Collagen eye mask: wonderful cosmetology. Collagen eye mask, collagen masks around the eyes Collagen eye mask

Hello! Today I want to tell all the beautiful ladies about the Collagen Crystal Eyelid mask, which helps me take care of the skin around my eyes.

I learned about it from a friend who exchanged salon treatments for this mask. I must say that she looks great and much younger than her age.

In my review, I will talk in detail about what this product consists of, how it works, and share my experience of using this wonderful product.

My review of the Collagen Crystal Eyelid collagen mask

Release form and packaging

Collagen mask Available in the form of disposable records (or patches) with a curved shape resembling an orange slice. These slices are sold in hermetically sealed bags. The packaging is made in a beautiful golden color. One side of the package has a transparent window that allows you to see the contents of the package, and on the other side the composition of the mask, how to use it, expiration date, etc. necessary information. The weight of the package is 40 grams.

One package contains two patches, which are located on a plastic backing. The plates themselves are made of thin and soft silicone golden color. The lobules are in a liquid, which is a special collagen solution. They have a jelly-like texture and are very soft to the touch, which is perfect for the delicate area around the eyes. The mask emits a pleasant rose scent.

Mask composition:

  • Collagen;
  • Hylauronic acid;
  • Tartaric acid;
  • Gold powder;
  • Multivitamins;
  • Plant extracts - ginseng, aloe, chamomile, cucumber, seaweed;
  • Essential oils– pink and lavender;
  • Grape seed oil.

The effect of a collagen mask

The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and needs special care. In addition, there are no muscles or sebaceous glands in this area, so it is most susceptible to aging. Dry, flabby and wrinkled skin around the eyes gives the face a tired and unhealthy appearance, and also visually increases a person’s age. Of course, no one wants to look older than their age, so there are special products that nourish and moisturize epidermal cells and help prevent skin aging, as well as the formation of wrinkles and folds in the corners of the eyes.

Patches with a collagen mask are designed specifically to care for the delicate area around the eyes. The main active ingredient of this product is collagen, which is a special protein responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. The human body is capable of independently synthesizing collagen, but after 25 years the process of its formation noticeably slows down. Poor nutrition bad habits and poor ecology can also cause a decrease in the content of this protein in the skin.

As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, freshness and youth, but special products containing collagen can correct this situation.

Thus, a mask with collagen and natural plant extracts has the following effect:

  • Restores collagen levels, increases skin elasticity, slows down aging;
  • Has a lifting effect, helps smooth out existing wrinkles around the eyes and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • Tones and refreshes the skin, relieves signs of fatigue;
  • Nourishes and moisturizes epidermal cells, eliminates dry skin;
  • Helps get rid of puffiness and dark circles in the eye area.

Application of the mask:

  1. The packaged collagen plates can first be placed in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Chilled slices will quickly refresh the skin and also better relieve fatigue and swelling.
  3. Before applying the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed.
  4. Open the package and carefully remove the patches from it, being careful not to spill the solution in which they were located.
  5. Glue the plates under the eyes so that the wide side of the segment is located near the bridge of the nose, and the narrow side is located under the outer corner of the eye.
  6. Leave the mask on your face for 20 to 45 minutes.
  7. After the specified time, remove the patches and, if necessary, blot excess liquid soft cloth. There is no need to wash your face.

The mask has an immediate effect - eliminates swelling and bags under the eyes, moisturizes and tones the skin. In order to smooth out wrinkles and consolidate the positive effect, it is necessary to repeat such procedures every three to five days. The full course is about ten procedures.


  • The mask is intended for external use only, do not allow it to come into contact with the eyes and mouth;
  • A contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to its components.
  • Do not apply the mask to damaged skin.
  • If your facial skin is particularly sensitive, it is better to consult a doctor before using this product.
  • If skin burning or other unpleasant sensations occur, stop using the mask and rinse your face with cool water.

Storing the mask

The product must be stored in a dry and cool place out of reach of children. The mask must be protected from direct sunlight, high humidity and exposure to high temperatures.

