How to choose high-quality winter boots: useful tips. How to choose the right winter shoes - choose beautiful and warm boots

When our hands get cold in winter, we, of course, experience discomfort, but we can easily endure such inconvenience for some time. When our legs become numb, the cold grips our whole body, and we want only one thing - to warm up as quickly as possible. To stay warm in winter, you will need the “right” winter shoes, and we will tell you how to choose them.

What should winter boots be like?

When choosing winter boots priority should be:

  • safety. Difficult winter conditions increase the level of injury risk, and therefore winter shoes should be as stable as possible and have anti-slip soles;
  • convenience. Moving on snow and ice, we increase the load on the ankle joint. If at the same time he is in an uncomfortable position, then by the evening you may not get home and crawl. Therefore, no super narrow tops or stiletto heels. They should be replaced by loose fit and wide heels.


We hope no one needs to be convinced that Genuine Leather outside and real fur inside are perfect combination, which can provide warmth and comfort to your feet in severe frost. Of course, leather has a higher price than leatherette, but it lasts much longer. If the average lifespan of leatherette boots is a year, then leather shoes with proper care will last about five years.

By the way, suede winter shoes, although beautiful, are impractical. The dirt and salt that is sprinkled on our roads to remove snow leave marks on it that become more difficult to remove over time, even with the help of special means. “Bald patches” appear on the suede surface - they spoil the presentation of the shoes, which often cost more than regular leather ones.

The advantages of natural fur over artificial fur are also obvious. Thick, soft fleece retains heat well, unlike the interior lining made of synthetic fibers. It also absorbs moisture well, so your feet stay dry and then don't get cold outside.

But faux fur cannot boast of such abilities. Of course, you can find out how to get rid of odor in shoes at home and try to deal with the sweaty odor. But it’s still better not to let it come to this.


The thinner the sole, the colder the feet. Therefore, try to choose boots with thicker soles. But don’t overdo it: a thick platform prevents your foot from “feeling” the road, impairing stability.

A prerequisite for convenient and safe winter shoes is the presence of a grooved pattern on the sole - it reduces slipping and reduces the likelihood of falling. By the way, the best material for soles during cold weather is rubber and polyurethane. Due to their porous structure, they increase the friction force and also do not allow water to pass through.

Say a firm “no” to plastic heels. This material becomes very fragile in the cold and breaks easily, shortening the life of your favorite shoes.


When choosing between lacing and zipper, rely only on your own preferences, but consider:

  • lacing allows you to hug your leg more tightly and does not break at the most crucial moment;
  • You can fasten the lock even with hands numb from the cold, but, alas, you can’t tie your shoelaces.

Rhinestones, rivets, and metal decorative fasteners add aesthetic appeal to shoes, but have a negative impact on their service life. The metal becomes dull, stones fall off, and recently purchased boots begin to look bad. in the best possible way. Therefore, we advise you to choose models with a minimum of decorative elements and, during fitting, carefully check the reliability of their fixation.

Winter shoes: features of choice

  • It's better to spend more, but buy leather boots that will last for years, rather than a pair of leatherette boots that may not survive until the end of the season. Advice from an experienced shoemaker will help you distinguish leather from its artificial counterpart:

  • winter shoes should be slightly roomy. Tight boots compress the blood vessels of the legs, slowing blood circulation and causing a feeling of freezing;
  • Try on winter boots in those tights, stockings, socks that you plan to wear in cold weather, otherwise you risk choosing the wrong size;
  • When buying shoes with heels, place them on a horizontal surface and press the instep with your hand. If the boot bends and the heel moves to the side, it means it has a bad arch support. Such “snowmobiles” are not suitable for winter;
An instep support is an internal part of the bottom of a shoe, attached to the insole, or between the insole and half-insole, designed to reduce the load on the arch of the foot and the dimensional stability of the sole. Wikipedia
  • If your feet are no longer growing, buy shoes in advance at seasonal sales. This way you can purchase a leather product relatively inexpensively.

