Temperature in a breastfeeding baby. What to do if a nursing mother has a fever: is it possible to feed the baby, how to reduce the fever during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding for a baby is undoubtedly much better than artificial feeding. However, it happens that a young mother doubts whether it is possible to breastfeed her child? Is it safe? We are talking about a situation where from a breastfeeding mother rises temperature. Can Should I continue? breastfeeding a child and how to treat it? “Mom’s cheat sheet” will tell you.

Situation No. 1: I’m breastfeeding, the temperature has risen to 37-38. What to do?

The first thing a mother who is breastfeeding needs to do is find out the cause of the elevated temperature. Don't be shy, call a doctor at home. Modern mothers are accustomed to searching for information on the Internet. Well, while the ambulance is driving, we’ll try to determine together what’s wrong with you. So, temperature 37-38 in a nursing mother it may occur for the following reasons:

1. A nursing mother has a cold or acute respiratory viral infection . Most common reason, why the temperature rises, precisely to 37-38 degrees (and even higher). And here it is interesting to know this feature of the female body: Along with milk, the baby will receive antibodies produced by the mother’s immune system, as well as nutrients that will help the baby overcome a cold. That is, breastfeeding a child with a cold and ARVI is possible and even necessary, experts say.

How to treat yourself and protect your child from the disease?

Antiviral antibodies in the human body are produced on the 5th day of illness. That is, the body can cope with this disease on its own. Mom's task:

  • eat according to your appetite
  • drink a lot
  • frequently ventilate the room (in clean, cool, humid air, viral particles lose their activity),
  • irrigate the nasal mucosa with saline solutions.

To protect your child from contracting the virus, they recommend:

  • breastfeed with a mask,
  • regularly irrigate the baby’s nasal mucosa with saline solutions or drops (they are now available even for infants marked 0+),
  • ventilate the room and wet clean the room (viruses are known to love dust).
  • do not stop breastfeeding your baby so that along with the milk the baby receives immunity to the mother’s disease.

Antiviral and antibacterial drugs are not allowed for breastfeeding. If the mother does not accept them, you can continue to feed the baby. Then the mother’s milk, which produces antibodies to viral infections, will protect the baby. If a mother uses medications that are contraindicated during breastfeeding, she should stop breastfeeding and switch to formula while taking it. The transition must be very careful so as not to cause allergic and other adverse reactions in the baby.

If during illness you transfer your baby to artificial feeding, this can have a bad effect on the mother's condition. If breast milk is not sucked out by the baby, the young mother may develop mastitis, or the milk will gradually disappear. A baby who receives formula from a bottle may subsequently not want to breastfeed again. In this case, if the mother has breast milk the child will have to be switched to artificial formula.

Thus, if the mother has a fever due to a cold, then she can breastfeed the baby.

2. Lactostasis (milk stagnation), mastitis - the second most common reason why A nursing mother has a fever. Is it possible continue in this situation breastfeed the baby?

Even if your baby is breastfeeding well, too much milk can often be produced early in lactation. Red spots appear on the chest, milk flows poorly from the breast, it becomes overcrowded and hard, like stone. In this case, the body temperature often rises to 37 - 38 degrees. Milk collects in the lactation canals, presses, blockage occurs, and stagnation occurs.

It is very important to put the baby to the breast often so that there is no stagnation. And if stagnation has formed and all the signs are present, it is necessary to feed more often than usual, approximately every 1 - 2 hours. The ideal position is from under the arm, when the baby massages the side of the chest where congestion most often occurs. The baby will help the mother recover.

In between feedings, it is useful to apply a chilled leaf of white cabbage to the breast. It's old and effective way relieve swelling and inflammation in the chest. The sheet is torn off and lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer and placed in the bra. After 1.5 - 2 hours, the leaf is removed before feeding. Read more in the article.

Mothers often mistake an increase in temperature during lactostasis for ARVI or flu and hesitate to see a doctor, which only aggravates the situation.

Meanwhile, if stagnation does not go away, redness and temperature do not subside, this can lead to mastitis. And this is a more serious and painful problem. In essence, mastitis is advanced lactostasis (milk stagnation). This is why it is so important to consult a doctor at the first signs of milk stagnation. In advanced cases, the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibiotics that are safe for the baby and compatible with breastfeeding.

And paracetemol, which is simple and safe during breastfeeding, will help against pain and fever. Experts believe that the composition of milk remains the same after consumption.

