Knitted top in a nautical style. Dress in a marine style Knitting products in a marine style for women

Dimensions: 32/34.36/38 and 40/42.

Materials: Rowan Handknit Cotton yarn (100% cotton. 85 m/50 g): 350 (50-400) g in Ecru color No. 251. 100 (150-150) g ​​in Burnt color No. 343, 100 g Turkish Plum No. 277 and Sea Foam color No. 352; straight addi knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5, circular knitting needles addi No. 4 40 cm long.

Decorative reductions: Right edge: chrome, knit 2 stitches together. Left edge: knit 2 stitches together. with a slant to the left (* remove 1 stitch as knit, knit the next stitch and stretch the removed stitch through it), chrome.

Alternating colors: knit alternately 2 p. Ecru, 2 p. Sea Foam. Knitting density: 21 p. and 28 p. persons Satin stitch with knitting needles No. 4.5 = 10 x 10 cm.

Back: Cast on 93 (101-109) sts using size 4 needles in Burnt color and knit for the placket approx. 1 cm = 4 r. Then switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit. satin stitch For side bevels, do every 10 cm = 28 rubles. from the plank on both sides 1x 1 decor, decrease, then repeat them in the 15th and 21st rows. = 87 (95-103) p. At the same time at a height of 12 cm = 34 r. from the bar go to Turkish Plum color, and after 8.5 cm = 24 p. Turkish Plum change color to Ecru and continue with faces. satin stitch in alternating colors. After 1.5 cm - 4 rubles. alternating colors, perform 1 decor on both sides, decrease = 85 (93-101) p. After 7 cm = 20 r. from the last decrease, add 1 p. for the side bevels lx, then in the next. 19th r. another 1 x 1 p. = 89 (97-105) p. After 22 (21-19.5) cm = 62 (58-54) p. alternating colors, close 1x 3 stitches for armholes on both sides, then perform raglan bevels in the next direction. 4th r. on both sides lx 1 decor, decrease, then repeat them 4x in every 4th row. and then 19 (21-23) x in every 2nd r. At the height of raglan bevels 21.5 (22.5-24) cm = 60 (64-68) r. set aside 35 (39-43) stitches for the back neckline.

Before: First knit the inner pieces for the 2 pockets.

For each piece, cast on 23 stitches using knitting needles No. 4.5 and, starting with knits. r., knit 27 r. persons stitch and set aside. Before starting, like a back. After 9 cm = 26 r. From the placket, tie off the pocket holes. To do this, follow. persons r. knit: knit 6 (7-8), bind off 23 stitches for pocket opening, knit 33 (39-45), bind off 23 stitches, knit 6 (7-8), chrome. Next purl r. knit all the stitches from the inside out, in the places where the stitches close, attach 23 set aside stitches of the inner parts of the pockets and knit them from the inside out. = 93 (101-109) p. Decrease and increase side bevels and alternate colors as on the back = 89 (97-105) p. After 22 (21-19) cm = 62 (58-54) p. alternating colors, close 1x 3 stitches for armholes on both sides, then perform raglan bevels in the next direction. 4th r. on both sides 1x 1 decor, decrease, then repeat them 4 more times in every 4th row. and 15 (17-19) x in every 2nd r. At the same time, at the height of the raglan bevels 14 (15-16.5) cm = 38 (42-46) r. Set aside the middle 17 (21-25) stitches for the neckline and finish the left side first. Close from the inner edge for further rounding in every 2nd r. another 6 x 2 sts. Finish the other side symmetrically.

Left sleeve: 39 (39-43) stitches using needles No. 4 in Ecru color for the placket, approx. 1 cm = 4 r.. Then switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit. satin stitch For bevels, add 5 p. 1 p. from the bar on both sides, then in every 6th p. another 9 (ll-ll) x 1 p. and in every 8th r. another 5 x 1 p. = 69 (73-77) p. After 45.5 (44.5-43) cm = 128 (124-120) p. close from the bar for raglan bevels on both sides, 1 x 3 sts. ■ 63 (67-71) sts. Then from the right edge, perform in every 4th r. on both sides 5x 1 decor, decrease, then in every 2nd r. 19 (21-23) x 1 decor each, decrease. At the same time, from the left edge, perform in every 4th row. 5x 1 p. and then in every 2nd p. 15 (17-19) x 1 decor, decrease, then close in every 2nd row. 1x 4 p. and 3x 5 p.

