Short-term stay group for children. Short-stay group (a view from the inside) What does the GKP mean in the garden

It’s the end of the year, and many parents received a call from the heads of the kindergartens in which their children are enrolled, with an ultimatum to immediately decide whether they will send their children to the emerging short-stay groups starting in the New Year or not.

As educational officials suggested, the time has come for teachers to report and layout financial plans. However, progressive young mothers and fathers, faced with the need to immediately take important decision, that doesn't make it any easier. ProParent consulted with the head of the department of “Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology” of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Irina Burlakova, and found out: in order to find the correct answer to this question, you need to understand several points.

1. Why is this “short-stay group” needed at all?

Three-hour classes, freed from such “joys” as napping or eating in a group, make it easier to go through the period of adaptation to kindergarten. Most babies become fully accustomed to a new environment within a month or a month and a half. And then they can already move from the short-term stay group (STG) to a full-fledged kindergarten.

Formally, it is believed that the GKP gives a young mother three hours free life. It is unlikely that you will be able to work during this time - the period is too short, but it is quite possible to relax or do something around the house.

In addition, in the GKP, the child can get acquainted with infections and microbes that he has not encountered in the family. Once in a children's group, the baby will most likely be sick for the first time - this, unfortunately, is inevitable. But having dealt with many diseases once, he will acquire immunity. And then, when parents send their child to a full-fledged kindergarten, there is a chance that he will not be so susceptible to various ailments.

2. Family or kindergarten?

Preschool education is not compulsory in our country, so there is always the opportunity to keep a child at home until he is seven years old, and then send him to first grade, but this is not always worth doing. Education received in kindergarten is superior to family education due to its regularity, systematic work with children and the professionalism of teachers. If there is no sharp rejection, it is better to take the child to kindergarten.

3. GKP or developmental activities?

From the point of view of the child’s development, separate classes in which he is with his mother can often be more useful than attending a group education center. After all, even a short-term visit to kindergarten is associated with many additional, often unpleasant, moments: separation from the mother, a group around you, you have to get used to obeying the teacher... Therefore, it is hardly worth choosing the child’s daycare as a permanent form of leisure for the child. Basically, the task of these groups is precisely adaptation to kindergarten.

4. How do you know if a child is ready to attend a short-stay group?

There are three simple criteria:

Mode. The child should be ready to easily get up early in the morning in order to be in time for the start of classes, without loud protests and hysterics.

Communication. If a child at least somehow communicates or interacts with peers during a walk, then most likely he will feel more or less comfortable in the group.

Contact with a strange adult. Invite one of your trusted friends and try to leave the baby with him. First introduce them, explain what it is - good man, and you leave for just a short while and will definitely return. If the child survives this test relatively calmly, this is a good sign that he is ready to go to kindergarten.

5. At what age should a child be sent to the GKP?

It is best to do this between 2 and 3 years, maximum 3.5 years. Previously, it will be very difficult for a baby to adapt to a new life, and older adults are usually enrolled immediately in a full-day kindergarten group.

6. Will the child cry at first in the short-term group?

The reaction can be very different, it all depends on the personality of the little person. Some people easily part with their mother, others have great difficulty. But in any case, you need to be prepared that the baby will go to kindergarten in tears for the first one and a half to two weeks. If the crying lasts longer, loss of appetite or disturbed sleep, you should consult with a teacher and psychologist and, perhaps, refuse to visit the hospital.

It happens that a child easily goes to kindergarten when his dad or grandmother takes him, and with a roar if his mother takes over. This is quite understandable - it is easier for a child to part with some adults, and more difficult with others. Maybe, right choice an accompanying person will help prevent morning tantrums.

7. Which GCP regimen is best for a child?

There are two types of short-stay groups: morning and evening. In some you have to arrive at nine in the morning, in others - after lunch. From the point of view of physiology and psychology, it is better to go on the “first shift”. After a long night's sleep, the baby is left with more strength for studying and getting used to an unusual environment for him than after a short and not so strong day's rest.

8. How to recognize the real Mary Poppins?

It is much easier for a mother to send her child to a group if she is confident in the child’s teacher. If possible, watch how the teacher works with children. A dangerous sign is if one of the children in the group sits and cries. Some educators believe that such children should be allowed to cry out their grief. It's not too much the right decision: It is very easy to distract two or three year old children, redirect their attention and thereby calm them down. The real Mary Poppins will definitely come to the aid of a grieving child.