So, if your milk stagnates, you can breastfeed your baby, since the milk ducts must be regularly emptied. But this is only possible if there is no purulent discharge from the chest. After feeding, the remaining milk must be expressed.

3. Stress, menstruation. Sometimes it happens that a young mother’s temperature rises due to a stressful situation or during menstruation. In this case, you can also continue to feed the infant with mother's milk. But if the mother’s temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, then it must be brought down. After all, mother’s milk “burns out” at a high temperature, and the baby refuses it. Along with mother's milk, the baby receives medicines, therefore, mothers should not take antipyretics containing aspirin; babies should not take aspirin. To reduce fever, a nursing mother should use only paracetamol-based medications.

4. Herpes. On the lip, for example. What to do? Try not to touch the child with this place, wash your hands more often, protect the baby from contact with the source of the disease.

Situation No. 2: a nursing mother is seriously ill with a fever. Can I take antibiotics?

1. Fever can be caused by diseases that require treatment. antibiotics. Such diseases pose a danger to both mother and child. The attending physician, if the disease has just begun or its course is quite mild, may prescribe the mother to take antibiotics that will not interfere with the process of breastfeeding. In modern medicine, there are a number of antibiotics that are safe during breastfeeding. Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe them. Some types of anesthesia are also compatible with breastfeeding. In any particular case, whether the mother can continue to breastfeed if the temperature rises and any serious illness is detected, the doctor must decide.

2. Mom is seriously ill and cannot breastfeed the baby for some time. What to do in this case? If mom is in the hospital or undergoing chemotherapy, you need to wait until the course ends. To prevent milk loss and stagnation, it is important to express milk regularly. Then it will not disappear and later it will be possible to return to feeding.

Situations arise when a nursing mother needs special treatment that is incompatible with breastfeeding. The doctor prescribes medicine and recommends switching to artificial feeding. You shouldn't feel like a criminal. The child needs a healthy mother, so it is better to follow the recommendations of the attending physician. Children also grow up on formula, the main thing is that a healthy and joyful mother is nearby)

For a complete and harmonious development Breastfeeding is very important for a newborn baby. Mother's milk contains the entire complex of substances required by the body during development. Unfortunately, mom is not immune from various diseases, infections and viruses. If the disease has entered the mother’s body, then there is a possibility that it will pass through breast milk to the baby. The first and main symptom of infection is elevated temperature bodies.

If a nursing mother experiences such a sign, then the question automatically arises: is it possible to breastfeed the baby at a fever. To find out, you should pay attention to the causes of fever and fever.

Causes of high temperature

There are several common causes high temperature. As a rule, this symptom is of a viral or bacterial nature, and the disease develops at a certain period of the year.

A nursing mother should take her health very seriously and perform all necessary preventive procedures to avoid infection. A mother's high temperature can significantly harm the health of a breastfed baby.
As you know, in the first 2-3 weeks after childbirth, a woman’s body is weakened and very susceptible to any serious diseases. A young mother can get sick with ARVI, flu, or a cold. A rather unpleasant and serious disease that provokes heat and fever is mastitis. The disease provokes prolonged inflammation and an increase in the body's thermal index to very high levels. Another cause of fever can be food intoxication. Even the most common poisoning can cause fever.

If these reasons exist, but provided that the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, the mother can continue to feed the baby. In the case when the thermal indicator is higher and has exceeded 39 degrees, you cannot breastfeed the baby. The thing is that the quantitative and qualitative composition of milk changes and it is no longer suitable for feeding a baby.

Indications for breastfeeding

There is a situation when the attending physician allows a woman to continue breastfeeding even if the mother has a very high temperature.

In this case, the specialist is guided by one of the following points:

  • Breastfeeding a baby at a temperature allows interferons to enter the child's body with mother's milk. This, in turn, helps strengthen the baby’s immunity;
  • fever is a sign that the mother’s body is fighting the infection, which means that antibodies are being produced that protect against the virus. For this reason, you can feed your baby even at a fever, as this will have a positive effect on the body of mother and child;
  • breastfeeding children as usual at elevated temperatures is the prevention of diseases such as mastitis;
  • If you take a break, there is no guarantee that the baby will want to eat this way again.

When should you not breastfeed your baby?

