Literary evening dedicated to the Librarian Day "Good healers of human souls ...". World Library Day Scenario congratulations on librarian's day to colleagues

The All-Russian Day of Libraries is the real one professional holiday Russian librarians - Librarian Day.

This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin No. 539 dated May 27, 1995 "On the establishment of of the all-Russian day libraries ".

The decree says:

“Considering the great contribution of Russian libraries to the development of national education, science and culture and the need to further enhance their role in the life of society, I decree:

1. Establish an all-Russian Day of Libraries and celebrate it on May 27, coinciding this date with the day of foundation in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library.

2. To the government Russian Federation, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies to recommend holding, within the framework of the Day of Libraries, events aimed at enhancing the role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as at solving problems associated with the development of libraries. "

Librarians of Russia,

You secretly cultivated a conscience in us,

Among the shamelessness of the century ...

The library gave birth to us!

E. Evtushenko

Interesting notes on the history of libraries

The first information about libraries dates back to the time of the existence of Sumer (3000 BC). Books - clay tablets were then kept in clay jugs. On each shelf was a little finger-sized clay label with the name of a branch of knowledge. The safety of the funds was aided by a formidable warning: "Whoever dares to take these tables away: let him punish Ashur and Belit with his anger, and the name of him and his heirs will forever be consigned to oblivion in this country."

In the library of the Muséion of Alexandria, founded in the 3rd century BC. NS. King of Egypt Ptolemy I, for the first time the system of cataloging and arranging books, created by the scientist and poet Kalimakh, was implemented. V different years Archimedes, "Copernicus of Antiquity" - Aristarchus of Samos, physician Herophilus of Chalcedon, astronomers Hipparchus and Claudius Ptolemy, mathematician Euclid, philologist Zenodotus worked in the library. The scientist Erastofen, the founder of geographical science and the first compiler of the world map, served in this library for 40 years.

Mark Antony in 43 BC NS. presented the Pergamon Library to the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. It was truly a royal gift!

In the Arab Caliphate, libraries were called "houses of wisdom". Before entering the library, the reader bathed at the source, which was located at the entrance. The floor of the library was covered with carpets, on which the readers sat.

The first library in Russia is considered to be the library at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise.

In medieval China, the owner of a private collection, Zhao Rong, wrote a treatise "Regulations on the Circulation of Ancient Books." At the same time, the owners of private collections, Ding Xiongfei and Huang Yuji, concluded the "Agreement on the Exchange of Antiquities" - a kind of agreement on book exchange with elements of an interlibrary loan ... "... I have, then we exchange. We agreed on this. "

In the 13th century, in the Sorbonne library (France), books were chained to specially made consoles. In 1338, according to the catalog, there were 1720 books, only 300 of which were chained in the reading room, i.e. available to students.

In the fifteenth century, the Italian duke Federigo da Montefeltro developed an instruction in which he formulated the requirements for a librarian: scholarship, pleasant character, representative appearance, eloquence.

For many years the French scientist Gabriel Naudet worked in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. He was the author of the work "Councils for the Organization of the Library" (1627). Node was convinced that "a disordered collection of books cannot be called a library, just as an armed crowd cannot be considered a regular army or a pile of building materials a home."

The profession is a librarian.

Successfully, from 1690 for 23 years, the famous philosopher and scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz headed the Ducal Library in Germany. Leibniz developed the Concept of the Scientific Library and the Classification of Sciences. One of the elements of the concept was the "Book Core" plan, which is a series of proposals for the preparation of lists of new publications, which consisted of their short descriptions... He also formulated the idea of ​​creating a consolidated catalog of the country's libraries. Leibniz did not allow "paper trash to fill up the world."

