What to teach a 3 year old child. "Don't want! I won't! No need! I myself!” — three-year-old crisis: signs of a crisis and how to overcome it

“Letidor” turned to a psychologist with this question. Elena Pervukhina, the author of books, trainings and online courses, and an expert on television and radio programs, told us about the mandatory skills of three-year-old children.

A one-year-old baby is very different from a one-and-a-half-year-old child, and a three-year-old is not at all like a two-year-old. Young children grow and develop rapidly, because the brain at this age is plastic and capable of absorbing all available information.

“I can’t do it!” - this is not an obstacle for a child under 3 years old

A child at this age is active, cheerful and inquisitive. Every day a child makes discoveries, tries, grows and develops.

Just think about how you want to put the ring on the pyramid, but you can’t - the handle is small, there is no coordination. But the child works diligently every day to ensure that the ring ends up exactly where it is needed. It will take him a lot of trial and error to get the result. And he gets it! The ring is in place.

And after a few months, the child faces a new task - to assemble the pyramid correctly. First a large ring, then a medium one, then a small one. And this test has been passed...

I am always amazed and learn from young children at their optimism and ability to cope with difficult tasks. They never lose heart, but go towards their goal through obstacles and failures. I started walking - fell, stood up, walked, fell again, stood up again, pushed the ball, fell with the ball, stood up, ran after the ball, fell, stood up.

A child under three years old cannot be broken by obstacles, despite the fact that he does not succeed in many things, he is ready to try every day and get what he needs.

A three-year-old makes a colossal leap in development. And here are a few basic skills that a child must develop before this age.

Skill 1: Independence

Until the age of 3, it is important to allow your child to do many things independently. It is necessary to follow him in his desires.

For example, mothers of the same age gather on the site. Mom wants to talk with her friends, stand in one place. The child has other plans. In 5 minutes he has looked at everything that interests him - he gets bored, he begins to pull his mother along with him, calling her on a new journey. The mother does not agree, the child begins to be capricious, the mother begins to swear and get angry: “Play here, why did I bring you so many toys, all the children are like children, but you still need to go somewhere”.

The more wishes are fulfilled before the age of 3, the more wishes he will have during adult life.

When the mother follows the child and hears him, he understands on a subconscious level: “My wishes are valuable, they are seen, they are listened to, they are fulfilled. It’s good to wish, you can wish”.

If the child’s aspirations are ignored and their own are imposed instead - “Don’t beat the drum, play the bowl instead”, - then the child concludes: “I don’t have the right to wish for myself, others know better than me what I need.”

Then in adult life it will be difficult for a person to find a favorite job, a favorite activity.

The more “I myself” there is in a child’s life, the more self-confident he will be.

Until the age of 3, a child should try to dress, wash, brush his teeth, put away his toys, and eat on his own.

Give your child maximum freedom and cultivate independence.

Rejoice when the baby puts away the toy himself and pulls up the tights himself. Independence skills will be very useful for a child in kindergarten. The more independent he is, the easier his adaptation to a new place and team will be.

Skill 2: Communication

Children start talking different times. Some are one and a half years old, others are closer to three. His parents will help the child speak.

Always communicate with your baby using simple sentences. The shorter they are, the better. Don’t chatter, don’t be partial, give your child time to answer.

Even if the child does not speak, you must have a dialogue with him.

Often mothers and grandmothers conduct a monologue without giving the child a chance to wedge themselves into it. Ask your child a short question - wait for an answer. Even if he is silent, he will still answer something: he will point his finger, nod his head. You can in simple words be responsible for him.

For example:

  • What do you want?
  • Do you want some water? Mom, give me a drink.

Skill 3: Keeping yourself occupied with the game

Until the age of three, the mother needs to introduce the child to an imaginary world where actions take place in make-believe. In your game, let the same stick be a fishing rod, a pistol, and a spyglass. Teach your baby to play!