Happy shopping!

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Every winter I look at young ladies on the streets. Especially what they are wearing. And I see that if with boots, for example, everything is more or less good, then as soon as a girl makes a choice in the direction of boots, in most cases this is not a very good choice. Let's talk today about what boots should be like. More precisely, no, not like that. Let's talk about what boots should NOT be. Let's look at the most popular mistakes and shortcomings inherent in these shoes.

Boots are a much larger object than shoes or even shoes. They are striking, and therefore the material plays a very important role here. Genuine leather is not always best choice. Cheap, poorly treated leather can look worse and rougher than a quality substitute. All other things being equal, suede will always look much better than leather. I know that in our weather conditions, suede doesn't always seem practical. And I myself killed several pairs of winter shoes before I learned how to properly care for them. In fact, if you properly treat suede with special water-repellent and protective agents, then it is not afraid of either melting snow or our usual winter slush near the sidewalk.

The combination of materials (leather at the bottom, suede at the top) seems more practical. But in reality these are very controversial-looking models.

When it comes to boots, in most cases it is better to have no decor at all. Of course, there are designer models with recognizable elements, such as the famous Hermes boots. But believe me, if you are not wearing the original, these details look cheap and ugly rather than interesting.

One of the most popular elements is the bright shiny zipper along the entire length. Often this is not a functional zipper (it is usually black and inconspicuous on inside), but purely decorative. Better models With such lightning there is no choice at all. Moreover, if they are combined with some additional finishing and decorative details (buckles, buttons)

In most cases, our boots are utilitarian shoes - designed to protect us from cold and slush. Therefore, a thin feminine heel does not look very appropriate - it seems to be discordant with the very idea of ​​boots. I would say that, in principle, the idea of ​​“dressy boots” or “feminine boots” or “elegant boots” is not relevant today

No, of course, there are models of boots that look good with thin heels, but they are often too demanding on clothing. Therefore, if you choose boots for constant wear, choose models with flat soles or with a stable wide heel. (you can read more about heels in the article “Stand firmly on your feet”)

Sometimes it seems like a wedge is a way to elevate yourself with a heel while still being comfortable. But in reality, wedges on boots very rarely look good
Here is an example where a similar model only benefits from the fact that a flat sole is chosen instead of a wedge

Boot height
The height of the boot plays a big role, especially if you do not have very thin model legs. What is important to consider? If you choose boots, then they should be of such a height that the edge of the boot is covered by a dress or skirt. If you choose boots to the knee or even lower, make sure that the edge of the boot does not fall on the part of your leg where you have the largest volume. This should always be looked at individually when trying the boots on yourself. Therefore, there cannot be universal recommendations in the spirit of “this model is suitable for absolutely everyone.” Focus on the silhouette and outline of your own legs.

On this photo in combination: the wrong boot height and width are also not suitable. As a result, the legs appear more massive than they actually are.

Width and fit
This is probably the most difficult indicator. Firstly, because here individual characteristics even more so than when we talk about height. Secondly, when we talk about fit, we need to take into account two points: fit along the edge of the boot, and fit at the ankle. Let's go in order.
The tops of boots in the upper part can be either loose or tight-fitting. It depends on what “character” our pair of shoes has. If we choose a more elegant model, then the fit should be absolute. First of all, this applies to boots. No “puss in boots” or other musketeers with boots extending twenty centimeters from their feet.

But if we have boots of a more sporty, utilitarian design, they can be quite loose, and with their free shape they can emphasize the slenderness of the legs. (here we return to the previous point - boots should end on the line where the leg is slender, and not on the wide part. If the legs are full, then perhaps you should generally opt for boots). The exception is jockey boots. They seem to have a sporty feel, but the model is supposed to be tight-fitting.

