Outsourcing of therapeutic nutrition. The advantages of catering outsourcing

Advantages of power outsourcing

Outsourcing (from English - Outsourcing) - Transferring the Contractor feature that it is capable of performing more professionally or cost effective - than its own structure. The main goal of nutritional outsourcing is to reduce operational and capital costs, to make a stable quality, as well as free up one's own time.

As a result - the transfer to the outsourcing of the power supply allows you to increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise. A narrow specialization is increasingly valued on the market.

Our company is ready to take responsibility and all costs of nutrition. At the same time, the decline in your costs can reach up to 10%.

Some of our potential partners are confused that another company is transmitted control over the food service.

But actually Your control over the service is only grows. Our motivation to provide high-quality nutritional services is high - otherwise it makes no sense to engage in such a complex andresponsible Activities as the provision of nutrition services.

What makes the power outsourcing attractive?

1. Pabout quality Animation and Cost Reduction. Companies in competition have to be supported from improving quality with strict control over costs. You get the staff of specialists who are followed by the quality of services and train employees work standards.

2. Seasonality factor. Yours Money goes to pay the nutrition of guests paying for your services. Disappear Dependency on the seasonal low load factor.

2. S. nizhenization costs for internal services Accounting, Transport Department, Personnel Department, Procurement Service, etc. Thanks outsourcing nutritionYou can focus on your own services in other directions.

3. Experience and knowledge , Which becomes available for you. Experience appears as a result of continuous development and accumulation of a large number of work performed at various facilities, from the buffet to the menu of ala-cards with restaurant serving.

4. E. conomie on paying expensive personnel. The company contains professional, highly paid specialists. It is no secret that good experts cost money.The content of such employees for their service is unreasonably expensive (managers, technologists, qualified cooks, confectioners).

5. The ability to quickly and without investment setting the service for your needs. From a buffet system, to restaurant service on the menu - everything is possible when used outsourcing Services nutrition.

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Outsourcing is the transfer of non-core (secondary) businesspeople with one organization to implement and functioning another organization (outsource). Outsourcing (from English Outsourcing, OUTERSOURCING: Using an external source / resource) - Transfer by the Organization on the basis of a contract of certain production functions for servicing another company specializing in the relevant area.

The basic principle of outsourcing can be determined as follows: "We leave only what we can do better than others, we convey to the external performer what he is doing better than others." The contractual design of outsourcing is a legal form, the economic content of outsourcing is the introduction of market regulatory market mechanisms to mobilize the hidden resources of employeesProfessional resources by providing them (but in no way impose) freedom of entrepreneurial initiative. It should be noted that outsourcing is not a revolutionary coup in the system of medical nutrition. This is a logical stage in the evolutionary way to increase the effectiveness of the hospitality process.

What are transmitted to outsourcing

An external contractor can be transferred to any of the following functions of therapeutic and prophylactic institution:

  • accounting and tax calculation;
  • legal support;
  • payroll employee;
  • personnel Management;
  • information systems and database management;
  • organization of the work of the gearbox, laundry, fleet, security functions, etc.;
  • cleaning and maintenance.

In practice, the most common form of implementing outsourcing in health care is to transfer the functions of the food function. Under the outsourcing in the system of conducting medical nutrition, the transfer is understood as a contractual basis for the functions for the preparation of dietary dishes to an external contractor specializing in the field of catering and having knowledge, experience in the preparation of dietary dishes and (or) technical equipment. Since outsourcing implies the transfer of non-core (secondary) partitions of work, this method is interpreted primarily as a method of strategic formation of the structure of economic activities of the organization. In this case, the essence of the concept of outsourcing can be revealed from various sides:

  • as a complete transmission of secondary processes when rendering medical care third-party organizations;
  • as the translation of the internal unit (or divisions) of the treatment and prophylactic institution to the organization of the service provider offering a certain specialized service within a certain period of time, within theborne
  • as a system of relations arising from the transmission of the medical and prophylactic institution (customer) of some types of specialized firms (performers) on the basis of long-term contracts.

