November 10 is what a church holiday. Orthodox church holidays in November. Traditions and rituals

Today is November 10 (October 28 old style), Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

* Martyrs Terentius and Neonilla and their children: Sarvila, Photus, Theodulus, Hierax, Nitus, Vilus and Eunicea (c. 249-250). ** Great Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (c. 284-305). * St. Stephen Savvait, creator of the canons (after 870). ** Saint Arsenios I, Archbishop of Serbia (1266). Venerable Job, abbot of Pochaev (1651). * St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov (1709).
Martyrs Africanus, Terentius, Maximus, Pompius and others 36 (III). Venerable Firmilian, Archbishop of Caesarea and Melchion the Presbyter (c. 250). Hieromartyrs Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and his mother, Martyr Anna (363); Neophytos, Bishop of Urbnis (587). Venerable John the Chozebite, Bishop of Caesarea (VI). Saints Nathanael; Fevronia, daughter of King Heraclius (632). Venerable Nestor, non-bookish, Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIV). Martyrs Angelius, Manuel, George and Nicholas of Crete (1824). Hieromartyr John (Vilna) presbyter, Yaroslavl (1918).

Martyrs Terenty and Neonilla

The martyrs Terenty and Neonilla suffered along with their seven children: Sarvil, Photo, Theodolus, Hierax, Nitus, Bel and Bvnikia. The time and place of their suffering are unknown. When they were called to trial and began to convince them to renounce Christ, they all unanimously confessed Christ and blasphemed idols. They were hanged and, while stripping their bodies, they were poured with vinegar, and they were burned with fire from below. The saints silently endured the torment and in their souls prayed to God for strengthening. The torturers were amazed and horrified, seeing the patience of the martyrs, and came up with new torments. Finally, they killed all the martyrs with the sword.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday, was born in Iconium from pious parents. The word Paraskeva means Friday in Greek. The holy martyr was so named because her parents greatly revered Friday, and she was born on this day. Paraskeva lost her mother and father when she was almost a child, but she did not forget the instructions and example of her kind parents. Shikh used the inheritance received not for clothes and luxury, but for helping the poor and wanderers. She taught others faith in Christ and decided not to marry.

At this time, Diocletian began a persecution of Christians, and St. Paraskeva was presented for trial. The ruler, seeing the beauty of the saint, said to her; “I pity your beauty; make a sacrifice to the gods, and I will take you as my wife; you will be held in high esteem.” But the saint answered: “I have a Bridegroom - Christ, and I do not need another. You better have pity on yourself, because eternal damnation awaits you.” Then the ruler became angry and ordered the saint to be beaten mercilessly and thrown into prison. The next morning they thought to find Paraskeva dead, but the angel of the Lord healed her. The ruler attributed the healing to his gods. Paraskeva wished to see these gods. But, entering the pagan temple, she began to throw idols to the ground. The ruler ordered the holy martyr to be burned on fire, but the fire rushed towards the pagans and burned many of them, but she remained unharmed. Then many of the people believed in the true God. But the ruler became even more embittered and ordered the martyr to be killed, and the next day he himself died: his horse threw him into a ravine while hunting.

Venerable Job of Pochaev

Since childhood, the Monk Job of Pochaev dreamed of a monastic life. Having come of age, he retired to the Ugoritsky Spassky Monastery, in the Carpathian Mountains, and soon became famous for his strict life, so that Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky called him to be the abbot of the monastery he had built on an island near the city of Dubno. After the death of the pious prince, his son Janusz succumbed to the influence of the Jesuits and began to persecute the Orthodox, and Job suffered many sorrows while defending Orthodoxy; but after 20 years of managing the monastery, he was forced to move to the Pochaev Monastery. Refusing the abbotship, he accepted the schema and spent his life in strict fasting and constant prayer. From standing for a long time in prayer, he developed wounds on his legs.
The Monk Job died in 1651, having predicted the day of his death. Soon the Lord glorified His saint with miracles, and his relics were revealed.

Saint Demetrius

Saint Demetrius was a metropolitan in Rostov. Born in Little Russia. His father was a Cossack, and then rose to the rank of centurion. Demetrius was raised in piety, studied unusually well, and did not like to engage in children's games. At the age of 18 he entered a monastery in Kyiv. He was the first to enter the temple and the last to leave it. The Archbishop of Chernigov, having learned about the high talents and pious life of St. Demetrius, summoned him to Chernigov and blessed him to the post of preacher in the cathedral and other churches of the diocese. His preaching was very fruitful, because it came from the heart and was confirmed by his own example. To preach, he was appointed abbot of one or another monastery.

