Upper sewing machine repair. Sewing machine repair. Domestic sewing machines

This is an additional condition to make you feel more comfortable when contacting us. If something doesn’t suit you during or after the repair, just call our dispatch center 24/7 and I will return all your money to the last penny! By the way, in 2018 we received only 9 requests for a refund (out of 38,990 requests!).

🔧 After the warranty you will receive LIFETIME SERVICE

There is no need to worry about what will happen to your sewing machine after the warranty. I give every client lifelong service at Lenremont. This means that if this sewing machine breaks down again after the warranty period, the repair will cost 10% less! So you get discount on post-warranty repairs.

âś… 1 year warranty for sewing machine repairs

Yes! I am so confident in the skill of my masters that I boldly give you 1 year warranty for repairs sewing machines. This is the biggest guarantee in all of Russia.

And one more surprise - you will receive 4 months warranty on all spare parts, since Lenremont orders parts from a direct supplier.

This guarantee means that, if suddenly Your sewing machine will break down again, a technician will come and repair it for free her. Even if the master who repaired your sewing machine gets sick or no longer works for us, you don’t need to worry that you will be left without warranty repairs: we have more than 100 sewing machine repairmen on our staff. We take full responsibility for ensuring that you, our dear client, are satisfied.

The sewing machine mechanism includes a huge number of functional components, each of which is responsible for specific actions. This is what it's all about complexity and importance sewing technical equipment. Specialists of the Vostok-Polyus service center in Moscow are able to fix any machine breakdown inexpensively and in the shortest possible time.

Possible malfunctions of the sewing machine

  1. The needle is not positioned correctly. As a result, looping problems and thread breakage may occur over time;
  2. Needle breakage. This malfunction is caused by incorrect positioning of the presser foot;
  3. Inaccurate thread direction. To fix this, you will need to check the condition of the shuttle and the position of the upper thread;
  4. Damage and regular tearing of the lower and upper threads;
  5. Skipping stitches;
  6. The sewing machine moves too hard;
  7. The unit does not turn on;
  8. Extraneous sound and grinding noise.

Sewing machine repair is necessary in any of the above cases. But at the same time, experts not recommended carry out the recovery procedure with my own hands. A person who does not have enough knowledge and experience will not be able to repair a sewing machine and bring the equipment to the required condition. His actions, on the contrary, will aggravate an already difficult situation. In such cases always ready The employees of the Vostok-Pole sewing machine repair workshop can offer their professional help.

Working algorithm of the Vostok-Pole team of masters

  1. The client calls the hotline number indicated on the official website of the service center, brings his unit to one of the workshops in Moscow independently, or uses the courier delivery service from the company;
  2. The organization’s specialist advises the client on any question of interest and gives him an informative, comprehensive answer;
  3. In the case when both parties come to a general agreement regarding the repair, our craftsmen proceed to the first restoration stage of the sewing machine, which consists of thorough diagnosis THAT. This allows you to quickly identify all the vulnerable points of the damaged device;
  4. The next step is to repair the malfunction identified during the diagnostic process - we will repair the sewing machine quickly and inexpensively;
  5. After the repair procedure, a second check is carried out to make sure that the previous threat has been eliminated;
  6. Issuance of a document indicating a long-term warranty from the service center.

Advantages of professional sewing machine repair in Vostok-Pole

During its work, Vostok-Pole managed to accumulate great experience in the field of repairs sewing machines in Moscow. This is what allows the company to provide its customers exceptional quality services, but at the same time for optimal cost. Our repairmen always use specialized equipment in their work, which does not cause the slightest harm to the elements of the sewing machine. We only replace parts of the unit that have worn out over time. original spare parts, which have been tested for strength and quality.

Main malfunctions of sewing machines

Despite the fact that our company is engaged in eliminating all types of sewing machine breakdowns, a certain number of them are more common than others, therefore, we know almost everything about them and can help you diagnose the problem before the technician arrives, which means you can figure out the cost and Difficulties in repairing a sewing machine!

  • If in your washing machine needle jams, in some cases this can be easily corrected by simply rotating the flywheel slowly. However, this malfunction often indicates more serious reasons, ranging from a tangled thread when creating a stitch to a jammed needle holder. Unfortunately, such complex causes are almost impossible to determine without professional equipment. However, repairing this breakdown in most cases costs housewives quite modest money.
  • The reasons for such a common problem as thread break There are also quite a few problems when sewing, and not all of them are catastrophic. The most common reasons for the top or bottom thread breaking while sewing can be incorrect tension, incorrect needle selection, and even nicks on machine parts. The complexity, and therefore the cost of repairs, depends on the cause found. First, check whether you have chosen the right needle and thread for the job; perhaps this will save you effort and money on calling a specialist. If everything is fine with them, a professional sewing machine technician can help you sort out the problem.
  • Often, during operation, the sewing machine starts skip stitches what is sure sign quite serious problems with the mechanism of sewing equipment. In most cases, the technician discovers that the working needle is bent or the needle holder is in practically non-functional condition. The only thing you can do in this case is to check the thread density. If they are suitable for your type of sewing, all that remains is to entrust the diagnosis of the breakdown to a professional from Polite Service 5+.