Now let's talk about fit at the ankle. Very little attention is paid to this. But in fact, you need to look at how your boots fit in this zone. It often happens (if the leather is of poor quality) that the boots are cut roughly, the leather is not flexible and in the end it all looks very cumbersome.
(here is a model that fits poorly everywhere)

Sometimes, if the material is soft enough, additional volume can be allowed in this area. Then the impression that inside the large boot there are actually thin and skinny ankles will only increase. This trick, by the way, will help those whose ankles are not very thin. But here it is very important that the folds are soft and the volume of the boot itself is sufficient. It is clear that the success and suitability of the model is determined in this case solely by fitting.

Here good example However, this model is not suitable for everyone.

In general, at the end of the article there will be many illustrations. These are all current models and it is clear from them that a certain roughness of fit is now in trend. But it looks nice on girls model appearance and in very well thought out stylistic combinations. In fact, such a trend is not suitable for everyone, and it is very difficult to ensure that such boots do not look bulky

There's another one important nuance- landing boots. It is very difficult to find suitable illustrative material, but on the streets I often see that boots seem to bend slender legs. This is due to the fact that the tops themselves are not cut very correctly. Some feet won't be bothered by this. But there are some women whose leg structure in the calf muscle area is such that such boots will make their legs simply O-shaped. For example, I found a picture of a similar pair - look, the boots themselves no longer stand straight, and the tops seem to be moving outward, away from each other. You should always pay attention to this when choosing and trying on boots. Boots of this cut will always “tend” to the sides.

Look, the boots on the foot create diverging lines, as it were.

Character difference
Models whose top and bottom seem to conflict with each other look very strange. When at the bottom we seem to have a sexy heel and platform, and at the top we have a rough fit and a sporty-camping mood. Exactly the opposite: a rough, utilitarian bottom with a flat sole or wedge and an elegant boot.

Well, I want to say one more nuance, which concerns not so much boots, but what we wear them with. Don't tuck jeans into boots. In boots we can have thick tights, knitted leggings, jockey-type trousers. But not jeans.

The exception is the completely utilitarian-looking boots and the corresponding style with cowboy motifs and the aesthetics of the American outback. Or a frank boho with a base in the form of jeans.

I would also like to note that often boots (especially winter ones) look rude and inappropriate with thin tights.

You can even more or less choose an image where the tights are black. (the main thing here is not to combine it with bare shoulders, otherwise it turns out to be some kind of cabaret)

Although even with black thin tights, boots often create dissonance

To consolidate the material, here are a few more successful and unsuccessful examples. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the problem is not always with the model of boots, but rather with the fit on specific feet. That is, fitting, fitting, and fitting again. And one more thing: tucking jeans into boots is bad. But look how interesting wide denim culottes look over boots.

With the onset of cold weather, many women wonder how to choose the right winter boots so that they last more than one season.

Choosing shoes according to the rule of whether you like it or not is a thankless task. There are criteria that will help you choose high-quality and stylish shoes from the huge assortment of the online catalog Odevalochka.Ru.

Material selection

Natural materials keep your feet warm and do not float, but they are also more expensive than artificial boots. Don't skimp on winter shoes. High-quality winter shoes will last for several seasons without losing their originality, while artificial materials quickly deteriorate.

Often boots made from poor quality material do not withstand frost or unfavorable weather and deteriorate after a month of use.

Learn to distinguish a natural product from a substitute so as not to overpay for shoes of dubious quality. Take the boot in your hands, watch your feelings. If your palm warms up while holding the shoes, it means the material is most likely natural. The trick is the natural leather, which retains and releases heat.

Do not buy stiletto boots for everyday wear. The shoes are beautiful, but not practical, it is difficult to walk in them all day, and in icy conditions there is a risk of injury if you fall.

Do you like heels? Then buy winter boots on wide stable heels. It is important that the heels are made of metal; plastic wears out quickly.

The soles of winter boots should be thick. Feet in boots with thin soles will freeze, which is unacceptable in cold weather. Pay attention to the fastening of the sole. This is important, many have probably encountered the fact that the sole came off partially or completely at the most inopportune moment. Buy shoes with stitched and glued soles.