Right sleeve: symmetrically.

Assembly. Sew raglan seams. For the collar, cast on a circle using knitting needles No. 4 in Turkish Plum color from the closed edge of the left sleeve 7 sts, from the rounding of the front neckline 13 sts, knit 17 (21-25) sts of the set aside neckline stitches, from the other rounding cast on 13 sts. , from the closed edge of the right sleeve - 7 stitches, knit. 35 (39-43) sts at back neckline = 92 (100-108) sts and bind them into a circle. Knit 10 rounds. r. garter stitch, then bind off all stitches. Sew on the inner parts of the pockets. Sew side seams.

Bust (finished product):

12 months - 56 cm

18 months - 61 cm

2 years - 66 cm


Yarn Patons® Grace (100% cotton, 50 g/125 m) 6 (7-8) skeins white and 1 skein blue color, circular knitting needles 3 mm and 3.5 mm, double needles 3.5 mm, additional knitting needles

Knitting density

30 p. and 38 r. = 10x10 cm with 3.5 mm knitting needles in the main pattern


Basic pattern (multiplicity - 8 loops).

Row 1: 2 purl stitches, cross 2 stitches at work (slip 2 stitches onto an additional needle at work, knit 2 knit stitches and 2 knit stitches from an additional knitting needle), 2 knit stitches.

2 and all purl. knit rows purl

Row 3: purl 2, knit 6.

Row 5: purl 2, knit 2, cross 2 stitches before work (slip 2 stitches on an additional needle before work, knit 2 knit stitches and knit 2 stitches from an additional needle).

7th row: knit as 3rd row.

Row 8: purl.


** Cast on 192 (216-240) sts with white thread on 3 mm needles and knit:

Row 1: 7 knit stitches, *slip 1 stitch as knit, 7 knit stitches, 1 purl stitch, 15 knit stitches, repeat from * to the end of the row, at the end knit - slip 1 stitch . as knit., 7 knit.p., 1 p.p., 8 knit.p.

Row 2: P8, *K1, P7, K1, P15, repeat from * to last 16 stitches - repeat 2 times (K1 .p., 7 p.p.).

Switch to 3.5 mm needles and knit to a height of 15 (18-19) cm from the cast-on edge, repeating the last 2 rows. Next row, perform a row that forms folds on the skirt: * remove 8 additional loops. knitting needle, remove the mark. 8 stitches on the 2nd needle, turn the 2nd needle so that wrong sides on the first and second knitting needles were located facing each other. Place the first needle in front of the second and knit the first stitch together with each of the three needles, that is, 3 stitches together. Knit all 8 loops from 3 knitting needles in this way to create a fold. Repeat from * to the end of the row, 64 (72-80) stitches remain on the needles. Next. p.r. knit purl sts, evenly decreasing 2 sts (adding 0 sts - adding 2 sts), 62 (72-82) sts on knitting needles.

Track. 2 rows: knit st. white thread.

Track. 2 rows: knit st. blue thread.

Track. row: knit stitch. white thread.

Track. row: p.p.

Continue working with the main pattern to a height of 32 (35.5-38) cm from the cast-on edge as follows:

1st row: *2 (3-4) purl stitches, 1 stitch from broach, 2 (3-4) knit stitches. 1 p. from the broach, repeat from * to the end of the row, finish the row - 2 (0-2) p.

2nd row: purl.

3rd row: knit the first row of the main pattern 10 (11-12) times, purl 2.

Continuing to knit with the main pattern, for the armholes of the sleeves, close the trace at the beginning. 2 rows of 3 loops and then decrease on each side by 1 stitch in the next row. 3 rows, then in each even row 2 more times, there are 66 (74-82) sts left on the knitting needles.** Knit to a sleeve armhole height of 11.5 (12.5-14) cm and following. row, knit 20 (22-26) stitches in a pattern, turn the work, transfer the remaining loops to additional stitches. knitting needle Knit in a pattern, decreasing 1 stitch at a time along the neck line. 3 rows, bind off the remaining 17 (19-23) sts. From faces. sides of the back, attach the thread to the set aside loops and bind off the central 26 (30-30) sts, knit the remaining loops symmetrically.