My impressions of the Collagen Crystal Eyelid collagen mask

I have been using a collagen mask for quite some time and consider it the best product for delicate skin in the eye area. I like that the product is made in the form of patches, so it is very convenient to use - you just need to glue the slices to your face, and you can then go about your business. Sometimes I reuse patches.

To do this, after the procedure, I put them back in the package, which contains the remains of the collagen solution, and leave them there until the next session. It turns out very economical!

As for the effectiveness of the mask, it works immediately. The good thing about the product is that it helps quickly restore the area around the eyes to a fresh and healthy appearance, so you can use the slices after sleepless night or whenever it is important to look good, and the mask will do its job - smooth and moisturize the skin, return it to its natural shade, and eliminate bags.

With longer use, this product smoothes out facial wrinkles and increases skin elasticity, which visually makes the face more youthful. Since I discovered this collagen mask, I no longer suffer from problems with the skin under my eyes, so I recommend this wonderful product to everyone!


  • Convenient release form in the form of patches;
  • Natural and safe composition;
  • Restores collagen levels in the skin;
  • Quickly eliminates swelling, bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • Smoothes out wrinkles;
  • Slows down aging.

If you also like to take care of yourself and want to look young and attractive, I advise you to try a collagen mask for the skin around the eyes!

Review of Collagen Crystal Eyelid

Collagen Crystal Eyelid is an excellent mask for under-eye circles. Many people have such problems and I am no exception. I have bags, if I don’t get enough sleep, I get bruises under my eyes. In general, it’s terrible, you can’t go to work without foundation. Then I found out about this mask. I decided to try it out. I was very pleased with the result - the swelling went away, the skin tightened and fine wrinkles smoothed out on the eyes. Now I use it constantly and the effect is getting better. And the price is good!

A lot can be said about the meaning and functions of collagen protein, but, perhaps, in the minds of most women it is associated with health and beauty. This is a very correct idea: without collagen, our body could hardly exist at all, in the form in which we are used to, and the skin, if it existed, could resemble a wrinkled cap of a dried mushroom or a baked apple. Collagen is naturally found in animal products; It is not found in plants, with the exception of some cereals.

Collagen is the basis of the tissues of bones, cartilage and tendons, and the proteins of our skin consist of 70% of it: when there is enough collagen, the skin is firm, elastic, healthy and beautiful.

We invite you to talk about the benefits of collagen for the eyes, what masks and creams with collagen are most common for the beauty and youth of the skin around the eyes.

How to preserve beauty and youth

With age, collagen production decreases, apparently because metabolism deteriorates, and the skin weakens, dries, becomes wrinkled, becomes saggy and flabby. And first of all, the skin of the face suffers, and especially the area around the eyes: there is almost no subcutaneous fat there, and there are very few sebaceous glands.

Experts recommend taking care of the skin around the eyes from a young age - from the age of 20, but it also depends on the skin type: many women may not worry too much about this until they are 30 years old.

In the modern beauty and health industry, many developments are used to help maintain youthful skin, including around the eyes.

Procedures with collagen for the eyes occupy one of the first places in popularity; Most often, collagen is injected directly into the skin cells: this method is considered highly effective, but is not cheap. In addition, such procedures cannot be carried out at home - you need to go to a salon or beauty parlor, and working women, as a rule, do not have enough time for this. That is why cosmetic companies create special lines of eye care cosmetics in which collagen is the main active component.

Such cosmetics with collagen prevent skin aging and eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, prolonging the youth of the face as a whole. Collagen masks and creams for the skin around the eyes are in particular demand. In their production, different types of collagen are used.

What does collagen come from?

The least expensive collagen is obtained from the skin of livestock, but it cannot be called effective. The molecular structure is very different from human collagen, and it cannot penetrate human skin, interacting only with its top layer.

Much more effective is collagen obtained from the skin and scales of deep-sea fish. The skin accepts it well: scientists believe that it is very close in structure to human proteins and strengthens connective tissue well. Of these two types of collagen, allergic reactions are most often caused by “animal” collagen, but allergies to “marine” collagen also occur.

