Olive oil and honey for hair. Olive oil for hair: recipes for masks, use with honey, egg, yolk, cinnamon. How to apply at night Oily hair shine mask

This SOS hair mask with honey and olive oil as an emergency aid for those who are already tortured by split ends. A mask with honey perfectly nourishes the scalp and has a fruitful effect on the hair follicles, which ultimately gives a wonderful visual effect of healthy, shiny hair. Regular use of this mask will save you from the problem of split ends and fill your hair with health.

What will be required:
Natural honey - 1 tablespoon (about 30 gr.)
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Extra virgin olive oil - 2 tablespoons (about 40 gr.)

Cooking method:
We take a suitable container (for example, a deep bowl) and mix the ingredients. Mix one tablespoon of liquid honey with an egg and two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous fluid mass is obtained.

You do not need to wash your hair before applying the mask. Apply the mixture to damp hair along the entire length of the hair, evenly distribute, paying special attention to split ends. There is no hurry, so try to be conscientious about this procedure, because the result is the beauty of your hair.

After applying the mask, put on a plastic cap and cover your hair with a towel. Leave them in this position for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with a mild shampoo, you can not use rinse aid. It is recommended to apply the mask two to three times a month.

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The use of oils in hair treatments has been controversial. Some experts point to their positive influence, including olive oil. Others talk about pronounced side effects on the body.

Olive oil is considered to be a mixture of fatty acid triglycerides with the highest content of oleic acid esters. Esters of glycerol and fatty acids with one or more unsaturated bonds, when administered orally, are positioned as cholesterol regulators. Their benefit when applied topically is associated with the restoration of the lipid barrier of cells.

As an example of unsaturated fatty acids, indispensable in the body, that is, not capable of being synthesized by the body, but very necessary for it, omega acids with indices 3 and 6 are isolated.

Their main cosmetic effect is:

In addition to derivatives of unsaturated carboxylic acids of the fatty series, the composition of olive oil also includes:

  • saturated fatty acids, which are not recommended to be eaten due to their ability to promote the formation of cholesterol plaques, but when applied externally, they moisturize the skin;
  • fat-soluble vitamins K and E have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects;
  • small amounts of choline (Vitamin B4), which is of great importance in the fat metabolism of the body, but its effect on the skin and hair has not been studied;
  • flavonoids, including luteolin, are plant polyphenols with pronounced antioxidant properties that can relieve inflammation and irritation on the skin.

Impact on hair

Olive oil for hair shows an effect both internally and externally due to the presence of vitamin E in it. Its main action is to prevent hair loss (alopecia) when consumed daily with food.

  • strengthen the hair, providing them with sufficient nutrition along the entire length;
  • make the scalp moisturized;
  • relieve inflammation on the scalp;
  • protect hair after aggressive procedures;
  • relieve dandruff and peeling;
  • moisturize hair and give it shine;
  • contribute to the density of hair;
  • prevent split ends of the hair.

Selection rules

In procedures, oil is valued, which has a low acidity, expressed as a percentage, which indicates that the oil contains few free fatty acids, and therefore does not decompose.

This acidity is typical for types of natural olive oil obtained by pressing, without additional purification with chemicals and without heating above 27 ºС. A significant increase in temperature leads to the oxidation of the components of the oil and changes in its properties.

Organic solvents used for the extraction of oil from vegetable raw materials by chemical methods significantly affect the deterioration of the properties of the product.

Therefore, for procedures it is worth choosing an oil, on the label of which there may be one of the inscriptions:

Crude oil is much more expensive and can have a pronounced taste and smell. Oil blends are usually odorless.

Application rules

For the preparation of masks and wraps with olive oil, it is recommended to slightly warm it in a water bath. At the same time, it is worth remembering that temperatures above 25-27 ºС can lead to undesirable destructive processes in its composition.

The order of application is as follows:

  • moisten hair with warm water and squeeze with a towel;
  • the oil should be rubbed into the scalp, massaging it;
  • distribute the mass by rubbing the strands between the palms;
  • comb the curls with a single-row comb or fingers;
  • hide the hair under a plastic shower cap, and then under a warm diaper or towel;
  • leave for the recommended time in the recipe, and then rinse.