In 1684, the Kiev-Pechersk archimandrite Varlaam Yasinsky invited him to his place and instructed him to collect, correct and publish the Lives of the Saints, or Chetya-Minea. St. Demetrius willingly took on this work. He was guided by the Greek books of Metaphrastus and the Slavic books of Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow, comparing them with many Eastern and Western writers. St. spent a lot of labor and effort. Dimitri, but what benefits he brought with his work! In 1702 he was appointed Bishop of Rostov and Yaroslavl. Much new work lay ahead of him here, for the clergy was in great ignorance. The saint tried by all means to eradicate evil morals, uncleanness of life, untruths and delusions. He started a seminary at the bishop's house to train pastors. He struggled a lot with schismatic errors and wrote a book against them, “The Search.” Feeling the approach of death, St. Demetrius called on the singers to sing spiritual chants he himself composed. Having dismissed the singers, he began to pray and died in prayer. This was in 1709. St. died. Dimitri at 58 years old. In 1752, during the renovation of the church, his relics were found incorrupt and worked miracles. They rest in Rostov, in the monastery of St. Jacob.

Venerable Arseniy, Archbishop of Serbia

The Monk Arseny, Archbishop of Serbia, was a Slav. He labored in the Zhichsky monastery, which was then under the control of Saint Sava of Serbia. Savva fell in love with Arseny for his intelligence and piety, and when he left the department, he did not find a successor more worthy of him. St. Arsenius wisely ruled the Serbian flock for thirty years. He died in 1266. His relics rest in the Pek temple he founded.

Other Church and Orthodox holidays in November

Martyrs Terentius and Neonilla and their children: Sarvil, Phot, Theodulus, Hierax, Nita, Vila and Eunice. Great Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday. Reverend Stefan Savvait, creator of the canons. Saint Arseniy I, Archbishop of Serbia. Venerable Job, abbot of Pochaev. Saint Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov...

Venerable Job, Abbot of Pochaev (1651) .

The Monk Job, abbot of Pochaev, miracle worker (in the world Ivan Zhelezo), was born in the middle of the 16th century in Pokuttya in Galicia. At the age of 10, he came to the Transfiguration Ugornitsky Monastery, and at the 12th year of his life he became a monk. From his youth, the Monk Job was known for his greatest piety, strict ascetic life, and was early awarded the priesthood. Around 1580, at the request of the famous champion of Orthodoxy, Prince Konstantin Ostrovsky, he headed the Holy Cross Monastery near the city of Dubno and ruled the monastery for more than 20 years in an environment of increasing persecution of Orthodoxy by Catholics and Uniates. At the beginning of the 17th century, the monk retired to Pochaevskaya Mountain and settled in a cave not far from the ancient Assumption Monastery, famous for its miraculous Pochaevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. The brethren of the monastery, having fallen in love with the holy hermit, chose him as their abbot. The Monk Job, zealously fulfilling the position of abbot, was meek and affectionate with his brothers, he himself worked a lot, planted trees in the garden, strengthened the dams near the monastery. Taking an active part in the defense of Orthodoxy and the Russian people, the Monk Job was present at the Kiev Council of 1628, convened against the union. After 1642, the Monk Job accepted the great schema with the name John. Sometimes he completely secluded himself in a cave for three days or a whole week. The Jesus Prayer was the constant work of his meek heart. According to the testimony of Dosifei, a disciple and compiler of the life of the Monk Job, one day during the saint’s prayer, a heavenly light shone into the cave. The Monk Job died in 1651, having lived for more than 100 years, after fifty years of ruling the Pochaev monastery. On August 28 (New Age), 1659, the glorification of the Monk Job took place.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (III).