Show that here is a bear and a dog who came to the doctor because their stomach hurts, and here is a doctor who gives them medicine.

Physical development . The weight of a girl or boy at 3 years old is more than 4 times the body weight of a healthy newborn. Opinions about the specific weight of a child at 3 years old - the norm may vary. So, when asked how much a 3-year-old boy should weigh, domestic pediatricians answer - from 13 to 17.4 kilograms. In turn, when it comes to how much a girl should weigh three years, the range decreases slightly - 12.5-17 kilograms.

By the age of three, children already have a full set of 20 primary teeth.

For various reasons, the formation of primary dentition in the upper and lower jaws may lag behind. This delay is normal and can be explained by various factors, including genetic factors (particularly maternal genetics).

A boy's leg size at 3 years old is about 16 centimeters.

In turn, the foot size of a 3-year-old girl can and should be similar.

Daily routine. The daily routine of a three-year-old child contributes to his development, education, and good health. After all, this is:

  1. Forces internal organs the child's body works correctly.
  2. Increases immunity, strengthens the nervous system, protecting it from stress.
  3. Simplify and speed up.
  4. Organizes the child.

If your child sleeps when he wants and eats only when hungry, it's time to change that. And here's how:

  1. Introduce the regime gradually. Take your time and don’t demand that rules be followed if your son or daughter is in a bad mood.
  2. Make sure that all key activities are performed at the same time every day (getting up, eating, bathing, resting at night).
  3. Avoid nighttime meals. For a three-year-old child, dinner is enough not to feel hungry until the morning.

Skills and abilities

Here's what a three-year-old child can already do:

  • Walks on tiptoes, runs on uneven surfaces, and can stand or hop on one leg.
  • Able to alternate legs when going up or down stairs. Can also use the access stairs.
  • Jumps over obstacles and crawls under them.
  • Throws and catches objects.
  • Paint. A three-year-old can draw an object using a circle, sticks and lines on paper or cardboard. He knows what he is drawing and can explain it to his parents.
  • Your child confidently uses plasticine, dough or modeling clay, tears off individual pieces, makes balls or “cakes”, rolls sausages, glues and connects parts.
  • Make applications. From cut out geometric shapes, together with you, your child will be able to “put together” a house, a tree, a person. He knows how to distribute elements over the background and glue them.
  • Sing, dance, read poetry. Three year old children love music. They move to the rhythm, easily remember melodies, and learn the first simple poems.

Your child knows at least 4 main colors of the palette and will be able to find them in a drawing, among colored pencils or watercolors. A three-year-old child distinguishes sizes and shapes, knows how to feel them and control these characteristics. So, your children know well how to assemble a pyramid in the required sequence and a simple construction set with large blocks.

Of the 1200-1500 words that a three-year-old child should know, the baby uses no more than half. But, using this reserve, he can compose complex, detailed sentences. Children of this age know how to construct sentences and phrases correctly, using all the simple parts of speech. Although the word order in these sentences may be inconsistent. Often in stories there is a logical chain, a cause-effect connection. The three-year-old knows prepositions and uses them correctly in conversation.

A child’s speech at 3 years old should normally be sufficiently developed for dialogue, independent monologues, and role-playing games. At this age, your baby will be able to:

  • Tell us about yourself. Say his name, gender and answer how old he is (say in words and show on fingers).
  • Make up correct sentences of at least 3-5 words. They will be with a pronoun, verb, noun and adjective (the presence of grammatical errors is a natural phenomenon).
  • "Reduce" a word using a suffix (dog - doggie), make the noun an adjective and change the form as a whole.
  • Use prefixes (arrive, leave, stop by), synonyms.
  • Use generalizing words in conversation (dog+cat=animals, jacket+pants=clothes).
  • Correctly pronounce almost all sounds with the exception of complex ones (“zh - sh”, “z - s”, “h - sch”, “r”, “l”).