How to rinse properly

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

After acid rinsing, additional balms and hair conditioners are not required. Dry the curls and style as usual.

Application in its purest form

Olive oil for hair (natural) is sufficient on its own.

It is used without the addition of other ingredients for:

To improve growth

Vitamin E in olive oil enhances its action in the presence of vitamin C, which is abundant in lemon juice. Therefore, the composition with lemon has a strengthening effect. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice in 2 cups of olive oil, the mass is heated in a water bath to a temperature of no more than 30 ºС.

Apply in the order above. Provide heat and hold up to 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo. Additional acidification of the rinse water is not required. Lemon juice is enough to make the color of hair, especially dyed hair, brighter.

For dry type

Such hair is constantly in need of maintenance procedures, they need hydration and nutrition. The essential nutrients are found in the egg yolk. Combining it with olive oil will give silkiness and softness, remove the effect of "straw".

Prepare a mask in the ratio of 1 yolk to 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply by rubbing well into the skin and generously lubricating the ends of the strands. Hair should be wrapped under a warm towel on a shower cap. After 2 hours, rinse with shampoo and acid rinse.

For oily type

In the case of oily hair, the mask described above can be supplemented with alcohol, vodka or cognac. In this case, the amount of oil should be reduced.

For cooking, take 1 tbsp. l., 2 yolks and the same amount of Art. l. alcohol. The mixture is applied in the usual way and wrapped. Alcohol-containing components dry out oily scalp and normalize lipid metabolism.

with damaged structure

An olive oil mask will help restore damaged hair. ground coffee. To do this, coffee powder is added to the oil preheated in a water bath so that a slurry is obtained. It is rubbed into the head and applied to all hair.

It is necessary to monitor the uniformity of application, as the mask gives a dark shade to the hair. Not recommended for blondes.

The exposure time of the product is from 20 to 40 minutes. Washes off with shampoo.

If they split

The yolk and olive oil will also help prevent split ends if these ingredients, taken in equal parts, are added with half a part of apple cider vinegar. The mask is applied in a warm state to the skin and hair. Aged no more than 30 minutes.

For shine

Shine hair will give a mask of olive oil and avocado pulp, taken in equal amounts. Apply the product along the length of the strands and wait 30 minutes. Wash off using shampoo.

For density

To make the hair thicker, it is necessary to stimulate the follicles. To do this, oil-based masks use irritating components. For example, mustard.

Prepare as follows:

  • mustard powder is brewed with hot water;
  • a sufficient amount of olive oil is added to the resulting slurry so that it is convenient to apply the mass on the head.

The mask is kept for no more than 30 minutes. Can be wrapped up for extra warmth. With a strong burning sensation, immediately wash off with plenty of warm (but not hot) water and shampoo.

When painted

To protect the color of dyed hair, you can use an olive mask with honey and aloe. To do this, the pulp of 1 branch of the plant is mixed with equal amounts of oil and honey.

Apply the mask only on the surface of the hair along the entire length for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. Care must be taken - honey and aloe juice can cause an allergic reaction if it comes into contact with the scalp.


Onion juice perfectly helps with hair loss, especially if it is combined in masks with other useful ingredients. So, you should mix the oil component and onion juice in equal parts, adding the same amount of honey.

Put on a mask traditional way under a hat and a towel. Keep for 1 hour. Remove with warm water and shampoo.

From dandruff

Dandruff is not a simple peeling of the skin, but its fungal disease that requires special treatment. To destroy microorganisms on the skin, you can use oil masks, where drops of tea tree oil, famous for its bactericidal action, are added to olive oil.

The mixture is rubbed. Keep for about 1 hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. Nettle decoction can be used as a rinse solution. Then the effect of the procedure will be more pronounced.

With honey

Honey is a storehouse of nutrients and minerals for the body. Using it in its pure form significantly improves the condition of the hair. And in combination with olive oil, the effect is enhanced at times. It is important to remember that when heated, the beneficial properties of both oil and honey are lost.. Therefore, the temperature of the mask should not be higher than room temperature, but not cold.

For cosmetic procedures Linden honey is considered the best.

