The first composition of the Viagra ensemble. The most beautiful girls from the Viagra group: list of soloists, names and photos. Life before and after

An update is coming again to the Via Gra group. Anastasia Kozhevnikova left the team, who ended up in the group thanks to the “I want to join Via Gro” competition 5 years ago. Fans were tormented by the question of who would sing instead of the eliminated girl.

Now they are no longer making it a secret; Ulyana Sinetskaya has become the new soloist of Via Gra. Her name is well known to music lovers because the girl was a participant in many musical projects.

Youth time

The future singer was born in Yugorsk on March 29, 1995, but after some time the family moved to Yekaterinburg. From an early age, the girl studied vocals, and at the age of 10 she became a Junior Eurovision finalist.

Ulyana’s activity can be envied; while still at school, she was awarded the title “Little Vice-Miss World” and the “Golden Cylinder” award. Several times I tried myself in the role of presenter at festivals.

Therefore, those around her were surprised when the girl entered the Russian Academy of Education and chose psychology as her future profession. Later, the new soloist of “Via Gra” admitted that her whole life was in the song, but she decided that she would only help her in what she loved. In parallel with her studies, Ulyana began working in the pop theater of her native city.

Creative biography

In 2014, the performance of the song “White Snow” on the television project “Voice-3” brought Ulyana Sinetskaya good luck. The master of pop Alexander Gradsky turned to her, under whose leadership the girl continued further work in this competition, but the young singer did not make it to the finals.

After the project, the girl continued to practice vocals and even recorded several cover versions of popular songs together with Samvel Vardanyan, also a participant in the “Voice-3” show, and posted them on YouTube. By the way, during the project, Sinetskaya began an affair with a young man.

In 2017, the show “New Star Factory” was launched, and naturally, Ulyana became a participant. Interestingly, Samvel did not lag behind his beloved and was also among the contestants. Thanks to the show, Sinetskaya had the opportunity to sing with such famous artists as Valery Meladze, Nikita Alekseev, and even with Via Groi.

    Do you like the new soloist of “VIA Gra”?

The girl's discography includes:

  • "Fly" (2017);
  • “Ula, Ula-la” (2017);
  • "Money" (2017);
  • “Breathe, pulse, rhythm” (2018).

Following the results of the reporting concert, a decision was made not in favor of the girl and she had to leave the project. But then, by chance, Philip Kirkorov intervened, Sinetskaya sang his hit “About Love” and the man was delighted with her performance. And although the jury members voted against it, the famous singer insisted on his decision, and Ulyana made it to the finals.

After this, the girl became the lead singer of the pop group “CASH”, which made its debut at the gala concert of the “New Star Factory”. But soon the team broke up.

Personal life

Having met Samvel Vardanyan on the show “Voice-3”, the girl continues to meet with him to this day. The young people never hid their relationship. The guys often sing and share together joint creativity, posting clips on Internet networks.

Although the lovers are not together now, their feelings remain the same, and they are thinking about getting married.

Konstantin Meladze had long paid attention to the talented girl, and when Anastasia Kozhevnikova got married and announced her desire to build a solo career, he invited Ulyana Sinetskaya to become the new soloist. Now the group includes Erica Herceg, Olga Meganskaya and Ulyana Sinetskaya.

For reference, Via Gra was formed in 2000; during its existence, its composition changed about 20 times. The trio of Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya was recognized as the most brilliant.

Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" , created in 2000 in Kyiv, is considered one of the most successful Russian-language groups of the 2000s. "VIA Gra" recorded 5 studio albums and released more than 30 radio singles and video clips. The band's name is an allusion to medicinal product Viagra stands for VIA - vocal and instrumental ensemble; Ukrainian gra - game. Distinctive feature group is a frequent change of participants, which once again proves that "Via Gra"- commercial project. Music producer of the group - composer Konstantin Meladze.
For 2013 on TV channels 1+1 (Ukraine) And NTV (Russia) Konstantin Meladze's reality show is planned to start “I want to go to VIA Gro”, consisting of eight episodes and telling viewers how girls from all over the CIS try to become soloists of a popular group. New group, which will include the winners of the reality project, Meladze plans to give it a different name. At first it was reported that the project would start in the spring, but later the start of the show was postponed indefinitely.

