What essential oils attract men. Incense - aphrodisiacs: secrets of use

Is the “light” missing? Take stimulating essential oils as your assistant!

Smell is power!

Already 4000 years ago, the Greeks produced perfumes in Cyprus - the island of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. However, the Egyptians were 2,000 years ahead of them, creating aromatic potions that were supposed to serve a variety of purposes, ranging from seduction to embalming corpses. Legend has it that Cleopatra “announced” her meeting with Mark Antony by scenting the sails of her ship. Currently, billions of dollars are circulating in the perfume industry. Why are fragrances “exploited” so actively?

The brain reacts to smell in 0.05 seconds, that is, faster than to pain. The perception of smell affects the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for controlling emotions and sexuality, arousing emotions or physical reactions. According to Rachel Hertz, author of The Scent of Desire, women have found that of all physical traits, the most important factor in determining whether or not they are sexually interested in a man is his scent.

We can all use the magical power of smell to prevent boredom and indifference from settling in our bedrooms. How to do this?

Stimulating essential oils and sensuality

The vast majority of scents on the market today are synthetic blends. However, significantly better effect can be achieved with the help of essential oils that excite both men and women. It is these substances that give plants their characteristic odor. Peel an orange and you will feel its aroma. Rub a sprig of rosemary in your palms and it will leave its scent on them. Essential oils can be extracted from flowers, leaves, bark, roots, seeds and resins. They are sometimes called the "blood" of plants because they contain natural vital energy. It is this that can enhance the effectiveness of our love and other magic spells, as well as awaken passion in us.

It is important that only pure essential oils have this stimulating energy. Synthetic substances (no matter how tempting their names may seem) are devoid of life, just like an inflatable sex doll is devoid of it.

Just like each of us has our own food preferences, different people have a tendency to smell different things. However, some fragrances have long been associated with passion, romance and sensuality. Which essential oil is most likely to excite men and women? This list includes, in particular:

  • amber,
  • cinnamon,
  • gardenia,
  • carnation,
  • jasmine,
  • orange blossom
  • patchouli,
  • musk,
  • rose,
  • vanilla,
  • ylang-ylang.

How can you use the “seductive” abilities of ethers?

How to excite a man or woman with essential oils? This can be done in several ways.

*Many products in this category can be used as perfumes by simply spritzing them on the neck, wrists and other parts of the body that are well supplied with blood. You can also gently rub them between your breasts, on your inner thighs, or on your lower abdomen.

Due to the fact that some essential substances may irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions, test them first in a very small quantity to see how your body reacts to them.

*Blend one or more passion-inducing essential oils with your favorite massage oil or balm, olive oil, grape seed oil, jojoba. Together with your partner, give each other a sensual massage using this mixture to ignite your desire.

*If you want, you can soak in a bath of hot water, after adding an essential oil with an erotic scent, such as patchouli, ylang-ylang or jasmine. By the way, sexual magic rituals often begin with a special bath, which is designed to wash away daily worries and move the consciousness of the participants from the earthly world to the world of magic and sensuality. According to Hippocrates, often considered the father of Western medicine, the path to health is aromatic baths and daily massage.

*You can also anoint your candles with “love” essential oils. This practice will not only increase your libido levels, but will also infuse your spells with the natural energy of the plant from which the scented product you are using was made. Pour a small amount into your palm and apply it to the surface, covering everything except the wick.

Just a note. If you want to attract or strengthen something, rub the oil in, starting from the bottom and moving towards the wick.
If you want to reduce, release or deprive something, start oiling from the top of the candle and work your way down.

If you plan to imprint any symbols or words on the wax, do so before applying oil to it.

You can buy candles already scented with the above essential oils. However, please note that most of these products do not contain pure essential oils, causing them to lack the magical energy of the plants. In addition, they do not stimulate feelings of love as much as candles made from all-natural ingredients do.

Knowing which essential oils excite men and women in bed, you can buy several types of them and use one at a time or in a mixture. The main thing is that this method has worked flawlessly for thousands of years.

It is unknown whether they were used long before our era. They have always helped to attract attention, express your sexuality and inflame the passion and desire of your partner.

