The air, which has not yet become sultry, pleasantly refreshes the chest, and the sun, which has not yet entered its full force, warms carefully and tenderly. It’s good to walk on the ground early in the morning - document The particle is not written together

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS than ten years old.

The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing.


(IN)CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance

with mother.

Ambition is a (NOT) DESIRE to be honest, but a thirst for power.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling:

The lilac bush under the window is AT LEAST ten years old. (With the comparative degree of the adjective separately)

The air, which has NOT yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing. (When participle is a dependent word)


IRREGULAR, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance to her mother. (The conjunction “But” does not share)

Ambition is NOT the DESIRE to be honest, but the thirst for power. (Contrast with conjunction A)

Answer: incorrect

Answer: incorrect

Relevance: Used since 2015

Difficulty: normal

Rule: Task 13. Integrated and separate spelling of NOT and NI with different parts of speech

Right-in-pi-sa-nie NOT and NOR.

According to the specification in the given type, the following is verified:

− the ability to separate a part NOT from a part NOR;

− ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

− the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In connection with this, we draw attention to the fact that the condition of the task, depending on its goals, can significantly -whether. At the same time, we also note that in the current editions of the Unified State Examination (authors Tsy-bul-ko I.P., Lvov, Ego-ra-e- va) I only test the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech, but in behind other authors, including Se-ni-noy, MMIO (Stat-Grad) are presented and given the choice of NOT or NOT. The edition of the RE-SHU-USE also considers it not-about-to-expand the types of data given in the specialties -fi-ka-tion of the same year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules, with the help of which we verify the writing, not studied in the school course. Such rules are from-me-che-ny sign-com *.

12.1 Merged and separate na-pi-sa-nie of particles NOT and NOR.

The part is not written separately:

1). cha-sti-i-mi.

It is necessary to distinguish the direct pro-formation, in which one of the two signs, called -ga-tel-us-mi, from-ri-tsa-et-sya, and the second-approve-is-waiting, and pro-ti-in-put-le-tion from the ledge -tel-from-the-ten-com-meaning, with which both signs, called with-la-ga-tel-n-mi, with-pi-sy -there is a pre-me-tu, i.e. there is a pro-formation, but without a de-rivation.

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (from the sign "deep" and the sign "shallow" is established) ).-The lake is not deep, but wide (both signs are confirmed: “both shallow and wide”; “although shallow -something, but shi-ro-ko e").

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They walked not quickly, but slowly. Not pitchy, but a growing rumble.
2) *With pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, na-re-chi-i-mi on -o and with-cha-sti-i-mi, words on -my, if about -you-have-put-it-under-ra-zu-me-va-et-sya and from-ri-tsa-nie intensification of the words:

a) not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all;

b) from-ri-tsa-tel-ny-mi-place-of-name-words: not at all, not at all, not to anyone, not to anyone, not by anyone, not ever, not anywhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For the convenience of clarification, we call them about negativities and strengths.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She's not exactly brave; He's not the least bit stupid; It's no fun talking about it; Not at all embarrassed; She is not at all more shaped than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; It's not a good project; He's not my friend at all; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, in no way useless, good for nothing, good for nothing not capable, not interesting in any way; He is not at all more handsome than his sister;

3) *With short-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, which are not mentioned in full form.3) not happy, not owed, wrong, not visible, not intended, not disposed, not ready, not obliged, not needed, not in agreement.
4). look-those) or about-by-sta-le-niya (according to the general rule)4) You haven’t seen fields of rye that haven’t been harvested yet. Not a laughing child, but a crying child.
4) *With from-gla-gol-ny-mi pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, ob-ra-zo-van-ny-mi from transitional verbs -with the help of suffix-sovs -I eat-, -im-only if there is a word in your -ri-tel-nom pas-de-je.4) I have to take a subject this year that I don’t like.

This case requires complete clarification. It is necessary to differentiate the na-pi-sa-nie not from the words on -my, but from the transitional verbs -fishing of a not-quite-seen kind: such words can be like stra-da-tel-us at-part-time -ni, so and with-la-ga-tel-ny-mi (in the first case, on-pi-sa-nie with not separate, in the second - merged). They appear to me if they mention yours as a clear word. the positive case of the active person, less often the creative instrument (so-called instrumental); if there are other clear words, they become the same (lose the meaning of the -yes-tel-no-sti and the meaning of time and at-re-ta-ut quality meaning). Wed: I don’t like ma-te-ryu re-be-nok - I don’t like games in childhood (in the second case, the word don’t like-my indicates calls for a permanent sign, denotes, for example, the same thing as “not-pleasant”, “not-same-la- tel-ny"); movement, not tor-mo-win-my air-spirit - not-vis-di-may from the Earth a hundred of the Moon.

The adjectives of this type include: not-vis-di-my, not-in-mean-e-my, not-flame-me-e-my, not-ha-si-my, not-moving-my, not-de-my, not-for-you, not-visible, not-from-me- e-my, not-love-my, not-thought-my, not-about-la-ga-e-my, not-from-alien-yes-my, not-per-re-vo- di-my, not-per-re-da-va-e-my, not-know-va-e-my, not-about-believe-e-my, not-hide-ha-e- my, intolerant, etc. Wed. their writing when there are clear words: isn’t my number on three, wouldn’t it be for us to meet -chi, through tears invisible to the world, not-thought-of in the recent past, re-cords, not-per-re-da-va-e-my pro-sts -my feelings, not-about-my accounts for a long time, not-about-ho-di-may in the spring-time dirt, not-sklo -nya-e-mye are nouns in the Russian language, not-toler-pi-moe in our society, etc.