Despite the fact that breastfeeding is useful and even necessary, parents should understand that it does not always benefit the child. I exist and possible complications problems that may arise if you ignore the advice of specialists. Contraindications include the following:

  • When the temperature rises beyond 39 degrees, the taste of the milk may change. To prevent the child from giving up breastfeeding in the future, it is necessary to first lower the rate and only then feed the baby;
  • if temperature is a symptom of a viral or acute chronic disease of various organs or systems, then it is best to refuse breastfeeding;
  • when a nursing mother is undergoing a course of antibacterial therapy, breastfeeding is prohibited, since antibiotics can enter the bloodstream and cause dysbiosis.


We can talk about the benefits of dairy products for a very long time. Breast milk is a higher quality and balanced product that a child needs for full development.

It is best to consult a doctor immediately, especially if your temperature rises above 37.6 degrees. This is the temperature that says you may be sick dangerous disease. Your doctor will help you identify the real reason your condition.
Advised if temperature 38 and above, stop breastfeeding. If it has decreased, then Can continue unless your doctor tells you not to.

How to measure temperature during hot water?

There is a rule that the temperature should be measured after half an hour has passed after feeding. This is due to the fact that when milk is produced, the woman’s body temperature in the armpit rises. Most often it stays around 37 degrees, but it can also be higher. Also, when feeding, the muscles contract and produce heat.

Causes of increased body temperature

In fact, there can be many reasons. And that's not only colds or infections. If you do not have any symptoms of a cold, then you should look for another cause. To do this, consult a doctor. Only he can determine it.
If several weeks have passed since the birth of the child, then the elevated temperature may be caused by postpartum diseases. These may be inflammations or chronic infections. The likelihood of ARVI is less during this period.
One of the most common diseases is postpartum mastitis. Occurs due to bacteria that have entered the chest. Most often it is Staphylococcus aureus.
What else can cause a rise in temperature? These could be cracked nipples, lactostasis, skin diseases, and poor breast hygiene. These are the reasons that cause mastitis.
If more than a month has passed after childbirth, then diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections and poisoning are more likely.

What to do if the temperature rises?

After childbirth, an obstetrician-gynecologist must monitor the woman’s health. Therefore, if less than two months have passed, contact your doctor immediately.
If you have all the symptoms of a cold, then run to your doctor.
To bring down the temperature, nursing mothers can take everything that small children can. This is, for example, ibuprofen or paracetamol. Only the dose should be for an adult.
Is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature of 38 and higher?
In fact, there is no one right answer. It depends on the reasons why mom got sick. If you need to take medications that are not suitable for breastfeeding, or there may be viruses or bacteria in your milk, then you may want to consider stopping breastfeeding temporarily.
But I’ll say right away that these must be very advanced diseases; in other cases, there are a lot of drugs that can be taken for breastfeeding.
Even with mastitis, you do not always need to stop feeding.
It would be best to consult your doctor and tell him that you want to continue breastfeeding. If possible, he will prescribe suitable medications for you.

When a woman develops poor health during lactation, the question arises as to whether it is safe to continue breastfeeding the baby. To answer the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed at a fever, you will first need to understand the reasons.

Breastfeeding a child is considered the basis for its correct and harmonious development. But the female body is not always immune from infection, which can cause serious disruptions in its functioning. One sign of infection is fever.

Most often, an increase in temperature is observed when a viral infection enters the body. But the symptoms appear after the pathogenic microorganisms multiply, and before that there is an incubation period, when the mother feels completely healthy, but is a carrier and can infect others.

Thus, When the temperature rises as a result of a viral infection, the mother already has time to transmit the virus to the child, since their contact is very close. It turns out that there is no need to stop feeding and isolate the woman if the mother’s body temperature has increased.

In addition, breast milk is the main means of treating and preventing diseases in a child. In a woman’s body, as the temperature rises, antibodies are already produced, and when they are received, the child does not get sick, and when this happens, it is in the mildest form.

If during such a period the baby is deprived of his mother’s breast, then the antibodies will not arrive and this will be stressful for his body. For a woman, stopping breastfeeding is also dangerous. Mastitis can join the pathology that provokes a high temperature, because only a child correctly and completely empties the mammary glands.

