And partly for practical reasons. You can’t always walk around with loose hair and not everywhere. Most of my life my hair has to be pinned, pinned, wrapped, licked, and disgusting “plastic masks”, already criticized by the author of the blog, appear on my head. Or disgusting rubber bands. Or equally disgusting braids. Well, what kind of perverted imagination can see something beautiful in a braid? This is a relic of ancient and ancient times, when many beliefs and superstitions were associated with hair, and especially with cutting it off. You can’t cut your hair, but you have to do something with it so that it doesn’t get in your nose and mouth...
    But objectively, a thick rope hanging from the head does not decorate anyone.
    And in conclusion, I would like to tell you one “picture from the exhibition”. I was going up the stairs one day and saw a neighbor leading his daughter, a second grade student, by the hand. The girl is wearing a school uniform, with hair around her grimy little face in which a stray bow is tangled. And a mouse braid with ten elastic bands. I thought, if only she had a short haircut, at least a bob! And then, after a difficult school day, after catching up and scuffles during breaks, running and fussing, you would always have a neat appearance... But no, “all your braids and bows,” as it was sung in one stupid song of my childhood...

  7. Natalie

    I read and am amazed at how the author clearly articulated what I understood several years ago. I had a thing or two about growing my hair. Just all these bobs and beans. I thought it was very difficult to care for (the hair is soft, thin, it takes effort to add and maintain volume). And with long hair, I tied a ponytail or a bun and it seems fine. But bad luck, the longer my hair became (at the “growing out” stage), the more I didn’t know what to do with it. Well, I didn’t know and that’s all, and the ponytail is kind of wretched and the bun is incomprehensible. I went to my hairdresser and cut it into a long bob. That's it, now this is my hairstyle, it suits me, I feel more confident with it. I notice that the beauty of long hair in everyday life is generally invisible either because of hairpins and elastic bands, or because of untidiness, because... In photos and in movies, such hair looks the same, but in life it’s completely different.
    Haircuts always attract my attention, women with haircuts look much more interesting, I want to look at them, they attract attention, it seems that they understand style and fashion. My work colleague, the owner of gorgeous, lush dark hair, walked around with long hair and simple bangs for so many years. One day, she decided on a shoulder-length bob. A completely different girl came to work, interesting, attractive, and this bob added “zest” to her already bright appearance.

  8. Regina

    Good afternoon Yes, I completely agree that if you want to have long hair, you need constant care and maintenance of your hair in good condition, so that you have enough nutrition, constant vitamins, natural shampoos and masks are needed. By the way, after switching to natural hair care products, I was able to afford to grow my hair a little because... The condition of the hair, especially the ends, has improved. The brand is Russian, by the way, without crazy markups for the brand. ALIF - Russian cosmetics.

Healthy, thick, shiny and heavy hair. Isn't this every girl's dream?

But how possible is this given our frantic pace of life and initial genetic data?

I will share my experience in the “before” bleached period of my hair. When I was a hot brunette :))

Many people know that I am a hair maniac :))

I am ready to spend huge sums of money on them and am constantly in search of the holy grail - a miracle remedy for all problems in one bottle.

By nature, I have average Slavic hair – thin and sparse.

“0” volume at the roots and ever-split ends. Oily roots and washcloth along the entire length :))

This is my diagnosis source material.

What can we achieve with such data without believing in loud marketing promises?

A lot actually :)

First, let's give up the myth that you can somehow influence the thickness of your hair ( number of hair follicles). This is a genetically determined indicator. Even if we rub in elixirs from fairies that feed on moonlight 24 hours a day!!)

Once you fully understand this, we can move on. Because you will stop wasting money on products that promise the impossible.

So what remains, you ask?

For some reason, it is believed that hair thickness is almost the only indicator of beautiful hair. I can draw an analogy with wrinkles. It is believed that a young face is a smooth face without wrinkles. But how many people have I seen with a frequent network of wrinkles that created a feeling of absolute freshness and youth. And how many faces with porcelain satin skin, which, according to my feelings, have already seen Stalin live, are in no way the standard of youth.


Shiny hair does not make it feel unhealthy. Regardless of their thickness. Shine and fullness are the parameters with which we can work and achieve good results.

How to do this?

Sharing my experience :)

1) Master

A good hairdresser is happiness for your hair.

I never cease to repeat that happy is the woman who has found her master. Find your happiness!)))

A good hairdresser is not necessarily the most expensive in the city and not necessarily the most titled. It should be yours. The person after whom your hair says thank you) You see the real result.

It’s very disappointing to spend three months intensively caring for your hair and spending a lot of money. And then go to the hairdresser, who will kill the entire effect with an incorrectly calculated dye recipe.

Do not skip this stage, otherwise everything I will write about below is monkey work.