Three more aspects

Potty question. Nowadays, most children grow up in diapers and therefore learn to use the potty late. Teachers in kindergarten They have long been accustomed to this, they treat them calmly and do not make any strict demands. On the contrary, little by little they help you learn to do your things “like an adult.”

Can't complain. Many parents are afraid that the baby, who has not yet learned to speak normally, will not be able to complain about insults and harassment from the teacher. But in reality there is no big problem in this. If something bad happened to a child, he was offended, not given necessary attention or treated him in some other way in the best possible way, it will be very noticeable on him. And you should trust the teacher more: professional teachers work in kindergartens, not monsters, they themselves are interested in ensuring that everything is in order for their charges.

Trying is not torture. If they offer to sign up, and you plan to go to kindergarten in the future, you should agree and try. You will always have time to refuse. What if everything goes well from the very beginning? And if not, no one obliges you to continue attending the short-stay group.

What types of groups are there in kindergartens?

In this article we will describe in detail the division into groups in public kindergartens. At what age is admission to kindergarten and what group can your child join? Features and differences between them.

* (Private kindergartens also adhere to a similar classification)

● Kindergarten groups.

The distribution of children into groups in state kindergartens is carried out according to age.

There are five main kindergarten groups. Let us introduce you to them in more detail:


Kindergarten groups are divided into:

  • Short-stay group (age from 1 to 3 years)

Short stay group (STG)

The Short-Term Stay Group (STG) accepts children aged 1 to 3 years.

This is a public service and it is provided to everyone who has submitted necessary documents and stood in line. The GKP works 3 times a week for 3 hours.

Classes are held from 8.30 to 11.30 or from 16.00 to 19.00 depending on the schedule.

  • * Information for parents:

The most common question, especially among parents with their first child: At what age and is it necessary to take a child to kindergarten at the age of 1-3 years?

Being in kindergarten is the first test of personal qualities in a child’s life. Getting to know the outside world and children like himself.

The opinions of specialists, despite the difference in details, agree on one thing: from a psychological point of view, introducing a child to other children in a playful and relaxed way helps to enter into the general society in which he will live and what earlier child starts to adapt to it, the better.

It is worth noting that young parents should also be prepared for such a step and approach it responsibly and thoughtfully.

Before bringing your child to a short-stay group, make sure that the place you choose is the one that is most suitable for the child.

Read the reviews, talk to mothers who already take or have taken their children here, talk about the conditions of stay with the teachers, look with your own eyes at the equipment, cleanliness and sanitary conditions in the premises.

  • What activities are offered to children in the short-stay group?

Classes are held once a week fiction, drawing, sculpting, design, held 2 times a week physical training And music lessons.

How to sign up for a short-stay group

There are short-term groups in almost every preschool institution. In order to be accepted into the State Committee for Residence, you must do the following:

  • Contact the head of the kindergarten with a request for admission to the GKP group. If there are places, they will take you.
  • If there are no places in this kindergarten, you need to contact the so-called. "Mini-OSIP" (district information support service).

As a rule, they are located in the same educational complexes. You apply there regarding enrollment in the GKP group.

from December 1, 2015, by decree of the Moscow Government, all district information support services ( OSIP) were liquidated. They were replaced by the “My Documents” service. Contact information about mini-OSIP You can find out about your complex by calling any department of this complex.

What documents must be collected to enroll a child in a short-term stay group? (for submission to mini-osip)

  • passport of the parent (legal representative);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the child’s registration in the city of Moscow;
  • document certifying the right to be included in a preferential category (if available)

Enrollment The GKP group is like going to a regular kindergarten. You are added to the queue and offered a place in the GKP as it becomes available.

Procedure for enrollment in the GKP (short-term stay group)

When considering the issue of enrollment in the GKP, children have priority right to enrollment:

After enrollment of children from the above categories, children are accepted:

  • with temporary registration
  • from other areas.
To notify parents about the enrollment of a child in the kindergarten, a notification is sent by email or directly by phone call.

* An example of a written written response to a child’s enrollment in kindergarten.

When entering kindergarten, you must have a medical card, and by September 1, you must prepare a certificate:

  • about the child's contacts
  • urine test
  • general blood test
  • analysis for enterobiasis and helminth eggs.

Before accepting a child, a document is drawn up between the kindergarten and the child’s parents. service agreement, which will spell out all the rights and responsibilities of parents and kindergarten staff.

Such an agreement legally protects both parties from possible claims, so take the time to read it carefully.