At this age, the child is inquisitive. He asks a lot, is interested, tries to understand the essence. Having received an answer to his questions, the baby quickly and easily remembers new information. Receiving questions in response, he is ready to think and reason. Children develop associative and logical thinking. He knows how to find a pair for an object based on a certain characteristic, and can come up with an antonym.

If a child at 3 years of age has correct development, he knows some letters and numbers and counts to three. He can show the number of fingers corresponding to the named figure and his age. Your baby already knows the names of animals, trees, cars, fruits and vegetables. Children in age three years are familiar with parts of the body, seasons, and natural phenomena.


Your child is already three years old and, most likely, the baby will go to kindergarten. Don't think that you will have a lot of free time right away. - the most difficult. It’s rare when children go to kindergarten right away and enjoy it. Most often, the adaptation period is very tearful and nervous. Prepare for it in advance. Set yourself up and set up your child. They also don’t give you herbal decoctions with a calming effect: lemon balm, mint, motherwort.

If you decide to go back to work after maternity leave, be prepared for the first time your child visits kindergarten will affect your ability to work - frequent sick leave is possible. If there is a grandmother who will help in this case, do not refuse her help.

And, of course, do not forget about your own health. Preventive visits to the gynecologist are very important.

What condition are your hair and teeth in? Maybe it's time to take a vitamin course?

Common everyday life

About the crisis of three years. Parents of three-year-old children are worried about another age crisis. What is the three-year crisis? This is the time when children begin to become independent for the first time, and they experience new sensations, desires and needs. Frequent tantrums at three child years are associated with the fact that he opposes himself to his parents and wants to do something to spite them, to show his character and show that he is also an adult.

According to psychologists, this period of time just needs to be endured, since after a few months the constant tantrums in a 3-year-old child go away.

Parents will need help and attention to the baby, as well as compliance with simple rules of behavior:

  1. Treat appropriately the fact that a three-year-old child throws tantrums. Do not be offended or angry with the baby, and do not show aggression under any circumstances. A sincere desire to help him overcome this difficult period for him is necessary.
  2. Stay calm. If your three-year-old is throwing a tantrum, don't react in the same way. There is no need to break the baby's stubbornness. If he doesn't want to, well, don't. If he likes to cry, let him cry. Most children, not seeing a response from their parents, simply calm down.
  3. Allow your child to be independent and be more flexible. Let him try to make his own decisions. But under no circumstances indulge your baby in every little detail.

About adaptation to kindergarten. Not all children go to nursery. Most often, children begin to go to kindergarten with three years old. In order for the adaptation period to be as smooth as possible, parents are recommended to tell them from the summer how good and interesting it is in the garden. Show the children who play there. Prepare food that will be fed to the baby in the garden. Bring your child’s routine closer to what he will be like in kindergarten.

What should you teach your child?. Let him learn to use a handkerchief, take off and put on shoes with adhesive fasteners or short laces.

Teach your child safety rules: do not talk to strangers, do not run away from parents, do not hide from teachers in kindergarten, do not take anything from strangers.

Pay attention to the child's speech. If your baby speaks faster than necessary, repeats individual sounds and syllables of a whole word, draws them out for a long time (“mmmmmmama”, “cuckoo”) - this indicates stuttering. Make an appointment with a speech therapist and neurologist. Do articulatory gymnastics and develop speech breathing.

Be sure to take action if you notice that your child:

  • Does not remember simple text, does not understand the text when read aloud, and cannot connect words to retell it.
  • Does not hear quiet sounds, does not recognize their direction and source.
  • Turns the volume up on the TV.
  • If such symptoms are present, the causes of speech delay in a 3-year-old child may be associated with hearing impairment. Visit a pediatrician, psychiatrist and psychologist, neurologist and speech therapist.