5) With gla-go-la-mi, de-e-pri-cha-sti-mi, short-ki-mi at-cha-sti-mi, with numbers , so-yu-behind-mi, cha-sti-tsa-mi, before-lo-ga-mi:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not well, not removed, not one, not five, not that... not that, not only, not above us.
6) *With na-re-chi-ya-mi and words-va-mi ka-te-go-rii so-st-ya-niya

a) in a comparative degree

b) in the role of sk-zu-e-mo-go without-personal sk-zu-e-mo-go

6) moved not loudly, spoke not faster

I don't need it, she doesn't need it

7) in denotative places with a pre-log with an accent7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in demonstrative places with a pre-log without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about anyone

12.2 Merged writing NOT and NOR.

The parts are not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.A) Nouns: no-would-be, no-va-lyash-ka, no-knowledge, no-knowledge, no-fortune, no-see-distance, no-see-dim , not-free-nik, no-go-dyay, no-up-to-tro-ha, illness, no-for-bud-ka, no-vis-vis, no-on-stye, not-okay , not-for-se-da, not-rya-ha, not-smart, not-lucky-nick, not-Christ;

b) near-la-ga-tel-nye and on-river-chia, derived from them: non-careless, non-discreet, non-returnable, non-harmful, non-escapable, non-changeable, non-le -py, not-about-ho-di-my, not-for-be-di-my, not-stop-stan-ny, not-time-beam-ny, not-said, not-constant -cha-e-my, not-resin-ka-e-my, not-with-opinion, not-comparable, not-so-different, not-happy, not-uk -lu-zhy, not-erased-my, not-to-le-bi-my, not-pre-re-ka-e-my, not-tamed; not-carelessly, not-le-po, not-about-ho-di-mo, not-with-myself;

V) gla-go-ly: don’t-get-up, don’t-love-beat, don’t-go-to, can’t-do-it, don’t-cook-it, don’t-see, not-healthy - to wiggle, can’t, don’t know how, can’t go, numbs;

G) na-speech and other not-from-me words: I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand it, I can’t bear it, I can’t help it, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, no-ho-cha; in spite of, in spite of (pre-logi)

2) *NOT is part of the prefix NEDO, which gives the verbs the meaning of not-half-but-you, not-to-hundred “accurately compared to any norm.” This is also the right way to work in adverbs derived from verbs with the prefix NEDO. Pres-ka UNDO-often would-va-et an-to-n-mich-on pre-sta-ke OVER-: not-to-pour - re-pour, not-to- you-half-thread-per-re-you-half-thread, not-to-pour - re-pour, not-to-give-per-re-give.2) The child really DOESN’T care about being born. During the war, children DO NOT eat and DO NOT eat. Rozh-destvensky believed too much in his own strength, considering himself a genius, but did NOT UNDER-estimate the abilities of his own -no way.
3) With beings, with-la-ga-tel-us, on-re-chi-I-mi on -o, -e, when about-ra-zu- There is a new word, a new concept, often with a distinctive quality.3) unhappiness (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, not beautiful, not-da-le-ko (close-to), not-yes-le-ku
4) *In conjunction with the pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi and na-re-chi-i-mi words, denoting the degree of ka-che -stva: very, extremely, completely, extremely, clearly, quite (quite a lot), quite a lot, very much , is-key-tel-but, in the highest degree do not have any influence on the merged or divided writing, that is why it does NOT write together.

For the convenience of clarification, we call them at s i l i t e l m and degree.

4) A very unpleasant incident. It was a completely unin-the-res game. He spoke quite freely, but not in a clear way.
5). la-yut-sya usi-li-te-li st-pe-ni5) We walked along the unlit streets of the city. I made a completely unthought-of decision.
6). popular verbs of the most perfect type with the help of suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with suf-fik-sa-mi, they should only be of a non-perfect type, they are for the hundredth time.6) not-fading, not-is-ka-e-my, not-accepted, not-overcome, not-tamed washed, un-used, un-cru-shi-my.
7) in de-identified and unspecified places-names and on-re-chi-yahs in de-vis-si-mo-sti from shock-re- niya, E or I, but merged.7) NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING where-yes, not-for-anything-for-anything, not-when-never-where.

12.3. The parts are NOT and NOR different in meaning:

To be right, you DO NOT and NEITHER should teach their meaningful differences. We summarize them in tables.

The main cases of the use of ri-tsa-tel-nyh particles

Parts are NOT usedParts of it are used
1) for selection from-ri-tsa-nii:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother doesn't look like a deceiver.

Not the moon, not the stars in-te-re-su-su-me, but only me-theo-ri-you.

1) to enhance the ri-tsa-niiye, you-ra-zhen-no-go part-st-tsei NOT

There were no letters, no telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joke.

Neither the stars nor the moon care for me.

2) to express the statement with the meaning of duty (double definition):

He couldn't help but ring.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to determine the number of factors:

There's not a cloud in the sky.

No ro-sin-ki in my mouth.

3) to identify the impossibility in non-personal proposals:

You won’t be able to catch up with the big three!

There won't be a war in the heat!


Not a step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) if you are unsure, afraid or excited:

Aren't you my guest?

No matter how the frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to determine the uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In fra-zeo-lo-giz-mah: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat.

5). expectations:

Who didn’t pro-kl-nal the stan-tsi-on-nyh look-ri-te-ley, who didn’t scold them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we're smart?

How can I not get along with your situation? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in pre-precise prepositions with a generalized-intensifying meaning (with associated words : whoever.., whatever.., wherever.., etc.).

Whatever the child does, as long as it doesn’t cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won’t go into his pocket for a word.

Complex cases of developing NEITHER and NOT

1.In pre-precise terms. Compare:
NOT vy-ra-zha-et from-ri-tsa-nie:

When my brother didn’t come, everyone felt bored.

There wouldn't be wars where the soldiers didn't fight.

You do not express a statement with a hint of generalization:

Whenever my brother came, he always brought revival and joy.

Wherever the soldier died, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and not once. Compare:
You don’t get the answer:

Not one of us (that is, many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (i.e. many times) I came across a wild animal.

Neither you-ra-zha-et gain from-ri-tsa-nii:

None of us (i.e., no one) was to the ascent.

Not once (that is, never) have I ever wanted to meet a wild animal.

3. In local names. Compare:
You do not contain the meaning of the hidden pro-position and use -there are in affirmative prepositions (cf.: none other, but..)

None other than a woodpecker was knocking dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These expressions are used in the negative prepositions and serve to enhance the positive effect. nia: no one... not; nothing... not:

No one else would have led us to the right path.

Nothing else but music captivated me so much.


Composite amplifiers with part:

by all means, no matter what, no matter where, no matter what, no matter what, etc.

Is there any time on-pi-sa-nie Not with from-gla-gol-ny-mi with-la-ga-tel-ny-mi on -my and with pri-cha-sti-mi on -my; if there are clear words, the first ones are written together (as well as the original adjectives), the second ones - separately, for example:

A) uninhabited since a long time ago the island, un-created there are crystals in the water, don't you think in the dark the fi-gu-ry of people;

b) not currently hunting for knowledge, not w-t-my non-special-tsi-a-li-sta-mi zhur-na-ly, I don't like you ma-te-ryu re-be-nok.