2) Care

Three basic principles of alternating care that make my hair look healthy every time ( after stress, flights, illness, idiotic experiments)

How does this work? Approximately 78% of our hair consists of protein + another 15% is water (the rest is lipids and pigment) Therefore, we need periods to restore hair with proteins and periods of hydration.


We are looking for small protein molecules in the composition of the products ( nanostructure) – hydrolyzed. These can be proteins from silk, rice, wheat, etc. Large protein molecules are meaningless. Due to their large size, they do not penetrate the hair cuticle.

In the composition we are looking for

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Hydrolyzed Collagen

Hydrolyzed Silk Protein

Hydrolyzed Keratin

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein

Recovery is the stage at which girls tend to underestimate the condition of their hair. But if you oversaturate them with proteins, you can end up with dry, coarse hair.


If your hair has not been subjected to severe damage ( perm, bleaching, damage from hot appliances) then most likely you will need 1-2 applications of restorative agents. Or a course. Or maintenance once every 4-5 weeks. Look at the condition. If you feel that after using protein products, your hair has become drier, this is a signal to change the line to moisturizing and softening ones.

If from the first use your hair becomes noticeably drier and stiffer, then the product turned out to be very strong for you. Or, as I already said, your hair did not need restoration and you underestimated its condition.

Moisturizing + Softening

We are looking for members

aloe juice, vitamins, algae, panthenol, etc.

Proteins have one big disadvantage)) They accumulate in the hair and an excess of proteins causes a reverse reaction. Hair becomes hard, dry and breaks off.

Therefore, it is very important to alternate between protein-containing products and your regular moisturizing line.

When choosing products, pay attention to the fact that the moisturizing line does not contain hydrolyzed proteins. Often, manufacturers produce restorative and moisturizing lines. You can use them, but I like to separate repair and hydration.

It is often difficult to find “pure” moisturizers in professional hair brands. Therefore, turn your steps towards organics and the site IHERB.COM

As soon as you feel that your hair has become full, nourished, elastic and soft, it’s time to “seal” and smooth the cuticle.


Sealing does not need to be a separate step. And use moisturizing sprays or balms with light silicones ( no dimethicone!)

Why do we need this?

Imagine that you have strengthened your hair with proteins, given it softness and elasticity with moisture... but the top layer is still like a Christmas tree and you don’t see any shine.

We need to smooth the hair cuticle and complete the gestalt.


Silicones, oils and acidic environments (pH 3.5)

On my hair, I do not see a significant visual difference between silicones and oils.

Everyone is afraid of silicones now. Not necessary) The main thing is to understand that silicones ( just like proteins) tend to accumulate. And, at some point, instead of a mirror shine, you may end up with dull, dirty hair.

Using a deep cleansing shampoo will correct this problem. There are many such shampoos in professional brands and finding them will not be difficult.

Volatile silicones perfectly protect hair from thermal effects (Cyclomethicone, Phenyl Trimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane) and in general, silicones are excellent cuticle adhesives. And the mirror shine from them is dazzling.

Oils (castor oil, oil, jojoba oil, linseed oil, etc.) in addition to the protective layer, they perfectly soften the hair.

There are scientific studies that some types of oils (olive, coconut, avocado) have very small molecules and can penetrate the hair cuticle, strengthening it from the inside. Based on my experience, I came to the conclusion that it is better to leave oils as a supporting agent.

In both cases the effect on my hair is excellent!

Choose according to your own feelings. What exactly does your hair like? What products make them shine more?

Regarding hair acidification.

All conditioners, in principle, have approximately the same pH of 3.5

In an acidic environment, hydrogen bonds between keratin molecules are strengthened and the cuticle becomes stronger ( and “closes”).

At first glance, it may seem that going through all three stages is long, expensive and tedious.

This is not true))) It all depends on the condition of your hair) For many, 1 protein mask per month and a moisturizing conditioner are enough to bring your hair back to life.

Before I decided to go blonde, I grew my hair back very quickly. Within 1-2 weeks.

Good afternoon, beauties! Today we’ll talk about hair, or more precisely, about caring for it. More than once I have come across advice on the Internet about what absolutely should not be done with your hair. Every time I grinned, because it seemed that many of the tips were completely divorced from reality. As a result, a post with a detailed analysis of all these flights has matured. I don’t pretend to be anything - I’m not a hairdresser, not a trichologist. I want to take all this advice from my bell tower and bring it down to real life.
Anyone interested - I invite you to cat.

Use old combs- how old? And then, everyone knows that combs need to be washed regularly. Unlike toothbrushes. Caring for combs is much easier. What you really need to get rid of is physically damaged, broken combs. Well, from the flat metal ones that once lived in the Soviet Union.