The great German playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, who ran the library for 10 years, described his professional position as follows: “I consider myself the keeper of library treasures, and I would not like to be a dog in the hay, but I would not like to be a servant in a barn, who throws into a feeder hay for every hungry horse "(1770)

For over 30 years (since 1797) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe served as minister in the small Thuringian state. His responsibilities included library management. At the beginning of 1798, Goethe prepared a document in which he outlined the requirements for organizing the work of the library: ensuring control over the preservation of funds, keeping records of new receipts and book loans, a permanent work schedule. He also introduced a condition: do not accept books in a dirty state back to the library! Privileged circles expressed great protests at this unheard-of insolence, but they had to submit.

An outstanding scientist - mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky simultaneously held the post of rector of Kazan University (1827 - 1846) and director of the university library.

The writer and fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov worked for 30 years at the Imperial Public Library of St. Petersburg. In the same library worked: scientist-historian Ermolaev, Korf, writer and philosopher Odoevsky.

As taught to be a librarian.

In 1876, in Philadelphia, on the initiative of the director of the library of Columbia University in New York, Melville Dewey, the first American Library Association was formed, in 1887 a professional library school was opened. Dewey paid particular attention to attracting women to the librarianship. Until the twentieth century, the profession of a librarian was considered an exclusively male privilege.

On July 17, 1918, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the Protection of Libraries and Book Depositories of the RSFSR" was issued, which marked the beginning of the nationalization of libraries. Home libraries of over 500 books were subject to requisition. Even the issuance of a title of protection to the owner did not exclude the subsequent withdrawal of the collection. The Department of Scientific Libraries of the People's Commissariat has developed a standard of books for the library of one scientist - no more than 2 thousand volumes. The ideologist of book nationalization was N.K. Krupskaya. The designated emissaries campaigned. The instructions governing their activities were developed by Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov, a famous writer.

During the Third Reich in Germany, everything that was created in science by non-Germans was declared unusable. Editions withdrawn from libraries were kept in special collections of prohibited literature. In accordance with the "Imperial Law on the Restoration of Service Bureaucracy" of May 23, 1933, racial cleansing of staff on the subject of Aryan descent was carried out especially carefully in libraries.

For many years (since 1995) the outstanding writer Jorge Luis Borges, the author of philosophical essays "The Babylonian Library" and "The World Library", worked as director of the National Library of Argentina. In particular, he wrote: "I wanted to save the boundless and contradictory Library from oblivion, where vertical deserts of changing books endlessly merge into each other, erecting, destroying and confusing everything in the world, like a God who fell into a fever ..."

At the end of the twentieth century, especially a lot was written and talked about the end of the traditional library and about the new information era, although even in the nineteenth V.F. Odoyevsky described a certain mathematical formula that would be derived "in order to attack exactly the page that is needed in a huge book and quickly calculate how many pages you can then skip without flaw."

In the twentieth century, one of the most daring predictions of the development of libraries was given by Stanislav Lem in his novel "The Magellanic Cloud" ... "... A new way of storing human thought was introduced in 2531. Trions began to be used: small crystals of quartz. contain as much information as is contained in the ancient encyclopedia. The Central Trion Library, unified for the entire globe, was created ... "

Do you know?

The sinister heroine of the Russians folk tales- Baba Yaga was the keeper of the "library of tangles", i.e. librarian. She quietly sat in a hut on chicken legs and gave out to the lost Ivan Tsarevich works of knot writing - threads with signs made of knots, wrapped in balls. Unwinding the ancient guidebook, Ivan read the nodal notes and thus learned how to get to the place. Apparently, the Tsarevichs were undisciplined readers, since fairy tales are silent about the return of balls to the forest distribution point.

Tradition says that the monk - deacon Grigory Otrepiev, the future False Dmitry I, was the librarian of the Chudov Monastery, lived in a cell with the archimandrite and was venerated as "like a good scribe and scribe."

In the library chronicle, faces, events, assessments were replaced, and on the basis of the vast experience collected over thousands of years, working methods were verified, library traditions were created. Along with talented craftsmen who have adorned and glorified their native land from century to century, the librarian has always occupied and will continue to occupy a special place, since he works in the field of spiritual culture.