Shoe inner material

Natural fur is considered the best material for winter shoes. When choosing shoes with faux fur, keep in mind that your feet will sweat and get wet. Boots with natural fur - reliable protection from cold and bad weather.

How to identify quality inner material? Natural fur thick and dense. Part the lint and look at the material holding the fur. If it is a skin, then the fur is natural, if the fabric is artificial. Do not trust sellers who claim that boots are made using special technologies using artificial materials.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice and not to pay decent money for a fake, ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product, which indicates all the materials used in production.


Be sure to try on your shoes before purchasing. Walk around in it, evaluate how it fits your leg. If your toes do not rest on the toe and there is no discomfort when walking, then the shoes are the right size.

Choosing high boots, make sure that the top of the shoe does not pinch your foot. It does not look aesthetically pleasing and is harmful to health. The lock, if provided, should fasten freely without effort.

When buying shoes, it makes sense to ask when they were made. Even new boots that have been in a box for several years are significantly inferior in quality to the same ones, but made recently. Over time, the glue loses strength and the skin dries out. Take this into account when purchasing quality winter shoes.

Careful choice is the key to long-term use, especially for wardrobes for the frosty season. Before investing, buyers are interested in how to choose the right winter clothing for men and women. women's shoes in size and other parameters for everyday wear. Operating conditions in the cold season are not the same, at zero temperatures there is slush, in frosts it is important to save heat. The sole should not slip on ice or compacted snow. In cities, paths are sprinkled with reagents that destroy low-quality boots. Therefore, you need to choose the perfect pair so that it lasts for a long time and your feet do not freeze.

Upper materials

The product must be waterproof, but at the same time allow air to pass through so that the legs can breathe and there is no greenhouse effect. Typically, leather or fabric is coated with a special moisture-wicking impregnation, which repels snow, ice, and other contaminants. If you want to know how to choose men's winter boots, you need to take into account that sports-type models are more durable, as they are designed for use in difficult weather conditions.

The best products are made from genuine leather, nubuck, and suede. This is a universal option for the city and forays into nature. Leatherette wears out faster and cracks due to temperature changes. If you plan to travel mainly by car, choose a modification with a Gore-Tex membrane. They won't get hot, even if you have to spend a lot of time indoors. Excess moisture will come out through the porous fabric, and your feet will not get wet when they come into contact with snow. Wearing comfort is ensured at temperatures down to minus five.

If you need information on which boots are suitable for hiking, a combination boot that combines lightweight, breathable and waterproof materials would be an excellent solution.

A waterproof one will help complete the look. winter clothes brand "Stayer". In its manufacture, DWR impregnation is used. It creates an additional barrier that prevents snow from sticking and getting the fabric wet. You can update your wardrobe through the manufacturer's online store.

How to choose quality shoes

Wearing a well-made pair does not cause any discomfort. It is important that the load on the foot is distributed evenly and does not press anywhere. In comfortable models, every bump in the road should not be felt, otherwise after walking not only your legs, but also your back will get tired. Good products have the following properties:
  • The insole is removed, the internal cavity underneath looks neat.
  • The upper part is sewn to the sole, not just glued.
  • There are no protruding threads or traces of glue.
  • The product bends at the base of the toes, so when walking the foot takes a natural position.
  • To determine which shoes are best to choose for the winter, keep in mind that the heel should not wobble in different directions.

Interior decoration

Warm boots are lined with fur on the inside - artificial or natural. Since air is contained between its fibers, this material has high heat-saving properties. The insulation layer should not be thick, otherwise it will interfere with walking. Among the new products are warm sneakers with a neoprene liner that perfectly retains heat and does not allow water to pass through. The only negative is that neoprene removes moisture worse than a membrane.