13. Alena Vinnitskaya(born December 27, 1974, Kyiv) - Ukrainian author and performer of pop-rock songs, one of the first members of the female pop group “VIA Gra”. Lives and works in Ukraine, writes and performs songs in Russian.

12.Nadezhda Granovskaya(born April 10, 1982, village of Zbruchivka, Volochyssky district, Khmelnitsky region) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, poetess. Former soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (2000-2006); (2009-2011).

11. Tatyana Naynik(born April 6, 1978, St. Petersburg) - lead singer and producer of the group “Maybe”. Former member of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (April 2002 - November 2002).

10. Anna Sedokova(born December 16, 1982, Kyiv) - Ukrainian pop singer, TV presenter, actress. Former soloist of the “golden lineup” of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra”.

9. Vera Brezhneva(born February 3, 1982, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, former member pop group VIA Gra (2003-2007).

8. Svetlana Loboda(born October 18, 1982 Kyiv, Ukraine) - Ukrainian singer, presenter, actress, designer of her own brand “F*ck" n" macho", photographer. She represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. She performs under the stage name LOBODA. In May 2004, she replaced the departed Anna Sedokova in the VIA Gra group and four months later she left the group for a solo career. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2013).

7. Albina Dzhanabaeva(born April 9, 1979, Gorodishche, Volgograd region) - Russian singer, actress, TV presenter. Former soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (2004-2012).

6.Christina Kotz-Gottlieb(born May 2, 1983, Donetsk, Ukraine) - Ukrainian fashion model, singer. Former member of the Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra (2006). Winner of the competition "Miss Ukraine Universe 2009".

5. Olga Romanovskaya(born January 22, 1986, Nikolaev) - Ukrainian designer, singer. Former member of the female pop group “VIA Gra” (2006-2007). In the group she was known by her maiden name Koryagina.

4. Meseda Bagaudinova(born October 30, 1983) - Russian singer of Avar and Ukrainian-Belarusian origin, former member of the Ukrainian girl group “VIA Gra” (2007-2009).

2.Eva Bushmina(born April 2, 1989, Sverdlovsk, Lugansk region) - Ukrainian singer, former soloist of the group “VIA Gra” (March 22, 2010 - January 2, 2013).

1. Santa Dimopoulos(born May 21, 1987, Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian singer, former soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" (December 2011 - October 2012), graduate of the third season of the Ukrainian project "Star Factory", former soloist of the Ukrainian group "Seventh Heaven". World Fitness Champion (2011).

Six months ago, the show “I Want V VIA Gro” ended, the winners of which - Misha Romanova, Erica Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikova - became the new soloists of the popular group. HELLO! talked to the girls and found out how their lives changed after the project and why they consider themselves modern Cinderellas.

New composition of "VIA Gra"

Passion and sexuality - these words instantly come to mind when talking about the VIA Gra group. And not only because the name of the group is consonant with the name of the drug for increasing male potency: all 13 soloists who changed over the 13 years of the group’s existence - as if by choice, smart and beautiful - were called upon to become the object of not only male, but also universal adoration .

In the 2000s, interest in the team of his music producer - composer Konstantin Meladze - was phenomenal, even despite frequent shifts participants Having received the starting “capital” of fame in the group, the girls either went on solo sailing, or got married and had children, sometimes combining both. Over time, VIA Gra turned into a kind of “star factory” for performers, through which Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva, and Albina Dzhanabaeva once passed through, and the status of the ex-soloist of VIA Gra became something of a mark of quality .

And yet, at the end of 2012, after several years of leapfrogs with soloists who could not repeat the success of the “golden” composition of the group - Vera Brezhneva, Anna Sedokova and Nadezhda Granovskaya, Konstantin Meladze announced the dissolution of the group.

Konstantin Meladze announced the launch of the musical television show “I Want V VIA Gra”, the winners of which will become new participants in the new “VIA Gra”. The multi-stage telecasting ended in October last year, and three girls from Ukraine received the right to perform in the group - Misha Romanova, Erica Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikova. With this lineup, they have already recorded their debut composition “Truce” and shot a video for it, and now they are preparing the next premiere. Speaking about their participation in the group, Misha, Erica and Nastya burst into enthusiastic exclamations. The girls, who became very friendly during the show, admit that they want to work for the benefit of the project for at least all five years stipulated in the contract. And all three are also ambitious in a good way, so full of enthusiasm that they are ready to disappear for days at rehearsals and, it seems, have not yet fully believed in what is happening to them.