To the pri-la-ga-tel-nym on -my from words derived from non-transferable verbs (for example: not-for-vi-si-my, not-about-my-ka-e-my, not-about-to-be-my) or from verbs of the most complete form (for example: not-is-right-vi-my, not-implemented, not-un-ru-shi-my). These words are explained by the general rules for na-pi-sa-niya Not with pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi, i.e. they write-jokingly together and in the presence of clear words (for examples, see . above), as well as in short form (for example: island don't-obie-ta-eat, disease not-from-le-chi-ma, these countries are eco-no-mi-che-ski not-for-vi-si-we). However, the law of division of the pri-la-ga-tel-nyh remains in force Not, if, in terms of clear words, you use places of names and words, in -sya with neither, or co-che-ta-niya not at all, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. sub-paragraph 2), for example: with nothing don't compare mine impression, not from anyone, not from anyone, from no one not created cry-steel-ly; this is a phenomenon neither from life nor from art not ok. The exception is made up of words that are without Not not used, for example: by no one not-by-be-di-may army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances not-re-second experiment.


It's necessary to understand the pi-sa-nie Not with words on -my. -mi at-cha-sti-mi-at-a-hundred-of-time, and at-la-ga-tel-ny-mi (in the first case in-pi -sa-nie with Not separate, in the second - merged). They appear to me if they use your word as a clear word. the positive case of the active person, less often the creative instrument (so-called instrumental); if there are other clear words, they become the same (lose the meaning of the - yes-tel-no-sti and the meaning of time and at-ob-re-ta-ut quality meaning). Wed: I don't like you ma-te-ryu re-be-nok - I don't like you in childhood games (in the second case, the word dislike indicates a constant sign, signifies approximately the same as “not-pleasant”, “un-same”); movement, not tor-mo-zi-moe air-duh-hom - don't-see-di-may from the Earth to the Moon.

The adjectives of this type include: un-vis-di-my, out-of-mind, un-re-flame-me-e- my, not-ha-si-my, not-moving-my, not-de-my, not-for-you-e-my, not-visible, not-from-me- nya-e-my, don’t-love-my, not-thought-my, not-about-la-ga-e-my, not-from-someone else-yes-my, not-pe- re-in-di-my, not-re-da-va-e-my, not-know-you-e-my, not-about-believe-e-my, not-straight ha-e-my, not-toler-pi-my, etc. Wed. their writing when there are clear words: isn't it mine by three number, don't-for-you for us to meet, through invisible tears to the world, don't-my-thoughts in the recent past re-cords, not-re-da-va-e-my simple words of feelings, not-about-believe for a long time now, accounts not-about-ho-di-may in the spring season there is dirt, not-inclined in the Russian language there are nouns, don't put up with me in our society the way things are, etc.

Exercise 1.

It so happened that I (didn’t) have anyone to tell about my doubts.

At first everyone was silent, thinking about how to start a conversation in such an (un)usual setting.

The room was (not) lit, so it was difficult to distinguish the faces of the people sitting opposite.

But they say you are (un)people: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you.

The waters of the (not) large but fast river flowed quickly.


Exercise №2.

The lights were (not) visible behind the fog.

In the depths of the lake, a young moon was reflected like an (un)clear horn.

To spend the night, geese choose a flat bank (not) overgrown with reeds.

The still (un)healed wound made itself felt.

The door was (un)locked.


Exercise 3. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Father ordered, (not) stopping at the hotel, to go to the pier.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, not fenced in by anything.

The hosts received the guests with (un)usual cordiality.

But fear (did not) squeeze my soul.

There was no strength to breathe from the hot sun.


Exercise 4. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Timofey the cat is (not) less than ten years old.

The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing.

(Don't) promise a pie in the sky, give a bird in your hands.

Nastya had (in)regular but pleasant facial features.

It turned out completely like a living, albeit (un)attractive character.


Exercise №5. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word.
Open the brackets and write down this word.

This house is (not) big, but very cozy.

I (didn’t) have anything to say in response.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

He is not a foreign tourist, but a spy.


Exercise №6. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written SEPARATELY with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

There was (no) hope for a miracle, which is why we prepared so hard for the upcoming competitions.

This problem was never (not) solved by the students.

The (not) bright flame in the fireplace illuminated the desk and the pictures on the walls.

And all around in the fields there is (un) waking silence.

Initially, he was (un)friendly towards me and even insulted me.


Exercise №7. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written SEPARATELY with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

There was (no) one to ask for directions to the concert hall.

Our knowledge of Atlantis has increased (in)measurably in recent years.

In the distance a (not) tall house and a yard surrounded by a fence appeared.

(It is not) happiness that ensures success in the exam, but good knowledge of the subject.


Exercise 8. Identify a sentence in which NOT is written SEPARATELY with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Don’t) why think about the bad: everything will be fine.

A dying garden and (un)fulfilled love are two internally related themes of the play.

I was upset by a friend’s (in)polite remark.

The Gordeevs lived in a house with log walls that were not yet (not) plastered.

I ask him about something (un)necessary at the trial.


Exercise №9. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Not) able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The keys have still (not) been found.

There was a blow, but the (un)breakable glass behind the curtain withstood it.

His brother did not even honor him with a reproach.

The crimes of Barabbas and Ga-Notsri are completely (in)comparable in severity.


Exercise 10. Identify a sentence in which NOT is written SEPARATELY with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Our companion turned out to be a silent, (not) talkative person.

Egor was known as a (un)tired worker.

The birds are driven south (not) by the coming cold, but by the lack of food.

Pets had (not) anything to fear from people.

What kind of bizarre form will the anger of the hot-tempered procurator take at this (un)heard-of insolence of the arrested person?


Cheerfully, it's good to walk on the ground early in the morning. The air, which has not yet become sultry, pleasantly refreshes the larynx and chest. The sun, which has not yet come into its full force, warms gently and gently. Under the slanting rays of the morning light, everything seems more prominent, more convex, brighter: the bridge over the ditch, and the trees, the bases of which are still flooded with shadow, and the tops glisten damply, ruddy and bright. Even small bumps on the road and on its sides cast their own small shadows, which won’t happen at noon.