Knit from ** to ** as for the back, continue working to a sleeve armhole height of 4 cm and beyond. row, start forming the neckline: knit 31 (35-39) stitches, turn the work, transfer the remaining loops to additional stitches. knitting needle Continue working with the main pattern, making decreases in the neckline 1 point at a time. 3 (3-1) p., then in each even row until 17 (19-23) p. remain on the knitting needles. Continue working to the height of the sleeve armhole as for the back, bind off the loops. From persons On the sides of the front, attach the thread to the set aside loops and bind off the central 4 loops, knit the remaining loops symmetrically.


Using a blue thread, cast on 44 (50-56) sts on 3 mm needles and knit:

1st row: knit st. blue thread

track. 2 rows: knit with a white thread.

track. 2 rows: knit with a blue thread.

Switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles and knit with white thread. way:

Row 1: *2 knit stitches, 1 stitch from broach, 2 knit stitches, 1 stitch from broach. Repeat from *, finish row - k2.

2nd row: purl.

3rd row: knit 1 row of the main pattern 7 (8-9) times, 2 purl stitches.

4th row: purl.

Row 5: knit the 3rd row of the main pattern 7 (8-9) times, purl 2.

Row 6: purl.

Continue working with the main pattern, increasing by 1 stitch on each side in the next row. row and then in the 4th row, add added loops to the pattern stockinette stitch. Knit 1 more row and at the beginning of the next row. Cast off 2 stitches in 2 rows, then decrease on each side by 1 stitch in the next row. 12 (14-16) rubles, then at the beginning the next. 6 rows bind off 2 sts and then bind off the remaining 22 (26-30) sts.


Collar: Using blue thread, cast on 60 (66-72) sts and knit next. way:

1st row (purl): knit stitch. blue thread

2nd row: knit with a white thread: 1 decrease (slip 1 stitch as knit, 1 knit stitch and pull it through the removed one), knit knit stitch. to the end of the row, finish the row - 2 stitches together.

Row 3: knit with white thread.

4th row: knit with blue thread as 2nd row.

Row 5: knit stitch with blue thread.

Row 6: knit with white thread as row 2. On knitting needles 54 (60-66) sts, place markers on both sides of the knitting. Switch to 3.5 mm needles and, starting from purl. knit stockinette stitch to a height of 11.5 (12.5-12.5) cm from the inlaid edge.

Track. row: 12 (13-16) knit stitches, 2 stitches together, turn, transfer remaining stitches to additional stitches. knitting needle

Track. row: 2 sts together as purl, knit purl. to the end of the row.

Track. row: knit stitch. to the end of the row, at the end of the row knit 2 stitches together.

Track. row: cast off 3 sts, knit purl. to the end of the row. On knitting needles 14 (15-18) sts.

Tie formation: Row 1: knit 1, decrease 1, knit st. to the end of the row.

2nd row: knit purl. before last 3 loops - 2 sts together as purl, 1 purl.

Row 3: knit 1, decrease 1, knit st. to the end of the row, finish the row - 1 stitch from the broach, 1 knit stitch.

4th row: knit as 2nd row. Repeat last 4 rows 0 (1-1) more times.

Row 1 (knit): 1 knit stitch, 1 decrease, knit knit stitch. to the end of the row.

2nd row: purl.

3rd row: 1 knit stitch, 1 decrease, at the end of the row knit - 1 stitch from the broach, 1 knit stitch.

4th row: purl. Repeat the last 4 rows 5 (5-6) more times, then knit 4 rows with stockinette stitch and bind off the remaining stitches. From persons sides, attach the thread to the postponed loops and bind off 26 (30-30) sts. knit sts. to the end of the row. Decrease 1 p. in the neck line in the next 3 rows, in the next. row close 3 sts, knit sts. to the end of the row and knit a row of p.

Forming a tie: Row 1: knit stitch. before last 3 loops - 2 stitches together, 1 knit stitch.

2nd row: 1 purl, 2 stitches together as purl, knit purl. to the end of the row.

3rd row: 1 p. from broach, knit st. before last 3 loops - 2 stitches together, 1 knit stitch.

