How to tie a stole under a coat. Different ways to tie a stole around your neck, detailed video

Oh women, how many accessories, gadgets, features, jewelry, combinations exist in a woman's wardrobe? Designers are constantly inventing something to make beautiful ladies always look beautiful, elegant, attractive, taking into account all the features of their figure and taste.

But some things remain in a girl's wardrobe forever, like the legendary little black dress. These are the ones without which a woman’s outfit loses its charm and is doomed to dullness and plainness.

So, an accessory with a romantic and beautiful name stole.

Modern stoles are created from a wide variety of materials: lace, viscose, linen, wool, satin and others. Previously, a stole was called an openwork woolen knitted product.

This part of the toilet was worn both as a cape over the shoulders and as a hat. However, even today no one will stop you from throwing such a scarf on a fashionista’s wonderful head, on her thin neck, or elegantly covering her shoulders with it.

The photo shows a knitted stole

How to tie a stole in different ways

How to tie a stole The design on the neck has long been invented by both famous clothing designers and the owners of the stole themselves. Combining, inventing, trying, and something like this, several options were born that could be a godsend for your outfit.

The simplest, but no less elegant option is as follows: you need to throw the accessory around your neck so that the ends are behind your back, the middle of the stole should be in the middle of your neck.

After this, you need to carefully cross the ends from behind and return them to the front. Its ends can simply be left, as if in flight, or tied together. Straighten the stole in front, arrange it as needed and you can go on a date.

There are several more options how to tie a scarf stole on one of the most attractive parts of the body in women. Tie the ends of the stole together in advance, and then wrap it around your neck, hiding the knot. This option is suitable for wearing a stole both over a sweater and over a coat or jacket.

If the stole is not too heavy, but is made of light, flowing fabric, then it can be casually tied around the neck, throwing one edge of the stole behind the back, and leaving the other hanging in front. The silhouette is airy and relaxed.

To secure a stole around your neck or its ends together, you can always pick up beautiful brooches, hairpins or pins with beads. Then the stole will not only acquire the function of, let’s say, insulation, but will also become a decoration for your suit or dress.

Stole for an evening dress

By the way, regarding the dress, a stole can become a wonderful decoration for an evening dress. Choose a fabric that matches the dress, as well as the texture of the stole, and experiment ahead: either slightly open your shoulders, or just one shoulder and fasten it with a beautiful brooch. Sometimes it’s enough just to throw a stole with an original print on a plain dress and the outfit begins to “play” differently.

We use a stole to decorate the head

Ways to tie a stole also on the head they are very diverse and original. By the way, using a stole as a cape on your head, you can create a nice look that will make you stand out from the crowd and help you always be fashionable and unique.

When tying a stole on your head, it is better to use a product of light flowing fabrics: silk, satin, chiffon. One of the very beautiful and elegant types of placing a stole on the head is called “Charleston”, remember the dance of the same name?

This option for using the accessory just came into fashion along with the era of Charleston dance. So, you need to cover your head with a stole, then at the back of the head the ends of the stole are pulled together as tightly as possible and twisted into a tourniquet.

Then, again at the back of the head, this tourniquet must be tied into a knot, and the ends should be unraveled so that they develop in the wind. It turns out very original and even extravagant, especially if you choose a noble color for the stole.

Once you get the hang of tying a stole in the Charleston style, it won’t be difficult to master another method—Tea Party. The stole must be placed on the head in the same way, twist the ends into a tourniquet, but then wrap it around the head and secure the end of the tourniquet under its beginning.

This versatile scarf can be tied using the so-called “oriental” style. How to tie a stole beautifully, given the oriental theme, read on.

You will need a wide stole, preferably made of light fabric and long. The stole needs to be folded lengthwise and, as it were, thrown over the head so that the ends hang down on the sides of the head.

Then you need to cross the ends of the product on the forehead and take them back, tying them in a knot, if the length allows. By the way, to this oriental style The following option for using a stole to decorate the head also applies.

Cover your head with a stole so that one end outweighs the other. Under the chin, we connect the edges with a pin, then wrap the long end around the chin and neck.

In the area of ​​the back of the head we secure the remaining end of the product with a pin. If the stole is too long, then you will have folds in the chest area, you just need to smooth them out nicely and now, the image of an oriental beauty is ready.

The stole can also be draped in the style of a classic scarf, but for this you will need a square stole of a lighter texture. For owners long hair, it can be gracefully woven into.