Misha Romanova, 23 years old, Kherson

Misha Romanova

Misha Romanova is sure: if you really want something, it will definitely come true. Since childhood, the girl, whose real name is Natalya Mogilevets, dreamed of becoming an artist. One serious drawback could have prevented this - she stuttered badly. As a form of therapy, doctors advised her to take up singing, and at an audition at a local cultural center, Misha was surprised to discover that she did not stutter when she sang. She began studying in a vocal studio, and soon music became her passion. True, it was not possible to completely get rid of speech problems, but this does not bother Misha.

Surprisingly, I never stutter on stage.

Stubborn and purposeful, against the wishes of her parents, she decided to devote her life to music and after the ninth grade she set off to conquer Kyiv. She entered the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts, took up a solo musical career, and when castings began for the show “I Want V VIA Gro”, on the advice of a friend, Ukrainian singer and composer Max Barskikh, she joined the fight for a place in the team. Today, Misha’s life, like the other two participants, consists of rehearsals, concerts, filming, dance classes and stage speech, but she is only glad for such changes - after all, she is doing what she loves. The only thing Misha is afraid of is catching star fever.

I'm afraid of losing the sincerity that I have. I want to remain human, no matter what.

Erica Herceg, 25 years old, Malaya Dobran village

Erica Herceg

Unlike Misha, Erica did not seriously prepare for a career as an artist, and certainly did not expect that she would have to conquer Russian show business. A girl with Hungarian and Ukrainian roots, she grew up in a village almost on the very border of Ukraine and Hungary, did not speak Russian at all, and in her youth weighed more than 80 kilograms! But if anyone thinks that she is unlucky in some way, then it’s not Erica.

I think everything was great for me. I just wanted more.

Six years ago, Erica told herself: “Enough!” And she began to “sculpt” a new herself. She went on a diet, thanks to which she lost more than 30 kilograms, and after graduating from college in Hungary, she moved to Kyiv and became a model. Three years ago, Erica began learning Russian, which she now speaks almost fluently. And although he speaks it with a noticeable accent, he is in no hurry to get rid of it.

This is my personality. If I remove the accent, it will no longer be Erica Herceg.

By the way, today Erica is the only soloist of the group whose heart is not free. For two years she has been dating a businessman, whose name she keeps secret. According to the girl, after winning the show “I Want V VIA Gru,” she sees her chosen one extremely rarely, but hopes for understanding on his part. Be that as it may, despite her feelings for her beloved, Eric is not going to leave the team.

I believe that VIA Gra is my destiny.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova, 21 years old, Yuzhnoukrainsk

Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Anastasia's "romance" with music began in early childhood. She grew up in a musical family; there was a piano at home. At the age of six, Nastya began singing in a children's choir, and at the age of eight she began performing solo. Before getting into the project “I Want V VIA Gro”, Nastya managed to take part in large quantities competitions - both regional and national, but did not achieve much success. She had almost given up hope of becoming a singer and entered university to major in management. But her mother, who always believed in her daughter’s abilities and accompanied her to all competitions, convinced her to try her hand again. Nastya went to the show not really counting on winning; according to her, she was ready to be rejected, and the most important thing for her was to hear the opinion of the group’s producer, Konstantin Meladze. But it turned out that she ended up in the final three and became one of the winners. Now Nastya, who, by her own admission, was a kind of “tomboy” in childhood and was always friends with boys, is getting used to her new status as a Russian-Ukrainian “sex symbol” and enjoying the new stage of her life. Nastya considers even the fact that she has almost no free time to be a plus and admits:

VIA Gra" is not a job, it's my life!

The Ukrainian female pop group, which appeared in 2000, has been “registered” in the Ukrainian-Russian show business for a long time and is confidently moving towards its 20th anniversary.

The project experienced periods of prosperity, when at the peak of its popularity it gathered stadiums and crowds of thousands. concert halls, and calm. But every time they tried to “write off VIA Gro,” the new lineup of the group rose like a Phoenix from the ashes and gave a new hit, once again proving that the last page had not been written.