4th row: knit purl. Repeat the last 4 rows 0 (1-1) times, 11 (9-12) stitches were woven on the knitting needles, then knit the next row. way:

1st row: knit stitches, at the end of the row - 2 stitches together, 1 stitches.

2nd row: purl.

3rd row: 1 stitch from the broach, at the end of the row knit - 2 stitches together, 1 knit stitch.

4th row: purl. Repeat the last 4 rows another 5 (5-6) times, using 5 (3-5) sts on knitting needles. Knit 4 rows in stockinette stitch and cast off all stitches in the RS row.

Right side of the collar: front facing. On the sides of the collar, using a blue thread, cast on 3 mm needles 58 (61-64) sts from the marker along the right side of the collar and knit:

1st row (purl): cast off 15 sts, at the end of the row increase 1 st.

2nd row: knit with white thread: 1 stitch from broach, knit stitch. to the end of the row.

3rd row: knit stitch. white thread.

4th row: with blue thread, knit 1 p. from the broach, knit. to the end of the row.

Row 5: knit stitch with blue thread. and in the next row, close all loops.

Knit the left side of the collar symmetrically.

Ring-loop: using a white thread on 3 mm knitting needles, cast on 3 sts and knit 5 cm in stockinette stitch, cast off all stitches. Sew the piece into a ring.

Insert: cast on 5 sts with white thread and knit:

1st row: knit stitches with a white thread, with 1 stitch from the broach at the beginning and end of the row.

2nd row: knit purl with white thread.

3rd row: knit with blue thread as 1st row.

4th row: knit purl with blue thread. Repeat the last 4 rows 3 more times, then knit 3 rows of stitches with white thread. and close the loops in the next. row.

Sew the back of the collar and the back neckline, then sew the collar and the front neckline, as shown in the photo. Sew the ring to the front and pull both ends of the tie through it. Sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Size: 42/44.

For knitting top in nautical style You will need a total of 230 g of VITA cotton “lris” yarn (100% Egyptian double mercerized cotton; 125 m/20 g), of which 100 g white (2101), 120 g blue(2112); hook number 3.


Crochet: connecting posts(conn. st.), air loops (v.p.), single crochets (st. b/n), double crochets (dc. s/n); “wave” pattern: knit according to the pattern; main pattern: knit according to the pattern; binding: knit according to the pattern.


25 p. x 10 r. = 10 x 10 cm, crocheted No. 2 with the main pattern (in 2 folds).

Description of knitting top

Whole knitted back and front: using blue yarn (in 2 folds) using crochet number 3, cast on a chain of 192 sts. p. and close in a circle using the connection. Art. There are 16 rapports in total.

Do not cut the thread. In the 3rd row, join white yarn (in 2 folds) and knit according to the row pattern. Finish the row using conn. Art.

Cut off the blue thread. Rows 35-39: knit with white yarn according to the “wave” pattern.

Each row ends with a connection. Art. Cut the thread. Row 40: join blue yarn and knit according to the row pattern. Row finish connection. Art. In the 41st row, divide the work into two equal parts.

Before: knit with blue yarn according to the main pattern.

To design the armhole line in the 1st and 2nd rows, make decreases on both sides according to the decrease pattern.

To design the neck line in the 6th row from the beginning of the armhole line, close the middle 7 repeats. In the 19th row from the beginning of the armhole line, cut the thread. Perform the left shoulder in the same way. Back: knit as before.


Sew shoulder and side seams. Tie the neckline and armhole lines in a circle with white yarn (in 2 folds) according to the tying pattern from the 1st to the 3rd row inclusive.

Each row ends with a connection. Art. 4th row: knit " lobster step" Finish the row using conn. Art.

Two summer tops made of blue-green and white yarn. Together they create an excellent harmonious ensemble. A striking mesh top with a simple cut and bright, rich color.

Two summer tops knitting description:

Top mesh blue-green:

Dimensions: 34 (38-42)

You will need:

  • 100 (150-200) g blue-green (col. 36) Lana Grossa ARIA yarn (100% cotton, 165 m / 50 g);
  • hook number 3.

Attention! All the details, especially the air chains. p., knit loosely.