Causes of increased body temperature in a nursing mother

To decide whether it is possible to continue breastfeeding at a temperature, you must first understand the reasons for its increase. There may be several of them:

  1. Postpartum disorders. Inflammation in the body after childbirth requires urgent consultation with a doctor, but it does not interfere with breastfeeding. Such problems include: inflammation of the sutures, endometritis, suture dehiscence.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Childbirth is becoming a frequent trigger for exacerbation of chronic diseases in women– pyelonephritis, herpes, tonsillitis. But with timely correction, there is no need to stop lactation.
  3. Only 4 chronic pathologies are a direct indication for refusal to continue lactation: tuberculosis; HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
  4. ARVI - viral infection in most cases does not prevent lactation, but it is better to check with your doctor.
  5. Bacterial inflammation. These include mastitis and lactostasis, which develop as a result of improper attachment of the child to the breast, and cracks appear on the nipples.

Indications for breastfeeding: why you shouldn’t stop

With a slight increase in thermometer readings, when asked whether it is possible to feed a baby at a fever, doctors almost always recommend continuing lactation. It is so important to do this because:

  • Interruption of natural feeding causes the thermometer to rise even more due to overfilling of the mammary glands and the development of such a serious complication as lactostasis.
  • To prevent stagnation, you should often express milk, but without the baby’s help, milk residues still remain in the breast, disrupting the lactation process.
  • When the temperature rises under the influence of the virus, antibodies to it are immediately formed in the woman’s blood, which enter the child’s body with milk, protecting him.

If the temperature rises during breastfeeding, but the well-being of the nursing mother is not fundamentally affected, and she does not need treatment with drugs incompatible with breastfeeding, then continuing lactation is very important and necessary.

Contraindications: when should breastfeeding be stopped?

Despite the benefits of breastfeeding a child naturally, there are situations when lactation must be interrupted:

  • When the temperature during feeding exceeds 39 ºC. This affects the consistency and taste of milk, as severe intoxication occurs in the body.
  • When the temperature rise occurs under the influence of acute or chronic forms of pathology of the liver, kidneys, and heart.
  • When treatment with antibiotics is required, since when they enter the newborn’s body along with milk, they cause dysbacteriosis and other complications.

If measured under the armpit, the result will be unreliable. The thermometer shows more than 37 ºC during lactation. This is the norm, and to obtain the correct value, the thermometer is placed in the crook of the elbow. In the maternity hospital, the temperature is measured in the crease of the groin or in the mouth, but there it is also higher. Breastfeeding at high temperatures is prohibited.

How to safely reduce your temperature

When choosing drug therapy to reduce fever, it is recommended to use drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen

Rapid stabilization of indicators is possible if the following recommendations are followed:

  • Taking antipyretics when the temperature reaches 38 ºC - their composition should be based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. They do not affect the baby's body.
  • You can use antipyretic drugs in suppositories to reduce the risk of their components getting into the milk.
  • Until the temperature has risen to 38 ºC, it should not be lowered so that the body can produce antibodies.
  • You need to measure before and after feeding to monitor the condition. During the race, you can take an antipyretic.
  • In case of infection with viruses, a woman needs bed rest and plenty of warm drinks - this way, toxins are removed from the body faster.

Effect on milk quality

The mechanism of milk production is laid down at the genetic level and a slight increase in indicators does not affect this process or quality in any way - it does not sour or curdle. In this regard, it is important to understand at what temperature you can feed your baby. The only complication is a decrease in lactation volume under the influence of physiology:

  1. A woman’s body loses a lot of fluid, and water is the basis of milk.
  2. During illness and intoxication, the child is put to the breast less. And the less you feed, the less milk production. As the patient recovers, lactation resumes at a normal level.

How to resume lactation if milk has disappeared is described in this article. And you can find out about the causes of the lactation crisis, which occurs in almost every breastfeeding mother.

Treatment process

Only a doctor can prescribe an antibacterial drug; self-medication is fraught with serious consequences for the woman herself and for the newborn. The doctor gives recommendations and selects a treatment regimen that minimizes harm.

A woman must measure her temperature correctly; the readings in the armpit will be incorrect. It is also recommended to take measurements immediately after feeding.

For acute respiratory diseases there is large number symptomatic methods of correcting the condition - inhalation, washing, rinsing, which are safe for both the woman and the child.

The main condition for reduction is the use only safe drugs, which will not affect the child’s well-being and will not affect the composition of the milk.

When the numbers are less than 38 ºC, there is no need to knock them down. This indicates that the body is independently resisting the disease. But in such a situation, you can help him - often drink fruit drinks, jelly, juices, etc. The liquid helps remove intoxication components. You need to choose a drink taking into account the child’s reaction, so as not to provoke an allergy.