We create a strip of medium width from a stole, tie it over the head, and then weave the ends of the stole into it. It turns out very original and convenient. A stole made of light fabrics is also suitable for this option. A stole with a bow looks very beautiful. It is enough to take an accessory of a rich, bright tone, cover your head with it, and turn the ends on the side or back into a beautiful butterfly bow.

And another option for using a light stole as a head accessory is a head scarf. Take the stole and roll it lengthwise so that it is not too wide.

We apply the stole to the back of the head and, as it were, wrap the head with its ends crosswise, then again. Literally on the crown of your head you should have a kind of knot.

We bring the ends of the scarf back to the back of the head and secure with hairpins or pins. This option is suitable for hair of any length and will decorate the head at any celebration, suitable for any outfit.

Stole as an outerwear accessory

Very, very often, especially on cold days, a stole is used as a cape over outerwear. In this case, they use a product made of warm materials, wear knitted wide scarves, double stoles and various others. In any case, you still need to know how to wear a stole on your outerwear! It requires skills and imagination.

Let's look at the options how to tie scarves stoles on outerwear. The simplest and most common option is to throw a stole over your coat, but so that its ends are on your shoulder.

For reliability, you can secure them with a beautiful massive brooch. The stole in the chest area should be beautifully draped in the form of careless folds.

Another simple option is to throw a scarf over your shoulders, cross the ends in front of the neck and send them back, making a knot at the back. In this case, the stole will warm your shoulders and act as a scarf.

A stole on a coat, jacket, or fur coat should not always be worn solely for insulation. For example, it can decorate a strict plain coat.

Hang a bright, but at the same time noble shades of stole around your neck so that its edges hang down in front. Then pass the ends under the belt of the coat and carefully smooth along the entire length.

The same option is suitable for an accessory with an original pattern, only now align it not along the length, but across the width to demonstrate the beauty of the accessory. There you have it, your new coat is ready! Buy some stoles different colors and experiment at least every day!

By the way, the option with a strap is also suitable for the spring-summer season. All you need to do is buy a suitable stole, throw it over a shirt-jeans ensemble and secure it with a suitable belt.

This option is suitable for a disco or an evening walk on the beach. You can even make a separate blouse from a stole. To do this you will need a fairly long and wide accessory.

You can throw it over a T-shirt like a jacket and secure it with a strap in the same way, carefully straighten it so that the T-shirt is not visible. The outfit is ready.

In general, as you understand, a stole can be called one of the most versatile accessories in the wardrobe of any fashionista. It is practical, convenient, multifunctional and quite durable. The main thing is that it allows you to fantasize and experiment with the image!

IN women's wardrobe scarves are used not only as an accessory that performs a practical function (protection from the cold), but also as a decorative element.

The uniqueness of this element is that it can radically change the image and make the look exclusive! If you're on a budget, you can present the same ensemble in a new way by changing just one element - the scarf.

This small detail makes a lady elegant, sophisticated and stylish. Regardless of fashion trends This part of the wardrobe is combined with jackets and coats.

Varieties of scarves

To quickly learn the tying technique, you first need to know about the classification of the accessory. So, you can choose such models.

  • Baktus is a modern type of shawl, but of a more modest size than the traditional model. This scarf is worn at an angle in front and tied at the back around the neck. It covers the chest, which is especially important in winter.

  • A shawl is a well-known wardrobe item that is a large square scarf. It is folded in the middle to be worn on the shoulders.

  • Boa is a fur cape. The fashion for them came relatively recently, but many fashionistas already have the accessory. It is traditionally worn on the shoulders.

  • Stole - scarf large sizes, which is a piece of rectangular material. The stole can be cotton, knitted, silk or wool. It is used to protect against cold weather, and also as an addition to clothing.

  • Arafatka - a scarf made of linen or cotton fabric with geometric pattern. It is usually worn as a scarf around the neck or as a headband. This option is in demand among lovers of hiking and fishing.

  • Snood - on at the moment is the most popular type of scarf in the form of a rectangular scarf with sewn edges. Ladies use it as a decorative element or as a hair cape.

  • A sling is a scarf used to carry children instead of a kangaroo bag.

All of these scarves allow women to create unique looks.

Rules for using a scarf as an addition to a coat or jacket

It is customary to combine square scarves folded in half with an expensive, elegant coat. Then they are applied to the neck and tied in a knot at the back, and the ends are sent to the front. You can use another solution: the ends are laid out closer to the shoulder line.

A long scarf can be wound like a collar, making one or two loops around the neck. The ends are left hanging in front or one is left in the front and the other in the back.