The holy martyr Paraskeva, named Pyatnitsa, lived in the 3rd century in Iconium in a rich and pious family. The saint's parents especially revered the day of the Lord's suffering - Friday, and therefore they named their daughter, born on this day, Paraskeva, which translated from Greek means Friday. With all her heart, young Paraskeva loved the purity and high morality of virgin life and took a vow of celibacy. She wanted to devote her entire life to God and the enlightenment of the pagans with the light of the faith of Christ. On this righteous path, Paraskeva, who bore in her name the memory of the day of the great Passion of Jesus, was destined to partake of the Passion of Christ in her life through bodily pain. For confessing the Orthodox faith, embittered pagans seized her and brought her to the city ruler. Here she was offered to make a godless sacrifice to a pagan idol. With a strong heart, trusting in God, the saint rejected this proposal. For this she endured great torment: having tied her to a tree, the tormentors tormented her pure body with iron nails, and then, tired of the torture, all ulcerated to the bones, they threw her into prison. But God did not abandon the holy sufferer and miraculously healed her tormented body. Not being enlightened by this Divine sign, the executioners continued to torture Paraskeva and finally cut off her head.
Saint Paraskeva Friday has always enjoyed special love and reverence among the Orthodox people. Many pious customs and rituals are associated with her memory. In ancient Russian monthly books and calendars, the name of the martyr is written like this: “Saint Paraskeva, named Friday.” Temples in the name of Saint Paraskeva were called Fridays in ancient times. In the old days in Rus', small roadside chapels received the name Pyatnitsa. The common Russian people called the martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Pyatina, Petka. Icons of Saint Paraskeva were especially revered and decorated by our ancestors. Russian icon painters usually depicted the martyr as a stern ascetic, tall, with a radiant wreath on her head. Icons of the holy martyr protect family well-being and happiness. According to church belief, Saint Paraskeva is the patroness of fields and livestock. Therefore, on the day of her memory, it is customary to bring fruits to the church for illumination, which are then stored as a shrine until next year. In addition, they pray to Saint Paraskeva to preserve livestock from death. The holy martyr is a healer of people from the most severe mental and physical ailments.

Mchch. Terentia and Neonillas and their children: Sarvila, Photus, Theodula, Ierax, Nita, Vila and Eunicea (249-250).
St. Stefan Savvait, creator of the canons(IX).
St. Demetrius, Met. Rostovsky(1709).
Sschmch. John the Presbyter(1918).
Novosshchmch. priest Mikhail (Lektorsky)(1921).
St. Arsenius of Cappadocia (1924).
St. Nestor the Unbooked, Pechersky, in the Far Caves(XIV).
St. Theophilus of Kyiv, Christ for the Fool's Sake (1853).
Mchch. Africanus, Terentius, Maximus, Pompius and other 36(III).
Sschmch. Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem(363).
St. John the Chozebite, bishop. Caesarea(VI).
St. Firmaliana, bishop Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia, etc. Malchiona, Rev..
St. Fevronia, daughter of the Emperor. Irakli.
Right Paraskeva, virgins of Piriminskaya, Pinega.

What church holiday

Day of the Holy Martyrs Neonilla and Paraskeva


THE HOLY MARTYR NEONILLA with her husband Terentius and children suffered martyrdom from the persecutors of Christianity during the reign of Decius (249 - 250). For preaching Christ, the pagans suffered all Christian family terrible torment and torture, but did not achieve their renunciation of the true faith. The martyrs were beheaded.

THE HOLY MARTYR PARASKEVA, named FRIDAY, lived in the 3rd century in Iconium in a rich and pious family. Her parents especially revered the day of the Lord's suffering - Friday, and therefore named their daughter, born on this day, Paraskeva, which translated from Greek means Friday. With all her heart, young Paraskeva loved the purity and high morality of virgin life and took a vow of celibacy. She wanted to devote her entire life to God and the enlightenment of the pagans with the light of the faith of Christ. But for professing the Orthodox faith, embittered pagans seized her and brought her to the city ruler, where they offered to sacrifice to a pagan idol. Paraskeva rejected this proposal, for which she endured great torment: having tied her to a tree, the torturers tormented her clean body with iron nails, and then, tired of the torture, she was ulcerated to the bones and thrown into prison. But God did not abandon the holy sufferer and miraculously healed her tormented body. Then the executioners cut off her head.

Saint Paraskeva Friday has always enjoyed special love and reverence among the Orthodox people. Icons of Saint Paraskeva were especially revered and decorated by our ancestors. Russian icon painters usually depicted the martyr as a stern ascetic, tall, with a radiant wreath on her head. Icons of the holy martyr protect family well-being and happiness. According to church belief, Saint Paraskeva is the patroness of fields and livestock. Therefore, on the day of her memory, it is customary to bring fruits to the church for consecration, which are then stored as a shrine until the next year. In addition, they pray to Saint Paraskeva to preserve livestock from death. The holy martyr is a healer of people from the most severe mental and physical illnesses.

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a woman’s saint, since peasant women consider her their intercessor and protector.

Paraskeva is considered the patroness of women's winter work, first and foremost.

