The product is a model of children's summer shoes. Technology lesson. Model of summer shoes. lesson plan on technology (grade 4) on the topic. Printed sneakers and bright sneakers

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The history of shoes is as old as the history of the development of the human race. Adapting to environment, man showed more and more ingenuity. One day the moment came when it became necessary to protect your feet from frosty snow, hot sand and sharp stones. This happened about two hundred centuries ago. History of shoe creation

Most likely, it all started with a piece of wood, leather or a leaf of some plant, selected according to the size of the legs. It turned out to be good. It was only necessary to fix this saving layer so that it would stay on the leg.

First, man thought of sandals. It is known that open sandals appeared in Egypt and Rome along with Ancient Greece. This is how the inhabitants of these countries protected their feet from the effects of hot sand. Shoes were then made from papyrus and palm leaves, then they began to use straps and further improved sandals for ease of wearing.

By the way, shoes began to be made both open and closed. And since it was a huge luxury for that time, many “ancient” people continued to walk barefoot. Shoes were mainly worn by warriors, travelers and shepherds, whose feet often faced the unevenness and difficulties of the path more than others. Later, the ancient Greeks began to make shoes specifically for the right and left feet. Although in the Middle Ages they forgot about this, making symmetrical products.

The ancestors of modern shoes appeared in countries with cooler climates. They were called “pistons” and they were a single piece of leather that was bent at the toe and heel. The top of such shoes was fastened with a thin leather strap, like a bag-purse. However, the folds with this method of sewing turned out to be very rough and caused a lot of inconvenience to its owner.

They had to be worn for quite a long time before they took a more or less comfortable shape for the foot. By that time, the leather was already worn out and chafing. Enlightenment in the minds of especially inventive people showed that shoes wear out unevenly: the sole first, and the top remains intact.

The first shoemakers appeared who repaired shoes. They sewed up holes in the soles with leather straps, and later began to put leather patches along the contour of the shoe footprint. This is how the prototype of the sole appeared.

Soon a revolution was made by such an invention as lacing. Thanks to her, the shoes began to fit better on the foot. Gradually, shoes acquired more or less close to modern look and became not just a means of protection, but also a part of the toilet.

Shoes became fashionable and showed off social status. For example, in Europe in the Middle Ages, ordinary nobles were required to wear shoes one and a half sizes larger than the length of their feet. Barons had to suffer in shoes two sizes too big, and counts even three sizes too big. As for dukes and princes and other royalty, their shoes could be of any length. Such shoes were extremely uncomfortable, which is why the tradition of bending the toe of the shoe upwards arose.

History owes Egypt the invention of the heel, without which it is impossible to imagine modern footwear. True, they were worn not by pharaohs and priests, but by simple farmers, to make it easier to move on loose soil. Later, heels became an indicator of social status. At first, heel heights for both men and women were relatively low. And then a trend was established when ladies wanted to rise above the crowd and began to wear high-soled shoes.

The 18th century brought bows, buckles and decorations to shoe fashion. The heels became too high; the ladies had to stand on their tiptoes. Shoes with such high and thin heels came into fashion that ladies could only walk on them by leaning on a cane.

The 19th century also gave the world the production of rubber shoes.

The 20th century became an experimental period for the materials used to make shoes. Today, natural and synthetic materials are used in the production of shoes. Italy was the leader in shoe fashion throughout the 20th century, and it can be assumed that in the next century it will remain in its leading position.

Appearance sewing machines caused major changes in footwear. And from that time until today, its design has not undergone major changes. There are four structural types of footwear: sandals and clogs; shoes; boots and low shoes; boots and ankle boots.


Subject: Shoe production. Product "Children's Model" summer shoes».

Target: 1.introduce children to how children’s summer shoes are made at the factory;

2.develop attention, memory, speech, thinking, work skills, creativity;

3. cultivate accuracy and patience.

Equipment : textbook supplement

Progress of the lesson.


2.Rules of the working man.

3.Work on the topic.

1) Self-determination for activity.

Guess the riddles.

We always walk together,

Similar as brothers.

We are at lunch - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.


Not shoes, not boots,

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter:

In the morning - to school,

In the afternoon - home.

(Felt boots)

If it rains, we don’t bother -

We splash around briskly through the puddles.

The sun will begin to shine -

We should stand under the coat rack.

(Rubber boots)

What to wear on your feet

To jump and jump?

So that your legs don't get swollen,

What should you wear?


Soft clothes

For left and right legs.