Konstantin Meladze and the golden composition of the group "ViaGRA"

The composition of the ensemble has changed as many times over 17 years. The group from a duet turned into a trio, then expanded into a quartet and again returned to a duet and trio. The participants changed - sexy beauties of varying degrees of talent. The names of many were remembered by music lovers, but the “golden” title was given to the composition, and.


The VIA Gra project was born in the 2000s thanks to Ukrainian producer Dmitry Kostyuk, owner of the top-rated music TV channel Biz-TV. Dmitry was inspired to create a women's ensemble British group Spice Girls and Russian. To promote the group, Kostyuk invited music producer "Biz-TV", who took the same position in " VIA Gre».

The name of the sexy female trio was provocative and “exciting” fantasy. When pronouncing “VIA Gra,” music lovers arose an allusion to a well-known medical drug, while the decoding turned out to be very harmless: VIA is a vocal and instrumental ensemble, and “gra” means “game” in Russian.

But in 2003, after the release of their debut English-language album, the producers received a warning from the manufacturers of Viagra. The case could end in litigation, so Sony Music, which recorded the album, listed the trio as Nu Virgos.

The first member of VIA Gra was a Ukrainian performer and TV presenter on the Kostyuk channel. The announced casting attracted Yulia Miroshnichenko and Marina Modina to the project. But the shooting of the first video for the song “Attempt No. 5” eliminated Miroshnichenko and Modina.

The search for bright soloists was crowned with semi-success - a second “Viagra” was found. Kostyuk and Meladze had to temporarily abandon creating a trio in favor of a duet.

The first composition of the group "ViaGRA"

The premiere of the debut song “Attempt No. 5” took place in the early autumn of 2000 on Dmitry Kostyuk’s TV channel. The composition caused a sensation and instantly became a hit and the calling card of VIA Gra. The single topped the charts and won the Golden Gramophone, Stopudovoy Hit and Golden Firebird awards.

In December 2000, the duo already had 7 songs in their repertoire. The brainchild of Kostyuk and Meladze gave its first concert at the end of December of the same year at the Ice Palace in Dnepropetrovsk. Video clips appeared for the hits “Hug Me”, “Bomb” and “I Won’t Come Back”.

The following summer, the producers signed a contract with the famous British record company Sony Music Entertainment.

“VIA Gra” toured the CIS countries, and in September released its debut album, named after the band’s first hit. It included 11 songs and 2 remixes. The album was presented in October at the Luxor club in Moscow.

At the beginning of 2002, it became known that Nadezhda Granovskaya was pregnant. The producers announced a casting and replaced Nadezhda with model Tatyana Naynik. But Kostyuk and Meladze, remembering the original plan to create a trio, found another participant -.

In May, the updated composition of the group presented the video “Stop! Stop! Stop!”, which was directed by Semyon Gorov. For the first time, the vocal parts of the hit went to a new participant, Sedokova. In July, the trio visited the Slavic Bazaar.

In September 2002, a video for the song “Good morning, dad!” appeared. VIA Gra fans were delighted with Nadezhda Granovskaya, who returned to the stage a month after the birth of her son. In the video, the trio turned into a quartet, but soon the producers, considering that two brunettes were too many, said goodbye to Nainik. Tatyana did not remain in debt and brought a lot of the group’s ins and outs to the media.

Towards the finale of 2002, Vinnitskaya announced her departure from the trio, and at the casting the producers found her replacement -. In November, the new lineup was already rehearsing, and in January 2003, Alena Vinnitskaya said goodbye to VIA Groy, starting a solo career.

In February, the team presented the song “Don’t leave me, darling!” and a clip for it. Anna Sedokova became the soloist of the trio, Granovskaya and Brezhneva were in supporting roles. The single is called the best musical product of VIA Gra.

The hit stayed at the top of the charts for 7 months. Later, in 2009, the video clip was recognized as the best video of the decade.

In April 2003, VIA Gra presented fans with the 2nd album “Stop! Removed! Within six months after its release, music lovers sold out half a million copies, and the album was awarded a Golden Disc. In May, the girls presented a new song, “Kill My Girlfriend,” the video of which was the leader on MTV Russia.