A number of customs that fall on this day of the week are also associated with Friday, for example: on Friday you cannot spin, but you can sew; He who laughs a lot on Friday will cry a lot in old age. For violating the prohibitions associated with Friday and yarn, Paraskeva Friday severely punishes. In general, there is a belief that Saint Paraskeva walks the earth in the form of a young woman and notes how people live, how they observe customs, prohibitions, etc. She punishes others, has mercy on others and even rewards them.

On Nenila the flax plant they begin to crush and fray the flax.
Nenila and Paraskeva receive special prayers for good suitors.
Mother Praskovea, get her married as soon as possible!
The women repent, and the girls get along (get married).
Marry an old man, just so as not to end up as a girl.
With a husband there is need, without a husband it’s even worse; and a widow and an orphan - even a wolf howls.

* Martyrs Terentius and Neonilla and their children: Sarvila, Photus, Theodulus, Hierax, Nitus, Vilus and Eunicea (c. 249-250). ** Great Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (c. 284-305). * St. Stephen Savvait, creator of the canons (after 870). ** Saint Arsenios I, Archbishop of Serbia (1266). Venerable Job, abbot of Pochaev (1651). * St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov (1709).
Martyrs Africanus, Terentius, Maximus, Pompius and others 36 (III). Venerable Firmilian, Archbishop of Caesarea and Melchion the Presbyter (c. 250). Hieromartyrs Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and his mother, Martyr Anna (363); Neophytos, Bishop of Urbnis (587). Venerable John the Chozebite, Bishop of Caesarea (VI). Saints Nathanael; Fevronia, daughter of King Heraclius (632). Venerable Nestor, non-bookish, Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIV). Martyrs Angelius, Manuel, George and Nicholas of Crete (1824). Hieromartyr John (Vilna) presbyter, Yaroslavl (1918).

Martyrs Terenty and Neonilla

The martyrs Terenty and Neonilla suffered along with their seven children: Sarvil, Photo, Theodolus, Hierax, Nitus, Bel and Bvnikia. The time and place of their suffering are unknown. When they were called to trial and began to convince them to renounce Christ, they all unanimously confessed Christ and blasphemed idols. They were hanged and, while stripping their bodies, they were poured with vinegar, and they were burned with fire from below. The saints silently endured the torment and in their souls prayed to God for strengthening. The torturers were amazed and horrified, seeing the patience of the martyrs, and came up with new torments. Finally, they killed all the martyrs with the sword.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday, was born in Iconium from pious parents. The word Paraskeva means Friday in Greek. The holy martyr was so named because her parents greatly revered Friday, and she was born on this day. Paraskeva lost her mother and father when she was almost a child, but she did not forget the instructions and example of her kind parents. Shikh used the inheritance received not for clothes and luxury, but for helping the poor and wanderers. She taught others faith in Christ and decided not to marry. At this time, Diocletian began a persecution of Christians, and St. Paraskeva was presented for trial. The ruler, seeing the beauty of the saint, said to her; “I pity your beauty; make a sacrifice to the gods, and I will take you as my wife; you will be held in high esteem.” But the saint answered: “I have a Bridegroom - Christ, and I do not need another. You better have pity on yourself, because eternal damnation awaits you.” Then the ruler became angry and ordered the saint to be beaten mercilessly and thrown into prison. The next morning they thought to find Paraskeva dead, but the angel of the Lord healed her. The ruler attributed the healing to his gods. Paraskeva wished to see these gods. But, entering the pagan temple, she began to throw idols to the ground. The ruler ordered the holy martyr to be burned on fire, but the fire rushed towards the pagans and burned many of them, but she remained unharmed. Then many of the people believed in the true God. But the ruler became even more embittered and ordered the martyr to be killed, and the next day he himself died: his horse threw him into a ravine while hunting.

Venerable Job of Pochaev

Since childhood, the Monk Job of Pochaev dreamed of a monastic life. Having come of age, he retired to the Ugoritsky Spassky Monastery, in the Carpathian Mountains, and soon became famous for his strict life, so that Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky called him to be the abbot of the monastery he had built on an island near the city of Dubno. After the death of the pious prince, his son Janusz succumbed to the influence of the Jesuits and began to persecute the Orthodox, and Job suffered many sorrows while defending Orthodoxy; but after 20 years of managing the monastery, he was forced to move to the Pochaev Monastery. Refusing the abbotship, he accepted the schema and spent his life in strict fasting and constant prayer. From standing for a long time in prayer, he developed wounds on his legs.
The Monk Job died in 1651, having predicted the day of his death. Soon the Lord glorified His saint with miracles, and his relics were revealed.

