Scenario for the New Year's ball for high school students, material on the topic. Scenario for the New Year's holiday "Ball in a Fairytale Kingdom" Scenario for the New Year's school ball

The scenario is intended for the preparatory group of a kindergarten; a lot of children participate!

Characters: Storyteller, Santa Claus - adults; Fairy, Cinderella, Prince, King, Minister of Dance, Minister of Finance, Stargazer, Musketeer, Stepmother, daughters, page boy, herald - children.

At the central wall there is a Castle decoration, in front of it is a throne. At the side wall of the hall there is a table covered with a tablecloth, on the table there is a flower vase. There is a clock on the central wall at the top. In the corner of the hall there is an elegant Christmas tree, under it there is a broom decorated with tinsel, artificial roses and a pumpkin carriage.

New Year's holiday scenario

To the soundtrack “The New Year is Coming to Us,” children enter the hall holding hands and dance in a round dance like a snake. At the end they line up in a semicircle facing the audience.

1 child: New Year's holiday is coming,

Lights a thousand lights

Christmas tree is decorated today

Invites all his guests.

Child 2: Fluffy snow is spinning,

It's freezing outside.

Rushing in a magic sleigh

Santa Claus is visiting us.

Child 3: Happy New Year, Happy New Year

We talk to each other.

Happy new year, happy new year

Happy wonderful winter holiday.

Round dance around the Christmas tree “In a spacious, bright hall we decorated the Christmas tree (under the piano)

Everyone sits on chairs except the stepmother and daughters, Cinderella, the king and the prince (they go backstage)

4 child: New Year's Eve comes to us

A whole world of mysterious wonders.

Takes us into a fairy tale

To the distant kingdom and to the forest.

Child 5: It’s already on our doorstep

The wizard's new year has arrived.

Hear on an unknown road

The fairy tale moves with easy steps.

The Storyteller enters (to magical music)

Storyteller: I am a sorceress of the forest and in a fairy tale I am at home,

I have known both adults and children since childhood,

I've been watching you all year

And I know for sure that a fairy tale lives in each of you.

Blizzard, blizzard surround us and put us in a fairy tale. (howling blizzard)

Open your eyes wider,

A fairy tale begins (Fairytale music sounds).

In a certain kingdom, in a magical state, there lived a king and his son, the crown prince.

The king and prince enter to the music, walk through the hall, the king sits on the throne, the prince next to him.

Storyteller: His Majesty the King named Louis the Second,

He sat on a throne in a palace and ruled a fairyland.

And then one day he called his faithful servants into the throne room.

King: Let the dance minister appear,

Minister of Fabulous Finance,

And also the chief astrologer,

And the senior musketeer will come.

To the music, the boys get up from their seats, walk around the hall, and bow to the king.

King: Courtiers, I called you,

To announce your decision -

Throw a New Year's ball

We need it this Sunday.

After all, the New Year holiday is coming soon,

I want to please the people.

1 boy (Minister of Finance):

We will arrange round dances,

We will have to allocate finances,

Buy garlands and toys,

Balloons, lanterns, firecrackers.

2nd boy (stargazer):

And I will have to disperse the clouds,

So that the stars can shine.

And the New Year's royal ball

Illuminate with magical light.

3 boy (musketeer): Let the royal messengers

Will go to all ends

And let all the people know

The king is waiting for the New Year's holiday.

Everyone stands behind the king and goes to their chairs to the music. Fanfare sounds and a herald comes out.

Herald: (unrolls the scroll and reads)

To all residents of the fairy-tale kingdom, a decree from King Louis II:

Ball announced today! All the people of fairyland

Must be at the party!

By the will of the king, the prince is obliged to marry,

Let the whole earth know -

And therefore the girls must come to the ball

The prince will choose one: a bride and a wife.

(sits down)

Music from the film “Cinderella” is playing

Storyteller: Not far from the royal palace there lived a girl named Cinderella with her stepmother and sisters. The stepmother was very strict. She loved her two daughters very much, and scolded her stepdaughter Cinderella and forced her to work hard. The stepmother heard the royal decree and began to get ready for the ball.

The stepmother and daughters come in to the music and wave their fans.

Stepmother: Cinderella, where are you running?

1st daughter: Cinderella, give me a bracelet!

Together daughters: How will we go into the world?

Cinderella comes in and brings out dresses for them one by one, they take them to themselves and throw them on the floor, stamping their feet in displeasure.

Cinderella: Don't you like the outfits?

Stepmother: What do you know, shut up

We need silk and brocade outfits for the ball.

1st daughter: Sew a dress for me brighter than a sunny day.

2nd daughter: It’s like a dream to sew a dress for me, so that it’s the most fashionable style.

Cinderella: Well, I won’t have time!

Stepmother: Well, try, Cinderella!

Daughters together: Well, try, Cinderella. We'll give you candy, ha ha ha ha ha.

Cinderella collects her dresses and runs off to get new dresses, comes out from behind the tree and says:

Cinderella: Your dresses are ready to be tried on.

(Cinderella and her daughters go behind the tree, the daughters take off their dresses, dressed on top, remain in their dresses and take turns going to the tree, singing and spinning)

1st daughter: This dress is brighter than a sunny day for me,

With lace and border, even a gold bow,

I've become a beauty in it, everyone will like me!

2nd daughter: This dress is like a dream, the most fashionable style in it,

Ruffles, bows, frills and beautiful thin chiffon,

I've become a beauty, and everyone will like me.

1st daughter: These dresses are just cool!

2nd daughter: So the prince is in our hands!

Stepmother: Listen baby, work a little more.

If you try, you will complete everything to the end.

Then you can admire the ball through the window of the palace.

First, remove the deep snow, clean all the paths in the garden.

Then 6 rose bushes

You plant them in pots on the window.

Do the laundry, wash the floors.

My little ones, follow me.

(Stepmother and daughters leave and sit on chairs)

Cinderella: Oh, how I want to be in the corner

I should find myself at a ball,

There's dancing, music and laughter

and the prince is probably the best!