  • Prepare a mixture of honey and butter with a thick consistency so that the mass on the head does not “flow”.
  • Distribute over skin and hair.
  • Wrap with warm cloth.
  • Wash off with shampoo after 0.5-1 hour.

with egg

Olive oil for hair is beneficial in combination with egg where the nutrients are located.

  • loss of gloss;
  • split ends;
  • weakness and malnutrition of the hair.

Rules for preparing an egg-oil mask:

  • separate the egg yolk from the protein (2 pcs.);
  • mixed with cold water and beat until whitish;
  • while stirring, add oil (4 tablespoons) and also beat.

Lubricate the skin and hair, wrap for 30 minutes. Rinse off normally with shampoo.


Stimulation of blood circulation in the skin with the help of cinnamon contributes to better absorption of the nutrients of the mask. Therefore, such a tool is recommended for the quick and effective restoration of very weakened hair that has undergone aggressive exposure. And also to strengthen them.

The procedure looks like this:

  • to a mixture of honey and oil, taken in equal amounts, add 0.5 parts of ground cinnamon powder;
  • mix thoroughly and apply to moistened hair;
  • wrapped for warmth;
  • stand for about 3/4 hours;
  • wash off with shampoo.

With Lemon

The action of lemon juice is based on the restoration of the scalp surface environment, the removal of pathogenic microorganisms and the normalization of skin lipid metabolism. Products with this ingredient are recommended for people with oily skin, with seborrhea and for moisturizing.

For example, to combat dandruff and in the complex treatment of the scalp from dermatitis, you can recommend a lemon-vinegar mask with olive oil.

In this procedure, it is very important to follow the steps of its implementation:

  • olive oil is rubbed into the skin and kept for 1 hour;
  • prepare a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts lemon juice;
  • rubbed into the scalp without washing off the oil, and incubated for another 30 minutes;
  • removed with warm water and shampoo.

In the recipe, changing apple cider vinegar to any other is strictly prohibited.

With added salt

Table salt in cosmetology is a means of normalizing metabolism and the penetration of components through the cell membrane. Therefore, the beneficial components of the product will be better absorbed by the skin if salt is added to it.

Known olive mask with salt, where the latter can be used various kinds: from stone to sea. The procedure is recommended for people with oily skin and seborrhea. May be suitable as nourishing mask for normal hair. It is strictly contraindicated for owners of dry hair, which it can harm.

If use sea ​​salt, then:

  • it must first be crushed, for example, in a blender;
  • mix 3 tbsp. l. salt from 1 liter. oils, gradually adding the first to the liquid;
  • apply the resulting composition to the skin;
  • keep up to a third of an hour;
  • wash off with shampoo.


Cognac, as an alcohol-containing solution, is recommended for use in formulations for oily hair. Besides, alcoholic drink contains many useful substances, including tannins, because it is an alcohol extract from the wood of barrels. It is very important that the cognac is natural, and does not contain flavors and dyes.

Such masks nourish the bulbs and regulate the lipid metabolism of the skin.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • prepare a mask from equal amounts of olive oil and cognac;
  • slightly warm;
  • rub for several minutes into the skin and stretch through the hair;
  • after 1 hour, wash off with shampoo, dry in the usual way.

With the addition of burdock oil

Non-edible burdock oil is actively used in formulations to stimulate hair growth. Compositions with a combination of burdock and olive oils are suitable for those who would like to restore the hair structure, prevent hair loss and add shine.

The procedure is very simple:

  • mix equal parts of oils;
  • apply to skin and hair;
  • holding time - 1 hour;
  • wash off with shampoo, rinse with an acidic solution.


For hair, henna is used as a remedy for dandruff, as well as a general tonic. A mask with henna and olive oil is recommended for dry hair, while its pure form is recommended for oily hair due to its drying effect. Such a tool will relieve fragility of the hair shaft and split ends.

  • Pre-brew henna with warm water.
  • Add the required amount of oil to the mass that has cooled to room temperature.
  • Apply generously to the skin and hair, wrap in heat.
  • Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.

onion juice

Onion is a popular remedy for hair growth. Masks containing onion juice are recommended for absolutely everyone.

It is important to remember about the smell that may remain on the hair after the procedure.