Every now and then you come across swamps in the forest, black and glossy. The greener the grass growing near them. Sometimes a stream will come running from the depths of the forest. He crosses the road and quickly disappears into the forest. And in one place, a juicy, lush, unbearably bright stream of moss crawled out of the forest darkness at our feet, like a giant boa constrictor. In the middle of its almost unnatural greenery flowed a coffee-brown stream.

It must be said that the brown water of these places is not at all cloudy; it is transparent if you scoop it up with a glass, but at the same time retains a golden hue. Apparently, the peat suspension that gives it this beautiful color is very thin. From a stream flowing in a soft and lush green bed, we scooped up handfuls of water, and it left the impression of completely clear water.

On the forest road, fanning out, the shadows of the pine trees lay. The forest was not old, clean, without undergrowth - a future ship's grove. To the side of the road I suddenly came across a wide sofa without a back, knocked together from planks. It was all covered with inscriptions. Most of all were the names of those who wanted to immortalize themselves in this way. We relaxed on the sofa, watching how a nuthatch bird darted up and down along the trunk of a pine tree with the speed and agility of a mouse.

Soon, the white-painted gates of the Sosnovy Bor holiday home explained to us both the presence of the sofa in the forest and the origin of the inscriptions on it. We had nothing to do in the rest house, and we turned onto the circular path.

About two kilometers later, on the left, there were bushes that could only grow along the banks of a small river. A tall, red-cheeked guy came out of the bushes into the clearing. He was wearing trousers rolled up above his knees, and a wide white shirt pulled over his trousers. There was nothing on my legs. In one hand he held a fishing rod, and in the other - a kukan with a fish. Making his way through the bushes, the fisherman showered himself with dew, and now it sparkled in his hair. The guy’s face also shone, pleased with his catch and the fact that strangers could see his catch. Or maybe he just had a good time on the river early in the morning.

– What is the name of this water artery? – we were curious.

“This is our Sheridar,” the guy answered, “don’t joke with her, you’ll never jump over without a running start.”

– What kind of fish are in your Sheridari?

- Eh, there’s a lot of fish here! There are pike, perch, roach, gudgeon, ide, rudd, and chub.

- Aren’t there any burbots?

- Of course, there are also burbots, but it completely slipped my mind. It’s impossible without burbot.

- Probably there are also dace?

“There are,” the Sheridar patriot rejoiced at the hint. - Here he is, a dace, on a kukan. Now, near Kukueva's dacha, I snatched the wiring. There are a lot of dace.

- Well, we wish you good luck! Don't waste your time on us, now is the coolest time.

- No, my wife is probably already white-hot. I'm hiding it. I should take the pig to the market, but I’m going to Sheridar. Well, it’s okay, don’t be afraid of her ears and she’s willing.

We sympathized with the guy and walked far away from him, when suddenly we heard him catching up with us and calling out to us. We waited.

- What a problem, I completely forgot...

- Have you forgotten?

- Ruff! I forgot Ruff! There is also a ruff in Sheridari. Well, be healthy. It’s good that I caught up, otherwise the trouble is, I forgot the ruff!

Suddenly the forest ended, and, opening up to the distant blue sky, the dewy brightness of the meadows hit the eyes. Solid thickets of buttercups covered them thickly with gold. From the almost continuous yellowness running into the distance, willows rose here and there in mighty round clumps.

Along a long and unsteady lava made of three tied logs, we finally crossed the Sheridar and went to the right, staying close to its shore. Luxurious at first, the meadows gradually turned into a dying meadow, covered with hummocks. After all, the meadow, like everything living, has its youth, maturity, and dying. Pike and whitefish - these evil enemies of flowering meadows - have grown abundantly here, clogging the soil with their dense tufts that have now grown together into felt. Flowers cannot break through from under the felt.

The sun began to get hot, our legs were hot from walking, and we were looking for a place to swim. But the shore was bad, about two meters before the water there was a swamp, mud, and the water did not inspire confidence. In places there was a white coating like a cobweb on it, various sticks were floating and water striders were running briskly. Finally, I came across a rounded whirlpool, ten to fifteen meters wide. The sandbank sank sharply and obliquely into the water, promising a decent depth. Such tanks on small rivers are very deep and cold; at the bottom of them, as a rule, springs stir in the mud. Indeed, the water seemed icy, but what a bliss it was to splash your bare, hot feet on this water. I couldn’t help but remember the poet’s wondrous lines:

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,

Nature ran through my veins,

How hot are her legs?

Key waters have touched...

It’s always alarming to rush into unfamiliar water, even if it’s Sheridar. At least more alarming than entering an unfamiliar forest and city.

Each river has its own soul, and there is a lot of mystery and enigma in this soul. Until you understand it, feel it, you will always be anxious. It seemed to me that there must definitely be a crayfish hiding under the bush near that shore. I swam across and climbed down into the hole. Indeed, there was cancer there. Through this crayfish, Sheridar became closer and more understandable: just like on our Vorscha, since the crayfish should be sitting there, that means it’s sitting there.

Then, when, having rested, we moved away from the river, we came across a group of boys. We asked them how deep the pool was.

- What are you talking about, uncle, you won’t even have a neck. The largest is in the sinuses.

If I had known that I wouldn’t be up to my neck in the pool, all sorts of whims about river souls wouldn’t have entered my head. Since there is a bottom, it means there can be no soul, no fairy tale.

On the mountain where we had to climb, a little white church with a green roof peeked out from behind the trees. From the children we learned that this is the village of Resurrection.

The road to the village ran between the church and the pioneer camp. To the left of the pioneer camp, behind a neat fence, one could see various wooden slides, swings, and horizontal bars. There were no pioneers themselves. We probably saw them from afar when we walked through the meadow.

The church's fence was half destroyed so that only stone pillars remained, and the iron was most likely used for horseshoes in the village forge. Tall, untouched grass grew wild outside the church fence. But the church itself and its roof had been recently painted and looked like new.

The first thing that caught our eye in the village of Voskresenye was the lack of gardens and vegetable gardens. It has long been noticed that in forested areas, where peasants had to constantly fight with the forest, there are no trees or gardens in the villages.

Take the Komi Republic, for example. There, under the windows of the hut or behind it, you will rarely see a tree. Why do it if there is taiga all around! To some extent, this also applies to the most forested areas of the middle zone. But for a Russian village to not even have vegetable gardens is completely strange. Every house on Sunday stands as if in a meadow, among tall grass and bright flowers, mainly buttercups and dandelions.

We sat down to rest in the shade of an old poplar tree under the windows of a five-walled hut.