Storyteller: Oh, what injustice! After all, it is extremely unfair not to be at the ball when you so deserve it. Everyone went to have fun, and Cinderella got to work.

Cinderella: Well, it’s okay, I won’t be sad,

First I will remove the deep snow,

Then 6 rose bushes

I will plant them in pots on the windows.

Let them bloom in winter

And everyone will be delighted with its beauty.

Oh, how I want to go to the ball,

Oh, if only someone knew

And he invited me with him.

Sings the song “At least believe it, at least check it out”

At least believe it, at least check it,

But yesterday I dreamed

It's like a prince came running after me,

On a silver horse.

And the dancers greeted us,

Drummer and trumpeter

Forty-eight conductors

And one gray-haired violinist.

Cinderella picks up a pot of flowers and spins with them to the music.

Goes behind the tree.

(The court ladies get up from their chairs)

Lady 1: Look, girls, how cute Cinderella is!

Lady 2: How beautiful she is, how kind she is!

Lady 3: On this fairy-tale night, Cinderella needs help.

Lady 4: Go to the New Year's ball, the royal carnival.

Lady 5: The fun has been in full swing there for a long time and the music is playing loudly.

Lady 6: The handsome prince is waiting for Cinderella, he is bored alone.

Lady 7: Girls, what are we waiting for?

Lady 8: Let's call the Good Fairy for help.

Ball - 8 ladies of the court dance "Minuet" (with fans)

Enter the fairy, the page and Cinderella.

Fairy: Cinderella, don’t be sad, let’s say, go to the garden for now.

I'll take care of you, don't think about work.

Children know this fairy tale, they know all its secrets.

(The page and Cinderella go behind the Christmas tree, Cinderella changes into a beautiful dress)

Storyteller: We will all join hands

And let's dance in a circle

We celebrate the New Year with a cheerful song.

Song "New Year" - piano.

(The fairy goes to the tree)

Fairy: That wish may come true, a miracle may happen in the sky (waves her magic wand)

The page brings Cinderella out, carrying the shoes on a cushion.

Cinderella: Oh, am I dreaming again?

Page: Do you like it? You can match it!

Cinderella, I need to tell you that I value your friendship.

A friend will support, a friend will help,

He can even do a miracle.

My part in miracles, take it - for your happiness!

(puts on her shoes - beautiful music sounds)

Page: Crystal snow shoes, you will be the best in them.

Fairy: Cinderella go, just don’t forget:

Exactly midnight, my daughter, your fairy tale will end,

The dress will melt away like a cloud, the carriage will become a pumpkin again.

Let's wish happiness to our dear Cinderella.

The page, the fairy and Cinderella go to the chairs.

Storyteller: And at this time the New Year's ball began in the royal palace.

The king, prince and herald go to the tree.

King: We are glad to welcome guests!

Well, start the ball soon.

Herald: It’s time to open our ball,

To have fun until the morning.

Please have fun

Dance, smile.

Stepmother and daughters enter.

King: My son, look carefully,

The beauties came to the ball.

You promised to finally marry

And take the bride down the aisle.

Prince: I promise to try to smile at all the girls. (He bows to his stepmother and daughters, and to the music he distributes flowers to all the ladies, the page holds the basket)

Herald: Play the music louder, invite everyone to dance.

Pair dance - New Year's waltz (all children and heroes: Prince, king and herald dance with stepmother and daughters)

After the dance, the king, prince and herald remain at the tree, the stepmother and daughters sit down, Cinderella runs behind the tree.

Herald: Your Majesty! Your Highness!

I would like to introduce to you and all guests:

A mysterious stranger came to us at the ball.

Cinderella enters to the music and admires the castle

Prince: Oh, who are you, and where are you from? Lovely, oh what a miracle!

Let me invite you to dance.

The dance of Cinderella and the Prince is short - “He appeared to me in a dream yesterday”

Prince: It’s so good that I met you,

And it immediately became a wonderful evening.

I'm happy to be next to you,

Let me invite you to the garden

I knew it, I knew it -

Today is the best ball ever.

Cinderella: Oh, how glad I am!

Prince: May I treat you to lemonade? (runs off to get lemonade)

The clock strikes.

Cinderella: What is this? The clock is striking 12! Oh, how sorry I am, it’s time to leave this ball... (runs away)

Prince: Stranger, where are you? (music)

The king approaches the prince.

King: My poor boy, don’t be sad -

Look, we found the shoe.

Storyteller: But the magic hour has come and the ball in the palace is over. Of course, the prince is terribly upset, because he is truly in love.

Prince: Without this girl, the world is not sweet to me.

How can I find her, who can give me advice?

Storyteller: Your Highness, I have known this fairy tale since childhood. You need to try on this shoe for all the ladies, and the one for whom it fits is a mysterious stranger, and her name is Cinderella.

King: Sadness, drive away sadness!

The prince needs to help us!

Listen to the royal decree:

Invite all the beauties

Try on this shoe,

The one whose leg fits -

She will marry you! (to the prince)

The prince tries on a shoe for the ladies.

Storyteller: Hundreds of beauties tried on this shoe -

She didn't fit any of them.

It was the turn of the stepmother and her daughters.

They began to try on the shoe.

The prince tries on a shoe for his daughters and stepmother. The king sits down

1st daughter: Oh, it’s too tight!

2nd daughter: Oh, it doesn’t fit at all!

Stepmother: Oh, bunglers, oh, turntables,

Clumsy fatties!

Take my example:

Stretch that shoe!

The shoe fits in, look!

Marry me!

King: It’s too early to announce the wedding,

Try dancing!

Comic dance of stepmother and prince

Stepmother: My leg is pinching, I have no strength to dance!

King: Your dance was very sweet!


The prince walked around all the beauties,

But he never found Cinderella.

Prince: Well, what to do, where to go, where to find Cinderella?

Storyteller: My dear prince, today is New Year,

And don’t be sad on New Year’s Day

Santa Claus will come to us now and a miracle will happen in an instant.