Features of a child’s stay in the GKP:

Considering that the child is given for a short-term stay, meals are not provided in this group. Drinking regime only. Therefore, before bringing your child to this group, do not forget to feed him.

The adaptation process in the State Customs Committee group is very gentle. Parents can periodically enter the group and visit their child. This allows you to smoothly and without any special emotional experiences endure a short-term separation from your parents, keep your psyche intact and not cause negative associations for the child associated with his stay in kindergarten.

The first days of visiting the GKP last only half an hour.

Gradually, the stay time increases depending on the degree of adaptation of the child. Educators advise not to escalate the situation, not to overload children and to bring them for a short period of time. 30 minutes is more than enough for kids for the first days in the GKP.

The usual schedule in the GKP group:

Monday: 9.15-9.25 - Musical games. 10.10-10.20 - Didactic game.
Tuesday: 10.00 - 10.10 - Development of movements. 10.20 -10.30 - Artistic creativity(modeling, drawing, appliqué alternate).
Wednesday: 10.00 - 10.10 - Didactic game. 10.20 -10.30 - Speech development.
Thursday: 10.00 - 10.10 - Development of the movement. 10.20 - 10.30 - Games with building materials.
Friday: 10.10 - 10.20 - Educational games. 10.30 - 10.40 - Musical games.

The cost of a child’s stay in a state kindergarten in a short-stay group:

Monthly payments for stay – 1500 rubles. per month.

If you have benefits, you can apply for reimbursement of part of the payment. This application can be completed at the time of signing the agreement with the preschool educational institution.

Additional costs for staying in kindergarten

As for collecting additional funds, it all depends on the management of the kindergarten. The times when people gathered in large quantities and for everything are a thing of the past.

Of course, they can raise money for flowers and gifts for teachers on major holidays, but the amounts will most likely be small and at the discretion of the parents themselves.

Well, if you suddenly encounter outright extortion, do not forget about the anti-corruption hotline.

Read more about illegal extortions in schools and kindergartens you can read it.

No one disputes or questions the significance of being surrounded only by love and positive emotions. Parents want to create all the necessary conditions for their offspring’s excellent emotional well-being and normal mental development. However, not all mothers and fathers, unfortunately, realize the importance of certain points, understand the need to communicate with the baby and take into account the peculiarities of pedagogical influence on children under three years of age. Sometimes it happens that parents would be happy to bring all this to life, but some do not have enough time, some do not have certain knowledge, others are simply too lazy to pay attention to the child.

In this regard, the group of short-term stays in kindergarten is popular. What are its features and advantages? Why do you need something like this?

Firstly, a short-term kindergarten group differs from a regular nursery in that the child does not receive psychological trauma due to separation from his mother. After all, it is with her that he initially visits, gradually getting used to his new friends, teachers, and doing interesting and age-appropriate activities.

Secondly, the child does not spend the whole day here, but only about 3.5 hours 3 times a week, which allows experienced teachers and psychologists to organize the educational process in such a way that the child receives all the knowledge necessary for him, not a single most important detail is missing. is overlooked. Thanks to this, time is distributed economically, there is enough for both planned activities and free activities.

Thirdly, the group of short-term stays in kindergarten has a special specificity, which implies the presence of a special educational program taking into account the age of the children, their psychological and emotional characteristics.

Fourthly, we must not forget about the mother, who can, with peace of mind, leave her child to the professionals and, in the same few hours, have time to visit the hairdresser, cook dinner, or just relax.

What tasks do short-stay groups perform? The main ones are:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
  • formation of emotional stability, taking into account physiological characteristics children;
  • expansion of horizons, age-appropriate development of abilities;
  • helping children adapt to a specific institution;
  • formation of means and methods of communication with peers and adults;
  • familiarizing them with the necessary types of activities.

The short-term kindergarten group in all respects provides enormous assistance to parents in raising their children correctly and appropriately. Teachers conduct games with children that are aimed at speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory, perception. In addition, a music director and a physical education specialist work with the children. A short-term stay group at a preschool educational institution is not just a fun and interesting pastime, but also a huge benefit for both children and their parents.

Victoria Tsaer
Purpose, objectives, purpose of a group of short-term stay of children in the kindergarten system.

IN short stay group(adaptive) Usually children aged from 1 year 6 months to 7 years are accepted.

These groups are for:

children whose parents would like to begin adapting the child to the kindergarten and the team;

children whose parents would not like to send their child to kindergarten full time;

parents who want to learn how to communicate and play with their children and develop their abilities.