Plant collagen also exists in nature. It can be obtained from wheat or soybeans, and, in comparison with other types, it is several times more effective. It seems that the skin absorbs it poorly, but from the first use its condition noticeably improves. The disadvantage of plant collagen is its high cost: unfortunately, the process of obtaining it is complicated and expensive, and few people can afford to buy cosmetics with it.

Collagen masks for the skin around the eyes also contain additional and auxiliary components that have a beneficial effect on the skin and help collagen penetrate into its deeper layers. These are extracts of terrestrial plants and algae, extracts from animal placenta, fruit acids etc., but the most popular ingredient is hyaluronic acid, known for its ability to bind and retain moisture in the skin.

Benefits of eye masks

Cosmetics with collagen have a tonic, restorative and regenerating effect on the skin around the eyes, nourish it and protect it from an aggressive external environment. Masks eliminate “bruises and circles”, relieve swelling, improve skin color and tone, increase elasticity, smooth out wrinkles; improve blood circulation and metabolism in the skin, preventing the formation of new wrinkles.

Masks with collagen, now produced by cosmetic companies, are powder or multi-layered - they can be applied to the entire face, including the eye area. But special masks with collagen for the skin around the eyes are much more effective.

Using collagen masks is easy, and every woman can do it at home without any problems. Just cleanse the skin around the eyes, open and apply the mask, and keep it on for the prescribed time: everything is indicated on the package.

Masks with collagen around the eyes should be used at least twice a week, but more often is better: with modern stress and constant work at the computer, the skin suffers more, and especially in the polluted atmosphere of large cities.

Collagen creams

Eye creams with collagen are preferred by many women, mainly because they are easier to use: you don’t need to lie with the cream for 20-25 minutes, like with a mask. Manufacturers claim that such creams, when used regularly, not only nourish and moisturize the skin, but also allow you to completely renew the upper layer of the epidermis, whiten, remove pigmentation, delay aging, and increase elasticity; wrinkles are filled, smoothed out, and become almost invisible.

Creams with collagen from L'Oreal

Thus, collagen eye creams from the well-known company L'Oreal, called “fillers”: the product penetrates the skin, collagen swells when combined with water, and wrinkles are filled - the skin becomes smooth. With prolonged daily use - up to 21 days, the elasticity of the skin around the eyes are enhanced, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Mizon Collagen Power Firming Eye Cream

Asian manufacturers also produce collagen eye creams. Thus, Mizon Collagen Power Firming Eye Cream, produced in South Korea, with marine collagen, is presented as an excellent tonic and restorative product with a pronounced lifting effect. However, reviews about it are mixed: some are delighted and do not find any shortcomings; someone calls " the best cream“- the skin is evened out, becomes soft and elastic; but most women over 30 consider it not very effective. Most likely, it is more suitable under 30 years old.

Algoline with marine collagen

The French company Algoline is a young, developing company that represents effective masks for eyes with marine collagen. The name Algoline is associated with alginates - valuable salts that seaweed is rich in. The collagen in the FM 10 Algoline mask is obtained from the skin of salmon fry, it is distinguished by its ability to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin, moisturizes, restores elasticity, smoothes: the manufacturer promises a “radiant look.”

Collagen Crystal Eye Mask

Products called Collagen Crystal Eye Mask, as you can understand if you slightly inquire about the origin of cosmetics, are produced in Thailand, Korea, and China. It is stated that the absorbency is high - almost 100%; the skin is moisturized, blueness and swelling go away, cells are activated, and the collagen framework is restored.

A collagen eye mask was created to restore lost skin turgor. The skin in the eye area is primarily subject to age-related changes. External factors negatively affect even young skin, so collagen masks become a real salvation for all ages.

The main feature of the skin around the eyes is its exceptional thinness. Thickness skin here it is only half a millimeter; closer to the border areas it increases 4 times. The absence of subcutaneous fat, sebaceous glands, and muscles makes it vulnerable to external and internal factors. At the same time, she experiences great stress, because her eyes are constantly in motion.