  • chop one medium onion into gruel, wrap it in cotton cloth (you can use gauze) and squeeze it out;
  • mix with 1 tbsp. l. oils, honey and mayonnaise (1 tsp each);
  • apply to the skin for 1 hour;
  • remove with shampoo.

With vitamin E

Its deficiency in the body leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair, which is almost impossible to restore by procedures. Therefore, this vitamin must be included in the daily diet.

Masks with an additional amount of vitamin E are tonic. They are recommended primarily for dry hair.

A mixture of oils and vitamin will revive weakened hair:

  • mix equal parts of oils: olive and burdock with almond;
  • add 0.5 parts of liquid vitamin E;
  • applied to the skin and distributed throughout the hair;
  • stand 1 hour under a cap and a warm towel;
  • wash off with shampoo and acid rinse.

With kefir

Kefir nourishes the hair follicles, which means it enhances hair growth and strengthens them. Moisturizes the scalp. Protects the hair shaft from external factors with an invisible film. Makes hair smooth.

For procedure:

  • mix 1 tsp. in half a glass of kefir, beat in the yolk;
  • apply to skin and hair, leave for 1 hour;
  • wash off using a mild shampoo.

With cumin

Black cumin has a wide range of effects on hair:

Olive oil is an extractant for black cumin seed oil, therefore:

  • crushed cumin seeds (preferably in a mortar) pour olive oil (1 cup per 1 handful);
  • place in a dark glass container and seal tightly;
  • insist 2 weeks;
  • drain;
  • apply on the head for at least 30 minutes. before each shampooing.

The course should not exceed 15 procedures. You can repeat after 1-3 months.

Hair lightening

Lighten hair by 1-2 tones without the use of aggressive chemicals You can at home with food from the refrigerator and with the help of the sun.

The components of masks that have some degree of lightening effect are:

To brighten with a mask with lemon, the sun's rays are needed, which activate the components of the juice:

  • in one glass of olive oil stir 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • apply the product both on the skin (for nutrition) and on the hair (for clarification);
  • it is worth applying, dividing the hair into thin strands of 1x1 cm, carefully combing;
  • then at least 2 hours to be in the zone of exposure to sunlight;
  • rinse in the usual way.

Soothing olive mask with jojoba oil

One of the unique components cosmetics, including for hair, is jojoba oil. It is added to protective products after aggressive dyeing or curling procedures, used on its own or as a component of homemade masks.

They recommend masks with jojoba and olive oils to soften the structure of the strands, since the first component envelops the hair shaft, protecting it from external factors and making it more elastic. This oil also clears clogged pores on the scalp.

To carry out the procedure:

  • mix the same amount of olive and jojoba oils;
  • slightly heated in a water bath;
  • rubbed with fingertips;
  • applied to the hair along the length, carefully rubbing the strands between the palms;
  • wear a mask for 40-60 minutes. under insulation;
  • wash off with shampoo.

The versatility of olive oil in hair products is due to its rich composition. But it is very important that natural products are used for the preparation of homemade masks, as well as high-quality olive oil.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about olive oil for hair

How to apply olive oil on hair:

Olive oil and honey for hair is an excellent combination of natural hair beauty products. Strands strengthened and shining with health are obtained thanks to combinations of ingredients that have been proven over the years. How to cook the right recipe? What is important to know about its application?

Olive oil and honey for hair

Olive oil, honey for hair: what are the benefits?

Traditional healers once picked up such a combination for healing curls for a reason. Universal for all hair types, olive oil gives them a well-groomed appearance, honey controls hair loss. Masks based on these components have a lot of other useful properties, as they nourish the hair:

    vitamins of group B, which give strands shine and strength;

    vitamin A, necessary for silky curls, moisturizing the scalp;

    vitamin E, responsible for cellular repair;

    vitamin D, which helps good growth hair;

    iron and iodine, strengthening the roots;

    copper, which combines elastin and collagen;

    zinc, restoring the skin;

    phosphatides that improve hair structure.

The inclusion of other medicinal ingredients in recipes based on honey and olive oil enhances the effect of the mask, making the hair chic.