How to tie a scarf beautifully on a coat when it is narrow? This product can be combined with any type of clothing to create stylish look. The scarf is folded in half and thrown over the neck. The ends of the scarf are pulled through the loop and pulled close to the neck.

The look will be elegant if you leave one end of the scarf in front and throw the other over your shoulder. With light accessories you can come up with interesting and complex knots. The scarf is also rolled up in the form of a rope and made several turns around the neck. The ends should be hidden under the turns.

A voluminous and wide scarf is called a blanket scarf. Its shape can reach the real parameters of a blanket. To combine it with a coat, the scarf should be folded at an angle and the resulting triangle should be draped over the chest. The ends are crossed at the back, brought forward and tied in the form of a knot. To create a harmonious ensemble, you need to take a voluminous blanket scarf. This option easily copes with the role of a cape or coat in the fall.

A stole in the form of a braid looks stylish. Half of the material is decorated with rings, into which the remaining free end is threaded. Having put such an original stole on your neck, you need to straighten it by threading the end into any ring.

Snood scarfs are often worn instead of hats. Using this accessory is easy. It is enough to put a figure-eight snood around your neck. In this case, one of the rings remains on the shoulders, and a hood is made from the other. This style looks exclusive and stylish.

What to do with a scarf if the coat has a collar?

It all depends on the shape and size of the collar. Small accessories allow you to create a loose loop from a thin scarf. A stylish option would be if there is a knot at the end, and the other end should be threaded through it. You can drape the accessory with a brooch or flower.

Under a coat, you should use models made from light, flowing fabric. A warm scarf can be narrow. It can be wrapped around the neck in several layers, and the ends left free. This option will look very stylish if the coat is not buttoned.

The square-shaped scarf is folded diagonally and tied like neckerchief. The accessory can be beautifully laid on the shoulders and the ends pulled back.

When the width of the fabric allows, it is wrapped twice around the neck. The right end is tucked into the scarf turns on the left. The result is a stylish drapery in front. It is very difficult for women with short necks to come up with stylish option tying a scarf. To visually lengthen the neck, the scarf is simply wrapped around it several times.

How to choose the color of a scarf for a coat?

Some subtleties will help prevent mistakes in choosing a color palette. To begin with, it is worth understanding that the scarf should not blend in shade with the outerwear, since in this case it will not fulfill its main role, which boils down to acting as the dominant image or adequately “balancing” it.

If the coat is strictly cut, you should limit yourself to pastel colors or rich tones. For connoisseurs romantic style and casual trends, you can safely purchase scarves in bright colors.

A checkered accessory is a stylish addition to your spring or winter wardrobe. When choosing a multi-colored product, you should adhere to the “three colors” rule.

We hope you find our tips useful. Ladies, experiment and invent new ways to use accessories to diversify your look and make it perfect!

How to tie a scarf on top of a coat or jacket? Photo

This option involves choosing an accessory that best matches the coat. The method of tying depends on the type of material. A voluminous and warm scarf does not like complicated knots. It is simply wrapped around the neck, forming a couple of loose loops.

It occupies a special place in today's trends and perfectly supports outfits in all current styles, from everyday to evening. Knowing how to tie a stole beautifully, you can make even the simplest outfit expressive.

Scarves can be tied with either a French knot or a beautiful asymmetrical one. To do this, you need to fold the accessory in half lengthwise and, throwing it over your neck, bring one end behind your back, leaving the other on your chest. Tie a soft knot around your neck, placing it on your shoulder, and straighten the ends.

You can wear such an accessory in an original and very stylish way if it is wide enough, resembling a scarf in shape. Fold it diagonally - you should get a triangle, the corners of which do not have to coincide - this way you will get an even more original texture. Throw the accessory so that the central corner is beautifully located on the chest, and the ends are behind the shoulders, wrap them around the neck and tie under the chin. The ends can be hidden in the resulting soft drapery, or they can be straightened, complicating the resulting image.

In seasonal looks, comfort is especially valuable, and if you are not a fan of hats, then a beautiful stole-scarf can replace them. How to tie it? To do this, you will need an accessory made of thin plastic wool or well-draping knitwear. Fold the stole in half lengthwise. Wrap it around your head, gathering the ends at the back of your head, tie a soft and not tight knot on your neck, the ends of the accessory can be wrapped around your neck again, creating beautiful draperies. You can freely release it onto your chest or throw it between each other.