Performance by VIA Gra with the hit “Good morning, dad!” at the Olimpiysky, music critics called it the most “thermonuclear” in the history of the star group.

In September 2003, the premiere of the song “VIA Gra” took place. The hit “Ocean and Three Rivers” topped the Russian radio chart, and in October the trio went on tour to Tokyo.

In November of the same year, the Viagryans, in their “golden line-up”, recorded the album “Biology”, presenting it at the capital’s New Manege. In 5 months, the group gave 100 concerts in the cities of the CIS, neighboring countries, Germany and Israel. The lack of an advertising campaign did not prevent the album “Biology” from becoming a sales leader and receiving a “Golden Disc”.

February 2004 was marked by VIA Gra’s “golden” hit “There is No More Attraction,” which became the most popular composition of the decade according to polls by Afisha magazine and the Russian Billboard.

In the spring of 2004, Sedokova left VIA Gro due to pregnancy, which caused a shock among the fans of the team.

The management found a replacement for Anya, but soon the managers became convinced of the mistake. Critics and fans started talking about the decline of their favorite group. Foreign tours failed, foreign spectators went “to Sedokova”, announced on the posters, but saw Loboda. According to Kostyuk, the damage caused by the replacement cost tens of millions of rubles.

Loboda was replaced by Valeria Meladze, who previously worked as a backing vocalist. Rumors about a romance between Valery and Albina leaked to the press, and fans of VIA Gra declared that the participant did not correspond to the sexual image of the group.

VIA Gra's troubles continued in 2005, when Brezhneva injured her spine while skiing. The duo presented their new song “Diamonds” to the public. The label did not renew the band's 5-year contract with Sony Music, which had come to an end.

At the beginning of 2006, Granovskaya refused to work at VIA Gre; the producers announced a creative crisis and the possible end of the project. But the group remained afloat; Nadezhda was replaced by model Christina Kots-Gottlieb, but she was replaced by a student. The new lineup recorded video clips “Deceive, but stay,” “Flower and Knife” and “L. M.L."

In April 2007, Koryagina chose creativity family life, took the vacant position from Grozny. Vera Brezhneva left in the summer and was replaced in February 2008. With the new lineup, the trio recorded the song “My emancipation.”

At the beginning of 2009, Bagaudinova left, making way for Nadezhda Granovskaya, now Meikher, who returned to VIA Gro. The updated line-up gave music lovers the hits “Anti-Geisha” and “Crazy”. In March, Tatyana Kotova, having given a scandalous farewell interview, left VIA Gro. The girl was replaced by a new vocalist.

In 2010, the group was nominated for the “Disappointment of the Year” anti-award, and in 2011, rumors broke out about the collapse of “VIA Gra”; Dmitry Kostyuk left the project. In July, the trio performed at the New Wave, and Konstantin Meladze denied rumors of a breakup.

In November 2011, Nadezhda Meikher left the group and gave birth to her second child. She took her place for a couple of months. The music market responded to the leapfrog with female vocalists with the second nomination “Disappointment of the Year,” and in November 2012, “VIA Gra” received an anti-prize. The flashing of names and surnames of the new “Viagryanki” tired fans and critics. At the end of 2012, Meladze announced the closure of the project on January 1, 2013.

“I want V VIA Gro”

In September 2013, the reality show “I Want V VIA Gro” was launched on four CIS TV channels, in which girls from the post-Soviet countries participated. The applicants were mentored by 6 ex-members of VIA Gra, the host of the show was Vera Brezhneva, and the director of the project was.

The new composition of the ViaGRA group - Erica Herceg, Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova

Castings took place in four countries. At the end of October 2013, the final of the show took place, and the three winners were determined by SMS voting by viewers. The new “Viagryanki” are, and. At the end of the project, the trio presented a new song “Truce”.

The group has been criticized more than once; skeptics insisted that the success of the “golden lineup” could not be repeated. But the updated “VIA Gra” is gaining leading positions in the charts and hit parades, and the songs “Oxygen”, “I got someone else” and “It was wonderful” do not leave the rotation of radio stations in the CIS countries. The trio’s repertoire includes 17 “old” VIA Gra hits, in which the arrangement has been changed.