Hair mask: olive oil and honey

They prepare a remedy for problematic strands with these components in different ways, but the application features are the same. They boil down to the fact that a mask with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil is applied to the roots for an hour and distributed over the strands, covered with a film and a towel, washed off with shampoo. The procedure is carried out once a week. After the 8th time they are interrupted for a month.

A noticeable effect of transformed curls is given by masks with additional products:

    with yolk: a mass prepared from yolk and base products is used to moisturize, smooth and silky curls;

    With essential oils: 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang oil are dripped into the base mixture. There will be no trace of dandruff;

    with aloe: gruel from the leaves of the plant (1 tablespoon) in this recipe keeps the strands young, gives them shine;

    with onion and mayonnaise: heated olive oil, honey and mayonnaise in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each) are mixed with the juice of a medium bulb and used for hair loss;

    with henna and yolk: put the yolk and 1 tsp into a mixture of olive oil and colorless henna (1 tbsp each). honey, the same amount of cognac. The recipe is useful for restoring the structure of the hair;

The undoubted benefits of the applied recipes will be obvious, provided there is no allergy to one of the above products. Consultation of specialists in this case will not hurt.

Among the recipes for homemade masks, special attention should be paid to components such as honey, egg yolk and olive oil. Yolk, honey and olive oil hair mask is an effective and affordable way to restore life to the weakened and damaged hair. It is saturated with nourishing and strengthening elements that give curls well-groomed and shine.

The effect of maski on hair from yolk, honey and olive oil

Due to the content of unique components that are part of the main ingredients of the mask, there is a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.
Honey contains many vitamins and minerals that penetrate deep into the hair structure, performing a strengthening, protective and regenerating effect, giving the strands new strength.
The chemical elements in the composition of honey in their own way affect the condition of the hair:

  • fructose helps to restore damaged curls;
  • glucose makes hair smooth and manageable;
  • potassium eliminates dryness and moisturizes the hair along the entire length;
  • iron accelerates blood flow;
  • folic acid activates hair growth;
  • niacin gives curls richness and shine;
  • ascorbic acid makes hair strong at the roots.

The yolk of an egg, when applied externally, has a positive effect on appearance hair:

  • potassium and sodium moisturize and strengthen the strands from the roots along the entire length;
  • vitamin B, amino acids and calcium awaken hair follicles;
  • phosphorus for the shortest possible period of time will restore the structure of the hair;
  • lecithin glues the split ends.

Olive oil, both individually and in combination with honey and egg, contains many useful elements:

  • vitamin A, getting into the hair follicles, makes the strands strong and speeds up the metabolism;
  • fatty acids, enveloping each strand, create a protective film for them, saving them from external factors;
  • the contained substances prevent the appearance of dandruff, and improve the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles.

Regular use of olive oil will help lighten hair by 1-2 shades and maintain color saturation after dyeing for a long time.

Yolk and olive oil mask

Egg yolk and olive oil are common hair care products. They are able to restore hair of any type and solve the problems of split ends, dryness and dullness of curls, hair loss. A hair mask made from yolk and olive oil is prepared independently at home.
Egg yolk is often used instead of shampoo. After washing the hair, they acquire softness, elasticity, shine and lightness.
The mask is suitable for owners of dry, damaged hair after dyes and curls.

  1. 2 egg yolks.
  2. 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  3. 30 ml of purified water.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the yolks in the water with a whisk or fork until the mixture turns white.
  2. Add olive oil to the resulting mass and stir a little.
  3. Using a brush, apply and carefully rub the mask into the hair roots.
  4. Create a greenhouse on your head and keep the mask on your hair for half an hour.
  5. Rinse off with warm water. In no case do not rinse with hot water, otherwise the yolk will curl up, and then it will be difficult to comb it out of the hair.

Olive oil and honey mask

Oil and honey hair masks are primarily suitable for dry hair. This combination of ingredients has a significant effect on weak, dull and split strands.
No less effective olive oil and honey hair masks will also be for oily hair, since the substances included in the composition have a cleansing effect, removing fatty secretions from the scalp.
Classic mask recipe:

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of liquid honey.
  2. Warm up the mixture to room temperature.
  3. Rub most of the composition into the hair roots, distribute the rest along the entire length.
  4. Put on a bag or a hat, wrap a towel on top.
  5. Wash off after 30-45 minutes with shampoo and conditioner.