The book is a teacher without pay or gratitude. Every moment she gives you revelations of wisdom. This is an interlocutor with a brain covered with skin, speaking about secret matters in silence.


There are over 150,000 libraries in Russia, employing thousands of qualified librarians. National and federal libraries, as well as libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are among the world's information giants and contain multimillion-dollar book collections.

The National Libraries of Russia, located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, are among the five largest world libraries. In library history, faces and events have changed one after another; on a vast, thousand-year experience, methods of work were verified, library traditions appeared.

Librarian is one of the most important professions on the intellectual level.

From century to century, the librarian has occupied and will continue to occupy an important place in public life, since he works in the sphere of spiritual culture. Perhaps the work of a librarian is not as noticeable as the work of a doctor or teacher, and it is impossible to see some kind of final result of their work. But all the impact that their work has on society is invaluable. It can be difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today.

A competent and qualified librarian who is well acquainted with the book fund can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest. And therefore, Librarian Day is not only a professional holiday, it is also a recognition of the importance of this profession. Do not forget that the wonderful All-Russian Day of Libraries is not only a professional holiday for bibliographers, bibliographers, librarians, teachers, it is a holiday and all those who love books. ...

The date of the holiday, May 27, was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in the distant 1795 that the Empress of All Russia Catherine II, by her highest command, also signed a decree, which spoke of the establishment of the Imperial Public Library.

It was assumed that the building would be erected not only as a repository for books, the basis of which was the Zaluski library, the war trophy of A. Suvorov, which he received during the capture of Warsaw, but also as a place for reading available to the general public.

While the building was being built, Catherine took an active part in replenishing the collection. Books were collected all over the country. Now this library is considered one of the largest in the world.

The well-known fabulist Krylov, Korf, Odoevsky worked in it at one time. In general, until the twentieth century, librarians were predominantly men, and only in the last 100 years women began to engage in this glorious profession.

In modern society, in the era of the Internet, printed publications have somewhat receded into the background, giving way to electronic brethren.

The Internet has enormous potential and enormous potential. But there are books in the world that have no analogues and no Internet can replace them.

In a real library, everything should be systematized and put on shelves.

The main task of librarians is not only to quickly find the desired publication and then return the book to its place.

Librarians zealously monitor the state of books, participate in replenishing the book fund of libraries, hold various events with readers, instilling in people a love of books and literature.

Librarians are the people

A special breed.

In the silence of libraries goes

The most important work.

Available, a world of knowledge,

And helping everyone

Stores all knowledge

Your brain is like a computer.

Or focus -

Great to create.

Great without loud words,

Invisible to the eyes.

For you, the basis of all the basics -

So that the light of the soul is not extinguished.

And on the glorious Day of Libraries,

We congratulate those who

Who gives us happiness

To catch a great bright moment -

Captured by newspapers, magazines, books

Give in to cute power!


literary - musical composition


The music is playing on the stage the hosts of the evening come out


MODERATOR 2: We are glad to welcome you in this hall today.

MODERATOR 1: Spring is outside the window. And according to tradition, every year these days we meet in a close friendly circle to talk about ourselves, our profession, both jokingly and seriously

MODERATOR 2: The first libraries in Kievan Rus began to open at churches and monasteries after the adoption of Christianity in 988.


MODERATOR 1: The largest and richest at that time was the library of St. Sophia of Kiev, founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise. Unfortunately, the funds have not survived to this day.

MODERATOR 2: The cultural history of librarianship is part of the history and culture of society.


MODERATOR 1: The oldest libraries in the world were the firstclay catalogs of Sumerian literature, Ashurbanipal library , library of the temple of Edfu in Egypt .

MODERATOR 2: In Athens, large private libraries were owned by Euripides, Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Euclid, Euthydemus.

LEADING: The eighth wonder of the world -Alexandria library - included more than 700 thousand scrolls of handwritten books.


Speaker1: Each of us has such a cherished place where we feel like in a magical land, as if we were in a fairy tale. There are people among us for whom nothing is more inspiring thanlibrary.