The master class “how to tie a stole” in this video deserves special attention:

Stoles are considered one of the most popular accessories in summer and autumn. winter period. They become excellent helpers in windy and cool weather, helping to keep warm, and on hot days they prevent excessive sun rays. But in order to harmoniously complement your outfit with the purchased accessory, you need to know how to beautifully tie a stole. An original knot on your neck, shoulders or head will help you transform your outerwear and stand out from the crowd.

How to learn how to beautifully tie scarves, shawls, stoles

Scarves, scarves, stoles are created so that women can change their usual look at any time. But before these accessories become a great addition your style, you need to purchase a high-quality copy from expensive, good fabric.

A scarf or shawl not only performs a decorative function, but will also keep you warm during the cold season. When unfolded, you can wear the accessory draped over your shoulders or wrapped around your neck, but also don’t miss the opportunity to surprise everyone around you with an interesting use of it by tying it on your head. The most popular methods are:

  • Option #1. With blouses with a deep neckline, a scarf tied tightly and high around the neck will look harmonious. To do this, place the scarf on your shoulders so that one end is longer than the other. Then wrap the longest edge around your neck several times until 10 cm remains. Tie a knot with the remaining short ends and hide it under the scarf.
  • Option #2. Simple and in a fast way The following method is considered to tie a scarf: place the scarf on your shoulders so that one edge is longer than the second, and then wrap it around your neck twice, leaving the long part hanging down your back and the short part hanging down your chest.

How to tie a stole on a coat or jacket photo

Depending on the material and color used, the stole is worn with a coat or leather jacket. Created beautiful knot around the collar will help emphasize your individuality and give your style a special uniqueness. A combination of a coat and a stole is considered a more elegant, feminine option. In this case, the accessory does not have to be tied; it is better to pin it with a decorative pin, brooch, or press the ends of the stole with a belt at the waist. But if you tie a beautiful knot around your neck or on your shoulders over your coat, the accessory will add originality to your look.

  1. Endless knot. Another option for tying is called a “figure eight” or a collar. To do this, throw the ends of the scarf over your neck so that they hang evenly. Then tie the two ends together in a regular knot and pull them out in front of you, forming the letter “o”, cross the sides of the scarf so that you get the number “8”. And insert your head into the circle that appears. The result will be a clamp, the length of which can be adjusted by pulling one side of the stole down.
  2. European node. First, fold the scarf in half in front of you, and then throw it in this form evenly over your shoulders. Hold the loose two ends with your left hand, and then thread them into the hole on the right and tighten.
  3. Waterfall. This method implies asymmetric tying of the accessory. To do this, the ends of the scarf must be straightened over the shoulders so that one is much shorter than the other. Then you need to wrap the long edge tightly around your neck once. Secure the same end under the resulting loop. Spread the top of the scarf, giving it the appearance of a waterfall.

Methods for tying stoles on the neck and shoulders over a dress

Before using a stole in combination with a dress, check whether their colors and material will harmonize. For the lungs, chiffon dresses use stoles of the same structure, which will help create an airy, light look. In winter, use accessories and clothes from your wardrobe that are warmer and thicker. Considering color scheme, then you should not place a sharp emphasis on the accessory. Choose a cream-colored scarf for a white, beige, or yellow dress, and a bright attribute will look beautiful with dresses in dark shades.

  • Method No. 1. On the neck. For this option, use a chiffon accessory, which you can tie in a double knot, wrapping it around your neck, or use one of the tie knots.
  • Method No. 2. On the shoulders. Evening dresses You can complement it with a stylish scarf by throwing it over your shoulders and tying a single knot at chest level.

Schemes for tying stoles on the head in autumn and winter

In addition to the traditional tying of a stole around the neck and shoulders, it can also be tied around the head. This method has become an alternative to hats and is used by women in winter or autumn so that the hairstyle retains its shape. To tie a stole on the head in the fall, girls use silk, satin, chiffon models, and in winter, cashmere or cotton ones are recommended.

There are all kinds of options for tying a stole on your head, ranging from the simplest to intricate patterns that require certain skills and experience. But every woman can master any method she likes in order to form a knot in an original way. The most popular patterns that will help you tie a scarf around your head correctly are:

  • Traditional way Covering your hair with a scarf is considered an option in the style of the 70s. To do this, first cover your entire head with the accessory, and then tie the ends at the back of your neck, completely covering it in front. This method goes well with clothes that have a low collar.