Kananga fragrant

This aphrodisiac is the main “guest” at all Indonesian weddings. It is considered the flower of love between a man and a woman due to its attractive scents. The smell, like the color of cananga flowers, changes throughout the flowering period, reminiscent of jasmine or neroli.

In fact, we know cananga under the name ylang-ylang. Ylang essential oil is used everywhere, for example in Chanel perfume, in oils to relieve stress, and even in cooking - in creams for cakes and pastries. A couple of drops of ylang will give freshness to your body and attract the attention of men. By the way, cananga oil is often used in anti-aging cosmetics, which means it will allow you to be young and beautiful for a long time.


A witchy, feminine scent. Tart, refined, sweet and fresh, bold, bright. This fragrance will show the girl's self-sufficiency and elegance. Verbena has a beneficial effect on spiritual development, psychological state, develops intuition, helps you decide whether this man is right for you or not.


A wonderful spice, rosemary can not only add flavor to your dishes, but also make sex last longer and more often. This oil improves the sensitivity and receptivity of partners, making relationships warm and affectionate. This herb is surrounded by a cloud of incredible smell, a combination of freshly cut grass and peppermint. By the way, rosemary helps make your hair healthy and shiny.


We often heard about myrrh when we read about Ancient Egypt. The resin of this tree was used for the mummification of pharaohs and various religious ceremonies; it was called the holy tree. Myrrh aroma is pungent, smoky notes predominate, with a bitter, warm, spicy scent. Myrrh aroma oil will help you cope with shyness and complexes, add passion to your gaze, and relieve indecision.


Love spell for men of any age and taste. Its trail is almost inaudible, leaves a slight scent on the body, but will turn a man’s head in a matter of seconds, apply incense essential oil to your wrists and it’s yours. And incense will help change your life for the better, lift your spirits, and fill you with energy.


The strongest, attracts the power of love power. Don't forget about the strong essential scent; cinnamon should not be used with other oils. Cinnamon symbolizes sexual energy, courage and boldness. At the same time, it is the most common spice used in cooking.


The most delicate of all scents has the ability to truly seduce. It creates an atmosphere of comfort, a subtle taste of dessert, surrounds you with care, and makes those around you breathe with its aroma. In addition, vanilla carries a charge of strength and vigor, at the subconscious level it relieves anxiety and fears, and helps to activate vital energy.

It has long been proven that a man is more attracted to the natural odor of a woman’s body. This natural aphrodisiac allows you to find your soulmate among millions of other girls.

Many women wear perfume. After all, having managed to choose a scent that will correspond to age, temperament, eye and hair color, it is possible to create unique image. There are components of a successful aroma that help to achieve success in attracting and arousing the opposite sex.


It can force a man to be original and unusual in expressing his feelings. It’s all because of the smell, which gives a feeling of self-confidence and awakens creativity.

Bergamot, cinnamon, jasmine

They increase sexual desire, relax, calm, develop fantasies, and put them in an erotic mood. Cinnamon warms, which can increase sexual energy. Jasmine gives its scent the best perfume, among which there are famous French fragrances. This “king of smells” is able to intensify erotic pulsations.

Rosemary, fruit

They have the ability to increase the duration of sexual contact, and also stimulate the desire to engage in intimacy again and again. The aroma of fruit awakens in a man the desire to take care of and protect a woman. This smell can attract very strong men.


His smell reminds me of a man's smell intimate areas girls, therefore it has a stunning effect when seducing the opposite sex. The main thing is not to overdo it.


It is very often used when baking any kind of goodies, so men have a special reaction to the sweet smell of vanilla. His “appetite” increases, he wants to “taste” it.

Lavender, coconut

They enhance passion and give love. Coconut gives a woman the scent of her dreams. After all, coconut is associated with the beach, sun, and serenity. A man will certainly want to plunge into heavenly pleasure.


Its delicate, refined scent helps you to tune in to a romantic mood, calms you down and relieves stress. Essential oil is produced from ancient sandalwood trees, many of which are over thirty years old. Today there are very few of these trees left, so sandalwood aromatic oils, often used in perfumery, are very expensive, but popular and in great demand among women.