Patterns and knitting:

Mesh pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 1 air. p. + 1 air. p. for lifting. Knit according to the pattern. The numbers on both sides indicate the beginning of each row. On the 1st 1st Art. b/n perform in the 2nd air. p. from the hook. In width, start rows with loops before the 1st arrow, repeat the rapport between the arrows, end with loops after the 2nd arrow. For 1 repeat, knit 2 stitches of mesh + 1 tbsp. b/n, in this case Art. b/n perform in 1 air. p. cast on or into a mesh loop (= st. b/n) of the previous row. The diagram shows 4.5 rapports. Knit 1-5 rows in height. 1 time, then repeat the 4th and 5th rows. Tie the neckline and armhole with 6 rows.

Knitting density: 4.5 rapports and 8 rubles. = 10 x 10 cm.


freely perform a chain of 69 (77-85) air. p. + 1 air. p. for lifting. Make a mesh in the specified distribution of loops = 17 (19-21) repeat. After 39 cm = 31 r. from the beginning of work, reduce 2 rapports on both sides for the armholes; to do this, at the beginning of the row, skip the connecting loops. st., at the end of the row do not knit loops = 13 (15-17) repeats. After 10 (11-12) cm = 8 (9-10) r. from the beginning of the armhole, do not knit the central 7 repeats for the neckline and knit both sides separately on 3 (4-5) repeats. After 7.5 cm = 6 r. from the beginning of the neckline finish the work.


knit like a back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, after 7.5 (8.5-9.5) cm = 6 (7-8) r. from the beginning of the armholes, do not knit the central 7 repeats and knit both sides separately on 3 (4-5) repeats. Finish the work at back height.


Tie side and shoulder seams to purl. sides art. b/n. Tie the edge of the neckline and the edge of the armholes with 6 circular stitches. diagrams, while making sure that the edges are not pulled together.

Top white:

Sizes: 34 (38-4 2)

Data for size 38 is in parentheses in front, for size 42 - after the dash. If only one number is given, it applies to all three sizes.

You will need:

  • 250 (300-350) g ​​white (col. 18) Lana Grossa CLASSICO yarn (100% cotton, 110 m/50 g);
  • straight knitting needles No. 4 and No. 4.5;
  • hook number 4.

Patterns and knitting:

Rubber: alternately knit 1 person, 1 purl.

Facial surface: persons r. -persons p., out. r. - purl p.

Highlighted decreases: at the beginning of the row after the 2nd stitch, knit 2 stitches together. At the end of the row, before the last 2 stitches, knit 2 stitches together (= slip 1 stitch as knit, knit 1 and pull it through the removed loop). Decrease 1 st on both sides.
Knitting density, knits. satin stitch, knitting needles No. 4.5: 19 p. and 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm.


cast on 88 (96-104) sts on needles No. 4 in 2 threads. First knit 1 purl. r. with an elastic band, then transfer the loops to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit. satin stitch with one thread. On both sides, reduce by 12 p. from the start of work 1 p., then in every 12th p. 2 x 1 p. and in every 10th r. 3 x 1 p., performing the highlighted decreases = 76 (84-92) p. After 26 cm = 67 r. From the beginning of work, make marks and knit straight. After 15 cm = 40 rub. from the marks, close on both sides for the armholes 3 p., then in every 2nd r. close 1 (2-3) x 2 p. and decrease 3 × 1 p. = 60 (64-68) p. After 14 (15-16) cm = 36 (38-42) p. from the beginning of the armhole, close the central 14 stitches for the neckline and knit both sides separately. WITH inside close for rounding in every 2nd r. 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 2 p., then decrease 5 x 1 p., performing the highlighted decreases. After 6 cm = 16 r. From the beginning of the neckline, close off the remaining 13 (15-17) shoulder stitches from the outside. Front: knit like the back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, after 5 (6-7) cm = 12 (14-18) r. From the beginning of the armhole, close the central 10 sts and knit both sides separately. From the inside, close for rounding in every 2nd r. 2 x 3 p. and 1 x 2 p., then decrease 4 x 1 p., performing the highlighted decreases. Close the shoulder loops from the outside at the height of the back.


make seams. Crochet the edge of the neckline and the edge of the armholes with 3 circular stitches. conn. Art., while from the 2nd circular river. insert the hook into the center of the upper part of the loop and grab only the back half of the loop.

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