Our advantages

The Polite Service 5+ company has been providing home appliance repair services at home for more than 10 years, and during this time we have repaired several useful rules sewing machine repair.

  1. Let's not hesitate. We understand that the use of sewing equipment is most often associated with production, and its downtime naturally leads to loss of profit. Therefore, the masters of our Service Center are ready to arrive on the day of your call for service.
  2. We go to the house. Transporting a machine to the Service Center, at first glance, does not represent much difficulty, but if we are talking about several devices or a complex vintage machine design, then this task becomes almost impossible. Our best employees will repair your sewing machine or overlocker right at home in your presence in any district of Moscow. If the malfunction is serious and you need to deliver the device to our workshop, we will take care of it all. We serve all districts of Moscow: Central Administrative District, Northern Administrative District, North-Eastern Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District, ZAO, North-Western Administrative District.
  3. We use only original spare parts for sewing machines. 47% of all breakdowns occur due to the use of low-quality parts and consumables. Our company is an authorized Service Center for many sewing machine manufacturers, so our craftsmen will absolutely use only original spare parts and high-quality equipment and consumables.
  4. We guarantee quality. We have no doubt about the quality of our services, so you will receive a guarantee of six months to 2 years for all parts and work done.
  5. We do not hide important and useful information. Often, irresponsible craftsmen deliberately do not explain to clients the cause of the breakdown in order to continue to provide repair services, but the specialists of our service center will not only explain to you why the sewing machine broke down, but will also tell you how to avoid similar malfunctions in the future and take better care of your sewing equipment .
  6. We respect every client. We do not divide requests for repair of sewing machines into “household” and “industrial” and treat all customers with equal care and responsibility. You don't have to wait for a technician for several days due to a queue or a higher priority order. For us, you are always a priority!

Service Center for repair of sewing machines in Moscow “A-Iceberg” is a leader in the provision of repair services and provision of prompt technical assistance. Many people consider sewing and repairing clothes not as a hobby, but as an additional and even main income. Therefore, proper equipment is extremely necessary. At the first sign of trouble, call us. We guarantee prompt and high-quality repair of breakdowns of any complexity. You can leave a request on the website or by phone: 8 (495) 213-33-33 .

Common sewing machine problems

Our Service Center for repairing sewing machines in Moscow at home urges owners not to look for advertisements with low prices for services. Firstly, there is no guarantee of the appropriate qualifications of the called master. Secondly, it is not a fact that it will have original spare parts. Thirdly, prices from private owners are often inflated. Even with a small problem, call us: “A-Iceberg” has rightfully earned the trust of Muscovites with a responsible approach to ordering and restoring the unit’s performance in the shortest possible time. What types of problems do you encounter most often?

  • Skipping stitches. A common problem that can be caused by a bent needle or a malfunction of the shuttle settings. Fine adjustment required.
  • Shuttle wear due to too high work intensity. If nicks, chips, or cracks appear, the metal or plastic part must be replaced.
  • The curvature of the needle occurs due to improper use and leads to deformation of the entire holder system. The unit needs to be replaced.
  • Problems with the electric drive indicate insulation breaks, voltage surges, or perhaps the settings of the control unit have gone wrong. Professional diagnosis required.
  • Pedal wear most often occurs due to natural aging; sometimes the command system burns out. Wires need to be stripped or replaced.

Professional assistance at a time convenient for the client

A call to our Sewing Machine Repair Service Center in Moscow will help you get a faulty mechanism back into working order. More than 90% of breakdowns are fixed at home in the presence of the client, which cannot but please the customer - there is no need to waste time and money on delivering equipment to the hospital. Our specialists have extensive experience in servicing equipment of various brands, constantly monitor new products, and are ready to repair even those models that have already been discontinued. Why Muscovites and residents of the region trust us:

  • We respond promptly to calls - if necessary, a technician will arrive on the day you call
  • We travel to any area of ​​Moscow, Moscow region, nearby regions
  • highly qualified professionals
  • affordable cost of services is not burdensome for family budget, discounts available
  • We are happy for one-time orders, we will not refuse long-term maintenance of the fleet of equipment
  • For replacement we use only original spare parts

Any malfunction of the sewing machine - from a crooked needle to uneven stitches - affects the quality of the products. Having properly working equipment at home is extremely important, not to mention studios and enterprises for which equipment is the main production tool. We conclude an official contract and issue a guarantee. The Sewing Machine Repair Service Center in Moscow is glad to cooperate with individuals, individual entrepreneurs, commercial firms in the capital region. We are responsible for our work!