“The old man would like to talk now,” Rose said dreamily.

And sure enough, an old man is walking along the village. One hand is placed behind the back, in the other there is a stick. He holds his back unnaturally straight, as if he had actually swallowed an arshin. In general, nothing was involved in the old man’s movement except his mincing legs. It seemed that if the old man stumbled, he would fall flat, straight and unbent.

- Grandfather from here, perhaps?

“Here,” the old man answered, and he trotted off, without slowing down, without turning his head, like a wound-up toy.

– How long have you been living here?

“From the very beginning,” and continues to scratch further.

“He could sit with us and relax.”

The old man stopped.

“I’ll stand, but I’m not fit to sit.”

- How many years?

“I’m not old in years, I was seventy-six, but my legs gave out.” All his life he made shoes, he put shoes on other people’s feet, but he himself was left without feet.

The grandfather told the story willingly.

– Our village was a carpenter’s village. All the men completely went elsewhere - to Moscow, St. Petersburg and in general. Only the women remained. It was not customary to have vegetable gardens and orchards. Potatoes, onions, cucumbers and other vegetables were brought from Pokrov, from the market. To tell the truth, the people were spoiled by foreign rubles, they were not very accustomed to the land, and they sowed more “Greeks”. Well, after the revolution, all the carpenters settled in Moscow. Everyone there had some kind of clue. And then they threatened us with dispossession. Half the village was gone. See, there are only willow trees, but no houses. Now again young people are almost in the Republic of Uzbekistan or other schools. There are few people left, oh very few! Well, I’ll go, don’t blame me if something’s wrong. Your legs hurt when you stand, but it feels better when you walk.

The old man trotted along the street again.

At the exit from the village we noticed a sanatorium-forest school, which now, due to summer time, was not working. The road led us further - now through a meadow, now through a field, now through a dark forest.

– What is the name of the village? – we asked an hour and a half later from a girl who was hardly taxiing her bike along a narrow path.

“Pernovo,” the girl shouted as she walked.

Perhaps nothing would have remained in our memory of this village except its name, if we had not decided to drink milk here. Then we drank milk in each village, so that by the evening, according to the roughest estimates, we had three or four liters for each person. In Pernov we dared to ask for milk for the first time.

The aunt whose window we knocked on stopped sewing (she was sewing something on a typewriter) and sent us to a neighbor.

- She probably has one. And we don’t even keep a cow.

The neighbor shook her head sadly.

- No, dears, we have six mouths of our own, we’ll drink everything. And you ask who. This house is planked - one, under a red roof - two, then skip four more houses, and in the seventh house take an interest: they have a cow and not many people.

But even in this house, even though it is the seventh, we were unsuccessful. There was simply no one at home. Then we started asking in a row, and in one place we got the bait. An old woman of about sixty, plump and plump, sat in a window with platbands, as if inserted into an openwork frame.

- Will you take a lot?

- Yes, at least half a liter.

“You’re greedy, I’ll start fixing a jug for half a liter.” Take it all.

She disappeared from the window and was gone for about ten minutes. Then she brought us two liter jars, the kind they usually sell pickled cucumbers in. As soon as I took a sip, I realized that the milk was diluted, if not by half, then by a third, with water, preferably boiled. There was no way to drink the tasteless liquid, even if you poured it on the ground. Rose spoke quietly to herself:

“Here’s a kind grandmother—she sold us full-fat milk.” And there are such unscrupulous old women who sell not only filmed but diluted stuff. You chat around the jar, and the walls remain clean and clean. - At the same time, of course, she swirled the milk around the jar, and the walls, of course, remained clean, clean.

The old woman turned purple.

– Do you think your money is important to me? Here's your money. “And she threw them to the ground, but immediately grabbed them again, seeing that Rose had made some movement towards the same money.

- Grandma, we’re not talking about you, we’re talking about those unscrupulous ones...

I took advantage of the commotion and poured the milk into the dust. It stood for a long time in a blue puddle, neither absorbed nor spread. A boy with fishing rods, about seven years old, probably his grandson, looked carefully at what was happening.

There is a shop almost opposite the old woman's house. More out of curiosity than out of necessity, we entered it. Here is the simple assortment of the store that I conscientiously wrote down: crushed sugar, horns, jam, cod in oil, concentrates of millet and rice porridge, spicy salted Atlantic herring, soy protein, crackers (from plain bread), sweets and gingerbread. This store was different from the subsequent ones we saw in that the jam in it did not bubble and there was no melted halva on the counter.

The saleswoman, a young woman, said that there was bread in this village shop every day. They take it from Pokrov, that is, from the nearest city. We told her about the old woman and the milk.

- Oh, she is an old witch! – the saleswoman was indignant. Oh, she is so and so! You wouldn't bother. And in our store, maybe there would be more goods, but I’m not a salesman, but the manager of a club.

- Why did you stand behind the counter?

“The old salesman did something like that old lady.” Flour costs two forty-five, and he costs three-ten. He was imprisoned. Now temporarily I have to trade.

...From the first day it became clear that we would have to go only in the morning and in the evening, because by eleven o’clock there was a thirty-degree calm. It became difficult to breathe, we were drenched in sweat, and when you took off the backpack, steam began to smoke from your back, as if an iron had been leaned against it. It was decided from eleven to four or even five o’clock to lie in the shade, if possible near a river.

At the exit from Pernov, where our first attempt to drink milk ended so unsuccessfully, a small river with the beautiful name Volga came running out of nowhere right at our feet. Just remove softness from the word - and please! - great Russian river. True, in order to become the Volga, our Volga would lack something else. But this is the tenth thing.

Brown water made its way between meadow flowers, through bushes, past spreading willows and willows, carefully shielding it from the greedy sun. Our sitting on the Volga was not marked by anything remarkable, except for the fact that we observed how six guys were fiddling with a bred in a small whirlpool. Their half-hour effort was crowned with the catch of four hundred grams of small beetle and some flesh. Then two men came up, looked at the catch and seriously said: “Wow, that’s decent.” This assessment, presumably, was determined not by the politeness of the men, but by the scale of both the river itself and its fish resources.

Exhausted by the heat, with pain all over our bodies (we were not yet drawn into the journey), we wandered on. On the map, a small rectangle was visible ahead - some kind of Golovino. This has become our cherished goal for today.

We should get to Golovin in the evening, and we’ll spend the night there, ask for a samovar, and lie down.