Today it is already obvious that children's the garden is educational, progressive, modern system, necessary for children of the first years of life. At the same time, no one argues that family education is optimal for a small child, since the love of close adults and their communication with the baby are the main and necessary conditions for the normal mental development of the child and his good emotional well-being. However, not all parents understand age differences children under 3 years old, not everyone knows how to find the necessary pedagogical influences. Adults often do not know how or do not consider it necessary to play with children or organize joint activities. Thus, there is a need to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to families with young children. The optimal form of such assistance is created in kindergartens adaptation.

In the GKP, the child spends several hours of the day doing activities that are attractive to him, first together with his mother, and then independently in peer group. The specificity of the GKP is that time is compressed here, for children coming to children's kindergarten 3 times a week for 3.5 hours, the educational process is organized as compactly as possible, so that in conditions of limited time not a single important area of ​​the child’s development is lost sight of. In this regard, there is a need to distribute time economically, so that it is enough for free activity children, and for developmental activities with adults in an environment that ensures the implementation of the planned activity.

IN children's an educational program for the functioning of the garden is being developed short stay groups, taking into account development patterns children early age , their interests, features of their thinking and emotional life.

Goals short stay groups:

assistance comprehensive development children, their early socialization, which allows for successful adaptation of the child to the conditions preschool

purpose developing their pedagogical competence in relation to their own children, to create necessary conditions for the upbringing and full development of the child, the realization of the individual potential inherent in him, active entry into the world around us adults and peers.

Tasks of the short-stay group:

development of individual play support programs and organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the child.

For children:

adapt in a natural and gentle way to the conditions of a given educational institution;

gain early socialization experience, learn to play with peers (establishing humane, friendly relationships between children);

strengthening physical and mental health children, ensuring emotional stability, taking into account individual capabilities and characteristics children;

formation of children age-appropriate ways and means of communication with adults and peers;

development of cognitive abilities in accordance with age, expansion of horizons;

development of core activities;

Preparation children to enter full-day kindergarten.

For parents:

familiarizing parents with modern types gaming teaching aids;

interaction with parents purpose improving mutual understanding between them and their own children;

to form partnerships between family and preschool educational institution in matters of education and development children preschool age;

contribute to the formation of adequate parental ideas about the age characteristics of the child and the appropriate ways of his development.

In accordance with these tasks the main content of the pedagogical process is determined, which is to ensure social adaptation child, expanding his adaptive capabilities, introducing him to the world of human values, developing the main spheres - emotional, effective and intellectual in the process of studying the educational program.

The main feature is the implementation of the principle of communicative orientation of education and development, i.e. the targeted formation of communication skills with adults and peers in various types activities.

Within the framework of the educational process, the activities of GKP teachers are aimed at on:

facilitating successful adaptation children to kindergarten conditions;

creation of a subject-development environment that activates cognitive activity child;

improving the culture of communication between adults and children;

attracting the attention of parents to the uniqueness of the child through the organization various forms working with parents.

Operation short-stay groups are carried out in children's garden under the control of the manager and senior nurse. An indispensable condition for admission children in the GKP is a comprehensive examination of a child with purpose determining the level of physical and intellectual development at a given age stage and compliance with the level of formation of cognitive and emotional spheres the age of the child. An important condition for the creation and functioning of the PCU is the selection of highly qualified staff of specialists working with children and parents: teacher, junior teacher, nurse.

When organizing the educational process, the teacher takes into account what is group throughout academic year new children are arriving. Therefore, classes are planned in such a way that a newly arrived child can join them painlessly.

The subject-development environment of the GKP is built in accordance with federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program preschool education approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

When organizing the environment taken into account:

age-related developmental features children;

level of formation of leading and typical activities;

individual characteristics, inclinations and preferences of the child;

the dynamism of the environment, which involves children changing activities in accordance with their needs;

the use of variable teaching methods and techniques in a dynamic environment.

IN children's garden, the subject-development environment of the GKP consists of the following premises: a room for undressing and waiting for parents, a room for activities and games, a mini-sports complex, a music room.

Features of organizing activities groups.