(all the guys call Santa Claus)

Children: Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus enters the hall and leads Cinderella by the hand. Santa Claus (sings to the tune of the song “Good Beetle”).

Stand up, children, stand in a circle,

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!

You are my friend, and I am your friend, an old faithful friend!

Santa Claus is coming here, coming to you, coming to you.

He takes Cinderella with him, he leads Cinderella.

Santa Claus brings Cinderella to the Prince

Prince: (handing Cinderella the slipper). Here is your glass slipper.

Put it on quickly, my friend!

Cinderella puts on a shoe. The Prince, Cinderella, Santa Claus and the King join hands and go to the center of the hall.

Father Frost: We are waiting for a miracle on New Year's Eve

And now dreams come true,

And again true friends

They meet at the Christmas tree.

Let the minutes of happiness be in the hours

And the years turn

Let joy enter every home

And the fairy tale does not end!

Come on, fairy-tale people,

Join the round dance!

Santa Claus: Why isn’t your Christmas tree lit? Not in order!

This Christmas tree is not simple,

It's worth saying a word to her

And magical wonderful light

She will all sparkle.

Come on kids, let's say it loudly - 1-2-3, the Christmas tree is on fire.

Song around the Christmas tree "New Year's song" - piano

Santa Claus: I am very kind today

And I'm friends with the guys,

I won't freeze anyone

I'll invite you to play.

Game with Santa Claus - “We will hang the balloons”

Santa Claus: I love the one who is cheerful

I'm Grandfather Frost.

If someone hangs his nose,

Let him raise his nose higher.

Is everything okay, kids?

It's time to dance.

Dance "New Year"

Santa Claus: Now I’ll sit

And I'll rest a little.

This is how I dreamed all year round,

Who will read poetry to me?

Show some respect

Read the poems! (Children read poetry)

Reading poems to Santa Claus

Santa Claus: What great fellows you all are, you made the old man happy. It's time for me to get ready for the journey.

Storyteller: Santa Claus, haven’t you forgotten anything?

Santa Claus: Wow, I almost forgot!

For your efforts, for your good mood

I have prepared a treat for you.

I couldn't get it across,

I revived it in my bag.

SURPRISE MOMENT (bag runs out)

Santa Claus: Miracles, so miracles (Santa Claus conjures a bag)

A miracle, a miracle, be created

A hundred gifts have appeared!

(The children, together with Santa Claus, blow on a large bag and many gifts appear near the tree. Distribution of gifts.

Santa Claus: The time has come to part,

It's time for me to head back!

But you shouldn't be upset

I'll be back in a year!

I say goodbye to you:

Goodbye! Goodbye!

(Santa Claus leaves)

Storyteller: Let good win in every fairy tale,

Let there be joyful faces everywhere.

And if you are sad, magic

There will be a knock on your door with a new fairy tale.

(Scenario for a youth ball).

The hall is festively decorated. There is a Christmas tree in the center of the hall. It stands on a large hemisphere, on the surface of which are the contours of continents and oceans. A fake, brightly painted palace has been installed. It houses the disco host.
A soundtrack of cheerful music is playing. Presenters dressed in fancy dress walk around the hall. They hand out badges with the image of Santa Claus to guests. On the badge is the number that is needed to participate in the “Merry Mail”

Description of the game “FUNNY MAIL”:
There is a table in the hall on which there are pre-prepared sheets of paper and pencils. Any participant in the ball can write a “message” to another participant and give it to the postman. Postmen only accept letters with return numbers indicated.

The guests have gathered. The music stops.

HOST: Good evening!
New Year's Eve,
Like a snowflake, light and short-lived!
They are waiting to meet you in all houses,
Rejoicing, they greet you at the door.

LEADING: Attention! The time has come
Open the New Year's ball!
The calling sound of the signal is calling
Guests in an elegant bright hall
Faces illuminated with a smile,
The light of happiness flows in the eyes -
Those who came to us to have fun
We are New Year's greetings.
The first waltz is already sounding -
The lights are shining. The ball is open!

(The disco host takes the floor. A dance program of 2 dances is underway.)

HOST: With round dances of sparkling snow, lace of frost on the branches of birches, with
Winter has come with blue transparent ice on the rivers, with piercingly bright short sunsets. And along with the beautiful winter, one of the most wonderful holidays comes to us - the New Year, a holiday of hope, the celebration of dreams, the fulfillment of desires, a holiday of gifts and surprises.

LEADING: Let's start with gifts. Pay attention to the ceiling. To him
Attached is a large box with the inscription “Ball Surprise”. Whoever guesses what is in the box will receive it along with a surprise.

(The presenter helps the participants with guiding questions. A prize drawing takes place.)

HOST: Friends, from your joyful faces and cheerful mood, I see that you are well prepared for the New Year's ball. Beautiful costumes and mysterious masks are seen everywhere. Soon Santa Claus will arrive at the ball, and believe me, he is the best connoisseur of New Year's fashion. Santa Claus will determine the owner of the most elegant, most fabulous costume, making its owner unrecognizable, and will present the main prize of our masquerade ball.

(The program continues with a small dance block, during which the presenters hand out inflatable balls of 2 colors to the dancers, for example, red for boys, yellow for girls.
Proverbs and sayings are written on small pieces of paper. The beginning of the proverb is on one piece of paper, the ending is on the other... The piece of paper with the first part of the proverb is put, say, in a red ball, with the ending in a yellow one. When the leaves are inserted, the balls are inflated and tied. At the command of the presenter: “Salute!” Everyone simultaneously pierces their balls and takes out pieces of paper with texts.
Every young man must find among the girls the one who will have the second part of his proverb. The first couple to formulate their proverb is awarded souvenirs.
One dance composition sounds.)

LEADING: Friends! Your ability to dance is beyond doubt. I think it’s time to invite those without whom the New Year’s ball cannot happen.
Let's invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in unison.

(Participants call Father Frost and Snow Maiden. They solemnly enter the hall.)

FATHER FROST: We welcome you joyfully today
Merry New Year's holiday.
And let everyone become closer friends
Fun, dancing, games, laughter!