Already from the age of 20-30, age-related changes in this area of ​​the face are observed, manifested by dark circles and wrinkles. By the age of 25, crow's feet appear around the corners of the eyes. After 30 years of age, collagen and elastin are destroyed. The skin becomes thinner, wrinkles deepen. Swelling and pigmentation are observed. After 40 years, the look becomes heavy due to ptosis of the upper eyelid.

The skin around the eyes needs improved blood microcirculation and active metabolism. For serious wrinkles, you will need products with hyaluronic acid, allantoin, panthenol, aloe extract, vitamins E, A. A noticeable network of wrinkles requires more powerful products: natural oils, antioxidants, elastins, collagens. Replenishing the required amount of collagen is the primary task in skin rejuvenation. After all, collagen and water are interdependent substances. Collagen promotes moisture retention, and water ensures the functionality of collagen fibers.

Types of collagen

Dehydration primarily affects the skin cells around the eyes. Collagen masks can restore the structure of even mature skin. The components of the masks penetrate the upper and middle layers of the skin, strengthening them and stimulating collagen production. Collagen can be of several types:

  1. An animal obtained from their skin. Its large molecules penetrate only into the upper layers of the dermis, but also have a moisturizing and tightening effect. May cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Vegetable, extracted from seaweed or wheat proteins. The molecules have a lower mass and are able to penetrate deeper levels of the skin. The cost is much higher compared to animal collagen.
  3. Marine, obtained from the skin of deep-sea fish. Its effectiveness is on par with herbal, sometimes even higher. Allergies may occur.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, it is better to start with plant collagen. Effective action collagen depends on the accompanying components in the composition of the product. Additional ingredients: bio-gold, placenta, hyaluronic acid, pearl powder, silk proteins.

The main component of any collagen mask is a sheet of freeze-dried collagen that has been dried and frozen in a vacuum. Collagen eye mask represents colloidal solution collagen. It covers the surface of the skin with a film, under which the process of moisturizing, nourishing and tightening the skin occurs. The disposable product is available in different forms ah: fabric, film, in the form of patches, droplets. The last two options are the most convenient, as they allow you to apply the product according to the appropriate dosage.

Action produced by eye masks:

  1. wrinkles and crow's feet are eliminated;
  2. dark circles disappear, swelling goes away;
  3. the skin structure becomes elastic;
  4. detoxification occurs;
  5. signs of ptosis are eliminated;
  6. metabolism and regeneration processes are activated;
  7. blood circulation increases;
  8. complexion becomes healthy.

The most effective brands of collagen masks:

  • Crystal Collagen Gold Powder Eye Maskfrom Chunmei (Thailand) ;
  • Pibamu - Anti-dark Circle Eye Mask (Korea);
  • Liyanshijia 24TOGold Collagen Eye Mask (Thailand);
  • Collagen Crystal Eye Mask Skin Care Series (Thailand);
  • Velo De Collageno from Belnatur (Spain);
  • Collagen Elastin Mask from GiGi (Israel);
  • Masks-slices with collagen and white pearls from Men-Tai (China);
  • Shark oil and ginseng from Twins Tech (Russia).

Individual packaging is accompanied by instructions. The purchase should be stored in thermal packaging at a temperature no higher than +26 and no lower than +5 degrees. Direct exposure should be avoided sun rays on the mask. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition. The most useful collagen formula is designated Q5-26°.


First you need to remove makeup and steam the skin. After washing, you should not wipe your face, as the collagen eye mask is applied to damp skin. Body heat promotes the dissolution of beneficial substances and their penetration into the skin. If the skin is very tight, you can add a few drops of water. The mask can be kept on the skin of the eyes from 5 minutes to half an hour, it depends on the concentration of collagen. After the procedure, the product is washed off with plain water.