Outsourcing can be represented as the form of economic relations in which the Customer focuses on the main activities and transfers the secondary, but functionally necessary processes and functions, as well as the responsibility for their implementation by professional companies on a long-term basis in order to improve the quality, reduce costs and time to perform these costs. processes. The performer remains to develop and improve the stated processes and functions. The feature of outsourcing in healthcare is the presence of two multidirectional service flows. On the one hand, the transmission of functions for servicing end users, previously performed by special services, departments, departments of the medical and preventive institution, on the other - the acquisition of services of specialized organizations - outsources for the implementation of functions previously carried out by therapeutic and prophylactic institution independently (satisfaction of the internal needs of the institution) .

Currently, this is especially true, since the modern system of state and municipal management presents a very high level of requirements for the effectiveness of the fulfillment of functions assigned to theractions. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly open to the introduction and use of modern technologies. Outsourcing is a relatively new type of health care system. Unlike services and support services that have a one-time, episodic, accidental nature and limited start and end, usually transmitted functions for professional support of the smooth performance of individual systems and infrastructures based on a long contract (at least 1 year).

What form is the introduction of the outsourcing of therapeutic nutrition in medical institutions?

Currently on the territory Russian Federation Implementation of outsourcing services for the organization of medical nutrition in health facilities is carried out in the following forms (Fig. 1): Depending on what kind of catering establishment will become an outsourcer, form different kinds Operation of autosorption systems, financial interaction and external control system.

What was the cause of the introduction of outsourcing therapeutic nutrition in health care?

The reasons for translating to outsourcing services for the organization of medical nutrition in health facilities are the following objective factors:

  • low equipment of the kitchenware with modern equipment, which determines the impossibility of fulfilling the requirements

Instructions for the organization of medical nutrition in medical and preventive institutions approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.08.2003 No. 330 "On measures to improve therapeutic nutrition in therapeutic and preventive institutions of the Russian Federation" (with amended and add.) (Section "Recommendations for Equipment Doodlebrokes and Bofoft ");

  • the need for major repairs of buildings in which the satellites are located;
  • low staffing of scenery scenery.

There is a number of subjective factors that determine the need to modernize the organization and conduct of therapeutic nutrition in hospitals. This is, first, financing this section on the residual principle.

Secondly, the lack of proper control of the quality and safety of the work of the food, dining rooms and buffets from the heads of medical and preventive institutions, which consider this type of medical service minor. At the same time, with the development of critical situations, such as outbreaks of mineralized infections, Rospotrebnadzor specialists as a result of unscheduled inspections, a large number of violations are revealed both in the work of the food, and in the equipment and condition of the premises, where dietary food is processed. Currently, hospitals do not pass licensing and certification of products, since they are not public catering institutions. This fact also caused the full neglect of the heads of medical and preventive institutions to modernize this service. When conducting inspections in the organization of therapeutic nutrition in medical and preventive institutions, expert specialists reveal rather gross violations both in the system of organizing therapeutic nutrition and document management and in the financial discipline of the institution. The most common disorders are:

  • insusing and irrational expenditure of the CHI, allocated for food purchases. Discrepancy between therapeutic diets, files of dishes, seven-day menu with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.08.2003 No. 330 "On measures to improve therapeutic nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation" (ed. Dated 26.04.2006);
  • violations of the fulfillment of the requirements of compliance with the chemical composition and calorieness of diet with regulatory requirements, a low level of nutritional value of therapeutic rations, the absence of protein correction of therapeutic rations;
  • lack of an internal control system for organizing and conducting therapeutic nutrition.