Despite their small dimensions, sewing machines belong to complex types technology. Professional seamstresses and dressmakers know that a successful result is possible not only when the device works flawlessly, but also when you know the features of the device, the most common reasons problems. Preventative work are very important: many breakdowns can be prevented if you clean and lubricate them in a timely manner, store them correctly, and handle the device with care. The masters of our Service Center for repairing sewing machines at home confirm this. What problems arise:

  • Singer and Podolsk machines have a durable mechanism. Most often, components fail: needles, pedals, electrical wires.
  • Devices that perform zigzag stitching - for example, "Chaika" - have design differences from other models. Reconfiguration should be carried out by an experienced technician.
  • Modern models with a touch screen display an error, based on which you can carry out repair work with or without disassembling the case.

Entrust the repair, maintenance and adjustment of sewing equipment to the specialists of the A-Iceberg Service Center. We guarantee high quality services!

The Technical Control Department monitors the timely and qualified execution of each request for repair of sewing machines. Quality Control Department employees are always happy to take into account your wishes, comments and observations.

Sewing machine repair

Sewing machine repair requires highly qualified craftsman and a clear understanding of how this or that model works, taking into account its features. Our workshop provides a full range of services for servicing sewing machines, regardless of the complexity of the breakdown, and we are responsible for their quality and guarantee the elimination of any malfunction in the shortest possible time.

Sewing machine repair steps

To determine the cause of the breakdown and select the optimal method for eliminating it, a preliminary diagnosis of the electrical appliance is carried out, after which the technician, often immediately, can quote the cost of repairs and replacement of the required parts. This will give you the opportunity to plan your sewing machine repair costs.

Over many years of work, our workshop has taken a leading position in the market for providing similar services in Moscow and the near Moscow region. We are approached by both individuals and large entrepreneurs who own clothing factories.

In addition to repairs, we provide qualified adjustment and maintenance, including cleaning and lubrication of sewing equipment. Highly qualified specialists of our workshop will provide consultation on the operation of the machine, which will prevent its breakdown associated with its improper use. If urgent repairs are required, we will also try to accommodate you; our service specialists can repair your equipment on the day you submit your application.

Why contact our service center

In our workshop:

  • highly professional craftsmen;
  • an integrated approach to solving the problem;
  • efficiency;
  • affordable prices;
  • and guarantee.

Maintenance and adjustment of a sewing machine is carried out taking into account the technology and methodology indicated by the manufacturer of a particular brand and model. We repair sewing equipment of domestic and foreign production, we thoroughly know the specifics of each brand, and in order to prevent its premature failure, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the typical breakdowns characteristic of machines of a particular brand.

Replacing the backlight lamp

Domestic sewing machines

The most popular models in this category are: Orsha,Gull,Tula,Podolsk etc. All these brands are time-tested and, if handled correctly, rarely fail. If this does happen, you will need the competent assistance of a specialist who understands the intricacies of each of these models and typical cases of their breakdowns:

  • sewing machines "Chaika": in practice, our craftsmen often encounter incorrect placement of the needle in the needle plate, which leads to skipping stitches or “looping” of the bottom thread, to its breakage and breakage of the needle itself. It is not recommended to adjust the needle yourself. This can only be done experienced specialist, who owns the technique of setting up such machines. Also, customers often come to us with another problem - a characteristic knocking sound during equipment operation. This indicates the need for regular lubrication. Such problems often arise due to the inexperience of the owner. After fixing the problem, our technician will conduct a detailed consultation and tell you how to prevent typical breakdowns.

Sewing machines from foreign manufacturers

We service a wide range of foreign-made sewing machines, including German brands ( Veritas, Singer, Pfaff) and Japanese ( Astralux, Bernina, Brother, Husqvarna, Janome, Jaguar, Toyota etc.). Each of these brands has certain specifics, which is reflected in its performance properties.

Accordingly, repairing foreign-made sewing machines requires a clear understanding of the features of each brand, which subsequently determine the type of repair and its cost.

Vast experience in repairing sewing equipment allows us to identify the most typical breakdowns for the brands presented:

  1. Brother - failure of the electric drive;
  2. Janome - malfunction of the electronic control unit;
  3. Pfaff - failure of the electric drive;
  4. Veritas - problems with the shuttle device;
  5. Singer - mechanical wear of parts, malfunction of the thread tension regulator.

All mentioned models are in high demand among domestic consumers and are distinguished by their technological effectiveness and durability in operation. If you find problems with the operation of your sewing machine - broken thread, looping thread, skipping stitches, uneven stitches, stiff movement of the mechanism, etc. - contact a qualified sewer. Attempting to fix such problems on your own can lead to more serious damage.

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