If there are physiological and psychological reasons for the lag in speech development no, create situations in which the baby cannot remain silent. Ask which of the two dishes he wants for lunch, whether he will go to the store with dad, or whether he will draw or sculpt. Nods, sounds and monosyllables are better than silence.

Give your child the phone when people he knows call. Your baby will eagerly talk to his grandmother on the phone, even if he is used to keeping silent during face-to-face communication.

Constantly discuss everything you see around you. On the way home, talk to your child about trees, passers-by, cars. Maybe not right away, but over time he will become involved in the conversation.

Develop the mobility of your tongue like a muscle, perform exercises to develop breathing, work with intonation, speech volume, and correct stress.

By the age of three, children become quite independent; they want to know everything and go everywhere. This is the age of “explorers”; they cannot remain alone for long. ? The main thing you need is to give the child an idea.

To-do list

  • Start preparing your child mentally for attending kindergarten. Parents need to be calmer about this themselves and not show their excitement to their child. After receiving a ticket to kindergarten, buy everything you need: sets of clothes, stickers with the child’s name and surname (so things don’t get lost), shoes for playing and sports.
  • Before visiting kindergarten there is a “quest” - medical commission. The task is tedious, since there are many specialists (you will find out the list at the clinic). To prevent your child from getting tired, “split” the medical examination into 2-3 days.
  • Update children's toys. At this age, kids really love logic games.
  • It's time to start visiting different sections(sports, developmental).


According to the National Vaccination Calendar, three-year-old children are not vaccinated. The exception is if, due to various circumstances, you missed the previously required ones.

And once a year a Mantoux test is done. Remember that for three days after the test, the injection site should not be wetted or rubbed.

The topic of child development is certainly of concern to every parent. These days there is an endless amount of information on this subject. This article will talk about what a 3-year-old child should be able to do.

It is important to know that children learn new skills on their own schedule. That is why you do not need to compare your baby to norms that are considered generally accepted, average or supposedly standard. Moreover, one should not sound the alarm if children of his age can do a little more than he does. Therefore, it would be more correct to study what a toddler at three years old can (should not and is not obliged to) do.

Speech skills

The speech of a 3-year-old child undergoes dramatic changes. Children are already able to compose complex sentences and can inflect words into cases. Communication with the outside world takes on completely new colors for them. And parents of toddlers of these years need to be prepared for all his countless “whys?”

Among the basic speech skills are the following:

  • The child can say his first and last name, and also answer the question what his parents’ names are.
  • The average vocabulary of a 3-year-old child is about 1,500 words.
  • Children express their thoughts not with sounds, as before, but with words.
  • Sentences used in speech become longer.
  • The toddler can already know small poems, names objects familiar to him, and generalizes them into groups.
  • He is able to pay attention to mistakes in the speech of other kids.

However, three years is not the limit in the development of a child’s speech. Therefore, you need to communicate with your child as much as possible (no matter how old he is). Children of this age love to have fairy tales read to them with expression and songs sung to them. It is important to clearly pronounce all syllables and words. It will be good to ask your child questions as often as possible - this perfectly develops speech skills and speeds up the learning process.

Thinking and ability to analyze

A three-year-old child develops very quickly. He is able to identify cause-and-effect relationships and understands many concepts. Shapes, actions, colors – these and much more can be called by their proper names by three-year-old children.

It is during this period that a real researcher can wake up in a toddler. Now he is interested in knowing absolutely everything! And for rapid development, parents will have to constantly satisfy children's curiosity. A good experience would be to jointly search for unknown answers in encyclopedias or the Internet.

Basic skills of a child at three years old:

  • The development of a three-year-old child allows him to independently compose simple logical circuits.
  • He is able to find differences in a pair of pictures.
  • Three objects - that’s how many things a child can control in his field of vision.
  • The baby is able to know simple poems and songs, and can remember what happened a few days ago.
  • Pyramids, puzzles, and a tower of cubes are easy for children of this age.
  • Typically, such children love to draw and can also count to five.