VIA Gra was originally conceived by the producers as a group exploiting sexuality and eroticism. Costumes, images of vocalists, provocative choreography and videos, erotic photo shoots were criticized, but corresponded to the concept.

Not all countries welcomed VIA Gra's provocative and shocking style. In Belarus, the video for the song “Biology” was banned, considering it too sexual. In Taiwan and Indonesia, a ban was introduced on the video “Stop! Stop! Stop!”, and at concerts in Indonesia, girls were forced to wear closed pantsuits. In Israel, seeing the exciting “VIA Gro” on the central TV channel, Orthodox Jews rebelled.

The group's hits are written in the direction of pop music and meet the requirements of mass culture. This genre of music corresponds to the simplicity of the instrumental part, rhythm and emphasis on vocals.

VIA Gra became the first group in the post-Soviet space to openly exploit sexuality. The experience of the project gave birth to the concept of “golden composition”, proving that there are irreplaceable ones. After the departure of Anna Sedokova, the unofficial leader of VIA Gra, the trio’s popularity began to decline. Critics and music lovers call the group’s latest “golden” hit the single “Diamonds.”

"VIA Gra" now

At the beginning of the summer of 2016, it became known that a solo concert of the trio in Moscow was planned for February 2017. In November, the girls presented the song “Who are you to me?”, and a video appeared in December.

Group "ViaGRA" - line-up 2017

In January 2017, VIA Gra's solo concert in the capital was cancelled. In October 2017, Love Radio released the single “My Heart is Busy” by Konstantin Meladze. The text of the composition was written by Meladze and Misha Romanova. The video clip appeared in November.


  • 2001 – Attempt No. 5
  • 2003 – Stop! Cut!
  • 2003 – Stop! Stop! Stop!
  • 2003 – Biology
  • 2007 – L.M.L.


  • 2000 – Attempt No. 5
  • 2002 – Stop! Stop! Stop!
  • 2002 – Good morning, dad!
  • 2002 – Don’t leave me, my love!
  • 2002 – Kill my girlfriend
  • 2003 – Ocean and Three Rivers
  • 2004 – Biology
  • 2004 – No more attraction
  • 2005 – Diamonds
  • 2006 – L.M.L.
  • 2006 – Flower and Knife
  • 2007 – Kisses
  • 2008 – My emancipation
  • 2009 – Anti-geisha
  • 2009 – Crazy
  • 2010 – Get out!
  • 2012 – Hello, mom!
  • 2013 – Truce
  • 2014 – Oxygen
  • 2015 – So much
  • 2016 – Who are you to me?


In 2018, the composition of the legendary group “ VIA Gra"Updated once again. Konstantin Meladze invited Olga Meganskaya replaced Misha Romanova, and soon began singing in the group instead of Anastasia Kozhevnika Ulyana Sinetskaya.

Generally for 18 years of existence The group featured 18 very different soloists. Some people's stay was limited to months, while others spent many years in the group. “VIA Gra” has undergone a lot and even closed for a short time in 2012, but by some miracle the project is still alive.

Our editors invite you to remember the soloists who made history one of the most successful women's groups in the post-Soviet space.

Alena Vinnitskaya

One of the first soloists, who was at the origins of the creation of the group, stayed in the group for three years. Before her career as a singer, Alena worked on television, and after leaving VIA Gra she began a solo career. Vinnitskaya was replaced by Brezhnev, but fans claim that without Alena the group has lost its charm.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

At first, the group's producer abandoned the idea of ​​a trio and limited himself to a duet. The charming Nadezhda Granovskaya sang together with Vinnitskaya in VIA Gre. In 2006, after Granovskaya left, the group almost closed.

Tatyana Naynik

Tatyana sang in VIA Gre starting in 2002, replacing Nadezhda Granovskaya, who went on maternity leave. She was counting on long-term cooperation, but two brunettes in one group did not fit into the producer’s head. Now Nainik is married and has a daughter.

Anna Sedokova

Many people remember the group solely by Sedokova. She was part of the golden trio, which also included Brezhneva and Granovskaya. Rumor has it that Anna did no less for the group than Konstantin Meladze. She left the team in 2004 due to pregnancy.

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