Rarely cut your hair- what do you mean rarely? Everything, of course, is strictly individual, but I don’t think that if you cut your hair like clockwork once a month, its condition will improve much. And then, with the modern arsenal of hair care products, the problem of split ends or dry hair can be, if not completely solved, then significantly delayed. I cut my long hair not according to the precepts and canons of hairdressers and stylists, but as needed, and this measure of necessity occurs every four to five months. The main thing here is care, including leave-in care.
And then - if a girl wears what she calls a complex haircut - for example, a cascade, then this is the place to be, because Such haircuts should lie, but even without this advice from stylists they understand everything. I'm growing my hair. Therefore, the question is: how much will I grow my hair if I cut it every month?

Heat styling/air drying frequently- what other styling can you do, how to dry your hair? I envy girls whose hair looks good even without styling. For me and many other girls, they never lie without styling. I myself, like many others, wash my hair in the morning and dry and style it in the morning. I think that many of us experience time pressure in the morning, and therefore there is simply physically no time for natural drying. Okay, in the heat of the summer you can still do such tricks. But not in the cold season. Once at the beginning of winter it happened that I couldn’t dry my hair with a hairdryer and went to work with wet hair. Of course I wrapped myself up well. but is it worth saying that after such experiments I caught a severe cold?
Sub-point here - you cannot style wet hair with a hairdryer.
Here I will simply tell you my experience in implementing this advice. OK. I tried styling dry hair. Nothing worked for me - I had normal dry hair. But at the salon the hairdresser did my styling on dry hair. So, in order to get approximately what I wear every day, the hairdresser struggled with my hair for more than an hour - I specifically timed it. More precisely an hour and 15 minutes. Who has an extra hour in the morning and the skills of a professional hairdresser? How do I do it? I carefully comb my hair after washing, apply leave-in treatment, comb it again carefully, apply styling foam, half-dry my hair head down, and then use a round brush to pull out the strands, then cooling each one with cold air. I fix the finished installation with varnish.

Don't comb wet hair. Yes? How can I dry them properly? How to distribute leave-in care? Or are we being asked to dry a tangled mess of hair?
I’m not saying that damp hair should be directly scratched “get your hand itchy, shake your shoulder.” But there are wonderful Tangle Teezer brushes that perfectly comb any hair.

Being lazy to rinse off shampoo completely- how can this even be imagined, especially in modern conditions?

Rub your hair with a towel- How should you rub your hair to damage it? Blot wet hair - yes.

Always part your hair in the same place. For as long as I can remember, I always part my hair in the same place. And do you know what happened to my hair during this time? NOTHING!

Chlorinated water can damage your hair. That is why a special cap is recommended in the pool, and you need to wash your head with melted water or rainwater. We have chlorinated water from the taps, and in the pools too, although there is a higher concentration of chlorine than in ordinary tap water, but we don’t swim in the pool very much either. every day. We are forced to wear a cap in the pool not out of concern for our own hair, but for completely different reasons, and besides, taking off and putting on rubber caps harms the hair more than chlorinated water - let’s remember, for example, Soviet rubber bands.
I won’t say anything at all about rain and melt water in modern life.

Well, here are a few examples of my hair, to make it clear, I understand something about hair)))

These are the tips that I came across on the Internet and what surprised me, to put it mildly. I repeat - I expressed my opinion based on my experience.
What other hair care rules have you encountered, what rules have you broken and are you breaking? And most importantly, how does all this affect your hair? Let's share these “secrets”)))

I hope it was interesting and useful.
Your me.

Photos: Alena Ermishina

Interview: Margarita Virova

About the blog and attitude towards cosmetics

I once faced a choice: go to work in the marketing department of the largest exhibition company in the world and earn chronic stress, or leave for the position of editor-in-chief of a portal about aesthetics and plastic surgery. Despite the fact that I had zero experience in editorial work, I was confident that I could handle it. After I chose the position of editor, life became inextricably linked with the beauty industry. That's when I started blogging. At first it was in LiveJournal, then on a separate site; Now I have left myself a telegram channel and an Instagram account.

Attitudes towards cosmetics have been constantly changing for six years. At first there was admiration and a sense of involvement in beauty, then - a desire to try everything that could be bought and talk about wonderful new products. Then fatigue. Then criticism (kamon, it’s just cosmetics!). I used to think that another couple of years would pass and I wouldn’t wash or put on makeup at all, by God. At such moments, I took a break - and invariably the desire to blog returned.

Now I feel free from the judgments of others. All this multi-colored hair - gray, blue - green lipstick is trending - it's wonderful. Simply because now you have a choice and you don’t have to compromise with yourself when it comes to makeup. I remember the moment when I posted a photo with blue lipstick on LiveJournal, and Lera Skromni posted a photo with green lipstick. Readers were not ready then, but now this surprises few people. There is nothing permanent or correct in beauty, and we still have to work on the culture of writing, relations with readers and interaction with PR services. There are a lot of blind spots now, and no one knows what to do with them.