Throws streamers and confetti into the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: Put on your masks
Start dancing together.
To invite everyone to have fun
New Year's carnival!

(Dance block.)

FATHER FROST: Now we'll find out which of you
The most dexterous in fun games!

(Two small artificial spruce trees are installed on stands in the hall. The distance between them is 1-1.5 m.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Imagine that there are only a few minutes left until the New Year, and these trees are not yet decorated. Perhaps there will be two clever people in the hall who will quickly dress them up. The one whose tree looks the most beautiful will receive a prize.

(Those who wish are there. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché, cotton wool are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas trees.)

SNOW MAIDEN: But completing my task is not easy. There is a short circuit in the room where your Christmas tree is located and you will have to decorate it in the dark.

(The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participants in the competition.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Perhaps someone will hang their toys on the neighboring tree, but the competition will still be won by the one whose tree turns out to be the most elegant.

(The game “DRESS THE TREE” takes place. It is followed by a dance block of 2 compositions.)

FATHER FROST: Come, come! Who wants to win a prize?

(In the hall there are scales above them with the inscription “happy weight – 96 kg.”)

FATHER FROST: It's very simple. Step on the scales, if your weight matches the lucky weight - 96 kg, you will become the winner of a prize.

Santa Claus is holding his own competition. The winner is awarded a prize.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now hurry up
Play the lottery
Because in the lottery
You can experience happiness!

(Several series of tickets have been prepared in advance for the lottery (twenty numbers in each, their number can be adjusted depending on the number of people present at the ball). The disguised Presenter portrays an organ grinder. The organ grinder is replaced by a colorfully painted box. In its upper lid there is a cutout for the hand.
The organ grinder takes lottery tickets out of the box and hands them to the guests. The Snow Maiden plays the lottery. She announces the title of the series and takes a card from the spinning drum that says "Santa Claus's Generosity." The cards are made of thick paper, rolled into a tube. The holder of the ticket with the named number receives the main prize, and the holders of the remaining numbers receive consolation prizes.
For example, the Snow Maiden says:
- “We are playing the series “Hello, Winter!” Ticket holders for this series approach the stage.
The Snow Maiden takes card No. 7 from the drum. The one with the same ticket receives the main prize - a Santa Claus doll, the rest - a pine cone.)

"Bon Appetit" series.
The main prize is a children's kitchen set, the rest - a drying set.

Series "Zoological".
The main prize is a toy bear, the rest - a lollipop.

Series “Love the Theater”.
The main prize is two theater tickets, the rest - theater posters.

Series “Cleanliness is the key to health.”
The main prize is a bath broom, the rest - a toothbrush.

“Everyone needs this” series.
The main prize is a door handle, the rest - a large nail.

"Remember Me" series.
The main prize is a postal set, the rest - a pencil.

"Don't be late" series.
The main prize is an alarm clock, the rest - a toy watch.

Series “New Year at the Gates”.
The main prize is a calendar, the rest - a small calendar.

Series “So that the body and soul are young.”
The main prize is a mirror, the rest - a piece of toilet soap.

(After the lottery there is a dance block.
Beautifully decorated boxes are brought into the hall and placed in a visible place. These are gifts from the Fairy of Joy. Those wishing to receive a gift must answer one of the questions:
What is the name of Santa Claus in Germany (or some other country)?
(Santa Claus).
Since what year is New Year celebrated in Russia?
(since 1699).
When does the new millennium begin?
(since January 2001.)
Who wrote the wonderful fairy tale about the granddaughter of Santa Claus?
(A.N. Ostrovsky).
The mini-quiz is over and the gift boxes have been handed over.

FATHER FROST: Each box contains different items.
You will see them now. (For example, in one there is a toy guitar and a shawl, in another there is an accordion and a Russian shirt, in the third there is a spear and a drum, etc.) For each of these sets a corresponding soundtrack has been selected. After opening the box, you must perform a dance or musical number using the given set of items. Thus, your numbers will form the program of an impromptu concert.
While you are getting ready, we will dance.

(After the dance block, the participants in the impromptu concert show their numbers. Father Frost and Snegurochka present them with prizes.)

SNOW MAIDEN: I think, Santa Claus, it's time to choose the owner of the best suit.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden approach the participant in the most beautiful suit and reward him with a memorable gift. The disco host announces a dance in his honor.)

FATHER FROST: Thank you, friends! It's time for us to leave. As we say goodbye, I would like to congratulate you once again on the New Year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Congratulations on the New……. year!

FATHER FROST: We wish you a lot of happiness, joy, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: May every month, day and hour of the New Year bring you goodness and goodness!

FATHER FROST: May spring come to you after the severe snowstorm. May great success come to you through hard work.

SNOW MAIDEN: Let a cheerful summer warm the earth with the sun! Let friendship warm you! Let love warm you!

FATHER FROST: Let there be a wonderful autumn full of golden leaves! Let your home be full of happiness, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: And then the snowy carousel will spin again, the lights of the Christmas trees will sparkle and you will say to each other: “Happy New Year, friends! Happy new happiness!”

FATHER FROST: We know this will happen!

SNOW MAIDEN: We know that everything you dream of will come true. We believe it will be a happy New Year!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the hall. The dance block continues.)

HOST: Dear friends! Our meeting has come to an end. We say goodbye to you and wish you all the most beautiful and unique things.

LEADING: Let the star of your youth burn brighter, bring with it purity and joy of love, faith and hope in all that is best and kind. Congratulations to you!

(The final waltz sounds.)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: creating conditions for the development of creative abilities and a sense of beauty in children.

1. Form a responsible attitude towards your business.
2. Develop creativity in the child.
3. Show beauty in restraint of outfits and behavior.

Description: The holiday takes place in the form of a masquerade ball from the 19th century. The appearance must correspond to the theme, i.e. evening dresses for girls and suits for boys.

Dances are rehearsed in advance with the whole unit: waltz, polka, polonaise.