Production documentation is conducted with violations of the above-mentioned order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 05.08.2003 No. 330, as well as the order of the USSR Ministry of Health of 05.05.1983 No. 530 "On Approval of the Instructions for Page Accounting in Medical and Preventive and Other Health Institutions for the State Budget of the USSR "(With change and extra.): There are no specializations from the medical sisters of dietary and nutritional doctors, the seven-day menu is compiled without taking into account the winter-spring and autumn-year options, the chemical composition of the daily diet is not carried out, not organized with the vitaminization of dishes and Correction of diets with specialized protein composite mixtures, do not apply in the organization of medical nutrition of severe patients enteric mixtures, the system of nutritional support is not organized, in the nutrition of patients, products that are the main source of protein in the healing diet are used in the nutrition. The most serious violations are available in organizing the sanitary and epidemic regime and the sanitary and technical condition of the gearboxes, the requirements of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for placement, device, equipment and operation of hospitals, mare Houses and other hospital hospitals "(Resolution of the Main State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2003 No. 124). All listed disorders indicate that the medical nutrition system is organized in all verified LPUs with violations of the requirements of departmental orders. This is the main stimulus to find other options for organizing the work of this service. On the one hand, the organization and conduct of therapeutic nutrition (the content of the food and nutrition of the patient) are the non-core function of therapeutic and prophylactic institution, on the other hand, therapeutic nutrition is part of the patient's complex therapy. The latter means that the main work of this LPU service should be aimed at the formation of therapeutic rations in accordance with the diagnosis of the patient and its condition. The basis for consideration of the issue of gearboxes to third-party organizations is also the possibility of more complete standardization when performing this service and improving the quality of service, a decrease in financial costs. The main purpose of the transfer of dietary dishes for the preparation of dietary dishes in the sophistication of the ORTU into the outsourcing system is to improve the quality of its provision.

Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing

To assess the possibility of the transition to outsourcing, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a number of currently existing schemes for the organization of such cooperation from legal, organizational and financial and economic positions. Outsourcing is modern model Management of economic processes, which provides additional competitive advantages. The main source of these advantages is to use reserves (material and intangible) private companies to achieve success in the medical services market. In Outsourcing, the most effective organizations have their own resources, thanks to which they can make a significant contribution to the process of providing services. The main advantages of the translation of the work of the geographics into the outsourcing system are, firstly, the possibility of concentrating the establishment of available resources on the medical and diagnostic process (this is due to the fact that an outsourcing agreement is concluded precisely on non-core directions of the activities of the institution); Secondly, the reduction of financial costs, since in most cases, the services of the outsourcer are cheaper than the content of their own personnel of relevant qualifications and procurement of food.

In addition, outsourcing allows you to:

  • attract someone else's experience: the outsourcing company specializes in a certain form of activity and serves a large number of institutions, which allows it to thoroughly understand all current issues and use the effortless experience;
  • ensure reliability and stability, since the outsourcing company is responsible for the work performed in accordance with the Service Agreement and the current legislation;
  • to have flexibility of solutions in organizing a medical and preventive process and introducing new technologies: For an outsourcing company, growth or reduction in the medical facility will be accompanied by only the revision of the cost of services transferred to outsourcing.

However, there are threats that potentially emitted from outsourcing, such as the danger of output beyond medical institution Too many activities and deprivation of part of our own resources and opportunities. In such cases, the medical institution risks lift the activities that previously ensured her success among patients. It is important to adequately appreciate what part of the personnel to translate into an outsourcing company and how to organize the control of the outsource.

It should be noted that, unfortunately, there is always another danger - the possibility of leakage of confidential information. Usually an outsourcing firm guarantees that the leak of information about the customer is excluded, since it has a provision on the commercial secret of the client, the violation of which will cause damage primarily the most outsourcing company. The transfer of information on the client's activities is made only in accordance with applicable law. The decision on the legality of the requirement for issuing information is made only after analyzing the situation with the lawyers of the outsourcing company.

Outsourcing as a risk management tool

When making a transfer to the outsourcing services for the preparation of patients, the head can choose several forms of this organizational technology: normal outsourcing, joint outsourcing, outsourcing with elements of reorganization.