Saint Demetrius

Saint Demetrius was a metropolitan in Rostov. Born in Little Russia. His father was a Cossack, and then rose to the rank of centurion. Demetrius was raised in piety, studied unusually well, and did not like to engage in children's games. At the age of 18 he entered a monastery in Kyiv. He was the first to enter the temple and the last to leave it. The Archbishop of Chernigov, having learned about the high talents and pious life of St. Demetrius, summoned him to Chernigov and blessed him to the post of preacher in the cathedral and other churches of the diocese. His preaching was very fruitful, because it came from the heart and was confirmed by his own example. To preach, he was appointed abbot of one or another monastery. In 1684, the Kiev-Pechersk archimandrite Varlaam Yasinsky invited him to his place and instructed him to collect, correct and publish the Lives of the Saints, or Chetya-Minea. St. Demetrius willingly took on this work. He was guided by the Greek books of Metaphrastus and the Slavic books of Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow, comparing them with many Eastern and Western writers. St. spent a lot of labor and effort. Dimitri, but what benefits he brought with his work! In 1702 he was appointed Bishop of Rostov and Yaroslavl. Much new work lay ahead of him here, for the clergy was in great ignorance. The saint tried by all means to eradicate evil morals, uncleanness of life, untruths and delusions. He started a seminary at the bishop's house to train pastors. He struggled a lot with schismatic errors and wrote a book against them, “The Search.” Feeling the approach of death, St. Demetrius called on the singers to sing spiritual chants he himself composed. Having dismissed the singers, he began to pray and died in prayer. This was in 1709. St. died. Dimitri at 58 years old. In 1752, during the renovation of the church, his relics were found incorrupt and worked miracles. They rest in Rostov, in the monastery of St. Jacob.

Venerable Arseniy, Archbishop of Serbia

The Monk Arseny, Archbishop of Serbia, was a Slav. He labored in the Zhichsky monastery, which was then under the control of Saint Sava of Serbia. Savva fell in love with Arseny for his intelligence and piety, and when he left the department, he did not find a successor more worthy of him. St. Arsenius wisely ruled the Serbian flock for thirty years. He died in 1266. His relics rest in the Pek temple he founded.

Is there a church holiday today and what? Who should pray on this day? What can’t be done on this day, and what can you do? What church holiday do Christians in Russia have today?
Church calendar contains schedule Orthodox holidays for the year, dates of veneration of Christian saints, periods of fasting.
He will tell you when this or that holiday is celebrated, the start and end dates of fasting, continuous weeks, days of remembrance of the dead.

What is today's church holiday according to the Orthodox calendar 2018

Paraskevi Lenyanitsy

Great Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday

It is the day of remembrance of Saint Paraskeva (translated from Greek as “Friday”). She suffered at the hands of pagans for her faith in Christ. She was subjected to many tortures and then beheaded with a sword.
Martyrs Terentius and Neonilla, and their children: Sarvila, Fota, Theodula, Hierax, Nita, Vila, Eunicea In honor of Saint Terentius, his wife and 7 children who accepted martyrdom for their faith in Christ under the emperor Decius.
Venerable Stefan Savvait, creator of the canons In memory of the creator of church canons, Stephen, who labored in the Lavra of St. Sava in Palestine in the 9th century.
Saint Arsenios, Archbishop of Serbia Day of honoring Archbishop Arseniy of Serbia. The remains of the saint rest in the Peč monastery.
Venerable Job, Abbot of Pochaev The day of the death of Saint Job (birth name - Ivan Zhelezo) was originally from Galicia. For about 20 years he headed the Holy Cross Monastery near the city of Dubno, and for more than 50 years he was abbot of the Assumption Monastery on Pochaevskaya Mountain. Lived more than 100 years. Glorified in 1659.
Saint Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov The church honors Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov (birth name - Daniil Tuptalo), originally from a place near Kyiv. Canonized as a saint in 1757.