  • A great option for tying a stole is a method called “tea party” or a turban. First, tie the accessory tightly around your head, pulling its ends towards the back of your head. Then begin twisting the free edges into bundles, which you then need to wrap around your head and secure at the base of the bundle.

  • A playful and funny way is to tie the attribute “pirate style”. To do this, roll the accessory into a triangular scarf, wrap it around your head, securing it with a knot above your left ear. Tie the free ends of the scarf into a bow or secure with a tight rope.

Video master class: how to tie a stole beautifully

Style is manifested in the details, and therefore stylists strongly recommend that beautiful ladies familiarize themselves with ways to beautifully tie a stole on a coat.

The methods of tying stoles on coats are varied. And this is not surprising, because stylists offer not only classic options that can be used by those ladies who use simple scarves, but also special ones that actively use weaving, brooches and even stylized buttons.

The most in a simple way How to beautifully tie a stole on a coat is the “Ring”. For this, the stole is folded horizontally in half, then a loose loop is formed on the front of the neck, the ends are crossed at the back of the head and brought forward again. Next, take one end and twist it around the existing loop. The same operation is carried out with the second end, carefully hiding the ends of the stole.

In addition, stylists recommend not to give up simple styling. For her, the stole is wrapped behind the back, and the ends are left to hang asymmetrically on the chest. Next, the long end is thrown back behind the neck and brought forward again, hiding the ends under the resulting loop. A variation on this method is double twisting, in which the long end wraps around the neck twice, after which it is secured with the short tip with a tight knot under the resulting waves of the stole.

For lovers business style Beauty experts recommend tying the stole in the form of a “False Tie.” It is quite simple to do it correctly: the stole is pulled behind the neck, lowering the ends along the chest. A sliding loop is made on one of them, and the second is passed through it and carefully tightened to the desired height, after which the resulting knot is straightened.

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A stole tied in a double knot will look beautiful. The scheme for its implementation is quite simple: the stole is folded in half in length, forming a loop. In this state, it is brought behind the neck, leaving the ends and the loop to fall onto the chest. Next, one end is pulled through the loop, twisted and pulled again, but this time the second, formerly free end.

Transformation of the stole

Thanks to its special length and width, tying a stole on a coat can be transformed into other accessories. For example, like snood. To do this, the ends of the stole are tied together, forming a closed circle. After which it is draped around the neck, crossed and draped again, forming two rings in which the fastening knot is hidden.

How else to tie a stole on a coat? You can put it in the shape of a shirtfront. To do this, the ends of the stole are placed asymmetrically on the chest so that the short one goes down just below the line of the collarbone. Next, the longer end is wrapped around the neck twice, bringing it to the original side. After that, take the edge of the working long end and tuck it into the ring obtained on the neck at the level of the earlobe, forming a kind of triangle.

The transformation of the accessory in question into a bolero will give the image a special romantic look. For it, you should throw a stole over the coat so that it flows freely across the back, and the ends are symmetrically located on the chest. Next, you should take a large button and carefully pass a small section of one end of the stole through one of its holes so that the stylized button rises to the level of the collarbone. Next, proceed in the same way with the second end. The resulting bow must be straightened.

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Special models

There are special variations in the methods of tying a stole, intended for a special cut of outerwear, for example, on a coat with a stand. The most simple option in this case the French knot is used. For this, the stole is folded in half in width (the ends can be positioned either symmetrically or asymmetrically). Next, you should throw the scarf over your head and pull the ends on your chest through the loop obtained as a result of folding.

A stylish tying option in this case can be a “Double Knot”. To perform it, the stole is pulled behind the neck, placing the ends asymmetrically on the chest. Next, a ring is formed around the neck with the long end. The short end is pulled slightly upward from the bottom, forming a small loop through which the long end is passed and slightly tightened, producing an elegant double knot.

In this case, the “Necklace” knot will also look impressive. A loop is formed for it as for a “French Knot”, the free ends are passed through it, but the loop itself is not tightened, but twisted once and the free ends are passed through it again, after which the knot is secured.

On a coat with a collar, for example made of fur, stylists recommend not wearing a stole at all, replacing it with a scarf. But if a beautiful lady still has a desire, then it should be tied so that it covers not only the neck, but also the head. For example, in the classic “Turban” way. To perform it, the stole is folded asymmetrically in half in length, covering the head along a slight diagonal, crossing at the back of the head. Then they are brought out again to the frontal part, forming a diagonal on the opposite side and again bringing the ends to the base of the neck behind and crossing. Then they carefully wrap the neck and form a bow that fixes the position of the resulting “Turban”.

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