During this period, it will be useful to help the child find his creativity and support him. Development will accelerate significantly if you draw and sculpt from plasticine together, walk in the park (while collecting pine cones, leaves and pebbles for crafts), and play educational games.

Household skills

Children 3 years old can surprise you with their independence and independence. They no longer need constant care and assistance (for example, they can accurately recognize those things and objects that belong to them). Children are able to:

  • Undress and dress without adult participation.
  • The little one has already learned how to deal with buttons on clothes.
  • He knows how to wash his face, brush his teeth and wash his hands before eating.
  • From the age of three, the child masterfully handles a spoon and fork and can eat independently at the table.

To know and be able to do as much as possible is the main task of the child at this stage. And the parent is the main ally in this matter.

Sports success

Developing a child’s sports skills is a very important component in his life! And every parent should know this. At three years old, children are very active, they love to play, run and jump. From a very young age, these desires of the baby need to be encouraged. And he will certainly delight you with his achievements!

So, at 3 years old a child:

  • Can play ball.
  • He can go down the stairs himself.
  • Running and jumping are the favorite activities of a three-year-old baby.
  • At three years old, the toddler will be able to ride a tricycle, walk back and forth, and maintain balance while standing on one leg.

It's best to spend as much time outside as possible. At the age of about three years, it is useful to introduce your baby to water (for example, by sending him to the pool). The more activity in the life of a young child, the healthier he will be in the future. And this is important to know!

Social adaptation of the child

Three years is the age at which a baby simply needs communication. And this desire becomes absolutely conscious. Under no circumstances should he be prevented from doing so. After all, right now the child is adapting to life in society, he is forming his own personality, and also accumulating the most important social skills. During this period the baby:

  • He knows what “mine” is.
  • Can imitate close people.
  • He is easily able to get to know other children and is drawn to live communication with them.
  • Can distinguish between friends and strangers.
  • The expression of emotions becomes conscious.
  • He fantasizes a lot.

Parents may feel that their children are moving away from them a little. No need to panic! The time has come when babies realize that they are individuals who are not one with their mother. Now they need more communication with their peers.

Warning Signs for Parents

It is not at all necessary that three-year-old children can do everything on these lists. It happens that they don’t know how to do anything - and there’s not the least bit scary about it. But there are parameters by which you can really find out about your child’s developmental delay. You should visit your doctor in the following cases:

  • The baby’s speech is completely incomprehensible: he either mumbles or chatters incessantly, and can “eat up” letters or syllables.
  • The baby has noticed increased salivation.
  • He is unable to go to the toilet, get dressed or eat on his own.
  • During games, the baby is constrained, moves poorly, and cannot throw the ball.
  • The little one can't assemble a tower from cubes.
  • The child is not able to form logical chains; the basic concepts of the world around him are unknown to him.
  • The baby does not leave his mother or other loved ones and resists communicating with other children.
  • The toddler has tantrums every day; he may not recognize his family, constantly panic and cry.

Having seen signs from this list in your child, it is under no circumstances recommended to panic. Perhaps it's not so scary. After all, the skills and knowledge of a three-year-old toddler are relative concepts. Perhaps in a few weeks, he will surpass the skills of his peers. In addition, doctors and specialists are able to correct almost any age-related deviations. Therefore, it is recommended to visit your pediatrician without delaying this event.

It is important for parents to be attentive and sensitive to their baby, not to force him into the framework accepted in society. And then the child will develop in complete harmony with himself, with loved ones and with the world around him.

By the age of 3 and a half, the baby becomes a full-fledged individual, with his own character, habits, temperament, his own distinctive features and demeanor. He has become a good conversationalist, happy to tell what happened to him that day, where he visited, what he managed to see. At this age, people become aware of themselves as independent individuals with their own will, needs and virtues. Over the past 3 colorful, intense, inimitable years, the child has grown significantly, mastered new experiences, become agile, dynamic and inquisitive.