The number of sessions depends on age. Up to 35 years of age, once a week is enough, then up to 3 times a week. If you work your eyes intensely, for example, at the computer, you can apply the mask every other day. But daily use is contraindicated due to the unpleasant symptoms of burning and dry skin. It is better to choose the evening time to use the mask. The full course is about 15 masks.

Famous brands offer ready-made versions of collagen masks, which allows you to use them immediately. Good reviews have collagen masks from Thailand. The high cost is compensated by the quality and effect produced. The content of bamboo and algae extracts allows you to saturate the skin with microelements and start the process of tissue regeneration thanks to a large dose of vitamins.

It also contains 24-karat bio-gold. Due to the release of thermal energy and the release of ions with negative charges, penetration into the deep layers of the dermis increases. It is literally renewed, intensively regenerated, breathing. Pueraria Mirifica extract is rich in substances close to estradiol. This makes it possible to activate estrogens and enhance protection against cancer. One of the best means can be called a mask for the skin around the eyes with Biogold from the company Secrets Lan.

Placenta as part of a collagen mask is indispensable for older women. It eliminates wrinkles, tones, eliminates age spots, neutralizes the effect of external stimuli. With its help you can get rid of swelling and dark circles. Extract sheep placenta known for its immunostimulating properties, due to which tissue regeneration is enhanced. It contains enzymes, microelements and vitamins, amino acids, and protein growth factors. An extract from sheep placenta removes keratin associated with age-related changes and participates in the formation of new cells.

Dehydration is the main problem of aging skin. Hyaluronic acid normalizes the degree of water content of the cells of the stratum corneum. As an accompanying component of a collagen mask, it is able to block and retain water in the dermis. Moisturized skin gains elasticity. Skin regeneration is enhanced. The delivery of active substances to cells is activated.

Silk proteins are responsible for restoring a healthy complexion. They have a lifting effect by creating an elastic lattice in the skin of the eyes. Pearl powder is a complex of amino acids, calcium carbonate and trace elements. It slows down the aging of the skin and makes it more elastic.

Homemade masks

You can make collagen eye masks yourself at home. Edible gelatin is usually used, which is diluted with warm water. After 20 minutes, additional ingredients can be added to the swollen, steamed mass in accordance with the characteristics of the skin.

Instead of gelatin, you can use products with a high gelatin content: kelp, cabbage, carrots, apricots, blueberries, tangerines. The easiest way to buy ampoules with liquid collagen in pharmacies. It is added to usual means for the skin around the eyes.

Prolonging the youth of your skin becomes easier with each new cosmetic technology. The effectiveness of the rejuvenation process depends on carefully following the recommendations. The result can be achieved quickly and last a long time.

Collagen is the main substance of the epidermis. It is responsible for maintaining smooth, youthful and elastic skin. In women over 25 years old, the processes inside the cells gradually slow down, and with them the production of collagen slows down. As a result, the first wrinkles appear on the skin around the eyes. That is why all cosmetologists strongly recommend starting to care for the skin around the eyes as early as possible, otherwise, by the age of 40, deep folds will appear on the face, which will not be so easy to get rid of. And in order to avoid such sad consequences, it is better to prevent collagen depletion and replenish it regularly. Collagen masks do an excellent job of this function.

Beneficial properties of collagen products, as well as their effects

Today, the beauty industry is developing by leaps and bounds, and all sorts of products and procedures have been developed to stop skin aging. Most modern techniques aimed at skin rejuvenation are based on the replenishment and introduction of collagen into the epidermal cells. However, some highly effective procedures are carried out only in specialized places - cosmetology offices and beauty salons, and the cost of such services is very high. That is why manufacturers of caring cosmetics have invented entire lines of collagen-based cosmetic products that help cope with wrinkles around the eyes and rejuvenate the dermis as a whole.