At this time, those sounds were heard from behind, in which, with your eyes closed, you can recognize the rumbling of a truck making its way along a country road. Still, we must pay tribute to our resilience - none of us raised our hands to stop the car.

A freckled round face stuck out of the cabin with a smile, as they say, from ear to ear.

- Sit down, why bother, I’ll give you a ride with the breeze.

We sat down and, without noticing how, we ended up in Golovin. I managed to photograph only one place for memory. Starting right next to the road, a round, poisonous green quagmire went into the depths of the forest, and along its edges were more and more dead trees. First small fir trees, then higher, higher and, finally, large blackened, poisoned spruce and pine trees. The front rows of fir trees have already fallen into the quagmire and are drowning in it. Others stand, as it were, on their knees, waist-deep. The very combination of poisonous greenery with a black frame left an eerie impression. It seems that it was in the middle of the road from Pernov to Golovin. We thought that there would be many more quagmires ahead, and we did not really regret this one. But we never came across anything else like it.

In Golovin, at the last house, we paid the driver (he took two rubles from us) and walked along the village. An older woman, dressed rather casually, barefoot and, as it seemed to us, disheveled, was running towards us from the other end. She ran and shook as hard as she could the bell that schools use to gather children for class.

Having chosen a tidier house, we knocked on the window.

-Will you let me spend the night?

-Who are you?

- Wanderers, we are making our way from a foreign land to our native side.

- Go with God!

God advised us to come to the board of the collective farm.

They went up a narrow staircase and came across the locked door of the chairman's office. In the room to the right sat an accountant and a bookkeeper. This room had a bad appearance. The walls are smoky, the blue wallpaper hangs in tatters. The ceiling in the middle is charred and the paper is torn from it. There must have been a lamp suspended from the ceiling and it almost caused a fire. Seed husks crunched on the floor.

We were not offered to sit down. We thought and sat down ourselves.

There were swearing and screams below. The woman was swearing. Here she appeared on her own. We recognized her as the one who ran around the village with a bell. It was she who went to see us off for the night.

-Who are you on the collective farm? – we asked the woman.

- I'm called a foreman. The village has spread out so much. Run along it and bow to everyone so that you can go to work. Now, however, they go on their own, and even swear if you forget to dress up.

- Why is that?

“They started giving me money for workdays, and I started to get better. But what happened – tears, and that’s all! Talk to the chairman tomorrow, he will tell you everything.

- Why are you running around with a bell?

“I’m calling collective farmers to work.” I run in the morning, at lunchtime, and whenever I need to.

“In other villages it’s easier - a piece of rail or buffer is hung on a pole. The foreman will come up and knock with an iron stick.

– I don’t know what our people think, of course it would be better.

– What do you think? You are the foreman! Give them an outfit, and they’ll do everything.

Here we have reached the place.

We were assigned to spend the night in a spacious house, where the walls smelled of washed walls and cleanliness.

The young mistress of the house also showed us a barn with hay. But the hay there was last year’s, rotted, and, in addition, there was a musty dampness coming from the cellar. We stayed in the hut.

There are Christmas tree decorations hanging from the ceiling of the room, a paper plate of a loudspeaker on the wall, icons in the front corner, a gramophone and records on the chest of drawers. There is a sewing machine nearby. The entire floor is covered with soft rugs sewn from multi-colored rag scraps. On the back of the glass door of the cupboard there are pictures of chicken breeds. On the walls, for beauty’s sake, there are posters: the bull stallion Satyr, a huge pink boar, a poster calling for people to join the Red Cross Society, a poster where three pioneers are holding books in their hands and smiling, and, finally, a poster with the slogan “Play volleyball!” . Through the window one can see a wide meadow, a river and a forest behind it.

The young woman began to fuss with the samovar. She does not work on the collective farm, but sits with the children. Aunt Nastya, her husband’s mother, works on the collective farm.

-Where is the husband himself?

“He’s actually on a carpenter’s team—they build a pigsty and a sheepfold.” Now a lot of construction has begun on the collective farm. Well, today the whole brigade went fishing.

- Is it a day off?

“The chairman left for Pokrov, and it was hot work, so we went fishing.” Now they’ll come, start drinking, and hang out until midnight.

A samovar, a sugar bowl with small pieces of refined sugar, and a plate of black bread appeared on the table.

My grandfather loved to drink tea with a towel, that is, he hung a towel around his neck and drank fifteen glasses, wiping away the profuse sweat. Apparently, something of my grandfather remained in me, because I soon needed a towel. It must also be said that we walked in the heat all day and that, most importantly, the tea was incredibly tasty and fragrant. No matter how hard we tried to find out from the hostess what kind of tea it was, what it was made from and how, she could not say anything. She only insisted that grandma makes tea. He'll come and tell you if he wants.

It began to get dark, and a tall, dry old woman appeared in the house. It was Aunt Nastya. We attacked her with questions about tea. She smiled discreetly, pleased that her tea was being praised, and was modest.

– What’s so good, we drink the leaves.

- Whose leaves?

– You can drink strawberry and raspberry ones, and some people like lingonberries, and some mix them.

- Well, you dry them in the oven and that’s it?..

- It would be very simple. You also need to know when to pick the leaves...

- So tell me, when?

But the old woman never wanted to tell how she makes such delicious tea. She even gave us a handful on the road, shaking out the remains from a huge octopus bag, but she didn’t want to tell us.

Then I read from Verzilin a recipe for making tea from strawberry and raspberry leaves. But I don’t think my grandmother used such a recipe.

We were not able to try Verzilin’s recipe, but I must say without exaggeration that I have never drunk teas tastier than my grandmother’s. I will also note that it was a beautiful dark gold color.

Around eleven o'clock, when we were falling asleep, the owner returned from work. He turned on the loudspeaker at full blast and went out for a drink. He came again at two o’clock, and in the morning he began to moan and groan: his head hurt. However, when we got up, he was gone. So we never saw our owner.

Early in the morning, when everyone was asleep, I tiptoed out of the stuffy hut and it was as if I was not in the front garden, but entered quiet, inexplicably transparent water - such freshness overwhelmed me.

Tall, untouched grass was rampant just beyond the gate. I ran down the embankment to the left and walked along the river towards its flow. There was nothing remarkable around. A car stopped at a distance, and the noisy company that had arrived in it was settling down to rest, pulling a linen sheet like an awning.