The mask on honey and olive oil restores the health and strength of curls, nourishing the hairline with useful vitamins.
Mask with honey, yolk and oil for dry hair:

  1. Mix in a homogeneous mixture 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of oil.
  2. Warm up the mass and repeat the above procedure.

This mask moisturizes and nourishes the hair, gives shine and smoothness. Instead of olive oil, you can use castor, argan or burdock oil.
For oily hair type, it is recommended to add vegetable oil of grape seeds or St. John's wort to the mask. Add wheat flour to the resulting mass so that the mask becomes thick.
The mask will eliminate excessive oiliness at the roots, cleanse the scalp and improve the overall appearance of the hair.

Liquid gold was the ancient Egyptian name for olive oil. His unique properties still find application in cooking, cosmetology in hair care.

Masks from this magical remedy will transform any curls, making them elastic, strong and shiny.

In this article, we will look at recipes for hair masks with olive oil and honey, egg yolk, mustard, lemon and other ingredients.

How this product works

It has the property of retaining water due to triglycerides of fatty acids included in its composition.

It also contains hydroxytyrosol, which acts as an antioxidant and natural antibiotic.

Thanks to these properties, liquid gold quickly saturates the hair with moisture, returns the hair to a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

The tool is also capable of:

  • get rid of dandruff and annoying itching, soothe the scalp;
  • fill the pores in the hair structure, “polish” them;
  • stop their loss;
  • two tones or change the shade of the strands;
  • maintain the health of curls after staining, while maintaining color.

For hair treatments "liquid gold" is used in three forms:

  • clean;
  • infused with herbs (in the form of macerate);
  • in harmony with other healing ingredients.

The type and method of the procedure depends on the task and the desired result.

Application features

For procedures it is best to use an unrefined product first cold pressing. It can in its pure form have a healing effect on the hair.

Refined olive oil can also be used, but together with other components as a transport filler.

When preparing masks based on liquid gold, metal objects should not be used, since when interacting with the metal, the substances that make up the product form toxic products that are harmful to the skin and hair.

This also applies to the comb - it must be wooden or plastic.

To accelerate hair growth, olive oil is combined with the following ingredients:

  • mustard powder;
  • Red pepper;
  • cinnamon, cloves.

These substances awaken dormant hair follicles, activating blood circulation in the scalp.

Suitable for recovery and nutrition:

  • cosmetic and essential oils;
  • chicken yolk;
  • kefir;
  • colorless henna.

Honey is used to detoxify the scalp and increase root volume, and sugar-free spirits are used for shine.

Herbs can also be used for medicinal purposes. for the preparation of macerates or in the form of alcoholic tinctures, strong decoctions in masks. For example:

  • sage - from hair loss;
  • lavender - if necessary, soothe the scalp;
  • rosemary - to combat alien microflora;
  • oak bark - to normalize sebum secretion.

Macerates can be prepared both on a refined product and on extra virgin oil.

Ways to use

All masks are applied to slightly damp hair immediately after washing, starting from the roots. It is better to do this with a special brush with natural bristles (you can use a toothbrush).

The product is distributed through the hair with palms, carefully rubbing along the entire length.

When preparing cosmetic masks it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • the oil is heated in a water bath (not in the microwave!) to a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • if the composition contains the yolk, then it is mixed with liquid gold first, beating until a homogeneous white mass is obtained;
  • after application, the head is tightly wrapped with plastic wrap, and then with a scarf or towel;
  • The standard duration of the procedure is two to three hours. It all depends on the availability of free time and patience. The exception is masks for hair growth. Then the session should not last longer than half an hour.

If desired pure oil can be left on the hair overnight, but the head is wrapped only with cotton cloth, without polyethylene, to avoid the greenhouse effect.

Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. If the composition includes egg components, then the first flush should be cool so that the protein does not coagulate. Before use, it is advisable to dilute the shampoo in the palm of your hand with water.

After washing, you can use conditioner or balm, as hair after olive oil can be electrified more than usual.


For general and hair, it is best to use pure olive oil.