The baby’s vocabulary at this time reaches one and a half thousand words, and he successfully uses numbers, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs. There is no end to his countless questions, which often perplex parents, and adults require great patience. A child's desire to know all the news is justified. The child wants to be impeccable, he expects to be approved and praised by adults, who are surprised at the independence and independence that has appeared in his actions and character.

New in physical development

At 3 and a half years old, a child can already stand and walk on his toes for a few moments, and can stand on one leg for some time. During a game or activity, he is able to complete the task of jumping over the line on the floor. A little earlier, he had already learned to climb the stairs without help, alternating his legs, and not placing one leg next to the other, as before, although he still descends very cautiously, fixing both legs on each step. He likes to jump off the last ledge with both feet at once.

Three year old child You can throw and catch a ball from a two-meter distance and pedal a tricycle yourself. The physical development of a child at 3.5 years old allows him to simultaneously perform two diverse gestures, for example, stomping his feet and clapping his hands.

Everyday experience of three-year-olds

Parental and pedagogical practice has accumulated a large list of what a 3.5-year-old child should be able to do. The baby knows how to dress and put on shoes independently, easily copes with clothes without fasteners, and learns to fasten conveniently located buttons. He also undresses himself and before going to bed he can put his clothes on a high chair. The baby should already have hygiene skills:

  • notice disorder in your appearance and clothing;
  • be able to wipe your feet after a walk before entering the house;
  • use a handkerchief or napkin;
  • wash your hands using soap and dry them with a towel;
  • insert the keys into the lock in the doors and turn them;
  • use the toilet in a timely manner.

The child happily helps his parents clean the house, work on the property, and do shopping. The baby likes it when he is trusted to carry plates to the table and knows how to use a spoon and fork himself.

Nuances of the psyche of three-year-old children

The developmental characteristics of 3.5-year-old children indicate big changes in their emotions. Children develop a sense of self-esteem, they are proud of themselves that they can do something better than anyone (jump, play), what they have best parents: the smartest dad, the most kind mother. They develop an understanding of humor; cartoons or comic books make them laugh life situations. Kids notice beauty and ugliness in nature and in life and can appreciate it.

A child can react emotionally in different situations:

  • empathy if someone nearby is feeling bad or in pain;
  • help, if he can do it;
  • responsiveness: if the parents are tired, he will not interfere with their rest;
  • sympathy for the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons: he can be happy, sad, angry with them;
  • understanding that he acted badly makes him sad and ashamed;
  • experience in anticipation of a negative assessment or censure from adults.

A child can harbor a grudge for a long time if he is punished. But he sees when someone else acts badly and evaluates such an act negatively: you can’t do that. Sometimes you may encounter exaggerated feelings of jealousy or resentment. And there is no need to teach him pretense and cunning, pranks and pranks. A sense of caution is being formed, the concepts of danger - safety, harm - benefit are being differentiated, anxiety and fear of the dark may often appear. Three year old child can complete verbal three- or four-step instructions. The child’s compliance increases, he begins to realize the possibility of delaying the immediate fulfillment of his desires. At proper education Three-year-olds can hold back emotionally.

Active children's vocabulary

The intellectual development of 3.5-year-old children allows them, while looking at books, to name famous animals seen in pictures, familiar household objects; children know the names of clothes, dishes, plants, and equipment. They can use the pronoun “I” when talking about themselves, and they also know other pronouns. Children can construct small, simple sentences by linking words together in a grammatically correct manner.

Ushakova’s manual on speech development for children aged 3-5 years describes speech education, discusses the formation of children’s speech, and tells how, through games and activities, you can help children better master grammatical categories and interest them in their native language. The activities given in the book include retelling fairy tales, examining and describing toys and paintings, items of clothing, creating narrative stories based on a set of toys or about animals from pictures. All these exercises help children learn correct speech and expand their vocabulary.