For people leading an active lifestyle, products with PrimaLoft Silver insulation are suitable, which will prevent you from freezing in the cold. This down substitute is lighter than fur and quite thin. If you need an answer to the question of which winter shoes are better, keep in mind that with this filler they do not seem bulky, are pleasant to the touch, and dry quickly when wet. You can often find boots made of double-sided material - sherpa. One side resembles faux fur, and the other resembles suede. Models made using this technology are suitable for wearing in bitter cold.

Insoles also belong to the interior decoration; they absorb impacts when walking, protecting skeletal system person. They should not be paper thin or too hard. Reputable manufacturers ensure that the liner conforms to the shape of the foot, which in reality is nothing like a flat board.

If this element is too hard, it puts a lot of pressure on the heel, making it impossible to rest on the entire foot. Over time, flat feet may develop; people with sore joints are not recommended to wear such items.


It should be anti-slip, that is, uneven. Then the tread will cling to the ice, preventing you from slipping. Ice, puddles, crushed snow - in winter there are traps all over the street. Another characteristic feature of the element in contact with the road is that it is made of special types of rubber that are not subject to freezing. Otherwise, it loses strength, so it may soon become covered with cracks. Walking in boots will be dangerous; they will begin to slip a lot on the ice.

It is better to study the information about the product in advance and find out what temperature range the selected model can withstand. Sole thickness winter boots is at least one centimeter. If you take less, woolen socks will not help, and the person will feel cold.


Products with a high platform are dangerous to wear in winter, with the exception of women's boots, which are worn according to special occasions. Their support area is smaller, and the pressure on the surface increases. A tall, sharp stiletto heel cuts into the snow and prevents slipping. But if you slip in shoes with flat soles, it is easier to maintain your balance. The speed of movement in boots increases.

As your heels lift, your body leans forward. Trying to maintain balance, a person automatically increases the tension in his joints. If you walk at a high incline all the time, your spine may become curved. But if heels are important to you, choose those whose height is less than 5 centimeters; they are suitable for everyday wear.

To protect your health and your funds, do not choose products with plastic support. They will not last long, and sudden failure can lead to injury. High-quality boots are sold with reliable heels that will not have to be changed in the workshop after a week.


The fastener is an important element, the quality of which determines the dryness of your feet. Low-grade products are already poorly fastened in the store. In some cases, a protective strip is provided to prevent water from entering. Plastic modifications are more durable; they are not damaged by salt and reagents used to treat roads.

The manufacturer's logo should be located on the dog. This indicates that the fittings are branded and will last a long time. Sports modifications usually have lacing, which is more practical than any zipper. The laces cannot break or come apart, but women's boots they often look out of place.

How to choose winter shoe size

Many people know that wearing tight models is harmful, but if they hang loose, this also has a bad effect on health. In the case of options for the cold season, you need to choose a larger product so that you can wear thick socks. Brands with a good reputation do not sell small sizes, so you can safely order your size, without doubting that your foot will fit comfortably. The boot should have a margin of freedom to fit so that it is easy to move, but at the same time the boot does not dangle.

To understand how to choose the size of winter shoes, you need to consider both the length and fullness of the ankle. It is worth remembering that for some people, the right and left feet differ by several centimeters. Matching pair fits true to size larger leg. It is better not to take specimens that are too bulky; they will be uncomfortable to wear and unsightly creases will form on the surface. With optimal selection of the parameter, the sensations will be comfortable.

In larger models, the heel moves forward from the heel pad. Tight boots will stretch from constant dynamic loads, the seams will become less durable, and moisture from melted snow will begin to penetrate inside. In addition, the blood supply will deteriorate, causing the person to freeze. The effect of tight things on the joints is especially harmful; gouty changes will begin in them.

To feel comfortable in any weather, it is important to stock up on warm clothes. High demands are placed on sports items; manufacturers use high-tech materials, which is reflected in the price of goods. The Stayer company offers not only high-quality products that meet strict requirements, but also affordable ones. For comparison, a jacket or trousers Salomon brand will cost one and a half to two times more, and they are made from a similar membrane.