The entire event is divided into three blocks.
The first is the greeting and introductory part.
The second is the main part. It lasts approximately half of the total time allotted for the ball.
The third is the end of the masquerade. However, there will also be games and mandatory dancing.

A week before the ball, invitations are distributed with tasks, namely: come up with a title for yourself in order to introduce yourself to the owner and hostess of the ball. The class responsible for this distributes and makes invitations.

On the day of the event, there are stewards at the entrance who greet guests and record the name and title of the guest. For those who do not have a mask, one will be provided by the organizers (masks are made by the person in charge of this class).

Guests are escorted into the hall.

Progress of the event

Fanfare sounds, the chamberlain comes into the center of the hall and reads out the rules of the event.

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to welcome you to our masquerade! In order for our evening to go well, fun and interesting, we need to remember a few rules.

1. Let go of embarrassment and enjoy the moment.
2. Leave your bad mood outside the door of our school.
3. Participate in competitions.
4. It is prohibited to remove masks.
5. It is prohibited to sit on a chair or stand near a wall during the entire holiday. Those who disobey will have to perform tasks in the center of our hall: sing, dance, recite poetry.
6. It is forbidden to leave the hall for a long time and walk around the school.

So let's begin our celebration. Let's open it with a waltz.

All students get into pairs and begin to move in a large circle. It turns out to be one mass dance. Tchaikovsky's music "Waltz of the Flowers - Viennese Waltz" plays.

The guys take their places.

Fanfares sound and the chamberlain comes out into the center of the hall.

I declare our ball open!

The presenters come on stage to the music. (fanfare)

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2: Have a good holiday mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Presenter 3: Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Presenter 4: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible.

Presenter 1:

Let it be the evening of our meeting
Warmed by ardent friendship.
We send you our heartfelt
New Year's holiday greetings!

Presenter 2:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
The holiday is joyful for everyone.
Let them ring under this vault
Songs, music and laughter!

Presenter 3: Dear friends, today our evening program includes games, competitions, quizzes, and an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with the hosts of the ball, Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Presenter 2: Well, while they're on the way, let's have a New Year's quiz to warm up.

Presenter 4: Dear viewers, please listen carefully to the questions and raise your hand when answering. For each correct answer you receive a snowflake.

New Year's quiz

1. A natural phenomenon that, without sand sprinkling, causes New Year's deaths. (Ice.)

2. Which beauty dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree.)

3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

4. Low-growing blizzard. (Snow drift.)

5. Carnival frame. (Mask.)

6. Ice casting. (Ice rink.)

7. Life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

8. Winter striker. (Freezing.)

9. New Year's State Collection. (Table.)

10. Supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg.)

11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

12. Fish, “dressed” in natural leather and an artificial fur coat, is a New Year’s dish. (Herring.)

13. A peasant’s anti-Christmas tree weapon. (Axe.)

14. Seasonal “sculpture” made from truly natural material. (Snowman.)

15. The result of festive excitement. (Fireworks.)

16. Christmas tree homeland. (Forest.)

17. Christmas tree snow insulation. (Freezing.)

18. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

19. An ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance)

20. A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

(snowflakes are awarded for correct answers)

The chamberlain enters the stage and fanfare sounds.

Let's welcome the host and hostess of our ball!

They pass between the guests and say compliments, go on stage and sit on the thrones. To the music of a fanfare.

Hello, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Guests are happy to welcome you. They came... man, let me introduce them to you.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden stand in front of the thrones, and a line of 4 people lines up to join them.

The chamberlain reads the title and name of the guest. The guest curtsies, the hosts nod their heads in response. Classical music plays in the background. It is advisable not to delay the greeting so that everyone gets through within 10 minutes.

Afterwards everyone takes their seats.

Presenter 1: So everyone is represented. We give the floor a welcoming speech to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Hello, dear guests!

Snow Maiden: Hello, girls and boys!

Father Frost: Moms, dads!

Snow Maiden: Grandfathers and grandmothers!

Father Frost: We visited you a year ago.

Snow Maiden: We are very glad to see you!

Father Frost:

May the coming year
New successes will come,
Good luck in everything,
And all problems are resolved,
And so that this coming year
The previous one was better.

Snow Maiden:

May all troubles go away
Let everyone be happy
On this fabulous night!
Everything that is bad in the past
We won't remember.
In the New Year, new successes
I want to wish everyone.

The hosts sit on the thrones, the chamberlain comes out to the music of fanfare.

Chamberlain: Let's thank our dear hosts with the Polka dance.

Everyone takes their seats, the music turns on, and the students begin to dance the rehearsed dance. Music "Ballroom dancing - Polka fire festival"

After the dance, everyone takes their seats.

Fanfare sounds and the presenters come out.

Presenter 3: Let's start our concert program. Meet…. With the song "On New Year's Eve."

Presenter 4: Thank you very much …. And now meet the dance ensemble... with their dance “Babki Ezhki”

Presenter 2: The “Gatherings” competition is announced

Two stools, two towels and one participant from each team are placed. One end of the towel is placed on one stool, the other end on the other. Players, sitting on a towel and grabbing a stool with their hands, will have to pull the towel towards themselves. They pull the towel twice if one participant wins each time.

The winning children are given snowflakes.

Presenter 1: A student of the class wants to congratulate us with her song “The blizzard is spinning, singing.”

Leading2: Grandfather Frost wants to play with us.

Grandfather Frost explains the rules of the competition: you need to take a newspaper with your right hand, then, on the command, “quickly” collect the entire newspaper into a fist. Whoever did it faster is the winner.

Leading4: Greetings to a student of the class with a joke poem.


Santa Claus is cheerful, like my dad,
And sometimes he laughs like a neighbor.
He comes to us in his father's slippers -
To tell the truth, a strange grandfather.

But he strictly fulfills his duties,
Gives me gifts every year
He knows about desires and tastes.
Maybe he has a file on us?

What should I tell you, grandfather? Thank you.
As you know, I study well.
If necessary, I am silent, like a fish,
If necessary, I’ll tell you a poem.