Only a doctor should prescribe how to reduce fever during breastfeeding, since he has the ability to fully assess the risks and select the correct dosage.

To normalize the indicators, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol or products based on them are most often taken. If the mammary glands are inflamed, it is forbidden to apply warm compresses. If nodules are detected in the chest, a massage is performed.

Folk remedies for fever

If a woman experiences a fever during lactation, then they can safely help her simple recipes traditional medicine– drinking teas with honey and lemon, provided the child does not have an allergic reaction. The causes of rashes in a child can be different and are not necessarily allergic manifestations. This may be common, but we advise you to read more about the symptoms that can affect an infant.

Herbal decoctions are also useful, but medicinal plants should be selected with extreme caution. Sage and mint reduce milk production. It is better to give preference to decoctions of lemon balm, eucalyptus and juniper. They help fight viruses and reduce inflammation.


So, if a woman finds herself with an increase in temperature, then she should not immediately panic. You need to correctly answer the question whether it is possible to breastfeed at a fever. It is important to start tracking fluctuations, drink plenty of fluids and maintain your health. This will allow you to maintain lactation and not cause even more harm to your health.

How to choose safe treatment for a woman with viral infection, who continues to breastfeed, says Dr. Komarovsky in the video:

When body temperature rises, this indicates that the immune system is actively fighting the disease. Fever is a normal reaction of the body, but in the case of a nursing mother, the situation is somewhat different. In the first 6 weeks after birth, there is a chance of developing postpartum complications, especially if the birth was difficult or if C-section. In such a situation, a high temperature may indicate inflammation of postpartum scars or organs of the genitourinary system - then consultation and assistance from a qualified doctor is necessary.

In the first month and a half after childbirth, a woman’s body is still very weak, and a high temperature can indicate complications and inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system

Why can the temperature rise during lactation?

When the postpartum period (6 weeks) is over, some diseases are added to the causes of fever. Among them:

  • flu, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • lactostasis and mastitis;
  • intestinal infection, poisoning.

Acute respiratory diseases do not occur so often during lactation. Infection can occur from any family member living in the same house as the nursing mother. Everyone knows the symptoms of this disease very well - loss of energy, nasal congestion and snot, sneezing, sore throat (see also:). The temperature rises above 38 degrees. By observing bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking antipyretics, on the fifth or sixth day you can completely rid yourself of the unpleasant ailment.

Lactostasis is a violation of the outflow of milk in the mammary glands. The milk duct becomes clogged, swelling appears, followed by inflammation. Naturally, with such processes the temperature rises and pain occurs in the mammary glands, and if the problem drags on, then after 3-4 days it can be complicated by a bacterial infection and mastitis will develop with an even more serious temperature - up to 39-40 degrees. Preventing lactostasis is not very difficult. It is necessary to ensure the prevention of milk stagnation, which is achieved by frequently putting the baby to the breast, expressing the remains and massage. If there is too much milk in the breast for the baby, some mothers use a manual breast pump. True, with this method small lumps appear in the chest, but they are easily eliminated with massage.

When it comes to infectious mastitis, you will have to be treated with antibiotics, and in the most advanced cases, surgical intervention will be required.

In the case of poisoning and intestinal infection, in addition to high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, severe weakness (we recommend reading:). Treatment requires enveloping drugs and sorbents, as well as strict diet. You should definitely consult a doctor, since intestinal infections are very dangerous, and they should be treated during breastfeeding only under the supervision of a specialist.

Algorithm of actions at elevated temperatures

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When the temperature during breastfeeding suddenly becomes higher than usual, you should not panic under any circumstances - this will aggravate the mother’s painful condition and have a worse effect on the baby.

Don't rush to try it right away different methods, but try to observe your body and simply assess the situation. If you act adequately, nothing bad will happen. You will be able to quickly lower your temperature and return to your normal lifestyle. Let's figure out what needs to be done.

The first thing is to determine the cause.

If you know the symptoms of all of the above diseases, determining the cause will not be particularly difficult. In any case, even when you have correctly diagnosed yourself, consult a doctor. This is important when breastfeeding, as a specialist may notice signs that escaped your attention. The help of an experienced doctor will never be superfluous.