A short stay involves what the child attends children's garden part time. Therefore, when choosing a program, you should consider how possible it is to organize the activities children in the classroom in such a way as to create motivation for independent research outside kindergarten and without the direct participation of the teacher. In addition, the selected program should have the potential to use various routine moments as developmental activities. In other words - "allow" organize regime moments so that a range of essential educational problems were solved in a complex. On the other hand, the choice of methodological support groups one more feature will affect short stay, namely, the child’s attendance at developmental classes selectively and only in a certain direction (for example, musical or speech). Accordingly, the parents’ request will determine special requirements for the development program children group. To the teacher will have to implement only one section of the program, but at the same time deciding tasks individual development of the child. In this regard, it is advisable to use partial educational programs, since there are no specialized comprehensive development programs children quite difficult to adapt to conditions short-term stay of a child in kindergarten. This is due primarily to the fact that complex programs are mainly designed for a child stays in kindergarten all day, as well as the packaging feature - short stay groups are staffed throughout the year and mainly on a mixed-age basis. Therefore, when choosing a program, the teacher will have to adapt it in terms of creating differentiated groups, corresponding to age and individual characteristics every child.

Features of interaction with families of pupils.

A child entering short-term kindergarten, spends almost all his time with his family. The influence of the family is so great that pedagogical work with a child in children's garden seems impossible without taking into account the peculiarities of life and upbringing children in the family. This is on the one hand, on the other hand, the parents themselves make certain demands on both educational work V kindergarten, and to system interaction between teacher and family. Teacher in short stay group works with parents not only and not so much through organizing consultations and parent-teacher meetings. The main form is interaction with parents in the classroom, joint events when it is necessary to solve general pedagogical tasks. Adults communicate with each other in the process of organizing the child’s activities and are equal partners. Therefore, when choosing a program, the teacher must take into account that during its implementation it will be necessary to take into account not only the active participation of parents in life groups, but also the need to teach them methods and techniques for child development at home.

Features of planning the pedagogical process.

The educational process is planned solely on the basis of diagnostic data and depending on the requests of parents. Pedagogical studies of child development include interviews with parents at the initial reception, observation of the child by educators and specialists in various types of activities, and the child’s performance of specially organized activities. tasks(after the end of the adaptation period). Based on the diagnostic results, a mini-pedagogical council is held with parents, at which an individual development program for the child is developed. Next, educators and specialists collectively draw up a development plan groups, which is based on individual programs children, visiting group. Therefore, the selected program must contain teaching materials to diagnose child development. When planning the educational process, one of the requirements for organizing activities must be taken into account short stay groups, namely, the rational use of time spent by the child in kindergarten. Planning developmental classes is based on the integration of subject areas of knowledge.

The most important thing is to facilitate the child’s adaptation, so that in the future stay in the nursery the garden brought joy to the baby and parents. After all, even a gentle regime short-term group requires children certain preparations that parents must carry out before coming to kindergarten.

For a child entering kindergarten for the first time, being with other children can be a real stress. Therefore, the baby should be gradually accustomed to visiting the institution. This is why there are short-stay groups in kindergarten, or GKP for short. In them, babies are without their mother for no more than 2-3 hours a day.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such groups?

Many parents are frightened by the prospect of ending up in short-term group, supposedly this could affect their queue for permanent kindergarten. But this opinion is wrong, because the GKP has nothing to do with this.

Short-term groups in kindergarten help children adapt to the team without stress.

There are many benefits to attending such groups. First of all, here the baby adapts faster and learns to communicate with other children and adults. So when he gets to full-day kindergarten, it won't cause him stress or tantrums. In addition, parents have several hours of free time that they can spend on their own affairs.

As a rule, the daily routine in the GKP consists of a walk, as well as creative activities.

Disadvantages include lack of power. If you register your child for those hours that fall during breakfast or lunch, then the child will only have to watch how other children eat, because it is forbidden to bring your own food to the kindergarten. Another disadvantage of such a visit is the financial costs. Despite their short stay, parents will have to donate money for repairs and other needs of the institution, just like everyone else.

How to get into such a group

Most parents receive a special invitation to the short-stay group. But it is also possible to sign up for a visit yourself. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the institution of interest and find out whether a similar group works there and whether it is possible to enroll in it.

Please note that the GKP accepts children over 2 years of age.

If your candidacy is approved, you will need to go through the full medical examination and get all necessary vaccinations. In addition, you should conclude an agreement with a child care institution. You will find out what things and items will be required for the GKP at parent meeting.

Most reviews about short-stay groups say that it is great option for parents whose children have not yet been registered for a permanent place in kindergarten. Thanks to the GKP, preschoolers learn to interact with other children, and, in addition, they gradually get used to long-term stay in an institution. In addition, moms and dads have a little free time that they can spend on their own affairs.

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