For your attention, I want to offer the most beautiful libraries in the world:


For example, such as in Prague, in the Strakhovsky monastery - one of the oldest in the country. Insurance library has been around for 800 years. Here are kept the monuments of Czech literature from ancient times (the oldest dates back to the middle of the 12th century) to the present day.


Abbey Library of St. Gallen, Switzerland . Her construction began by decree of Abbot Celestine in the middle of the 18th century. The huge room, which houses many books and folios, is decorated in the Rococo style.


Augustus Herzog Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany


Public Library, Boston, USA


Duke Humphrey Library at Oxford University


George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.


Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, Hague, Netherlands


Duchess Anna Amalia Weimar Library, Germany


B Library of the Wiblingen Monastery, Ulm, Germany


Library of the Palace Convento de Mafra, Lisbon, Portugal


Melk monastery library, Melk, Austria


Library of Congress, Washington, USA


Coimbra University Library, Coimbra, Portugal


Admont Benedictine Monastery Library, Austria


And here are the unusual library buildings:


Library in LausanneRolex Learning Center


New Library of Alexandria - Library of Alexandrina


Brandenburg University of Technology Library in Germany


University Library Duistburg-Essen


Library "Book Mountain", Holland


Library of Belarus


Library in Kansas City


Seattle Central Library


I am the goddess of books, a priestess of book phrases,
And on my forehead is the seal of the gods.
I keep in my heart the wisdom of all ages,
But I appeal to each of you.

How happy is he who did not see
Like a book temple vandals burned,
Alexandria monastery,
The "eighth miracle" of the whole earth.

How happy is he who saw - again,
The whole world, people of many countries,
Line by line, by sheet, by word,
The book temple was restored!

Librarian! Conquer the world!
The soul lives by your labor!
Store books not in savings banks, -
In hearts, in minds, on shelves!

After all, the book is appreciated not for nothing,
The source of knowledge, eternal phrases,
As the best gift, in essence
For humanity - from you!


LEADING: There are three main values ​​on earth. This is bread so that the people will always be healthy and strong; A woman, so that the thread of life does not break, and a book, so that the connection of times does not break.

MODERATOR 3: The fate of the book is inseparable from the fate of man. When he was still small, fairy tales appear in the house, he went to school - textbooks were laid on the table. I got carried away by technical creativity - books on modeling and construction began to appear in my personal library. And all life - and in early age, and in maturity - a person turns to fiction

MODERATOR 4: A huge, irresistibly alluring world rises behind the pages. A world that encourages the work of the mind and heart, a world that does not allow us to forget about the high purpose of the book and those from whose hands we receive this book


MODERATOR 3: AND Indian scholar Sh. Ranganathan said: “ First you need to find a good librarian and only then open the library. "

MODERATOR 4: The library is the memory of the entire modern civilization. It collects and transfers the acquired knowledge in space and time, preserves the unbreakable thread of culture from antiquity to the present day, ensures the continuity of ideas, the accumulation of historical experience. And "the librarian's mission is to preserve and develop what is called the spirituality of society."


LEADING 3 : The work of a librarian: people started talking about him since the XYI century. Then libraries were located in monasteries, and the position of a librarian was reduced to book storage.

In the XYII century, the first instructions on the protection of books, on the methods of their use, already appeared: But soon the grand opening of the university library took place, under which the positions of sub-librarian and pedagogical librarian existed. Moreover, only a professor could be appointed to the first position.

MODERATOR 4: The Orleans librarian of the late 19th century Kapiel addressed his readers in this way: “Come to our vast book depositories ... Know that for many centuries all the best, the most useful, which humanity has achieved in the knowledge of truth and beauty, has been collected there. uninvited guests at the feast of the sages. Take the place prepared for you. And then, face to face with the beautiful creations of poets, scientists, historians of all times and peoples, you will correctly assess your abilities, and your eyes will open up new, wide, unknown horizons. to libraries, abodes of knowledge. "


MODERATOR 3: From time immemorial, librarians were not just collectors and custodians of the spiritual wealth of society, but connoisseurs of books, helpers of those who used them. An active social function determines the social essence of the librarian profession. An old treatise says:"... let's give thanks to the one who helped us easily pass through the complex labyrinth of books ...".