Second - continue lactation

There is a common belief that you should not continue to breastfeed your baby if you have a fever, but there is growing evidence to the contrary. Doctor Ruth Lawrence, an expert in her field, in a methodological guide for doctors “Breastfeeding” lists diseases in which the process should not stop:

  • flu, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • lactostasis, mastitis, breast abscess;
  • diarrhea;
  • hepatitis A, B, C;
  • herpes (with the exception of the nipple area);
  • staphylococcal infection;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Mother's milk is the best “immunomodulator” for the baby, so pediatricians in most cases recommend continuing breastfeeding even if unwell

Nowadays, there are drugs that can be used by a nursing mother without harm to the baby. If breastfeeding is stopped for the duration of the illness, the child will lose antibodies that are produced in the blood and pass into breast milk; and if he himself is sick, then this is even more unhelpful.

Third, measure your temperature correctly.

This is not surprising - even in the absence of illness in a nursing mother, the temperature in the armpits is slightly higher than normal - 37.1-37.3 degrees. Hyperthermia is explained by the high milk content in the mammary glands. A reliable result can be obtained only half an hour after feeding, by washing and drying the skin of the armpits well.

Fourth - use an antipyretic

Medicines that lower fever are oral (tablets, powders, syrups) and rectal (suppositories).

The well-known statement that when using suppositories, the active substance remains in the intestines and does not pass into breast milk is incorrect - it is absorbed into the blood, as well as from powders, tablets and syrups, so it does not matter what form of antipyretic drugs is prescribed to a nursing mother.

The only difference is the speed of action. Oral medications begin to act faster, since the stomach has a larger area of ​​mucous membrane with which the substance interacts.

Fifth - drink plenty of fluids

It doesn’t matter whether the mother has a cold or simply has an excess of milk in her breast, at elevated temperatures she needs to drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to drink at least a glass of water every hour. In addition to the fact that the body will replenish lost fluid, the milk will not thicken and will drain easily - this will help normalize the temperature and reduce the risk of lactostasis.

Acceptable means to reduce temperature during lactation

Not every temperature is worth lowering. If it has risen slightly above 37 degrees, it is better to leave the immune system the opportunity to fight and produce antibodies. It is recommended to drink antipyretics when the thermometer reaches 38.5.

What medications are allowed if a nursing mother needs help? The list in this case consists of only 2 items:

  • "paracetamol";
  • "ibuprofen."

According to clinical trials, Paracetamol crosses the placental barrier during pregnancy and is concentrated to a fairly high degree in breast milk (up to 24%). However, researchers claim that it is not capable of harming the baby either during intrauterine development or after birth during breastfeeding. Even versions of Paracetamol have been developed for children from 2 months due to its safety. To normalize the temperature, a nursing mother needs to drink 325-650 mg of the drug and repeat the dose every 4-6 hours until a stable result.

Paracetamol is one of the basic antipyretic drugs for nursing mothers. It does not contain substances that can harm the baby, but it should only be taken in recommended doses

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal drug. It acts comprehensively: reduces temperature, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and calms feverish conditions. In the international classifier medicines Ibuprofen is among the medications that are compatible with breastfeeding. The duration of its antipyretic effect reaches 8 hours. This drug is taken 200 mg 3-4 times a day. In an emergency, it is allowed to take 400 mg, but further intake should be reduced to 200 mg. You can take 400 mg 3 times a day, but no more.

What can't be used?

It is not recommended for a nursing mother to use combined antipyretics - Coldrex, Rinza, Terra Flue and others. Many of them are available in powders, some in tablets. Although the main active ingredient in them is paracetamol, in addition to it there are other substances, the effect of which on the children's body has not been studied.

It is unknown which side effects may occur, so it is better to take the active substance in its pure form.

How to take antipyretic?

Antipyretic treatment should not be carried out chaotically, but in compliance with certain rules. Try to stick to them:

  1. Take medications only as needed to reduce your fever. There is no need to do this for prevention.
  2. The best time to take medications is immediately after feeding. The benefit will be maximum, and the potential harm will be minimal.
  3. Do not adjust feedings to fit your medication schedule - this is not at all necessary.

When the need for an antipyretic often arises, many people have a logical question: is it possible to use not one, but different means? Authoritative pediatrician E. Komarovsky gives the following advice: you can alternate Paracetamol and Ibuprofen if this gives results, but do not forget that you need to take medications sequentially, and the time interval between doses should be at least 2 hours.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that increased body temperature does not affect the quality of breast milk in any way - it cannot simply burn out or deteriorate. There is no need to give up lactation in this situation. It will protect the mother from breast problems, and provide immune support to the baby.

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