About acne and acids

I had acne for many years, and I was able to get it under control only with the help of acids - now I use minimal care, cosmeceuticals. By the way, I’m preparing a review of the new brand RejudiCare Synergy: I actively use it and so far I’m delighted with the gels with retinol and glycolic acid. Their Skincleanse wash is also excellent - the skin after it is smooth, smooth and soft. I experiment mainly with masks and moisturizing. I don’t like hoarding millions of cans; if something doesn’t suit me, I give it to friends and keep only the most effective ones for myself. In addition to cosmeceuticals, Erborian and L’Occitane skincare works well for me. Since I use acids, I almost never need to deep cleanse. If I feel that something is wrong with my skin, I take Aevit vitamins and flaxseed oil, first consulting with a cosmetologist.

Now I have discovered a whole category of care - thermal water and mists: I used to underestimate them, but in vain. I’m also researching eye patches, but haven’t found the perfect ones yet. For the body, I really like to use oil scrubs, which both exfoliate and nourish the skin. Sometimes I want to create a home spa in my bathroom, but since I work remotely and have two children, I choose to save time. Time is the most valuable resource, and I consider it irrational to spend it on such a long process.

About sports for love

Until recently, I considered myself a completely unsportsmanlike person - although I did not complain about my health and was generally in good physical shape. But two children make their own adjustments, and a couple of years ago I went to the pool and began swimming a kilometer a day. I really liked the result: the volume did not go away, but the body became toned, and additional energy appeared. In addition, methodical movements and water relieved stress.

This summer I couldn’t get into the pool, so I pulled my bike out from under the centuries-old dust. For almost ten years he has been waiting in the wings! Now I just love riding: in the summer I tried to cover eight to ten kilometers every day, and I have great company - my four-year-old son is always in favor of going with me. The main thing I understood is: there is no need to force yourself. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to give ourselves the right to choose and come to useful things not through “shoulds,” but through “wants.” Now I’m looking forward to next summer so I can ride with my husband and daughter.

About makeup

I love wearing makeup and this blog has been incredibly helpful. Although I cannot be called a “god” level makeup artist, I know the features of my face pretty well: smokey eyes, bright lips, Instagram eyebrows, and simply combed ones suit me equally well. Now I have come to the conclusion that the most important thing in makeup is well-done skin. My ideal makeup for every day is an even tone, glowing skin, detailed eyebrows and mascara. You can add bright lips and blush to match.

I try to try new brands all the time. Among the latest discoveries are Natasha Denona eyeshadows (divine quality, especially metallic ones), Milk highlighter, and new KKW products. But I still try to choose and not be an omnivore. Of the Russian brands, we are very pleased with the brands “Art-Visage”, Promakeup Lab, Estrade - but in fairness it should be noted that they are all part of one concern.

About textbooks and blogs

I read textbooks on cosmetology and cosmetic ingredients and manuals for cosmetologists (Tatyana Puchkova, Elena Hernandez). This helps to systematically approach the choice of cosmetics and understand its effect on the skin. Many books are sold at the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association. Some are at the stands of publishing houses at Intercharm - look for the stands of the Old Fortress and the Publishing House Cosmetics and Medicine.

If we talk about bloggers, among the Russian ones I like the Beauty Insider project, mainly for its non-standard presentation of material. I still remember how the girls tested the fat content of hand creams on a leather bag, and the durability of lipstick by eating cheesecakes. After I installed Telegram, I almost stopped reading social networks and blogs. I like Adele’s channels for their scientific approach, I like “Beauty over 300” for its humor - I don’t like it when cosmetics are taken too seriously. I discovered the Parf4you perfume channels of my beloved Maria Kondratieva (I’ve known her for a long time, a great trainer and perfume guru) and Lyubov Berlyanskaya. Talented girl Katya - I really like her makeup style. Now she has completed an intensive course at the Chilly Dash school - I will ask her secrets.

About coffee and family

I'm a rabid squirrel addicted to caffeine. Besides the fact that I work remotely in beauty on three projects, I run Instagram, a Telegram channel, and I have two young children at home. That's why I drink coffee in liters, and the best gift for my wedding anniversary was a cool coffee machine. I still can’t refuse it, although caffeine causes fluid retention and dehydration. Therefore, my only wish to myself is to drink more water. I would also like to train myself to smear myself with masks while I’m sitting at my laptop.

I prefer active holidays: walks or trips to new places. I try to spend more time with my loved ones and not be afraid to tell them about my feelings - whether I’m tired or happy - and don’t be shy to ask them to leave me alone for a few minutes. Family is an invaluable resource, if you don’t think that everyone has to read your thoughts.

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