Normal outsourcing It provides for the use of only nutritional treatment services patients under the hospital's food conditions taken to rent an outsourcer. This type of outsourcing is used, as a rule, in order for an outsourcer to repair work on the sophistication, replaced the equipment, brings the principles of the preparation of therapeutic rations in accordance with the regulatory requirements. The basis of this form of outsourcing is based on the principles of minimizing the costs and the need to introduce a standard system to the work.

Joint outsourcing Inappropriate cooperation and flexibility in relationships with the service provider. With this form of outsourcing, therapeutic and prophylactic institution can transmit a wider range of functions, the amount of which is determined in conjunction with the service provider. In this case, there may be a transfer of part of employees to the service provider's company.

Outsourcing with elements of reorganization Can bring the greatest benefit to both parties. This model requires partners to the cardinal reorganization of activities (both individual divisions and organizations in general). Organizations jointly define a wide range of processes that will be shared. As an example, you can give an option when an outsourcer uses the food premises and the personnel of a medical and preventive institution to provide food cooking services to this institution, as well as other organizations or individuals. Each considered model of cooperation within the framework of outsourcing allows you to minimize certain risks associated with the provision of this service.

An ordinary outsourcing offering a steady level of services reduces financial risks (i.e., when financial capabilities are insufficient to fulfill regulatory requirements).

Joint outsourcing due to more high level The services offered, increasing the flexibility and speed of business processes makes it possible to divide the operational risks of both partners. Operational risk is the risk of loss as a result of incorrect action or termination of the fulfillment of internal operational processes, incorrect behavior of employees and unstable functioning of the german. Thus, simple operations can lead to functional failures, which can serve as a source of financial risks, and also damages the reputation of the institution. Each medical and prophylactic institution is subject to operational risks due to technology development and complications. production processes. Therefore, by passing part of the functions in the hands of specialists, the management of the institution primarily insures itself from operating risks. It is also proved that after the implementation of outsourcing significantly increases the degree of control. Outsourcing with elements of reorganization allows you to divide the strategic risks of both partners. The treatment of a medical and prophylactic institution to outsourcing is determined by the reasons of a strategic nature: the need to maximize the use of available resources to achieve its strategic goal is to provide highly qualified medical care. Strategic risk applies to the broad aspects of the activities of the medical and preventive institution, which it cannot affect. Strategic risk includes commercial risks that are associated with the loss of patient flow, as well as inability to competently manage the work of the institution. In the context of increasing competition from various medical institutions, the reasons for strategic risk may also be the introduction of new technologies, the emergence of new, more advanced treatments and diagnostics, which leads to a decrease in the number of treated patients and, accordingly, to reduce financing. The concentration of attention on the main activity of a medical institution - the provision of medical services - allows you to develop an effective strategy for development and avoid a number of risks.

Choosing a certain type of outsourcing and moving from small to more, the head of the institution is able to influence not only on risk management, but also to the entire organization of therapeutic nutrition in the institution. Thus, at present, the objectives of the transition to outsourcing should be improving the quality of services, reduced costs, the release of resources and improving patient satisfaction with the services.

Proven control of the work of the food

The transfer of powers to the preparation of dietary dishes of a third-party organization involves maintaining control over the process of cooking from the hospital. In order to strengthen control of the quality of dietary dishes and ensure the safety of food in medical and preventive institutions, regardless of whether the sophistication is in the outsourcing system, in accordance with the currently current service guidance in the medical and preventive and other health care facilities, The USSR State Budget, approved by the Order of the USSR Ministry of Health of 05.05.1983 No. 530 (C None. and Extras), the head of the institution should carry out strict control over full and targeted use for the purpose of funds (paragraph 7). For spending appropriations, the head of the institution and chief accountant (paragraph 7) is responsible for spending. When organizing a control system for the targeted use of funds and the quality of products manufactured on the scenery, when working in the outsourcing system, it is necessary to be guided by section III "Accounting for food products in the sophistication" of the aforementioned instruction (PP. 25-28). The food in the boiler is made in the presence Diet sister. As a rule, this specialist goes to work in an outsource enterprise, but may remain in the state of a medical and prophylactic institution. Periodically (suddenly), the flowing of food products into the boiler is controlled by a nutrient physician or administration together with representatives of the Council of Medical Sisters and others. Weight control Before booking Food products into the boiler can also be charged to the dietary sister or a dietary doctor.