To add intimacy to the evening, you can light fruits, incense sticks or candles. The main thing to remember is that men love with their noses, and it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Smells can have a truly magical effect. More about this from the channel specialists. Let's watch the video!

Various substances that stimulate sexual desire are aphrodisiacs. They have this effect due to the special ratio of their constituent components, minerals, vitamins or aromas. In addition to products that stimulate libido, there are aphrodisiac oils. When certain odors are inhaled, receptors in the cerebral cortex are activated. They begin to produce hormones and substances that provoke certain feelings. Thus, aphrodisiac essential oils cause arousal, libido and liberation in men.

Properties of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

If you decide to choose aphrodisiac oils to attract men, then you need to take into account the properties of a particular product. There are men's and women's fragrances. But this does not mean that only scents of the same affiliation should be used in an aromatic composition for the opposite sex. Thus, using droplets with masculine notes in a feminine composition will both attract a man and give him confidence in his abilities.

When choosing aphrodisiac oils, the list of which is presented below, you should consider their properties:

  1. The most powerful aphrodisiac is ylang-ylang. It is suitable for attracting both sexes. It will give confidence to the stronger sex, increase potency, and allow a woman to relax and become feminine.
  2. You can no less strongly attract the opposite sex with the help of bergamot. It simultaneously excites imagination, relaxes and gives confidence. The aroma pushes you to take decisive action.
  3. Many aromatic aphrodisiacs for men contain vetiver. It adds determination, confidence and promotes emancipation.
  4. It is worth adding cloves to this list, because it enhances tactile sensuality.
  5. Patchouli excites and stimulates the activity of the nervous system.
  6. Inhalation ginger oil Sexual desire increases, mood improves, blood circulation improves. This oil is recommended for use as an aphrodisiac in Kamastura.
  7. Cinnamon will help the stronger sex get rid of erectile dysfunction and increase libido.
  8. At least rose oil counts feminine scent, it should be classified as a product for men, because these aromatic aphrodisiac oils increase sensuality.

Afrozodiac essential oils have different effects on the psyche, so when choosing an aromatic composition it is worth considering the characteristics of their effects:

  • rose, ginger, cloves, geranium and cinnamon stimulate;
  • patchouli and ylang-ylang give relaxation;
  • geranium, rose, clove and bergamot give strength;
  • to improve your mood, it is useful to inhale the aromas of ylang-ylang, bergamot and geranium;
  • vetiver, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli increase sexual desire;
  • cinnamon and ylang-ylang will give you self-confidence.

Recipes for using oils that excite men

If you decide to use an aphrodisiac essential oil, we have described above what aromas to use to increase sexual desire in men. Now let's talk about the use of aromatic aphrodisiacs. There are several ways to use them:

  • while taking a bath;
  • in an aroma lamp;
  • for massage;
  • in aroma pendant;
  • can be added to shower gels and other cosmetics.

To use in an aroma lamp, prepare one of the following oil mixtures:

  1. For mutual attraction and ardent tenderness, you will need two drops each of patchouli, ylang-ylang and orange, as well as one drop of sandalwood.
  2. To enhance desire, drop 2 drops of jasmine and geranium, 3 drops of roses, 4 drops of ylang-ylang into the aroma lamp (a little more is possible).
  3. A mixture of two drops of rosewood and sensual ylang, one drop of lemon and three drops of patchouli will help you tune in to intimacy.

Advice! Use purified oils that are sold at the pharmacy. For 20 m², six drops of the aromatic mixture are enough.

To take an aroma bath with aphrodisiacs, the oily mixture is dripped onto sea ​​salt, which is then dissolved in a warm bath (water not hotter than 40°C). To ensure that the composition is well absorbed into the salt, it should be kept for at least three days before use, shaking from time to time. The following products are suitable for the bath:

  • juniper;
  • neroli;
  • cedar;
  • jasmine;
  • geranium;
  • sandalwood;
  • nutmeg;
  • myrrh;
  • rose;
  • ylang

For cooking massage oil Add a drop of aromatic oils to the usual base composition (preferably odorless). You can choose only two types and add a couple of drops each, or use a complex mixture. The prepared product is stored in a dark glass bottle. You can use the following aphrodisiac scents to attract men and heighten sensuality:

  1. For 20 milliliters of the base composition, add two drops of patchouli, lemon, ylang and cedar.
  2. For the same amount of base, take 1 cup of ylang and four drops of orange.