What's on your feet in summer? -

It's hot in boots in the summer!

So that your legs are happy,

I'll put it on...


How to call it in one word?

What are shoes for?

Do you know how shoes appeared? PRESENTATION

What types of shoes do you know? PRESENTATION

Game "Don't make a mistake."(from the appendix to the textbook)

What types of shoes are these pairs?

What is a shoe factory?

Do you know how shoes are made? (Appendix to the textbook)

Name the professions of the people who are involved in making shoes.

What operation cannot be performed in class when making a shoe model? (Appendix to the textbook)

What do you think we will learn to make today?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

2) Work on the topic..

Look at the options for summer shoes. (from the appendix to the textbook)

There are several types of classification of children's shoes.

There are a lot of types of shoes: shoes, boots, boots, sneakers, slippers, flip-flops, felt boots, etc. - it all depends on the function they perform.

The photographs in the article are from the children's shoes section in Ozone - shoes for girls and shoes for boys.

1. According to the time of year, shoes are divided into four groups according to seasons - winter, autumn-spring, summer and all-season shoes.

2. The conditions for wearing shoes determine their division according to purpose:

  • house shoes (for wearing at home, in kindergartens, etc.),
  • casual shoes
  • footwear for active recreation.

Beautiful dress shoes intended for special occasions are rarely present in a child's wardrobe, because the child is constantly growing and such a model quickly becomes irrelevant. However, it should also be there - for the holidays (in kindergarten, for example), and for other celebrations.

3. There are orthopedic and preventive shoes designed for the proper development of the foot, prevention and correction of pathologies.

4. The main types of shoes according to their design features are determined by the degree of closure of the foot; when classifying, the details of the upper of the shoe are important. The main groups here are sandals, shoes, low shoes, shoes and boots.

Baby's first shoes

The first children's shoes are booties, boots (shoes, closed sandals) for children under one year old.

Some modern models They are called squeakers - due to the design features, they make a sound when the baby places his heel correctly. A good purchase for children learning to walk.

Types of shoes for children

Indispensable summer children's shoes are sandals, lightweight, allowing the foot to breathe, they are inexpensive and easy to care for. An alternative to them is sandal shoes, which are open shoes with many holes for ventilation. In the summer, most of the time children wear these two types of shoes. They are the most comfortable.

Slides, or flip-flops, are also quite popular on vacation (if active games are not planned), and are indispensable at home. But babies cannot walk in them; these are for children who already walk well. It's hard to live without them on the beach!

Sneakers and sneakers are the best choice of shoes for outdoor games and fun, and everyday wear. Lightweight and durable, they allow free movement and good
protect the foot from possible injuries during games. For boys, this is the main shoe.

Boots, ankle boots and shoes protect children's feet from cold and moisture in winter and in the autumn-spring period. If there is no extreme cold, you can wear shoes with good waterproof properties.

For the winter you can buy felt boots. Modern children's felt boots are comfortable and very beautiful.

For sports activities you may need Czech shoes.

Depending on the design features of the main types of shoes, there are also varieties such as burkas, sandals and pantolets, moccasins, dudes and other children's shoes. But many of these options are unfamiliar to us.

Shoes are more important than just something for walking - shoes can tell a lot about a person: about his taste, neatness, style. Therefore, you need to take the choice of children's shoes seriously.


Children's shoes: types - from slippers to felt boots

Sandals for girls

Children's rubber boots

Bright yellow rubber boots

Sandals for babies

Pink shoes for girls

Children's boots

Children's sneakers

Boys' boots

Sports children's shoes

High winter children's boots

Boots for girls

Boots for girls

Silver boots for girls

Winter children's boots

Winter children's boots

Waterproof boots

Velcro high boots

High boots for girls pink

High boots for girls red

Light boots for a girl

Children in summer time They move a lot, run and jump. Of course, the child needs just the kind of summer children's shoes that will allow him to do all this with comfort, and at the same time be strong enough. Considering how quickly kids grow, we have to buy summer children's shoes almost every year.

Summer shoes should be made from good quality, and the material from which it is made must be well ventilated. Your child should definitely help you choose shoes, because only he knows which model he likes. A good option will orthopedic shoes– it will improve the baby’s posture. In the Bartek online store you can choose the shoes that suit your child best. and if it is difficult to make a choice yourself, then the specialists of our online store will help you.

Sale of summer children's shoes in Moscow.

On the shelves of our store you can find many models of summer shoes. You can buy your child several pairs at once - for walks outside and on the beach, for rainy and dry weather. And at sales organized by Bartek, you can buy your favorite model very inexpensively.