The following recommendations will help you distinguish a branded product from a fake:
  1. Consider the weight of the boot. If it weighs more than 300 grams, it becomes difficult to carry. The weight of warm boots for hiking in the forest can reach two kilograms. But after several hours of wearing, your legs will start to get tired.
  2. When walking, the entire foot should be used. Chronic fatigue syndrome develops from tight shoes with a raised toe or a hard last. When the foot is constantly in an uncomfortable position, this contributes to pathological changes in the joints.
  3. The smell will say a lot about the quality. To determine which shoes are best for winter, just smell them. The smell of chemical reagents is a sign of cheap noname products. Formaldehyde may have been used during production; its harmful fumes will be absorbed into the skin through socks. If the product is made from environmentally friendly materials, it smells practically nothing.
  4. Hiking boots are best for rough terrain. They are convenient for those who walk a lot, jog forest paths or takes long walks with the children.
  5. In order not to overpay, you need to learn to distinguish artificial leather from genuine leather. Synthetics are colder and often have a pungent odor. On the reverse side, leatherette looks like regular fabric. The natural material is covered with small fibers on the inside, reminiscent of suede.

Equipment for active recreation

For stylish boots you need good clothes, models for sports will keep you warm and will not limit freedom of movement. In the Stayer online store you can create a set with any boots. The manufacturer's assortment includes collections for sports, active recreation and the city. Various designs - from bright patterns and prints to strict plain ski suits. The thoughtful design takes into account the curves of the body, ensuring a perfect fit.

To describe the advantages of the Stayer brand, consider the features of ski suits of this brand:

  • Material: several layers of textile. The membrane has high moisture protection and vapor permeability characteristics. Comfortable wearing and excellent fit are created by stretch fabric.
  • Some models use natural fur for finishing.
  • Women's jackets often supplemented decorative ornaments, Russian Style designer prints.
  • Shelter insulation is used, most models are suitable for wearing at temperatures from 0 to 20 degrees below zero.
  • Cuffs with a finger cutout and a snow skirt prevent the entry of wind and snow.
The brand's products are suitable for professional athletes and amateurs. It creates a favorable microclimate and looks stylish. The city collection also includes down jackets; all clothes correspond to fashion trends.

Not only your comfort and appearance, but also health! Treat your purchase with care, then it will serve you for many years.

Winter has arrived, and with it the need to buy winter boots. It seems, well, what could be simpler - you go into the store and choose a pair of shoes you like. But here’s the problem: the choice of shoes is too large, the price range is even greater, and you want to choose boots that will last more than one season and at the same time, their price corresponds to their quality. The task is not easy. How to choose winter boots, what to look for when buying, how not to make a mistake in your choice? Let's figure it out.


How to choose boots? First of all, you need to decide on the material. This is the most important indicator, which determines the product’s ability to retain heat, service life and breathability.

There may be such options here.

The best material

It is best to take products made from genuine leather. Only the skin must be thick and durable. Products made from thin leather will not keep you warm in cold weather and will not last long. This material:

  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • in severe frosts it does not deform and allows air to pass through, so the foot in such shoes does not sweat.

Important! How not to make a mistake with the choice, because at the moment Do manufacturers of leatherette products depict natural leather so well that it is difficult to distinguish between them?

  • Genuine leather is not afraid of fire, so you can test it with a lighter.
  • There is another way, less traumatic - hold your fingers on the boot for a minute: the real leather will become warm, and the substitute will remain cold.


When choosing shoes made of leatherette, we carefully evaluate the product, because there can be a huge difference. Some boots can last the entire season, while others will break within a week. In this case it is better to prefer quality shoes from good brand, it will be as comfortable as wearing boots made of genuine leather.

Material for a solid look

Suede boots undoubtedly look very beautiful, but this material is very capricious and difficult to care for. Suede does not tolerate contact with water, as well as reagents that are sprinkled on street sidewalks in winter.