Aphrodisiacs and oils for men should be used with caution, adhering to the following rules:

  • undiluted product sometimes causes burns;
  • any aromatic product is a strong allergen, so an allergy test is carried out before using it;
  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage (if necessary, you can extend the time of use);
  • with regular use for more than three weeks, it is recommended to take weekly breaks;
  • You should not mix more than five scents in one composition.

Certain products have their own contraindications, which should also be taken into account:

  1. Ylang-ylang increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should avoid using it.
  2. If a composition with bergamot was applied to skin, then sunbathing is allowed only after two hours.
  3. Clove product is contraindicated for diabetics.
  4. If you have stomach pathologies, you should not inhale patchouli scents. This product should also not be used for massage.
  5. Ginger is not recommended for use for gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and fever.

If discomfort occurs after using any aromatic aphrodisiac, headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, then you should avoid using it. It is better to use one-component products or formulations of two oils. This will make it easier for you to identify the product that is causing your condition to worsen.

According to historians, the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra did not have an outstanding appearance. Moreover, she was ugly and had a masculine figure. Why did men fall at her feet, fall in love like boys, forgetting about titles and statuses? It's all about the smells that Cleopatra loved to use. Some essential oils are natural aphrodisiacs. They, like a magnet, attract men and have a truly magical effect on them. Today the Egyptians revealed the secrets of the great Cleopatra. It is reliably known that she prepared her favorite “love potion” from rose, ylang-ylang and jasmine oils.

Cleo's scent

Mix equal parts of rose or rosewood essential oils, ylang-ylang and jasmine. Massage the mixture of oils onto the body. Blot off excess with a napkin.

Almost 60% of all essential oils have an exciting and alluring effect. They are erotic stimulants. These aromas can normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relieve inflammation, and normalize the functioning of the external and internal secretion glands.

Properties of aphrodisiac oils

  • Bergamot - liberates, increases sexual desire, helps to reveal your wildest fantasies.
  • Geranium - this oil is widely used in the preparation of love potions. The magic of this oil is subordinated to the young, loving and feminine Venus. Geranium oil captivates with sweetness and bewitches.
  • Orange - makes the relationship between partners trusting, has a relaxing effect during lovemaking.
  • Jasmine - liberates and gives a feeling of self-confidence.
  • Vanilla - this sweet scent awakens sensuality and relaxes.
  • Cinnamon - this scent gives a feeling of warmth and makes the body sensitive to touch.
  • Ginger - the smell has a strong effect on both partners. Has a stimulating and relaxing effect.
  • Myrrh - this oil is intended for women. It adds femininity and makes relationships harmonious.
  • Sandalwood is an oil for men. Significantly prolongs pleasant sensations and increases the sensitivity of a man.
  • Rose is great for young and inexperienced lovers, as it reveals female potential and sexuality. Fills the atmosphere with tenderness and brings romance.
  • Patchouli - relieves tension, relieves feelings of irritation. Increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

How to Use Essential Oils for Arousal

Aromatization of the room

If you want to try new sensations and give your loved one an unforgettable romantic evening start aromatizing the room. To do this, you can use a special aroma lamp. Add a few drops of the selected essential oil to the aroma lamp bowl. For greater effect, you can mix several scents. If you don’t have an aroma lamp, you can use a regular candle. Place a few drops of oil on hot wax. If the house has a fireplace, you can spray the firewood with oil.

Fragrance of bed and underwear

Soak a cotton ball in oil and wrap it in plastic bag with small holes. Place the bag in your laundry drawer. As the essential oil evaporates, it will transfer its aroma to the laundry.
You can add a few drops of essential oil, after dissolving it in a teaspoon of alcohol in a spray bottle with water. You can spray both things and walls in the room.
Another simple way to scent linen is to place napkins soaked in oil between bed linen in the closet.
You can add oil to the water when rinsing things.

Body aromatization

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