The path went around the sand pit and led me out onto a spacious meadow along which trees grew alone and in groups.

The still air, which has not yet become sultry, pleasantly refreshes the larynx and chest. The sun, which has not yet come into full force, warms gently and gently. After about half an hour, a mature pine forest surrounded me. Near the road, on either side of it, stretched unusually well-groomed, marked paths, and even seemingly sprinkled with sand. From time to time, here and there we came across neatly laid light chocolate rugs of cuckoo flax - this indispensable inhabitant of pine forests.

A bird was darting up and down the aspen tree trunk with the agility of a mouse.

We came across a swamp with coffee-brown, but not at all muddy water. I got over it, jumping onto a slippery log, and from the log onto a log thrown by someone. And here is a small river with water so cold, despite the hot days.

Mach's lodge, which I wanted to find at all costs, turned out to be nothing more than a log hut surrounded by spinning. On one side it adjoined the forest, on the other there was a vast plain dotted with Ivan da Marya.

A pine forest goes into the distance, shrouded in a blue haze, which then turns into a mixed spruce-deciduous forest. For several hundred kilometers the plain is completely covered with a dark green wall.

The Bryansk forests are vast, not decreasing, but increasing from year to year. But the Pinega, a northern beauty river, is especially rich in forests, where there are still many completely unexplored areas. Far from the river there is a remote, uninhabited taiga with untrodden paths and untrodden roads; there are forests that have never been cut down by anyone, in which moose roam and hazel grouse whistle, having never seen a person.

Removing timber cut down in this wilderness is far from an easy task. In the spring, during high water, the entire stock of logs taken to the banks during the winter is dumped into the river. Millions of logs float from the top of the river, and for many kilometers from bank to bank there is a road paved with logs.

What kind of trees can you see in our forests? Ship pine, for example, matures within one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty years. Here is a giant hundred-eight-year-old pine tree, pale gray, with weathered and rain-washed wood. It is not at all old, and its trunk responds to the knock of the handler’s ax with a ringing roar.

But nothing pleases my eye as much as the openwork world of young pine trees, when they turn from funny tousled balls with prickly needles into slender perches and begin to race upward. Its stems, ideally parallel to each other, having no visible tops and therefore seemingly endless, seem like tightly stretched strings stretching upward.

“It is necessary to replant the young trees in a timely manner,” says local long-time forester Markin.

Many years will pass before a tree grows from a seed. Forest cuttings that are not calculated in advance can lead to its complete disappearance, which cannot be corrected by any artificial plantings.

Green gold resources seem inexhaustible, but preserving them requires a plan and strict calculation. Foresters are no longer content with the types of trees that nature has created, but are skillfully developing new, hitherto non-existent species: fast-growing pyramidal poplar, tolerant of all meteorological conditions, drought-resistant oak and hybrid ash. As a result of hard work, it will be possible to turn the Central Russian aspen into a durable, valuable tree.


1. We were left in (UN)CONDITION when the strange guest suddenly left.

It is impossible to master higher mathematics without (NOT)KNOWING elementary mathematical concepts.

We cannot allow any (UN)JUSTIFIED denial of what is new in science.

The heroine was (NOT)DESTED to connect her life with the life of her loved one.

When Arthur got out to the opposite bank, he found himself at a sheep pen he had previously (NOT) NOTICED.

2/I received nothing (NOT) MEANINGFUL explanations in response.

3/Griboyedov introduces realistic techniques into comedy: the main character is far from (NOT)IDEAL and chooses the worst of her rivals in love.

I am convinced of one thing: inspiration is (NOT) BORN on its own, but comes during work.

Masha looked at me the way a dreaming person looks at a distant object: it was (NOT) POSSIBLE to tear himself away from it.

The public baths in Rome soon turned into magnificent buildings, housing (NOT) ONLY swimming pools and gymnasiums, but also libraries.

Our house was (NOT) REPAIRED: the glass was tarnished, the walls looked dull and were not pleasing to the eye.

4/. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS than ten years old.

with mother.

5/I received (NOT) MEANINGFUL explanations in response.

Even the stone (NOT) PROCESSED by the master amazed with its original design.

There was (NOT) childlike diligence in Natasha’s singing.

The depth of the idea in the novel is (IN)SEPARATELY combined with artistry.

From above one could see several (UN)COVERED buildings.

6/ The rain poured down on us in an (un) tamed torrent.

Our attention was attracted by the (not) tall larch, but the low one.

The rain continued, but (not) heavy like in the morning, but light, drizzling.

In silence, good should happen, but there is no point in talking about it.

I constantly (don't) get enough sleep due to my busy work schedule

7/ You (not) have to come

The required book has (not) been read.

Klementyev left without (not) answering our questions.

The hero turns out to be an instrument of a force (not) understood by him and dies.

The (not) expressed reproach shone in Sofia Nikolaevna’s eyes.

8/(Not) able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The keys have still (not) been found.

The Petrovs’ house is (not) large, but very cozy.

His brother did not even honor him with a reproach.

The computer is (not) connected to the network

Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1/ The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS than ten years old.

The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing.


(IN)CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance
with mother.

Ambition is a (NOT) DESIRE to be honest, but a thirst for power.

2/ There was silence in the garden: not a single bird CHIRLED in the trees.

The father stood with a sullen look, and a crease of (UN)PATIENTLY waiting for an answer was clearly visible on his forehead.

The sea has merged with the blue southern sky and is fast asleep, reflecting the fabric of clouds that (NOT) HIDE the stars.

It is often difficult to draw the line between languages ​​and dialects, since (NOT) ALL their features are still known to linguists.

NOT INTERESTED in anything, Natalya indifferently looked at the blackening sky and the raging ocean.

3/ I had to speak (NOT) LOUDLY, but in a barely audible whisper.

A titmouse peers into the still (NOT) OPEN windows.

Igorok could not call Tanya for reasons (NOT) DEPENDENT on him.

(DO NOT) think about the bad: everything will be fine.

But they say you (NOT) PEOPLE: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you.

4/ After the incident that happened to him, Nikita made far (WRONG) conclusions.

(NOT) TIMES we remembered this funny incident.

A (NOT) harvested field in the fall made the peasant melancholy and despondent.

A (NOT) BRIGHT FLAME in the fireplace illuminated the desk and the paintings on the walls.

In this (NOT) COMPLETED house by summer residents, tramps often gathered.

5/ The book needed for the lesson was (NOT) READ by the students.