For everyday shoes, this is not the most practical choice. It’s better to leave these “for the exit”.


In the question of how to choose women's winter boots, the sole plays an important role:

  • If you want your boots to be warm, then it should be thick. Having bought boots with thin soles, you will freeze in them just like in summer shoes.
  • The material from which it is made can be any, but in the case of winter boots, rubber or caoutchouc is still preferable. Such shoes will not slip, which is very important in icy conditions. Otherwise, you will then have to decide how to make the sole less slippery.
  • Buy shoes with good tread.
  • Good boots must not only be glued, but also stitched, and the seams must actually connect the sole to the main part. Otherwise, in a couple of weeks your sole will begin to peel off and leak.

Important! If you bought unstitched shoes, then don’t be upset. Just take it to a shoemaker, who will easily solve your problem. Just do it in advance, before the cold weather sets in.

  • It is better to choose a low and wide heel - it is more stable. Don't be tempted by stiletto heels if you're choosing shoes for every day. The heels will sink deep into the snow, and walking in such shoes will be difficult. And in icy conditions it is also dangerous.


For boots to be truly warm, they must have a warm lining. Natural material warms best - it can be sheepskin or fur, although today many manufacturers also use synthetic insulation. Which is better?

  • Good sheepskin is more durable. Sheepskin is a great way to keep warm. But it's better if it's not visible. It doesn't look very stylish.
  • Rabbit fur is very soft and pleasant to the touch, but it wears out quickly.
  • Synthetic inserts look nice, but they don't provide enough warmth, so they're not a very practical choice.

Important! If you still choose such a model, it’s worth buying a little model larger size to be able to put boots on a warm wool sock.

  • The insoles should be thick, and it is better if they are not stitched to the sole, then they will be easy to take out and dry if necessary.

Important! If you come across a model whose insoles are made of thin material, they can be replaced with wool or thermal ones.

Laces or zipper

Buying boots with zippers or laces is a matter of taste. Just keep the following points in mind when choosing:

  • When choosing shoes with zippers, pay special attention to them. It should not jam, and the lining should not be sewn too close to the zipper. You only need to buy a perfectly functioning fastener, otherwise it will deteriorate after a while.
  • The lacing should fit as close to the toe as possible - this will simplify the process of putting on and taking off the boots.


Before you buy winter boots, you need to try them on:

  • Put them on and move your feet inside. Seams, fastenings, and paper clips should not be felt.
  • The leg should not be tight, otherwise the legs will be cold in the cold. Do not buy sellers' assurances that genuine leather will stretch when worn. While it stretches, you will wear your legs to holes.
  • If you are going to wear them with warm socks, then it is worth taking them with you. But with or without a sock, the foot should be free, the shoes should not restrict movement.

What else should you consider when buying boots?

  • You should not buy old models that have been in storage for several years. Perhaps they have lost their quality during this time. During long-term storage, the leather dries out and the glue loses its properties.
  • The height of your shoes is also important, especially in cold regions where there is heavy snowfall. In this case, it is better to purchase models with high tops.
  • Make sure that the last is comfortable, otherwise these boots will become a torture chamber for you.
  • Compare both boots, they should be the same. Be sure to compare whether each element matches, especially when it comes to decor.

Important! Boots from trusted and reliable manufacturers always have a guarantee.

  • Try to purchase suitable care products along with your shoes.
  • If you buy a model with a narrow toe, then you should take boots a size larger.
  • When you put on your boots high heels, then your foot moves forward, so when trying on such a pair, walk around the store a little to feel if there is enough room for your toes in front.
  • If you are purchasing rubber shoes, purchase warm and soft insoles for greater comfort.

Should you buy shoes online?

This method of purchasing will help you save a lot of money, but it can also add difficulties if suddenly the shoes do not fit you in size or are simply uncomfortable. You will not have the opportunity to try it on in advance.

Important! You can make a reasonable compromise - look for and try on shoes in a store, and buy the same pair on the Internet.

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