The children’s speech should be clear and understandable to others. Often children's actions are accompanied by children telling stories about what is happening in at the moment, on the way from kindergarten, they tell their parents what they did during the day. There is much less babbling in speech, otherwise you need to consult a specialist. During this period, kids happily learn and voice out short poems and songs, try to rhyme themselves, and are interested in adult conversations. A striking feature of the third year was word creation - the creation of one’s own words based on language models, but which do not currently exist in the language. Vocabulary children are already so rich that they easily use adjectives and select synonyms and antonyms.

Pediatricians note that the development of each child occurs “according to an individual program.” Three-year-old children develop rapidly and spasmodically. The baby’s skills are improving every day, and parents are surprised to note all the new achievements of their fidget. And although it is unlikely that you will be able to find even two kids with the same set of skills, there are certain development standards at any age, including at 3 years old.


Speech skills

By the age of 3, a child’s speech changes dramatically. This is no longer a clumsy monosyllabic conversation, but coherent sentences with words changing according to cases and declensions. The vocabulary is about 1.5 thousand words, of which 500-600 words are actively used. However, not all children speak freely; many cannot pronounce hissing sounds and the sound [r]. Mandatory speech skills are as follows:

  • correctly pronounces his first and last name, the names of his parents and loved ones;
  • makes sentences of five or more words, using prepositions correctly;
  • sentences consist mainly of nouns, pronouns and verbs;
  • remembers short children's poems, reciting them from memory, retells short prose;
  • easily recognizes and names objects familiar to him;
  • composes a story based on the picture using up to 5 simple sentences;
  • uses singular and plural words in conversation;
  • knows many adjectives, but rarely uses them in speech; more often he uses them separately, characterizing an object or phenomenon;
  • distinguishes antonyms and uses them correctly (big - small, high - low);
  • conducts a dialogue and answers questions coherently.

At this age, some children begin the “age of why,” when they ask questions about all the objects and phenomena that come their way. It is important to be patient and satisfy your baby’s curiosity. You need to talk a lot with your child, read books, learn poems and song lyrics. Let him talk about his impressions, using words from the category of perception (liked, remembered, saw, felt). All this perfectly develops speech, enriches vocabulary and conceptual stock.


The speech and thinking of a three-year-old child are closely related. Perceiving new phenomena, he tries to explain and talk about them. A child of 3 years old already has access to the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, he draws conclusions from what he sees and hears, and tries to explain some phenomena:

  1. Composes simple logical chains based on his own observations and stories from adults. So, he is quite capable of determining that it rained at night if he saw puddles through the window in the morning.
  2. Compares pictures or objects, finds similarities and differences, groups them according to common characteristics. Able to identify the “extra” item in the presented row.
  3. Recalls events of the recent past, talks about what happened a few days ago.
  4. Collects puzzles consisting of 6-8 elements. Easily assembles a pyramid, taking into account the size of the rings. He makes a tower out of cubes, trying to place them evenly.
  5. Knows the concepts of “one-many”, counts to five, showing the corresponding number on his fingers.
  6. Knows up to 10 colors, distinguishes them and names them himself, knows and distinguishes the main ones geometric shapes, concepts of seasons, names of vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc.
  7. Compares figures by shape, color, groups them, arranges them by size - from largest to smallest, matches one object to another according to a given characteristic.

A child of 3 years old is already making quite complex decisions and trying to explain his actions. This is the time when special attention should be paid to creative development: together we sculpt from plasticine, draw, make crafts from natural materials. This develops not only thinking and creativity, but also fine motor skills.

Motor development

Experts advise developing a child’s motor skills up to school age, because the clarity of movements depends on this, even how correctly he will hold a pen when writing. At 3 years old, a child should be able to do the following:

  • easy to collect one bead, pea and other small item at a time;
  • put beads on a thread;
  • make balls from plasticine;
  • cut paper with scissors;
  • collect the mosaic.