Klementyev quickly left, (NOT) ANSWERING our questions.

The (NOT) SPEALED reproach shone in Sofia Nikolaevna’s eyes.

You couldn't edit the story without (WITHOUT) SPOILING it.

The adjutant's new overcoat is (NOT) SEWED

6/Were you (NOT) bored with me this evening?

Oblomov is a child, and a (NOT) IMMORAL egoist.

The (NOT) BOUND novel, typed on an old typewriter, was given to her by her uncle.

The bridge across our river is still (NOT) BUILT.

An inner feeling tells Kutuzov (NOT) TO MAKE strong-willed decisions.

7/ We were showered with (NON-STOPING) rain for a minute.

The (NOT) SWEEPPED garden paths are covered with fallen leaves.

The nature of the diary entries is (NOT) COMPLETELY ordinary.

For some reason Lyoshka (DID NOT) UNDERSTAND the meaning of her words.

The student smartly answered the question posed, (NOT) LOOKING at the notebook.

8/The computer is (NOT) CONNECTED to the network.

The Gordeevs lived in a house with log walls that were not yet (NOT) PLASTERED.

This wooden house, (NOT) LOOKING at its unsightly appearance from the outside, was very cozy.

(not) ANYONE to ask for directions to the concert hall.

The student is (NOT) ABLE to remember this rule.

Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. The house stood alone in the middle of the steppe, not fenced in by anything.

The hosts greeted the long-awaited guests with (un)usual cordiality.

But fear (did not) squeeze my soul.

He jumped onto his horse, (not) looking at his father standing next to him.

The huge tap shook as if it were (not) steel, but bamboo.

2.In the depths of the lake, a young moon was reflected with a (not) clear horn.

The wound, which had not yet (not) healed from the bear’s claws, made itself felt.

Father told us, (not) staying at the hotel, to go to the pier and wait

motor ship

Our cat Timofey is (not) less than ten years old.

I am full of thoughts about my sad youth, but I (don’t) regret anything in the past.

3. At first everyone was silent, thinking about how to start a conversation in such a completely (not) familiar environment.

Paul's room was (not) lit, so it was difficult to distinguish the faces of the people sitting opposite.

It happened, Petrovich, that I (had) no one to tell about my doubts.

Due to the thick fog, signal lights were (not) visible.

To spend the night, wild geese choose a flat bank (not) overgrown with thick reeds.

4. After the incident that happened to him, Nikita made far (in)correct conclusions.

(More than) times we remembered this funny incident.

A (un)harvested field in the fall made the peasant melancholy and despondent.

The (not) bright flame in the fireplace illuminated the desk and the pictures on the walls.

Vagrants often gathered in this (un)finished house by summer residents.

5. I had to speak (not) loudly, but in a barely audible whisper.

A titmouse peers into the still (not) open windows.

Igorek was unable to call Tanya for reasons (not) dependent on him.

(Don't) think about the bad: everything will be fine.

But they say you are (not) human: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you.

6. Were you (not) bored with me this evening?

Oblomov is a child, and (not) an immoral egoist.

She inherited the (un)bound novel, typed on an old typewriter, from her uncle.

The bridge across our river is still (not) built.

An inner feeling tells Kutuzov (not) to make strong-willed decisions.

7. We were showered with (non)stopping rain.

The (un)swept paths of the garden are filled with fallen leaves.

The nature of the diary entries is (not) quite ordinary.

For some reason Lyoshka (did not) understand the meaning of her words.

The student quickly answered the question posed, (not) looking at the notebook.

8. Over time, the rebellious pathos of M.Yu. Lermontov’s poetry (does not) disappear.

A (un)familiar person greeted me.

Since the middle of the 19th century, Russian scientists (more than) times undertook expeditions to the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

(Not) everyone is able to behave naturally in conversations with unfamiliar people.

Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. The Gordeevs lived in a house with log walls that were not yet (not) plastered.

The closed sluices raised the waters of the (small) but fast river high.

I took on more difficult roles, and failed - there wasn’t enough gunpowder!

The sun, not yet hidden by the clouds, illuminates a gloomy yellow-purple cloud.

It seems that this is your (not) first time here.

2. (More than) times I pictured this meeting for myself.

We swam for about an hour until the bell rang for breakfast.

(Don’t) forget that dictionaries will be brought in an hour before the end of the exam.

The shadow of the carriage ran along the (un)mown slope.

And yet, things are far from (un)prosperous.

3. From these same walls Stroganov left for the war, (not) having completed his studies until the end of his last year.

In the forest, life was in full swing (not) darkened by the coming of man.

The captain seemed to Alexey to be (not) young, but already an elderly, tired man.

There is (no) where to wait for help.

Shubin (did not) take his eyes off the plane, keeping his hands on the steering wheel.

4. Lisa is silent, shy, (not) sociable.

I sat, mindlessly looking at the white half of the page (not) occupied with type.

I looked at the snake (without) blinking.

Many outstanding personalities were not at all of outstanding physique.

One could only hope that the letter was (not) received.

5. The necessary book has been (not) read

Klementyev left without (not) answering our questions.

The hero turns out to be an instrument of a force (not) understood by him and dies.

The (un)expressed reproach shone in Sofia Nikolaevna’s eyes.

But Dvigubsky was not a kind professor at all, he received us coolly and was rude.

6. In many of his actions, a (not) living nature is revealed, but a pattern, not the logic of character, but the arbitrariness of the author.

I understand this, but it didn’t make me feel any better.

On the streets that had not been swept for a long time, the wind rustled the fallen leaves.

Who (didn’t) curse the stationmasters, who (didn’t) quarrel with them?

In (few) villages all evil spirits are still expelled from houses.

7. The governor was (not) young and (not) old.

Sergei had a chance to hear a lot of reviews about this strange man, (not) doing him credit.

The owners fed the (un)expectedly arriving guests with dried venison and baked potatoes, and gave them baked milk.

The telegram (not) received on time forced us to change plans.

Loud speech is not (not) always a sign of intelligence.

8. (Despite the complexity of the topic being studied, we will try to understand it as best as possible.

Today his words sounded (not) warm and affectionate as before, but cold and somehow distant.

Without friendship, no communication (has) meaning.

The fields were (not) mowed, the grain (not) harvested; Not for a minute did the (non)stopping rains cause anxiety among the villagers.

Behave decently: you are (not) smarter and (not) better than those around you!


























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