MODERATOR 4: A librarian is also a professional amateur with a wide profile, he must have an idea of ​​everything in the world, therefore erudition and, again, erudition is one of the qualities of his personality.

MODERATOR 3: And most importantly, the librarian must know and represent the way to find the necessary information, know how and where to find the answer to the user's request, know books, magazines, reference publications, i.e. be able to find a source of information.

MODERATOR 4: The working tool of the one who is busy serving readers is not a pen and a form, but his own soul. A lot depends on how the librarian meets the reader: both the mood, and the desire to come to the library again, and the opinion of all the library workers.


MODERATOR 3: A librarian must have the best human qualities, must have a disposition to himself, be benevolent, affable, polite, attentive, show sympathy, tolerance, behave tactfully, correctly, and take care of the convenience of the reader.

MODERATOR 4: OThe librarian's brass cannot be negative. These are heroines with inner beauty, with harmony of the soul, with a creative nature, with the gift of a psychologist and teacher, with knowledge of literature; they are characterized by professionalism and authority, intelligence and charm - qualities that every librarian needs to raise their prestige in the eyes of others.


MODERATOR 3: And librarians in the minds of most people are sincere, kind, polite, well-read women who preserve book treasures. Of course, all this is said about real librarians, librarians by vocation, librarians - professionals.

MODERATOR 4: Famous Russian painter of the beginningXXNicholas Roerich described our profession as follows: “Every librarian is a friend of both an artist and a scientist. The librarian is the first messenger of beauty and knowledge. After all, it is he who opens the gates and from the dead shelves obtains the secret word for enlightenment, the seeking spirit. No catalogs, no descriptions can replace the librarian. A loving word and a skilled hand produce a true miracle of enlightenment.

MODERATOR 3: In ancient times, librarians were exclusively male.


The constellation of the greatest names includes a galaxy of librarians:Ivan Andreevich Krylov - the great Russian fabulist, playwright, satirist. For 30 years he worked as an assistant librarian at the Imperial Public Library in St. Petersburg.
For 50 years, a well-known music and art critic, publicist, scientist worked in the same library.
- Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov ... He was in charge of the manuscript and art departments and was not just a keeper and collector of old books, he was the master of treasures, which he disposed of skillfully and creatively.



And in confirmation of the words of Academician D.S. Likhachev:

“You are the main people in the state, because the education of the country and its culture depend on you. In order not to perish the country, it needs, first of all, you, librarians "

SLIDE 45 (music playing)

We enter the silence of the libraries, and there
We turn on the light, tint the faces ...
And we turn into Beautiful Ladies,
Loved by knights and books.

And we illuminate the long-awaited readers with light.
And silently slide between the shelves
Everlasting search for eternal answers.
One will ask for a logic textbook.
Another calculus will puzzle us,
The third wants to study pedagogy
And psychology to boot ...
And one day a schoolboy will come in and ask:
"Is there Alexander Blok's poem?"
“About the Beautiful Lady? .. - we ask mysteriously, -
Of course, of course, there is always in place! "
For some, beloved wives and sisters,
For some, we are grandmothers, lovely mothers,
For some friend, we just ...
But in the world of books we are Beautiful Ladies!
Open the doors to Spring and let her in
With strong feelings, with the main feelings.
Light up with love and give it!
And stay Beautiful Ladies!

[in prose]

Congratulations on the librarian's day in prose

Librarian is a unique profession, even somewhat mysterious. He, like a kind wizard, rules the whole world of dreams, fairy tales, travel, romance! I wish you patience, inspiration and prosperity on this significant holiday. Let the Temple of Knowledge be replenished with new readers. Let the book fund not become scarce. And let everything in your life be on top! Happiness, smiles, joy! Happy Librarian Day!