I listen to my parents, of course.
I’m waiting for the Christmas tree, the New Year, like when I was a child.
I know that he is elegant and funny,
Grandfather will come with a cotton beard.

He will shuffle again with his slippers,
He will say: “Happy New Year, dear!”
He will bring a big bag of gifts...
Apparently, my grandfather’s pension is great!

Presenter 1: We are announcing the second competition “Long Chains”.

10 people are invited to participate, two people per team.

Presenter 2: Rules of the competition: In the allotted period of time you need to make a chain of paper clips. The one whose chain is longer wins the competition. (the winner gets a snowflake)

Leading 3 : We present to your attention the dance “Waltz of Snowflakes” by the dance group...

Snow Maiden: Now show us how you can dance. I invite 15 people to the stage.

Medley dances. Everyone or just a group of guys can participate. The essence of the competition is to adapt your movements as naturally as possible to the music that will be offered. To do this, they play a “cut” of very different songs - youth and fast, slow and classical dance melodies.

Snowflakes are given away to the best.

Leading2: The competition “Winders” is announced, we need 10 people, of which 5 girls and 5 boys.

Ribbons are tied to the girls' waists. The girls wrap ribbons around their waists. The participating guys must twist the ribbons around their waists as quickly as possible... Whoever is faster and more careful wins.

INriding3: The next competition is called “Take the Prize”.

Team members stand around a chair, the leader reads the poem “One, two, three!” Those who tried to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the competition.

The one who gets the prize wins.

I'll tell you a story
Fifteen times.
As soon as I say the word "three" -
Take the prize immediately!
One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish -
And not just one, but TWO.
A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?
(the winner gets a snowflake)

Presenter 4: Last chance to earn snowflakes. Comic New Year's quiz. For each correct answer a snowflake is given.

1. Homeland of the Christmas tree. (Forest.)
2. Ancient ritual dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)
3. A female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs. (Blizzard.)
4. A rather suspicious, gray person trotting past the Christmas tree (Wolf.)
5. A natural phenomenon that causes instability and high “fall” of the population in winter. (Ice.)
6. New Year's ball, the most suitable place for those who like to hide their true self. (Masquerade.)
7. Ice casting. (Ice rink.)
8. Winter striker. (Freezing.)
9. The drink is an attribute of the New Year's table for risky guests. (Champagne.)
10. The most New Year's dish is “dressed” in a fur coat (Herring under a fur coat.)
11. New Year’s “sculpture” created from natural material. (Snowman.)
12. New Year's lighter. (Fireworks.)

Grandfather Frost: Guys, I am very glad that you were so active and cheerful, those who have snowflakes have a surprise in store for you, namely gifts. Come to me. Snow Maiden help.

Distribution of prizes accompanied by music.

Dfood Frost:

The whole world is celebrating today
Magic holiday - New Year,
And therefore from Santa Claus
Please accept my warm congratulations:

Let the sun warm you in a blizzard,
Not letting you hang your nose,
Your soul will be warm and cozy,
A lot of life will become fluff!
Today, tomorrow and from now on
May happiness reign on Earth,
In the houses there is a cheerful round dance
Smiles, joy, laughter swirl!
Take good care of each other
And protect from adversity,
Beautiful, bright and successful
Let the New Year pass!
The fanfare sounds and the chamberlain comes out.

Chamberlain: The final dance of our holiday will be the polonaise. Dear guests, please take the stage.

Everyone takes their places, the music turns on, and the children dance around. Music "Polonaise".

Chamberlain: Our ball is over, but the evening is not over. Everyone is invited to the school disco.

Music is playing.

Winter ball

Goals: organize leisure time for children; develop their creative abilities.

Design: snowflakes, balls, tinsel.

Inventory: snowballs, balls, rope, umbrella, skittles, cars, black box, leaves, hoop, jump rope, clock

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part

Presenter 1.

Winter is knocking on our doors

In a white robe

Throws a handful of snow at the window

And it will cry with rain.

Musical number

Presenter 2 It’s winter outside now... We call it differently: cold, white, snowy,... But, be that as it may, winter is a wonderful time of year,... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And popular wisdom says: “Winter is sad, but life is fun.” So let beautiful music sound on this December day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs know no fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

All presenters. We are opening our holidayWinter ball .

Presenter2 Now let's take the participants' oathWinter ball .

All. We swear!

1 presenter. Have fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

2 presenter. Dance until you drop!

All. We swear!

1 presenter. Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

2 presenter. Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

1 presenter. Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

2 presenter . We talked for a long time, but completely forgot that we had to dance at the ball. Maestro, music!

Musical number


3 II. Winter volleyball game

A rope is pulled between two chairs. The teams take opposite sides. They are given an equal number of balls - 15-20 pieces. Leaves are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to throw their leaves to the opponents' side within 1 minute. The team with the fewest leaves wins.

4 III. Musical break

Presenter 2. Bravo! What a snowfall! Simply pleasing to the eye! We bring to your attention ditties. Ditties are performed.

DITTSMonkey New Year
It's time for jokes.
Just don't be offended,
And laugh with all your heart!

4. Who said that macaques
No discipline at all?
They can do it for a minute too
Sit without making faces.

5. Monkey in the New Year
Gives smiles to everyone.
Gives joy and fun,
Improves your mood!

6. The monkey loves jokes
Master of mischief,
With her audacity she is capable
Even wake up a tiger!

7. If you like bananas,
So you are the monkey's friend.
Eat for breakfast and lunch
Instead of buns and sweets.

8. Monkey, you are an artist!
You are a singer, harmonica player!
Play the harmonica
And sing ditties.

5 IV. Game "Obstacles"

The facilitator asks the participant to do the following:

walk along a rope lying on the floor;

step over the clock;

crawl under the rope held by the presenters;

walk around the chair.

Then the player is blindfolded and asked to repeat these actions. At this time, all obstacles are removed and the player walks through the empty hall. The guys egg him on with their remarks.

6 V. Dance competition - 1

Presenter 1.

Winter has come. Everything around is covered in snow.

The cold wind sings in the wires.