The control should be carried out regardless of the fact that the products were obtained by weight from the warehouse (pantry). The weight of portions of finished dishes must comply with the standards for the release of finished products. At least three times a month, representatives of the administration selectively verify the weight of portions of finished dishes and at the same time organoleptic food sample is performed. The audit results are the act. Checking the quality of cooked dishes According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated 19.04.1982 No. 264 "On the status and measures to further improve the organization of therapeutic nutrition of patients in the hospitals of the RSFSR" is held in accordance with the instructions for the quality control of ready-made food in medical and preventive institutions (Appendix 5 Order). The issuance of diet of nutrition is made in form No. 23mz. "Vedomosti on vacation separations of feeding diet for patients." The statement is filled with a dietary sister in one instance. When issuing breakfasts, dinners and dinners, employees of offices (or specially appointed by the head of the institution employee) are described in their receipt. The statement is signed by a dietary sister and chef. To familiarize the patients daily in a prominent place in the offices, the menu is postponed. Based on the menu and information of offices on the availability of patients consisting on nutrition, office workers are distributed to patients with ready-made dishes and other food modes, decomposing everything on portions. At least once a month (suddenly), the administration jointly with a nutritionist (dietary sister) is checked by weight and number of finished dishes in departments. Thus, intra-discharge control is replaced by the organization of private monitoring system, which is to approve the standards of therapeutic nutrition at all stages of its holding (Table 1).

The transfer of part of work on outsourcing allows you to reduce costs, since. Often, outsource services are much cheaper than the content of own personnel, food, technical equipment, utility bills. Under the outsourcing agreement in the system of organizing therapeutic nutrition, such functions are transmitted as:

  • the organization of the preparation of dietary dishes on the sophistication, leased from the medical and prophylactic institution, staff members, also rented from therapeutic and prophylactic institution;
  • organization of the preparation of dietary dishes on the sophistication of the outsourcer without renting employees of the LPU, with the organization of transportation of transportation required for delivery of food in the LPU.

There is a civil contract between the medical and prophylactic institution and outsourcing organization, the subject of which is the provision of a service or performance of work. The main advantage of outsourcing consists in a better and less costly execution of the transmitted function. This is explained wider than the Outsource Opportunities compared to the LPU: for example, procurement of food products at low prices due to established bonds, especially in the presence of grocery warehouses; The presence of specialists with experience in this area, etc.

The outsourcer has a practical experience, on the basis of which various developments are created to implement the function transferred to it, since it is basic activity. Professional outsourcer specialization is formed, from here and reduced costs. Thus, outsourcing costs are lower than when using the appropriate function.

Events to ensure patients with high-quality medical nutrition

The reduction in costs is an important advantage of outsourcing, but the main task of a medical and prophylactic institution is to concentrate its activities on the organization of high-quality medical care, therapeutic and diagnostic process. Subject to the transfer of such functions as working to ensure and update the food and puff equipment, for the purchase of food, payment of the salary to member food, payment of taxes, the content of the grocery warehouse - the head of the medical and prophylactic institution remains the basic functions of organizing therapeutic nutrition , preparation of documentation, standards for ensuring high-quality nutrition for patients in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (Table 2).When transferring the function of cooking dietary dishes to an outsource, the responsibility for the organization of therapeutic nutrition remains at the head of the medical and preventive institution and in charge of the organization of therapeutic nutrition in the medical dietary.