Honey, I congratulate you on the day of the librarian! Your love for books originated in childhood, and since then you have dreamed of becoming the mistress of the book kingdom! You did it. It’s so nice to see a person who has devoted himself to what he loves! May your work bring you joy. I wish you new additions to your library and intelligent readers who treat books with trepidation and love!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Librarian - a professional holiday for true book lovers and everyone who is not indifferent to reading. On this wonderful date, the value of which, unfortunately, is not always clear to many these days, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your loyalty to your cause, your dedication to your profession and your constant willingness to accompany those who wish to the wonderful world of books. Happy holiday to you!

Surrounded by inexhaustible knowledge, you give people amazing acquaintances with the books of great writers. Your work is invaluable for each of us! Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday - Librarian Day! We bring you our gratitude, experience and wisdom, thanks to which the world of literature and classical masterpieces became available to both children and adults! Be healthy and happy!

A librarian is a kind and necessary profession, because you bring people the most important thing - education. May your library always have a lot of visitors, may your loved ones appreciate and love you just for being you, may good health and inspiration go with you through life! Interesting books and educated readers!

Happy wonderful day, Happy Librarian Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! First of all, I want to say a huge thank you for the fact that you protect such the greatest heritage of humanity as books. The book is a fascinating world of knowledge, and therefore I wish you more readers in your library, so that they appreciate you for your work, to which you give yourself completely!

The silence of the spacious halls will not be disturbed even today, since we will congratulate you, dear librarians, on your professional holiday in the best traditions of the mysterious, wise institutions of knowledge. There will be no loud screams, but there will be quiet gratitude for your important and useful work. You live in a world of priceless treasures: keep the works of the classics, the notes of travelers, the developments of talented scientists. On this day, we wish you happiness and full halls of grateful and polite readers!

Shelves, hundreds of troublesome cases and books, books, books ... And above all this - you, the mistress and mistress of the library! One glance at you is enough to break all stereotypes about librarians! Beautiful, graceful, supermodern, you amaze with your talent for maintaining the library at the proper level! Happy Librarian Day, you clever and beautiful!

Our dear book keeper! We congratulate you on the day of the librarian and wish you to be extremely happy. May all the bright stories about goodness and love, described in the books you adore, come true in reality and make your life truly fabulous. Thank you for the noble cause to which you devote your life. May people always be grateful to you and books never go out of fashion. Happy Holidays!

Entering the realm of books, the library, it's so easy to get lost! It's good that her keeper, the librarian, is always ready to help! You are smart, attentive and will not let you go empty-handed! Please accept my sincere congratulations on Librarian Day!

Today I congratulate everyone
Happy Library Day
To live without books and without reading
A person cannot.
Books open
Before us the world is big,
In them authors with readers
Share your soul.
Store libraries
We have age-old wisdom,
And here we can always
Find any book.
Let it not overgrow
The road to the book temple
And let the libraries
Serve us forever.

Keepers of sacred knowledge
priests of the mysterious sciences,
actually live with us,
everywhere there - both here and there:
"librarians" is their name,
We met with them more than once,
and many truths were revealed to us
librarians sometimes!
Today, on their official holiday,
we wish them worldly blessings,
so that everything is magical with them
and in reality - not only in dreams!

The library is a storehouse of knowledge
Without her we would be like no hands
All those who are somehow connected with the library
Let everyone call them heroes today!
Thank you for your knowledge, care,
Thank you for always finding you
Everything we need, at any time of the day
Good luck to you, happiness, joy, love!

There is a special charm in libraries, even in small ones, even in large ones ... You never know what kind of wonderful books you can find here! And it's good that there is someone to call for help ... Happy Librarian Day! Let the work bring pleasure, and every day pass with a smile and an interesting book!