Collagen masks around the eyes are made from collagen of different origins:
Animal. Collagen of animal origin is also obtained from the skins of cattle. Considered the cheapest and least quality product. Such collagen is not much like human collagen, so it does not penetrate the epidermis and is absolutely ineffective. In addition, it can also cause allergies.
Vegetable. This collagen is made from wheat proteins. It works many times better than an animal product - it is absorbed by the dermis without any problems. If you use a mask, the product is not absorbed very much, but the result can be noticed after the first use. The only disadvantage of plant collagen is its high cost, which is why cosmetics based on it are expensive and not everyone can afford it.
Nautical. Extracted from the skin of sea fish. Such collagen is well absorbed by the human dermis, but it can cause allergies.
Collagen masks also contain additional substances that affect the condition of the skin. in the best possible way and enhance the effects of collagen. Among the most common are hyaluronic and fruit acids, placental extracts, extracts of medicinal plants and algae - all these components, paired with collagen, rejuvenate the dermis and tighten it.

Beneficial properties of collagen products

Smoothes wrinkles around the skin of the eyes and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Improve blood flow.
Accelerate metabolic processes and cell regeneration.
Smoothes the surface of the dermis and gives the face a healthy shade.
They make the skin elastic, increase its tone and form a clear oval of the face.
Relieves puffiness around the eyes, eliminates dark circles.

Using masks

Collagen masks come in different forms:
1. Powder, which can be applied to certain areas of the face, including around the eyes.
2. Multi-layer dense mask, rich useful substances with holes for nose and eyes.
3. Special mask for the skin around the eyes.
The latter flawlessly copes with wrinkles, smoothes them and prevents the appearance of new ones. Popular masks include the following:
Crystal Collagen Gold Powder Eye Mask , from the Thai brand Chunmei. The result of use is noticeable immediately - skin without edema, swelling and other signs of fatigue. Before use, it is better to keep the mask in a cool place. Hold duration is 30 minutes.
Collagen Crystal Eye Mask Skin Care Series . The manufacturer of the mask is the same, and the result from use is no worse. The difference is that the size of the mask is larger, which means its area of ​​influence also increases. You can keep this mask on all night.
Liyanshijia 24K Gold Collagen Eye Mask. Most note that the product, which contains 10 pairs of lobes in one package, perfectly moisturizes and eliminates swelling.
Pibamu – Anti-dark Circle Eye Mask. Produced in Korea. Eliminates dark circles and bags, smoothes out wrinkles.
Collagen masks are very easy to use:
1. Be sure to wash off your eyes before using the mask. decorative cosmetics and other contaminants.
2. Open the mask and place it on the skin around the eyes.
3. Hold the mask for the time indicated on the package. As a rule, this is approximately 25-30 minutes.
4. After removing the mask, it is better to remove the residue with water.
5. Repeat the procedures twice a week.
6. Subject to prolonged work at the computer, as well as constant eye strain, the number of procedures can be increased.

Collagen skin masks around the eyes and for the entire face can also be prepared at home. All you need to do is pour regular food gelatin with water (warm) and let the mass swell for 15-20 minutes. Add (optional) fermented milk products, vitamins or vegetable oils. The mixture works no worse than store-bought formulations.


If the first wrinkles appear around the eyes, if bags and dark circles are constantly forming due to fatigue and lack of sleep, be sure to take a closer look at collagen masks. They can rejuvenate, heal the skin, and refresh the look. Just half an hour a day and you can safely say “goodbye” to the first signs of aging.

Rodionova Albina Mikhailovna

Reading time: 6 minutes


The area around the eyes is quite capricious and the most sensitive., which is the first to show signs of aging, therefore requires careful care.

The important components of the connective tissue of the skin are the “three pillars”: collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The older a person gets, the less collagen is produced in the body.

First of all, many people are interested in what collagen is.

Generally, it is a natural fibrillar protein found in plants, animals and humans.

Humans have collagen in their skin, which deflates over time as balloon, which begins to cause the first signs of aging.

In such cases, it won’t even always help.

Substance name is happening from the Greek kola – “glue” and gen – “to create”.

You should know! With age, synthesis slows down and the epidermis loses its elasticity. Cells stretch and cannot return to their former shape. The first wrinkles appear in the eye area.