And, setting off on the last flight,

Snowflakes dance the winter foxtrot. (4 couples)

All participants dance a snowball dance. Each couple receives a snowball, which is pressed between their foreheads. You cannot hold the apple with your hands. Slow music plays and the couples begin to dance. After some time, the task becomes more complicated because you have to dance blindfolded and to a fast melody. The pair that holds the snowball longer than others wins.

VI. Congratulations to winter birthday people

Presenter 1 . I ask those born in December, January and February to come out here. A gift has been prepared for you, winter birthday people.

They bring in a black box, pretending that it is heavy.

Presenter 2. This treasure will go to the one who guesses what is in the box. You can ask any questions to which I will answer “yes” or “no.” I promise you won't be disappointed.

Black box raffle.


Born in winter. Congratulation.

December suddenly breathed a cold breath,

Touched the puddles a little with ice,

But this house is joyful and happy:

The stork brought you to your mother in winter...

And on your birthday the air is fresh and clean,

The day is transparent, and the distance is a little whiter,

Snow fell from the sky,

Stuck to the glass like a round medal.

And your holiday smells like ripe tangerine,

Starched tablecloths rustle,

Have you been up since this morning?

But for some reason my gaze becomes a little moist.

Now it's time to accept congratulations,

Listen to toasts and accept flowers.

Love and happiness, light and goodness,

Health, dreams come true!

Musical number.

_____________________________________________________________________ 1 presenter. Hello! This is France! Bonjour, bonjour! Guys, be quiet, Pierre Cardin is calling. Yes, what do you say, very, very happy.

2 presenter. What's happened? Which Paris? What kind of cardan?

2 presenter . Yes, not Cardan, but Carderon. Paris? Probably French?

1 presenter. Oh, darkness. Yes, not Carderon or Cardan. Pierre Cardin is a French fashion designer.

2 presenter. And why did he call?

1 presenter. And he not only called, but also brought his latest winter collection. Now he will be with us. (Carden enters with his assistants)

PC. Bonjour, yes my gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce my latest models. (Classes present their models, and model assistants - students of these classes - voice them).

8 fashion show

2 presenter . Thank you, Cardin is very interesting. An extraordinary collection. Tell me, where can you buy your clothing designs?

PC. Thanks for the question. It comes in handy. I will soon open my salon in your city on Institutskaya Street called “Français”. Come back next winter.

1 presenter. Dear Cardin, we will be waiting for the opening of the salon with great anticipation. And now remain guests at our ball - you and your assistants. Thanks for your showing.(Offers a flower to the fashion designer). And yet, Mr. Cardin would be very grateful if you pointed out the best model, giving him the appropriate message indicating the name. Vote for the participants in writing. The best model will receive a prize from the Maestro.(Musical pause. At the same time, the guests of the ball give Cardin notes with the names of the models whose outfit, in their opinion, is the best).

2 presenter .

Now we invite everyone to dance! Maestro, music!

Dance 7th grade

10 VII. Dance competition - 2


If suddenly winter comes

And the snowball will throw into your hands,

So there is no point in standing -

Come dance with us!

Dance-game with winter snow. The ball is passed into the hands of the dancers, the person who receives it goes out into the circle and dances.

11 VIII. Competition "Dress a Friend"

Leading. 1 It's starting to get colder, my friends! We need to dress warmer. I see that among you there are individuals dressed out of season.

One girl and one boy form a team of four people. The players come up with a team name. Then, in 1 minute, the members of each team must put as many of their things on the captain as possible.

Presenter.2 You have real friends! They are not sorry to give you their most valuable things! A concert number is performed for the most united and generous team.

Musical number ___________________________________________________

13 IX. Relay "Drivers"

Two young men are given children's cars on a string. The participants' task is to cover the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knock them down. The winner of the auto racing receives a poetic gift (“Golden Autumn” by B. Pasternak).

Presenter 1

Winter. Fairytale palace

Open for everyone to review.

Clearings of forest roads,

Looking into the lakes.

Like at a painting exhibition:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, ash, aspen

In unprecedented whiteness.

The linden tree is covered in snow -

Like a crown on a newlywed.

The face of a birch tree under a veil

Bridal and transparent.

Musical number

7th grade song “New Year”

Presenter 2 - and now we are announcing the winner of the costume contest.

1 presenter. They say that WINTER is cold, cold, cold. ... Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

2 presenter. Winter has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this winter for bringing us all together for the winter ball. Spring, summer, autumn are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that magic lights will be lit for all of us in our school more than once.Winter Ball . See you again!(Slow music plays) Happy New Year!

The school organizes not only parties for children, but also for high school students. However, this category requires a special approach. After all, high school students are no longer children, they are people who consider themselves adults. To interest them, you need something completely special, with a twist. That is why a masquerade ball is offered as a New Year's celebration. This will be interesting to high school students for many reasons. First of all - dances that young people love at all times.

The very principle of being at the ball is faces are covered with masks, which promotes relaxation and a free atmosphere. In addition, there are also many good humorous competitions that will maintain the holiday atmosphere. The scenario of this New Year's masquerade ball can be successfully used for young children, and, conversely, for young people - students.

General plan of the event

Some points must be agreed upon in advance. This applies to both preparing the event itself and notifying guests. Even though the participants will most likely know each other (it is unlikely that the ball will involve the presence of students from different schools), all basic rules must be followed. This will help create the atmosphere of mystery of a real masquerade ball.


  • Hostess of the ball.
  • The presenter is her assistant.
  • Father Frost.
  • A group of Snowflakes-stewards.
  • High school students.

Rough plan

The entire event is divided into three blocks, the main part of which will, of course, be dancing. The first is the greeting and introductory part, without which not a single holiday is complete. The second is the main part. It lasts approximately half of the total time allotted for the ball. The third is essentially the end of the masquerade. However, there will also be games and mandatory dancing.

Decorations and accessories

Everyone present at the ball must wear a mask. Organizers need to ensure that there is a significant supply of these necessary accessories. Mandatory decorated Christmas tree in the back of the hall or stage (you can arrange a temporary podium). Also needed high-back chair designed to resemble a royal throne.