I want to wish you -
Good books to read,
After all, they teach us: life,
They tell us about the homeland ...
If you read a lot of books,
Then, they will consider it an honor,
After all, being able to read
There is a lot to learn!
In books: meaning, essence and pain,
Only, I ask - do not argue ...
Better - take the book,
And press it to your chest.
You, read it with your soul,
Embrace every leaf,
Pay attention: to the meaning, to its essence,
And manage to go with her!

Russian libraries
Countries and pride and love.
After all, adults and even children
People come here again and again.
There is such a huge selection of books,
That the head will spin
On the shelves in a row silently
There are brochures and volumes.
Anything your heart desires
In the library you will find
Librarian, our humble friend,
You carry kindness in your hearts!

On the shelves of world libraries
Volumes of the greats are carefully preserved.
All these books cannot be counted forever,
Although, of course, you can try.
Although we live in an era of change
When progress is not marking time.
But the wisdom of books does not dare to touch decay,
And their experience is still relevant.
Let the treasury of libraries multiply,
Once again feeling the support of the state,
So that everyone has the opportunity
Learn literary wealth!

Today the digital world is so developed that it seems almost real, but still, nothing can replace paper book! Thick or thin, new, with the smell of printing ink or old, in a fragile binding ... Today I want to congratulate you, librarian, keeper of the best books, on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

Which of us has not dived
Into a book whirlpool with a head,
He probably did not study,
Didn't work on myself.
Will keep for generations
Silence of Libraries
Fount of wisdom and knowledge
In the reflection of filing cabinets.

When I cross the threshold
The library hall is spacious
I smell a special smell
He is filled with childhood for me.
Then, during the break,
We ran to the library
Handing over books and others
Poems and fairy tales were chosen.
Live the library forever
Let the reader strive for you,
Thirsty for knowledge
Who wants to learn good!

Congratulations on the Day of Libraries,
After all, your work is still very important to us.
Let him leaf through life after century -
Our meager life is decorated with creativity.
Congratulations! We must say
That we value the book in life.
Library day brightens the days
As a good novel - the everyday life of the wall.

It happens that you come for just one book, but then each one asks to be held in your hands, and now you don't know how to carry away and have time to read the entire stack with your own height! Today I want to congratulate you librarians! Your work is not monotonous, but interesting and responsible!

The country celebrates library day
This is a glorious holiday, you cannot forget it.
In an age of turbulent technology, wherever you look,
We cannot do without books, they are always needed.
Read for health, read for the soul,
Paper pages, we all must love.

Among the kingdom of precious books
You librarian like a king
And I'm used to commanding,
All taking on careful control.
And even though they say that the Internet
He conquered the thoughts of the young
But a few more years will pass
And you will start a rush job!
In the meantime, calmly drink the seagulls
Enjoy the word masters
And find among the magic lines
The most real love!

Libraries throughout Russia
Celebrate their day today
I congratulate you on this
And now I give you lilacs.
She is fresh and so beautiful
Worthy of the most best words
And now in verses for sure
I'm ready to congratulate you.
Working with books is not uncommon
But you try to take into account
Everything to the smallest wishes
So that a person can read everything.
I wish you this Day
So that the reader walks and keeps
All the best that the book has
And I gave you gratitude.

Librarian is an ancient and necessary profession. Although now is the age of the Internet and progress, we cannot do without books. So you sometimes want to flip through the classics, or look into the window of history. And librarians will definitely help you with this. Today we congratulate all librarians on their professional holiday, we wish you, first of all, good health, prosperity, and great happiness. May peace and tranquility reign in your families. Let your wisdom help you in your work. Good readers, all the best and peace.

Happy Library Day
Everything here is like in a pharmacy:
Every day and hour
Medicines are not easy
They are handed into our hands,
What other worlds
The door is being opened for us!
Fabulous, magical
Every book has a world -
As in the whole universe,
Where will you be alone.
Let the libraries
Eternal live,
After all, the mind of man
Books will only save you!

We glorify the work of salvation
Human wisdom forever!
We celebrate with respect
Today is Library Day!
Books give us dear
On earth and up to heaven!
Those who cherish them strictly -
Patrons of miracles!
The wise will give the librarian
Both a hint and advice -
Skillful baker of young souls,
He brings us the light of the book!