If they receive an additional portion of collagen, it will help bring them to normal shape, and wrinkles will gradually smooth out.

It is known that collagen products have a rejuvenating effect and are a building material for the skin.

As a result wrinkles are smoothed out, dark circles, puffiness and bags under the eyes are removed.

Another important property of the preparations is hydration, in which collagen is distributed throughout the cells, stops the aging process and increases skin elasticity.

Types of collagen

Pay attention! There are various options collagens:

  • Animal collagen.
    Extracted from the skins of cattle.
    However, there may be an allergic reaction, so it is prohibited in cosmetics.
  • Marine collagen.
    Made from the skin of deep sea fish.
    Collagen from freshwater fish is considered to be of the highest quality, which, as a rule, does not cause allergies.
  • Plant collagen.
    Made primarily from soy or wheat.
    It is well accepted by the skin, but in fact it is not natural collagen.

Colloidal gold is often added to skin products., which moisturizes the skin well and gives elasticity.

The word “gold” already attracts attention and is nice to see on product packaging, isn’t it?

Applications and effectiveness

In youth, the skin is smooth, elastic and beautiful. It is better to start caring at the age of 20.

Keep this in mind! After 25 years, “crow’s feet” begin to form in the corners of the eyes, which gradually become more numerous.

As a rule, after 35 years – bags, swelling and dark circles under the eyes. After 40 years appears ptosis, drooping of the upper eyelid.

Skin elasticity is affected by a decrease in the function of fibroblasts, which synthesize collagen and elastic fibers.

Fibroblasts are the main cells of the dermis that are located between the fibers. The basis of the dermis is made up of protein fibers.

Collagen fibers are responsible for the elasticity of the dermis.

Elastic fibers allow the skin to return to its previous state. During the aging process, cell renewal slows down.

By the age of 40, the production of collagen and elastic fibers decreases. To pause changes, it is necessary to use such means.

Need to know! During use, improvements can be observed:

  • blood circulation is restored;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • the skin is moisturized and nourished;
  • wrinkles and crow's feet are smoothed out;
  • cell renewal occurs.

Popular means

Fund options are issued in various forms: creams, patches in the form of drops, fabric napkins and films.

The patches are easy to use, completely cover problem areas and do not slip off.

Soaked in solution, That's why can be used several times.

Most of the manufacturers are from China and Korea. Often people in the CIS buy a mask made in Russia. In general, most products can be ordered online.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the expiration date of the products.

  • Mask Shark oil and parsley (Luchiks, Russia);
  • Collagen Crystal Eye Mask patches (Aliexpress, China);
  • Mask Dizao Natural (Bailan, China);
  • Mask with biogold (Secrets of Lan, China);
  • Gold Collagen Eye Patch (SNP, Korea);
  • Collagen Power Firming Eye Cream (Mizon, Korea);
  • Collagen Eye Zone Mask patches (Skinlite, Korea);
  • Augen Collagen Pads (Alcina, Germany);
  • Mask with marine collagen (Algoline, France).

Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Application procedure

Before use necessary read the instructions.

Products should be stored in dry places at room temperature no higher than 25 degrees.

And also, should be protected from direct rays of the sun.

The products come in different forms and with different instructions.

Worth noting! The general scheme for using these funds is as follows:

It is better to apply the cream to the skin around the eyes with the most gentle finger – the ring finger.

Aged up to 35 years of age, it is enough to use once a week, A after 35, preferably more often.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to stop the aging process, especially since there are additional provocateurs: smoking, alcohol consumption, vitamin deficiency and something that is rarely managed - stress.

The rays of the sun also have a negative effect, which eliminates the same moisture, squinting, which causes facial wrinkles, so it is better to wear sunglasses as a mandatory accessory.

Keep this in mind! All year round It is necessary to apply products with sun protection factor, SPF.

Besides masks you can use vitamins with collagen, which can be bought in pharmacies.

Oatmeal is good for the skin.

Basically, there are practically no bad reviews about products with collagen.

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