A number of works and services remain in the official duties of a nutrient doctor who determine therapeutic nutrition as part of the patient's integrated therapy. (Table 3). Individualization of nutrition in complex patients, especially with severe lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and violations of exchange processes, makes it possible to reduce the amount of drugs with a specific patient, at the same time maintain the quality of the food received by the patient satisfying its needs . The quality of therapeutic nutrition depends primarily from the preparatory stage of the transmission of authority outsource. At this stage, a nutritionist must properly prepare technical documentation, make a card file of dietary dishes, a seven-day menu of standard, special diets. Work on the sophistication and organization of intra-administrative control is also assigned to a dietegologist.

Bringing the technological process of cooking to the consumer - a specific patient and the implementation of the principles of balanced and optimal nutrition depends not only from a nutrient doctor. A number of medical services and work remain under the jurisdiction of direct medical staff (Table 5).Later, to continue patients with diet and therapy, on outpatient conditions, certain works by a doctor (district, general practice, specialist) are held to provide patients with patients with outpatient visits. The organization and conduct of therapeutic nutrition are the basis not only for the formation of key positions of the technological process, but also to form job descriptions of hospitals and personnel staff working at the outsourcer, as well as the calculation of medical and economic standards of therapeutic nutrition and administration in the Unified Criteria Evaluation Evaluation Criteria , introduction of new technologies.

Emomic substantiation outsourcing

The transition to outsourcing in the organization of medical nutrition in the LPU is carried out in stages.

First stage: Conducting the analysis of actual expenses for the organization and conduct of therapeutic nutrition of patients, including direct and indirect costs, i.e. the cost of food for one bed - day, the cost of paying the work of the work of the food company, for utilities and the current maintenance of equipment and food facilities.

Second phase (It can be carried out in parallel to the first): marketing research of the market of catering organizations in order to determine the proposed cost of nutrition for one bed-day, the working conditions of the alleged outsourcers, the analysis of the outsourcing forms and the definition of the type of outsourcing planned for the introduction in the LPU.

Third stage (It follows from the first and second stages): Determination of the need for appropriation for the next fiscal year, settlement and rationales for the use and implementation of outsourcing, making appropriate changes in the estimation of the institution, preparation of technical documentation for the competition, determination of the source of funding.

Fourth stage: Organization of state order placement procedures, preparation of technical documentation for a competition for the purpose of choosing a supplier for the subsequent conclusion of a contract with the organization of catering. Before the transition to a new type of organization of the treatment system, it is necessary to clearly define the initial indicators of the estimation of this type of service, monitored indicators and criteria for evaluating the results of the transition to a new power system. Assessing the impact of the implementation of outsourcing on the effectiveness of the budget institution, it implies a solution to the question of whether or not there is an outsourcing system in the organization of medical nutrition in a particular medical institution. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the strong and weak sides Therapeutic institution. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly represent all the possibilities and threats to the application of outsourcing technology in this area. The main criterion of choice will be the quality of the services of therapeutic nutrition in the institution. Thus, making a decision on the use of outsourcing requires a weighted and reasonable approach, which should ensure the improvement of the quality of the service provided. The real possibility of transferring services for the organization and nutrition of patients to outsourcing depends on the financial and resource opportunities of the institution. For this purpose, a preliminary economic substantiation of the outsourcing project is carried out. Alternative costs must be considered - the costs associated with the provision of this service through the resources of the institution. For this purpose, the following components should be taken into account: labor costs, utility costs of the kitchen, food costs. Expenses for payment of services of an outsourcer consist of the cost of payment of the market value of the service and shipping costs. In the case of commercial organizations, if the cost of outsourcing services offered on the market, less than the calculated cost of services in the organization itself, it is advisable to convey them to outsourcing. In the opposite situation, the question of the transition to outsourcing is usually considered closed, since no economic benefits in the form of cost cuts does not bring outsourcing. However, if it concerns a medical institution, it is necessary to take into account the level of quality of work of work by the external performer. So, if the cost reduction when transferring food services to outsourcing is quite problematic, but the outsourcer is guaranteed due to the provision of services in accordance with the relevant standards (namely it is determining to attract customers), then the latter is the main argument of the treatment of therapeutic nutrition to outsourcing. The competent implementation of the organizational outsourcing technology with the prevention of all risks and after the relevant settlements will ensure the following results of the modernization of the medical nutrition system:

  • improving the quality of medical services and the services of therapeutic nutrition;
  • ensuring the provision of a full set of required services to the population;
  • reduction of costs when managing public finance;
  • creating favorable conditions for the economic development of the institution;
  • attracting investments, including on the development of the sphere of medical services.

Thereby applying outsourcing technology allows you to improve the efficiency of the use of financial resources, and as a result, create more civilized conditions to ensure accessible and high-quality medical care.

You should also not forget that the use of outsourcing as such is able to give the most positive result only subject to the application of an integrated approach to the modernization of the health care system. Thus, the main objective of outsourcing in the patient's nutrition system and the organization of therapeutic nutrition is to create conditions for focusing the medical institution in the main activity - the provision of medical services, as well as a significant expansion of opportunities to improve the quality of administrative and economic establishment and for detailed consolidation in outsourcing The quality contract of the requested results and responsibility of the supplier for the performance of high-quality services.

Outsourcing theory

IN modern world Companies are faced with unprecedented pressure from the market. Survive and succeed those who lead their business most effective wayachieving reduced operational expenses while maintaining high Quality goods and services.

One of the most modern and successful business models to achieve real competitive advantages is outsourcing.
The meaning of outsourcing is reduced to a simple formula: focus all the resources in the form of activity that is the main one for your company, and transmit the rest (supporting, associated) with a reliable and professional partner.
The most often outsourcing is subject to information technology, accounting, accounting, payroll, administrative support, corporate property service, organization of office and office cleaning, security service and some others. In any case, the decision to transfer business processes or their part of an external specialized company requires rethinking the traditional relations of the "seller" and "buyer", raising the level of confidence, strengthening the partnership, the development of mutual integration.

Strategic Outsourcing Benefits:
1. Ability to focus resources and attention to the main business
2. Reducing investment in non-key functions for business. Not basic functions do not require capital investments, but are funded within the framework of current operating expenses, which, in particular, improves the income indicator for invested capital.
3. Specialized outsourcing organization provides the client with access to the best resources and standards of business, improving the quality of business processes while reducing costs
4. The volume of work provided by an external contractor is easily scaled, responding to the requirements of a growing or declining business.
5. The process of reorganization of the company - the client becomes smoother, as the auxiliary functions are controlled by a professional company that is flexibly responsive to changing requirements
6. Outsourcing company, being a specialized and competent partner, becomes a reference of productivity and efficiency for customer internal services.

Tactical outsourcing benefits:
1. Maintenance, update and modification of automation tools in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and the wishes of the client - the contractor's responsibility
2. Reducing overhead costs (renting, operating costs, information support, etc.) related to the function derived from the organization
3. Professional responsibility provided by outsourcing company
4. There is no need to track all changes in legislation regarding the function transferred to the external organization.
5. Training staff, costs associated with the selection of personnel and the need to preserve the context and continuity become a concern of a contractor
6. A significant reduction in the costs associated with obtaining tax and legal advice
Company services New accounting:
The purpose of our services is to provide a complete, qualified and effective substitution of the customer's internal business processes.
The client has the ability to choose separate functions for outsourcing, or delegate a business process in full
Competent company specialists new accounts guarantee a sequence of actions, integrity of procedures, control of transmitted functions.

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The best congratulations on March 8 girlfriend
The best congratulations on March 8 girlfriend

My girlfriend is my best, you mean a lot for me. These are like an asterisk, you dream of you understand! You are slightly, sweet, beautiful. Be a girlfriend, you ...