We offer comfortable summer children's shoes for both boys and girls. Models for girls are designed more beautifully and brightly, while models for boys look quite strict and respectable. But in general, teenage shoes in our store in Moscow are offered at the best prices.

Summer is wonderful with good weather, bright sunshine, and outdoor activities that turn into bright and memorable events in the life of every child. There are plenty of activities for little pranksters in the hot summer - these include hiking in the forest, playing outside, walks with the whole family in the park, swimming in the river and much, much more. And, as a matter of course, at this time children move a lot, walk, jump, and run. This means that the child needs a particularly strong and comfortable shoes, and considering how quickly the baby grows, you have to buy it almost every year.

So summer shoes should be of good quality, comfortable and safe. The material from which it is made must be well ventilated so that the leg does not get hot. And of course, you should never buy shoes without trying them on. The child must be present when making a purchase, because each small foot has its own size, volume and fullness, and it is very important not to make a mistake and not buy something too big or too small.

Summer shoes and their models

Today, a huge number of summer models of children's shoes are presented on the shelves of children's stores. And each parent has the opportunity to purchase several pairs of different shoes for their child, for walking outside, on the beach or in rainy, cloudy weather. But the main quality that unites everything summer models, is their reliability and comfort. So, if your baby is still very small and is just beginning to take his first steps, then he definitely needs to purchase special booties with squeakers. And then every new step will be accompanied by a cheerful squeak. Children love this fun game, which also has a motivating effect on children's walking.

The favorite model of children's shoes are sandals. The leg in them is securely fixed both in front and behind, the skin breathes and is ventilated, their cost is relatively low, and they are quite simple to care for. And every child is able to learn how to quickly put them on and take them off. One of the varieties of these models are sandal shoes. They look like regular shoes, but with more holes for air circulation. They are also quite securely attached to the leg using a strap and a large buckle. They have a high and durable sole and a very dense heel.

Slides or flip-flops are light and practical for hot summers on the beach. This shoe model is not equipped with a back, and the upper part consists of several stripes, with the help of which the shoe is held on the foot. But wearing such shoes is recommended only for school-age children.

Sneakers and sneakers are one of the most popular models of summer shoes, which are liked by both children and their parents. Sneakers are designed for active pastime; a child can walk, jump and run in them a lot. Thanks to the unique sewing technology and elastic materials from which they are made, this model is able to protect children's legs from injury and at the same time they are light enough so as not to restrict the child's movements.

Materials used for sewing summer shoes

Of course, the classic option for any type of shoe is the long-loved Genuine Leather. This material stretches well, thanks to which it can take the shape of the leg on which the shoes are worn, it provides air access to it, and at the same time does not interfere with the evaporation of moisture. But thanks to the development of modern technologies, manufacturers today have the opportunity to offer children and their parents shoes made from other high-quality materials, such as synthetics, leatherette, and textiles. If your choice fell on a model made from one of these materials, then in this case you definitely need to pay attention to what the interior decoration is like. It should only be made of textiles or other natural materials so that the leg does not sweat and the skin breathes.

Tips for successful purchases of summer shoes to help mothers and babies:

  • Every year, the foot of a two- to three-year-old child increases by about 2-3 sizes; from three to six years of age, the foot increases by two sizes every year, and the foot of a child of primary school age grows by one or two sizes.
  • Before going to the store, you need to decide on the size of your baby’s shoes at home, or, if you have difficulty determining the exact size, trace the foot with a pencil on a piece of paper. This will allow you not to waste extra time trying on and quickly make a choice. It is worth remembering that the shoes you buy must be at least one centimeter larger.
  • Fitting should be carried out especially carefully, and you need to look not only at size, but also at fullness; too wide or too narrow can lead to very unpleasant consequences - injuries, rapid fatigue and swelling of the legs, poor circulation. The baby should be able to take off and put on shoes freely.
  • The sole of the shoe should be flexible and light enough so as not to weigh down sandals or sneakers. In order not to interfere with the formation of the foot, it is necessary that it be flexible, and to prevent slipping, it must be grooved.
  • The insole should be made from the most natural materials high quality, easy to remove, absorb moisture, and if necessary, easy to wash and dry.
  • The optimal heel height is about 7 mm.
  • To prevent flat feet and proper development of the arch and foot, shoes must have an instep support.
  • The backdrop should fix the leg well, the top should be rounded, and have no inserts or cutouts.

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