Annually May 27 a professional holiday is celebrated - Librarian Day, which is officially called day of libraries... Libraries play an invaluable role in the life, history and culture of society. The library is the memory of humanity. And the recognition of this fact by society - the most important task modernity. After all, the knowledge of many centuries and peoples is stored in it.

Library Day Events

Library Day in Russia is also a professional holiday for librarians. This holiday was appointed by the Decree of the President of Russia B. Yeltsin No. 539 of May 27, 1995 "On the establishment of the All-Russian Day of Libraries." The date of May 27 was not chosen by chance; it was timed to coincide with the foundation day of the first Russian state library, which was available to everyone. It opened back in 1795 and was called the Imperial Public Library. And only later it was renamed the Russian National Library. But she was not the first. The very first library in Russia is considered to be the library of Yaroslav the Wise in St. Sophia Cathedral, founded in 1037.

On this day, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree that in Library day events were held to increase the importance of the role of the book in different areas of the life of the population of Russia: historical, cultural, political and social. Also held library day events related to solving the problems of Russian libraries.

Today all over Russia there are more than 150 thousand libraries, and in them there are thousands of librarians with high qualifications. The national libraries in Moscow and St. Petersburg are among the five largest in the world.

The librarian has occupied an important place in the spiritual life of society for many centuries. It may seem that his work is not as useful and significant as the work of a teacher or a firefighter, because the end result in this profession is impossible to see. In fact, only a bibliologist from God can cope with the huge volume of literature published today. Therefore, Librarian Day is also a holiday of recognition of the importance of this profession. This holiday is not only for people who work in libraries, but also for those who love and respect books.

Librarian's Day Scenario

Special rules - how to celebrate Libraries Day or there is no librarian. When organizing a holiday for the librarian's day, a script will help. Basically, this day is celebrated at work, in the circle of colleagues, therefore library day script may include concerts, noisy banquets with an entertaining cultural program: contests, poems, songs and dances, warm words addressed to colleagues, and congratulatory poems to be read dedicated to this day. You can also arrange a literary quiz among librarians: sort out things that relate to one or another literary hero, and ask them to name those to whom they belong. You can also hold a competition to compose a quatrain from the given thematic words. You can invite not only library staff to the holiday, but also young readers. You can think of many more different interesting thematic contests that will cheer up everyone present. You can also celebrate this holiday at home, in a quiet family circle, go outdoors or go to the park. Occasionally, workers announce that they are accepting unnecessary books to replenish the library on that day. If you are at a loss in how to spend a library day, then on our site you will find everything you need to organize an event for the library day. For example, you can order a script for a day of libraries from professional scriptwriters. On librarian's day poetry can be ordered from poets, etc.

Happy Librarian Day

Many poems, riddles and congratulations are timed to the day of libraries. Let's turn on the fantasy and we, writing a few lines librarians congratulations with their holiday:

For any person
Give the library
Even though there is Internet now,
The library has no equal.

We hasten to congratulate all librarians
On their holiday in the middle of May!
May all their dreams come true
We will be with a book on you!
The book, our great friend,
Passed to hand from hand.
A card index is also maintained here
Let's all say: this is ...
Happy Library Day
And warm words to wish you
We want a warm May evening
Give you a drop of heart.
And people know everything in the world
That a book can become a friend.
Thank you librarian
Love, get tired less.

Here are a few pleasant words - Happy Librarian Day: "The main values ​​on Earth are bread - so that a person is strong, a woman - so that the thread of life does not break, and a book - so that the connection of times is not interrupted." These words can be used at a feast.

From the bottom of my heart I would like to express my deep gratitude to all librarians for their hard work, for helping to preserve the knowledge of many centuries, for the great contribution to the consciousness of our fellow citizens, for filling the minds with thoughts and developing intellectuality among the population. Low bow to you!

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