Macerates from falling out

Composition No. 1. For cooking, you need olive oil in an amount of 200 ml, dry herbs:

  • sage - 15 g;
  • rosemary - 15 g;
  • lavender - 5 g.

Pour the herbs with oil, let it brew for two weeks, then strain. Use once a week as a mask.

Hair after such a remedy comes to life very quickly - they stop falling out, dandruff disappears, shine appears, basal volume and a pleasant delicate smell.

Composition No. 2. In this recipe, an equal volume of fresh birch leaves collected in May is taken per glass of liquid gold. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous one.

Despite the seasonality of raw materials, this oil infusion has a powerful effect that prevents hair loss, changing their structure for the better.

In the future, when describing recipes, the composition will be calculated for 30 ml of the main ingredient (olive oil). This volume corresponds to two full tablespoons.

For growth

The first two recipes have a strong stimulating effect on the hair follicles, and the third one is gentle, for sensitive skin heads.

Composition No. 1:

  • red pepper extract (sold in a pharmacy) - 5 ml;
  • tincture of oak bark - 5 ml.

Mix all components until an emulsion is obtained, rub into the roots, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes and face. Pure liquid gold can be applied to the hair at this time.

Composition No. 2:

  • mustard powder - 10 g;
  • hot water with a temperature of 80 degrees - 15 ml;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Mustard powder is poured with hot water, stirred, sugar is added, left for 10 minutes. In a separate container, prepare a mixture of butter and yolk. The two resulting masses are mixed.

This hair mask with egg yolk, mustard and olive oil can be applied to the roots and along the entire length.

In addition to stimulating growth, it also has a nutritional effect. Recommended for all hair types, but especially for dry ones.

Composition No. 3:

  • cinnamon powder - 2 g;
  • ground cloves - 2 g;
  • honey - 10 g.

Mix all ingredients, leave for 15 minutes. Then apply a hair mask with honey and olive oil in the usual way.

Its exposure time can last up to 3 hours, depending on the tolerance of the components.

Cinnamon can slightly change the shade of hair towards the red side. Blondes can reduce the session time.

Hair Growth Mask with Olive Oil and Mustard:

For moisturizing

Composition No. 1:

  • sugar - 10 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • cognac - 10 ml.

The mask has a strong moisturizing effect.

Composition No. 2:

  • - 10 ml;
  • honey - 10 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

Such a hair mask with honey, egg yolk and olive oil also nourishes the hair, cleanses it of toxins. Recommended for all types.


You will need:

  • colorless henna - 10 g;
  • honey - 10 g;
  • strong alcoholic drink without sugar - 15 ml.

If the hair is dry, then you can add an egg to the composition.

The composition intensively restores overdried curls (after the pool, burnout in the sun, etc.), restoring their elasticity, shine, elasticity.

Olive honey mask for hair restoration:

For clarification

To lighten curls by two tones, it is enough to moisten them with olive oil, comb with a wooden comb and go out into direct sunlight for 1.5 -2 hours. This is easy to do while living in a country house or in the countryside while on vacation.

The rest of the time you can use the following composition:

  • lemon juice -10 ml;
  • freshly squeezed apple juice - 10 ml.

To give a reddish tint, you can add 5 g of cinnamon powder to the mixture.

These methods are suitable for fair-haired and blondes. For brunettes and dark brown-haired women, the shade will also change, but in chestnut tones.

Precautions, contraindications

Masks should not be made to people:

  • in the presence of rashes and dermatological diseases of the scalp;
  • cuts and open wounds;
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases, high temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance (before the procedure, do not forget about the allergy test!).

Combined masks should be used with caution after staining, as some components (for example, colorless henna) can change the desired shade.

When to expect the effect, how often to repeat the procedure

The result after masks with olive oil is visible immediately after the first session.

The exception is procedures that enhance growth. The result from their application will become noticeable only after two months, not earlier.

  • with a dry type - once every five days. The course consists of 10 procedures;
  • the normal and fatty type needs treatment once a week, not more often. Course duration - 10-12 weeks;
  • then you need to take a break for six weeks. If the result of the treatment impressed - repeat.

Olive oil is a completely natural ingredient. It can be used for the treatment and toning of curls with interruptions throughout life in the absence of individual intolerance to additional components.

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