What church holiday is tomorrow, 11/11/2018

VMC. Paraskeva, named Pyatnitsa (III). Mchch. Terentius and Neonillas and their children Sarvil, Phot, Theodulus, Ierax, Nitus, Vilus and Eunicia (249–250). St. Stefan Savvait, creator of the canons (IX). St. Arseny I, Archbishop. Serbian (1266). St. Job, abbot of Pochaev (1651). St. Demetrius, Met. Rostovsky (1709).
St. Theophilus of Kyiv, Christ for the Fool's Sake (1853). Mchch. Africanus, Terentius, Maximus, Pompius and others 36 (III). Sschmch. Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem (363). St. John the Chozebite, bishop. Caesarea (VI). Sschmch. Neophyta, ep. Urbnissky (VII) (Georgian). St. Arseny of Cappadocia (1924).
Sschmch. John the Presbyter of Vilna (1918).
Morning – In., 35 credits. (from semi’), X, 1–9 1. Lit. – St.: Heb., 318 readings, VII, 26 – VIII, 2. John, 36 readings, X, 9–16. Row: 2 Cor., 191 credits, XI, 1–6. Luke, 36, VIII, 16–21.

1. Readings of St. Demetrius (at Matins and Liturgy) are read if a service is performed for him. If the polyeleos service of St. Job, then at Matins the Gospel of Matthew is read, 43 ch., XI, 27–30, and at the liturgy - the readings of the saint: Gal., 213 ch., V, 22 – VI, 2. Luke, 24 ch., VI , 17–23, and days.
Troparion of the martyrs Terentius and Neonila and their children, tone 4: Thy martyrs, Lord... (see appendix 2) Kontakion of the martyrs Terentius and Neonila and their children, tone 4: The honorable memory of martyrdom has come today, / joyful in every way, / Terentius the wise and his friends him,/ let us warmly,/ let us receive healing,/ for this grace we receive from the Holy Spirit// to heal the ailments and diseases of our souls. Troparion of St. Demetrius, tone 8: Orthodoxy to the zealot and the eradicator of schism, / Russian healer and new prayer book to God, / with your writings you have made you wise, / spiritual priest, / Three blessed ones, // pray to Christ God to save our souls. Kontakion of St. Demetrius, tone 4: The Russian star, which shone from Kiev,/ and through Novgrad Seversky reached Rostov,/ illuminated this whole country with teachings and miracles,/ let us please the golden-speaking teacher Demetrius:/ because everything was written for everyone, even for instruction, / may he win everyone, like Paul, to Christ // and save our souls through orthodoxy. Troparion of St. Job, tone 4: Having acquired longsuffering from the long-suffering forefather, / resembling the abstinence of the Baptist, / sharing both divine zeal, / you were worthy to receive those names / and the true Thou art a fearless preacher;/ Moreover, thou didst bring multitudes of monks to Christ,/ And you have established all people in Orthodoxy,/ O Reverend Job, our Father, // pray that our souls may be saved. Kontakion of St. Job, tone 4: Thou hast appeared as a pillar of the true faith, / a zealot of the Gospel commandments, / a reproof of pride, and an intercessor and teaching for the humble: / and also ask for remission of sins to those who please you / and keep your abode unharmed, / Job our Father, / / Like the long-suffering one.
God, out of love for people, suffers for them. If God does this, if He perceives suffering in the flesh of His Son, then this is the most important, the most fundamental - everything is around this truth. The truth is that the most important thing in life is love. Everything else is secondary. That is why the commandment of love becomes the main commandment of Christianity, that is why the Lord proclaims this commandment not only with words, but with the feat of His life. And at the same time, He shows people that love is always accompanied by sacrifice. In a sense, love becomes synonymous with sacrifice, and sacrifice becomes synonymous with love, because if we, loving another, are not ready to do anything for him, then this is not love... There is no other way for the human race, there is no other path to happiness and completeness life, as soon as the path that Christ showed us.

Orthodox church calendar 2018. Parable of the day.

A certain monk prayed earnestly, saying:
- Lord, you are merciful and patient, so why is it so difficult to save a soul and why is hell full of sinners?
He prayed for a long time, asking God this question. And finally, an Angel of God appears to him and says:
“Come on, I’ll show you the paths that people walk.”
They left the cell, and the Angel led the elder into the forest.
- Do you see that woodcutter who is carrying a heavy bundle of firewood and does not want to throw off at least a little to make it easier? - asked Cherub. - In the same way, some people bear their sins and do not want to repent.
Afterwards the Angel shows the old man a well of water and says:
- Do you see the madman who draws water from the well with a sieve? This is how people repent. They draw the grace of forgiveness, and then sin again, and the grace flows away like water through a sieve.
Again the Angel shows the man to the monk and says:
- Do you see the one who placed a log across his horse and is trying to ride into the temple of God on horseback, but the log gets stuck in the door? This is how people do their good deeds - without humility and in pride - without knowing their value. And now, elder, judge for yourself, is it easy for God to save such people, matching mercy with His justice?

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