The main part of the hall is free, since the main thing in the event is dancing. Along one wall there are tables with drinks - lemonade and water. On the other hand, there are tables with chairs so that participants have the opportunity to relax.

First block

There is a way to make an event interesting before it even starts. To do this, you just need to prepare invitations and hand them to each prospective guest. The initiative group undertakes the preparation, and even teachers can do the distribution before classes. You can also entrust this to the prefects or student committee.

Meeting guests

At the entrance to the hall Those who come are greeted by snowflakes-stewards. Those guests whose faces are exposed will be given a mask. The girls have a special “palace scroll” - a notebook where they write down the names, titles and achievements of the guests. Of course, all this must be fictional. The guys also come up with achievements themselves. It could be anything. For example, someone remembers the fairy tale “About the Snow Queen” by heart, and someone has a medal for first place in the New Year’s sprint race. It is through this scroll that guests will be introduced to the Hostess of the ball.

Declaring the Rules

After all the guests have gathered, the presenter, the chamberlain, who is also the Queen’s assistant, or the presenter, who can be the main maid of honor, appears on the improvised stage. The presenter asks for silence and reads out the “Rules,” which everyone in this room must strictly observe. After which he expresses gratitude for coming to the holiday. The rules boil down to the fact that guests must be in a good mood, participate in all games and be sure to dance. All negative emotions, refusal to have fun and participate in the offered entertainment, and removal of masks are prohibited. Those who do not follow the rules may be punished by the Queen herself. Punishment - solo dance, song, any performance.

First dance

The host or one of the Snowflakes announces that the Queen will be delayed and invites them to finally hold the first dance. So that boys and girls do not feel embarrassed, a prepared group can perform first, performing a real waltz first, and then something youthful and fiery. It is during youth contemporary music that the lighting in the hall is dimmed and guests join in the dance. Lighting should not be too weak. It is enough to turn off only a few lamps.

Second block

The main part, which is filled with jokes, fun, music and movement. Only at certain moments will guests have the opportunity to sit down.

Arrival of the hostess of the ball - the Snow Queen

When the music fades away, the host re-enters the stage and announces that the Snow Queen herself will now arrive. This is a bit of an eccentric person. She came from a real fairy tale by Andersen, and therefore the order in her palace is a little old-fashioned. The Queen cannot be contradicted and so on. Fanfares sound and the queen enters the hall, accompanied by her retinue (the same Snowflakes). She walks through the line of guests, smiles and even nods at some. It is advisable to insert some phrases. For example, “Oh, what a wonderful Mask!” or “Knight, I don’t know you yet.” Unobtrusive music plays all this time.

Meeting the hostess

When the hostess of the ball takes her throne, she tells the assistant to introduce her to the guests with the announcement of all titles and titles, and also expresses a desire to meet the guests themselves. The Queen's performance must be magnificent and beautiful. At this time, she herself performs several steps, and her snowflake maids of honor perform a prepared dance. When it’s time to meet the participants, the host takes out the already familiar “palace scroll” and from it begins to read out all the information about each guest that was said at the entrance. When the name is announced, its owner stands and bows to the Queen.

Medley dances with competitions

After meeting, the hostess says that she is a little tired, because there are so many guests today. Therefore, they are obliged to entertain her. As entertainment, several competitions are announced in a row.

  • Medley dancing. Everyone or just a group of guys can participate. The essence of the competition is to adapt your movements as naturally as possible to the music that will be offered. To do this, they play a “cut” of very different songs - youth and fast, slow and classical dance melodies.
  • Classic. Only those who are familiar with the movements of famous dances are called upon - cancan, waltz, tango, and so on. The winner is the couple that performs best.

Performance by a visiting magician

A short respite for the guests comes when, after the competitions, the host asks everyone to sit down and respect the visiting magician from distant countries, who specially came to congratulate the Queen and her guests on the New Year's holiday, revered throughout the world. The magician demonstrates his many skills - shows tricks. He receives well-deserved applause, the approval of the Mistress and promises to come exactly a year later to the next holiday with new spells.

Dance time

When the magician leaves, the Queen reminds that the venerable public was invited not just to a masquerade, but to a real ball, so everyone must dance. The music starts playing, the lights become dim and dancing time begins. After each melody, the host announces what or who it is dedicated to. In addition, he can announce “white” or some other dance.

Third block

The holiday is gradually moving towards its end. Here everyone remembers that they have gathered on the occasion of the New Year and congratulations are heard.

Arrival of the Snow King - Father Frost

The music stops and the host says that another late guest, whom everyone has already been waiting for, is about to arrive. He talks about being called by different names depending on where exactly he comes - Santa Claus, Mikalaus, Papa Noel, Youllu-pukki and so on. In our country, everyone knows him under the name of Father Frost. The King of Winter enters the hall and loudly greets everyone. He says that he will not stay here for long, because he is expected at many more balls and holidays.

New Year's quiz

One of the final competitions is a quiz proposed by Santa Claus. There should be 13 blocks, each of which has the same number of questions. Accordingly, there will be 12 participants, and the 13th block is intended to determine the winner if someone has the same number of correct answers. The questions should be simple. For example, which month is the smallest, but not in length (May) or whether it is possible to bring water in a sieve (you can carry frozen water - ice) and so on. Ideally, there should be 12 winners who receive small souvenir gifts. It could be a horseshoe for luck, a doll, a car, mittens, etc.

Congratulations on the holiday

After the quiz, the Winter King and the Snow Queen congratulate all guests on the upcoming holidays, wish them many interesting and unusual things in the New Year, fulfillment of wishes, successful completion of their studies, and so on.

Removing masks and saying goodbye

Before the last dance at the New Year's masquerade ball, all participants will be asked to remove their masks and show their real faces.

Dance - at the choice of the public. Traditionally it is a waltz, but young people can choose something different, for example, one of the popular New Year's songs. After this, the owners of the palace thank the guests for a wonderful evening and express the hope that another such celebration will be held next year.

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