To develop fine motor skills, there are special exercises and games that allow you to improve motor skills. Will help finger gymnastics which is performed daily during or before classes.

Video: Developing fine motor skills: finger exercises for the little ones.

Household skills

A 3-year-old child strives for independence in everything: for example, he tries to tie his own shoelaces and brush his teeth. Household skills at this age are already quite developed; the baby can easily perform all the necessary hygiene and other daily procedures on his own:

  • dresses confidently, some can even distinguish between the right and left legs, the front and back sides of clothes;
  • knows his things and knows how to use them, finds his toothbrush and towel;
  • unbuttons and fastens buttons on clothes, puts things in the closet;
  • cleans up toys after himself, puts them in their places: cubes in a box, soft toys on the shelves, the rest - in the basket;
  • eats independently with a spoon; some children can use a fork quite deftly;
  • uses a handkerchief for its intended purpose, wipes the soiled face with a napkin;
  • washes hands before eating, drying them with a towel;
  • takes off shoes and outerwear when coming home from the street.

Everything that a child of 3 years old should be able to do in terms of everyday skills is taught exclusively by close people. Failure to meet certain criteria is not a failure to meet age or a developmental delay; rather, it is a failure of the parents.

Motor skills

Three-year-old children are very active and mobile. Coordination is already fully developed, the baby freely controls his movements, testing his own capabilities and abilities:

  • runs confidently and quickly;
  • plays with the ball: kicks it, throws it, catches it;
  • easily climbs and descends stairs, including vertical ones, alternating legs; more physically developed children can jump over steps;
  • he climbs up the hill and slides down it;
  • maintains balance while standing on tiptoes and can walk quite a long distance this way;
  • walks backwards;
  • rides a tricycle;
  • keeps balance and jumps on one leg;
  • tumbles back and forth.

It is better to channel the child’s overwhelming energy in the right direction by placing him in one of the sections for the little ones, where he will develop physically. Swimming is a very good training for motor functions and coordination. This must be done under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Cognitive, intellectual and emotional development

Mental processes: attention, memory and thinking are already well developed by the age of 3. The baby has a good sense of spatial orientation and can show the way to a store or playground. He is already able to concentrate on one lesson for up to 5 minutes, which can be used in educational games aimed at describing the sequence of actions shown in the picture, or describing a drawing from memory.

Talking about the events of the day, the baby embellishes reality. Sometimes this is perceived by adults as a lie, but this is only a manifestation of fantasy, which by this time begins to develop.

The child understands that he is an independent person, trying to show individuality in everything, to defend his opinion, which often turns out to be opposite to the opinion of his parents. This is also related to the replacement of the pronoun “we” with “I”: “I will go”, “I will do”.

Psychologists talk about a crisis of three years, when yesterday obedient child becomes capricious and does not comply with parents' requests. This is a kind of attempt to defend the emerging point of view. It is very important not to try to achieve complete obedience, but to find a compromise in the relationship, otherwise trust and mutual understanding can be lost, causing aggression.

Social skills

Communication skills with other people become increasingly important for a child. If earlier he was content with communicating with his parents, now he strives more and more to be among his peers. Until recently, children played nearby, but at the age of 3 they begin to play together, sharing toys, enjoying joint role-playing games:

  • the child easily gets to know other children, although some still prefer independent games to group games;
  • perceives and obeys the rules of a certain game;
  • during the game he sees and understands the danger and can prevent it;
  • When communicating with others, he uses the words “thank you” and “please,” “hello” and “goodbye.”

The listed skills and abilities are the result of educational and educational games, active communication with loved ones and peers. A child’s day during this period should be eventful and varied, filled with new emotional and tactile sensations. However, you should not overdo it, otherwise you will not avoid overexcitation and poor sleep. Routine for a baby is still very important, and it is advisable to replace active games by the end of the day with calm ones, without neglecting reading at night.

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